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Living Valley Health Retreat




There is a good reason why Living Valley Health Retreat is still going strong after almost 32 years. That reason is nothing actually matters as much as our health.

It really doesn’t matter how much money we have, what we do for a living, what we own, or how famous we are, none of that matters if we don’t have our health. Living Valley Health Retreat is serious about health and serious about helping their guests to get and stay well. Are you slowing down, having less fun? The team at Living Valley Health Retreat can work with you one-on-one to create the best possible environment and conditions for your body, mind and soul to heal just as nature intended.

The Living Valley experience is the most comprehensive, yet simple and effective restorative health program in Australia and they genuinely guarantee you will leave feeling energised, educated and empowered! The team at Living Valley Health Retreat will help you to ascertain and address the root cause of your issue, creating a positive change that will last. For 30 years, Living Valley Health Retreat has successfully helped over 20,000 people from all over the world, with a multitude of complaints including: allergies, arthritis, asthma, autoimmune diseases, chronic fatigue syndrome, candida albicans, constipation, depression, diabetes, digestive problems, headaches, hormonal dysfunction, menopause, multiple sclerosis, non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, migraine, obesity, prostate hyperplasia, toxic exposure, weight issues and much more! They have also helped many healthy people get even healthier while often finding a new direction in life. From simple problems such as headaches, blood pressure, stress, back pain, poor digestion, obesity, and tiredness to more serious conditions such as asthma, diabetes, multiple sclerosis, heart disease, tumours and even cancer, the Living Valley Health Retreat program is effective. Members of the Living Valley team are specialists in naturopathic and herbal medicine, remedial therapies and weight loss help, rejuvenation, healing and life extension. Implementing solutions based on the philosophy that our bodies are designed to win when given the right conditions. CEO and Managing Director, Giselle Martin, is the daughter of founders Gary and Debbie Martin. Gary was a naturopath who worked hard for three decades hands on at the retreat. He is still devoted to the cause of health but takes much more of a back seat these days, leaving Giselle to run the show. You can hear the pride Gary feels for Giselle when he talks about her. He speaks so highly of her leadership skills, her attention to detail, her flair for beauty and her passion for health. Giselle’s first role was Head Cook from 1995 to 2000. Since then, she has worked in every department including gardening, maintenance and cleaning, beauty therapies, massage, reception, accounts, shop, marketing and now management. Giselle is an enthusiastic health advocate, presenter, wholesome food creator and cooking instructor. She is also a health and well-being educator, an author and mother of three. She strives to apply all her experience and skills for the benefit of others. With over 25 years’ experience in natural health and healing, Giselle was appointed Managing Director and CEO in November 2016. When you look at the gorgeous black-haired beauty, Giselle just oozes health. She doesn’t

look a day over fabulous; it is difficult to believe that she is has been working at the retreat for 27 years. She looks amazingly young, vibrant and healthy. You can tell within a second of meeting her that she practices what she preaches. Having someone so passionate leading the way is most definitely good for business.

Giselle is passionate about creating a healthier and happier world. In fact, Living Valley Health Retreat is on a mission to impact Australia and the world by empowering people to take charge of their health. The whole team of fifty dedicated personnel is passionate about helping you to love life and enjoy it to the full! I personally have been to Living Valley eight times, it’s not like any other heath retreat, their main focus is to educate the participants so that when they leave, they are on track to really change their life and their health. Most evenings there are educational talks by professionals in all areas of health. The content is fascinating and even though I have heard some of them quite a few times I never get tired of learning from these jammed packed informative sessions. I always leave feeling energised and inspired to take my health to a new level.

There is definitely pampering too at Living Valley Health Retreat. You can treat yourself to facials, body treatments, manicures, pedicures and massages, steam rooms, swimming pool, lap pool, gym, pilates and relaxation therapy. In fact, there is always something you can do if you choose. You can always do nothing too. It’s a place for unwinding, rejuvenation and nurturing. The team make you feel welcome, like you are part of their family. Your health and well-being are always their focus and priority. TYRONNE MISSO had kidney failure and was overweight before going to Living Valley Retreat. Here’s what he said in his testimonial.

“I feel great and wonderful and I am travelling overseas in 4 weeks time.” Just a quick note to thank you and the team for the opportunity of attending a 10 day period in January 2008. It was the greatest thing I have ever done in my life. Prior to my attending, I had collapsed and spent a week in a German Hospital due to kidney failure and being overweight. I returned under the supervision of a carer flown out from Australia and swore I would never leave the shores of Australia again. After attending my 10 day stint, I changed my lifestyle and menu and took your vitamins. I have never looked back.

I was 88 kilos and within 6 weeks dropped down to 75 kilos and have maintained that weight. I feel great and wonderful and I am travelling overseas in 4 weeks time. Looking forward to spending another period at Living Valley.” The programs at Living Valley are customised to suit you, there’s a program for everyone, including their signature programs: Power cleanse and detox, Weight loss, Mental Health, Women’s Flourish program, Men’s Ultimate Health. They are anywhere from three days to 21 days and beyond. No matter what your ailment, or even if you have no health issues whatsoever, getting healthy and maintaining your health is paramount at Living Valley Health Retreat. Choose your wellness retreat experience of a three, seven, 14, 21, 28-day or longer program to restore, detox, cleanse and pamper body and mind. Their team is there for you seven days a week, 51 weeks a year. Take a look at the packages on offer and book yourself, Your Health Matters. e www.lvs.com.au

Coulda…. Shoulda…. Woulda…


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You know you shoulda called Jamie Bennett, Move Planner at cartoplan – before you started signing contracts and making time commitments. Because you needed professional, affordable moving advice and a step-by-step best-move-plan. That woulda been smart.

Woulda …

Plan your best move, before you move, and save yourself all the stressful costly stuff.

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