Public Review Draft FFY 2022-2025+2 Transportation Improvement Program

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Draft May 28, 2021

Table of Contents Executive Summary – Maui Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) ......................................................................................... ii Fiscal Year 2022 Self-Certification...................................................................................................................................................... iv 1.

What is the Transportation Improvement Program (TIP)?........................................................................................................ 1


Funding Sources ......................................................................................................................................................................... 2


TIP Projects and Programs ......................................................................................................................................................... 3



Consistency with Hele Mai Maui Plan............................................................................................................................. 3


Performance Measures ................................................................................................................................................... 6


Featured Projects ............................................................................................................................................................ 7


Project Map................................................................................................................................................................... 10


State of Hawai‘i Department of Transportation ........................................................................................................... 11


County of Maui Department of Public Works............................................................................................................... 17


County of Maui Department of Transportation............................................................................................................ 22

Public Participation and Equity ................................................................................................................................................. 24 4.1

Disposition of Public Comments ................................................................................................................................... 24

List of Figures Figure 1. Maui TIP Development Process .......................................................................................................................................... 1 Figure 2. Historic bridge on Hana Highway........................................................................................................................................ 7 Figure 3. Kihei North-South Collector Road ....................................................................................................................................... 8 Figure 4. Maui Bus service ................................................................................................................................................................. 9 Figure 5. Map of Maui TIP Projects .................................................................................................................................................. 10

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List of Tables Table 1. Summary of Funding in Maui TIP by Year and Agency......................................................................................................... 2 Table 2. Hele Mai Maui Goals and TIP Project Assessment ............................................................................................................... 3 Table 3. Evaluation of State TIP Projects ........................................................................................................................................... 4 Table 4. Evaluation of County TIP Projects ........................................................................................................................................ 5 Table 5. Safety Performance Measures ............................................................................................................................................. 6 Table 6. Infrastructure Performance Measures................................................................................................................................. 6 Table 7. Bus Transit Performance Measures ..................................................................................................................................... 6 Table 8. Disposition of Public Comments ........................................................................................................................................ 25

Maui MPO Policy Board

Technical Advisory Committee

Yuki Lei Sugimura, Maui County Councilmember, Chair Marc Takamori, County Department of Transportation, Vice-Chair Troy Hashimoto, Representative, Hawai‘i State Legislature Rosalyn Baker, Senator, Hawai‘i State Legislature Michele McLean, County Department of Planning Rowena Dagdag-Andaya, County Department of Public Works Tamara Paltin, Maui County Councilmember Shane Sinenci, Maui County Councilmember Jade Butay, State of Hawai‘i Department of Transportation

Robin Shishido, Hawai‘i Department of Transportation, Chair Kathleen Aoki, County Planning Department, Vice-Chair Pam Eaton, County Planning Department Michael DuPont, County Department of Transportation Nolly Yagin, County Department of Public Works Ken Tatsuguchi, State of Hawai‘i Department of Transportation John Smith, County Department of Public Works Chico Rabara, County Department of Public Works David Yamashita, County Department of Parks and Recreation Phillip Anderson, County Department of Housing and Human Concerns

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Executive Summary – Maui Transportation Improvement Program (TIP)

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Maui Metropolitan Planning Organization Fiscal Year 2022 Self-Certification The Maui Metropolitan Planning Organization and State of Hawai‘i Department of Transportation hereby certify that the metropolitan transportation planning process is being carried out in accordance with all applicable requirements including: (1) 23 U.S.C. 134, 49 U.S.C. 5303, and this subpart; (2) In nonattainment and maintenance areas, sections 174 and 176(c) and (d) of the Clean Air Act, as amended (42 U.S.C. 7504, 7506(c) and (d)) and 40 CFR part 93; (3) Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended (42 U.S.C. 2000d-1) and 49 CFR part 21; (4) 49 U.S.C. 5332, prohibiting discrimination on the basis of race, color, creed, national origin, sex, or age in employment or business opportunity; (5) Section 1101(b) of the FAST Act (Pub. L. 114-357) and 49 CFR part 26 regarding the involvement of disadvantaged business enterprises in DOT funded projects; (6) 23 CFR part 230, regarding the implementation of an equal employment opportunity program on Federal and Federalaid highway construction contracts; (7) The provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (42 U.S.C. 12101 et seq.) and 49 CFR parts 27, 37, and 38; (8) The Older Americans Act, as amended (42 U.S.C. 6101), prohibiting discrimination on the basis of age in programs or activities receiving Federal financial assistance; (9) Section 324 of title 23 U.S.C. regarding the prohibition of discrimination based on gender; and (10) Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (29 U.S.C. 794) and 49 CFR part 27 regarding discrimination against individuals with disabilities. ______________________________________________________


Jade N. Butay, Director

Lauren Armstrong, Executive Director


State of Hawai ‘i Department of Transportation Draft Maui Transportation Improvement Program FFY 2022-2025 (+2)


Maui Metropolitan Planning Organization p. iv

1. What is the Transportation Improvement Program (TIP)? The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and Federal Transit Administration (FTA) provide money to the State of Hawai‘i Department of Transportation (HDOT) for transportation projects. HDOT distributes the federal money to meet needs around the state. Maui formed its Metropolitan Planning Organization (Maui MPO) when the population of Central Maui reached 50,000 people. The Maui MPO leads a coordinated planning process for ground transportation on the island of Maui. Moloka‘i and Lana‘i are part of the statewide process led by HDOT. Maui MPO does not construct transportation projects.

Figure 1. Maui TIP Development Process

Maui MPO follows a Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) Policy 1 to create this TIP document so Maui can receive federal money for roads, bridges, bus transit, trails, paths and sidewalks. The TIP must include all transportation projects on the island of Maui that use federal highway or transit money or are regionally significant. Federal money typically covers 80% of the project cost, and the other 20% comes from the State or County.

Maui MPO creates a new four-year TIP every three years so there is an overlap year between the current and new TIP, and leads revisions to the current TIP twice a year. Federal fiscal years (FFY) 2022-2025 are fiscally constrained to $25 million in FHWA funds annually, while the planning years FFY 2026-2027 are not required to be fiscally constrained. FTA funds are distributed to each island by HDOT, and programmed in the TIP.

Maui MPO works with State and County agencies and legislators to develop the TIP. The Maui MPO Policy Board relies on its Hele Mai Maui Long Range Transportation Plan 2040 (Hele Mai Maui) 2, input from the County of Maui Department of Public Works (DPW), County of Maui Department of Transportation (MDOT), HDOT, the

Once the Maui TIP is approved by the Policy Board, HDOT includes the Maui TIP in the Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP). FHWA and FTA approve the STIP; a project must be on an approved STIP for federal funds to be used on that project.

Maui MPO’s TIP Policy is available at:



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Maui MPO Technical Advisory Committee (TAC), and members of the public to decide which projects are the highest priority.

Maui MPO’s Hele Mai Maui Plan is available at:

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2. Funding Sources Projects listed in the final TIP must have funding identified. Money can come from federal sources not already used for other projects, or from State, County, or private sources. Maui MPO and HDOT estimate the amounts of federal highway funding that Maui can include in the financially constrained TIP using a formula that distributes money among each of the Hawaiian islands based on vehicle miles traveled and lane miles of roads. Funding levels may be revised based on future legislation.

• • • • •

There are several categories of federal money with different purposes like safety and maintenance. HDOT determines which category of federal highway funding will be used for each project in the TIP and STIP. HDOT coordinates with each of the counties on the distribution of federal transit funds. A summary of funding programmed in the Maui TIP is shown in Table 1.

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Table 1. Summary of Funding in Maui TIP by Year and Agency

Fiscally Constrained Years FFY 2022-2025 2022 2023 2024 Highways, Bridges, Bicycle and Pedestrian Facilities FHWA $25,182,000 $23,626,000 $23,543,000 State $37,818,000 $87,500,000 $19,730,000 County $4,903,000 $2,332,000 $955,000 Bus Transit FTA $11,949,000 $7,897,000 $8,171,000 County $3,874,000 $2,470,000 $2,556,000 Draft Maui Transportation Improvement Program FFY 2022-2025 (+2)

FHWA Funding Categories in Maui TIP Surface Transportation Block Grant (STBG) National Highway Performance Program (NHPP) Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP) Safe Routes to School Program FTA Funding Categories in Maui TIP Bus and Bus Facility (Rural) – FTA 5339 Bus and Bus Facility (Small Urban) – FTA 5339 Rural Transportation Program – FTA 5311 Urbanized Area Program – FTA 5307 Transportation Assistance for the Elderly and Disabled – FTA 5310


Planning Years FFY 2026-2027 2026 2027

$21,800,000 $18,030,000 $14,540,000

$33,082,000 $16,020,000 ($5,189,000)

$32,180,000 $68,200,000 $3,646,000

$5,416,000 $1,885,000

$5,606,000 $1,950,000

$5,801,000 $2,019,000 p. 2

3. TIP Projects and Programs The FFY 2022-2025 (+2) Maui TIP includes projects and programs of HDOT, DPW and MDOT that will use federal funds or that are regionally significant. Projects are listed in order of proposed year of implementation. Each project requires multiple phases like planning, design and construction. HDOT, DPW and MDOT will provide the public with more information about the projects and programs as they move into implementation.

3.1 Consistency with Long-Range Plan The goals of projects in the TIP must be consistent with the goals of Hele Mai Maui, which used public input to establish the goals and measures that should guide transportation decisions. These measures are also important for assessing the impact of transportation investments. Maui MPO used the assessment approach described in Table 2 to identify how each proposed TIP project aligns with the goals of Hele Mai Maui.

Table 2. Hele Mai Maui Goals and TIP Project Assessment

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Maui MPO evaluated each project included in the TIP for alignment with the Hele Mai Maui goals. By assessing the projects based on eight metrics, the MPO can demonstrate the potential impact of the TIP in improving safety, advancing equity, and maintaining existing infrastructure, among other desired outcomes.

Tables 3 and 4 provide the results of the MPO project assessment, indicating whether a project supports (+) or does not support (-) the goal and specific metric. More information about this approach is available in Section 3.2, which uses specific project examples to indicate how the performance measures were applied.

Table 3. Evaluation of State TIP Projects

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Table 4. Evaluation of County TIP Projects

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3.2 Performance Measures As part of a federal performance-based planning approach, Maui MPO reports on performance measures to track progress toward goals. In 2018 the Maui MPO Policy Board approved the programming of projects in the Maui TIP to support the State safety and system preservation targets for pavement and bridges.

Highway Safety The Maui TIP includes 32 projects that are expected to improve safety, supporting the Vision Zero Maui Action Plan goal to eliminate traffic fatalities and serious injuries, as well as statewide safety targets set by HDOT. Performance measures are reported as 5-year rolling averages in Table 5. Table 5. Safety Performance Measures Performance Measure Number of Fatalities 1 Rate of Fatalities per 100 million vehicle miles traveled (VMT) 2 Number of Serious Injuries Rate of Serious Injuries per 100 million VMT Number of Non-Motorized Fatalities 3 Number of Non-Motorized Serious Injuries

Annual Average (2014-2018) 17.2 1.1 69.6 4.3 4.4 7.4

State of Hawai‘i Department of Transportation (HDOT) Highways Division Traffic Safety Section, 2019 2 State of Hawai‘i Department of Business, Economic Development and Tourism (DBEDT) Economic Databook, 2019 3 Non-Motorized crash data available for 2012-2016 1

Pavement and Bridge Condition HDOT owns and maintains 177 lane miles of National Highway System (NHS) pavements and 42 NHS bridges on Maui, prioritized for repairs and maintenance as part of the Transportation Asset Management Plan (TAMP). Performance measures are reported for 2019 in Table 6. Table 6. Infrastructure Performance Measures Performance Measure Percent of NHS Pavement in Good condition Percent of NHS Pavement in Poor condition Percent of NHS Bridges in Good condition Percent of NHS Bridges in Poor condition

Percent (2019) 31% 0% 38% 12%

Source: State of Hawai ‘i Department of Transportation (HDOT) Transportation Asset Management Plan (TAMP), 2019

Transit Asset Management MDOT goals for the Maui Bus system include providing reliable ontime service and maintaining a safe bus fleet. The useful life of buses is 500,000 miles or 12 years old. Performance measures are reported for 2021 in Table 7. Table 7. Bus Transit Performance Measures Performance Measure Percent of Routes with On-Time Record Average Mileage of Buses Average Age of Buses

Data (2021) 99% 373,583 miles 8 years

Source: County of Maui Department of Transportation (MDOT), 2021

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3.3 Featured Projects State (HDOT) Project: MS3 Hana Highway Bridge Preservation Program This project will improve the condition of six bridges along Hana Highway: Puohokamoa, Kopiliula, Mokulehua, Ulaino, Kailua, and Makanali. Improvements could include: widen lanes and shoulders, replace railings, strengthen superstructure to support current design loads, upgrade all abutments, upgrade all approach guardrail and CRM walls.

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Figure 2. Historic bridge on Hana Highway

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Featured County Public Works (DPW) Project: MC7 Kihei North-South Collector Road Extend an existing 2 lane roadway and separated multi-use path (greenway), and construct a bridge over Waipuilani Gulch. Other significant work on this project includes extension of an existing reclaimed water line north which will serve landscaping needs on this project. New concrete curb and gutters, traffic signage and markings, and street lighting will also be part of the construction.

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Figure 3. Kihei North-South Collector Road

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Featured County Department of Transportation (MDOT) Program: MC20 Bus and Bus Facility This project includes capital projects to replace, rehabilitate, and purchase buses, vans, and related equipment. It will also construct bus-related facilities, including technological changes or innovations to modify low- or no-emission vehicles or facilities.

Figure 4. Maui Bus service

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3.4 Project Map Maui TIP projects in Figure 5 below are color coded by program type and labeled by project number.

An interactive map of the FFY 2022-2025 (+2) Maui TIP projects is available online at:

Figure 5. Map of Maui TIP Projects

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State of Hawai‘i Department of Transportation TIP Projects

3.5 State of Hawai‘i Department of Transportation The following list includes projects for which HDOT plans to use federal funds or that are regionally significant. Projects are listed in order of proposed year of construction unless otherwise noted. The TIP project list is updated at least twice a year based on current information. NOTE: Cost estimates are x1,000

Acronyms FFY – Federal Fiscal Year PE1 – Preliminary Design PE2 – Final Design ROW – Right-of-Way CON – Construction ADVCON – Advance Construction NHPP – National Highway Performance Program STBG – Surface Transportation Block Grant

FFY 2022 MS1

Phase CON

Bridge and Pavement Improvement Program Federal $ State $ Funding type: State, NHPP, STBG $ $ 14,800 FFY22 $ $ 14,800 FFY23 $ $ 14,800 FFY24 $ $ 14,800 FFY25 $ $ 14,800 FFY26 $ $ 14,800 FFY27

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System maintenance work may include bridge and/or pavement reconstruction, resurfacing, restoration, rehabilitation and/or preservation. The current list of Special Maintenance Program (SMP) projects is on the STIP website at:


Ongoing. Projects with State funding may be federalized (use federal funds) as feasible.

MS2 Phase CON ADVCON Scope: Status:

Guardrail and Shoulder Improvement Program at Various Locations, Part 5 Federal $ State $ Funding type: STBG $ 1,200 $ 2,800 FFY22 $ 2,000 $ (2,000) FFY23 Improve guardrails and shoulders at various locations. Project scoping in progress.

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State of Hawai‘i Department of Transportation TIP Projects MS3 Phase 1A CON 1B CON

Hana Highway Bridge Preservation Program, Phase 1 Federal $ State $ Funding type: STBG $ 9,792 $ 2,448 $ 9,600 $ 400


Phase 1 will include work on 6 bridges: 1. Puohokamoa, 2. Kopiliula, 3. Mokulehua, 4. Ulaino, 5. Kailua, 6. Makanali. Central Federal Lands Project.


Project carried forward from FFY2019-2022 TIP. Central Federal Lands Project. 30% Design is underway. Environmental review activities, cumulative effects analysis, ROW title searches and acquisition in progress.


Hana Highway Improvements, Huelo to Hana


Federal $ $ 2,000 $ 1,200

Scope: Status:

Phase 2E: Repair road sections on Hana Highway including reconstruct areas, construct retaining walls and embankments, drainage structures, install guardrails and other roadway improvements. Project scoping in progress.


Honoapi'ilani Highway, Bridge Rehabilitation, Honolua Bridge Federal $ State $ Funding type: NHPP $ 86 $ 22 FFY22 $ 412 $ 3,228 FFY22 $ 500 $ (500) FFY23 $ 2,000 $ (2,000) FFY24


Rehabilitate a concrete T-beam bridge on Honoapi‘ilani Hwy in the vicinity of Honolua Bay.


Project carried forward from FFY2019-2022 TIP. Geotechnical analysis and historic preservation review in progress.

MS7 Phase PE1 PE2 ROW

Hana Highway Rockfall Protection / Slope Stabilization, Vicinity of MP 10.18 to MP 10.49 Federal $ State $ Funding type: STBG $ 560 $ 140 FFY22 $ 400 $ 100 FFY23 $ 40 $ 10 FFY23

State $ $ 2,000 $ (1,200)

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Funding type: STBG FFY22 FFY23

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State of Hawai‘i Department of Transportation TIP Projects Scope: Status: MS9 Phase CON

Develop and implement appropriate rockfall mitigation along this section of highway. Part of statewide program. Pu ‘unene Avenue Improvements Federal $ State $ Funding type: Rental Car Surcharge $ 0 $ 12,000 FFY22

Scope: Status:

Widen Puunene Ave. from Kaahumanu Ave. to Kuihelani Hwy. Improve bike facilities where feasible. Design work in progress.

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FFY 2023 MS 10 Phase CON ADVCON Scope:

Rockfall Mitigation Program, Various Locations on Maui, Part 1 Federal $ State $ Funding type: STBG $ 600 $ 1,400 FFY23 $ (1,000) FFY24 Develop and construct rockfall mitigation/protection measures on Maui to better protect roadways from rockfall hazards as identified and prioritized in the Statewide Rockfall Program.


Part of statewide program.

MS 13 Phase CON ADVCON Scope:

Traffic Signal Modernization at Various Locations on Maui, Phase 1 Federal $ State $ Funding type: STBG $ 400 $ 2,600 FFY23 $ 2,000 $ (2,000) FFY24 Implement Traffic Signal modernizations as identified and prioritized by the Traffic Signal Modernization Plan Statewide and for Maui. Process project assignment order for consultant to start design.


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Guardrail and Shoulder Improvement Program at Various Locations, Part 6 Federal $ State $ Funding type: STBG $ 200 $ 3,800 FFY24 $ 3,000 $ (3,000) FFY25

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State of Hawai‘i Department of Transportation TIP Projects Scope:

Improve guardrails and shoulders at various locations.


Work not started.

MS7 Phase CON ADVCON Scope: Status:

Hana Highway Rockfall Protection / Slope Stabilization, Vicinity of MP 10.18 to MP 10.49 Federal $ State $ Funding type: STBG $ 2,000 $ 3,000 FFY24 $ 2,000 $ 2,000 FFY25 Develop and implement appropriate rockfall mitigation along this section of highway. Part of statewide program.

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Seismic Retrofit of Various Bridges Federal $ State $ Funding type: STBG $ 720 $ 180 FFY22 $ 1,760 $ 5,440 FFY24 $ 4,000 $ 4,000 FFY25

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Implement prioritized Seismic Retrofit projects on Maui as identified by the Statewide Bridge Seismic Retrofit Program. Three bridges on Haleakala Highway MP 3.71-8.57.


Part of statewide program.

MS 12 Phase PE1 PE2 CON

Shoreline Protection/Mitigation Program, Phase 1 - Honoapiilani Hwy (Rte 30), Vicinity of Mopua (Maui Priority #1) Federal $ State $ Funding type: NHPP $ 400 $ 100 FFY22 $ 400 $ 100 FFY23 $ 2,400 $ 600 FFY24


Develop and construct shoreline protection measures to better protect roadways from flooding and erosion as identified and prioritized in the Statewide Shoreline Protection Program. Project carried forward from FFY2019-2022 TIP.

Status: MS 12 Phase PE1

Shoreline Protection Program, Phase 2 - Honoapiilani Hwy (Rte 30), Vicinity of Ukumehame and Puamana Beach Park (Maui Priority #3) Federal $ State $ Funding type: NHPP $ 400 $ 100 FFY22

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State of Hawai‘i Department of Transportation TIP Projects PE2 Scope: Status:

$ 400 $ 100 FFY24 Develop and construct shoreline protection measures to better protect roadways from flooding and erosion as identified and prioritized in the Statewide Shoreline Protection Program. Project carried forward from FFY2019-2022 TIP. Work not started.

FFY 2025 MS13 Phase CON ADVCON Scope: Status:

Traffic Signal Modification at Various Locations on Maui, Phase 2 Updated: Federal $ State $ Funding type: STBG 5/28/2021 $ 400 $ 2,600 FFY25 $ 2,000 $ 2,000 FFY26 Implement Traffic Signal modernizations as identified and prioritized by the Traffic Signal Modernization Plan Statewide for Maui. Work not started.

FFY 2026 MS2 Phase CON Scope: Status:

Guardrail and Shoulder Program at Various Locations, Part 7 Federal $ State $ Funding type: STBG $ 3,200 $ 800 FFY26 Improve guardrails and shoulders at various locations. Work not started.

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FFY 2027 MS3 Phase PE1 PE2 CON Scope:

Hana Highway Bridge Preservation Program, Phase 2 Federal $ State $ Funding type: STBG $ 800 $ 200 FFY24 $ 800 $ 200 FFY25 $ 12,000 $ 3,000 FFY27 Improvements could include: widen lanes and shoulders, replace railings, strengthen superstructure to support current design loads, upgrade all abutments, upgrade all approach guardrail and CRM walls.


Bridges for Phase 2 will be prioritized at a later date.

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State of Hawai‘i Department of Transportation TIP Projects

MS8 Phase PE2 ROW CON Scope: Status:

Pa'ia Relief Route Federal $ State $ Funding type: State $ $ 3,430 FFY25 $ $ 4,900 FFY26 $ $ 49,000 FFY27 Develop an alternative route in the vicinity of Pa'ia town. Project carried forward from FFY2019-2022 TIP. Proposed funding from State bonds paid by rental car surcharge is being reevaluated.

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MS10 Phase CON Scope:

Rockfall Mitigation Program, Various Locations on Maui, Part 3 Federal $ State $ Funding type: STBG $ 1,600 $ 400 FFY27 Develop and construct rockfall mitigation/protection measures on Maui to better protect roadways from rockfall hazards as identified and prioritized in the Statewide Rockfall Program. This funding is for the Maui District SubProgram.

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Work not started.

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County of Maui Department of Public Works TIP Projects

3.6 County of Maui Department of Public Works The following list includes projects for which DPW plans to use federal funds or that are regionally significant. Projects are listed in order of proposed year of construction unless otherwise noted. The TIP project list is updated at least twice a year based on current information.

Acronyms FFY – Federal Fiscal Year CON – Construction ADVCON – Advance Construction STBG – Surface Transportation Block Grant TAP – Transportation Alternatives Program

NOTE: Cost estimates are x1,000

FFY 2022 MC12 Phase CON ADVCON Scope:

Status: MC14 Phase CON Scope: Status:

Makawao Avenue Pavement Rehabilitation Federal $ County $ Funding type: STBG $ 5,760 $ 3,940 FFY22 $ 2,000 $ (2,000) FFY23 Rehabilitate pavement; replace existing signs, pavement markings and striping; replace existing guardrails; address noncompliant bridge rails. To improve pedestrian safety, where appropriate: reconstruct existing curb ramps and sidewalks to be ADA compliant; widen existing sidewalks; provide new sidewalks or buffered paths; install refuge islands and pedestrian-activated flashing beacons. Area from Apana Road to Pi‘iholo Road. Project carried forward from FFY 2019-2022 TIP. Plan to start work on environmental clearances and permits in August, after the expected completion of the 60% design.

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Papalaua Street Traffic Signal Upgrade at Waine'e Street Federal $ County $ Funding type: STBG $ 1,576 $ 394 FFY22 Remove existing traffic signal system. Install a new signal system including controller, video detection, communication hardware, updated phasing and timing, resurfacing of the intersection's functional area, ADAAG related improvements. Project carried forward from FFY 2019-2022 TIP. Land acquisition, environmental review, historic preservation review and design work in progress.

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County of Maui Department of Public Works TIP Projects MC19 Phase CON

Wakea Avenue and Kamehameha Avenue Intersection Improvements Federal $ County $ Funding type: STBG $ 2,276 $ 569 FFY22


Upgrade the existing traffic signal at the intersection of Wakea Avenue and Kamehameha Avenue, construct turn lanes, install accessible curb ramps, and improve drainage.


Project carried forward from FFY 2019-2022 TIP. Environmental Assessment and preliminary design phase in progress.

Updated: 5/28/2021

FFY 2023 MC1 Phase CON Scope:

Central Maui Traffic Signal Upgrades Federal $ County $ Funding type: STBG $ 2,710 $ 678 FFY23 Upgrade existing signalized intersections within Kahului with new wiring, signal displays, signal hardware and software, replace mast arms and signal poles (where needed), and revise signal timing.


Project carried forward from FFY 2019-2022 TIP. Number and location of intersections is being finalized. Design work on hold to review and update project scope. Permitting not yet started.

MC3 Phase CON ADVCON Scope:

Hana Highway Bridge Replacement, Kahawaiokapia Bridge Federal $ County $ Funding type: STBG $ 2,632 $ 3,158 FFY23 $ 2,000 $ (2,000) FFY24 Construct a temporary bypass road mauka of the existing bridge; demolish the existing bridge; construct the new bridge; install approach guardrails; install signage; install pavement striping and markings; then removing temporary bypass road. Project carried forward from FFY 2019-2022 TIP. Historic preservation review in progress.

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MC18 Phase CON Scope:

Wai'ale Road and Wai'inu Road Roundabout Federal $ County $ Funding type: STBG $ 1,984 $ 496 FFY23 Install a roundabout at the intersection of Waiale Road and Wa‘iinu Road. Other improvements to be included are roadway widening and drainage improvements.

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Project carried forward from FFY 2019-2022 TIP. Conceptual layouts produced for discussion with adjacent land owners. Environmental permitting not yet started.


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County of Maui Department of Public Works TIP Projects

FFY 2024 MC6 Phase CON Scope:

Kanaloa Avenue, Mahalani Street, Maui Lani Parkway, and Wai‘inu Road Pavement Rehabilitation Federal $ County $ Funding type: STBG $ 3,500 $ 875 FFY24 Pavement rehabilitation, reconstructing existing curb ramps and sidewalks to be ADA compliant, replacing existing signs, pavement markings and striping. Construction of 1,100 feet of new sidewalk along Wai‘inu Road. Area from Kahului Beach Road to Ka'ahumanu Avenue, and Mahalani Street, Maui Lani Parkway and Wai'inu Road.


Project carried forward from FFY 2019-2022 TIP. Feasibility study for Complete Streets road diet complete and design is being considered. DPW hiring consultant to begin design contract.

MC8 Phase CON Scope:

Lahainaluna Road Pavement Rehabilitation Federal $ County $ Funding type: STBG $ 1,300 $ 325 FFY24 Pavement resurfacing and reconstruction, reconstructing existing curb ramps and sidewalks to be ADA compliant, replacing existing signs, pavement markings and striping. Area from Honoapi'ilani Highway to end of Lahainaluna Road. DPW will request design funds in the FY2023 County budget.

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MC10 Phase CON Scope:

Lower Honoapi'ilani Road Pavement Rehabilitation Federal $ County $ Funding type: STBG $ 4,081 $ 1,020 FFY24 Pavement rehabilitation, reconstructing existing curb ramps and sidewalks to be ADA compliant, replacing existing signs, pavement markings and striping. Area from Honoapi'ilani Highway to Ho'ohui Road.

Updated: 5/28/2021


Project carried forward from FFY 2019-2022 TIP. DPW will request design funds in the FY2023 County budget.

MC11 Phase CON Scope:

Lower Main Street Pavement Resurfacing Federal $ County $ Funding type: STBG $ 2,942 $ 735 FFY24 Resurface pavement, reconstruct existing curb ramps and sidewalks to be ADA compliant, replace existing signs, pavement markings and striping. Consider a "road diet" in which bike lanes are added to the corridor in place of a lane, to encourage multi-modal transportation. From Kahului Beach Road to Hala Place.


Project carried forward from FFY 2019-2022 TIP. DPW will request design funds in the FY2022 County budget.


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Updated: 5/28/2021

County of Maui Department of Public Works TIP Projects

FFY 2025 MC7 Phase CON ADVCON Scope:

Kihei North-South Collector Road Phase 1 Federal $ County $ Funding type: STBG $ 10,000 $ 14,540 FFY25 $ 9,632 $ (9,632) FFY26 Extend an existing 2 lane roadway and separated multi-use path (greenway), and construct a bridge over Waipuilani Gulch. Advance construction (ADVCON) is a tool that allows for the programming of federal funds for projects that exceed the annual financial constraint, effectively spreading the cost over multiple years. Area from Kulanihakoi Street to Waipuilani Place.


Project carried forward from FFY 2019-2022 TIP. Permitting, public outreach, design and environmental studies in progress.

Updated: 5/28/2021

FFY 2026 MC5 Phase CON Scope:

Hana Highway Bridge Replacement, Waikakoi Bridge and South Wailua Bridge Federal $ County $ Funding type: STBG $ 10,000 $ 3,000 FFY26 For both sites, construct a temporary bypass road and bridge; demolish existing bridge; construct new bridge; install approach guardrails, signage, striping and markings; then remove temporary bypass road and bridge.


Project carried forward from FFY 2019-2022 TIP. Cumulative effects study for historic preservation must be completed. Executed consultant contract. Working on Right-of-Entries.

MC16 Phase CON Scope:

South Kihei Road Improvements Federal $ County $ Funding type: STBG $ 5,770 $ 1,443 FFY26 Pavement resurfacing and reconstruction, reconstructing existing curb ramps and sidewalks to be ADA compliant, replacing existing signs, pavement markings and striping. Road improvements from Uwapo Road to Kaonoulu Street.


DPW will request design funds in the FY2023 County budget.

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Updated: 5/28/2021

Updated: 5/28/2021

County of Maui Department of Public Works TIP Projects

FFY 2027 MC2 Phase CON

Front Street Pavement Rehabilitation Federal $ County $ Funding type: STBG $ 3,250 $ 813 FFY27


Pavement rehabilitation, reconstructing existing curb ramps and sidewalks to be ADA compliant, replacing existing signs, pavement markings and striping.


Work not started.

MC4 Phase CON Scope:

Hana Highway Bridge Replacement, Po'opo'o Bridge Federal $ County $ Funding type: STBG $ 4,000 $ 1,000 FFY27 Construct a temporary bypass road mauka of the existing bridge; demolish the existing bridge; construct the new bridge; install approach guardrails; install signage; install pavement striping and markings; then remove the temporary bypass road. Work not started.

Updated: 5/28/2021

MC9 Phase CON Scope:

Lower Honoapi‘ilani Road Improvements, Phase IV Federal $ County $ Funding type: STBG $ 5,010 $ 1,253 FFY27 Address multi-modal needs, safety and accessibility concerns, and environmental resilience matters. Develop context sensitive solutions to address identified needs, construct facilities to serve non-motorized transportation needs, protect the roadway from shoreline erosion, upgrade drainage facilities. Area from Ho‘ohui Road to Napilihau Road.

Updated: 5/28/2021


Project carried forward from FFY 2019-2022 TIP. Planning work in progress.

MC13 Phase CON Scope:

Okolani Drive and Keonekai Road Pavement Rehabilitation Federal $ County $ Funding type: STBG $ 2,320 $ 580 FFY27 Pavement rehabilitation, reconstructing existing curb ramps and sidewalks to be ADA compliant, replacing existing signs, pavement markings and striping.


Work not started.


Draft Maui Transportation Improvement Program FFY 2022-2025 (+2)

Updated: 5/28/2021

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Updated: 5/28/2021

County of Maui Department of Transportation TIP Programs

3.7 County of Maui Department of Transportation The following list includes projects and programs the County of Maui DOT will implement using federal funds or that are regionally significant. The TIP project list is updated at least twice a year based on current information.

Acronyms EQP – Equipment OPR – Operations PLN – Planning

NOTE: Cost estimates are x1,000

FFY 2022-2025 MC20 Phase EQP


MC21 Phase EQP


Bus and Bus Facility (Rural) - FTA 5339 Federal $ County $ $ 4,193 $ 1048 FFY22 $ 776 $ 194 FFY23 $ 803 $ 201 FFY24 $ 832 $ 208 FFY25 $ 861 $ 215 FFY26 $ 891 $ 223 FFY27

Updated: 5/28/2021

Capital projects to replace, rehabilitate and purchase buses, vans, and related equipment, and to construct bus-related facilities, including technological changes or innovations to modify low or no emission vehicles or facilities. Bus and Bus Facility (Small Urban) - FTA 5339 Updated: Federal $ County $ 5/28/2021 $ 776 $ 194 FFY22 $ 463 $ 116 FFY23 $ 479 $ 120 FFY24 $ 496 $ 124 FFY25 $ 513 $ 128 FFY26 $ 531 $ 133 FFY27 Capital projects to replace, rehabilitate and purchase buses, vans, and related equipment, and to construct bus-related facilities, including technological changes or innovations to modify low or no emission vehicles or facilities.

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County of Maui Department of Transportation TIP Programs MC22 Phase PLN/OPR


Rural Areas Program - FTA 5311 Updated: Federal $ County $ 5/28/2021 $ 1,183 $ 1,183 FFY22 $ 660 $ 660 FFY23 $ 683 $ 683 FFY24 $ 707 $ 707 FFY25 $ 732 $ 732 FFY26 $ 758 $ 758 FFY27 Planning, capital, operating, job access and reverse commute projects, and the acquisition of public transportation services.

MC23 Urbanized Area - Kahului - FTA 5307 Updated: Phase Federal $ County $ 5/28/2021 PLN/EQP/OPR $ 5,484 $ 1,371 FFY22 $ 5,676 $ 1,419 FFY23 $ 5,874 $ 1,469 FFY24 $ 3,040 $ 760 FFY25 $ 3,147 $ 787 FFY26 $ 3,257 $ 814 FFY27 Scope: Provides grants to Urbanized Areas for public transportation capital, planning, job access and reverse commute projects, as well as operating expenses in certain circumstances. MC24 Phase EQP


Transportation Assistance for Elderly and Disabled - FTA 5310 Federal $ County $ $ 313 $ 78 FFY22 $ 322 $ 81 FFY23 $ 332 $ 83 FFY24 $ 342 $ 86 FFY25 $ 353 $ 88 FFY26 $ 364 $ 91 FFY27 Enhanced Mobility of Seniors and Individuals with Disabilities (Section 5310 - Non-Urban) Funds from programs will be utilized for the purchase of vehicles.

Draft Maui Transportation Improvement Program FFY 2022-2025 (+2)

Updated: 5/28/2021

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4. Public Participation and Equity The Maui MPO Public Participation Plan 3 describes ways people can learn about the projects in the TIP, share their input, and understand how to get involved in projects moving forward. A variety of methods – which may include maps, surveys, workshops, newspaper, radio, and social media – are used to share information about the TIP. The Maui MPO Title VI Plan 4 identifies how Maui MPO provides equal access to the transportation planning process and ensures its policies and programs are non-discriminatory and do not negatively affect minority and low-income individuals. Maui MPO requests that meeting participants fill out voluntary Title VI forms to help inform the MPO about demographic data on public participation. The location and types of projects that receive federal funding impact people’s ability to get around in different ways. While people do travel all around the island, those living in areas with better sidewalks, bus service, or safer roads may find it easier to get exercise or access daily needs. The Hele Mai Maui Plan includes a map of equity emphasis areas where a relatively high proportion of residents are living below the poverty line, don’t have access to a vehicle, are old, young or have a disability. Section 3.1 of this document evaluates each TIP project against Goal 4 of Hele Mai Maui based on whether the project is located within an equity emphasis area.

Maui MPO Public Participation Plan is available at:


Draft Maui Transportation Improvement Program FFY 2022-2025 (+2)

4.1 Disposition of Public Comments Public notice of opportunity to comment on the Maui TIP and revisions is provided via the Maui MPO website, press releases to media outlets, email announcements, printed mailings, surveys, social media posts and town hall meetings.

FFY 2022-2025 (+2) Maui TIP Public Comments The Maui MPO Policy Board released a public review draft on June 1, 2021 following a recommendation by the Maui MPO Technical Advisory Committee. Maui MPO disposition of public comments is shown in Table 8.

Maui MPO Title VI and Environmental Justice Plan is available at:


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Table 8. Disposition of Public Comments



Draft Maui Transportation Improvement Program FFY 2022-2025 (+2)


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Funding for this document was provided by the U.S. Department of Transportation (Federal Highway Administration and Federal Transit Administration), State of Hawai’i, and County of Maui. Equal Employment Opportunity Employer - The Maui Metropolitan Planning Organization does not discriminate on the basis of age, race, sex, color, national origin, religion or disability in access to, or operation of its programs, services, and activities or in its hiring or employment practices. ADA and Title VI inquiries should be forwarded to: Lauren Armstrong, Maui Metropolitan Planning Organization, 200 South High Street, Wailuku, HI 96793, Phone (808) 270-8216.

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