Souls Through God’s Word
A COMPLETE CHRISTIAN FAMILY MAGAZINE Volume 3 Issue 8 August 2013 Jesus answered, “You say correctly that I am a king. For this I have been born, and for this I have come into the world, to testify to the truth. Everyone who is the truth hears My voice’’ Pilate said to Him, “What is truth?” John 18:37-38 (NASB)
A.V. John K.J. George Joji A. Mathews Marykutty P.J. Dr. C.V. Vadavana
Dr. Jonathan Marshall Pastor Mike Harrison P.M. Abraham Dr. Sunny Ezhumattoor Praveena Balasundaram Launa Stan Courtney Mitchell C.M. Jacob Annie Wilson George Kurian
Dr. C.V. Vadavana Marykutty P.J P.M. Abraham Sam C. Vadavana Evangeline M. Abraham Abraham Markose Aswathy Mathew
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“Let us not become boastful, challenging one another, envying one another.” (Gal 6:26) Dear readers, The greatest blessing in one's life is the election of God to be His children. Like manner, it is a blessing to receive His call to be in His ministry. Ministry should be considered and toiled looking towards the crown of righteousness with a committed heart and mind. Achieving great heights in life varies from accomplishing great things for God. It always has to sacrifice much and travel through the toughest paths. When we follow this and become blessed in the ministry, we must praise God instead of boasting, challenging and envying. We must remember that God is the owner of all blessings, the one who bestows it upon us, and the one who can withdraw all. On the occasion of our 67th year of independence, let us light the candle of love, courage, peace and prosperity. Let us lead a righteous life and create a world where everyone can live in harmony and in a spirit of co-existence. We must recognize that we are all human beings. But with different faces, colours, languages, religions and nations, let us do a better deed for our fellow beings who are less privileged than us. Let us make a small change to bring a big difference in someone's life. Through this issue, we look forward to stir you up spiritually, especially emphasizing to have an obligation and obedience to our master in heaven. Many sufferings may have to be encountered in Christian life, but finally He blesses us for all that we undergone in this earthly life. This issue assures you about all the countless blessings that God has kept for you and also guides to remain faithful to Him. We must continually seek His will by developing a lifestyle of giving, forgiving, and loving those who hurt, betray and oppose us. What we have to do is to give all praises to Him for all the blessings.
Dr.C.V. Vadavana Founder & Chairman, Sathyam Service Trust
4 7 9 11 13 17 23
Responding to Loss Dr. David H Mills
Where will You Spend Eternity? in Heaven? or in Hell? Billy Graham
Following Philip Pastor. Mike Harrison
We are the Home of God on Earth: Dr. Jon Marshall
Adoption by God-how are we to respond to it? John Stanek
Digging Deeper Dr. Alexander Kurian
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Helping Kids‌ To Honor Their Dad Rev. Barney Kinard
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We would love to hear from you! The opinions of the advertisers and contributors are not necessarily those of the magazine or Sathyam Publications. August 2013
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D r . D a v i d H M i l l s
Responding to Loss “Help LORD for the godly man ceases to be, for the faithful disappear from the sons of men…” David the King 1000 BC
ne of the more painful experiences we face as leaders is the loss of an effective leader. The experts say that Psalm 12 was written by King David when the prophet Samuel died. Death is a great robber that depletes the world of great leaders. As someone has said, “What is common about all the great men of the past? They are all dead.” Sadly, this is the reality. Greatness and expertise does qualify the best to keep on living. Neither does holiness and godly character. The power of healing did not keep the apostles alive and does not keep other great men with us as well. So death is a thief that takes from us effective and skilled leaders. What a huge hole they leave behind. I wish we only had to face death, but there are other robbers that come in the night. Namely, sin of some form takes away a leader from his leadership. Immorality, greed, lust for power, pride, inappropriate behavior in some form cause the leader to be disqualified and removed from leadership. Here is what Paul calls “a castaway.” This too is a hard fact to face. It stirs not only sorrow but frustration and anger and fear among our followers. The leaders left behind have to work hard in damage control for the next several months and sometimes even years to regain the trust that was lost by the failure of one leader. Then the remaining leaders try to calm the fears of the people and assure them that the remaining leader will not do the same and fail at their post.
It is a bit easier to deal with for we say a bitter and sweet goodbye mixed. It does not have the residue of doubt in it, but we still have an empty chair at our ministry table. There are many ways we can lose a good and even great leader. How shall we respond? The stages of grief may be well known to you but now they are experienced by you. First shock and a stunned realization that the person is gone. Then comes denial and isolation. We say to ourselves, “This did not really happen.” Following these feelings come anger. The shock wears off and now we feel the pain and the hurt. We can enter a cycle of resentment then guilt for that resentment. That guilt makes us all the more angry. Next we begin second guessing ourselves and start what is called “bargaining.” This is when we think we could have done something differently for better outcomes. We could have done this or said this, and maybe that would have changed this situation. Then we enter the depression zone where we feel sadness and regret. This sadness lingers for a while. Grieving is now taking place. There is no time limit to this process and there is no one way to deal with this process. Amy Carmichael has written a poem that has summarized the strategies we use … read and ponder this brilliant and insightful piece…
There is also those who feel led to leave our ministry and do something else. They may be called to another ministry or retirement. It is a loss nonetheless. 4
August 2013
He said, "I will forget the dying faces; The empty places— They shall be filled again; O voices mourning deep within me, cease." Vain, vain the word; vain, vain: Not in forgetting lieth peace.
Know Your Bible
Lamentations Author: Jeremiah Date of writing: 586 BC Purpose To give a message to Israel that disobedience will lead to destruction. Brief Summary The term “Lamentations” is from a Greek verb meaning “to cry aloud” and explain the contents of the book, which consists of five Melancholy poems of mourning over the utter destruction of Jerusalem and the Temple by the Babylonians. Out Line (1) The first part explains the destruction of Jerusalem, it includes the barrenness of the city and
He said, "I will crowd action upon action, The strife of faction Shall stir my spirit to flame; O tears that drown the fire of manhood, cease." Vain, vain the word; vain, vain: Not in endeavour lieth peace. He said, "I will withdraw me and be quiet, Why meddle in life's riot? Shut be my door to pain. Desire, thou dost befool me, thou shalt cease." Vain, vain the word; vain, vain: Not in aloofness lieth peace. He said, "I will submit; I am defeated; God hath depleted My life of its rich gain. O futile murmurings; why will ye not cease?" Vain, vain the word; vain, vain: Not in submission lieth peace. He said, "I will accept the breaking sorrow Which God to-morrow
the anguish of the city (Ch. 1:1-22). (2) Second part reveals the destruction of Jerusalem with the Lords judgment and the authors (Ch. 2:1-22). (3) In the third part of the book explains about the distraught prophet with explanation of his lament, his hope, his suffering and his prayer (Ch. 3:1-66). (4) The fourth part narrates about the defeated people of Jerusalem with a detailed description of the Siege of the city, the reasons for the Siege and what will be the future hope (Ch. 4:1-22). (5) And in final part we can see the prayer of the people with confession and petition (Ch. 5:1-22).
Will to His son explain." Then did the turmoil deep within him cease. Not vain the word, not vain; For in acceptance lieth peace. The final stage of grief is acceptance. I love the many ways Amy Carmichael has shown we get there. Trying the forget, staying busy, withdrawing, even submitting, but none of these allow our soul to rest. Only in acceptance of this breaking sorrow that God has destined for tomorrow will have its explanation. We must accept His timing and sovereignty that has allowed this loss to come into our leadership. One day it will be clear why He allowed this to happen to us. We patiently wait on Him and hold our hearts with courage to wait until He explains it to us (even if He never does, we are okay to wait till heaven.) O Father, we trust you and know that one day You will explain these losses to us. Right now they do not make sense and yet we rest in Your loving and good hands that holds us up as we feel the deep loses of life. Use these losses to form in us the character of Your very Son, and in His Name we ask it. Amen
August 2013
August 2013
B i l l y G r a h a m
Where will you spend eternity? In heaven? Or in hell?
Then he also said that there is a narrow road, and we here will you spend eternity? In heaven? Or enter it by a narrow gate. He said that it leads to heaven. in hell? What are your plans for your life Traveling on that road is difficult because we go against here, and your plans for your life in eternity? the tide of history, the tide of all the pleasures and the sins of this world. And only those who are prepared to Jesus has promised that we can have life in heaven. die are really prepared to live. Are you prepared to die? You ask, “How do I start this life? What do I need to Every second of the day we are faced with the reality of do?.” The best thing to do is to consult a road map. The dying. Bible is our road map in this life. The Bible says that God has made a way for us. There is a highway that Death, though, is not our final destination. Death is God has built for us: “It shall be called The way of only the doorway to our destination. Death is the point holiness; the unclean shall not beyond which we do not return to pass over it; but it shall be for life on earth. The Bible says, “It those: the wayfaring men, is appointed unto men once to though fools, shall not err “Only those who are die, but after this the judgment.” therein.” When you die, either you die prepared to die are really History is greatly influenced with Christ in your heart, or you by highways. In Europe we die with Him outside your heart. prepared to live. Are you travel on roads that were built You are either on the narrow road prepared to die?” by the Romans, who used those or on the broad road. And you roads to conquer the world of need to decide now, today, where that day. But those roads also you want to spend eternity. paved the way of the Gospel, Life is often compared to a because it was down those roads journey. The whole meaning of the Christian faith is that the Apostle Paul and Jesus’ disciples traveled to compressed into only four words of Jesus: “I am the spread the Gospel all over the world of that day. way.” Jesus is the Way, the only Way. And today, besides roads and highways and There are three things in Isaiah 35:8 that I want you freeways, we also have the information super highway to notice about the way. that is being built around the world. We can “travel” around the world on the internet without leaving our First, it’s a highway. When we build an interstate homes. highway or a freeway, bulldozers come along and tear down trees and houses so that there is a place to build The Bible uses the symbol of a highway in the highway. speaking of God’s salvation. Perhaps you have been so caught up in the journey that you haven’t considered God’s message of salvation is similar. When great where the road you are traveling on is leading you. highways of God are built, it means that many old things are done away with. Things have to change. The Jesus said that there are two roads in life. He said Bible says, “If a man is in Christ he becomes a new that one is a broad road that leads to judgment and person altogether-the past is finished and gone, destruction and hell. And on that road people seem to everything has become fresh and new.” be having a wonderful time. continued in page 8... August 2013
Has there been that kind of change in your life? Oh, you may have been baptized, you may belong to a church, you may have been confirmed. But deep in your heart you may have doubts about whether you really know Christ, whether you’re really on that narrow road that will take you to heaven. You will go to your grave with those doubts. Or you can settle it today and make sure, absolutely certain, that you’re on the right road. You may ask, “Do I have to give up anything when I come to Christ?” Yes, you do. You’ll have to give up the life controlled by sin. But then you also give up emptiness, you give up loneliness, you give up guilt, you give up fear of death. And what will God give you in return? He will give you a life that’s full. Why? Because God sent His Son to the cross where He shed His blood for your sins, and God raised Him from the dead so that He is the living Christ. And in the cross and the resurrection we find the very heart of the Gospel, the very heart of the Good News, that God wants to tell you - that He loves you. Second, it’s a plain way. On our highways we have signs to mark plainly the routes of travel to where we’re going and to warn us of dangerous conditions and tell us the best route to our destination. The Bible is our map, and God’s Spirit is our Guide. This Bible was supernaturally written, inspired by the Holy Spirit. It’s God’s message to you and to me, and He tells us how to live. He tell us plainly how to get to heaven, and He clearly warns us about the pitfalls along the way. A philosopher-scientist once said, “The reason people are lost is that they need a purpose in life, and our affluent society hasn’t been able to provide it.” And how right that is. We need a purpose for living. What is your purpose? Why are you living? The Apostle Paul knew what his purpose was. He said, “For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain.” Paul’s life was wrapped up in Christ. If you were to sum up your life’s purpose, what would it be? Is it to have possessions, sex, fun, success? What do you live for? Third, it’s a safe way. Do you think that the highways of the United States are safe? We read about
people being shot on highways for no apparent reason. We live in violent times. I believe that the only hope for people is to turn to Christ. Christ, and Christ alone, can change the human heart and make us different people on the inside. And He will do it for you if you’ll let Him. You have to invite Him into your heart. On God’s highway we are safe. No one will destroy our soul. The Scripture says, “He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.” I’m not suggesting that if you get on God’s highway, harm will never come to you. But nothing will ever se-parate you from God. Nothing! The Bible says, “Neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.”
“The whole meaning of the Christian faith is compressed into only four words of Jesus: ‘I am the way.’ Jesus is the Way, the only Way”
How does God lead us? He takes us by the hand. Will you by faith let God grip your hand and lead you from this moment on? The Scripture says, “Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.” The Holy Spirit touches our life as our Teacher and our Guide. He is our Counselor to lead us in the way of truth.
Many people read horoscopes every day, we’re told, trying to find some guidance. We don’t need astrology to tell us the future because we have the Word of God. And God will show us the way by His Word and by the Holy Spirit in our hearts. Read the Bible. Let God’s Word speak to you. God is always listening for the prayers of His people. We can come into God’s presence at any time. We can call Him morning, noon or night, under any circumstance. The Bible says, “Whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved.” Have you called on Him and said, “God, I have sinned. I’m sorry I’ve sinned. I receive Jesus into my heart as Savior and Lord”? Jesus opens His arms wide, and He says, “I can take you to heaven if you come on the narrow road.” To get into that narrow road, you have to enter through the narrow gate. And I’m asking you to do that today.
August 2013
P a s t o r . M i k e H a r r i s o n
Following Philip
he book of Acts is the account of the Holy Spirit's work through the first century church. In it are five key figures, instruments of the Holy Spirit, one of which is Philip. His story begins in Acts 6, where he is one of seven men picked to serve as deacons in the church at Jerusalem. His ministry reaches its zenith in Acts 8, where because of persecution he is forced to flee Jerusalem for Samaria (here many are converted to Christ as a result of his preaching and healing). No sooner has his work in Samaria begun than he is called away to a desolate road leading to Gaza where he is used to lead an Ethiopian Eunuch to the saving knowledge of Christ. Then, he is immediately whisked away to Capernaum, where it appears he settled and raised a godly family (Acts 21:8-9). Philip was just an average guy. A faithful guy to be sure. But not an apostle. No scholar. So what allowed Philip to be used so powerfully for the season we have spotlighted in Acts 8? First, Philip was flexibly in touch with Holy Spirit; as to how he was led by the Spirit and as to where he was led by the Spirit. Philip was led from a Jerusalem to Samaria by the circumstances of persecution. He was from Samaria to the road to Gaza by the appearance of an angel. And he was led to run alongside the moving chariot of a stranger by the Holy Spirit speaking to him audibly. He showed no ill will at being moved from his homeland to Samaria (a less than desirable destination for any Jew), nor at being directed to leave Samaria--where he was being used so mightily--to traipse off down to a desolate road to wait for a passing chariot. When I consider this it reminds
me that the greatest abilities God has given me are availability and flexibility. Second, Philip was firmly in touch with the gospel. He preached Christ in Samaria. When asked by the Ethiopian about a certain set of verses from Isaiah "Philip opened his mouth and beginning at this scripture, preached Jesus to him". As I mentioned before, Philip was no decorated Old Testament scholar, but he had an intimate knowledge of the word of God. I am encouraged to know that God does not need me to be a doctor of divinity in order to used me to share the good news of Christ Jesus. All I have to do is know the story and love to tell it (in fact, Philip loves to tell the story of a Jesus so much he is later known as Philip the evangelist). Finally, Philip was fondly in touch with people. Jews did not go to Samaria, but Jesus did (John 4:4-52). Philip went where his Master went. Like Jonah, everyone has someone(s) or some place they disdain. Their flesh revolts against going to that place or ministering to those people. But Jesus loves all people and all places deeply, so deeply He left the perfection of heaven for the gross imperfection of earth in order to save lost souls. His heart will change our heart towards those we have a hard heart. A person flexibly in touch with the Holy Spirit will be fondly in touch with people the Spirit is wooing, no matter what their ethnicity or background. One thing scripture reveals, God is constantly using the most unlikely people to reach the most unlikely people. Our Heavenly Father is looking to use ordinary people in extraordinary ways. May you be His instrument.
“For wisdom is better than jewels; And all desirable things cannot compare with her. Proverbs 8:11 August 2013
August 2013
Dr. Jon Marshall
We are the Home of God on Earth: A Monthly Commentary on Ephesians Ephesians 1:7-10
ave you ever felt like God was cheap and stingy? Have you felt like he was holding back resources and things from you? Maybe the gods of other religions don't enough about their people to be generous toward them, but our God is much different. He loves to give! As we make our way through the first chapter of Ephesians we find ourselves listening to Paul praise God for his incredible generosity. We are now reading Ephesians 1:7-10. This sentence is a mouthful. You kind of get the idea that Paul can't stop talking because he's so incredibly excited. And that's exactly what's going on. I'll break this sentence up into bite-sized pieces for us. The big idea is that God has rescued us and shown us how he plans to rescue everything else. Read 1:7. When you redeem something you buy it back. For a Jewish person like Paul the main picture of redemption was the exodus from Egypt. God bought his people out of slavery to Pharaoh and every wicked institution of the Egyptian empire (Exod 6:6; 15:13). God bought them, so to speak, through an act of judgment and mercy which involved a sacrifice. He judged Pharaoh's government, gave mercy to his people, and those who were covered by the blood of the Passover lamb were redeemed. Paul takes that as a picture of what Christ has done for his people. We're enslaved to sin and need freeing. On the cross the power of sin (the evil opposition) is judged, God's people receive mercy, and all those who are covered in the blood of Jesus are redeemed. Faith in Christ shields us from the judgment of God and frees us from the power and deadly consequence of sin. Read 1:8. You come to expect that kind of saving initiative from a God as rich and generous as ours. This is no frugal god who barely cares enough to help. This is no miser pinching pennies and begrudgingly giving
a few dollars before squeezing the rest of his possessions in his arms as he turns away. Our God is rich and has money and mercy spilling out all over the place. I don't see him sponging up the excess as it spills out. I see him continually pushing more and more love toward the people he loves so much because it makes him more and more joyful. Read 1:9. God is so ingenious. Who else could figure out a plan to clean up the mess our world is in that simultaneously deals with the bad guys, rescues the good guys, and honors only God as the ultimate source of all goodness? The wisdom and insight God has shown in this plan of redemption is off the charts. Ephesian people loved a good mystery, but to them “mystery” referred to special rituals and initiation ceremonies into local religions. “Mysteries” were so secretive that you couldn't talk about them in public, that was part of the game; the first rule of fight club is no one talks about fight club. (Just like fight club, part of the reason no one could talk about the mysteries is because then everyone would know it was all a sham.) Read 1:10. But the one true God, revealed through Jesus Christ, reveals mysteries. They're not hidden. continued in page 20...
August 2013
Do you know? In the light of his dealings with Bathsheba and her husband, Uriah, how could David be regarded by the Lord as a servant whose heart was “perfect” before Him (cf. 1 Kings 11:4; 15:3; Acts 13:22)? Even before David became king of Israel, he had committed several sins and offenses to his discredit. His deception of the high priest Ahimelech resulted in the massacre of nearly every priest in the city of Nob by the agents of King Saul, even though they were completely unaware of David’s status as a wanted fugitive (1 Sam. 21-22). Later on, as a vassal of King Achish of Gath, David systematically deceived him as to the various tribes and communities his warriors had raided in their forays from Ziklag; and he was willing to put every one of his victims to death in order to keep the truth about his activities from getting back to Achish (1 Sam. 27:8-12). His affair with Uriah’s wife, Bethsheba, and the subsequent cover-up that he engineered by having Uriah killed in battle before the walls of Rabbath Ammon (2 Sam. 11) were by no means the only shameful blots on his record, even though they are doubtless the best known. From these considerations it is quite apparent that David did not gain God’s favor or approval because of a sinless life. Although his conduct was for the most part exemplary and his courage and ability as a leader beyond comparison, it was not because of these things that he especially pleased God. It was rather because of his tremendous faith in the power and grace of God that his heart was adjudged to be “perfect;” “wholly devoted”; with Yahweh his God (1 Kings 11:4; 15:3). Furthermore, David could never remain out of fellowship with God for very long. Psalm 32 reveals
what unbearable agony he went through after the affair with Bathsheba, until finally the prophet Nathan came to him and condemned his crimes in the name of Yahweh (2 Sam. 12:7-10). One of the greatest assets in David’s character was his ability to receive rebuke, to acknowledge his utter sinfulness (Ps. 51:3-5), and to cast himself on the mercy of God to forgive him, cleanse him, and restore him to holy fellowship once more. David became a model for all believers to follow, in regard to wholehearted commitment to pleasing the Lord, obeying His word, and furthering the cause of His kingdom on earth. God could trust him with great responsibility and consistent victory on the battlefield because David’s central purpose was to glorify God, not to glorify or please himself. Recalling these dominant traits in David’s life, the apostle Paul commended him to the congregation in Antioch Pisidiae, saying: “And after He had removed him (Soul), He raised up David to be their king, concerning whom He also testified and said, “I have found David the son of Jesse, a man after My heart who will do all My will” (Acts 13:22) The glory of God, the will of God, and the loving fellowship of God were what mattered most to King David, even though there were temporary lapses in that relationship. But even after he had fallen into sin and failure, David knew how to trust God’s grace and forgiving love enough to confess and forsake his iniquity in an attitude of true repentance so as to get back in step with the Lord on the highway of holiness. Such a believer is certain to be a man or woman after God’s own heart!
I am not what I ought to be, I am not what I wish to be, I am not what I hope to be; but, by the grace of God, I am not what I was.’’- John Newton 12
August 2013
J o h n S t a n e k
Adoption By God-How Are We To Respond To It? I believe all believers can agree on one point-we have all been adopted into God’s family. And we all agree that God is that great, caring Parent who chooses to adopt us through His grace, and not because of any works of righteousness that we have done. He sees us as helpless to even be able to discern the truth of His word. Why He chooses us we do not know, for He has not revealed that to us yet. We, however, should not even concern ourselves with the ‘Why,’ but like an adopted child, just be grateful for this new life given us (the gift of eternal life) and seek fervently to fit into this new “family of God”. And like any newly adopted child we should seek to be like this family in word and deed, copying the style and the essence of it and its Father, Who is the head of it. To please our new Father we should obey His commands to love one another deeply and be servants to one another. But alas, this is where we fail, because we treat this family gathering more like a visit to day care than a continuous, on going community. When we leave the community of the church, we return back into the world, and we are
Jesus asked them, “Do you love me? ” and they replied, “Yes, Lord.” “Then do as I command you., He said. Love others as I have loved you” estranged from our brothers and sisters in Christ for another week. We speak so freely of being Brothers and Sisters in the Lord, but our actions many times belie our declarations. We do not simply separate ourselves from one another, but we divorce ourselves from one another. We do not seek each other out daily nor do we seek to be intimate in our relationships. Perhaps this is because we do not have an intimate relationship with our heavenly Father either. Only you can answer that. If we only could put away our pride and ask God to give us that “agape” love that we need in order to fearlessly seek others out and not be put off if they reject us, but be real brothers and sisters in the Lord. And if we would only be willing to give of our time to reach out to others, so that they would reveal their hearts to us before their problems became so great that it would drive them apart from others and even the church, then and only then, would we be able to prove Jesus’ words correct when He said, “…By this they shall know that you are my disciples, if you have love towards one another.” Because until we all have this kind of love for one another, we will never draw many towards the kingdom. God will not be able to use us to glorify His name if we do not follow His commands.
July 2013
INDEPENDENCE DAY May Peace, Prosperity & mirth envelop the nation. May the essence of brotherhood be alive in our hearts. May the pride and honour of India touch the sky.
Wishing you a Happy Independence Day
ndia attained Independence on August 15th 1947, after a great political and social struggle. The struggle for independence was a long and arduous one. Scores of lives were lost to free the country. After independence, India has consolidated its place as the largest democracy in the world with a thriving economy and a robust political domain. All the schools, colleges and offices across the nation hoist the national flag on the rooftops to symbolize the stature of the national flag as nation's pride. The flagship event in Independence Day celebrations takes place in Delhi, where the prime minister hoists the national flag at the Red Fort and delivers from its ramparts a speech. Kite flying has also become a tradition on this day and people can be seen flying numerous kites of all colours, size and shape symbolizing the freedom. 14
There are parades and costume parties and people dress up in a nationalistic way by displaying the national flag on their attire, accessories, homes and vehicles. Media is not far behind as most of the channels telecast latest or classic films based on the independence story. There are many documentaries on independence aired and grave of martyrs are paid respect. Though the celebrations takes place in almost all corner of India, there are places and people for whom independence is still tasteless. A major cause of this is poverty among India's rural population. Both individuals and communities lack access to productive assets and financial resources. High levels of illiteracy, unemployment and inadequate health care and extremely limited access to social services are common among poor rural people. Micro enterprise
August 2013
development, which could generate income and enable poor people to improve their living conditions, has only recently become a focus of the government. Over the last two years the number of unemployed has jumped from 9.8 million to 10.8 million. In rural areas, the unemployment rate for both male and female is almost at the same level, 2%. But, in urban areas, women are more unemployed than men. The rate is 5% for women and 2% for men. The literacy level is well below the world's average literacy rate of 84%. Scientific evidence available today tells us that in India alone more than 1 million child lives could be saved from scaling up known and proven cost effective interventions. With over 240 million children under the age of five, India contributes to 25 percent of the world's child deaths.
As we celebrate our 67 Independence Day it makes us think if we are really independent. How can we have political freedom when thousands of our fellow citizens still struggle for social, economic and moral freedom? Mahatma Gandhi won the freedom for using the only weapon 'TRUTH'. But it is hard to find that in independent India today. How can we boast about freedom when one third of our country's population lives below poverty line and thousands of children go to sleep with empty stomach at night? If each one of us can take a single step to perform our duties and responsibilities towards our family, society and nation then miracles will not take time to happen.
Did you know? What was Mahatma Gandhi doing on the day of Independence? Gandhiji was away from all the celebrations and was fasting and negotiating with communal leaders after Hindu Muslim flare up in Bengal. What does the three horizontal bands of colour on the Indian flag represent?
Aug. 15, 1947: Mountbatten swears Nehru is as Prime Minister of India August 2013
Saffron for courage and sacrifice , white for truth and peace, and green for faith, fertility, and chivalry 15
Question Time Question: Why do I exist? Answer: The original purpose of man’s creation ceased to be fufilled when man rebelled against God. Unreconciled, men cannot adequately answer this question. Reconciled, men discover themselves to exist in order to know God, to do His will, to glorify Him, and to enjoy Him for ever. 1. Why do I exist? (a) This is one of those fundamental questions to which we see the answer but dimly; the full answer will be revealed and appreciated in the life to come (1 Cor. 13:12). (b) The Question can be answered adequately by God alone: we are assured that everything He made, including man, was made for a particular end (Prov. 16:4). 2. God’s purpose for man in his creation give the first clues to the correct answer to the question, “Why do I exist?” (a) We are here because God created the world, and He created man to inhabit it (Gen. 1: 26-28; 2:7). (b) Man was created to possess the earth (Gen: 1:28): (i) He was to make the earth serve him (Gen. 1:28); (ii) He was to rule all other creatures (Gen. 1:28); (iii) He was to cultivate God’s creation (Gen. 2:15; Ps. 104:14). (c) Man was created to know God: (i) He was made in God’s image, and in this was unique amongst all of God’s creatures (Gen. 1:27; Ps. 8:5); (ii) He was made to have fellowship with God (Gen. 3:9; Amos 4:13).
enjoy the earth, to know God, to do His will, and to enjoy Him for ever.” (f) But when man rebelled against God he lost his way and ceased to know the wonder of God’s purposes for human life. (ii) On account of the saving work of Christ in dying for sinners, men may be reconciled to God and discover the full wonder of God’s purpose for life, which was lost in the beginning (2 Cor. 5:17-19). 3. The question, “Why do I exist?” is very relevant to men and women who are not reconciled to God through Christ. (a) The Lord is forbearing toward men, not wishing that any should perish: we are here to be given an opportunity of reaching repentance (II Pet. 3:9) before His final judgment descends upon a world which ignores God and is unconcerned to know the answer to this question (II Pet. 3:10). 4. The question has very positive answers when we are reconciled to God-for then we are in a position to enter into God’s full purpose for life. (a) We are here to be agents for extending Christ’s Kingdom (Mark 16:15; II Cor. 5:20). (b) We are here to reflect God’s glory (Matt. 5:48; 1 Pet. 1:16);
(d) Man was created with a capacity to enjoy God for ever: (i) Man has an eternal soul (Mark 8:36). (e) In view of God’s creation of man the answer to the question “Why do I exist?” is “I am here to
August 2013
(i) Our desire is that God should be glorified in everything (1 Pet. 4:11); (ii) We are here to glorify God in our bodies (1 Cor. 6:20) whatever we do-eating or drinking or anything else-should be done to bring glory to God (1 Cor. 10:31).
D r . A l e x a n d e r K u r i a n
Digging Deeper THE GOSPEL OF GOD Romans 7 (Exposition)
n chapter 7 of Romans Paul takes up the theme of sanctification in relation to the law. In the first six verses(7:1-6) he addresses the question, is the believer under the law? 7:1-3: The Christian, because of his death and identification with Jesus Christ, is free from the marriage to the law. Paul introduces the metaphor of marriage to explain the relationship between the believer and the law. A married woman is bound to her husband while he is living, but if her husband should die, she has been released from the law of her husband. Death cancels the marriage relationship. Paul uses this illustration to teach a very important truth in Christian faith. The believer in Christ has now been released from bondage to the law. He is free now. He is now dead to the law and lives in freedom in a direct relationship with Christ. He is free from his marriage to the law and is now brought into a new marriage with Christ. The Law's jurisdiction (authority) in v.1 is a reference to the power of the law. The purpose of the law is not salvation, but conviction of sin. The law was powerful in convicting men of sins. The law proves that man is a sinner. Thus he stands condemned under the law. Death permanently ends the marriage relationship. In the same way the believer in Christ has ended his relationship with the law. It had convicted him of sin. But now through Christ he has been delivered from sin and no more in bondage to sin. Since the Christian has been brought into a new relationship he enjoys the freedom he has in this new union. The new union demands a new life. The new relationship with Christ transcends the old relationship with the law. Paul
develops in detail the relationship between Christ and the church in the metaphor of marriage in Ephesians 5:22-33. 7:4 -6: The logical outcome of the believer's new relationship with Christ is that he is able to bring forth fruit in his life. We have been made alive to bring forth fruit for God. We can immediately think of the fruit of the Spirit Paul enumerates in Galatians 5:22-23. “While we were in the flesh” (v.5) refers to the period before the believer's conversion (before we were saved). In the pre-Christian stage, there was a sort of fruit in our life, but it was corrupt and perishable, emanating from our sinful nature and produced by the sinful passions. The law aroused sinful desires that were expressed through the members of the body and resulted in death. At conversion, believers died to the law with the result that they are now able to serve the Lord (their new Master) in the newness of life. The old way of life was characterized by constant attempts to gain life by keeping the law. But the new life is life in the Holy Spirit. The letter of the law has no power to give life and to produce a service acceptable to God. The new life (spiritual life, eternal life) is produced in us by God Himself and it is constantly nurtured by the power of the Spirit of God. “The newness of the Spirit” in verse 6 is the only reference to the Holy Spirit in this chapter. It anticipates chapter eight which is devoted to the detailed discussion of the blessings of the life in the Spirit. “The newness of the Spirit” is a new state of mind which the Holy Spirit produces, characterized by the power to serve God and obey God without being in bondage to continued in page 18...
August 2013
Eyes Day ‘Eyes’ are mentioned in the Bible 596 times. Eyes Verse ‘Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God’ (Heb. 12, verse 2).
drawing, the muscles around the lens become tightened and tired. To relax them we need to look away from the close work and gaze at things in the distance. When a baby has just been born, all it can do is see the difference between dark and light. By six months its vision is almost as sharp as adults. Biblefax Our reading is quite a hard one to understand. How can we fix our eyes upon Jesus if we can’t see him?
Eyesfax It’s very easy to take our eyes and eyesight for granted. Close them tight and try to imagine what it would be like if we couldn’t see anything. Our eyes are like little cameras. They have adjustable openings which let the light through a lens. This makes the light waves come together to form a picture, which is recorded on a sensitive film. This is then flashed to our brain via the optic nerve, and our brain tells us what our eyes are seeing. Our eyes are very well protected. We blink about twentyfive times a minute to help keep the lens clean. Each blink lasts about one-fifth of a second...eye think. Eyes, like other parts of our body, can become tired. If we are doing a lot of close up reading or
The truth is, Christians have two sets of eyes: the ones we use to see things around us, and the ones where the Holy Spirit shows us invisible things about Jesus. These aren’t real eyes, of course, but are spiritual eyes that help us see spiritual things, Folk’n’fax As we study the Bible, we can read with our eyes about how wonderful Jesus is. It’s then that we ask the Holy Spirit to open up our spiritual eyes and ask him to show us more of Jesus and help us to be like him. It’s great to look around and fix our eyes on what Jesus has created, but it’s even more important to fix our spiritual eyes upon him.
Digging Deeper
How Ramsay Was Convinced
continued from page 17
sin or to the law. The law cannot deliver a believer from sin, but a believer who walks in the power of the Spirit can fulfill the law (8:1-4). Paul explains the relationship of the law and the believer through various metaphors and illustrations to make sure that his readers (especially the Jewish believers) understand how the law relates to their faith in Christ. His major emphasis is to explain what it means not to be under the law, but under grace. He refers to the “law” 27 times in 7:1-8:4. Three things stand out in Paul's teaching in chapter 7: 1. The law can no longer condemn a believer. 2. The law convicts believers and unbelievers of sin. 3. Believers who walk in the power of the Spirit can fulfill the law. 18
Over 100 years ago, William Ramsay, a young English Scholar, went to Asia Minor with the expressed purpose of proving that the history given by Luke in his gospel and in the Acts was inaccurate. His professors had confidently said that Luke could not be right. He began to dig in the ancient ruins of Greece and Asia Minor, testing for ancient terms, boundaries, and other items which would be a dead give away if a writer had been inventing this history at a later date as claimed. To his amazement, he found that the New Testament Scriptures were accurate to the tiniest detail. So convincing was the evidence that Ramsay himself became a Christian and a great biblical scholar. We still look upon Sir William Ramsay’s books as being a classic as far as the history of the New Testament is concerned.
August 2013
tephen is the first disciple to die for his faith in Jesus. All we know about him is found in chapters six and seven of the Acts of the Apostles, written by Luke. In the very early days of the Church, the apostles chose seven deacons to assist them in their work. Luke says that the first of these seven was Stephen, ‘a man full of God’s grace and power’. It is thought that Stephen was a Greekspeaking Jew, because the deacons were asked to look after Greek-speaking widows in the Jerusalem Christian community. Stephen was an enthusiastic preacher, very anxious to share the Good News that Jesus had proclaimed. His enthusiastic words angered the Jews of Cyrene, Alexandria and Cilicia - a group known as the Synagogue of the Freedmen. They accused Stephen of blasphemy against Moses and God. The authorities were notified and Stephen was called before the Sanhedrin (Jewish Council). Stephen addressed the Council at length, outlining the history of Israel and accusing his hearers of being stiff-necked. ‘You always
resist the Holy Spirit’, he said, ‘and now you have betrayed and murdered the Holy One’. This infuriated the Council who had Stephen dragged from the city and stoned to death. What the Scriptures Say: While they were stoning him, Stephen prayed, ‘Lord Jesus, receive my spirit.’ Then he fell on his knees and cried out, ‘Lord, do not hold this sin against them.’ When he had said this, he fell asleep. Acts 7:59-60 Martyrdom The Christian Church is described as being ‘founded on the blood of the martyrs.’ This is because in the early centuries Christians faced persecution and countless numbers died for their belief in Jesus. This is still happening today in many countries. Luke describes the earliest persecutions in the Acts of the Apostles. His description of Stephen’s death is interesting. You can see from the two texts above that Luke sees Stephen’s death as an echo of the death of Jesus. Courtesy:Christians Who changed the World
Last Words Of Martyrs * Hentry Vos- “If had twin heads, they should all be off for Christ.” * Castilla Rupea- “Though you throw my body down off this steep hill, yet will my soul mount upwards again.” * John Suisson- “I shall have a double jail delivery: out of my sinful flesh and out of the loathsome dungeon I have long lain in.” * Taylor- “Now lack I but two steps, And I am even at my Father’s house.” * Carpenter- “All Bavaria is not as dear to me as my wife and children, but, for Christ’s sake, I gladly forsake them. August 2013
Smallest Birds Yet Terrible Library of Congress, Prettiest Book The Library of Congress has millions of books. But its most beautiful volume is a Bible copied by a monk in the 16th century. Even the best printer in America or Europe cannot surpass its matchless perfection. In this thousand-page Bible, are written in black ink the German text of the Scriptures. Each letter is perfect, without a scratch or blot anywhere. There are two columns to a page, and even under a magnifying glass, not the slightest irregularity of line space or letter formation can be noticed. At the beginning of each chapter, the first letter is very large-two to three inches long-and is brightly illuminated in red and blue ink. Then the figure of some saint or some incident narrated in the chapter is drawn into the inner spaces of the first letters.
The smallest known bird is the hummingbird. It is found only in the New World, of which it is a native. It ranges from the Strait of Magellan, at the southern tip of South America, to Alaska. There are 488 different kinds of these birds. The smallest hummingbird is found in Cuba, and its body is about one and one-fourth inches long.
Legend has it that a young man who had sinned deeply became a monk and determined to copy the Scriptures so that he might learn every letter of the Divine commands. For many years he pursued this self-imposed task, each letter wrought with reverence and love. When the last touch was given to the last letter, the old man (for he had became old) kissed the page and ended his work.
Hummingbirds have very ugly tempers. There is scarcely anything that can exceed their fierceness when they are disturbed during the mating season. They attack intruders with bewildering courage for such tiny creatures, and they seem to be absolutely fearless.
We are the Home of God on Earth: continued from page 11
Nevertheless, people in the past didn't know about them and that means Paul's generation got special privileges. God reveals his plan so that the world might know how they can be redeemed as well. They have been initiated into God's plan of restoring creation. They know the plan; it's no secret. It's not just a plan for humanity but a plan to reconcile everything that's been ripped apart by sin. Remember that when sin entered the world (through humanity) it brought a curse on trees, soil, clouds, mountains, governments, economic systems, education, art, farming, philosophy, families, the whole spiritual realm (including angels and demons), and everything else. It all fell apart and now God has revealed to us how he's bringing it back together. Soon, when the time is right, God will put 20
everything under the authority of Christ. Overturning the curse means physical creation will flourish, spiritual creation will submit (willingly or unwillingly), and human creation will be resurrected for either eternal punishment or eternal enjoyment of the restoration. Praise God for something to look forward to like that! If you're ever tempted to think that God does not want to give you something or to think that God does not like to give to you, please reread this passage. He loves to give! He is incredibly generous. Sometimes, when we ask for something, God doesn't immediately give it. He doesn't do this because he doesn't love you. He does it because he loves you and he is waiting for a better time or a better opportunity to give you something better than you have in mind. We know this is true because God has given us the ultimate gift, his Son!
August 2013
e are exceedingly joyful that the Lord has been merciful to us and could experience His divine presence with us throughout the journey of our ministry. It was by His grace that we could expand our ministry to different parts of India and above all to witness the ministry becoming blessing for many.
planting churches and spreading the good news. They are ministering in various parts of India now. Relief activities in Kerala
Reopening of Kattapana Seminary The classes for the new batch of students of the Sathyam Theological Seminary commenced in July. The seminary, which is known for having successfully carved out many warriors for the Lord to walk in His ways and to fulfill His missions, have set their goals to bring more youngsters in His path to do His tasks. The institution has reopened under the effective leadership
God gave us an opportunity to conduct relief activities in various places of Kerala when monsoon hit harshly in the last two months. The victims had no grains and other food and all communication and transportation facilities were affected. That was when a team representing our ministry took the effort to reach them and supported in relocating them to temporary camps. We could distribute the essential consumables like rice, wheat, oil, sugar and vegetables to these people in the camp. of Principal Thomas Mathew. The teachers and the staffs welcomed the new comers and all the students with great joy in God's love. The teachers serving the Lord previously over there strengthened the students and the staffs through their visit to the institution. We are proud that our old students are into Lord's ministry,
Vocational Training Programme, Vijayanagaram. We started a vocational tailoring programme at Vijayanagara, Andhra Pradesh, for which God blessed us with needed resources and good staff. This programme is intended for women from the rural villages to teach them a trade which can generate a
August 2013
source of income. We had a successful beginning and with the blessings from above, we hope to continue ahead in the same way. The response we got from these villages was good. Thirty two students are there at present for which the classes are conducted in three different shifts. Sathyanikethan Children's Home, Vijayanagaram Our Sathyanikethan Children's Home at Vijayanagaram opened on the first of August. Our dedicated staff visited the interior villages to inform people about the new children's home and we are receiving applications each day. We aim to provide free food, education and shelter to children who come
from the poorest of the poor family and cannot afford one square meal a day. We trust in our Lord that He will strengthen us to provide these children a blessed and bright future. When we look back, we find the prayers of thousands of God's servants for us and our ministry. We acknowledge our heartfelt gratitude to each one of them for supporting us in every way. We humbly request your continued prayers for our expanding ministry in different parts of our country. Specially, for the vocational training programme and children's home that we started at Vijayanagaram.
Hypocritical Prayer I knelt to pray when day was done, And prayed “O Lord bless every one, Lift from every saddened heart the pain, And let the sick be well again.” And then I woke another day, And carelessly went upon my way. The whole day long I did not try To wipe a tear from any eye. I did not try to share the load Of any brother on the road. I did not even go to see The sick man just next door to me. Yet once again when day was done, I prayed “O Lord bless everyone.” But as I prayed, unto my ear There came a voice that whispered clear,
“Pause, hypocrite, before you pray, Whom have you tried to bless today? God’s sweetest blessings always go, By hands which serve Him below.” And then I hid my face and cried, “Forgive me, God, for I have lied. Let me but live another day, And I will live the way I pray!”
August 2013
R e v . B a r n e y K i n a r d
Helping Kids… To Honor Their Dad
t’s sometimes awkward to help your own children to honor you, as the Dad. It is my opinion, that “Honoring Dad” lessons are best taught by their Mother and grandparents. However, if we are so committed to partnering with parents, as we allege to be, then we must step up and enter into this intergenerational dialogue. So as Children’s Ministers we must help kids to honor their fathers (and mothers, a subject for another time). So below are some elements that we might selectively address, perhaps not all at once, but over the extended time of your influence. Showing Honor to whom Honor is due or Over Due?” I don’t think you can ever over do honoring Dads, so put some more curry sauce on the potato! 1. Share what the Bible teaches about Honoring Dad. “Honor your father and your mother, so that your days may be long in the land the Lord your God is giving you.” This is the fifth commandment, found in Exo. 20:12 (NRSV) See also Deut. 5:16 and Lev. 19:3. Note: there is no specific behavior indicated here. 2. To honor Dads, there must be some teaching about what Honor means to revere, respect or fear. So multiple behaviors must involve things like: esteem, concern, respect, love, thankful, obedience, appreciation, affirmation, applause, recognition, language of honor, caring for them.
5. Define words like appreciation and affirmation for children. Then demonstrate how to use these kinds of expressions to honor their Dad. 6. Teach and demonstrate how obedience is a way of honoring Dad. 7. Describe how showing affection is a way of honoring Dad. 8. Help kids learn how focused listening to Dad honors their Dad.
3. We must illustrate what Honoring someone involves. Being thankful for, be loving towards, willing to obey, showing appreciation, giving recognition, speaking affirmation, caring for, and giving gifts are a few examples. But it has to be deliberate or purposeful.
10. Demonstrate how to ask Dad for help, advice and seek his counsel, which honors him.
4. Brainstorm with kids how they can practically demonstrate Honor. Encourage a challenge to do some of these ideas.
In working with kids, sometimes it is helpful to share what “honoring your father” is not. Here are continued in page 24...
9. Encourage children to have some One-on-One time with Dad. Sharing Dad’s interests honors Dad.
August 2013
SATHYAM SERVICE TRUST WANTED 1. Administrators- Graduates with good administration and co-ordination skill and capable of working with minimum supervision. 2. Communication Co-ordinators- Graduates with good command over English and should have a Christian Mission commitment. 3. Social Workers- Should have Msw qualification.
ADVT wanted 5. Editor and proof reader- Candidates with Biblical 4. Accountant- B.com / M.com graduates.
Knowl-edge and good command over English and Malayalam language. 6. Office Secretary- Should have good Command over English and good knowledge of computers. Should have a Christian mission commitment. 7. Physiotherapist and Speech therapist for special children. 8. Special Teachers- With Special B.Ed MR. Kindly forward your resume to administrator@sathyam.org
SATHYAM MINISTRIES THOTTABHAGOM P.O., THIRUVALLA-689 541, KERALA, INDIA. Mob. 9447126182, 9446026182 E-mail: satyam_india@yahoo.com, web: www.sathyam.org
Helping Kids… To Honor Their Dad continued from page 23 some ways to dishonor Dad. Obviously, we are not teaching them to emulate any of these examples. 1. Disobey what he tells you. 2. Misrepresent family values. 3. Ignore your Dad. Avoid talking to him. 4. Never do anything your Dad asks. 5. Fail to take his instruction seriously. 6. Hating your Dad and telling him so. 7. Never do nice things for your Dad. 8. Show no appreciation for his support. 9. Avoid listening to Dad when he talks to you. 10. Insult your mother, which indirectly hurts your Dad. 11. Belittle your Dad’s efforts to provide for you. 12. Looking for ways to be derogatory to Dad. 13. Misrepresent your father’s good intentions. 14. Curse your Dad (this is trouble). “ ‘Honor your father and mother’ “ this is the first commandment with a promise….” (See Eph. 6:2-4) 24
August 2013
Phone: 9447126182
t was March, 1933-and America was in the depths of the worst depression in its history. The economic life of the nation had slowed almost to a standstill. An estimated fifteen million men were unemployed, their families hungry and cold, many of them homeless. Hundreds of thousands of small farmers had lost their land. Banks were closing; factories were standing idle; people were in a state of anxiety verging on despair. No one knew what do expect next. Fear hung like a heavy cloud over the nation; and panic gathered like a storm, dark and foreboding. Against this background of national depression and fear, a new President was inaugurated on the fourth of March. Eagerly the nation awaited his address, his first message to the people. Thou-sands of men and women jammed the space before the east steps of the Capitol where he was to speak. Millions waited beside their radios, wondering what the new President would say, wondering what he could say to ease the dread on people’s hearts and give them hope for the future. Franklin Delano Roosevelt faced the huge, hushed crowd. He was conscious of his role on this fateful day, of the problems he faced, and his great responsibility to the people and to the nation. He was assuming the
highest office in the land, amid the throes of a crisis unprecedented in times of peace. He knew there was hardly a home in America that had not been affected by the depression to some degree; knew that fear held the nation in its demoralizing grip-and that his first task was to restore public confidence and morale. “This is a day of national consecration.� His voice rang out, firm and clear, reaching to the far limits of the crowd. It echoed in millions of homes across the land, dynamic and compelling. This was no time for evasion, he told the people. This was a time to speak out boldly, to face the facts. There were grave problems ahead, but he asked them to meet the challenge with courage, to have faith in the nation and its future...... This great nation will endure as it has endured, will revive and will prosper. So first of all, let me assert my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is fear itself-nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror which paralyzes needed efforts to convert retreat into advance. There was an electric quality to his words, to his voice. All over the country people relaxed as they listened. His vigor, his assurance, his vast optimism about the future, had their effect; and hope revived in many hearts long attuned to despair. continued in page 26...
August 2013
Blessings Nothing raises the price of a blessing like its removal; whereas it was its continuance which should have taught us its value. There are three requisitions to the proper enjoyment of earthly blessings, a thankful reflection on the goodness of the Giver, a deep sense of our unworthiness, a recollection of the uncertainty of long possessing them. The first would make us grateful; the second, humble; and the third, moderate. Blessings we enjoy daily; and for most of them, because they be so common, most men forget to pay their praises; but let not us, because it is a sacrifice so
pleasing to Him that made the sun and us, and still protects us, and gives us flowers and showers and meat and content. Reflect upon your present blessings, of which every man has many; not on your past misfortunes, of which all men have some. Men live best upon a little; Nature has given to all the privilege of being happy, if they but knew how to use their gifts. The blessing of the Lord, it maketh rich, and he addeth no sorrow with it. (Proverbs 10:22)
continued from page 25
The only thing we have to fear is fear itself. President Roosevelt’s words thrilled the nation. They were the words millions wanted to hear, words of heartening faith and courage: nothing to fear... no need for panic... the nation would endure and prosper. “He has revived the confidence of the common man in his country and his government,” was the consensus of editorial opinion. “We listened-some doubtfully,” said William O. Douglas. “People who like statistics said it was hardly a scientific plan for getting the country going again. But after a little while it turned out we were not afraid any more. And the wheels were starting to run again. President Roosevelt’s confidence had sort of reached around and got into the hearts of our people.” The only thing we have to fear is fear itself. These unforgetable words spoken by Franklin D. Roosevelt
at his first inauguration, giving courage to the nation when it stood at the brink of panic and disaster, are words for all of us to remember in the crises of our personal lives. For they have the power to bolster our inner resources, to keep us from giving way to terror or despair. When the President lay dead in the White House in 1945, Mrs. Roosevelt asked that the famous phrase from his first inaugural be included in the simple funeral services. She told the officiating clergyman that these ten words best expressed the message her husband would have wanted to leave with the people. The only thing we have to fear is fear itself. An in spired and inspiring phrase..... an enduring testament to a great man’s faith in the nation and the people he served. Courtesy:Light from Many Lamps
We shall steer safely through every storm, so long as our heart is right, our courage steadfast, and our trust fixed on God. If at times we are somewhat stunned by the tempest, never fear. Let us take breath, and go on afresh.- Francis de Sales 26
August 2013
S e c t i o n b y w r i t e r Ă s n a m e
00 January 2011
S e c t i o n b y w r i t e r s n a m e
Truth Alive