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2.0 Design Vision and Key Principles
2.1 Design Vision
The Central Station Eastern Concourse Entrance will be the key interface point for Sydney’s three rail systems: Sydney Trains, Sydney Metro and CBD and South East Light Rail. This element will serve as a both a transport facility and a symbol for Sydney. It will also provide a strategically located development opportunity that capitalises on this connectivity.
2.2 Key Principles
Key principles driving the design include:
• Delivery of Eastern Concourse Entrance by 2024 • Support the integration of Sydney Trains, Sydney Metro and CBD and South East Light Rail • Provide for safe access and operations at all times in normal and emergency modes • Provide for intuitive way fi nding allowing ease of navigation for customers • Allow natural light to reach as far into the entrance as possible • Minimise disruption to existing railway operations • Provide for legibility and distinction between the transport entrance and OSD entrance • Facilitate a revenue return to TfNSW through an appropriate OSD development • Provide for independent operations for transport elements and OSD elements • Structural elements will be fully integrated so that the transport elements and OSD elements are constructed as a single development