Electronic Component Manufacturers When you are building electronic circuits you will be working with a variety of electronic components. Some electronic components which you will work with when building circuits are resistors, capacitors, diodes, transistors, and integrated circuits. Therefore when you are finding an electronic component manufacturer you need to bare some things in mind. This is important because you want to find the best manufacturer which suits your requirements and needs, because there is no point in finding just any electronic component manufacturer if it doesn’t benefit you in the way you would like it to. Here are a few things which you should consider: Research – You should do some research on companies before you buy from them. This can be done from looking at reviews online or it could be done from people you know who have recommended an electronic component manufacturer. You can also look on their website to have a look at some customer reviews; this will give you an idea of what their customer service is like. Quality – You want to make sure that the actual electronic components are of high quality. This is because you want your money to be spent on products which are worthy. You can check their quality of their products by asking to have a look at some examples of their products or asking if a member of staff can demonstrate the products to you. Benefits – You should also research what benefits the company can offer you; this will determine if a company is better than their competitors. Here are some examples of benefits from an electronic component manufacturing company: Shorter lead-times Minimal inventory requirements Multiple inventory locations mitigating risk of all materials in one location. Enhanced quality On-time delivery, every time Visual inspection In circuit test (ICT) PCB supply Full technical support from design phase through to production Once you have done all of these vital steps you can determine which suppliers you find are most suitable for you. At Arrival Components we specialise in material management and we provide a complete product range, and our range of products include DC DC Converters, LED Drivers, Solid State Drives, microSD/SD/CF cards, graphics controllers, HDMI/DVI/LVDS interfaces, USB hubs, GSM/GPS modules and the world's first customisable single board computing platform. We also make sure that we employ proven lean manufacturing techniques to directly benefit our customers by working closely with our partners.