Will 3D Laser Cutting Ever Replace Traditional Cutting Methods?

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Will 3D Laser Cutting Ever Replace Traditional Cutting Methods? 3D laser engraving and machines have been dramatically improved over the past years. Nowadays, these machines have become the norm in heavy duty industries and they are widely used for different industrial process like welding, drilling as well as cutting, even through some of the hardest metals. Commonly referred to as the 5 axis cutting, the 3D laser cutting machine is a computer-operated device that is used predominantly in the automotive industry, to create extremely precise car pieces and components. Automotive suppliers have been using laser welding and cutting and water jet cutting for decades, for several important reasons: they are cost-effective, time-effective, convenient and very precise. 3D Laser Cutting to Replace Traditional Cutting Techniques? There is an ongoing debate on the topic and whether 3D laser engraving and cutting machines will replace the traditional cutting techniques, and based on the latest technologies and increasing benefits of these innovative devices, it seems like we are only one step away from fully implementing the 5 axis laser cutting machines in every car manufacturing plant - and not only. One of the reasons why these state of the art devices are believed to be taking over the traditional cutting techniques is because they are extremely flexible and there is very little room for human error. Unlike it happens with the old cutting methods where people usually operate handheld devices and the risk for both error and injury was significant, 3D laser machines are almost flawless given the fact that it is 100% computer operated. Besides this, there is also some degree of flexibility to the 3D cutting devices as well, as they can be continuously improved, modified and reinvented in order to meet the ever-changing requirements of the automotive industry. In the end, replacing the heads of the laser machine takes less time and considerably fewer resources, as opposed to replacing the entire tooling within a car manufacturing company. The only disadvantage that comes with the 5 axis cutting devices is that they typically involve a massive initial investment, one that usually only a large and well-established company can afford, as opposed to a start-up business. Even so, these revolutionary cutting devices will surely pay off over the years, in terms of costs and overall performance. Using the laser cutter to create a high volume of car parts and components is not only cheaper, but a lot faster as opposed to traditional cutting methods such as tool pressing. In other words, a reputable car manufacturer that makes high-quality cars at an industrial scale cannot afford to lose time, as time would cost them money – this is precisely why they would incline to invest in 3D laser cutting machines. To conclude, given all the notable benefits and advantages 5 axis laser cutting tools have over press tooling and other similar cutting techniques that are used in heavy duty industries, it is safe to assume that 3D laser welding and cutting will soon become the norm. Given the circumstances, it is highly possible that the automotive industry will be the first industry to fully switch from traditional to modern cutting methods.

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