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Saint Mark’s Portadown



Fergus Hall Seniors meet to study and encourage eachother

Fergus Hall Christian Endeavour has been going for a number of years. This CE is held in the Fergus Hall which belongs to St Mark’s Church of Ireland in Portadown, Co Armagh. The CE is made up of a group of people who love the Lord and want to meet up for Bible study and to encourage one other. It has been a pleasure to be a part of this CE for the past 5 years or so. Brian and I are greatly blessed just being a part of this group. They meet on the 1st and 4th Mondays in the month now that Albert Leathem has passed away to be with the Lord. Albert would have led them every Monday night in Bible study. The Minister at that time in St Mark’s was the Revd Jim Campbell and he was very faithful in attending the monthly consecration meetings. The curate, the Revd Keith Marshall was also a great help. Jim has since retired and Keith has moved to another Parish. The group would like to express their gratitude to both these men for giving up of their time to come and be a part of their Monday nights from time to time.

We have had the Local and Irish Presidents for a few years now and we are very grateful to them for coming and speaking to us. Rosemary McDaniel helps out when needed and this is very much appreciated.

Trevor Jackson used to belong to Thomas Street CE and joined up with the folk in Fergus Hall a few years after Thomas Street closed along with Mrs June Allen. Trevor has taken on the post of leader and June secretary and Mrs Lily Bell is treasurer. June gives up of her time to collect people and bring them along; this is a great commitment as she gives up the chance to go to another meeting in Gilford.

We had our Christmas dinner on the 27th of November and enjoyed a lovely meal provided by the Williamson sisters, “Food Glorious Food”. The evening concluded with everyone joining in carol singing, Ruth and Brian Agnew sang a duet and the Revd Jim Campbell brought a short message on Christmas.

Every year the members look forward to their annual day out in June. They go to Scarva Tea Rooms to start the day and then head to Newcastle, eventually finishing up at Top Nosh in Annalong for tea. The caretaker, David drives them and they are also very grateful to him for giving up of his time to spend the day with them.

Ruth Agnew

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