Wake up You've Got This!

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‘WAKE UP – YOU’VE GOT THIS!’ ebook extract With Vickie Magic www.VickieMagic.com.au

Wake Up – You’ve got this’ Yes you!

It took me a while to realise that I actually already had all I needed to be all that I ever wanted to be, but once I did, I made a decision that it was my absolute life purpose to share this with the world. I truly believe that once we GET THIS, we get so many other things too, LIKE: joy, happiness, fulfilment, peace, success, health and wealth and let’s face it, isn’t that what life is actually all about? So yeah, it’s my life mission to shout it from the rooftops, because I would love nothing more than to see every single solitary human live their life to their maximum potential, to have joy, happiness, fulfilment, peace and all the success and wealth and health that they ever imaged possible for themselves. Vickies Magic | Wake Up You’ve got this


What more could we possibly want? Right? Sharing the message that: ‘We have ALL already got everything it takes to be all that we ever want to be or have for ourselves and our life’ has become an obsession and a life purpose for me. My self development turned my life on its head and truly helped me step up and into the next and best version of me. Don’t get me wrong , like you, I’m still learning, still growing, it’s an ongoing journey, but now I just totally love every step of the way. The full book (out later this year) covers every area of your life, it will empower you to prepare to ‘up the ante’ on your level of success in your health, your wealth, your love life, your joy, your relationships and every single part of your life. The book is seriously about inspiring you to WAKE UP, and to see that you have most definitely got this (thing called life) These seven tools will give you all you need to step into that NEXT VERSION OF YOU. That version of you that may have been sleeping, that version of you that needs to WAKE UP, that is ready to WAKE UP and step up and play FULL OUT. I used to watch from the sidelines and tell others what they should and shouldn’t do, all while not playing the game fully myself, now I am down there in the thick of it right on the court, my aim is to get you to come and play, and play with all you’ve got and to WAKE UP to the fact you are a fabulous player. So, what are you waiting for? WAKE UP! & see that you already have what it takes. WAKE UP! & see that it is time for you to step into the best you possible!

Vickies Magic | Wake Up You’ve got this


Here is a little overview of the seven areas. 1. TRUTH 2. GRATITUDE 3. COURAGE 4. CHOICE 5. LOVE 6. NOW 7. SURRENDER I took too long to WAKE UP so this book is about inspiring you to WAKE UP sooner, maybe you are at the beginning of your life journey, maybe you are in the middle, or maybe you are well and truly into it, it really doesn’t matter, this book is for you. It will give you a kick start, or a kick up your bum, if you need it, to really ignite that SUPER POWER WITHIN YOU. What does WAKING UP even mean? I guess for me it simply was the moment that I realised that my life was in my hands, that in any given moment I had control, because I had the power of choice, the choice to decide and the choice to CHOOSE AGAIN, the choice to choose another way..

Vickies Magic | Wake Up You’ve got this



What is your Truth? What do you believe? It’s absolutely incredible the difference belief makes. When we believe in ourselves, in others, in our capabilities, in our ability, everything seems to be much clearer. Self-belief, self-confidence is sometimes something we lack. It’s often something that we that we know if we had more of it, it would make life way better. The truth is whatever you say the truth is, READ THAT LAST LINE AGAIN

Vickies Magic | Wake Up You’ve got this


Think about something you are thinking, something you are saying, something you are repeating to yourself, that isn’t serving you, in fact it’s holding you back, it’s sabotaging your success. Begin by catching yourself and acknowledging what you are doing Take a look at YOUR TRUTH, whatever you are repeating to yourself as your truth IS your truth. To change it, we have to change our own words. In the book coming out later this year, I will share the three steps to success when it comes to the TRUTH. These tips will give you more self confidence and courage than you could ever aspire to. In an upcoming webinar, I share one of those three steps.

Two - GRATITUDE Being grateful for what you do have isn’t airy fairy, it’s the first step in getting more. The more you decide to see what’s good around you, and to be grateful for it, to truly acknowledge what you already have, the more that more things appear for you to be grateful for. Yes, this is the power of attraction, manifestation. THE SECRET, if you have read that, we really do in fact attract to ourselves whatever we focus our attention to. What we focus on grows, what we water we get more of. You have to decide, do you want more weeds (problems)? Or do you want more flowers (good stuff)? Whichever one you want more of just water that.

Vickies Magic | Wake Up You’ve got this


We have all heard the saying, ‘Be careful what you wish for’ Trust me this is much more factual than we first think. I personally think the thing missing in the SECRET is ACTION, it’s a very powerful thing and sometimes the missing ingredient in attracting what we want to ourselves and our lives. Focusing on what we have, giving thanks for what we have, being happy and grateful for what we have, bottom line is it just gives us more of what we want, so yeah, the section on gratitude in this book is HUGE. Being grateful in advance for what’s coming is the most powerful way to attract more to ourselves.. In the book coming out later this year, I will share the three steps to success when it comes to GRATITUDE. In an upcoming webinar, I share one of those three steps.

Vickies Magic | Wake Up You’ve got this


Three - COURAGE When it comes down to it at the end of the day, and for that matter at the beginning of the day too, the thing that stops you, me, him and her is fear. We fear failure, we fear what may or may not happen, we fear lack of, we fear better than, lesser than, we fear we are not good enough. Think about this question, “If you knew without doubt you COULD NOT FAIL, what would you do?” The things that stops us is FEAR. This book will give you a step by step tool to truly stop fear in its tracks. In the book coming out later this year, I will share the three steps to success when it comes to COURAGE, how to get more of it, and how to stop fear in its tracks, giving you more self-confidence, more courage and therefore more drive to do what you know you want to do.. Once you have more courage, and more belief in yourself, you begin to create, everything you touch begins to turn to GOLD OR SOLD. In an upcoming webinar, I share one of those three steps.

Vickies Magic | Wake Up You’ve got this


Four - CHOICE The power of choice. Every single second is a second change. Every single second. You and I, we get to choose. Sometimes we think we have no choice, things just are, and there is obviously some truth in that, however we still own the power of choice, not over what happens, not over what is, but most definitely over what we make that mean, and even more most definitely over what then. It’s never the situation, but always our reaction to the situation. When we learn to master this tool, we master life. FULL STOP! In the book coming out later this year, I will share the three steps to success when it comes to mastering the POWER OF CHOICE. In an upcoming webinar, I share one of those three steps.

Vickies Magic | Wake Up You’ve got this


Five - LOVE

Whatever the question, the answer is love. This chapter is all about our approach to life and we can learn the tool to embrace life, to love life, to find love, to be love. On some occasions, we don’t think this is possible, but with practice anything is. If you want a better relationship with yourself, with a partner, with your family, with your friends, this chapter will give you some tools to ensure you get more love all around you .AND that MORE people love you MORE. Who wouldn’t want that? In the book coming out later this year, I will share the three steps to success when it comes to love. Finding it, keeping it, living it. In an upcoming webinar, I share one of those three steps.

Vickies Magic | Wake Up You’ve got this


Six - NOW You can focus on the past and get upset by something that did or didn’t happen, and, if we are human, we have all done that. Or you can focus on the future and get upset by something that may or may not happen, and if we are human, we have all done that too. However this is only bring you stress, worry, anxiety, and ultimately pain, OR YOU can make a choice to live your life where your life is actually happening, WHICH is RIGHT HERE AND RIGHT NOW. Learning to PERFECT THE POWER OF NOW, to live in THIS VERY MOMENT, is a superpower in and of itself. This chapter truly can and truly will change your life. Think about reminding yourself that your life is RIGHT NOW, take the learnings from the past (and nothing else), plan for the future (and nothing else), don’t worry about, don’t stress about it, don’t dwell on it, to do this constantly remind yourself that whatever it is you are stressing or worrying about IS NOT HAPPENING RIGHT NOW. Right now, in this moment, LIFE IS GOOD, in fact LIFE IS GREAT. In the book coming out later this year, I will share the three steps to success when it comes to mastering THE POWER OF NOW. In an upcoming webinar, I share one of those three steps.

Vickies Magic | Wake Up You’ve got this


Seven - SURRENDER They, whoever they are say, “Save the best for last.” Honestly the biggest superpower for a joyful, happy and abundant life is learning the skill of SURRENDER. It’s the hardest skill to learn, but it is by far the most important, when we can learn the art of surrender, nothing else matters. This tool will have you WAKING UP to realise that everything you need to be all that you ever want to be is ALREADY within you, you just have to find the way to access it. We must plan, we must set our intentions for everything we want for ourselves and our lives, then we need to BRAINSTORN every single possible ACTION we could take to achieve this intention. Ask ourselves, “What have other people done to succeed at this, what else could I do? Instead of saying I can’t, SAY HOW CAN I? and then surrender all expectation. Trust that you intention, backed by your ACTIONS will result in EXACTLY whatever they result in, and trust that that will be PERFECT. Because it will. In the book coming out later this year, I will share the three steps to success when it comes to SURRENDING in order to avoid all possible UPSET. In an upcoming webinar, I share one of those three steps.

Vickies Magic | Wake Up You’ve got this


In conclusion, think about how you can WAKE UP, how you can STEP UP, how you can be that version of you that you know is already within you. You truly know you have everything you need within you. You truly know YOU’VE GOT THIS. You truly know YOU ARE ENOUGH. You truly know YOU ARE WORTHY. And if you don’t it’s TIME FOR YOU TO WAKE UP and see this truth. Sometimes you just get all caught up in the busyness of life and you begin to doubt yourself, you begin to doubt your abilities, you forget that YOU ARE truly do have all that you need within you. So yeah, WAKE UP. STEP UP. LEVEL UP. It’s your time to SHINE. Check out my webinar to get the first step towards your success in each area. Shout out to me for a quick one on one to discover what’s next for you. And keep your eye out a little later in the year for the full version of the book WAKE UP – YOU’VE GOT THIS. I have an idea you will love it. And I have an idea that you are READY TO WAKE UP, and see that you really have GOT THIS, that this really is your year, your time, your moment to turn things on their head and discover that version of you that you’ve been hiding away.

Vickies Magic | Wake Up You’ve got this


My wish for you is that you have more confidence than you have ever known, more courage that you can poke a stick at, that you create health beyond your wildest dreams, wealth more than you ever thought possible and that you have more daily JOY and HAPPINESS than you even knew existed. And I would personally love nothing more than to connect with you. Hear your passion, hear your purpose, I know you don’t know me, but I know you, I see you, and I believe in you, even if you don’t. The reason I know you, the reason I believe in you is that I truly believe that every single one of us ALREADY HAS ALL THAT WE WILL EVER NEED TO BE ALL THAT WE EVER ASPIRE TO BE. So yeah, I believe in you. YOU’VE GOT THIS. Shake yourself off and WAKE UP to see this for yourself. It’s time…..your time. www.VickieMagic.com.au

Vickies Magic | Wake Up You’ve got this


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