10 Reasons to Use ESL CONVERSATION GAMES while Teaching English Overseas

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ESL CONVERSATION GAMES – THE SEQUEL TO ESL CONVERSATION GAMES 1 This ESL Conversation Game is one of my most popular games of all time! All of the students love to compete against one another to see who the best is... and this game always awards the best! This ESL Conversation Game is basically just a spelling race. When I say, "Spelling Race," I mean two students will come up to the board; the teacher will say a word and the two students will try to write the word. Which ever student writes the word correctly first wins. Write every students name on the board like so: 1. Bill 2. Sally 3. Tom 4. Jerry 5. Susan 6. Jim 7. Candy 8. Jack 9. Toby 10. Mitch 11. Pat 12. Mary Jo Call up the first two students. Say a word for them to write. Which ever student loses the spelling race ~ erase their name EX. Round 1 1. Bill 2. X 3. Tom 4. X 5. X 6. Jim 7. Candy 8. X 9. X 10. Mitch 11. X 12. Mary Jo

ESL CONVERSATION GAMES – THE SEQUEL TO ESL CONVERSATION GAMES 1 ( The X means that they are out of the game. ) In round 2 the ESL students that won the first round of the spelling race will battle each other in another spelling race. EX. Round 2 1. Bill 3. X 7. Candy 10. Mitch 12. X Depending on the amount of ESL students that are in your class ~ you may have three students in the finals. For the final round... I usually get the students to write three words. The winner of the spelling race is the student that is student which wins the final round: Ex. Final Round 1. X 7. X 10 Mitch ( Mitch is the winner and the best speller in the class!) Good luck teaching English! Try this game in your class the next time that you are doing spelling; the students will absolutely love it! Hey! Do you want to watch a video of this ESL game as well as 50 more ESL games on video? Then cllick here: http://www.squidoo.com/eslgames_hgb


ESL CONVERSATION GAMES – THE SEQUEL TO ESL CONVERSATION GAMES 1 Living in Asia for the past five years of my life... I have learned many things. One of those things that would never work in Canada, but works surprising well in Asia is this ESL Conversation Game: The Pop Up Pirate Barrel Game Teaching English in Asia can and is meant to be very rewarding. It can change your life and open yourself up to new cultures. There is no better way to meet new people and be introduced to new people than by having fun with people. One fun way to get students/friends in a good mood is to play a fun esl conversation game. This ESL conversation game is called the Pop Up Pirate Barrel Game. Any ESL teacher can use this game to liven up a class; or they can use it as an end to a long hard class. In this game you have a plastic barrel with 48 slots cut out of the barrel and a pirate in the hole of the middle on the top of the barrel. There are four different color plastic swords: Red, green, blue and yellow swords. This game is designed to have 4 teams. So the teacher will divide the class into four different teams. The teacher will eventually give the red team the red swords; the blue team the blue swords; the yellow team the yellow swords and the green team the green swords. But before you give out the swords it is recommended that you ask every student some English questions / conversation questions before you give them the swords. After the ESL teacher has asked all the students questions, and the students have all answered them correctly you can begin to play the esl conversation game. One ESL student per team gets to put one sword into one slot. The red team goes, then the blue team, then the yellow team and the green team goes last. If the student chooses the slot that makes the Pirate jump out of the barrel -that team wins the game. You can also play ~ every time that one team makes the Pirate jump out of the Barrel; that team gets one point. Be creative with this game. Do whatever works best for class! Have fun and Teach English! http://www.squidoo.com/eslgames_hgb


ESL CONVERSATION GAMES – THE SEQUEL TO ESL CONVERSATION GAMES 1 This ESL Conversation Game is entitled, "The Christmas Tree." How to play this esl conversation games: 1. Draw a big Christmas tree on the board. 2. Draw one big Christmas ornament on the end of each tree branch. (You should atleast have 6 ornaments on the tree. 3 on each side and one big star on the top of the tree.) 3. Divide the ESL students into two teams. One team can be the "Red" team and the other team can be the "Blue" team. 4. Have each team line up in two straight lines a few feet away from the whiteboard. 5. Ask the two students in the front of the line an English question. Which ever student answers it first correctly ~ will get to throw a stickyball at the Christmas tree. Each Christmas Ornament is worth 3 points, the big star on the top of the tree is worth 5 points and if they hit the tree they are awarded one point. 6. After the two students in the front of the line have had their chance... they move to the end of the line. And you continue to play this way until all of the ornaments and star have been hit! The above is a description on how to play this game a certain way. Of course, if you wish to make up some different rules or modify the game in anyway ~ modify the game to fit the needs of the students. Have fun and always do your best to help teach all of the ESL students. ESL CONVERSATION GAMES are the only way to Teach English!



ESL CONVERSATION GAMES – THE SEQUEL TO ESL CONVERSATION GAMES 1 This ESL Conversation Game is called, "The Phonics Game." This esl teaching game is very easy to play and the students absolutely love it. First - You will need to make a giant grid on the board. On the top of the grid you will write the numbers 1 - 10; and draw vertical lines in between the numbers. Second - You will need to write the letters A - J on the far left side. Now the esl students will easily be able to select any box from the grid. IE. 3A / 6J / 1D, etc., etc. Before class time (during your preparation time), you should draw this same grid on a piece of paper. In each box you will write a number from 1 - 10. On the class blackboard you will now fill in each box with a Phonics word from the student's Phonics book; this game can also be played using any other book. (Obvious, right?) Now... divide the class into teams. I usually divide my class into four teams, but you can divide them into however many teams as you wish. And give each team a Team name. You can let the student's pick or you can just write, "Team 1," "Team 2," "Team 3," "Team 4." The ESL students will the play, "Paper, Scissors, Stone!" to see who goes first, second, third and last. After all of the above is taken care of... you can start playing this fun esl conversation game. From the team that gets to go first... one ESL student will stand up and make up a sentence using one of the words in the grid. If he/she makes up a sentence and says it using proper grammar ~ the teacher will erase the word, look on his/her piece of paper, see how many points are in that box and give that student's team that many points. Keep playing this game until all of the words have been used. The team with the most amount of points at the end of the game are the winners!

Hey! Do you want to watch a video of this ESL game as well as 50 more ESL games on video? Then click here. ESL CONVERSATION GAMES

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