Will The Altered Mosquitoes Release Save Maui’s Endangered Bird Populations?
By Taryn Kama
In an effort to save Hawai‘i’s remaining native forest birds, a coalition of governmental and non-profit groups has been releasing non-biting, bacteria-infected, male southern house mosquitoes in highelevation forests. These releases aim to protect the birds from avian malaria carried by invasive mosquitoes.
Several species of honeycreepers, especially in danger of extinction, are found only in Hawaii. These birds play a crucial role in pollinating Hawaii’s native plants, consuming insects, and supporting the forest ecosystem. As climate change drives mosquitoes to higher elevations, native bird species are increasingly threatened.
According to an April 2022 news report from the Pacific Island Ecosystems Research Center, “Avian malaria, a non-native disease transmitted by invasive mosquitoes, is driving the potential extinction of four endemic Hawaiian honeycreepers: ‘akikiki, ‘akeke‘e, kiwikiu, and 'ākohekohe. Two of these species have fewer than 200 birds remaining and could go extinct in the next few years.”
The coalition, known as “Birds, Not Mosquitoes (BNM),” emphasizes that the mosquito releases follow years of rigorous study and analysis, with approval from state and federal agencies.
The releases began in November, 2023 on Maui and Kaua‘i to attempt to reduce mosquito populations. According to the BNM website, “Twenty-three species of honeycreepers have gone extinct in Hawai'i since the first arrival of mosquitoes in the early 1800s, with many extinctions linked to avian malaria and pox.”
BNM conducted its 50th mosquito release on Maui and Kaua‘i in May. Nick Clemons, Acting Chief of Interpretation, Education, and Volunteers at Haleakalā National Park, explained, “This project is a coalition of state, federal, private, and non-profit partners with a mission to protect the native Hawaiian manu nahele (forest birds) by advancing efforts

to suppress the non-native southern house mosquito population in high-elevation forests across the Hawaiian Islands.”
Coalition representatives are from the Hawai'i Department of Land and Natural Resources, Hawai'i Department of Health, US Fish and Wildlife Service, University of Hawai'i, U.S. Geological Survey, National Park Service, American Bird Conservancy, The Nature Conservancy of Hawai'i and Palmyra, Coordinating Group on Alien Pest Species, Island Conservation, the Kaua'i Forest Bird Recovery Project, and Maui Forest Bird Recovery Project.
How It Works: The project utilizes modified male mosquitoes that cannot fertilize female mosquitoes (that bite and infect birds) successfully, thereby suppressing the overall mosquito population.
According to BNM, “The project uses the Wolbachia-incompatible male mosquito through the Incompatible Insect Technique (IIT) to suppress mosquito populations. Wolbachia is a common, naturally occurring bacteria found in nearly half of the world’s insect species, including native Hawaiian insects.”
The technique leverages the fact that mosquitoes with different, incompatible strains of Wolbachia cannot produce viable offspring. Male mosquitoes with one strain of Wolbachia can only reproduce with females
“Several species of honeycreepers, especially in danger of extinction, are found only in Hawaii. These birds play a crucial role in pollinating Hawaii’s native plants, consuming insects, and supporting the forest ecosystem ... ”
The I'iwi is an endemic bird of the Hawaiian Islands. This honeycreeper feeds on Mamane blossoms in Hosmer Grove at high elevation on Maui. In danger of extinction, they are stunning red birds with large curved beaks.
with a compatible strain, effectively reducing the mosquito population.
The Maui Forest Bird Recovery Project (MFBRP) highlighted in its Spring 2024 newsletter that “We have been conducting weekly releases of IIT male mosquitoes, which do not bite or transmit disease, for six months. In May 2024, we conducted our 50th mosquito release.”
The newsletter also notes that monitoring is essential to their efforts, with the team tracking mosquito populations across Maui in both treated and control sites to assess the effectiveness of the releases.
How is it working? Clemons stated, “It is too early to tell; however, monitoring continues, and the multi-agency collaboration will work together to report out when enough data is collected. There is no near-term deadline for this.”
Opposition and Concerns: Despite widespread support from government agencies and conservationists, the mosquito release project faces opposition. Tina Lia, founder of Hawai‘i Unites—a nonprofit organization dedicated to environmental conservation—vehemently opposes the releases and lost a court ruling to halt the project. It is now on appeal.
Article Continues On Page 4 >
Photo credit: Charles Bergman
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Community Events Rebounding!
Kula Festival On September 21 Benefits Watershed
By Cindy Schumacher
The 39th Annual Kula Festival held at St. John’s Church, at 8992 Kula Highway across from Keokea Park, is the place to be on Sat., Sept. 21st, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
An upcountry tradition that everyone looks forward to, the festival is back bigger and better after cancelling last year due to the August 2023 wildfires.
The Festival began in October 1982 with a great many people giving their time and goods to raise money for various charities.
“All the much-loved local artists and crafters; wide variety of food, produce, plants, baked goods, keiki zone, silent auction, quilt show, and the gift shop will return,” said Maui artist and Festival co-chair Deb Lynch.
“For the first time, several fine art paintings will be exhibited and there will be pony rides for the kids as well. The all-day live music and entertainment, hosted by Mana’o Radio includes Isle of Mau Pipe Band, Cheryl Rae, Jamie Lawrence, Kawika Ortiz, Steve Grimes, Benny Uyetake, Halau Hula, and Wehena o ke Ao. This year’s zero-waste event, with its rich history of celebration and service, will help support the Kula Community Watershed Alliance (KCWA).”
Festival co-chair Joseph Cascio added, “This year our St. John's leadership team decided a portion of our net proceeds will be shared with this Alliance.
The Kula watershed has been seriously destabilized and is now at risk in the aftermath of the wildfire. Neighbors immediately joined together to commit to the recovery and long-term stewardship of their special place. The KCWA was founded by those stewards to “Mālama Awāwa O Kula”— nurture the valleys and gulches of Kula. Together, they strive to stabilize, protect, restore, and maintain the burned areas and beyond.”
According to historical record, this Kula landscape, now dominated by invasive Wattle trees, was once one of the most biodiverse native habitats on the slopes of Haleakala. A critical source of fresh groundwater and food for endangered native

species, this mesic forest is in need of support now more than ever.
Sara Tekula, KCWA Executive Director, explained, “We are a watershed protection group. In August 2023, approximately 230 acres of the Waiakoa watershed in Upper Kula, including over 23 homes and dozens of structures and trees, were burned in the fire, which badly damaged the land itself.”
She added: “Getting together in the aftermath of the Kula wildfire destruction, we mobilized with the neighbors to figure out how to restore the land. This has been a constant ongoing effort since the wildfires devasted our community. The soil was like powder and unable to support life. There is much erosion in areas where we still have not yet reached. Working with government partners, we’re hoping to speed up that process to get it finished.”
The mission is to restore the land and make sure that what grows in place out of those ashes is a healthy native forest with the kinds of plants and trees here in Hawai’i that are going to support our community’s safety and resilience.
The people living in this watershed have seen the health of the land decline over decades, and now, after the fires, are eager to restore it. A watershed, or ahupua’a, is where raindrops journey through hills and valleys to reach a common destination. Like the raindrops, every action taken ripples through the land. By making good choices, the Alliance can safeguard precious fresh water and native habitats for generations.
“With the guidance of ecological and cultural advisors, we will restore a healthy watershed environment using site-appropriate native plants and trees planted in the burned areas to return native groundcovers to the understory, shrubs to the mid-story, and majestic trees to the canopy,” Tekula emphasized.
“As much as possible, we strive to restore the ecological identity of this area through careful sourcing of seeds within our ahu’pua’a, nearby habitat preserves, and saplings that have origins nearby. Several partner organizations have already begun growing these for us.”
The Alliance is committed to the long-term maintenance of the restoration area, and this will include careful monitoring, weeding, fence repair, and plant care.
“It is the people living in this area, eager to restore vitality to the place they call home, that formed the Alliance,” Tekula said. “Basically, we banded together to make sure this never happens again. Community
“All the much-loved local artists and crafters; a wide variety of food, produce, plants, baked goods, keiki zone, silent auction, quilt show, and the gift shop will return.”
workdays to maintain our watershed, in the safest areas of the restoration zone, will continue to be a big part of our maintenance plan. Recognizing that all the neighbors were in agreement, but none could do this work by themselves, I remembered the Hawai’ian proverb: “A’ohe hana nui ke alu ‘ia—No task is too big when done together by all.”
Tekla concluded, “We are grateful that St. John’s recognized us and the work that we are doing. Any festival or gathering that celebrates Kula is something that we want to be part of. The Kula Festival celebrates the upcountry life and culture and the beauty of the natural world we share upcountry. We are blessed to have the ability to gather at such a beautiful place, and to interface with the community. No matter how lofty the goal, success can be achieved when working collectively. This is a great honor for us.”
Visit the KCWA booth at the Kula Festival on Saturday, September 21st, 9am–4pm, to find volunteer opportunities, to become a partner, or to connect with like-minded neighbors who are dedicated to restoring upcountry Kula land.
For more information, visit: https://www. kulacommunitywatershed.org/. For Kula Festival information call: 808-878-1485.

Crowds flock to vendors at a previous Kula Festival.
On August 8, 2024, the Kula Community Watershed Alliance dedicated the ground-breaking spot where their new nursery is being built. The nursery is funded by the Maui Strong Fund of the Hawai’i Community Foundation. Photo credit: Tim Lara

Trust In Maui’s Future
Welcome to the September edition of Maui Pulse. This is traditionally a quiet month on Maui, but you would never know it from taking a look at our calendar section. There is so much going on, enjoy and get out and have fun!
We also entered into the fray on the altered mosquito release controversy. We urge you to research it more yourself and form your own opinions. We all can agree we’d like to help the endangered birds.
If you follow the news, there is no balance point reached amongst competing stakeholders on settling wildfire claims. Insurance companies have paid out millions, and at the same time homeowners and associations of apartment homeowners have seen their insurance premiums skyrocket. Maintenance fees have almost doubled due to higher insurance costs. The governor’s $4 billion proposed settlement hangs in limbo. Costs to live on Maui are rising dramatically for most while the economy has slowed down.
Still, Maui’s magic and beauty beckons. Tourism will rebound, Lahaina will slowly be rebuilt and life will go on. Just take it one day at a time, and trust in a positive future!
Maui Pulse is published by Maui Promotions. Publisher & Editor ~ Eric T. Richter
Associate Publisher ~ Taryn Kama
Chief Creative Officer ~ Shai Zen Domingo
Phone: (808) 344-6195
Email: MauiPulse@aol.com
Website: mauipulsenews.com
Address: Maui Promotions, 3666 L. Honoapiilani Rd. B-8 Lahaina, HI 96761
Mosquitoes Helping (Or Hurting) Birds?
Continued From Page 1.
Lia argues, “Hawai‘i Unites has taken state agencies to court to stop this dangerous project on Maui, ground zero for the releases. We’re seeking a ruling that the state and its multiagency partnership, “Birds, Not Mosquitoes,” be required to complete an environmental impact statement with comprehensive studies of the risks of these experimental mosquitoes.”

Lia also expressed concern about the potential health impacts, stating, “Millions of invasive mosquitoes that have not been studied for health impacts are being imported into the islands and airdropped into our environment. This project could have devastating effects on the health of Hawai‘i’s people, wildlife, and ‘āina.”
She noted that the plan includes the release of up to 775,992,000 lab-altered mosquitoes per week for the next 20 years, describing it as an experiment. Additionally, she mentioned that Wolbachia bacteria, used to infect the mosquitoes, are foreign organisms sourced from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The East Maui project area, covering 64,666 acres, represents the largest Wolbachia mosquito release globally.
Lia raised concerns about potential unintended consequences, citing peer-reviewed studies that suggest Wolbachia could increase pathogen infection in mosquitoes, potentially making them more capable of transmitting diseases such as avian malaria and West Nile virus.
“This project could lead to the extinction of the native birds it’s meant to protect, and it may affect people’s health. No biosecurity protocols have been documented for these imported mosquitoes, and there’s no mitigation plan in place if something goes wrong,” she added.
Clemons noted, “An Environmental Assessment was completed for this project. A concern presented during the public comment period questioned whether an Environmental Impact Statement should be prepared. The park addressed that concern in the published ‘Finding of No Significant Impact’ document.”
For more information, visit the Hawai‘i Unites (hawaiiunites.org) website and Birds Not Mosquitoes (www.birdsnotmosquitoes.org/) website.
Will Maui’s endangered birds survive? Time will tell.

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Maui Tourist Totals Nosedive
By Taryn Kama
The amount of tourists visiting Maui County is down an average of 23 percent compared to the same period last year.
According to the Hawai’i Tourism authority statistics, from January to June, Maui County had 1,132,234 visitors compared to the same period last year, with 1,779,438. Many businesses have felt the impact, along with vacation rentals struggling with lagging bookings.
In the same period this year, Oahu had 2,885,592 total visitors; compared to 2,742,970 in 2023. For the first six months, visitors were up an average of 3.38 percent over the same period last year.
In the first six months of 2024, hotel occupancy rates on Maui were down one percent (66.2 in 2024, and 67.2 in 2023). Vacation rentals were down 6.9 percent (56.1 in 2024 and 64.4 in 2023).
According to preliminary statistics from the Department of Business, Economic Development and Tourism (DBEDT), total visitor arrivals to the Hawaiian Islands and total visitor spending in May 2024 declined compared to May 2023.
A total of 3,908,307 visitors arrived in the first five months of 2024, which was a 4.1 percent decrease from 4,075,437 visitors in the first five months of 2023.
Total arrivals declined 7.5 percent when compared to 4,224,071 visitors in the first five months of 2019. In the first five months of 2024, total visitor spending was $8.35 billion, down from $8.78 billion (-4.9%) in the first five months of 2023, but higher than $7.23 billion (+15.6%) in the first five months of 2019.
Total visitor spending measured in nominal dollars was $1.62 billion, down 4.0 percent from May 2023. May 2024 total visitor arrivals represent a 90.1 percent recovery compared to pre-pandemic May 2019 and total visitor spending was higher than May 2019 ($1.41 billion, +14.6%)
These statistics can be found at: https://www.hawaiitourismauthority. org/research/monthly-visitor-statistics/
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The Temple Of Peace ~ Celebrating Love And Aloha
By Amorah St. John
My introduction to the Temple of Peace was life-changing.
As I contemplated a move to Maui, I met Rev. Kedar and Shelley St. John (no relation, honest!) plus a colorful array of hippies, haoles, and Hawaiians who formed the Temple of Peace community.
It was love at first sight and confirmed my decision to move to mama Maui. It was the beginning of 12-plus years of Sunday services in Haiku where song, prayer, and yes, fun, prevail.

Creating spiritual community was Kedar’s vision 40 years ago, fully realized upon meeting his wife, Shelley, in a field of butterflies in the Himalayas. “I was sitting there in the mountains, meditating, just minding my own business, when the love of my life showed up. Our dream was to create a temple, a sacred space, that embraced all faiths,” exclaimed Kedar. “It evolved into a community of brothers and sisters coming together from all faith traditions.”
Kedar was an artist by trade whose first love was music. In the year 2000, the Temple of Peace began. Their first gatherings were in the office of the late Mark Sheehan in Makawao and later at Ahimsa Sanctuary in Haiku with another beloved (late) brother, Blue Mountain. They made music with Kedar and hosted many beautiful community events.
Today, Reverend Kedar continues to lead the congregation in song on Sunday—and some of us...even dance. The Temple provides a stage for local and traveling dignitaries like Lei’ohu Ryder, Maydeen Iao, Fantuzzi, Mirabai Devi, and a myriad of other spiritual teachers attracted to the energy of this special place on Haiku Road.
Kedar declares he has a full chakra ministry, and that’s where Shelley, a registered nurse and certified colon therapist, comes in. “If our bodies are our temples, we begin in the basement, and we go all the way to the penthouse,” says Kedar.
Kedar believes that if you don’t take care of your physical body and just

Cheryl Rae
Jamie Lawrence
Kawika Ortiz
Steve Grimes
Benny Uyetake
focus on spirit, you will not have a fully functioning vehicle as a spiritual being having a human experience.
The Temple is host to a Healing Sanctuary, which includes a water lounge, infra-red sauna, and steam room where people can come to relax and restore body, mind, and spirit.
Most recently, Kedar has opened a “quantum room” complete with hyperbaric oxygen therapy to heal and decrease inflammation plus a wonderful new technology called FireFly. It’s a light, sound, and frequency device that eliminates pathogens and assists in neurogenesis, supporting memory and learning. My husband Max and I have had a number of these powerful light sessions with noticeable results. “The goal,” says Kedar, “is to bring everything into balance and enhance your vibration… which is frequency.”
Every Wednesday, at 6:30 pm in the original Sanctuary, there is kirtan with powerful chanting… certain to light up energy bodies and further build community. Services at the Temple of Peace begin at 10:30am when Kedar and his multi-ethnic congregation sing their prayers and their son, Mick, does the inspirational reading. Shelley talks about Temple of Peace events including yoga, workshops, spiritual retreats and cleanses. Additionally, there are women’s gatherings every Solstice and Equinox, hosted by myself and Shelley. You might say it’s a family affair at the Temple of Peace. While some people arrive on Maui time each Sunday, Kedar would love for everyone to show up on schedule and stay for his delicious Indian kitcheree and community potluck.
If you have yet to experience this magical place, including the awesome art of Dolphin Dave and gorgeous handmade jewelry on display, I encourage you to come to the Temple of Peace. Or, if you haven’t been in a while, come again and see the beautiful Peace Pavilion…well worth the Sunday morning ride.
Amorah St. John is host/producer of “Gutsy Women” and is now offering her services as a creativity coach. Go to: AmorahSt.John.com.
Temple of Peace is at 575 Haiku Road. Visit them on the web at templeofpeacemaui.com.

Reverends Shelley and Kedar St. John of the Temple of Peace.
Help Steering Your Life In Positive Directions
By Elena Lissone
Aloha precious souls. It’s Elena, your self esteem guide, helping you steer yourselves in positive directions. I’m a true believer in doing away with the would’ve, could’ve, should’ve thought processes, unless, of course, they lead to better future decisions. But, no dwelling on these, please.
Building good self-esteem includes understanding that the expectations you have of yourself, you can't have of others. And, then, also, there’s no point in having expectations of others that you don’t even have of yourself.
Too heady? Not really. Break it down…
We respond to people’s energies and, mostly do second-guessing (What did he mean by that? How did it make me feel? How could I have responded if I wasn't wrapped up emotionally with her comment?) and so on.
As Maya Angelou said “People may not remember what you said; they may not remember what you did; but they will always remember how you made them feel.”
I try to remember that everyone’s doing the best they can with the skills they have, and that it's not even about me most of the time.
individual that is You has always been there and could use some recognition.

We’re making choices to let go of victim thinking, and we are creating a better sense of humor. Sometimes I like embracing the ridiculous. Funny is good, especially when we laugh at ourselves. And it makes me feel good about myself, thereby creating higher self-esteem.
Incidentally, these are choices that you can make, and we can recognize that the flip side of the coin is around the corner. You can never outperform your own self image and I hope you make the decision to approve of yourself. The magnificent

A good practice here would be to jot down healthy things you do for yourself, and, if you can face them, the unhealthy things you do or think.
If you are thinking about lifestyle goals for your future, I pray that those goals include loving your way through life, and choosing that reality over the familiarity of disappointments. The past has come and gone.
Liberate your viewpoints. It’s okay to change your mind. The opposite of that surely is “stuckness.” There is so much more to you than the BS that clouds your thinking. You can grow out of yourself into what may be a better version. I sure hope so, because we are worthy!
I am not here to give you my truths. I write this to help you find and embrace your own. On a different level, all points of view are valid. Nice to have options, isn’t it?
We do need spiritual practices yet sometimes tend to go for religious rituals and/or belief systems that may not be grounding or even comforting any longer. If they are, we bless them, and the insights they provide. And, we try to do some examining once in awhile to see if they are still relevant.
Gut checking (I call it) that I like to rely on within myself. It sincerely gives me a clearer perspective and a deeper understanding of what’s going on with me. Taking honest Inventory helps with manifesting your authentic self. Be well, and know that I couldn’t do it without you, our truly wonderful Maui ohana.
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Sept 4
LED KAAPANA is featured at GEORGE KAHUMOKU’S SLACK KEY SHOW. Napili Kai Beach Resort. 6:30pm Tickets: www. SlackKeyShow.com or 808-6693858
Sept. 7
CLEANUP & Raffle, 9-11 am. Sponsored by Surfrider Foundation in conjunction with the Pacific Whale Foundation. Details: https:// volunteer.surfrider.org/ opportunities/ixwju25xGj
Sept. 6
FAST FREDDY’S BLUES SHOWCASE featuring Steve Freund and Sheryl Renee. ProArts Playhouse, Kihei, 7:30 pm Visit proartsmaui.org for tickets.
Sept. 8
Join ERIC GILLIAM AND VINCE ESQUIRE in concert. 3 pm at ProArts Playhouse, Kihei. Visit proartsmaui.org for tickets.
Events Calendar
Sept. 8
COMEDIAN SAMMY OBEID, the Lebanese-PalestinianSyrian-Italian-American comedy sensation, is bringing his unstoppable humor to Maui. At Da Playground Maui in Maalaea, visit DaPlayGroundMaui.com for tickets.
Sept 11
JEFF PETERSON is featured at GEORGE KAHUMOKU’S SLACK KEY SHOW. Napili Kai Beach Resort. 6:30pm Tickets: www. SlackKeyShow.com or 808669-3858
Sept. 13
AN EVENING OF ALOHA Celebrating Tom Vendetti’s Birthday with short Ram Dass film, followed by the Emmy Award winning film “Bhutan Taking The Middle Path To Happiness” Free. 7pm at ProArts Playhouse, Kihei. Visit proartsmaui.org for tickets.

Sept. 14
BLACK SWAN AERIAL YOGA, Sound Healing & Temple Spa Mini Retreat, BlackSwanTemple. org
Sept. 14
SUNSET & STARS SOUND BATH & Group Energy Session: 6:30 to 8 pm. Private Haiku Oceanfront Location (Limited seating) - Info. & tix: GoGetitEnergyHealing.com
Sept. 14
KŪ MAI KA HULA Competition at the MACC. Maui’s Only Adult Hula Competition – live and in person in Castle Theater. Weekend events start Thursday, Sept. 12 with special film screening and discussion. This year’s Kū Mai Ka Hula competition features awardwinning hālau from around Hawai‘i and the continental U.S. Competitors will be judged by renowned kumu hula. Visit mauiarts.org for full details.
Sept. 15
SLIGHTLY STOOPID with Special Guests Steel Pulse & Makua Rothman Sunday, Sept. 15, 2024; Gates @ 5:00 pm/. Show @ 6:00 pm, Maui As a musical brotherhood since 1995, Slightly Stoopid, led by the vastly versatile duo of Miles Doughty and Kyle McDonald, has expanded its fusion of rock, reggae, acoustic soul, hip hop, heavy metal, and punk rock,
and achieved artistic freedom and commercial success while subscribing to their own ‘doit-yourself’ ethos. At Maui Arts and Cultural Festival, purchase tickets at MauiArts.org..
Sept. 17
PISCES FULL MOON RITUAL & Temple Spa Mini Retreat, BlackSwanTemple.org
Sept 18
BROTHER NOLAND is featured at GEORGE KAHUMOKU’S SLACK KEY SHOW. Napili Kai Beach Resort. 6:30pm Tickets: www.SlackKeyShow. com or 808-669-3858
Sept. 19
Sept. 19
COMEDIAN GREG WILSON with Chino Laforce at 7 pm at Da Playground, Maalaea. , visit DaPlayGroundMaui.com for tickets.
Sept. 21
Butterfly Festival 9am-4pm at Imua Discovery Garden. Join us for an inspiring and joyful event for Peace at the beautiful Imua Discovery with a vibrant and uplifting atmosphere for all ages. Live Music: Marty Dread and Leiohu Ryder, along with other talented
Maui Pulse September, 2024
KŪ MAI KA HULA Competition at the MACC begins Sept. 14.
FOREST FLUTTERS on Sept. 22 will delight keiki at the MACC.
musicians. Keynote Speaker: Hear from Dr. Adam Coles as he shares powerful insights and practical tools for fostering peace in our community.. Keiki Activities: Bring the kids for a day filled with fun and educational activities designed to inspire the next generation of peacebuilders. Together, let’s create more peace in our community!
https://teranjy.org/mauipeace-day/ Learn more about Teran James Young Foundation at www.teranjy.org or (808) 866-0833 $15
Sept. 22
FOREST FLUTTERS: A Bird-Day Party Sunday, Sept. 22; 10:00 am & 2:00 pm; McCoy Studio Theater; FREE Admission, The Maui Arts & Cultural Center. This enchanting and educational experience invites keiki to explore Hawai‘i’s forests and meet its native birds through a multi-sensory adventure filled with smells, touch, movement, and music. Children ages 2 and up, along with their families, will delight in the symphony of native birds who have inhabited our islands long before humans arrived. Free family show for all ages, with a special focus on early ages (2-7 years). Must pre-register at MauiArts.org.
Events Calendar
Sept. 22
SISTER NANCY, the pioneering artist hailed as the first female star in the male-dominated world of Jamaican dancehall, 8 pm at Da Playground Maui, Maalaea, visit DaPlayGroundMaui.com for tickets.
Sept. 25
KAWIKA KAHIAPO is featured at GEORGE KAHUMOKU’S SLACK KEY SHOW. Napili Kai Beach Resort. 6:30pm Tickets: www. SlackKeyShow.com or 808-6693858
Sept. 27
CHICAGO with Special Guest Henry Kapono Friday, Sept. 27. Gates open at 5:30 pm; Show at 7:00 pm; A&B Amphitheater and Yokouchi Pavilion. Hailed as one of the “most important bands in music since the dawn of the rock and roll era, the legendary rock and roll band with horns, Chicago, came in as the highest charting American band in Billboard Magazine’s Top 125 Artists Of All Time. Tickets:/info. visit mauiarts.org
Sept. 27
‘80s NIGHT, 9 pm at Da Playground, Maui, Maalaea, visit DaPlayGroundMaui.com for info./tickets.
Sept. 28 & Oct. 26
YIN YOGA SOUND HEALING ~ Saturdays with Lydee. 6:30 to 8:30 pm, Lumeria Maui Wellness Retreat. Cacao. Yin Yoga. Chakra clearing with crystals, and healing sound bath. Crystals are provided and available for purchase. Aug. 17 event benefits Lahaina recovery efforts. For more info: 808-757-1111. $55 per event.
Sept. 29
DRAG SHOW BRUNCH presented by Mancandy Productions at da Playground Maui in Maalaea. 1 pm. Join us for an afternoon of fabulous performances, fierce competition, and unapologetic celebration at our Monthly Drag Show! Info: DaPlayGroundMaui.com.
Oct. 5 ~ PORTALS TO PRESENCE ~ Sat., 1 – 3 p.m. A Divine Feminine Dance™ Event with Jennifer Loftus! Ladies…activate your senses, move your body with Divine Feminine Dance and connect with women’s community in this special event on Maui! Our senses can be portals to being fully present in the now if we tune into them. This event will include Divine Feminine Dance, guided journaling and partner sharing in cool, upcountry beauty! Register on the events page at www. musicmovesthesoul.com
Oct. 5 & 6
REIKI TRAINING – Maui October 5 & 6. Empower Your Healing Ability. Facilitated by Jenna Keck, Reiki Master. 408-6214102, Register online www. LifestyleReiki.com
Oct. 17
ARIES FULL MOON RITUAL & Temple Spa Mini Retreat, BlackSwanTemple.org
ALTERED EARTH - Through Oct. 19,; Schaefer Gallery hours are Tue- Sat, 10am – 4pm; Free Admission . This invitational exhibition features ten contemporary ceramic artists who explore the medium of clay and earth-derived materials
FIND EVENTS, meet new people and join the LGBTQIA+ community! Brunches, hiking, live entertainment. yearly festival and much more . Aloha Maui Pride on FB or visit AlohaMauiPride.org.
GEORGE KAHUMOKU’S weekly SLACK KEY SHOW: Every FIRST Wednesday features LED KAAPANA. Other September guests are Jeff Peterson, Brother Noland, and Kawika Kahiapo. Napili Kai Beach Resort. Tickets: www. SlackKeyShow.com/showschedule.

CHICAGO along with special guest Henry Kapono will rock the stage and wow the crowd at

Fundraiser Features Silent Auction, Documentary Films
“World Ukulele Program” Teaches Kids How To Play
By Cindy Schumacher
On Saturday September 13th at 7pm, Dr. Tom Vendetti, an award-winning Maui filmmaker and retired director of Mental Health Kokua, will present a fundraiser at the ProArts Playhouse Theater in Kihei. There will be a silent auction to raise money for the Mohala Hou Foundation (MHF) to support its “World Ukulele Program”, teaching disadvantaged children in Hawai’i and around the world how to play the ukulele. Among the items to be auctioned is a ukulele signed by world-renowned musician and award-winning slack-key guitar master Keola Beamer.
“The name Mohala Hou means to blossom anew” said Vendetti. “The foundation was established as a non-profit organization in September 2007 to support and promote the teaching and sharing of Hawai’ian music, dance, language, and culture. MHF believes it is our kuleana (responsibility) to bring people together, both locally and from the world at large.”
Keola and his wife Moanalani are both active members of MHF which presents Aloha Music Camp (AMC) and other educational and cultural events. At AMC, the Beamer ‘ohana and additional Hawai’ian kumu (teachers) have provided programs in the context of ukulele, guitar, hula, ’ōlelo (language), oli (chant), and traditional Hawai’ian crafts to thousands of participants of all ages.

Keola shared, “MHF also honors my mother, Aunty Nona Beamer, a revered Hawai’ian cultural treasure, and her effort, not only to live a life of aloha, but also to spread it around the world.”
Vendetti, Maui musician Jeff Peterson, MHF President Tom Lunneberg, and other members from the AMC will travel to Bhutan in November to donate ukuleles and teach disadvantaged children the basics of the instrument and film the event. Peterson, a very gifted musician, will be the lead

Jeff Peterson, Keola Beamer, and many others have contributed to provide youth with the ukulele as a way to enrich their lives and communities through music. Photo courtesy of Tom Vendetti
ukulele teacher on this trip. The students love him and the results of his and the other teachers’ instructions are outstanding.
Vendetti stated that it was Aunty Nona Beamer’s vision to use music and teachings about Hawai’ian culture to spread aloha that got him immediately hooked on the mission. “It is our goal to make Aunty Nona’s vision a reality!” he said. “Besides in Hawai’i, the World Ukulele Program has previously been successful in Cambodia and India.
At ProArts, Vendetti will be screening two documentary films that he directed. Beginning at 7 pm the film Ram Dass: Aphasia, His Spiritual Life and Hawai’i features an interview conducted by Rick Chatenever and Vendetti after Ram Dass’s stroke. Ram Dass talks about his spiritual journey and how he finally found contentment on Maui. The backdrop for the film is beautiful scenery of Hawai’i.
After a 15-minute intermission, the second film being presented is the Emmy Award-winning: Bhutan: Taking the Middle Path to Happiness. Imagine a country where happiness is the guiding principle of government, a place with an abundance of clean and renewable energy, a nation committed to preserving its culture, and whose progress is measured by obtaining Gross National Happiness for its people. During the November trip, Vendetti will be honored by the people of Bhutan for this film.
“Keola, Moanalani, Jeff, Tom and the whole MHF organization are my heroes,” Vendetti emphasized. “They are dedicated to bringing Hawai’ian culture to underprivileged youth wherever they are, in addition to placing an instrument in their hands. Their goal is simple. Spread peace through music and in the process spread the aloha spirit. I am honored to travel with this group!”
Himalayan Sessions CDs and Keola Beamer CDs will also be part of the auction. Tickets are free, first come first served, when reserved on the ProArts website, https://proartsmaui.org/ .
(408) 621-4102

Watercolor Of Lahaina’s Banyan Tree Internationally Recognized
By Cindy Schumaker
Maui artist Joanne Hopper was recently juried into the American Watercolor Society’s 157th International Exhibition in New York City for her painting, Banyan Light. Hopper’s work was her heartfelt response to the fires on Maui.
“I painted this watercolor of the iconic Lahaina Banyan Tree in response to the wildfires of August 8th, 2023, which utterly destroyed Lahaina town and ravaged other areas of Maui as well,” Hopper said. “The beloved tree was planted near Lahaina Harbor more than 150 years ago and now covers an entire city block, the largest banyan in the United States. It was severely damaged during the fires. All of its foliage, many of its aerial roots and several of its trunks on the town side are gone or damaged beyond recovery.”
Arborists have been brought in to treat the tree with irrigation, soil aeration, fertilization and compost. Amazingly, the roots were deep enough and the tree was strong enough that it is indeed beginning to have new leaves and shoots returning from the many trunks of this singular tree.
Hopper added, “I and many others see this tree as a metaphor for the strength, resilience, healing, and hope for Lahaina. The light on one of its beautiful trunks in this painting symbolizes for me the hope, future, and continued healing of the tree and people of Lahaina and Maui, a reminder of our indomitable spirits.”
To see Joanne’s work, visit Viewpoints Art Gallery in Makawao Town. Hopper is exhibited in their show Lucky Live Hawai’i: A positive outlook on living in our cherished islands. The show ends on September 16.

“Banyan Light” wins accolades for Maui artist Joanne Hopper.

When Animals Communicate, Are We Listening?
By Enrique Diaz
Animal Communication is innate and natural to us. Everyone can communicate with animals but may have forgotten. Revisiting your childhood, recall your interaction with animals. If you watch toddlers interact with animals, notice how effortless it is for them because of their heightened intuition and connection to the non-physical world.
Animal Communication or Psychic Animal Communication, according to Anna Breytenbach a Professional Animal Communication in South Africa, is the natural universal language of ‘Telepathy’ that allows us to use our natural intuition and abilities to connect with other species. The root word of ‘Telepathy’ is feeling across the distance, similar to when a horse can sense someone’s fear and reacts.
One of the elements of how it works is by preparing emotionally, mentally, energetically and intentionally. The benefits of animal communication include but are not limited to creating a harmonious blend of our body, mind, emotional and spiritual nature.
The realm of animal communication can be traced back to our ancestors and we still see this with the Indigenous Cultures and their deep respectful relationship with nature.
For example, the Kanaka Maoli (Native Hawaiians) have ‘Aumakua which are personal or family god ancestors that take on a physical form as spirit vehicles that could manifest as animals like the Pueo (short-eared owl) or other natural forms. The ‘Aumakua gives protection and guidance to their families including perhaps a strong feeling about something, and intuitive messages.
with you and you will know each other.”
Animals have a story to tell and can be and are our friends, teachers and companions. Some are experts in survival and adaption, others are protectors and nurturers. They embody strength and courage characteristics we can add to our life.

Ted Andrews an author, teacher of esoteric practices and clairvoyance says that: “You don’t have to believe all the symbology and mythology of nature but by examining it, you touch an ancient primal part of our soul, a part of you that is still capable of responding to Nature with wonder.”
Animals are sentient beings, intuitive and can feel our intentions, communicating with their appearances, behaviors, movements and characteristics.
By always respecting, studying and reading about animal behaviors you will have a deeper understanding for them and yourself.
At Soulvoyage Adventures my passion is to help people experience nature in a holistic way with Outdoor Spiritual Explorations. These adventurous, heart opening and mindexpanding explorations assist in the healing and transformation of the mind, body and spirit.
Also Native Americans have their Animal Totems containing symbols of a specific kind of energy to manifest and align with our life. The animal becomes a symbolic force of the invincible spiritual realm manifesting within our life. Chief Dan George of the TsleilWaututh Nation says: “If you talk to the animals they will talk Y
For more info visit: soulvoyageadventures.com.

Classified Listings
BODY TRAINER, UnWind the Soul (UWS) Detox Healings. Guided Meditation Journeys. Seer. Juliet Butters Doty. 29 years in business. Healing Sanctuary UpCountry. 808-359-8676 juliet@ unwindthesoul.com.
TIRED OF ALL THE LIES in society? Be part of the solution! https://sharedreality. exchange 808-281-3359.
CLASSES in Kihei. Instructor: Carolina De Calisto 14 yrs of experience. When: Mondays & Wednesdays 6:30pm-7:30pm. Where: In the Dance Studio inside Valley Isle Fitness Gym. Address is 41 E Lipoa St #11 Kihei. Phone : Text or Call 808-280-1523. Cost: $10 or 2 classes for $16 per student. Class level: Intermediate to High Intensity Class. What you need to bring: A bottle of water, towel and wear tennis shoes. Why Zumba?
Zumba’s high-intensity movements, like jumps and lunges, engage and strengthen your leg muscles, and the dance moves can also
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help you build lean muscle mass and increase your metabolism. You can try this high intensity interval training Zumba sessions to burn more calories and fat. IG: Mauizumba FB: Mauizumba
CHAOS TO CAREFREE with Gylian Solay, MS: Professional Organizer “Find What You Need” and “Keep What You Want” With over 40 yrs Organizing experience, Gylian assists you in your home, office, and life…” Together we focus on Who YOU ARE and How YOU LIVE” to make the space comfortably YOURS! Spaces vary from: hoarding, extreme cluttering, messy, Zen, and everything inbetween; combining households, downsizing, packing, and moving households large and small. My clients are always amazed at how I’m able to find ways to create spaces. So, if you’re looking for “Ways and Spaces” to maintain manageability of your possessions… Contact me for further info: 808 344 8068, gylian@ youremergentself.net; https:// gyliansolay.com/why-chaos-tocarefree Mission Possible!!!
PSYCHIC READING ~ The Oracle (by donation) 808-4630779 (text, please)
CLASSIFIED LISTINGS run 40 cents a word. Send your listing to MauiPulse@aol.com before Sept. 20 to be included in the Oct. edition.

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