Matthias Media November/December 2010 Catalogue

Page 1

November/December 2010 Catalogue with Christmas gift ideas and outreach resources



pages 2 & 10

plus buy Christmas cards and support Amani Baby Cottage in Uganda

from the

Matthias Media team


Do people read ‘editorials’ in a catalogue? If you do… hello and welcome to our Nov/Dec 2010 Catalogue! If you don’t… well, never mind. It’s an odd job putting together a catalogue (or catalog) that will go to customers in both Australia and North America—because we have such different ministry calendars. So we’ve tried to cater for Americans and Canadians whose home groups are in full swing and not winding up soon like many of our Aussie ones will. But we’re also catering to Aussies who are preparing for our summer break which can involve vacation, mission and summer camps. No matter where you are, you’ll find some good stuff here: Christmas gifts (e.g. p3 or p6), mission resources (p7), or resources to push you on with the study of God’s word in your home group (p14) or by yourself on vacation (p12). Happy Thanksgiving and Christmas to you all.

Christmas cards. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 3

Christmas evangelistic tracts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 6 New evangelistic books. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 7 Outreach/mission books, booklets, leaflets. . . . page 8 Good reads. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . pages 9-11 Daily Reading Bible. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 12 MiniZines. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 13 Bible study resources. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . pages 14-15












Easy ordering Fax: 02-9663-3265 Phone: 1800-814-360 (Sydney) 9663-1478 Email: Web: (order securely online) Mail: PO Box 225 Kingsford NSW 2032

Special Offer



Over the Fence/The Rag Doll (children) . . . . . . page 5

Matthias Media online. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 16

The Matthias Media team


Little Black Books (youth). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 4



For the month of November we are offering FREE domestic postage and 50% off international postage on all orders over $50. So plan ahead, order early and save!

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1800 814 360 (sydney 9663 1478)

christmas cards Support the Amani Baby Cottage in Uganda*

Card A

Card B

Card C

Card D

INSIDE: And the angel said to them, “Fear not, for behold, I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, who is Christ the Lord.”

Front: Isaiah 9:6 and Isaiah 53:3-6

Front: God’s love

INSIDE: Now after Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea in the days of Herod the king, behold, wise men from the east came to Jerusalem, saying, “Where is he who has been born king of the Jews? For we saw his star when it rose and have come to worship him.”


Luke chapter 2 verses 10-11 For the rest of the story... www.esv. to/Luke

Matthew chapter 2 verses 1-2 Inside: Blank.

... is bigger than you imagine

Read the rest of the story... Matthew

Christmas Card Prices (cards a-f)+

Card F Inside: ‘Census at Bethlehem’ depicts Bethlehem as a typical Dutch village. The barely noticeable Mary on the donkey in the lower right of the frame emphasizes the normality and anonymity of the ‘first Christmas’.



The punishment that brought us peace was upon him.

Artist: Pieter Bruegel the Elder

He was in the world, and though the world was made through him, the world did not recognize him. John 1 verse 10

Pack 1

5 cards


Pack 2

10 cards


Mixed pack*

10 cards


Pack 3

25 cards


Pack 4

50 cards


+ All packs include envelopes. * Assorted ten card packs. (These are random packs; sorry, we can’t make up a pack of your selection. Stock of other cards not appearing here may be used in small quantities when stock of cards A-F is insufficient.) More designs available, see our website.

Go to to see larger images (inside and outside of cards)

*15% of all proceeds from the sale of this year’s Christmas cards will go to the Amani Baby Cottage in Uganda ( ABC cares for orphaned and abandoned children, and has a personal connection with the Matthias Media team.

Isaiah chapter 53 verse 5

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Predestination, sex, the meaning of life, whatever...

Little books, big topics

Ideal for 15-21 year-olds.

Available now … Sex The Bible Suffering and evil Predestination Available December What’s life all about? Price $6.95 $4.95 for any 5 or more

Little Black Books: a series of books that get straight to the point on the topics that Christians always have questions about. Not too big, not too fancy, and not at all boring.

4 4.

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childrens’ books

Introducing Luke, $9.95


These two delightfully illustrated storybooks teach important truths about God and are ideal for parents to read to children aged 3 to 6 (or for older children to read themselves). Parents may also benefit by seeing ways they can teach their children about God in day to day family life. (Notes for parents are included.) In Over the Fence, Luke wonders who is moving in next door, but has to and wait to find out if there’s anyone who might like to kick a ball with him. The story teaches about the God who made us and who knows all about us. In The Rag Doll, Emily is given a beautiful rag doll that her mother has made for her. The story focuses on how clever God is to make us—our hands, our feet, our eyes—and to make us grow. So we can thank him. Stephanie Carmichael’s simple words and Jessica Green’s watercolour illustrations bring these stories to life.


Ben, and … God “I loved them. They seem just right for preschoolers; real, not forced, but reminders of great truths. The illustrations are so apt.” Christine Jensen

Also by Stephanie Carmichael:

Teaching Little Ones (Sunday School curriculum)

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Their God is so Big


christmas evangelistic tracts

The Other Jesus

Read the Other Jesus


Christmas giveaways; leafleting/doorknocking; missions; inserting into Christmas cards.

ven in our increasingly secular society, we still pause occasionally (at Christmas and at Easter, for example) to remember Jesus Christ. Mind you, the Jesus we remember tends to be the stereotyped, airbrushed Jesus of popular culture—the baby Jesus lying cute but harmless in a manger; or the gentle Jesus who walked the hills of Palestine and taught noble spiritual truths. But there is another side to Jesus that many people don’t know about. When we read the biographies of Jesus’ life (or ‘Gospels’), we discover a Jesus who is much more interesting, and more outrageous. This ‘other Jesus’ physically drives religious hypocrites out of the Jewish temple. He upsets people and divides families. He makes sweeping claims about himself and seems to think he is the answer to the world’s problems. I want to introduce you to this ‘other Jesus’ by looking at one of the most outrageous things he ever said. In fact, I’m willing to bet that after reading these words and thinking about their meaning, you will never be able to think about Jesus in the same way again.

Price 40¢ | 35¢ for 100+

[continue reading at]

The Other Jesus is a punchy and attractively produced leaflet that pushes aside the twodimensional Jesus of popular culture, and introduces a startlingly different Jesus—the Jesus found in the Bible. Tony Payne opens up Matthew 7:21-23, and calls on readers to consider if the Jesus portrayed there is actually a total stranger to them, and, if so, to take up the challenge to further investigate the real Jesus of history. (See at right to read some of the text of this leaflet.)

Key benefits • Takes an unexpected approach to Jesus at Christmas time. • Challenges common preconceptions about Jesus.

Useful for

A Breathtaking Moment

Christmas WordWatch Ever wonder what ‘advent’ means? Do you know how ‘Noël’ or even ‘Santa Claus’ originated? This easy-to-read ‘dictionary’ is a surprising and entertaining read for your Christian and nonChristian friends, which cleverly communicates gospel truths. (Leaflet)

This tract reflects on the breathtaking moment in history when the Creator entered our world to bring us new life. It is ideal for Christmas evangelism. (Leaflet) Chinese version also available.

Price 35¢ | 30¢ for 100+

Hark! The Angel Harold Sings

Price 50¢ | 40¢ for 100+

While Shepherds Washed their Socks

This colourful familyfriendly evangelistic This tract explores leaflet uses the familiar how God announced carol ‘Hark! The the birth of the King Herald Angels Sing’ of Glory to a bunch to explain what it is of humble blokes of about Christmas that low social standing. we celebrate in the first It’s a reminder of how place—the birth of Jesus God doesn’t care who Christ. (Leaflet) we are; it’s how we respond to his message of salvation that matters. (Leaflet)

Price 40¢ | 35¢ for 100+

6 6.

Price 40¢ | 35¢ for 100+ email •

Bethlehem’s Got Talent This tract explores the similarities (and differences) between Paul Potts (the recent winner of Britain’s Got Talent), and Jesus. It cleverly moves from Pott’s engaging story to the even more engaging story of Jesus life, death and resurrection. It urges readers to become a follower of the real star from Bethlehem. (Leaflet)

Price 35¢ | 30¢ for 100+ freecall

1800 814 360 (sydney 9663 1478)

evangelistic books

The Road Once Travelled Fresh thoughts on Catholicism

The Road Once Travelled is a beautifully presented, full-colour booklet for giving to Roman Catholic friends, colleagues and family. While sharing a common starting point with Nothing in My Hand I Bring—i.e. the personal experience of an author who is a former Catholic—The Road Once Travelled is a very different type of book. This book is not a discussion of the theological differences between Catholics and Protestants. Rather, author Mark Gilbert draws alongside the reader to ask: “Is your experience of being a Catholic falling short of what you’d like it to be? It was for me, but I’ve found the answer, and I want to share it with you.”

Available December

Key benefits • Listens to what Catholic people are struggling with in their church. • Empathises with their struggles—like feeling guilty a lot of the time, and disappointment with the Church. • Explains why Jesus is the answer to these struggles. • Encourages people to know Jesus for themselves by reading the Bible.

Useful for • Giving to practising Catholics or people with a Catholic background. • Giving to Catholics who are searching for something more in their faith. • Providing Christians with an insight into the struggles of disillusioned Catholics. Mark Gilbert serves as a minister in the beautiful northern beaches area of Sydney. Prior to training for ministry at Moore Theological College, Mark worked as a doctor. He loves helping people with little knowlege of the Bible to learn to read it for themselves and discover great things about God.

Price $8.95 | $7.95 for 5+ | $6.50 for 25+

Naked God Is there a God? And perhaps more to the point, if there is a God, what real difference will it make to my life? These are the most basic and universal of questions, and yet we don’t usually take much time to think about them. In Naked God, former lawyer Martin Ayers provides an opportunity for the reader to do just that: to ask the awkward questions, to sift through the evidence, and to get to the truth about God. Martin Ayers studied Law with Economics at Cambridge University before working as a commercial lawyer for Freshfields. He now works in Christian ministry and lives in north London with his wife, Cathy.

Price $16.95 | $12.95 for 10+

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Key benefits • Deals honestly and warmly with the apathy and objections of non-Christian people to Christianity. • Shows how Jesus provides us with the answers to the elusive questions about God. • A thoughtful, intelligent book for the average secular person who likes to keep God at arm’s length.

Useful for • Giving away to non-Christian friends. • Arming Christians with answers and confidence about their faith.


outreach/mission books, booklets, leaflets Two Ways to Live: The choice we all face

Two Ways to Live:

Two Roads

(Pocket edition) The original pocket-sized gospel outline.

(Chinese edition) This translation of the pocket edition uses traditional Chinese characters.

This version is a simpler adaptation by Kel Richards of the original text of 2WTL, using the metaphor of signposts on a journey.

Price 70¢ | 55¢ for 100+

Price 95¢ | 75¢ for 100+

Price 70¢ | 55¢ for 100+

Who will be King?

Can we trust what the Gospels say about Jesus?

This simplified version of 2WTL has been rewritten and illustrated specifically for children (aged roughly 7-11).

This booklet deals with the origins of the gospel stories about Jesus; how they got to us today; and evidence for Jesus from outside the Bible. (32 page full colour booklet)

Price 1.20¢ | 95¢ for 25+

It’s time to come home This 16-page full-colour evangelistic booklet tells the warm and real story of Andrew Mahaffey, who was throwing away his life through alcohol and drugs, but found forgiveness with God. Andrew parallels his own story with the parable of the Prodigal Son (Luke 15), and wonderfully communicates God’s grace to us. (Booklet)

Price 70¢ | 55¢ for 100+

Making the most of the rest of your life

Price $4.95 | $3.50 for 25+

When Money Disappears Overnight In this timely evangelistic leaflet, Gordon Cheng reflects on the Global Financial Crisis and Luke 12:13-21. Although we can lose our wealth in an instant, there is a greater crash coming for anyone who dies unprepared to meet God. (Leaflet)

Price 40¢ | 35¢ for 100+

Price 40¢ | 35¢ for 100+

Jesus for Sceptics A disarming and thoughtprovoking leaflet for your sceptical friends, relatives and colleagues. It explores why it is okay to be sceptical about the claims of Jesus, as a true sceptic will carefully weigh the evidence rather than dismiss it out of hand. (Leaflet)

Price 40¢ | 35¢ for 100+

The Essential Jesus

This classic from John Chapman provides a clear, persuasive and engaging presentation of the good news of Jesus, and is still as fresh and readable as ever. 218pp

Price $7.95 (DVD or book)

After Luke’s account of Jesus, a summary of the message is presented using the Two Ways to Live framework, concepts and illustrations, but linking back to the content of Luke. 80pp

Price $9.95

Simply Christianity: A modern guide to the ancient faith

A Sneaking Suspicion

Price $1.95 | $1.50 for 25+ | $1.00 for 100+

Gumtree Gully

A book about the things that matter to young people. Things like life, death, relationships, sex, suffering, meaning and God.130pp

Many non-Christians reject the wrong version of Christianity. This book presents readers with a clear explanation of what real Christianity is. 239pp

8 8.

A ‘pocket’ outline of what it means to be a Christian and how to become one. Also gives concise answers to common questions: Is the Bible trustworthy? Did Jesus really rise from the dead? What gives life ultimate meaning? Can I be a Christian without going to church? French, Arabic, Spanish and Chinese translations also available.

A Fresh Start

John Chapman, speaking as a ‘senior’, challenges non-Christian seniors to think about the rest of their life, and what comes next.

Price $16.50

Christianity: A Pocket Guide

Another adaptation of 2WTL by Kel Richards, which teaches the concepts to children through an animal fable. This small colour book has delightful Australian illustrations.

Price $14.00 | 12.60 for 5+ email •

Price $7.00 freecall

1800 814 360 (sydney 9663 1478)

good reads

God is Enough Ray Galea is the senior minister at St Alban’s Anglican Church in Rooty Hill, Sydney, and the author of the best-selling book Nothing in My Hand I Bring.

“What are your disappointments in life? Perhaps, like me, you have unmet superficial desires—perhaps it is achieving that certain position in the company, or getting that high mark in a significant exam. Or maybe you are scarred by grief so profound that you can hardly talk about it. Or perhaps you’re not so much disappointed as unmotivated; you have allowed the good and the not so good to hijack the best, and the passionate days of your early Christian life seem so long ago. Whatever the case may be, the issue is the same for all of us: is God enough?” With humour, honesty and humility, Ray Galea reflects on ten psalms that have helped him put God back in the centre of his life. Ray reminds us of the many reasons we have to join with the psalmist in saying, “Whom have I in heaven but you? And there is nothing on earth that I desire besides you.”

Price $16.95 | $15.00 for 5+

The Archer and the Arrow This book is about a sentence 40 years in the making. The sentence is Phillip Jensen’s summary of the preacher’s mission, gained from a lifetime of biblical reflection and practice: My aim is to preach the gospel by prayerfully expounding the Bible to the people God has given me to love. Join Phillip Jensen and Paul Grimmond as they explore each phrase in this carefully wrought statement, and show not only why faithful, powerful, biblical preaching is so important, but how to go about it.

Phillip Jensen is an internationally renowned preacher and evangelist. He is the author of the well-known Two Ways to Live gospel presentation. He currently serves as Dean of Sydney at St Andrew’s Cathedral.

Price $16.95 | $15.00 for 5+

The Trellis and the Vine Colin Marshall has spent the past 30 years training men and women in the ministry of the gospel, both in university and local church contexts. He is the author of Growth Groups, a training course for small group leaders, and Passing the Baton, a handbook for ministry apprenticeship.

A book about the essentials of Christian ministry that is both solidly biblical and radically challenging. Its key idea is that the structures that support Christian ministry (the trellis) very easily swamp the real work of Christian ministry (the vine)—which is one person speaking God’s word to someone else, in dependence upon the Spirit. Christian ministry consists not only in this prayerful proclamation, but in training more and more Christians in the convictions, character and skills that make it possible.

Price $16.95 | $15.00 for 5+ web •


(02) 9663 3265


Guidebooks for life

Christmas Special Offer

Any 5 Guidebooks for Life

for just $40 | Save up to 50% Covering all the important topics of the Christian life in an accessible, straightforward way Guidebooks for Life is a series of straightforward, practical Christian books which deal with the important nuts-and-bolts topics that Christians need to know about as we walk each day with our Master. Some Christian books are all theory and no practical application; others are all stories and tips with no substance. The Guidebooks for Life aim to achieve a vital balance— that is, to dig into the Bible and discover what God is telling us there, as well as applying that truth to our daily Christian lives.

by Bryson Smith Faith seems to play a pretty big role in Christianity. But what is it? What makes it so important? What are we meant to have faith in, and what difference should our faith make to everyday life? In six short chapters, Bryson Smith takes us on a climb—a climb to look out into the magnificent wisdom of God and understand faith in all its glory. In the course of this journey, we start to grasp a picture of what a life of faith looks like and why faith is more precious than gold. 107pp

Prayer and the Voice of God

by John Chapman The Christian life is good—really good. It’s a life of forgiveness and freedom and fellowship and joy. But the Christian life can also be genuinely hard. Sickness and suffering still come our way. Sinful habits from the past still dog our steps. Sometimes it feels like an endless grind. Why is this? Is it meant to be this way? Is there any solution? 90pp

by Phillip Jensen and Tony Payne Prayer doesn’t have to be a mystery or a burden. In this Guidebook for Life, Phillip Jensen and Tony Payne open up what God himself says to us in the Scriptures about prayer, including what prayer really is, why we should do it and why we often don’t. This is a clear, readable guide for new Christians wanting to get started in prayer, or longer-serving Christians whose prayer-lives are wilting. 200pp

Price $15.95 | $14.35 for 5+

Defending the Gospel

Guidance and the Voice of God

by Kel Richards Broadcaster and Christian evangelist Kel Richards shares his ability to answer basic questions. With warmth, humour and clarity, he demonstrates how to anticipate gospel-related questions, how to construct the framework behind your response and how to get a conversation going. Written for every Christian, Defending the Gospel will better prepare you to give clear and helpful answers whenever people challenge your faith. 140pp

by Phillip Jensen and Tony Payne How do I know what God wants me to do? How can I make decisions which are in line with his will? If God still speaks, will I recognize his voice? Guidance and the Voice of God charts a way through these often confusing issues, and shows how for those who have ears to hear, God is still speaking loud and clear through his Son. The included case studies on work, marriage and church, will help readers to apply the biblical principles. 173pp

Price $14.95 | $13.50 for 5+

A Sinner’s Guide to Holiness

Price $9.95 | $8.95 for 5+

10 .

Price $9.95 | $8.95 for 5+

A Foot in Two Worlds

Price $9.95 | $8.95 for 5+

Price $14.95 | $13.50 for 5+


by John Chapman What is holiness? Why do I need it? And why is it such a struggle for me to achieve in my everyday life? John Chapman explores what the Bible has to say about holiness—where it begins, how it makes progress in our lives, and its ultimate fulfilment as we are changed into Christ’s glorious likeness on the Last Day. This book is a timely publication in this day and age, when we often lose sight of the holiness of God. 90pp


Encouragement: How Words Change Lives by Gordon Cheng This book examines how encouragement is not only central to our church life, but also belongs to one of the most powerful themes in the whole of Scripture: the power of God’s Word to change lives. With humour, insight and practical wisdom, Gordon Cheng shows us what encouragement is, how it works and how all of us can get involved. 137pp

Price $14.95 | $13.50 for 5+ •


1800 814 360 (sydney 9663 1478)

good reads The Everlasting God

Right Side Up

By D. Broughton Knox For over 25 years, the late Dr Broughton Knox’s classic work of theology, The Everlasting God, has helped Christians to carefully examine the profoundly important subject of the character of God. The Everlasting God is one of those mind-shifting, life-changing books that has become a classic that rightly belongs in the personal library of every Christian.

This book was specifically written to help new Christians understand what it means to live a Christian life—to live as a disciple of the Lord Jesus. But with its remarkable metaphor of living “right side up”, not upside down, it is a refreshing and encouraging reminder to any Christian of life as God meant it to be.

Price $16.95

Price $19.95 | $16.95 for 5+

Beyond Greed

You: an introduction

This must-read book is packed with biblical encouragement towards a life beyond greed and materialism. You’ll find tips on living a life of generosity rather than luxury, contentment rather than comparison. And you’ll discover how Jesus taught us not to be rich in this world, but to be rich in the next.

It’s never been more complicated—or more confusing—to be a human, and it’s never been harder to answer the question of who You are. But in You: An introduction, Michael Jensen sets about doing just that. In his exploration of some of the different facets of the human condition (You are alive; You are free; You are a child), we soon discover that the question of who we are is essentially bound up with the question of who Jesus is …

Price $16.95

Price $16.95

The Essence of the Reformation The Reformation made our modern world what it is. In this short introduction, Kirsten Birkett brings us the essence of the Reformation— the social and religious soil in which it grew, the events and people which shaped it, the ideas and doctrines for which many of them died. Also includes bonus samples of the writings of some of the Reformation’s key leaders.

Price $14.95

By God’s Word: Volumes 1 and 2 By God’s word the world was made. By God’s word it is sustained moment by moment. And by God’s word we can know God through Jesus Christ, and live each day to please him. By God’s Word is a collection of 60 short essays or reflections, which offer warm encouragement to live by God’s word in every aspect of our lives: from prayer to politics, from forgiveness to fatherhood, and from drought to democracy. Each essay is also followed by a Bible passage for Price $21.95 | $29.95 for both further thought and reflection.

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(02) 9663 3265

Nothing in my hand I bring When Ray Galea became a Christian, he had a problem on his hands: Which church should he go to? In this warmly engaging book, he explains the differences he discovered between Roman Catholicism and Protestantism.

Price $16.95

Living with the Underworld Evil spirits. Demons. Ghosts. Magic. Satan. Do those words speak to you of a frightening spiritual reality? Or do you regard them as the silly remnants of a more superstitious age? In this exciting and very readable book, Peter Bolt takes us on a breathtaking journey through the spiritual underworld and shows how Jesus came to reveal its true nature, neutralize its power, and liberate us to live without fear.

Price $16.95


Bible reading

The Daily Reading Bible Psst. How’s your personal Bible reading and prayer going? A bit average? Unfortunately, surveys suggest that ‘average’ these days means ‘virtually never happening’. The Daily Reading Bible series of booklets may be the help you need to get back on track, because they are designed to help you feed regularly on God’s word and meet with him in prayer, wherever and whenever you have 15-20 minutes available—even on a busy bus or train. Written by gifted Bible teachers, each volume contains around 60 ESV Bible readings together with a set of questions to get you thinking. Plus there are points to ponder and suggestions for prayer. You won’t need to take a Bible with you; all the verses you need for each reading, including verses referred to in the questions, are in the booklet. So it’s an all-in-one, take-anywhere resource.

Benefits • undated readings let you set what is manageable for you • all you need is a booklet and a pencil (Bible text is included) • very portable • questions point you to the key message of the passage • points to ponder help you consider what it means for you • variety—3 different parts of the Bible or a theme in each booklet Price $7.50 | $6.00 for 5+ | $4.00 for 25+

20 volumes to choose from, covering lots of the Bible

12 .

Volume 1

Volume 2

Volume 3

Volume 4

Volume 5

• Matthew 5-6 • Joshua • 1 Corinthians 1-4

• 1 Corinthians 5-7 • Malachi • The Trinitarian God

• Genesis 1-11 • 2 Thessalonians • Hebrews 1-7 • Jesus, the Coming One

• Matthew 8-16 • Nehemiah • Hebrews 8-13

• James • The Atonement • Genesis 12-35

Volume 6

Volume 7

Volume 8

Volume 9

Volume 10

• Ephesians • Lamentations • Proverbs

• 1 Peter • Zechariah • Revelation 1-3 • Present Suffering

• John 1-12 • Hosea • Words

• John 13-21 • Isaiah 1-12 • Philippians

• 1 Timothy • Exodus 1-18 • The Christian Calling

Volume 11

Volume 12

Volume 13

Volume 14

Volume 15

• 2 Peter • Genesis 36-50 • Ecclesiastes • God’s Image

• Elijah • Matthew 1-4 • 1 Thessalonians

• Luke 1-6 • Amos • 2 Corinthians

• Luke 7-9 • Micah • Galatians

• Luke 9-15 • Jonah • 2 Timothy

Volume 16

Volume 17

Volume 18

Volume 19

Volume 20

• Luke 16-19 • Job 1-26 • 1 Corinthians 8-16

• Luke 19-24 • Job 27-42 • Church

• Acts 1-9 • Numbers • Colossians

• Titus • Isaiah • Ten Commandments

• Judges • Practical Christian Living • Daniel

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1800 814 360 (sydney 9663 1478)


What is a MiniZine? It’s not a booklet, or a leaflet, or a tract. It’s not a full-sized magazine either. It’s somewhere in the middle: a short collection of articles, in an economical, easy-to-read format, with a discussion guide included. The aim is simple: to provide high-quality Bible-based input to help Christians encourage each other. MiniZines are ideal for giving away, for starting personal conversations, and for small group discussion.

The Secret of Contentment We live in a society that’s constantly encouraging us to improve our situation at every turn—to seek wealthier wealth, healthier health and sexier sex. This MiniZine will help you discover (or rediscover!) the secret of contentment, and will challenge you to a more radical way of living as you serve the Lord Jesus and the people around you.

Facing Depression Together On this side of Jesus’ return, depression, and caring for those suffering from it, will continue to be a feature of church life. This MiniZine offers some sound wisdom and helps churches and small groups talk together about the issues, and reflect on them from the perspective of God’s gospel.

Help for a Sick Prayer Life Prayer is deceptively natural and easy—a child can do it. And yet persevering in prayer is agonizingly hard and many of us drift into prayerlessness. This MiniZine will not suddenly solve the problem, but, God willing, it will provide you with weapons, armour and a renewed courage for the spiritual battle.

Total Depravity Believing in ‘human sinfulness’ is very much counter-cultural these days. Even Christians don’t like talking about sin—it seems so negative. But understanding what it means to be ‘totally depraved’ is the first step to understanding who we are and how to deal with our sin problem.

Loving Your Church Do you love the people God has given you to meet with each week? The articles in this MiniZine not only challenge us to think about our attitudes to church life, but give lots of practical ideas for becoming more loving, caring and welcoming to those around us.

Meet the real Jesus Price $2.50 each

New books and documentaries abound that claim to peel back the veil of history and uncover the ‘authentic’ Jesus. But this MiniZine shows that the biblical accounts of Jesus’ life are the only place to access the real information about him. It will challenge readers to cut through the rubbish by reading about Jesus for themselves.

$1.95 for 5+ of same title $1.50 for 25+ of same title

Purity in the Age of porn

PDF download in Australian online store: $1.95

web •

The three articles in this mini-magazine bring the truth of God’s word to bear on the problem of pornography with practical wisdom. They urge us to treat God’s good gift of sexuality with respect, and to be honest and open with each other as we strive to honour the Lord Jesus. fax

(02) 9663 3265


Bible study resources Interactive Bible Studies Old Testament

Title (passage)



Title (passage)



Full of Promise (OT overview)



The Eye of the Storm (Job)



Beyond Eden (Genesis 1-11)



The Search for Meaning (Ecclesiastes)



Out of Darkness (Exodus 1-18)



Two Cities (Isaiah)



The Shadow of Glory (Exodus 19-40)



Kingdom of Dreams (Daniel)



The One and Only (Deuteronomy)



Warning Signs (Jonah)



The Good, the Bad and the Ugly (Judges)



On That Day (Zechariah)



Famine and Fortune (Ruth)



Burning Desire (Obadiah/Malachi)



Renovator’s Dream (Nehemiah)



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Bible study resources/training Six steps to reading your Bible For many of us, instead of regarding the Bible as “more to be desired than gold” and “rejoicing the heart”, regularly reading God’s word ends up in the same category as regular exercise: a healthy chore we know we should fit in and that we benefit from, but one that is hard to manage amongst everything else, and ends up slipping off the agenda. As the Lord Jesus said of his sleepy disciples: “the spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak.” Whatever your current Bible reading habits (or lack of them), and whatever your level of knowledge and confidence, Six Steps to Reading Your Bible will help you make progress in getting into your Bible. The course is especially designed for use in small groups, and utilizes a mix of video instruction, fun skits, Bible study, discussion, practical exercises, prayer and home assignments that will help you on the road to establishing a new and more enjoyable Bible reading habit. DVD $35.00 | $28.00 for 2+

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Six steps to encouragement Six Steps to Encouragement is a basic and foundational training course for all Christians. It is built upon the simple, but profound, principle that: “God’s word changes us; through us, it can change others too.” It’s about how to do the basic ministry that God has given all of us—to encourage other people, to speak God’s truth to them in love. Every Christian can be a channel of encouragement to help change the lives of those around them through speaking God’s Word to them—whether in a handwritten note, a casual conversation, or a thousand other ways. In Six Steps to Encouragement, participants learn the why and how of personal encouragement through video input, Bible study, practical examples, discussions and hands-on exercises. The six steps of the course can be done over six weeks, or in three longer sessions (of two steps each). DVD $35.00 | $28.00 for 2+

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Six steps to talking about Jesus Think of the people you meet each day: your family, your work mates, the man at the newsagency, the old friend you catch up with after work. Is there a single one of them who doesn’t need to be following Jesus? All the same, many Christians feel uneasy about reaching out to those around us. We’re unsure where to start and what to say, and more than a little afraid that we will make fools of ourselves. In the Six Steps to Talking About Jesus course, Simon Manchester starts from square one, and helps you make a start in taking the opportunities to talk about Jesus with greater confidence. Over six interactive sessions, with video input, Bible study, practical exercises, prayer, and group discussion, you’ll explore topics like: the core motivation for reaching out to others; how to depend on God in prayer; how to invite friends to read a book or come to an event; how to tell your own story of what God has done for you; how to explain the gospel in a simple way. DVD $35.00 | $28.00 for 2+ web •

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