Process to Product Matthew Doeller
Bachelors Degree in Environmental Design University of Colorado at Boulder
M.Arch Candidate University of Maryland College Park
NASHI Design | Build Early site analysis, parti diagrams, sun angle analysis, and floor plan of the NASHI Design | Build project.
WSSC School and Community Engagemnt Center
This project began as an adaptive reuse of a vacant building. The program was a charter school. It evolved to include an adapatable gymnasium and a fitness center that engaged the park adjacent to the site. The project was conceived to reconnect the building to the community as an asset instead of an eyesore.
WSSC School and Community Engagemnt Center
Urban Design | Frederick, MD
The studio entered into a partnership with the City of Frederick in an effort to help them identify issues on the east and west sides of the city. In partnership with two other students, this project looked to connect the western edge of the city to the heart of downtown and the major amenity of Baker Park. The scope of the project focused on the overall urban scale, with glimpses into the architectural character of the place.
Urban Design | Frederick, MD
Urban Design | Frederick, MD
Desert Dwelling | Thesis
Desert Dwelling aims to address the continuous drought throughout the Western United States. The goal of this thesis is to design a net-zero energy, water conservative single family home. The design will be able to be mass produced, as well as climatically, and culturally responsible. It will strive to evoke a sense of stewardship from the occupants as well as raise their awareness of their water and energy consumption.
Matthew Doeller 585.764.1231 6626 Gooseander Ct. Frederick, MD 21703