BIO 205 Syllabus (10059)

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Dr. Matt Pearcy BIO 205 Microbiology (10059) Spring 2022

SYLLABUS You r Co ur s e Le a rni n g Pl an

Part 1: Course Information Instructor Information Office: Prescott Campus Building 4 Room 129 Office Hours: Mondays from 5pm to 6pm, Tuesdays from 10am to 11am, Wednesdays from 5pm to 6pm and Thursdays from 3:30pm- 5:30pm Office Telephone: 928 634 7569 E-mail: Classroom: Monday and Wednesday from 11:00am to 1:45pm in Building 4 Room 123 on the Prescott campus.

Course Description Introduction to microorganisms and viruses of medical importance. Chemical and physical methods of microbial control; bacterial, fungal, protozoal, and viral drug therapy; the immune system response to infection; transmission of human disease; and common clinical presentation of various diseases. Prerequisite: BIO 100 or BIO 156 or BIO 181. Reading Proficiency.

Textbook & Course Materials Required Text The free textbook is Microbiology by OpenStax. It can be downloaded here:

Yavapai College – Rev. 08/2019

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