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Matthew Duffy
I am a student at Coventry University, studying Journalism and Media. My strengths are my confidence and ability to be calm and level headed when under pressure, the ability to adhere to deadlines. Professionally, I have filmed and worked with clients at the Xcel Leisure Centre in Coventry, working alongside Coventry Sports Foundation team in the developing and filming of a promotional video to advertise their Lifestyleâs brand. I have also worked for the Coventry Transport Museum alongside Clive Skelhon, Steve Bagley Head of Collections to film and audio record various exhibitions and conduct interviews. I have also interviewed Geoff Lloyd and Annabel Port, presenters of Geoff Lloydâs Hometime Show on Absolute Radio for university purposes as well as Julie and Andy Burnfield, presenters of the Living With Obsessive Compulsive Disorder podcast at coldflyer.com