Photography book

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Beyond the Aperture PREFACE Beyond the Aperture showcases the development of my portfolio throughout the course of Introduction to Digital Photography, including key elements intrinsic to photography. Within the composition of my book, I have included beginning stages of my skill with the camera to my final works of the course. If anything, my work offers more than meets the eye, transcending the aperature with which the camera - and indeed, ourselves - views the world.

All the images comprising this book are original works of Matthew Mitera and are protected by copyright law. Š 2016 Matthew Mitera All Rights Reserved.

DEPTH OF FIELD Every photograph is dominated by a depth of field, where the subject is in-focus while the surroundings are in a blurred, out-of-focus plane. Depths of field range from deep to shallow; the image pictured to the right is an example of shallow focus, as only a few of the flowers upfront are clear.

A deep depth of field puts more of the subject in-focus, with very little of the background out-of-focus. The Peace Pagoda Sanctuary, pictured to the left, is an example of a deep depth of field.

POINT OF VIEW Unique to every photographer and picture they take is their point of view, ranging from that of a bird’s eye view, an ant’s, or simply directly in front of them. It is how the camera - as well as the person shooting - percieves the world around them.

A perspective can even be that of a flipped image, so that the entire world appears upside down.

STOP MOTION By adjusting to a faster shutter speed, photographers can literally freeze a movement in time, so that it appears motionless.

FINAL PROJECT As with all art the meanings behind each image of my final pieces are up to interpretation, but I will mention that the reigning theme of the project reflects on human vices. Society is tainted with disease orginating from humanity’s deepest fears, passions, and concepts of the world.











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