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How Ultrasonic Welding has Revolutionalised the Plastic Welding industry The processes that facilitate thermoplastic to be welded together faultlessly including plastic welding have been around for many years. Among the numerous techniques created for that purpose, sonic welding has been one of the most innovative. Ultrasonic welding utilizes sound waves instead of electricity or heat to join together 2 diverse components thus allowing for a bond that doesn’t require adhesives, binders or soldering materials to join two materials together. Ultrasonic welding was initially incepted in 1963 when Robert Soloff founder of Sonics and Materials Inc. embarked on experimenting with a sonic probe. Through his series of experiments Robert found out that sound waves were not restricted as other plastic solders were. Instead of the material being in direct contact with applicators, sound waves from an ultrasonic welder could travel around rigid plastic corners and sides. Thus, sound waves were able to find the connecting joint that required welding, allowing the accessibility of ultrasonic weld to much tighter and smaller areas over heat sealing processes. Since then, the usefulness of ultrasonic technology in plastic welding and heat sealing applications is evident all over the world. This form of welding has been used in the manufacture of plastic products as well as textiles for more than 40 years now. It is ideally used for many plastics like polystyrene which has a low melting temperature. As a matter of fact, most consumer electronics, toys and cell phones utilize this automated option to screws or adhesives. Since welding using sound waves doesn’t make use of soldering materials or emit any fumes or heat, it has become an efficient and friendly technique in thermoplastic welding. Ultrasonic welds including multiple plastic welding techniques can be performed in a matter of seconds. This not only allows materials to be welded quickly but also saves money in the long run when compared to other forms of heat sealing. On the other hand, ultrasonic welders are easily tailored to handle very precise products. As a result, most items that bulkier processes would find too costly to redesign can be easily welded through this form welding. The technique of using sound waves over chemical bonding or heat also saves firms from using exhaust units or other costly protection alternatives to get rid of fumes or heat emitted through welding. Since no foreign material is needed for application, it is possible to use a sonic welder in medical and computer applications where foreign fragments can have devastating consequences. This kind of speed and versatility has contributed to the popularity of ultrasonic weld over other plastic bonding methods used today. Since ultrasonic welding units have low energy and modest space requirements, require no cooling water and use no consumables, they offer eco-friendly and cost -effective solutions in numerous application areas. In conclusion, this welding technology is perfect for sealing metal conductors, plastic tubes and fixing plastic parts in appliance manufacture. In addition, it is ideal for fabricating cases for garage door openers, cell phones, electrical and electronic appliances. This revolution in the plastic welding industry is advantageous for high-end manufacturing with a speedy and highly replicated procedure and is also helpful in data reporting for end result tracking.

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