3 minute read
Dear Friends,
I am excited to be the new Dean of the School of Business and Creative Industries at the University of the Sunshine Coast (UniSC). It is my privilege to be working alongside the School’s outstanding scholars in supporting the region’s sustainable growth through innovation in our education programs and the impact of our research. The ambition of the University, the energy of the region, and the dynamism of the business professionals and entrepreneurs here are a real inspiration.
As our region faces its next phase of growth, we aim to match and support its ambitions and aspirations. Last year, the School achieved a significant milestone as we were awarded accreditation by the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB).
AACSB accreditation is recognised worldwide as the highest standard of quality, with only six per cent of the world’s leading business schools achieving AACSB accreditation. This achievement recognises our world-standard in teaching, research, and societal impact.
By elevating the knowledge and skills of the region’s workforce for the future, we will attract like-minded, high-value industries that provide meaningful careers and support for start-ups, small and medium-sized firms in its value chain. With a partnering mindset, we will continue to reinforce a virtuous circle between the University, industry, local and state government, and our communities - where we are informed by our stakeholders, which allows us to better shape outcomes for all of us. We do so through our education, by producing a highly skilled workforce, and through our research that spurs innovations in industry, enhances the sustainability of our environment and benefits the overall quality of life for everyone in our region.
In the School and UniSC, we pride ourselves in equipping our students to be adaptable in navigating dynamic business environments, where tomorrow’s businesses and jobs do not exist today, and to be aspirational in creating trailblazing enterprises. Whilst the School is regionally minded, we continue to amplify our global connections to create pathways for our students to become leaders in their chosen fields on the international stage and to ensure our research continues to be world standard.
The Sunshine Coast and surrounding region remains one of the most desirable places for families of all shapes and sizes to live, grow and bring up the next generation. Like a family, the University, industry, local and state government, and our communities need to continue to support and communicate with one another through our existing, as well as ever-evolving and deepening links. As our relationship with one another reaches another stage of maturation, we go from a symbiotic relationship of mutual benefit to one of synergism where our combined efforts will be greater than the individual parts for a greater benefit to all.
I would love to hear from you as to how we can better collaborate so we can shape a brighter future for our region’s businesses, environment, communities, families, and all fortunate enough to call this place home.
Thank you and all the best.