My Travelled Life PAris Hilton, 30, Businesswoman
places like that. It was heartbreaking to see
On memories
many children in orphanages — but it was
On relaxation
I was born in New York, and we were always
very eye opening. It’s important to use my
I have a constantly hectic schedule, so
flying to Europe. I remember being in a
profile to raise awareness of issues.
I don’t really have a lot of time to relax.
park in London when I was four years old,
But when I do I like to cuddle up with
feeding pigeons — that was my favourite
my five teacup doggies and watch movies.
thing to do. But now I think it’s illegal. I’ve
On los Angeles
travelled around Europe every summer
I would take visitors to Mr Chow, which
since I was a little girl.
does the best Chinese food in LA. I would
On ambition
probably take them to a club. Beacher’s
I’ve accomplished so much so far. I have
Madhouse is so much fun and such an
17 different product lines, I’m currently
On London
experience. It’s at the Roosevelt Hotel and
finishing my second album, on my third
London is my favourite place in the world
my friend Jeff Beacher owns it. There is no
TV series, writing a new book, and I want
because it is so much fun. I love the
club like it. There are shows going on, little
to get involved in real estate — first beach
architecture, the food, the people. I would
people, magic tricks and performances —
clubs, then hotels. It’s pretty non-stop. I’m
live there if it wasn’t for the weather.
it is definitely an experience.
a workaholic, but I love it.
On jet lag I try to sleep the whole way on the plane — and then as soon as you get to your destination, don’t just go to bed — try and adapt immediately to the time difference. Otherwise you could find yourself up all night and it is difficult to get into the right sleep pattern after the first night.
On poverty I was in Guatemala last year on a humanitarian trip, and I was visiting some seriously poor villages. I never thought I would visit 48