3 minute read
Keep lifting your inner game with Praxis Mindset
SHANE O'DONNELL, Owner, PRAXIS Mindset Guide
Most business owners believe they’ll win the game they’ve decided to play. They can see themselves standing on their podium, winning gold for the race they’re running, only to find the journey to gold is never a straight line. It’s often long and lonely with little evidence of success.
The #1 chokehold on the growth of any business is always the leader's psychology and skill. As Tony Robbins wisely said, “80 per cent of success is psychology and 20 per cent is mechanics.”
My name is Shane O’Donnell, and I specialise in guiding natural-born leaders and business owners through Bob Proctor’s Thinking into Results Personal Leadership System. Everyone can receive gold, but few ever do the training necessary to improve their inner game. Improve your inner game and your outer game, and your results will automatically improve.
You need to train to be a winner in this fast-changing marketplace. You must have the mental tools to challenge yourself and stretch beyond the threshold of beliefs that constrain you. The training always starts with doing the inner work. It’s a process. It’s not rocket science or luck. Thinking into Results gives business owners a system to continually improve their inner game.
I had to lose everything in a dismal business failure in 2005 to wake up to the fact that, although I’d been involved in successful businesses before, I did not have a crystal-clear understanding of the formula for business success. I had to speed things up because I was broke at 35, and we wanted to grow old gracefully here on the Sunshine Coast.
So, I decided how I wanted to live, found a guide (or a mentor), and he led me to the mental tools I needed to get to where we wanted to go, quickly. As a result, my wife and I are now financially independent. All you have to do is learn to access your creative side at the core of your character. Life is way too short not to live it to your full capacity.
“Change is inevitable, but personal growth is a choice,” Bob Proctor says. To become an effective leader in your field, you must start by finding your reason for doing so. What is it you genuinely want to do? Your purpose. The only important question to ask yourself is, ‘What do I want?’”
We’re teaching natural-born leaders, business owners, and entrepreneurs how to connect to their passion and become effective leaders in their field so they can leverage their organisation or business to its full potential in terms of value delivery and the creation of financial success. How do you do that? Well, you start by making it your mission to make progressive personal leadership learning part of your lifestyle. Make it part of your daily routine. The process compounded will shift your paradigm, and your new understanding will transform every part of your life.
Join our Free Monthly Leadership Culture Masterclass at The J Noosa and The Holiday Inn Maroochydore. Each month, I take a deep dive into one of the seven levels of Bob Proctor’s Thinking into Results Leadership System. If you invest a few hours a week in developing a progressive personal leadership culture for yourself and your business, then this is information you’ll want to have –valuable information you can take away and implement right away.