The Magic Success Formula Snippet

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By Vickie Magic


Vickie Magic is passionate about making a difference in the world, she knows that these tools can assist ANYONE to step up and step into the best possible version of themselves. The truth is that for most of us what gets in our way is US. WE are sometimes the THING that stops us. We may think we are NOT: smart enough, thin enough, rich enough, pretty enough, handsome enough, fit enough, or any other thing that basically comes down to us NOT BEING ENOUGH in some way or another. Have you ever thought you were not enough? I certainly know I have.

Who is Vickie Magic?

Vickie is a fifty something year old female who has learnt life lesson after life lesson, some the easy way and some not so easily. She is: A multi-award-winning entrepreneur, A Magazine Owner (Matters Magazine), A Journalist, A passionate SUCCESS FORMULA speaker, A facilitator of ‘Mindset Retreats’, Founder of ‘The Inspire Youth Forum’ Vickie is NLP trained and truly believes that no one is broken or needs fixing, that each and every one of us has ALL that we need within us. We simply sometimes need guidance to master the tools to tap into the: • POWER, • THE WISDOM, • THE LOVE, • THE ANSWERS, • And ALL THE KNOWLEDGE That’s ALREADY WITHIN US.

The truth of the matter is ‘The only thing that we are actually ever dealing with is our thoughts AND a thought is something that can change’. It’s the thought that creates our feelings (good or bad) if we don’t have the thought, we don’t have the feelings. So, if we change the thought, then the feelings will go. Ask yourself the question, “Where would I be without this thought?” I know for myself the only thing that stands in my way sometimes is me? The belief that we have about our thoughts. Do you find that for yourself? I know for the fact that I am constantly growing. If I am not moving forward, I am standing still. We all are. It’s about constant learning. Always knowing wherever we are, there is a level up from that and the fun of life, is what’s next?

I have learnt from the best, Anthony Robbins, Dale Carnegie, Norman Vincent Peale, Stephen Covey, Zig Ziglar, Robert Kiyosaki, Wayne Dyer, Louise Hay and Eckhart Tolle. And the truth is that I do not aspire to be any of them, I am so grateful to have learnt something amazing from each of them. I simply aspire to be the best ‘ME’ that I can be and to inspire you to just be the best you that is possible for you to be.

The truth is that I just want to share with you the things that I have learnt. • Peace, • Wealth, • Happiness and • Fulfilment. The following pages are just a SNIPPET from ‘The MAGIC Success Formula’. I have zillions more tips and tricks to share after five years facilitating mindset retreats, Inhouse Training for Businesses, one on one mentoring, coaching and over 154 presentations to groups, Network Events, Breakfast groups, Conferences, sharing the fundamentals for living a successful, happy and fulfilled life.

If you want to get out of your own way, If you want to stop procrastination. These steps can help to give you the edge! M = MAGIC The MAGIC you are wanting for yourself = THE GOAL A = ACTION One ACTION you could take towards making that happen G = GRATEFULNESS Be GRATEFUL in advance, as though you already have what you want I = INSPIRATION Be Inspired from within C = CHOICE The Power of CHOICE is at the CRUX of everything

Step one is: What Do You Want?

Step one is The MAGIC you are seeking, So what it it? What is the thing that you WANT for yourself?


Step one is have a look at what you want. The MAGIC you want for yourself. Your intention, your goal. Think about one thing that you really want for yourself. What is it? I run five kilometres most days, but I couldn’t run five kilometres on day one. I needed to build towards it. What do you want to get really good at? What do you need to start doing right now? Something you maybe have been putting off. Write a list of things you could choose for yourself and then just choose one thing.

Once you choose what it is that you want to achieve, you can begin to feel proud of what you are about to take one for yourself. To begin it’s really about just showing up. Just showing up and not giving up. I remember back when I first decided to quit smoking, I just couldn’t do it, I just kept going back, but eventually I decided to start from day one, and every time I had a cigarette I had to go back to day one, it didn’t work the first time I made an intention to give up, but I just kept on making that goal over and over and now I am a non-smoker. If I had said, I tried that before and it didn’t work for me, I never would have tried again. Every time you get back up, failure can’t happen, so if you continually just get up, you will NEVER fail.

Step two is: ACTION.


Step two is ACTION What are you DOING right now towards your success? Choose just one thing that you could do towards achieving that MAGIC thing that you want. Sometimes we complicate things, we don’t have to. Just consider one thing you could DO right NOW towards what you want. Just one small thing. One small ACTION. What one ACTION could you take right now, TODAY? We can think about what we want, but unless we actually TAKE ACTION, and do that action consistently, we won’t get there. However, it can begin with one small ACTION. What is one small action you would be prepared to commit to DOING right now?

Step three is: GRATEFULNESS


Step three is GRATEFULNESS When we are GRATEFUL for what we have, we get more of it. When we are truly grateful for what is good in our lives, what is great in our lives, what we love in our lives, we see more of what is good, more of what is great and more of what we love ALL AROUND US. This is the exact same thing as the red car, when you buy a new red car, you see red cars everywhere. You are focusing on red cars. The reality is that what you focus your attention to is what you see. Where the attention goes, energy flows. You actually choose that, so choose to focus your attention to what you like, what you love, what you want more of. Be grateful for what you have and what you love and you will instantly get more to be grateful for. So, let’s face it if whatever you focus your attention to you see more of, why wouldn’t we focus our attention towards want we want more of.

Thank and grow rich.

Rich in money, rich in friendships, rich in success, rich in love, rich in fulfillment, rich in happiness, rich every aspect of your life. Just keep focusing your attention on being grateful for what is, and you will instantly feel better and instantly get more of what you want. Make a time each and every day for this, make it a ritual. Take the time to be grateful, take the time to be kind. Kind to yourself and to others. During the 21-day program mentioned above will be an introduction to guided meditations, aimed at setting up your day for success. It’s seems so easy and the truth is you already know this, you may have already done it, but doing it as a ritual each and every day changes everything. Start each and every day being grateful, and you will simply have more to be grateful for. What you seek you will find.

Be Grateful In Advance Do a daily gratefulness mantra, being grateful for already having achieved that MAGIC thing you want for yourself. See yourself having achieved it in your mind. Hear your friends and family saying, “Well done, you did it” Feel the pride that you feel within you for having achieved it, as though you already had. Play out the movie in your minds eye. Being grateful for you having already achieved what you want, is a very big key to your success. Visualisation works.

Step four is: INSPIRATION


Step four is INSPIRATION Inspiration is different to motivation, motivation is you expecting something from outside of you to help motivate you to take some kind of action. On the other hand, WHEN YOU ARE INSPIRED from within, the action becomes automatic, it comes from within you, it becomes who you are, it becomes YOU. Who are you BEING? In the end you can do all the DOING (see action above), BUT it’s who you ARE BEING that gives you true INSPIRATION, which then means that you don’t need MOTIVATION as all the INSPIRATION you need comes from within you. During the program we will do a few sessions on BEING. You may have heard of BE-DO-HAVE. We often think that to be who we want to be, we have to DO certain actions to have what we want to have.

But the truth is that it doesn’t matters what we DO, if we are BEING true to our INNER core of who we are. When you are being true to you, the real you, the authentic you, when you tap into all the wisdom, all the answers, all the love, all the joy, everything you need to be YOU, you become INSPIRED from within. This is where true contentment, true fulfilment, true happiness stems from.

Who are you BEING? Be kind, be gentle, be loving, be giving, be joyful, be enthusiastic, be passionate, be purposeful, be beautiful. MAKE ALL THOSE THINGS WHO YOU ARE BEING, that’s who you really are! Once you be you, INSPIRATION JUST COMES FROM WITHIN YOU. Remember MOTIVATION is something that comes from out there, it’s not sustainable. Whereas INSPIRATION comes from within. MOTIVATION is when an idea gets hold of you. INSPIRATION is when you get hold of an idea.



Step five is: THE POWER OF CHOICE CHOICE - in every single second (bar none) you have a choice. The POWER OF CHOICE features very strongly in the program because it is absolutely THE CRUX OF IT ALL. Once you master the power of choice, you are just completely always fulfilled. The truth is that we often choose things THAT DO NOT SERVE US. In a heartbeat, yes, a heartbeat you CAN change everything when you master the POWER OF CHOICE. After the 21 days of this program, you will be much closer to mastering this.

To begin with, start catching yourself, whenever you say or do something, anything that DOES NOT SERVE YOU. Catch yourself and say, “Nope, I don’t think so, that’s not serving me, that’s not helping me,

I CHOOSE ME” and then choose a different choice, one that is going to serve you better. My advice is to CHOOSE to say, choose to feel, choose to act, choose to be things that serve you.

The power of choice is EVERYTHING, it is what gives you happiness right now (EVEN WHEN THINGS ARE NOT GOING YOUR WAY). It absolutely doesn’t matter what happens, it only actually really matters WHAT YOU MAKE THAT MEAN. When you realise that you are the one that CHOOSES that, then you realise that YOU are the ONLY ONE that can change that CHOICE. This takes practice and practice and practice until you get really good at it and then it becomes easier and easier to do. Once you have mastered the POWER OF CHOICE you will find following the other steps above much easier. You have got to make the CHOICE to take a CHANCE if you want things to CHANGE.

So, if you really do want to step up and step into a better VERSION OF YOU, no matter where you are right now, If you want MORE MAGIC IN YOUR LIFE. Maybe the MAGIC SUCCESS FORMULA IS FOR YOU. This is something I came up with to be THE PUSH we need to DO what we want to do, but don’t do. Any time you PROSCRASTINATE Any time you put off doing something for whatever reason, It’s too cold, too hot, your too tired, too….(insert the thing or things here that STOPS YOU) There is a tiny amount of time in between when you decide to do something and actually doing that something, and it is often in that instant that you make up a reason not to, this is when you really need to use the MAGIC SUCCESS FORMULA. In that instant when your mind is beginning to talk you out of what you wanted to do.

Simply STOP and say the MAGIC WORDS (below) MY ACTIONS GET INSTANT CHANGE Then click your fingers and CHOOSE TO MOVE. So, my advice IS: Say what you mean, but don’t be mean. Practice kindness. Do the actions, be grateful, make the choices that serve you. TAP INTO ALL THE WISDOM, ALL THE POWER, ALL THE LOVE AND ALL THE ANSWERS that are already WITHIN YOU. That’s all the INSPIRATION you need to be the BEST YOU THAT YOU CAN BE.

What’s next for you? If you liked this ebook, you will love my 21-day online course ‘THE MAGIC SUCCESS FORMULA FUNdamentals’ This will get you started towards the future you deserve. STEP UP AND STEP INTO THE BEST VERSION OF YOU or JOIN THE MAGIC CIRCLE an online inspirational group where you can choose from hundreds of themed guided meditations to inspire you to STEP UP.


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