By Dr. Justin Feinstein
I first envisioned the Maui Calm project during a moment of great despair immediately following the Maui fires last August. Having spent the past decade researching and publishing findings on the benefits of float therapy in people who suffer from anxiety and PTSD, I knew it was one of the most advanced tools our society has for naturally calming an anxious and traumatized nervous system. Now imagine if we could bring this level of healing to an entire community that has been traumatized?
Float therapy, also known as Floatation-REST (Reduced Environmental Stimulation Therapy), is actually quite simple: you lie down and effortlessly float in a shallow pool of water that has been saturated with over a thousand pounds of Epsom salt, making it denser than the Dead Sea. The hard part is building the float pool inside of a speciallycalibrated room that minimizes all forms of stimulation on the nervous system, including visual and auditory stimulation, thermal stimulation (the water and air are heated to skin temperature), and even stimulation from gravity itself.
respiration is lowered, high-frequency heart rate variability improves, and brain activity dramatically slows down to 1-2 cycles a second. The end result is a state of calm that lasts for over 48 hours after the float session is over.
I started investigating the therapeutic benefits of float therapy over a decade ago at the Laureate Institute for Brain Research. Peer-reviewed research from my laboratory and others has found that float therapy reflexively reduces signs of stress and hyperarousal, allowing an overstimulated and shocked nervous system to enter a state of equilibrium. Circulating cortisol levels are reduced, blood pressure drops by 10 to 15 points,
The goal of the Maui Calm project is to prevent PTSD from spiraling into a chronic state and to reduce the high level of stress and anxiety that the people of Maui are currently experiencing. Since we are a research-based nonprofit organization, we plan to collect data and track outcomes over time, which will provide a pivotal proof-of-principle for using float therapy to address real-world traumas and disasters from the moment they occur. This is a scalable concept that could be replicated and implemented across the nation and even the world.
`The float pools we are building are not the small, enclosed float tanks that you may have heard of in the past. In fact, what we’re building is the opposite – large open pools with no enclosure
for complete peace of mind. The project aims to bypass the cultural and financial barriers that have prevented many island residents from receiving effective mental health treatment in the wake of the fires by providing free floatation therapy inside a state-of-the-art facility that will be placed just outside the new YMCA resource center being built in Lahaina.
The float facility will be arriving on island early next year, and thanks to a grant from the Maui Strong Fund of the Hawaii Community Foundation, we will be providing float therapy completely free of charge to everyone on Maui who has been impacted by the fires, including all fire survivors, first responders, and frontline workers. At full capacity, our float facility will be able to serve over 300 people each week and provide over 15,000 float sessions over the course of a year. This is the first time ever that float therapy will be provided to an entire community at no cost to them and we are actively looking for sponsors to help ensure that this valuable therapy can continue to be provided to the Maui community for many years to come.
The Maui Calm project is led by Dr. Justin Feinstein, a clinical neuropsychologist and national authority on float therapy. For the past decade, Dr. Feinstein has published numerous peer-reviewed studies showing that float therapy is a safe and effective treatment for reducing stress and anxiety, including in patients with PTSD. To learn more please visit MauiCalm.org .
What are key means to uplift your spirit? When we face a future seemly filled with uncertainty due to the prevailing political scene, with wars, erratic weather and rising prices, just staying afloat may seem like the norm!
One of the best ways to uplift your spirit is to “Be Here Now” and practice gratitude. By focusing on the positive aspects of life, whether big or small, I can shift my perspective and foster a mindset of abundance. Reflecting on what I’m grateful for can increase my happiness and reduce stress.
For me, getting out in nature (be it to the beach or on a hike), my meditation practice, and simply playing with my dog does the trick.
Having a clear vision of what I want to achieve, provides purpose and direction. By breaking larger goals into small chunks of accomplishments on my “To Do” list I can build confidence and optimism about what lies ahead.
Regular physical activity including aerobics and stretching, healthy eating, and sufficient sleep can also reduce anxiety.
It may seem old school, but I’ve found listening to Louise Hay tapes on YouTube helpful. Also, Sound Healing and Energy Healing led by expert practitioners has spiritually restored me. Check out this issue and take advantage of the talented healers within!
- Eric T. Richter, publisher
ON THE COVER: Heather Regal practices and teaches Aerial Yoga at the Black Swan Temple nature sanctuary on Maui. Check the calendar section of this issue for upcoming events and miniretreats, and read her excellent article with tips to lift your spirit on page 12. Visit www.blackswantemple.org or find her on Facebook and Instagram.
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By Sandy Schneider
Traditional holiday advertisements surround us with images of fireplaces, decorations, special foods, and, most importantly, family. For many, this evokes joyful childhood memories and family traditions. However, for those who have lost a dear family member or friend, holidays can summon grief and lead to feelings of sadness, hopelessness, and despair. Santa’s proverbial bag weighs heavily, packed with grief.
Grief is a set of emotions triggered by the loss of a loved one. Grief is neither good nor bad and shows up differently for different people. To the surprise of many, it can even show up long beyond the passing of our loved ones. During the holiday season, it is important to turn our attention inward and ask, “How am I really doing right now?” Don’t be surprised if the answer is far from that of a Hallmark movie. Experiencing grief is natural. However, it does not need to be a struggle. Grief is a reflection of love. You simply cannot express and experience that love in the way that you once did. When in grief, consider if those emotions are serving you. If so, curl up under the blanket, grab a cup of tea, allow tears to flow, and express the sadness. Do this with love –¬ love for your dear one and love for yourself.
When the emotion of grief is too much and no longer serving you, seek outside assistance to turn those grief emotions into gratitude and love. Talk therapy is available through local counselors and grief groups in our community. For those not interested in traditional talk therapy, sound and light vibration therapy of the Harmonic Egg® is a powerful way to shift from overwhelming grief to emotional balance and love.
Sandy Schneider, M.A. is an ICF certified life and leadership coach and the owner of Mind and Body Harmonics in Kihei, which features the state’s first Harmonic Egg®. Visit www.mindandbodyharmonics.com to learn more.
By Ania Wood
When I think of Raising Your Spirit, I think about living from that wiser, bigger picture part of us rather than from our reactive ego patterns.
The big picture is comforting because it is more truthful. It is simply more accurate to look at reality in terms of context and interconnected relationships than to look at reality only in little emotionally charged slivers. I see this every time I counsel a couple: how connecting with the bigger picture of understanding their patterns and remembering their love calms the nervous system and allows for new solutions to emerge within the field that the couple did not seem to have any access to when their minds were stuck in reactive loops.
Processing this recent election, where people voted for a man of stunningly poor character to be their leader, I’m finding a big picture lens to be helpful in understanding how this could happen.
The Family Constellation work of Bert Hellinger can be adapted to many systems, families, workplaces, and even nations. He worked with thousands of families over several decades and was considered the ultimate empiricist because he never created solutions from a purely mental framework; instead, he held unwavering loyalty to simply observing what tended to work, and he created miraculous shifts for people by following certain observed “rules” for wholeness to return to the system.
manifest as a “problem child” in the family making trouble, which can get “miraculously” cleared up when whatever has been excluded is welcomed back.
In our country today, our leadership has failed the middle class for decades; they have been disempowered economically through corporations stealing their wealth, and those in power have ignored their struggles. The system is screaming for change, and a figurehead who knows how to exploit this pain comes in. When nobody else will actually pay attention to the exiles, that exiled pain grabs onto the closest thing it has that can offer some hope for inclusion. And that’s how you get people voting for a rapist and lying felon based on “vibes” – one side of his mouth saying he will fight for you, while the policies he’s proposing will steal even more wealth from the middle class. It’s not rational, and it never was rational, and we cannot fault the system for not being rational because it is simply functioning on the same unconscious emotional principles as any collective of humans tends to function.
The only way for a system to heal from a chaos agent who is feeding off unintegrated pain is to address the root of the problem and redistribute power and agency to the people who have been ignored and disempowered.
The system seeks wholeness, and one general rule was around the impact of exiles (a family member who committed a crime, a child given up for adoption, ostracized family members, etc.). The Family Soul feels the absence of the exiled person and unconsciously compensates for their exclusion, often at great emotional cost to others in the family. It can
Ania Ananda Wood, MA, M-NLP, loves empowering couples and individuals to clear trauma patterns and unconscious blocks and to create the lives and relationships of their dreams. She offers sessions from her home office in Haiku or over video. Ania will be leading a Systemic Constellation based session on Upgrading Your Love Blueprint at Lumeria in March as part of the Come Away With Me retreat. Visit www.conscious.love or call 415.517.7349 to get in touch.
By Rev. Blaine Tinsley
Have you ever noticed how simple acts of gratitude can transform your mood? Gratitude is the key to unlocking a lighter, more joyful spirit. When life feels heavy, focusing on what is good and beautiful shifts our hearts and the energy we bring into the world.
Gratitude is more than saying “thank you.” It’s a spiritual practice. It involves pausing to recognize the blessings woven into our everyday lives, the sun's warmth on our faces, the laughter of a friend, and the quiet resilience of our hearts. By embracing these moments, we awaken to the grace surrounding us, always ready to lift us higher.
Grace is a gift we often overlook. It appears unexpectedly – a helping hand, a kind word, a sudden realization that everything will be okay. Grace reminds us that support is all around us, even in our struggles. It whispers that we don’t need to have everything figured out to feel peace; we need to trust the flow of life and lean into the support available to us. Combining gratitude and grace is a powerful spiritual practice. Start each day by listing three things you are grateful for. Let these acknowledgments open your heart. Then, embrace grace by letting go of what you cannot control. Trust that something greater is unfolding. When we practice gratitude and grace, our spirits naturally rise. We become more open, compassionate, and attuned to the beauty within and around us. These practices remind us that our spirits can soar no matter our challenges. All it takes is a moment to pause, give thanks, and let grace carry us forward.
Rev. Blaine Tinsley is the spiritual director of Unity on Maui, a vibrant community dedicated to spiritual growth and transformation. Unity teaches practical, positive, and inclusive spiritual principles that empower individuals to live their highest potential through love, mindfulness, and a deep connection to the Divine within. Visit www.unityonmaui.org.
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By Lydee Ritchie, LMFT, LLC
The nights are longer, the veil is thinner, and the Makali`i and Pleiades are back. The once-in-a-lifetime comet A3 blessed the Hawaiian skies, and the new moon in Scorpio appeared on November 1.
I love this time of year. The darkness reminds us to lift our spirits as our Inner Eyes readjust for self-reflection. At writing, people worldwide practice looking inward by celebrating light over darkness, Diwali, life over death, Day of the Dead, All Hallow’s Eve, All Saints’ Day, Samhain, and peace over war, Makahiki.
The planet and mankind are going through big shifts and changes. It is the day after the USA elections. Our inner phoenix has risen from the ashes. Let’s pray our country can achieve civil peace, harmony, and prosperity. I am praying for Ukraine-Russia, Palestine-Israel, and the ending of all wars, as well as the merciless, unjust killings of innocents around the world.
Until these centuries-old conflicts and battles are resolved, there is nothing else I can do but constantly envision peace and send out positive vibes. In my sacred space at home, I also send prayers through energy waves of sound. This uplifts my spirit.
I love this so much that I offer sound healing in yoga classes and community events. The vibrations create sacred sound patterns that are therapeutic in various ways. In a group setting, it has the potential to expand and extend the depth and breadth of energy healing.
My intent is to provide a safe space, allowing the medicine of instruments and sound to be sent and received. This includes playing metal gongs and bowls, drums, a wooden flute, crushed crystals/gems infused in rare alchemy bowls, leading group toning, and more. The instruments know how to heal intelligently. The individual will take in exactly what he or she needs to reboot, recharge, and restore.
When a room full of people listens to low-sounding gongs and drums,
they begin to feel rooted to Mama Aina. When the group hears the middle tones, they feel balanced and centered. The higher tones created by singing bowls and chimes make them feel like they’re being transported to higher dimensions, to angelic realms.
This grounding, balancing, and uplifting phenomenon, induced by contrasting sounds, affects participants in various ways. Participants say they feel lighter, they feel a release of something negative in their psyche, or they go on a trip sans any drugs. Some fall asleep and receive resolution on a subconscious level, perhaps letting go of ancestral karma. Others receive messages from spirit guides. Many report feeling super relaxed and falling into the best, deepest sleep ever upon returning home.
This is what sound healing does. It is truly uplifting. Its ability to recalibrate to healthy, sacred geometrical patterns can be expanded throughout the world. Sound healing reminds us we are all healers.
Lydee Ritchie is a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist and crystal energy practitioner. She offers monthly sound healing yin yoga events at Lumeria Maui and teaches yin/yang yoga on Sundays, 5-6 pm at Mangala Yoga, Makawao. She is the author of Crystal Moon Grids, which can be purchased at Driftwood Boutique, Makawao, or online at CrystalFairyGridmother.com. For more info, lydeemaui@gmail.com
A grid for manifestation and ascension.
• Labradorite, center sphere, to help enhance psychic abilities and for psychic protection.
• Yellowstones: Gold Topaz and Citrine pointers to manifest peace, harmony, and positivity; to open the door to the Christ Consciousness and for heart ascension for mankind.
• Rubies for self-confidence, spiritual courage, altruism, and heroism.
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AERIAL YOGA & SOUND HEALING & Temple Spa Mini Retreats with Heather & Donny Regal. 2-6pm Saturdays Dec. 7, Jan. 11, Feb. 1. Two hours Spa + 2 class $50-$80. Must Preregister BlackSwanTemple.org 808-269-4333
MOON RITUAL & TEMPLE SPA MINI RETREATS with Heather & Donny Regal 2- 8pm, Sat., Dec. 14, Mon., Jan. 13,Wed., Feb. 12. Two hours Spa & 2 hour Cacao & Sacred Sound Ceremony & Light Vegan Dinner. $60-$111. Must Preregister BlackSwanTemple.org, 808-269-4333.
WINTER SOLSTICE SACRED SOUND & LIGHT Ceremony with Heather & Donny Regal and friends. Friday, Dec. 20, 6pm Temple of Peace (Haiku). $25 in advance or $30 cash at the door, BlackSwanTemple.org for tickets, 808-269-4333
YIN YOGA SOUND HEALING with Lydee, 6:30-8:30 p.m., Saturdays, Dec. 21, Feb. 22 and March 29. Cacao, gentle chakra opening stretches, crystal layouts, and sound healing with crystal bowls, gongs, and percussions. Cost: $55. Limited space. Lumeria, Maui. - 1813 Baldwin Ave. For more info text Lydee at 808-757-1111.
REIKI TRAINING – Maui Jan. 11 & 12. Empower Your Healing Ability. Facilitated by Jenna Keck, Reiki Master. 408-621-4102. Register online www. LifestyleReiki.com
Mon. Jan. 13 6:30 pm. - UPLIFT MAUI at The Hotel Wailea - “Invoking Your Light Body: A Transformative Group Energy & Sound Healing Experience.” Enjoy the magic of hands-on Rainbow energy healing designed to align your chakras and elevate your energetic body. Info at: GoGetitEnergyHealing.com.
Sunday, Jan. 26 ~12-5pm. MYSTIC-HOLISTIC WELLNESS FAIR & Crystal Sale! FREE event @ the beautiful Wailea Healing Center above Mulligan's on the Blue. Come receive intuitive guidance, astrology, tarot readings and healing services; body and energy work, aura photography, Diamond Light, along with a magical assortment of healing crystals, art, jewelry and unique made on Maui gifts. A unique, popular Maui event! Call Judy Levy for info or to be a vendor. 808.269-7762
MAUI OPEN STUDIOS CELEBATION EVENT, 5-8pm, Sat., Feb. 8 at Kihei Dance Connection 381 Huku Lii Place, Suite #102. FREE! Artist’s Exhibition kicks off three following weekends of artists opening their studios and exhibition venues to the art-loving public all over Maui! Visit www. mauiopenstudios.com for full details.
BREAST AND FULL BODY THERMOGRAPHY SCREENING available on Maui Mon, Feb.10, 2025 by Nancy Gardner, board certified with 30 years experience. To schedule (415) 300-6527
February 22 & 23 MAUI OPEN STUDIOS at the Sacred Garden, Saturday and Sunday, 11 - 6, Free Entry. Featuring Lalénya Vann, paintings & cards; Jan Maret Willman, abstract paintings and wearable art; Daniel Francisco, drawings & illustrations; and Guest Artists! 460 Kaluanui Rd., Makawao 808-573-7700.
Sunday, March 2nd ~ 12-5 pm MYSTIC-HOLISTIC WELLNESS FAIR & Crystal Sale! FREE event @ the beautiful Wailea Healing Center above Mulligan's on the Blue. Come receive intuitive guidance, astrology, tarot readings and healing services; body and energy work, aura photography, Diamond Light, along with a magical assortment of healing crystals, art, jewelry and unique made on Maui gifts. A unique, popular Maui event! Call Judy Levy for info or to be a vendor. 808.269-7762
EVERYDAY YOGA FOR EVERYONE! Kundalini Yoga ,Yin Yoga,Yoga Nidra ~ This encourages you to keep experimenting until you feel Happy, Healthy, and Whole. Classes are at Lumeria Educational Retreat Center in Upcountry. A big part of yoga is cultivating a practice that can help you become healthier, stronger, and more flexible in body and mind. If you’re overwhelmed, simply return to your breath and enjoy the process! All classes are by donation! Every Tuesday & Saturday, 8:00 am to 9:00 am, contact Ruby on website;www. BreatheHawaiiLife.com
RAINBOW DRAGON ~ Join us for our weekly meditation and sound healing events, private healing sessions and one day retreats! 381 Huku Lii Place, #202, Kihei. 808-743-4414.
SIMPLY ECLECTIC, Experience one of a kind offerings, Elegant and Casual Jewelry,Artistic dressing that flatters. GECKO BOUTIQUE, 3621 Baldwin Ave, Makawao open 7 days. (2/25)
SWAMI KHECARANATHA and the Heart of Consciousness offers on-going kundalini meditation and sakti transmission classes at Nityakash in Haiku. For details email maui@heartofc.org. or visit www.heartofc.org
“WAKING DREAM” DRUM JOURNEYS and Dream Sharing Circles with www.ActiveDreamingMaui.com. Learn to understand your Soul’s Messages for Healing, Personal Insights, Guidance and Intuitive Direct-Knowing through these embodied Experiential practices. Monthly gatherings Upcountry and private sessions. Guided by Lalénya Vann, 808-757-8761.
OUTDOOR SPIRITUAL EXPLORATIONS. Activate - Explore - Transform your Body, Mind & Spirit. www.soulvoyageadventures.com
PADMA’S TEA HOUSE & HEALING HAVEN ~ Energy healing, tea parties, cultural classes, emotional and spiritual support. 24 N. Market Street, Wailuku. (808) 446-3060.
INTUITIVE CARD READINGS at Maui Mana Metaphysical Center with Psychic Heimana Sherman. Call for information: 808-385-0898.
TEMPLE OF PEACE Sunday Service. Temple of Peace Spiritual Center is an inter-faith spiritual community whose doors are open to all who aspire to seek genuine spirituality, personal change and loving service to humanity. Join Rev. Kedar St John & Friends every Sunday,10:30 am.- noon as we gather together in musical remembrance, practice and celebration of our divine connection, here now alive and awake in our changing world. 575 Haiku Road, Haiku - 808-575-5220 templeofpeacemaui.com
UNITY on MAUI – An Inclusive Spiritual Community, Unity on Maui offers a positive path to spiritual living where everyone is valued. We celebrate wisdom from all spiritual traditions, integrate insights from science and psychology, and advocate for social and environmental responsibility. Join our 10 am Sunday Service to create health, prosperity, happiness, and peace of mind through positive spiritual practice. Enjoy music, laughter, inspirational messages, and fellowship as we honor the divinity within each of us. Located at 483 S. High Street,Wailuku. Contact Rev. Blaine at blainet2@gmail.com.
HEALING IN THE GARDENS - Sundays 9-10AM @South Maui Gardens in Kihei. Sound Healing - Breathwork - Gentle Yoga & Qigong w/ Nadia @hoola.maui on Instagram. (808) 264-9971
DISCOVER AGAPE SOUL CENTER of the Pacific. Join us at the Agape Soul Center of the Pacific, affiliated with Rev. Michael Beckwith’s renowned Agape International Spiritual Center in Los Angeles. Every Sunday from 11 AM to 1 PM, we gather to watch the inspiring Agape livestream and share in a nurturing community. Experience the warmth of fellowship with our vegan potluck and contribute your vision for the vibrant future of our center on the beautiful island of Maui. For more information, contact Christina Litman,ALSP, at 808-419-2004. Be a part of a Transformative community that uplifts and connects us all in unconditional love!
Every Wednesday KIRTAN CHANTING 6:30pm, followed by vegetarian dinner at Temple of Peace, 575 Haiku Rd. For more info., call (808) 575-5220. By donation.
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By Andrea Kalff
The world is experiencing unprecedented levels of stress, disconnection, and imbalance. From climate crises and wars to health epidemics, humanity is navigating an era of profound challenges. To address these complex issues, an integrative approach that combines ancient wisdom with modern science is not just beneficial – it’s essential.
Modern-day shamanism, rooted in ancient practices, offers a holistic framework for healing that complements the precision of Western medicine. Shamanic practices, such as rituals, energy work, healing ceremonies, healing hands-on, and connection with the natural world, address the spiritual and emotional dimensions of health that are often overlooked in clinical settings. These practices restore balance, reconnect individuals to their purpose, and tap into the body’s innate healing potential. Shamanism activates the body’s natural self-healing abilities, a fact recognized by the World Health Organization (WHO) since 1979, which officially acknowledges shamanism as a therapeutic practice.
With its remarkable diagnostic tools and evidence-based treatments, Western medicine excels at addressing physical symptoms and acute conditions. However, when integrated with shamanic practices, it has the potential to heal not only the body but also the mind and spirit. Hospitals and therapists are increasingly recognizing shamanism, creating space for collaboration that treats patients as whole beings rather than treating isolated symptoms.
In the last few years, I have made significant strides in bridging the gap between shamanism and Western medicine, especially in Europe, such as leading a scientific study in Austria in a mental hospital, focusing on patients with addiction.
By honoring the wisdom of the past, this intersection of ancient and modern modalities holds the promise of transformation – not just for individuals but for society as a whole!
Andrea Kalff, a Korean Mudang (Shaman), collaborates with Western doctors and therapists worldwide, bridging traditional healing practices with modern medicine. Her work is a testament to the power of integration, addressing the deepest levels of human experience for lasting wellness. She is now on Maui. Visit www.andrea-kalff.com or call/text 808.797.0240.
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By Heather Regal
In times of stress, the world can feel heavy, but there are gentle ways to lift your spirit and soothe your soul. Imagine weaving together a tapestry of sacred practices that reconnect you with your inner light, helping you feel more grounded and serene. Let me guide you through some of these pathways.
Aromatherapy is a profound first step. Scents like lavender, sandalwood, and rose can invoke peace and balance. When you breathe in these natural fragrances, they connect to the limbic system, which helps regulate emotions, inviting tranquility into your being. Simply anoint your wrists or diffuse the oils, allowing their essence to gently fill your space.
Sound healing, whether through singing bowls, chanting, or music, works with vibrational energy to restore harmony within. The resonance of sound washes over you, aligning the mind and spirit and inviting stillness. Combine this with intentional breath work, taking deep, full breaths in sync with the rhythm of sound, and you'll find your body relaxed, and your energy centers recalibrated. Nature bathing – or spending time surrounded by the green embrace of trees or near flowing waters – has a potent effect on our emotional wellbeing. Absorb the Earth's nurturing energy with your bare feet on the ground, letting worries dissipate as you reconnect with the rhythms of nature.
Yoga, too, brings calm by uniting breath, movement, and intention. Flowing through poses that open the heart or ground your body can release stagnant energy and foster inner clarity.
Ultimately, self-care is the root of all these practices. Give yourself the gift of time and attention, whether it's through a warm bath, journaling, or meditation. Remember, stress is fleeting, but your inner light is ever-present. These simple rituals help you rediscover that light – a luminous guide amidst even the stormiest days.
Heather Regal is priestess, sound healer, wellness retreat leader and author. For more insights and exploration, visit BlackSwanTemple.org or log on to IG & FB @Black_Swan_Temple. SwanTemple.org or IG & FB @ BlackSwanTemple
The first European initiated into Korean Shamanism in 2006, Andrea travels worldwide to help and support people in difficult life situations, mental and physical illnesses and much more. During sessions she explores between the worlds, encountering the powers behind the veil of nature to facilitate healing and self-discovery for her clients. She works with a wide variety of doctors, psychologists and therapists worldwide.
To get in touch to explore receiving an in-person session on Maui, or online, contact her through her website for more information: www.andrea-kalff.com
(Click on English version at the bottom of the web page) Or text/call (808) 797-0240
tools available
By Kristine Kozuki
As Pluto entered Aquarius on November 19, we officially entered a new era marked by a shift in energy, perspective, and way of being. This age’s focus will move from “me” to “we” as we awaken to understand that we are all interconnected. True magic occurs when we connect with ourselves and our hearts.
At any given moment, we work with various energy centers, but the goal is to bring the heart and mind into coherence. For too long, we’ve turned to the mind as a defense mechanism to protect our hearts. Consequently, we’ve become disconnected, anxious, and overwhelmed. Achieving heart-mind coherence means integrating the mind's wisdom with the heart's power, creating a harmonious balance between the two. The heart is a powerful center, capable of alchemizing any emotion or energy. When we navigate life from the heart, we make decisions rooted in love, compassion, and joy—leading to more fulfilling, harmonious experiences. This shift requires us to embrace our emotions, not as "good" or "bad," but simply as energy. By not attaching judgment to our feelings, we transform and heal them, creating space for empowered, heart-based decisions. Moving into this new age, we will witness advancements in technology and gain access to an immense wealth of information. To use these tools effectively, we must stay heart-centered. If we remain overly focused on the intellect, we risk confusion and overwhelm. Aquarius invites us to lead with the heart, embracing a new way of being that allows us to navigate the life’s complexities with clarity and purpose. In this new era, the heart is the key to a more connected, joyful, and harmonious existence.
Kristine Kozuki is a born and raised Maui girl and owner of Pink Moon Aura in Makawao. She specializes in aura/chakra photography, intuitive counseling, crystal grid workshops, and Reiki, practicing for over 12 years. For bookings or information, visit www.pinkmoonauramaui.com or follow Pink Moon Aura on Instagram @pinkmoonaura.
By Carolyn Quan
The tradition continues when the 13th Annual Maui Open Studios Event kicks off its 13th year of connecting art lovers and art collectors with artists around the island of Maui. MOS is a popular event for art enthusiasts, art collectors, and those seeking creative inspiration both local and tourist alike.
This year we are excited about a new venue for our festive Opening Celebration / Preview Exhibition in Kihei. This year’s event begins in February and continues into the first weekend of March. The event gives artists the opportunity to open up their studios and exhibition spaces to show and sell their work directly to the public as well as “talk story”, connect, and inspire visitors through one-on-one interactions and in some cases, live demonstrations.
The entire event is free to the public. There are over 45 participating artists working in various mediums including ceramics, photography, mixed media, wood, fiber, drawing, painting and more. The public is invited to join many of the artists at the free Opening Celebration/ Preview Exhibition, where they can preview the artists' work, connect directly with the artists, and pick up copies of our printed guidebook. Our website will also include online artist directories, and our interactive Google map/directory. Visitors can use GPS to find artist locations.
Key dates are: Opening Celebration/Preview Exhibition: Saturday, February 8 from 5pm - 8pm at Kihei Dance Connection 381 Huku Lii Place, Suite #102. Self-guided tours begin the following weekend, from 11 am to 6 pm: Weekend 1: Central, North, and Lower Haiku, February 15 and 16; Weekend 2: Upcountry , February 22 and 23; Weekend 3: South Maui , March 1 and 2.
For more information about please visit MauiOpenStudios.com.
By Nancy Gardner-Heaven
Thermography uses a Medical Grade Infrared Camera for Full Body Scans without carcinogenic radiation. Body scans, from head to toe, can reveal numerous health issues in advance.
Some areas of diagnosis that allow early intervention are detecting the level of stenosis of the carotid artery by comparing readings of the right and left ophthalmic artery and revealing a predisposition to stroke.
For the thyroid, thermography can reveal its function and reveal pre-cancerous inflamed nodules. Comparing readings of the hands and feet shows the blood flow circulation from the heart and the extremities back to the heart.
Breast screening exams I perform (without compression or radiation) have a superior accuracy rate. Viewing the face, jaw, and sub-mandibular regions, we can see root canal infections, temporal mandibular articulation, and clogged estuation tubes causing hearing impairment.
The view of the spine reveals sub-luxation of the spinal vertebra, detecting pinched nerves that cause depleted blood flow to specific organs. These are some of the many images that can be easily addressed with a full body thermography scan.
Below are images of the abdominal region that compare a healthy and dysbiotic condition of the gut.
Below are images of a patient with Ductal Carcinoma in Situ (DCIS) before and after following a Comprehensive Individualized Immune Support Protocol© with it completely gone.
For more information on Breast or Full Body Thermography, visit Nancy GardnerHeaven’s website to view upcoming Maui dates: www.HealthyBreasts.info. You can also call or text: 415.300.6527.
By Tomas and Joan Heartfield
We have loved serving you in all the ways we have from our early days of Romancing The Beloved, our Opening To Love Ceremonies, and our Conversations That Matter to our Divine Feminine-Awakened Masculine and Talking Hearts trainings, to our Inspired Relationship workshops and of course our years of Heart Intelligence Circles.
We’ve been given our Next Directive, right in tune with our astrology, and are being guided to sell our lovely sanctuary to someone(s) who will next love and steward this land. This totally private and majestic little sanctuary has deeply nourished us. It has allowed us to live our purpose and support massive transformation and healing in the 27 years we’ve been here.
We are staying on Maui and will continue to offer our counseling and mentoring and maybe a class here or there, but it is time for a new adventure and we are ready to find new owners/stewards for our gorgeous land, gardens and temples to someone(s) who can see and appreciate this unique property tucked away on the cliffs of Huelo, just 20 minutes from Haiku and walking distance to pools and waterfalls.
We look forward to enjoying more time with our Maui family and friends and send infinite love to all those who have been on this ride with us during these many years of serving you. It has been a true blessing and honor for us. Mahalo Nui Loa!
Tomas and Joan Heartfield, PhD counsel, inspire and coach singles and couples in relationship, communication and intimacy. They offer mentoring for those who want to lead workshops. Joan is the author of Romancing the Beloved. Visit www.talkinghearts.com
By John T. Gelert, LMT
Deep tissue massage therapy is a powerful tool for lifting spirits and promoting emotional well-being. It helps release pent-up negative energy from the mind and body.
Unlike standard relaxation massage, deep tissue massage targets deeper layers of muscle tissue, often reaching areas where physical and emotional tension reside. This form of therapy addresses physical discomfort and allows the body to release stress and negativity stored within tight muscles and connective tissues. By doing so, deep tissue massage can contribute to a profound sense of relief and lightness, helping lift one's mood and energy. Negative energy is often a result of stress, anxiety, or unresolved emotional conflicts, which can manifest as muscle tension and physical pain. Deep tissue massage breaks down adhesion and knots, improving circulation and stimulating the release of endorphins, serotonin, and dopamine, which are natural mood enhancers. The physical release from deep tissue massage helps promote mental clarity, allowing one to let go of frustration, anger, or sadness. This process of physical and emotional detoxification creates a shift from negative to positive energy, fostering a sense of inner peace and rejuvenation.
Furthermore, the meditative qualities of massage therapy can be grounding. Focusing on breath and body sensations during a massage session helps calm the nervous system, guiding the body from “fight or flight” mode into relaxation and healing. As the nervous system calms, so does the mind, and a relaxed mind is less likely to dwell on negative thoughts.
Standard deep tissue massage techniques can be intense instead of relaxing; those affect emotions and make it harder to let go. That is why finding a skilled deep tissue massage therapist who addresses your needs more gently is so important. At Lomi Hanamana, we created a special type of deep tissue massage with gentle massage techniques to achieve all these benefits and truly uplift your spirit.
John is the proprietor of Lomi Hanamana. Contact 808.214.5054 for more information or to book a massage!
By Barbara Ensign
There are many things that you can do that can lift your spirits, like doing something that you love, going for a walk out in nature, or calling or visiting a friend, to mention just a few. There are also many ways to think of peace or happiness in your mind that will lift your spirits. Lifting your spirits can be a state of consciousness. With the help of hypnosis, you can rewire your subconscious mind so that no matter what difficulties may temporarily disturb your peace, you have within you the power to think differently, knowing that there is nothing or no one that can disturb your happiness.
Have you ever been hypnotized? If you have, then you know by experience that hypnosis is a very pleasant, heightened state of awareness. It works with the subconscious mind to help make the changes that you desire.
Whenever you find yourself moving so fast, it’s hard to stay grounded, but with the help of hypnosis, you know just what to do. This begins by deciding to withdraw for a moment from the outer world, taking several long deep breaths, and focusing on your breathing to reclaim your inner stillness. As you do, your mind begins to function in a healthier way that moves you in the direction of your most beneficial outcomes. Now, calm, it becomes easy to turn within and align your awareness to thoughts and feelings that lift your spirits.
The faster the world seems to move, the more you can maintain and sustain your own inner serenity by making the conscious choice. When you are ready, you can bring your attention to the outer world, bringing that blissful feeling with you wherever you go.
Barbara Ensign is a certified hypnotherapist specializing in past life and life between lives spiritual regression. She has been serving Maui for over 20 years. For more information or to make an appointment, please call 808.269.2129 or visit www.hypnosishawaii.com.
By Taryn Kama
In our busy lives, we often prioritize physical and mental health while overlooking an equally vital aspect: energetic hygiene. Just as we clean our homes or wash our hands to stay healthy, maintaining a balanced energy field is essential for overall well-being.
Energetic hygiene involves clearing stagnant or negative energy from our space, aura, and chakras. Our energy field acts like a sponge, absorbing vibrations and emotions from those around us. Without regular cleansing, this energetic "clutter" can lead to fatigue, irritability, or even physical ailments.
By clearing negative energy, we create space for positivity and alignment. Techniques like sound healing, smudging with sage or palo santo, meditation, and energy healing sessions are powerful tools for keeping your energy vibrant and flowing.
One profound benefit of energetic hygiene is its ability to lift your spirit through energy healing.
Practices such as Reiki, sound healing, or chakra balancing help restore harmony to your energy field, reconnecting you with your higher self.
Releasing negativity creates space for inspiration, spiritual growth, and joy—it’s like a fresh breeze for your soul.
Energetic hygiene also strengthens relationships. Negative energy can cloud communication and create tension. Keeping your energy clear helps you show up as your best self, fostering more harmonious connections.
Energetic hygiene isn’t just reactive; it’s proactive. Setting boundaries, grounding and regular self-check-ins protect you from energy drains and keep you balanced.
As we embrace the interconnectedness of mind, body, and spirit, energetic hygiene becomes a vital piece of the puzzle. Making it part of your routine promotes clarity, peace, and resilience, helping you navigate life with grace and vitality.
Cleanse your energy – your soul will thank you!
Taryn Kama is a Maui-based writer, energy healer, and digital marketing specialist offering private and group energy healing sessions. Learn more at GoGetitEnergyHealing.com or GoGetitMedia.com.
808 Wellness Spa & Healing Center 808wellness.com | 808.875.4325 | mae #3142
Aimee Greenwood L.Ac Text 808-217-7907 (Upcountry)
Maui Vision Network (808) 344-6195 www.mauivision.net
Lady Nenari (808) 318-5056 www.diamondlady.net
AYURVEDIC PRACTITIONER- MAUIVEDA Jennifer Bass AHC,CAP, RYT200 (808) 707-4700 mauiveda@gmail.com
Dr. Gina Kim, DC. 871-6996 Wailuku
Na Keiki O Emalia 808.214.9832 www.nkoemaui.org
Dr. Douglas J. Price, D.C.808.244.0415 dr.price.gnm@gmail.com
Dr. Addison Bulosan 808.866.6551
The Specific Chiropractic Centers - Maui addison@thespecific.com
Shone Edel NHC 808-248-7568 Maui Homeopathy LLC Shone@mauihomeopathy.com
Casanova’s Makawao 572-0220 Maui Coffee Roasters - 877-2877 The Coffee Store - Napili 669-4170
Shelley St. John, RN, CT 808.575.5220
Joan Heartfield, PhD 808 280-9005 www.talkinghearts.com
Ania Ananda Wood, MA, M-NLP 415-517-7349 www.conscious.love www.consciouslife.us
Shanna Shanti, LMT 808.866.0298 IntoTheHealing.com
Lalénya L.Vann 808-757-8761 www.ActiveDreamingMaui.com
Juliet Butters Doty 808.359.8676 www.unwindthesoul.comom
Elaine Lopez-Bogard 505-218-6884 www.healingthewomb.com
Rhonda Felix (808) 205-8302 www.soulspacemaui.com
Dr. Douglas J. Price, D.C.(808 )244-0415 www.germannewmedicine-au.com
Lydee Ritchie, LMFT, LLC 808-757-1111
Kahu Alalani 808.281.2582 hawaiianceremonies.com
Tomas and Joan Heartfield, PhD 808 280-9005 www.talkinghearts.com
Maui Vision Magazine (808) 344-6195 www.mauivision.net
Paul Solomon, LCSW 808-633-3009
HYPNOTHERAPY/EMDR/ TRANSPERSONAL COUNSELING Maribeth Theisen, MSW, LCSW, CHt 808-269-2923 www.MaribethTheisen.com
Barbara Ensign Cht. 808 269-2129
Tomas Heartfield 808 280-9006 www.talkinghearts.com
Barbara Ensign CHt. 808 269-2129
John T Gelert, owner, 808-214-5054 www.lomihanamana.com
Maui Vision Magazine (808) 344-6195 www.mauivision.net
Helga Fiederer 808-250-6709 helgaonmaui@yahoo.com
Sabai Massage Therapy 808-463-7734 www.sabaimaui.com www.thaimassagemaui.com
Inner Light and Sound, 879-0871
Judy Levy 808.269.7762
Down to Earth 877-2661
Farmers Market Maui - Honokowai 669-7004
Hawaiian Moons 875-4356
Mana Foods 579-8078
Bonnie Marsh, ND 575-2242
Maurgana Stiastny, LAc, MAcOM 808.579.8810 mauivibranthealth.com
Barbara Ensign Cht. 808 269-2129
Melissa Huffman MelissaHuffman.com
Helen Kritzler 573-6343 haikuhelen.com
Jenna Keck, Reiki Master www.LifestyleReiki.com 408.621.4102
RETREATS - HEALING CENTER www.mauihealingretreat.com (808) 870-3711
SACRED SEXUALITY COACHING Tomas Heartfield 808 572-1250 www.talkinghearts.com
SOUL CENTERED COUNSELING Christina Litman, ALSP, 808.419.2004 www.ChristinaLitman.com
SOUL WHISPERER, SEER UnWind the Soul Healings Juliet Butters Doty 808.359.8676 www.unwindthesoul.com
UPPER CERVICAL CHIROPRACTOR Dr. Addison Bulosan,D.C. 808.866.6551 Maui@TheSpecific.com
WHOLISTIC CATERING SERVICE Cindi Nand 808.264.4177 www.WholisticRetreatCatering.com
a Healthy Maui Directory listing for your business or healing practice! Format is:
CATEGORY IN ALL CAPS Your name or name of business Phone #, Email or Website.
3 lines are $18 for 3 issues, extra lines are $6.00. Free with purchase of a display ad. Email your listing to MauiVision@aol.com and we will send you billing instructions.
By Maurgana Stiastny
Red light therapy is a non-invasive, amazing therapeutic treatment that uses a low-level wavelength of red light to promote healing and rejuvenation at the cellular level. It has become very popular and is used in clinics as well as at home.
RLT has wide-ranging benefits for skin, health, pain, relief, and overall well-being. RLT is a low-level laser therapy that is a form of biomodulation.
There are five types of light, and each has therapeutic benefits. Blue light sets the circadian rhythm of our brain. UV light allows for vitamin D synthesis from the sun. Far infrared light heats us up and stimulates cell function.
Red light acts on the mitochondria to stimulate ATP production. Near infrared causes the mitochondria to stimulate ATP production as well.
The red wavelengths penetrate deep into the skin, stimulating collagen production and improving elasticity. This makes it effective for wrinkles and age spots, and it also can accelerate wound healing and diminish scars. It also can be used for acne and rosacea.
Things that it’s been proven to treat are: Arthritic pain, alopecia, hair loss, wrinkles, muscle spasms, muscle and joint pain, muscle tissue tension, stiffness, diminished local circulation, and inflammatory acne. RLT is also known for its anti-inflammatory properties. The light penetrates deeply into the tissues, improves circulation, and promotes the repair of damaged cells, which leads to faster recovery and reduced discomfort.
Mental health and well-being also benefit from RLT because it improves the production of melatonin and thereby can enhance your mood and reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression.
Recognized by the FDA, I use red light therapy in my office and find it very effective. Come on in and give it a try.
Maurgana Stiastny, LAc, MAcOM, LMT, has been an acupuncturist and natural healthcare practitioner for 33 years. Find her at Maui Vibrant Health in Paia, or call her at 808.579.8810.
By Judy Levy
I’m so grateful for my 40 years of personal therapy, spiritual classes, workshops, personal growth seminars, metaphysical teachers, intuitive readers, brilliant authors, and seminar leaders.
It’s definitely been a multi-dimensional journey over these decades, and the ultimate reward is that I moved to Maui 15 years ago! All I have to do is walk outside anywhere, and my spirit is uplifted.
I don’t know about you all; I still pinch myself and metaphorically “kiss the a’ina” daily for this miracle!
About 30 years ago, my Abraham-Hicks studies began! Dear Esther, who channels these non-physical masters known as “Abraham,” says, “Nothing is more important than I feel good, for it is only when I feel good that I can be of any benefit to anyone else.” I have practiced their wise tool of “pivoting,” consciously shifting my focus so I can come back into balance. It’s different from a spiritual bypass.
The tools were all put to the test last month when I was given my third eviction notice in a year, all for different reasons, but when I blessedly found the fourth newest place, I could clearly see that Goddess had been planning this for my highest good.
The place that is just now available is beyond my wildest dreams on a magical property with lovely folks, but I had to wait for the perfect timing! Now I can surrender to the next/last, I hope, move, and celebrate how easy it will be this time! At 77, I get it… The key concept here is Trust! It works!
Judy Levy, Maui’s Crystal Lady and activist-tutu, produces the popular Mystic Holistic Wellness Fairs and Crystal Sales on Jan. 26 and March 2 at the Wailea Healing Center. She also offers Judy’s Angelic Crystal Journeys, unique healing sessions by donation, as well as Wise Woman Spiritual Counseling. Call/text Judy at 808.269-7762 or write to judylotusheart@gmail.com .
By Melissa Huffman
Energy is the fundamental building block of the universe. Everything we see, hear, and experience is energy in various forms, from the smallest atoms to the vast galaxies. In this expansive realm, humans are not exempt; we continuously exchange energy with our surroundings, whether we acknowledge it or not. Consequently,the quality of the energy we interact with significantly impacts our wellbeing, emotions, and overall life experience.
Clearing negative energy, thought forms, psychic attachments, and counterbalancing influences from astrological planetary aspects that are causing negative opposition becomes a critical practice that can lead us to a healthier and more balanced life that brings harmony and success in all areas.
The significance of energy cannot be overstated. It encompasses the physical energy that propels our bodies and the emotional and spiritual energy that fuels our thoughts and relationships.
The energy we accumulate, positive or negative, influences us and our environment. In environments filled with positivity – like a supportive workplace or a nurturing home – individuals often feel motivated and engaged. Conversely, when surrounded by negative influences, it can leave us feeling worn down, drained, anxious, and overwhelmed.
The good news is that we can clear negative energies to return to alignment with our true nature. Healing practices, such as Reiki and others, can bring back harmony and put us back in balance. This elevates us into a higher state of being, elevating frequencies that can lead to success.
You can learn techniques yourself or consult with healers for assistance.
Energy shapes our existence in profound ways. It can affect our emotions, relationships, and environments. Clearing negative energy is not merely an esoteric concept but a vital practice for maintaining mental health, fostering productivity, and creating a more cohesive positive flow state, empowering us to live more fulfilling lives.
Melissa Huffman has over 20 plus years of experience as a professional psychic, reiki master, psychic detective and offering soul guidance. Website: www.melissahuffman.com Email: melissa@melissahuffman.com
By Douglas Price, D.C.
Firstly, does Spirit itself need uplifting? If the answer to the above is no, what then interferes with your spirit being associated with a normal contented feeling?
When your spirit is in its natural state, we constantly experience happy moments, not just when something good happens but also when seemingly something “so-called bad happens.” We then realize that whatever it is, it is happening for us, not against us. If we truly trust in our spirit, we will realize that there is a reason for everything happening under the sun.
When we are in tune with our spirit, we are one with meaning and purpose. Not minding the circumstances, we will always be contented. Therefore, the real problem is not the spirit within you but the unconscious block that gets in the way of meaning and purpose.
Unconscious blocks cause unanticipated biological shocks. It is not just a physical, unexpected shock; it also shakes the core of our being to the point that we are on the lookout for any possible triggers of the original trauma, whether it be on an emotional, mental, or spiritual level.
Moreover, when triggered, it is related to the original shock and often disguises itself without us being conscious of it. The trigger registers the unconscious to activate the subconscious memory bank to change its nervous system and affect the organ or tissue of the archaic programs of the brain.
German New Medicine, created by Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer, MD, offers an effective means to release the unhealed trauma to allow our spirit to soar to great heights no matter the circumstances, restoring us to a sense of meaning and purpose.
Dr. Douglas J. Price, D.C., has over 30 years of experience in chiropractic and kinesiology. His approach to healing is revolutionary, encompassing both wellness and resolution. Author of “Activate Your Brain To Heal Your Body,” he teaches online and travels internationally. Contact: dr.price.gnm@gmail.com, 808.244.0415.
SIMPLY ECLECTIC, Experience one of a kind offerings, Elegant and Casual Jewelry, Artistic dressing that flatters. GECKO BOUTIQUE, 3621 Baldwin Ave, Makawao open 7 days.
RE-MEMBER. CHRIST-MAS means Love More and is a 24/7/365 event. www. TheCenterForWorldPeace.Love
SESSIONS and Workshops Lomi Hanamana, Kihei studio, 808-214-5054 Gift Certificates Available
CHAOS TO CAREFREE with Gylian Solay, MS: Professional Organizer “Find What You Need” and “Keep What You Want” With over 40 yrs Organizing experience, Gylian assists you in your home, office, and life…” Together we focus on Who YOU ARE and How YOU LIVE” to make the space comfortably YOURS! Spaces vary from: hoarding, extreme cluttering, messy, Zen, and everything in-between; combining households, downsizing, packing, and moving households large and small. My clients are always amazed at how I’m able to find ways to create spaces. So, if you’re looking for “Ways and Spaces” to maintain manageability of your possessions… Contact me for further info: 808 344 8068, gylian@ youremergentself.net; https://gyliansolay.com/ why-chaos-to-carefree Mission Possible!!!
NEYS offered in Haiku by donation. A unique, relaxing, empowering 90 min. session including chakra balancing, an individualized crystal layout (with your pictures), reflexology, gua-sha lymphatic combing to stimulate your immune system, Divine foot massage, Reiki and intuitive/tarot reading, with tea and cookies! Call Judy Levy for info. and reservation: 808.269-7762
PSYCHIC READING ~ The Oracle (by donation) 808-463-0779 (text, please)
808 WELLNESS, 808wellness.com ~ Spa & Healing Center in S. Kihei, MAE #3142. Seeking Licensed Massage Therapists, Healers, Mediums, and Astrologers for local spa and resort work. Contact us today to apply: info@808wellness.com
OUTDOOR SPIRITUAL EXPLORATIONS. Activate - Explore - Transform your Body, Mind & Spirit. www.soulvoyageadventures.com
DREAM SHARING CIRCLES and “Waking Dream” Trance Drum Journeys with www. ActiveDreamingMaui.com Learn to interpret your own dreams for healing and soul guidance; and, Drum Journeys to other worlds for personal insights and growth. Monthly events upcountry, and Kihei, 808-757-8761
EVOLUTIONARY ASTROLOGER , SOUL WHISPERER UnWind the Soul (UWS) Detox Healings. Guided Meditation Journeys. Seer. Juliet Butters Doty. 29 years in business. Healing Sanctuary Upcountry. 808-359-8676 juliet@unwindthesoul.com
ADVERTISING THAT WORKS! Maui Vision Magazine ads are affordable and effective. Call 344-6195 or visit www.mauivision. net for details
ReikiMauiGlo, USUI SYSTEM of Natural Healing, Usui Shiki Ryoho. Taking new clients and students. Call Gloria Khalil, Reiki Master 808.298.3545
GYROTONIC® North Kihei. 25 years experience with leg extension, jumping stretch board and pulley tower. 30 years licensed massage therapist. Bob Samiljan samiljanr@.com 808 870 0752
NATIVE HAWAIIAN here in Hana to support like-minded individuals in many aspects of life… especially reaching out to our west side Ohana. Live life, culturally rich support found here Hananow4u@gmail.com.
IF YOUR BUSINESS SPECIALIZES IN: healing, creating or inspiring and you want assistance or training with your marketing or website, we can help. www.GoGetitMedia.com.
GERMAN NEW MEDICINE - Discover this True Science that helps us to understand disease through the eyes of Mother Nature. German New Medicine clinician Dr. Douglas J. Price, DC is an authorized international consultant/practitioner and instructor of GMN founded by Dr. Hamer. This knowledge will enhance the practitioner's effectiveness and the use of modalities and/or remedies, if needed, to ease the symptoms while the mindbody is healing according to the 5 Biological Laws. www.germannewmedicine-au.com or call (808) 244-0415.
HUMAN DESIGN ANALYST~ Looking at your birth blueprint, we explore the gifts you have to offer, challenges unique to you and current dynamics at play. Rupa Westbrook, call 808 283 5774. rupachan@gmail.com
FAFA CHRIST’S LOVE WITHOUT DISCRIMINATION Heaven on Earth Worldwide Teachings: I Resurrected in Paia on 8/9/10 during the Lions Gate Portal. Twitter. com/FaFaChrist1
Email your listing to MauiVision@aol.com. Classified ads are 35 cents per word, no minimum. We will email billing instructions to you. Call 808/344-6195 for more information. Ads are due by Fri., March 21 for the Spring edition publishing in early April, 2025. (Covers the months of April, May , June and July, 2025.)