Planning: What is our project aim? We need to make sure that we can broadly state the goals of the project before we continue to te next phase. Our objectives should be S.M.A.R.T wich
"Simple" "Measurable" "Achievable" "Realistic" "Timed" So we ask ourself what kind of target group we are trying to reach. Is it the participants? the stakeholders? everyone? In what way are we going to reach them? We can reach our target in various ways: direct contact, social media, e-mails, posters, flyers, stickers and the list goes on. The question to ask to ourself is "in what way will I reach my target group" and "what I'm preparating to offer them", is it job opportunities, is it education, ...
Preparation: The first question is what do we need to prepare? Is the message we are preparing to deliver is clearcut? If not yet, what do we do to fulfill this crucial step? No need to do magic, let's start with making a list of what exactly is needed to be prepared and grouped into a work breakdown structure, and for this, we need a full paritcipation of a motivated group who are ready to do what it takes to make a perfect list of anything vital for the good of the project. It's important to let evryone of the preparation team be envolved in the process. The team will make a chart precising as best as possible the timetable including important dates such as the start and finish date, group deadlines etc. We must not have to forget that the duration of the tasks