Dust Journal #2

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Between photo providing, advertisi and giggle like a giant tickle-me-e on a devil dandruf

::If Pelé is to kicking wh You most certainly Pelé’d

Thanks to Isaac for l Mr. B you pulled toge

ing coordinator and giving me a reason to wake up elmo; Brian Barnhart gives more than Mother Teresa ff bender. More thanks than I can give to you Bean.

hat Paris Hilton is to Life’s ass then Grady my friend; d the shite outa some Paris. Thanks for the photos ::

laying down a sweet ass interview. Again with the help of ether some killer shots with a story that can inspire lives.

Bottoms up to you Sons of do not care, hip shaking, standers of every podium at the not yet exisiting “Who gives a Shit Olympics”. Also, wanted to thank the sweet sour hearts over at The Last People. Give it up and put em down boys


::rider::punjab aka 2008 boty winner::pic::mr. barnh

::some stuff::

::something real important::

::contents page. wait that’s what this is. who’s the editor here already? out racing dogs?::

::something not important::

Chris Doyle / Brian Yeagle / Tom Arkus / Ryan Melia / Kevin Porter / Jason T


Tyrawa / Lil John / Chase Zink / Brandan Pundai / Tony Cardona / Weird Mike

What is it about a person that makes them a hero? There is no standard or written measurements for qualifying someone as a “hero”. Is it simply someone who can do something you could only dream of? If so, all you special little snowflakes out there are heroes in one way or another. My friend with two kids a wife and a house. Maybe, that little pervert Danny Pors who can pee over his shoulder. Perhaps my own mother who can triple letter score with six Q’s and a Y. Let’s narrow it down for ease sake. What if we are just talking heroes in BMX? The only reason I even talk about this is because I see a drawing concern for whom, we as a BMX community hold up on our shoulders. We watch videos of mutant kids spinning more than drunken ballerinas on obstacles bigger than Wesley Snipes forehead (if we were all ants). Put your chin straight in the air, hold your nose and repeat after me... mmmm what’s better style of tricks? Quit being so snobby. No one gives a half a shite. I’ll personally buy the first beer for the dude out there with sweaty palms, a smile on his face and, forgive me for cheesing, love of what he is doing. So fuck you and your silver pedestals walked on only by those who have the (nose up again) best style or best tricks. This is a hobby that I grew up with that was always and should always be about laughing with your friends, aka your heroes. But then again I might be way off. Just look at Brain Foster. If you don’t know this picture makes me stare at it till I look like one of those cat clocks with the swinging tails. ::photo:: Mr. B


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me. st ti e la e th with st lik mes is ju we ll fra idea e sti ime The som his t ine e es. T omb of th hero To c f my ction d e s ds o r an do a wor owe just the e sh o h t t over ded ur in and deci ver n yo

::rider::jimmy nutter::

::rider::shawn shoener(spell?)::

::rider::mark mulville::

::rider::charles hawk::

::rider::pete::pic:99.9 the hawk::

hen I was growing we were told over and over again that if you work hard enough you will get rewarded. I guess in some respects this is true in our case because, after all, we did get to ride some jumps. But the end result? Where is the reward for a situation with so many positive and so few negatives... in the end? We are not in the woods soaking day old bread in gasoline and huffing back on some slow-down-sandwhiches. It is a bunch of good guys, escaping the real word and attempting to create their own world of fun, hard work and in the end, accomplishments. Maybe it is best to step back and look at our situation not as an individual problem but a problem that is wide spread. Here is a (way too common) scenario: A young man, age 17, rides his BMX bike into a set of woods and comes across an acre of jumps. He has never jumped anything like what is before him. But he saw it on the X-Games so what could go wrong? Right? He walks his bike to the top of the hill and looks at the first jump. His hands are sweating. He is nervous. I mean, after all, he knows that what he is about to do could hurt him. He knows this. He cranks up to the jump and BAM what do you know? Not even close to the landing and what else do you know? Broken arm. He wails and goes back to Mom and Dad to take him to the hospital. Oh little billy, you know Mom and Dad don’t have any health insurance for you. What

were you thinking? ::rider::jai bone::pic:brain barnhart::

Well we can’t afford thousands of dollars to get you fixed up. Where are these jumps at the you got yourself hurt on? Well I know that those jumps were put there by someone. Come to think of it, it probably took them hours and hours and hours of work to put those jumps there so this was no accident at all. I have an idea, “Let’s blame them.” What do you think? I realize this is something that all trail riders have thought about and more than likely have been affected by. Infected by.

::rider::clipper::pic:vince mcmann::

We all talk about this problem but no one knows what to do. It’s the law and that is the way it is. Fuck that. If you get on a bike, skateboard, or into a room with a trampoline floor velcro walls and weaing a velcro suit their is a part of you that realizes that you might get hurt. That is common sense. It is not, however, common law. I realize it is a far shot but we set up a petition. The idea is to get as many signatures as we can and take it to our local

representative and push this idea into law. If we can put responsiblity into our own hands, our own nervous sweaty hands, to accept the fact that if you are jumping a bike into the air you might get hurt then people who own the land. The people who can put up skate parks, the people who can make things better... will. I realize this has been a battle for the ages but isn’t it time we picked up some mouth wash and fought this bad breathed dragon?


::rider::ryan hillegass::pic:not ryan hillegass::

I have filled up in mansions in England and slept in dumpster behind a strip club in Philly. I’ve seen paintings from Van Gogh and danced till I threw up to the Go Go’s. I watched the stock market go up, I’ve watched the stock market go down. I’ve watched my ass get wiped by a corn stock. Bragged about elegant dinners and giggled about elegant “done hers”. I’ve seen best friend take their lives and was their when best friends brought a life into this world. I have few regrets because “re” means to do again, and I can’t remember the last time I gretted a damn thing, let alone, again. I drank wine in France and learned to say “Wee-wee” right before a took a wee-wee on a French castle. Life has treated/taught me a lot of things. I have taken a lot of things in life for granted and granted a lot of shit things to “that’s life.” I have punched, crawled, rode, giggled, cried and lip sang Louie Louie through life with nothing but the friends on my back. I look back and wonder what it would be like without them. May the wind be at your backs, the sun in your face and a drink forever in your hand boys.


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Im neither this nor that, no nothing to be exact, you cant put a nome on me, Im just a little mystery Name/Age/Hometown/Occupation? Isaac. 25.Frankfort, Il.Thinker.I drive hairy mean monster machines for money. Where are you currently living? Describe your living situation. Chicago. I love Chicago. I live in a truck yard outside. There is a penski moving truck and I sleep in its box..it gets cold and fairly creepy at night when I get back there, it makes up of about a whole square block in size and there are trucks and heavy machinery and dump boxes and buses and trailers and barbed wire and steel and scrap and gravel and trains that run swiftly behind the alley next to it.. Its quiet and I do whatever I want back there, no one around but me and I can see the city so bright lighting the backdrop of my kingdom and mmmmm..Its paradise free and easy..I store my fruit and nuts in a shed..Gathering fire wood is the constant endeavor..No electric here. How and why is you get into truck driving? Cause I love to blaze and rip. Ever pick up any lot lizards? No. Describe the meaning of “Bahdousche!” The sound your tires make when you catch perfect tranny. Or the feeling you get when you bite into a piece of Ginger. Any other lingo you would like to discuss? Smokestack Lightning What does scoping dialers mean? Assessment and probability observation How did you get on your wild kick of eating so fresh? Natural causes and enlightenment..I just wanna be strong as a mule..How did u know that the 19 bean soup would be such a success? With that many beans, come on..really could you go wrong? How much to Are you a gypsy?

eat a “felet o fish” meal supersize from mickey d’s? You dont have enough. On average how many



meal a day, a t of we ime, and nd how I e man dont y eu Top d. Why s so m moke to five ro c b on D Wood u a y,Wh ylan son ch Bob cco anym es? Alw en th ays Death ore b Dyla gs? e W u n I love of Hatie C Ship Com ent to Se ? I love t plenty B e a e is rid you baby rrol. Fav s In, Hig the Gyps obby D. y h o iculou ,Song way rite Fav favo o 6 s l rite , I will n rite lin yric fro 1, Lones to om e m ri o Mike Wiatr ders? Jo t answer from a any son e e yo ride ow, M m g r ikey Rich, Garr ur questi ovie? T ? the ? I love P h on et arisi, a high to Ryan , Tony Car . Top fiv t spe go fast nam d M e e a on n e d e many for tha 360 ski d go high lia Are y a, Chase, t o d t to let tire death trick? S roll out hats it. W u a soul ki ha ? s. So the ti of t fun a d 180 has Do you ts with he fi res leav n h been de e rst the c ave a real the grou asy. Yo au nd. W u don dir t t eve se of jum h a t n p yo was have ur t h r hi e name t? F


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So apparently there is this thing called a NORA Cup or something that gives awards for all aspects of BMX. Well ya forgot one... what’s it called? It started everything in BMX and is the somehow confused with a bunch of half dicks riding on the same substance (dirt). Oh right, that’s what it is TRAILS. “I knew we forgot something.” Thank God for the AxelCup. And the red carpet got rolled out for a very good reason this year. And Dust was there to cover every second...

::2:: ::1:: ::3::

::1:: Robbo performed live with Britney Spears after being given the infamous RubberBones award. Congrats Senior Robbo. ::2:: Tony Cardova arrived in an elegant gown, I believe Versacci, and walked away with the ever favored MostDoNotCarer Award. ::3:: Mikey Pansi showed up with a pregnant what’s her name? We were going to ask if it was his but he was beating up Brad Pitt. He received best video part for his action stunts in the new Vinyl Video. ::4:: And the crowd was star struck when Chris Sales rolled up to the carpet. This legend received the Lifetime Achievement award. When asked how he felt for winning this prestigious award he simply replied, “Hey’s he Sack?”



Round the world and home again That’s the sailor’s way Faster faster, faster faster There’s no earthly way of knowing Which direction we are going

re’s no knowing where we’re rowing Or which way the river’s flowing

Is it raining, is it snowing Is a hurricane a-blowing Not a speck of light is showing So the danger must be growing Are the fires of Hell a-glowing Is the grisly reaper mowing Yes, the danger must be growing For the rowers keep on rowing And they’re certainly not showing Any signs that they are slowing -- Roald Dahl


hepeop ucts: www.wet more 2009 prod





TOPTUBE: 21”, HT: 75°, ST: 71°


Why is it that the most colorful guy involved in BMX runs a company called Blacken? Do you get it? You see what happened was I used two words that in normal context would be similar but used them against each other. You see, it’s a form of humour. Not a very good one but you get the point. Not like that so called form of humour... the Pun. The pun is considered humour by most but I am here to say that is no doubt the lowest form. The guy in the

ironed white shirt thinks he is so damn clever ever time a word comes up when he can relate it to a different situation. You, of course, stand there and exhale out a half assed giggle and force every muscle in your face to resemble a smirk. It is not at all funny. And the puns should not only be stopped by any means possible but should be punished in society. Much like a dog puncher or Grandmother wedgy giver. My only regret at this point is that I had to connect this negative article with a picture of such a positive dude. Down with puns. Up with Rock and Roll. Prost. ::pics::barnhart::




[ G E T T I N G


K N O W ]

[pics and interview by barnhart]

FAVORITE FOOD Pretty much anything Mexican FAVORITE 3 MAGAZINES I don’t really read magazines much … I guess Dig (back when I knew who the riders were), National Geographic, and skateboarding magazines for finding shoes FAVORITE3 WEBSITES: Wikipedia, Axelrad, YouTube FAVORITE 5 RIDERS: Joe Rich, Josh Stricker, Kris Bennett, Chase Hawk, Mike Aitken FAVORITE 5 TRAILS YOU HAVE EVER RIDEN: Minersville, Nam, Posh, Catty, State College FAVORITE 3 BMX videos: Style Cats, Uncharted Territory, Anthem FAVORITE 3 BANDS OF ALL TIME: Cream is up there, Black Sabbath even though that’s a lame answer, and Metallica FAVORITE 3 BANDS CURRENTLY: Lately I’ve been back to Isis, Braid, and for some reason I can’t stop listening to the self-titled Clutch album FAVORITE 3PLACES YOU’VE TRAVELED TO: Japan, Italy, Portugal FAVORITE BAR: Burgundy Room maybe? Cha Cha Lounge is good too FAVORITE DRINK: Diet Pepsi FAVORITE THING ABOUT DUNNY: He’ll call you out in a world-wide magazine. BMX legend or not FAVORITE 3 SHOWS YOU’VE BEEN TO: Murder City Devils in Austin

(even though I slept through the first song under the stairs), Metallica/Danzig at the Allentown fair grounds, Floor at the Church FAVORITE 3 BOOKS: The Godfather, Post Office, Too Fat To Fish FAVORITE 3 MOVIES: Beverly Hills Cop (1, 2, and 3), The Burbs, Used Cars FAVORITE SEASON: Fall I guess FAVORITE 3 HOBBIES: Riding, Rocking Out, Traveling FAVORITE MIKE FOX STORY: Haha, where did that question come from? Probably when he told a bunch of us, “You never know what you might get in an Easter egg in my house, you might get a piece of dog shit”. Or when a cop supposedly asked him what was in his bag and he said, “Olde English, motherfucker” FAVORITE THING ABOUT AXELRAD: Trievel seriously does not care FAVORITE ECD VIDEO Uncharted Territory, no question FAVORITE BABE: Penelope Cruz maybe? And pretty much every girl I saw in Spain FAVORITE OUT OF TOWN GUEST: Any of the dudes from Japan. And Chicago Mike FAVORITE PHOTOGRAPHER: Chris Hallman FAVORITE HOLIDAY: 4th Of July FAVORITE QUOTE: “Hey look at that guy’s hair” – Mike Janis in Key West, talking about some idiot with red spiked hair, about a foot from the guy and obviously loud enough for him to hear

1. You work ver y hard and many hour s, what is it that makes you want to party and live the good life so hard when most people would rest? the way i see it, you only get one go at it. life is just ticking away, not decade by decade, but second by second. some may never do a anything, but live in that same god forsaken town in which they were raised for some 80 odd years. that wasn’t me growing up, i always had to be doing something, whether it was playing in the woods, riding my bike, spending time in medivacs, etc. i just had to. i guess that’s how i arrived at this point of no return, its a progression and once you’ve choose your path it becomes this funnel that leads you to many doors and i do not just want to go through one, i have to open every fuckin door. every time you open another there are thirty more just like it, all with a new experience behind them. this funnel really started to open when i started to ride my bike at the age of 15, i met my best friends, and started to travel. i always had a lust for luxuries and and surround myself with a gazillion electronics, but it was when i started to travel that i knew i had to find the right job. i just want to take in all i can and party to the end. so, i bust my balls at work for three months or so at like 90 hours a week just to bank money which will lead to this next adventure i have in mind. and now more than ever it has come apparent that i have to. along with a new lease on life it has kinda become like a meth addiction. the rest, that will come when i’m dead. your only here once and if you not going to use it up to the fullest, yur just wasting up space. 2 . D o y o u f e e l b e t t e r w h e n y o u h a v e f u n o r w h e n a f r i e n d h a s f u n ? can we both have fun? i definitely want my friends to have fun, its like a passion, i just hope i have fun as well. i’m always trying to create something for everyone to do and its their choice if they want to jump on that train. hopefully they can, but if yur skeptical i can almost promise you a good time. so if you have the chance, giv it a whirl, get off the couch and turn it up. if yur having fun i’m pleased maybe, one day, if i get a hold of a plane and a pilot who is willing to sign up for the mission, you can be in on one of my more crazier ideas. forget those drunk buses i ran, it’s all about zee plane, the toxins, and the destoes. and this will not be for those friday nighters. you must have stamina for this hell bender. i’m just glad my friends have become so tight knit as we once were. there were a few years where everyone split up into these smaller clicks and nobody hung out. for me that was a real bummer but now we are like 4 years strong, basically ever since NAM was plowed. we just came together for the good. that alone makes me grin on the daily. now if they would just trek to philly a bit more often.

3. If you could person in the d would it be and idk, maybe G.W., hunte barger, john muir....so brianna banks. i’d plow action you’d know why

4. You, in my o grasp on what i you think you a i had an awesome moth nessed her suffer for a world with my very own on what life was. the w sort of stepped up a kn my friends also had a l in the days of NAM. i h live by and nothing wil

5. If you wer you knew this turn it up or minimum answ since i don’t have a wil because i have a plan f important to me (it will could be there). but if i some sketchy shit cause of shit or maybe buy a bunch of c4 and suicide

go shot for shot with one ark for one day straight who d why? er s.t., ken kesey, renee renee, sonny many, actually how about adult film actress, w for the night and if you have seen her in y.

pinion, seem to have a better is important in life. How do arrived to this personality? her, god bless her! i think that after i wityear or so and watched her clock out of this n eyes from 10 feet it gave me new thoughts way i did things, the way i treated people, it notch or two. it’s all about the karma train. lot to do with it. things got a little wierd back have my ethics, integrity, and the code that i ll ever change that.

e to die in two days and s. Do you think you would write wills? (25 word wer or more) ll yet it would have to be a little of both for my funeral and it’s a vision that is l probably be wierd for people, i wish i i knew, i would prolly take some risks doing e i was to die any way. like base jumping off ticket to afganistan, rig myself up with a e bomb bin laden!

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