The Obsession With Developing A Curved Smartphone The rumor mill has been going crazy with talk of Samsung, LG, and Apple coming out with new phones that have a curved display.
Now, why the obsessed with a curved phone? Some people say that it will make the phone easier to pick up, while others are looking at it from a purely innovative standpoint. In regards to it being “easier” to pick up, let’s just say that’s not a good enough excuse to invest in a phone – this isn’t like picking up a quarter off the floor, it’s a thick phone, picking it up shouldn’t be difficult. So, let’s look at this from a design perspective. What does a curved phone give the consumer that a “flat” phone cannot?
The most obvious change would be the extended screen, as it would curve down the sides of the phone – what Apple trademarked as their “electronic device with wrap around display.” According to Patrick Moorhead, the founder of Moor Insights and Strategies – a tech analyst firm – commented on the curved designs being leaked by the major Smartphone retailers, “The jury is still out on how much value a curved screen adds to a phone. They might be easier to pick up, but I don’t think many people are complaining about that,” he added, “People want the Apple experience, but might be swayed because of a larger display, like the HTC One’s or the Samsung Galaxy’s.” Now, with the new iPhone 6 releasing some time in 2014, no one will know for sure until the infamous Apple iPhone conference – where we get the see the new product, which will hopefully be more innovative than their last five iPhone’s.