The Word is Out

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Word is Out Discursive : Is Valentine’s day Commercial? Interviewing Mrs. Tighe Ask Dave My total y cliché Valentine’s Day Just another Valentine Valentines Fail Valentines Traditions Hot and Not

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Roses are pink, butterflies are yellow; Valentine’s day is totally shallow – period! Every Valentine’s day, I feel lost, strange even, for not buying a rose or whatever else is on sale. Year after year, everyone would buy one, a few, or a whole bunch to stick on that special person’s locker. Usually the foe-nies who actually have a reputation to keep. So, guilt and peer pressure forces me to get my friends a rose each if I have spare change, in an attempt to get myself in the Valentine’s spirit, but I never do. It’s not that I hate Valentine’s Day. I’m no wemo; one of those people who wear black and slump against walls and make people think they’ve been heartbroken, and therefore have no intention to celebrate the day of love and feel sorry for them while they “cry” alone. It’s alright, but like most holidays, is utterly pointless – if you ask me! Just because it’s the 14th of February, you have to buy a rose for Napo Village and give it to someone you think you are in “like” with. But at least we raise money for the kids, right? I wonder if they have an iPad? It seems everyone else has a purpose for their roses - not the Napo roses - but fresh ones that young men often make a 10 minutes dash to the f lorists to buy in the traffic of the night and pay triple the ordinary price for. This includes my love-struck, loser brother who a couple of nights ago splurged all his COD4 savings on for a huge bunch of f lowers with a bow in-between and silver locket for some girl. Then, the day after he was so happy to see me and even let me have the T V control so I could actually watch New Girl. I’m sure he said he would help me wit h my Science homework too but I’m sure I must have heard him wrong. But tonight he’s even worse! He didn’t even speak to me when I was deliberately trying to mimic him for ages – it normally drives him insane. Earlier on, I might be wrong but I’m sure I saw a tear run down his cheek when he heard Bieber’s ‘Baby…Baby… Baby…Oh’ but surely not?! I’m guessing he rejected then - crash and burn for CODS sake!

with Mr. Tighe, Narissa Birtwistle and Rupert Ottinger. Hello everyone! Now back to everyone’s favourite show… “Word is Out!” Today on our discursive segment, we will be discussing something all of our viewers have been asking about. We have had hundreds of letters, eighty four asking just this question. What is it? Well, take it away Narissa!

Narissa: Thank you Mr. Tighe! Our question this time is quite a good one if I do say so myself. Is Valentine’s Day too commercial? I’ll be on the Yes, Rupert will be on the No. Rupert: People, seriously, what is this all about? Valentine’s Day is not commercial at all, because shop-sellers need to earn money sometime and Valentine’s Day is just another opportunity. It’s traditions people are sticking to and it has nothing to do with money. Narissa: Well, ok, I am pretty sure about what I think, so let’s get cracking!

You guys are lucky to have me…I’m strange. This’ll be fun! Okay. So, yes, this day is just too commercial! Sure, girls buy chocolates to give to their so called “crushes”. The chocolate is too overpriced! It may be tradition but it is just a bit too much here. These shops are taking advantage of us and the tradition; they are practically stealing your money! …Okay…that’s a bit of an overstatement. Still though! These girls and some boys I guess, are buying these presents for their crushes, only to GET crushed when they are denied! Rupert: That of course, is true, but still I reckon it won’t be fun if no one buys stuff just saying: It’s too commercial anyway.


Wasting your money on chocolate to woo a guy is not true love…that just sounded cheesy. Well, I am actually serious…I mean…how do you even know he loves you? He could just be there for the chocolate…or bragging right from the millions of flowers you buy. And another thing. I’m talking so I’m allowed to use bad grammar okay? It’s script writing! I mean…IT’S TALKING! Well, the real point is that you will waste your money…and all those TV shows based on Valentine’s Day? Purely for money. Don’t you see? Why have Valentine’s day? It’s just an excuse to go on a date with someone! Really… It is…but…then again…your talking to an amateur on love sooooo….LISTEN TO ABOSOLUTELY EVERYTHING I SAY! Yep! I definitely not clueless! (*cough*sacasm*cough*) I AM VERY CERTAIN THOUGH! Even if I am clueless (Which I am soooooooooo not) I know that this day is commercial….no questions asked. Well, that about wraps it up!

Rupert: Still, I think I am sure my part is the correct one. You see, the whole point of the day is to find love, and you need to find love with presents, obviously shops are needed. Narissa: Yes, but shops equal money and so much money is put into that day with no common sense at all. Rupert: You are really fussy about money, Narissa, don’t you at all get what Valentine’s Day is about? Narissa: Ugh, Rupert, really, we are in a TV-Show, a discursive no fight. I guess back to Mr. Tighe and I’m saying again: Do not spend a single penny on Feb 14th, it will make your crush crush you. Thank you. Well folks! That concludes our session on discursive! Tune in next time when we will be discussing: “Can See you next time!

straws really KILL you?”

I’m feeling really relaxed and so far I’m enjoying it. 

Not yet. We are going to wait for a surprise. 

Yes but it’s a secret. 

I like the variety that it offers everyday and I like the students and how enthusiastic they are. 

I like the people that I work with. We share lots of ideas and I

like the fact that I can teach a huge range of literature to the

I didn’t really make one because I always end up breaking



Always try to be open-minded and respectful of other people’s Mrs. Tighe: Not that I know of. But probably go out for a ideas. nice romantic meal. 

I suppose I’d probably be a zoologist or any jobs related to animals or zoology. Zoology sounds really interesting.

Mrs. Tighe: I haven’t really thought that far ahead. Probably keep it the same and try to make it comfortable and baby-friendly.

Dear Dave, My best friend is a boy and we have lots of fun together. He’s really sweet and funny, but lately I think I like him more as a friend...what should I do? If I tell him how I feel I’m scared I’ll ruin our relationship… MissUtterlyConfused

Dear MissUtterlyConfused, Wow, that’s a tricky one. It’s difficult to give really specific advice without knowing a bit more about the situation, but here are a few suggestions for how could deal with this. The first thing I’d suggest is to take things slowly and be sure about your feelings before doing anything. If these feelings for your friend have only come out recently, I’d suggest waiting to see if they are still there in a few weeks, because emotions can sometimes change depending on our situation and mood. One thing I would suggest is a bad idea is getting your friends or his friends involved to try and find out if he likes you or not. Given that you two are already good friends, you shouldn’t have to reply on other people to sort this one out. If you decide that your feelings for him are genuine and you want to do something about it then I’d advise you to again, take things a bit slowly. You are right to be a bit worried about possibly ruining the friendship you have now – there is a chance that could happen if you’re not careful. Maybe try taking some really small steps to progress the friendship a bit, such as chatting to him a bit more outside of school, or finding a small project you could work on together. If he seems OK with this, then try taking another small step. If he doesn’t seem to respond so well to this, then you know that maybe he’s not interested in the friendship developing any further at the moment and hopefully no real harm has been done. You’ll have to deal with the disappointment that maybe he doesn’t feel the same way about you, but that’s another issue. At some point though you will need to address the issue with him a bit more directly. Obviously timing is very important, but maybe a question like “Do you think the two of us could ever be more than just friends?” could work, if asked in the right way. If he pulls a horrible face and starts laughing, you could just laugh along and pretend you were just thinking about sometime way into the future if neither of you ever found anyone else. If of course he smiles and looks curious, you could say something like “Oh, nothing, I was just wondering”. But you’ve opened the possibility of something developing. Hope this gives you some ideas to start with. Good luck! Cheers, Dave

My total y cliché From the point of view of a young girl called Magen- “I wouldn’t be so sure if I were you,” Andre said, I dismissed the thoughts, and grabbed my ta Hills. chuckling. “You’re extremely popular, what wit h you books for calculus. having two friends and all that.” Harper said nothing but snorted and lifted her eyebrows up slightly. First, second and third period whizzed by in an incomprehensible blur, and I soon found myself sit“Oh please. Everyone knows that you have your eye ting at our usual table for lunch. By ‘our’ I mean me, on Chastity Norman,” I joked, rolling my eyes once the orchestra freak, Andre, the photographer, and more. The blonde haired, hot-bodied head cheerleader Harper, the animal-print-mad designer. Ah, how I Valentine’s day is fast approaching, and it’s the had everyone’s vote for prettiest girl. Every guy in loved our quaint little group. I sat down and stuck time for overpriced chocolate truff les, love cards school had the hots for her, but she was only inter- my straw in the milk carton. from anonymous admirers, and invisible girls and ested in Andre. Andre, the school photographer. Andre, the virtual nobody. Andre, my best friend. “I have something to show you guys,” I said, gripboys getting their dreams crushed. ping the rose behind my back. “Act like cheerleaders The latter tensed and looked away. I felt kind of That’s why I always keep my nose out of Valentine’s bad, and I was about to apologize when the first for a second.” day, our school’s annual dance, and all the lovebell rang. The three of us scattered to our lockers, “Like OhMyGawd Okayyyy tellzz meeee,” Harper struck teenagers who f loat around trying to woo aware that we would be late for first period. imitated, adjusting her gorgeous auburn hair. It was their crushes. As I walked into school, I suppressed Spinning my lock like a pro, I yanked the metal door so unfair. Both my friends were good-looking and the urge to throw up on the petal-strewn pink open to get my books when a single red rose fell to talented: Harper had light brownish locks that made carpet that led to the main hallway of Callhill girls like me want to scream to the mountaintops, High School. (My Grandparents started the place the f loor at my feet. I stooped to pick it up. and she designed and made amazing dresses. She - Magenta Hills, CallHILL- geddit?) Jocks were OhMyGOD. I was the outcast in our school. The emo sold one of her Marie Antoinette outfits on eBay leaning against the lockers, pretending to be actual (but not really) freak. No one in their right mind for almost $400 once. As for Andre, he had magic men that they would never even come close to. The would like a person like me. I’ve never gotten a rose, hands. Put a Nikon in his palms and he could click cheerleaders, in their stupor and girly haireit her. Not even the time when Finnick McEnroy, away and come out with an album that made you twirliness, fell for their idiotic pick-up jokes hook, the school’s best wrestler, declared his undying love look a million bucks. All I did was blow on my stupid line and sinker. for me. It would have been cool, having a super buff clarinet and hope that my spit didn’t drip out the I suddenly found myself f lanked by my two best fighter falling head over heels for you, but they wore bottom end. I realized I was daydreaming and friends, Andre Silas and Harper Pendragon. (Her singlets when they wrestled. I mean, SINGLETS! snapped out of it, quickly brandishing the rose parents claim that they were very much related to EW! He moved away shortly to Sweden, and I’ve proudly. not seen him since, though we still keep in touch via King Arthur.) Harper’s eyes widened. snail mail. Perhaps he shipped it over? Maybe “And so begins the day of eternal suffering,” I tipped some money-crazed student to leave it in my “OHMYGOD! Maggie!! I’m so happy for you!!” stated dryly, rolling my eyes. “As usual, I won’t locker? But none of it made sense. she laughed good-naturedly. “But weren’t you even get a single Valentine or a stupid lump of chocagainst Valentine’s day, like, a couple of hours ago?” olate.”

I shrugged and smiled. “I’m not that excited. I just want to find out who gave it to me so I can thank him.”

After three hours of stalking and eye batting, I finally returned home and flopped down on my bed, drained of Andre just sat and smiled. “Typical of you to be serious energy. Tomorrow was Valentine’s Day, and I don’t even on Valentine’s day,” he said playfully. I guess all that have a date for the dance. Tucking myself in without giving a second thought about whether or not I should was said this morning was forgiven. shower. I lay in my bed with the lights off and began to “Who is going to take you to the dance?” Harper asked. ponder. My dreams led me to a horrifying conclusion. “That is, assuming you are going.” The minutes and hours whizzed by, and before I knew it, “I’ll go if I find the guy.” And that is how our conversation I was in Harper’s (HUMONGOUS) walk-in closet, and ended, for the bell rang and we scrambled off to class.sheI was squeezing (ok, squeezing might be a bit too headed off to Spanish and Andre and Harper went toover-the-top) Social me into a white knee-length strapless dress with a royal blue sash. My hair was pinned up into Studies. a (moderately) messy pile on my head. Loose strands After school, I met up with Harper and Andre at the framed my face. It suited me perfectly. I brushed a park, which was right across from Callhill High’s main raven and dark blue strand from my face (I had to beg entrance. my mum to get the highlights done, and she finally “Let’s begin operation ‘find Mr. Rose-giver’,” I said, allowed the colour that blended in most with my hair.) plopping my backpack and books onto the picnic table in I would have been jumping up and down with joy, but I front of us. Andre snorted. wasn’t feeling up to it. I coughed, to mask my subtle joy, and went outside to the limousine before Harper could even open her mouth. Not allowing me to think so much as one negative thought without her, she followed me in, I sighed. He didn’t understand the gravity of the pushing me playfully. Her Autumn-brown dress ruffled situation. “I’m going to search the faces of every guy in loudly, as if it were patronizing me. Once we were in, I town if I have to! Harper, you with me?” popped a sprite (I HATE COKE) and stared moodily But the latter shook her head solemnly. “Sorry, Mag- out the window. gie. I really want to help you, I do, but I think that I’d “You’re not going to get the attention, you know,” Harper have to go with Andre. He’ll come to you.” said matter-of-factly as the limo rolled out of the PenAnd with those words of horrible, dream crushing weight, dragons’ parking lot. “I know you’re being moody so I can they picked up their books and left me to sit there like a ask you what’s wrong, and so you can moan to me about loner. how you don’t have a date and how all hope in the world I sighed and began my walk to the consolatory ice cream, is gone.” Damnit, she knew me too well. “What? Just wait for him. I’m sure he’ll come to you either before the dance or sooner, even.”

when I caught a glimpse of…Andre! With….CHASTITY!?!? So he was going to the dance with the she-devil….. This only made me all the more determined, because if Andre had a date, then I had to get one as well. I couldn’t be the only one in school without a date. I skipped the whippy and stalked off.

I gave in and told her all about my three hours yesterday. “I know it’s not ideal, Maggie, but like I said earlier, your dream guy is going to show up during the V-day Dance! Keep hope, young padawan.” Harper didn’t

carry on, so I knew that the subject was closed.. I walked into the dance room (ahem, GYM) and immediately stepped out when I saw Andre by the drinks. I didn’t want to face him. After all, wasn’t he going to go to the dance with Chastity? With all the thoughts whirling inside my head, I had stopped to actually collect myself. In the time gap, Andre had quickly spotted me, hurried over, and dragged me to the corner of the room. I twisted my wrist from his near solid grasp. “Where’s pretty little Chastity?” I was spitting venom, and almost slapped him when he grinned. What a cocky little smile. “Sadly, Miss Norman won’t be joining us tonight.” I choked. “W-what? I thought you were going to be her escort!” He smiled again, but it didn’t look anywhere near the one I saw before. It wasn’t a cocky smirk: It was a gleaming, bright, beautiful ray of… Gums. And teeth. But it was beautiful nonetheless. It was then that I realized. What I had summed up in the brief events of last night all came roaring back to me in a mighty wave of hormones. I was in love with Andre Silas. And he was in love with me. He left the rose. He gave me HINTS for goodness sake! He told me that the perfect guy would come to me at the dance, and he was absolutely right. A gleam in his eye, Andre smiled (yet again) and took my hand, as if he knew what I was thinking. I’m pretty sure he did. “Would you like to dance?” he asked politely. Suppressing the urge to scream ‘yes’, I nodded, swallowed, and followed him. The rose he gave me, the first sign he ever gave that was proof of his love, lay hidden in the inside folds of my dress. I fingered it the fabric where the flower was, then put my hands round Andre’s neck. The rose could wait. And I guess that was that.

Just Another ValentiByne..Sarah Lim With Valentines comes awkwardness, "What does it mean?" they pry, And so began my pondering, Of quite how to reply. This question though straightforward, Took me much by surprise, As through my hopeful childhood times, I'd rarely thought of guys. The February Fourteenths past, Have never been cause of joy, No girl's ever made a heart-shaped card, For that one special boy. How'd I spend my first 'day of love’, As a Secondary kid? Perhaps I'd shrug and look absurd, But that, I already did. With Valentines comes awkwardness, "What does it mean?" they say, And I reply without a doubt: "Its just another day!"

My palm sweats. I look across the crowds. Look at him.

privately?” A flawless smile crosses my face, “Sure,” I say

My friend shoves my lightly in the back. “Come on, don’t nonchalantly. We move off to the side slightly. “Will you be a wimp.” But I can’t do it, I can’t. I smile to myself, take be my valentine?” I am twirled around and a rose is a deep breath. I CAN do it. I close my eyes.

pressed into my fingers. I laugh at the way our words

I open them. His glance slides over the crowd, resting on

tumble out as one. “Sure,” the word trips off my tongue

me. Slowly, a bright smile spreads its way across his face.

perfectly, seemingly as if it was meant to be in that exact

The beautiful spheres that look out on the world, in all

tone, that blasé, cool tone. The rest of the day passes in a

there deep green glory. Effortlessly, I glide across the floor, blur of embraces and laughter. At the end of the day, we knowing that my hair and makeup look brilliant. Out of

exchange one, last, lingering hug. A whisper of breath

the corner of my eye, I am vaguely aware of boys making

swoops into my ear… “I love you.”

double takes and girls staring, eyes filled with jealousy.

And then I open my eyes for real. He doesn’t turn. He

As I come closer, he stands to greet me. “Can we talk…

doesn’t look. He doesn’t smile. “No,” I say. I walk away.

‘Bangkok Patana School, dating February the 9th. Valentine’s Day is coming close, somehow the school is going crazy. I am Rupert Ottinger, reporter of the magazine WORD IS OUT, and I have started a competition named: THE WEIRDEST TRADITION ON FEB 14TH, so yea, our first candidate: Phil Brown…’

Still good research and a nice sign if someone would marry you, 7 out of 10. Now Marius Ferdinand. ‘Some people looked at birds to predict love future. They say if a robin flew over a woman’s head on Valentine’s Day, she would marry a sailor. If it were a sparrow she would marry a poor man and be very happy, but if it were a goldfinch, she would marry a millionaire.’

‘In England it was a tradition a few centuries ago that ‘Amazing details, wonderful research. 10 out of 10. Marchildren dressed up as adults and walked from house to velous, Marius. Now one of the last four: Luisa Binns.’ house, singing a song. One verse of this song goes like this: There are chairs built for couples to sit in which are called Good morning to you, valentine; love seats. They are wide chairs in an S-shape. First it was Curl your locks as I do mine made to seat one woman with her wide dress, but later it Two before and three behind. changed and now has two sections for couples to sit in Good morning to you, valentine.’ together but not to closely.

‘Stop, stop that’s terrible singing! Still, I think I like that idea of children having fun on a very special day. Phil Brown, 6 out of 10. Next, who was it again? Ah yes, Mark Lake.’

‘In the Middle Ages, it was a habit that you would draw names from a bowl to see who their valentines would be. These names would be worn on their sleeves for one week. No some people say ‘you wear your heart on your sleeve’ which means that it is easy for other people to know how you are feeling.’

‘Nice work, Luisa, but not one of those big traditions. I think 6 would be an appropriate mark. Where I am just looking on my list, I see the next following three are presenting as a group. ‘The Lovers’, not an amazing name, but still I would like to greet them.’

‘Yes. We are a group presenting myths some people still believe. Hold a red, juicy apple in your hand and think of seven names either boys or girls you might marry. Recite the names in no specific order when twisting the stem of the apple. The name you said when the stem came off is the ‘Oh, now I know what that saying means and where it comes name of the person you will marry. Pick a dandelion that from! Ah yea, nice research there, but I don’t like the idea has gone to seed. Take a deep breath and blow the seeds of picking random valentines. Still, that’s 8 out of 10. away. The number of how many children you will have, is the Maria Ibertsberger, please.’ number of the seeds left on the stem. You will also find out In Wales you would give out a carved wooden love spoon to how many children you will have, cutting an apple in half. your valentine. It would be full with keys and keyholes, what Again count the seeds and you know how many children you means: You unlock my heart. will get.’

‘Nice and short, good explaining, I like the idea with the keys. Full marks. Alfi Berto next.’ In some countries a typical Valentine gift is a piece of clothing. If the woman keeps it, she must marry him.

‘Uhm, you too very good, but any examples about the countries? And also don’t really approve the tradition.

‘Uhm, yes, very long speech, but interesting facts. I think 7 out of 10. Which makes two people draw first: Maria Ibertsberger and Marius Ferdinand. Thank you for reading our report.’

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