Acknowledging the true character of the Tietê River’s deprived floodplain, this design research embraces the vi- sion of regenerating the Valley into a Riverplain by further elaborating on the resilient design strategies presented in the common part of this research. Suture is an exploration on the area around the old Barra Funda train sta- tion and rail yard. Characterized by a rupture between two tissues with a distinct identity and being inherently connected to the history of the railroad, this area is currently undergoing its first major transformations. As the presence of the railroad is questioned by the current development plans and real estate developments are fearless- ly consuming land in the Valley, it is only a matter of time when the urban void of the old rail yard will be subject to this generic transformation. Therefore this design research proposes a framework by etching the blueprint for future transformations. Driven by water management, it