The Top Five Survival Tools To Have In Case Of A Disaster You never know when disaster can strike. This is why it is important to be prepared. Whether it is form of a flood, tsunami, terrorist attack or any other geographical change around you, it is important to be well prepared in advance. As Natural Survival Center, we understand the value of life. It is our intention to help you defend and provide for yourself if ever
calamity. For this reason, we have provided a set of quality survival gear for you to use. In a calamity, some of the key things
consider you should have are:
1. Water In any given case, water should always be top on your list. It is the basic survival requirement for any human being. Our company has great portable water filters and water bottles that you can use so that you always have a steady source of water.
2. Bags Everyone needs a bug out bag that is already pre-packed. In case of a disaster, you want to be in a position to get away quickly since there is no time to start packing up. For this, we offer the Alps Outdoor Commander Freighter Frame plus pack bag that is the most convenient bug out bag you can get. It is 5250 cubic inches with compartments for a rifle holder, hydration pocket and port, ten zippers, a draw cord and web loops for lashing just to mention a few. Sleeping bags are equally important. We also offer a variety of bags from mummy bags, camping cots and sleeping bag pads that you can use if you have to sleep in different location.
3. Food kit As far as food is concern, we have designed a food package that can provide two servings for four adults and two children every day. This can sustain you and your family for a month and over. The Wise Foods Survival Kit is in a 120-serving bucket that can stay fresh for a 25 year shelf life. With this kit, no matter what the disaster, you are assured of a whole month’s food supply. Some of the food we have put in the package includes lasagna, pasta, cereal, sugar and grain that will serve to boost your energy levels.
4. Lighting As a safety precaution, you may want to get some lighting. During the day, this may not be an issue. However, you have to be able to protect and defend yourself at night with light. With our portable lighting survival gear, you can be assured of light in the event of a disaster. We have everything from flashlights, lanterns and led headlamps at very affordable rates.
5. Medial kits With a medical kit, you can survive after a tragedy. In the event of an injury or accident, you can use one of our well-equipped medical kits that have been designed to provide first aid attention for any kind of injury. We have put together versatile adventure medical survival kits that have key basic tools to ensure your survival – check them out!