Georgia Alliance to End Homelessness Statistics Booklet

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STRONGER Programs. g STRONGER People.

The Georgia Alliance to End Homelessness envisions a humane end to homelessness in the state of Georgia. The Georgia Alliance was founded in 1989 under the name of the Georgia Coalition to End Homelessness by a group of dedicated homeless advocates who saw the need to help those individuals who had no other place to turn. Through collaborations and partnerships with other concerned individuals and organizations, We have grown to include over 1100 service providers, organizations, and individuals throughout the state. For more than 10 years, the Georgia Alliance to End Homelessness has been helping individuals identify and obtain permanent and transitional housing, find emergency shelter and employment, and obtain the education necessary to become self-sufficient.

MISSION STATEMENT The Georgia Alliance to End Homelessness is a state-wide network committed to fostering strategic initiatives to build a collaborative response to the needs of homeless persons in Georgia. This vision will be achieved by: Identifying and advocating for immediate and long term solutions to homelessness, effective housing production, and policy at the state, local and national levels. Informing and raising awareness of the public and policy makers about homelessness and Georgia’s housing needs. Fostering communication, building local coalitions and developing collaborative and inclusive partnerships among homeless service providers, advocates for affordable and fair housing, tenants rights advocates, low income and homeless people, funding sources and government officials. Even with all this support there is still much that needs to be done. Shelters in Georgia currently can only house about 50% of homeless individuals and families. As long as there is a shortage of jobs and affordable housing there will be homelessness. This is not to say

JUST LAST YEAR: the Georgia Alliance and its regional offices: Placed over 3000 homeless individuals into temporary shelters until placement with a housing provider could be arranged.

Referred more than 51,000 homeless or at risk individuals to service providers for assistance. Made 14,640 trips for homeless individuals with transportation needs to shelter, jobs, training, and childcare.

PROVIDER NETWORK The Provider Network of the Georgia Alliance to End Homelessness is a free service providing homeless service providers and the persons at risk, a valuable tool to search for resources throughout the State of Georgia. This convenient service allows users to search a database of over 1100 homeless services. Provider Network providers throughout the state from any internet connection by logging onto www. . Persons who lack internet access are invited to call the homeless info hotline at 1-877-540-4671 and speak with one of our information service specialists. Monday – Friday 9:00am – 6:00pm.

Our vision for the Provider Network is achieved by: Identifying and advocating for immediate and long term solutions to homelessness, effective housing production, and policy at the state, local and national levels. Informing and raising awareness of the public and policy makers about homeless and Georgia’s housing needs. Fostering communication, building local coalitions and developing collaborative and inclusive partnerships among homeless service providers, advocates for affordable and fair housing, tenants rights advocates, low income and homeless people, funding sources and government officials. Advocating for identifying the availability of funding, training and technical assistance.

ADVOCACY TOOLBOX If you have ever worked with a teacher to improve your child’s education, you have been an advocate. Someone who looks out for the interests of another, someone who speaks up on behalf of another. Advocates identify a problem, an unrecognized need, a service gap in a caring community, an injustice, possibly a mistake or unintended consequence in a policy or procedure that hurts those who cannot speak up for themselves. And then they go to work to find solutions. visit

RESEARCH Increase your ability to serve with research. The state of Georgia has over 1,100 emergency housing facilities, not counting the thousands of other organizations across the state that seek to end homelessness. GAEH has conducted research that is vital to ending the homelessness epidemic in Georgia. We offer accurate and up-to-date info based on thirty years of experience and close relationships with hundreds of organizations state wide. Discover holes in your programs and stay on top of current issues. Spend precious time elsewhere and let us assist you.

Interviews and Surveys. With thirty years of experience and an affiliation with hundreds of organizations, GAEH has compiled exhaustive surveys and studies concerning homelessness in Georgia. A membership grants you access to all these resources and materials. Eliminate the guesswork and put this information to use for your organization with a membership with GAEH.

Focus Groups We go directly to the homeless you help to get valuable feedback and information. A membership with GAEH allows you to get quick and easy improvements to your organization based on these thorough focus group studies. We make best practices easy to implement by comparing your organization with the hundreds across Georgia.

Gap Analysis Our homeless providers are some of the strongest people we know. Our number one goal is to help your organization flourish to help as many people as possible. With a membership with GAEH, you gain access to the best practices that can make or break your entire organization. Spend less time worrying about organizational strategy and more time doing the things you’re passionate about.

Homeless call center info Directly after becoming a member, you are added to our network at the Homeless Call Center. When anyone calls with a need in your area, we can quickly and easily direct them to you. Being a part of our Call Center means the hundreds of homelessness providers in Georgia won’t have to double their efforts and can help the homeless population as effectively as possible.

PROJECT PROMISE Solutions to child and family homelessness are a core value and priority of Georgia Alliance to End Homelessness. Thus comes the design and development of “Project Promise”. We often take for granted the “little extras” that we are able to offer our children – summer camp, a music instrument, graduation expenses, swimming lessons, sports equipment, summer camp, etc. simply do not exist. GAEH’s Project Promise is hoping to change this reality for hundreds of children across Georgia. With your help we can give today’s homeless youth opportunities they will cherish for a lifetime. Over 48% of Georgia’s homeless are employed and working jobs for poverty wages. More than 59,000 of Georgia’s children experience homelessness each year with no place to call home every day. With more than 500,000 children living in poverty in our state… that means twelve of every one hundred children are homeless.

By donating on the Georgia Alliance to End Homelessness website or calling at (770) 575-5785, you can make a contribution that will change the life of a homeless child.

BECOME MORE EFFICIENT THROUGH RELATIONSHIPS Ending the homelessness crisis doesn’t have to be a job for one person. A membership with the Georgia Alliance to End Homelessness grants you invaluable networking opportunities. Join your knowledge and efforts with hundreds of other organizations. Tap into shared wisdom and struggles while brainstorming vv alongside other providers battling homelessness with you. Stay informed of progress and become aware of potential obstacles through conferences, legislative advocacy, and community incubators.

GET INVOLVED CONTACT US Become a member and take advantage of our advocacy toolbox resources, donate, or simply become a volunteer. We are devoted to ending homelessness and we could not do it without your help. There are families and children out there feeling alone and discouraged.

STRONGER Programs. g STRONGER People.

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