3 minute read
Offit, Angela Farlam, Astute Financial
with Brendan Butler & Peter Patrikios
If you get stiff and sore from sitting in front of a computer for hours on end, then check out the Offit app.
Offit sends you reminder notifications to take a minute and move. It provides exercise videos for different areas of the body using selections made by you.
By introducing a small amount of physical movement into our day, we can reset ourselves mentally. We know that we can only concentrate for a certain period of time before we get tired, distracted and less productive. Using a tool that reminds us to stop, move and give our brain a rest, can really improve our productivity over the course of the day.
The Offit app is designed to help us achieve happier and healthier lifestyles through the implementation of specific, time-efficient, and easy to perform exercises in our working environment.
We believe people who are happier and healthier perform better in all aspects of life.
Offit is currently free for all users. ca
Angela Farlam

Angela Farlam has been practicing as a clinical hypnotherapist and success coach specialising in stress and anxiety for many years in the UK and on the Sunshine Coast since 2007.
Through experience and truly listening, she has an ability to see beyond perceived problems and limiting beliefs and recognise where her client is stuck in thinking. She then guides them inward to their own internal resources where they gain insight, clarity, and a sense of peace and wellbeing from the inside out.
Although Angela specialises in stress and anxiety. This doesn’t always present as a phobia or problem. Sometimes her client just wants to improve at a particular skill.
One of her ongoing clients is a professional athlete in Mexico who initially had lost her motivation and confidence after an injury. She books in whenever she needs a reminder of her innate capacity to calm the noise in her mind and succeed in any challenge.
Claim your free introductory session online at www.angelafarlam.com ca
with Marilyn Brayshaw

Whether it be to provide housing for your family, or as an investment to earn rental income, granny flats are growing in popularity. If you are considering this as an option, there are two common ways to arrange the money you need.
The first is using equity. The simplest way to secure funds for your new granny flat is using equity in your current home. It’s relatively easy to arrange a home loan to build a granny flat if you have enough equity in your existing property and you have sufficient income to support the new loan.
The second option is using a construction loan. If you don’t have enough equity in your property, another option is to take out a construction loan. Construction loans are usually approved based on the value of the existing property plus the value of the granny flat build contract.
Before you begin, it’s important to check with your local council to make sure you are working within the right parameters and regulations, including the rules around using a granny flat as an investment. ca
Offit Available at the app and play stores. Angela Farlam Ph 0414 211 976 Email angela@angelafarlam.com Web www.angelafarlam.com Skype angela.farlam Astute Financial Management Pty Ltd Ph 0414 789 665 Web astutefinancial.com.au/mooloolaba/

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