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Missionary Projects

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Garvaghy Juniors

Garvaghy Juniors


A thank you from Bible Society Northern Ireland


We want to say a huge thank you to all the C.E. groups who took part in the Storytellers project last year. Lots of groups all over the country spent time learning about what it means to share the amazing story of the Bible.

It was great to get the opportunity to visit some of these groups, travelling from Priesthill to Lisbellaw to Newtownards. There was always a warm welcome given. It was wonderful to join in with games, singing and prayer, and to see what the groups had been getting up to to raise money for the Bible Society NI.

Last year C.E. groups raised an incredible £7,000! This money is helping the Bible Society NI provide little Bible books that will be used through the Amazing Journey project. This is a great project that is run by the Baptist Youth Department. Staff and volunteers spend time in schools in Northern Ireland, acting out and sharing stories from the Bible. Every child that takes part gets given one of the Bible books – this could be the first Scripture they’ve ever owned.

During 2017-2018, Irish CE is supporting Abaana as our Missionary Project. Abaana is a local Christian charity, based in Bangor, Co. Down, which has been working for almost 20 years in Uganda.

Abaana, who aim to bring hope to the children of Africa, use education as a means of helping children and their families escape poverty. They have built 13 primary schools across Uganda and continue to support these schools and their communities, providing education for over 4000 children. Abaana also provide sponsorship for over 1650 children, making it possible to them to attend school, as well as rescuing children who have been living rough on the street.

Abaana have put together a pack of 4 lessons, giving Juniors and Young People an insight into what life is really like for so many people in Uganda, and the effect that poverty has on individuals and their families. It includes videos and PowerPoint resources, as well as ideas for games and activities. Please do make use of this great resource with your Society (contact the CE Office if you would like to receive a pack).

The team from Abaana would also love to come to visit groups to share more about their work.

For more information ontact the Abaana office: Telephone - 028 9145 1918 Email - info@abaana.org

Recently the Amazing Journey went to Drumadonnell Primary School, Banbridge. Here’s what a couple of the kids said: “Today the Amazing Journey came to my school and I really liked learning about the miracles that Jesus did.” “I really enjoyed the Amazing Journey because of the Bible-time food and the characters.”

The Bible is being brought alive to children in Northern Ireland. Thank you so much for helping us do this!

Please continue to pray for this work, along with the huge amount of work that the Bible Society NI supports overseas. If you’d like any more information about any of our work please get in touch: Email - info@bsni.co.uk Website - www.bsni.co.uk

Leah McKibben, Projects Manager with the Bible Society NI

God makes all things possible. The story of the 2005 Irish CE Union Missionary Project.

“Gizo For God”

For those of you who have heard of Caleb Saiquro and don’t really know him permit me to introduce him to you.

Caleb lives on the island of Ghizo, Western Province, Solomon Islands, in the Pacific Ocean, 1200 miles north east of Brisbane, Australia. In 2002 he had the opportunity to come to Belfast Bible College to study and our Church in 2nd Broughshane sponsored him through Bible college. While in Northern Ireland he stayed, at the weekend, with different members of our congregation.

Caleb had been involved in children’s mission work before coming to Bible college, so when he had completed his studies he returned to Solomon where he continued with this work. He had a leading from God to extend the kingdom by training and encouraging children and young people (who had committed their lives to Christ) to tell their peers of God’s love for them and to win them for Christ.

In 2005 after some discussion with Caleb, some people took the decision that Caleb needed a base to work from and the outreach project, “Gizo For God” came into fruition. This is where Christian Endeavour comes into the story. That year CE took, “Gizo For God” as our Missionary Project. By 2008 enough money had been obtained to build a centre in Gizo and a plot of land was obtained from the Solomon Government, then God said in His time. Between 2008 and 2015 many things were to take place. At the end of 2008, with plans ready to start building, a tsunami struck Western Province and the town of Gizo was devastated including our building site. We thank God that we had not started to build. After some discussion with the government, in 2009 we were given a new building plot on higher ground only to find that we had squatters - who are still there. This situation was to last until October 2015 when God opened new doors for us.

During the 7 years God has used Caleb in many different ways, working with the United Church of Solomon as Youth Coordinator and IT Consultant for Western Province. This also gave Caleb time to follow the Lord’s guidance in many children’s and young people’s missions. In His Time, God makes all things possible. In October 2015, a Christian couple offered Caleb a plot of land to build the Children’s Centre.

Yes, God does make all things possible!

The plot of land is one of the best sites on the whole island, on the top of a hill overlooking the Pacific Ocean.

We were also given the site at a reduced price as it was for missionary outreach.

Today the land has been cleared, foundations have been dug, concrete and steel shuttering have been erected and the wooden joists are in place. The timbers have been purchased for the first floor along with wood and steel sheeting for the roof. One of the main problems at present is that there is not enough rain to make concrete blocks for the ground floor as the blocks have to be made by hand on the site.

At the end of 2015 Caleb finished working for the United Church as it had no money to pay their workers. Since then his ministry is a FAITH MINISTRY, he would never ask anyone for financial help but he does thank God for the faithfulness of organisations like Irish Christian Endeavour who have supplied a large amount of the finance towards the building of the Children’s Centre.

Please Pray: · That God will guide Caleb in his ministry. · That when the centre is finished it will be used for God’s glory. · For wisdom and humility as Caleb presents the scriptures. · That souls will be saved. · For guidance as Caleb trains leaders and young people. · For Caleb, Tanya, Jabez and Tara as a family.

If any group or individual would like more information about Caleb and his work please contact Jean or Ken McGall tel 02825 684 429 or Email Kenneth.mcgall@btconnect.com for more information.

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