“Healing is not forcing the Sun to shine, but letting go of that which blocks the Light.”
~ Stephen LevineThe ancient traditions that gave birth to yoga and many forms of meditation offer us two magnificent Truths: That “Love” is our true nature, and that “Joy” is our birthright.
When we examine what motivates us in life we realize that – ultimately – we are searching for Love, Peace, and Joy. No matter what we think we want, or think we should do to achieve it, our underlying motivation is to find Love, Peace and Joy.
Our culture teaches us to look outside ourselves to find brief glimpses of satisfaction and fulfillment. We mistake intoxication for Joy.
But the great spiritual traditions teach us to look within. They remind us that we already have everything we are seeking, and that “Love” is the essence of who we are. In many traditions, it is said that “Love is all that exists,” and that “The entire Universe was created for Love.”
It is said that “God is Love.”
What does that mean? How do we embrace these truths? How do we allow them to infuse our daily life?”
When I was young, I asked a spiritually gifted psychologist how to overcome the sense of “meaninglessness.”
He said, “Do more things for other people.”
The great Indian saint, Meher Baba, taught about Love in its many forms.
“Human love,” he said, “Is for the many in the ONE. Divine Love is for the ONE in the many.”
He said, “Love is essentially self-
communicative. Those who do not have it ‘catch’ it from those who have it.”
Our “human” love is limited . . . conditional . . . subject to the whims and desires of our ego. “Divine Love” doesn’t waver. It just “IS.” It embodies – and expresses – the essential Oneness we all share. Truly “loving,” “healing” words and actions benefit ALL humankind, ALL of Nature. They serve the greater good. They are of benefit to everything and everyone in Creation.
Neem Karoli Baba said, “Do whatever you have to do with another human being, but never put them out of your Heart . . . Love is the strongest medicine. It is stronger than
electricity.” He taught us not just to “think” about Love . . . but to embody Love in action. The Path to Enlightenment, he said, is to “Love Everyone, Serve Everyone, Feed Everyone” and “Remember God.”
Jesus offered his life as a model of Love, Healing, Generosity, and Kindness. He embodied forgiveness – and non-violence.
Buddha taught us to alleviate suffering by understanding the intricate workings of the human mind - and to recognize how unskillful thought patterns are the fundamental cause of human suffering. He invited us to understand that the actions that cause suffering – for ourselves and for others – are rooted in our own selfcentered, fearful thought patterns. In addition to meditation, Buddha emphasized kindness, compassion, generosity, wise action, nonviolence, and gentle speech as the pillars of an “Awakened” life.
The Dalai Lama says, “My religion is Loving Kindness,” And he says, “Be kind whenever possible. It is ALWAYS possible.”
Living in Love is not just something we should do. Ultimately, it is the only thing that will allow us to experience the happiness and healing we seek.
Because . . . when we live in Love, we are coming “home” . . . to our True Nature.
Ramananda John Welshons is an author/ contemporary spiritual teacher who lectures and leads meditation courses throughout North America. His critically acclaimed books emerged from over 45 years of helping people manage dramatic life change and loss. His third Annual Saturday Maui Satsang/Workshop is on April 29. For details see event listing on page 12.
Every day, I have a question for God while I’m in the shower, “God, are there hot showers in Heaven?” And if not, Earth has got you beat, God! I don’t think there’s anything that brings me more joy. I’m still waiting for an answer to that one.
But I did think of a few more things: cuddling with my honey; meditating on a cliff above the sparkling aquamarine ocean waters in Kapalua as the whales are breaching and spouting offshore; a great lunch or dinner out with a good friend; exploring outside with Divine, my dog, who will plop himself down and catch the scene in the park, reminding me to just stop and smell the plumerias. It’s okay to just do nothing and just be present sometimes! Just spending time hanging out can be a joyful moment.
It isn’t difficult to find joy on Maui; it’s around every corner. We have a loving community of evolving Souls here to play and interact with and learn from, many of whom are represented in this magazine. Get in touch and involved!
And let’s remember to savor chocolate, lots of chocolates. It’s good for you.
I encourage you to find what brings you joy and growth this spring. Enjoy the edition!
Joy is our natural state, yet because of our life experiences, it might have gone underground. So, how do we invite it out? Heart Intelligence suggests there are four directions of joy we can cultivate.
The vertical axis addresses up and down. It is about our connection with our unseen Self. We can find joy when we reach “up” into the etheric: communing with the Divine through meditation, prayer, plant medicine explorations, nature, and all the ways we feel ourselves connected to that pure love space.
We can find joy as we invite that energy “down” into our bodies. Through our physical being, we can enjoy that sweet, loving, playful, yummy vitality in our bodies while expressing our joy through dance, lovemaking, swimming and all the ways we love to move.
The horizontal axis addresses out and in; it is about connecting with others.
The “out” channel lets us find joy as we reach out to another through touch, kind words, consideration, gratitude, or maybe even a small gift. We see the joy on their faces and know we’ve lifted their spirits.
The “in” channel lets us find joy in receiving the love others want to give us. It can be more difficult to receive than to give, so learning how to receive with gratitude and humility may be a muscle to strengthen.
Joy is a vibrational state that celebrates life in all its ranges. An easy and effective way to cultivate joy is with a daily gratitude practice.
When you look at these four directions of joy, which ones are easier for you? Which ones are more challenging? It’s truly a gift when we can find joy on all these channels since “Joy is stalking you with every breath.” And when we are in joy, life becomes magical and attractive.
Tomas and Joan Heartfield counsel singles and couples and hold monthly HIQ circles that help people cultivate joy. Visit www.talkinghearts.com.
You know what brings you joy when your heart sings and your eyes beam with Light.
To live in joy is to know how to find joy within yourself when the external world is broadcasting only conflict, confusion, and divisiveness, while life’s demands sap your energy.
Joy is not in the mind; it’s in the heart. To be on the path to experiencing more joy in today’s world means taking time to nurture yourself, to actively cultivate peace, take care of conflict and karmic patterns of negativity from nerve-wracking situations –with tools, practices, materials as well as healers and guides.
You also have to look very closely at what is working and not working in your life, because to uplift to a more joyful life, you need to make some changes.
As a spiritual teacher and guide, I do oneon-one private sessions to support health and wellness. In this way, I teach programs and offer healings, too, but my main work is where we dive into the depths of your history, your karma, your soul’s inheritance, past lives, and the roots of your physical illness and discomforts.
Sessions may include a combination of Lightwork, energy work, soul and etheric readings, past life and lineage clearing, soul retrieval, psychic surgery, Divine guidance, interdimensional communication, prayers and mantras, and Light Transmissions that take people into higher consciousness states. This all helps to release blockages and heal the stuck places that have kept you in pain, limitation, and suffering.
Private sessions are my passion. Having the opportunity to awaken one person at a time and see the Light turn on in their eyes fulfills my purpose!
Mirabai Devi, a spiritual teacher, Divine Mother, healer and guide, helps people move beyond pain, trauma, and difficult situations so they can claim freedom, sovereignty, peace and joy. She has trained students and taught globally for 30-plus years. Discover more about her work and foundation at www.mirabaidevi.org or www.apoweroflove.com.
Man is a credulous animal and must believe something… In the absence of good grounds for belief, he will be satisfied with bad ones.
- Bertrand RussellSo many teachings extol the power of thought… positive thinking, mindfulness, even the power of just being here now. Beliefs are thoughts we have become attached to. In the process, we must learn to ask: Why would my ego want to believe that? As they say, if you think you’re the smartest person in the room, you’re in the wrong room!
Thoughts come unbidden, and they are very often unwelcome. Although there’s no way to stop them from coming, meditation is a practice that respects this fact, if only by dint of its ardent efforts to not dwell on thoughts as they arise. Through the effort of meditation, we learn that we are not our thoughts – or our feelings, for that matter –and we learn to let go of thinking for a while whenever we want to. Thoughts do not belong to us. How can thoughts be considered “ours” when we didn’t invite or even want them?
Parts of the mind get attached to beliefs, sometimes for life. These are the ones that make us feel ‘right’ or more in control. We are addicted to feeling right, perhaps assuming that this posture renders us more lovable. In Zen, however, all beliefs are considered opinions, always with a dose of salt.
How could we know we are right ever? Is it possible to be totally objective about something that happened or what is true? No. Our memories and the beliefs based on them are subjective, and ultimately obsolete.
We are not even conscious of many beliefs we adopted as toddlers that we have held onto ever since. Some are personal, like “There must be something wrong with me” and others religious, like “God is watching
and judging me.” Such assumptions may have made some sense to us when we were totally young and dependent, but a subconscious belief like not being good enough will affect everything you ever try or do for the rest of your life. You will rarely feel safe enough to step out of your comfort zone and, therefore, will be deprived of learning and adventure. The idea that God is tracking you, to ultimately judge you, can haunt you – feeding selfcriticism, shame and guilt. Does being a “God-fearing” person who judges herself really help? How does that make you feel? How does it affect your behavior? Does it make you cling that much harder to your opinions and defend your ego’s addiction to being right?
Our inner children have suffered enough, and endured for too long a judgmental, blamey, protection racket. Why be diminished by attachment to current thinking? Why fight over opinions, all too often generated by wishful thinking? Let’s get over ourselves and be more humble about our beliefs. We all have a lot to learn. Big mistakes are the guaranteed result of obsolete opinions. Let’s upgrade our beliefs. It’s called learning! Contrary to western religions, beliefs are not sacred. Nor are they permanent. Firmly believing in Stone Age scriptures is not going to save you. In Zen culture, it doesn’t matter what you believe, because all beliefs are considered opinions. Cease to cherish opinions, the Zen saying goes. As we become more humble and allow our beliefs to change and evolve, conflict and suffering will decrease. So let’s stop arguing and make peace!
Adapted from the book Intuitive Intelligence by Paulo, also author of the Visionary I Ching app and host of Pathways Radio and Podcasts episodes at www.Divination.com.
A key part of experiencing and indulging in joyfulness is Balance. Balance can mean different things for different people, depending on where they are in their life’s journey.
Consider these experiences: • The joy of a nature hike, balanced by a muscle-soothing massage the day following. • The thrill of learning to surf, balanced by a relaxing acupuncture session. • The joy of intense experiences like deep-sea snorkeling or bungee jumping, balanced by a calming Reiki session. • The joy of an indulgent meal, followed by a check-in with a naturopath to keep gut health on track.
When we work to maintain these balances, our joyful experiences last even longer, allowed to stay pure in our memories and hearts.
Joy varies so much from person to person, but there are a few things we can all agree on: good food that satisfies without straining the system, fulfilling experiences that color our life’s tapestry, and a relaxing day of simple peace. All of these can be sought and obtained through the technique of Balance.
Take the time to consult with an expert about what foods your specific needs can handle while letting you experience various unique flavors.
Explore new concepts and ideas by taking a chance at something you’ve never considered before!
Embrace a restful mind and peaceful spirit by taking time out of the day for meditation, energy work, massage, or acupuncture; anything as long as it allows you to slow down, breathe, and sink into a renewing calm.
Balance can be hard to achieve by oneself, which is why seeking out the advice and guidance of others is always advised. Because what makes Joy even better… than sharing it with others?
Sara Schroepfer is a spiritual counselor and co-founder of 808 Wellness Spa & Healing Center in Kihei. Visit www.808wellness.com for more information.
“When you go to heaven, you have a little time to rest, kind of like a vacation, but then you have to get to work,” four-year-old Courtney announced one day. “You have to
start thinking about what you have to learn in your next life. You have to start picking out your next family. Heaven isn’t just a place to hang out forever. It’s not just a place to relax and kick back. You have work to do there.”*
The soul participates in the process of choosing the next life… all souls are intent on planning their next incarnation based on lessons they derive from the last one... souls do have some degree of choice in where and when they reincarnate. Some souls feel great remorse for unfulfilled dreams, for not accomplishing what they set out to do in that lifetime. The soul may make long strides toward its goal in one lifetime and trip and fall flat on its face in the next, hurting both itself and others.
The beauty of this process is that it is self-correcting. Each incarnation offers us the opportunity to improve on our mistakes, no matter how grievous, rather than being eternally condemned for them. Reincarnation is the great equalizer. Changing bodies and life situations gives us countless chances to shift perspective. We have infinite opportunities to truly understand whatever we need to learn about the human condition from many possible points of view.
To amend past actions, to improve one’s character, or to practice being more loving can be accomplished only while incarnate in a human body. The path to enlightenment runs through Earth, and the soul knows this... but the soul’s desire for enlightenment, its yearning to be in union with God, is stronger than any hardships on earth... the soul’s previous actions, or karma, determine the parameters and limits of its options...**
Tibetan Buddhists agree that the more aware and conscious a soul is, the better its choices will be for the coming life. They say a spiritually evolved soul can direct its incarnation and choose the place and family of its rebirth. What we believe and intend before death can influence our next incarnation. The Buddhists believe that only the spiritually adept, who are well-practiced in the esoteric teachings and disciplines, can direct their own rebirths with such precision***.
Reincarnation does not trap a soul in a rigid cause-and-effect cycle but provides the keys for rehabilitation through a change in circumstance... staying open and non- judgmental...leave your light on even if you don’t know what to believe!
* Albert Einstein said that the past, present and future are all happening simultaneously which confirms Ecclestiastics 3:15
**From Return From Heaven by Carol Bowman 2001, pp. 129-260.
*** “I will come again.” John 14-1-3
In My Past Life As Jesus (self published in 2001) I not only said that I would “come again”, (reincarnate) I said when I would come again (Matthew 24:32). (1948 when Israel was reborn as a nation.)
Curious to find out more? Visit the website: www.thecenterforworldpeace.love.
The answer is… Everything!
Issues addressed include digestion, skeletal, psychological, nerve pain and nerve damage, women’s and men’s health, anti-aging, and acute and chronic pain. Whatever the medical issue you are dealing with that may be decreasing your quality of life, acupuncture and Chinese medicine can benefit you.
The ancient, time-tested practice of acupuncture began in China approximately 3000 years ago. The Yellow Emperor’s Classic of Internal Medicine addressed the first documentation of acupuncture, which dates to 100 BCE, describing acupuncture treatment as an “organized system of diagnosis and treatment.” Now, with greater knowledge of anatomy and physiology, acupuncture has rapidly become the first defense against any and all conditions as opposed to a last resort!
One of my favorite topics when discussing acupuncture is anti-aging and telomeres. On the end of each chromosome is a cap called a telomere. They are important because they protect the ends of the chromosome from fraying like the aglet at the end of a shoelace. The length of your telomeres indicate your true age. Through overall lifestyle habits, they may indicate you are older or younger than your numerical age.
Several peer-reviewed studies indicate that regular acupuncture treatments produce more of the enzyme telomerase, which over time, lengthens your telomeres! Talk about antiaging!
Psychological issues such as anxiety, depression, and more serious cases can see immediate results. When the needles are placed, several physiological systems are activated. Your body begins to drop into “rest and digest” in your autonomic nervous system. Endogenous opioids are released. Your immune system kicks into high gear to heal those areas where a foreign object has been placed. All these acts bring you to a deep, relaxed state. When the treatment is over, you feel calm, balanced and can usually sleep deeper and longer.
Digestive issues are highly treatable with acupuncture and Chinese herbal formulas. When a patient visiting our island reports having stomach issues since arrival, I first share with them about drinking cold beverages while eating. Your stomach likes it warm to function optimally. Our GI tract is approximately 100 degrees. While eating, especially hard-to-digest foods like cold, raw fish or raw salad, I suggest they go without a beverage completely or drink room temperature water or hot tea. This allows your stomach to easily digest these foods. When you drink an ice-cold beverage while eating, your blood vessels constrict, causing the digestion process to slow. Logical, right? Along with acupuncture, approximately 70 percent of the time, this one suggestion helps their issue.
How does acupuncture work? The theory is that a disturbance or block in the flow of your body’s life energy, or qi, can create health issues. By inserting thin needles into specific points related to health conditions, acupuncturists can balance the body’s energy and promote healing and relaxation.
This information comes from a lifelong pursuit of knowledge, and I am honored to hold two degrees: a Masters in Science of Traditional Chinese Medicine (MSTOM), and a Doctorate of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (DAOM). I also studied in China and am licensed in Hawaii, California and nationally.
In my clinic in Lahaina, I am passionate about educating and healing the community. I take pride in providing optimum care through compassion, knowledge and experience. I look forward to meeting you to assist you with your health concerns!
Dr. Sherry Mizumoto is an experienced Hawaii-licensed doctor of Chinese Medicine, acupuncturist and herbalist. She has taught at the Pacific College of Health and Science and served in UCSD’s oncology department. To contact her, visit www.drsherrymaui.com, check her Instagram posts (drsherrymaui) or call 808.214.6363.
Joy is the most desired word in the world. How is Joy created? It is inborn within you. You may have heard that, perhaps many times.
These days as we look at the world, as we see in large part that it is breaking down. If we buy into it, we may break down, unless we turn within and gather our resources within ourselves and bring out the inherent joy. Meanwhile, there are barriers, as in diseases of the soul, which can impede our experience of inherent joy.
We encounter unanticipated traumatic experiences through our five senses (sight, hearing, touch, taste and smell.) For example, if someone walks by and gives you an eerie feeling, your mind may say, “I smell a rat in that guy,” and you may blame that person for ruining your day. Obviously, there is no joy in that.
With awareness turned inward, we can resolve the experience by noticing how similar it is to the original traumatic experience from your past. Through guided introspection, you can reconcile the current “smell the rat experience” by sensing the similarity to the original traumatic or dramatic shock that has shaken the core of your being.
However, we don’t want to isolate ourselves as monks living in caves to avoid unwanted experiences. There is a way to be in the world but not of the world.
Resolving conflict (and with further internal work) allows one to experience joy by expressing happiness for no reason. Not only is love the answer, but joy is also the buffer in all life experiences, and you’ll find the inner joy of being by living in the now.
Dr. Douglas J. Price, D.C. has over 30 years of experience in chiropractic and kinesiology. His approach to healing is revolutionary, encompassing both wellness and resolution. Author of Activate Your Brain To Heal Your Body, he teaches online and travels internationally. Contact: dr.price.gnm@gmail.com, 808.244.0415.
When I mention I utilize Qi Gong in my healing practice working with autistic children, most people think it is the Chinese system of coordinated body posture and movement, breathing, and meditation used for the purposes of health, spirituality, and martial arts training. I actually employ Qi Gong Massage Therapy. Qi Gong massage is an ancient Chinese medical technique but a modern approach to treating sensory sensitivities, among other conditions.
It is especially beneficial to the autistic children I see in my practice, who have special needs, including sensory processing differences, fine motor delay, gross motor delay, physical disabilities, or any developmental delay.
Does it work? According to the Qigong Sensory Training Institute, 11 research studies show that after five months of massage treatment, autistic children have substantial improvement in behavior and social and language skills.
By teaching the massage techniques to their parents, which I do, everyone benefits. It is a great way for parents to bond with their children while also helping to relax and regulate their child’s nervous system. The treatment is safe and effective, and because it can be given at home, it is even more invaluable. Please get in contact to find out about pre-requisites.
I am excited to reach out to healthcare professionals on Maui to let them know that we are here to support the development of children with special needs. We are here to support them and their families by providing occupational therapy services, which various forms of medical insurance can cover.
Our new location in Wailuku provides sensory equipment, a movement studio, space for practicing activities of daily living and therapeutic activities to increase independence with self-care, self-regulation, play skills and more!
Lynette Kanelos is an occupational therapist who specializes in working with the pediatric population. In March 2023, she opened a neurodiverse affirming pediatric occupational therapy clinic called Movement Resolutions LLC at 840 Alua St., Suite 102 in Wailuku. To learn more, please call 808.283.4634 or email movementresolutions@yahoo.com.
What if everything that you did brought you joy? Helped by hypnosis, you can begin to view your life differently. You don’t have to change what you are doing to feel joyful, just how you are doing the things you do.
What does joy feel like to you? Hypnosis can help you identify the feelings of joy by bringing your fondest memories to mind, meaning your joy is never far from you. It could be the sweet recollection of past events, or even time spent with family and friends. Reveling in those precious memories quickens the feelings of joy, anytime you want or need to feel more joyful. Eternal joy exists within you and does not depend on anything external.
Learning to focus on one thing at a time and being fully present on what you are doing with a whole heart, mind and body can bring you great joy while doing even the smallest task. Being happy and joyful is a choice. Joy has little to do with conditions and a lot to do with attitude. Your attitude helps determine your joy and happiness by finding reasons to feel and express joy daily.
As I grow older, I appreciate all I see, hear, feel, taste, and smell as a gift and an opportunity to grow and develop into who I have come here to be.
If you sincerely want to become more joyful, hypnosis can help you achieve that desire. Hypnosis can help you live from the awareness that in each moment, you can begin again. You can enthusiastically and joyfully greet every day, situation, and interaction, however small.
Each day is a new beginning and an opportunity to embrace life joyfully.
Barbara Ensign is a certified hypnotherapist specializing in past life and life between-lives spiritual regression. She has been serving Maui for over 20 years. For more information or to make an appointment, call 808.269.2129 or visit www.hypnosishawaii.com.
Was it a bad day, or was it a bad five minutes you milked all day? I put that clipping on my vision board. It’s a reminder for me to track and notice all the small things in life that are pleasant and joyous.
There are many things in our lives that, if we just pay attention, can make us feel more joy. It is always present; you just need to train yourself to become more aware of them. Gratitude is a great thing to start your day with. You could make a gratitude journal and write everything down. It’s endless because there are many things to be grateful for.
To find our joy means to live in the present moment and look for joy and goodness. My husband and I have a saying, “Be awake for your moments.”
One of human existence’s basic, noble truths is that life has suffering. It’s hard to be born, it can be difficult to die, and loss is painful. Amidst the difficulties, there are many gems and wonderful things. It does not mean that one should deny what’s true, but perhaps you can also still find joy and appreciation.
A few people are amazing at this, but I think it’s something that we can all aspire to do. I like to be around positive people. It makes me feel more positive. I also like when people are present and vulnerable, because this human experience is a vulnerable experience.
Every day is an opportunity for us to make it a great day. Even if you have a flat tire, it can still be a great day. And when it sucks, remember that it’s temporary. Sometimes, that’s all that helps, because everything is temporary. Impermanence rules.
Maurgana Stiastny, LAc, MAcOM, LMT, has been an acupuncturist and natural healthcare practitioner for 31 years. Find her at Maui Vibrant Health in Paia and Kihei, or call her at 808.579.8810.
April 12-May 31~ WOMEN’S HEART INTELLIGENCE TRAINING with Joan Heartfield Ph.D.: 8 Wednesdays, 3-6 pm, $600.When we as women come together to learn and grow, our anxiety decreases, and our confidence, collective intelligence, and sense of belonging increase.We become mentally stronger, we more easily overcome challenges, and have higher levels of success and satisfaction.We are being called to give our gifts like never before, and we need each other to do this.We each hold the key to a healthier world, and it’s time to engage our feminine magic and put everything we have learned into practice to conjure the world we want, inside and out. Email: joan@talkinghearts.com or call 808 280-9005 to hold your space. www.talkinghearts.com.
April 13-June 1 ~ INSPIRED RELATIONSHIP with innovators Tomas and Joan Heartfield Ph.D., for couples and singles. 8 Thursdays, 3-6 pm, $600. We give you the best practices we’ve evolved over 25 years of marriage and divine partnership. We show you how to create lasting relationships that are full of life. What you say and how you say it either sets the stage for magic to happen or sets the stage for drama. What you do and how you treat each other and yourself either lifts you up or brings you down. Resolve old relationship habits and learn how to do relationship in a way that works for you! Email: joan@ talkinghearts.com or call 808 280-9005 to hold your space. www.talkinghearts.com.
TEMPLE with Tomas and Joan Heartfield Ph.D. ~ for couples and singles. Sat, 10 am-6 pm, $108. Includes delicious organic lunch. Connect, Commune, Calibrate. Where is your life force trapped? Free up the Energy it takes to protect yourself from being judged. Heart Intelligence is a powerful, user-friendly spiritual practice that helps you create more joy in your life as you build healthy connections with others. Email: joan@talkinghearts.com or call 808 280-9005 to hold your space. www.talkinghearts.com.
RAMANANDA JOHN WELSHONS hosts his 3rd Annual Saturday Maui Satsang / Workshop, a fundraiser event for his favorite Ram Dass non-profit organization. Saturday April 29 from 10:00am4:00pm. Author of three critically acclaimed books: “One Soul, One Love, One Heart”, “Awakening from Grief” and “When Prayers Aren’t Answered”. This year’s “The Path to Joy : A Day of Mindfulness, Reflection, Contemplation & Meditation” will be held at the same private Haiku estate with garden seating.Vegetarian lunch & chai included in suggested sliding scale donations of $27 - $54 - $108 - $216 or $1,008. On line registration at www.eventbrite. com (and search “Ramananda”) or for more info at www.onesoulonelove.com . Participants are provided driving directions via email 2 days prior to event.
Learn CELLULAR REGENERATION TECHNIQUE with Dr. Gina Kim, April 29 & 30. For info. visit www.cellularregeneration.org.
GINA SALÁ is hosting her 8th Annual Maui “Ram Dass House Concert,” a benefit for Hanuman Maui, Sunday May 21, noon- 3:30pm at Monsoon India Bar & Grill in Kihei.All net proceeds go to Hanuman Maui to support their mission and community services. This Maui Satsang / Sanga gathering includes two sets of music led by Gina and a delectable gourmet India feast by Hari Reddy and the crew at Monsoon India Bar & Grill at the set break. Suggested Sliding Scale Donations of $54 - $108 - $216 or $1,008 go to support Hanuman Maui. Come “Raise the Praise” with Gina Salá for the Living Spirit of Ram Dass & Hanuman Maui ! More info / on line registration @ www.ginasala.com & www.hanumanmaui.org
Sound healer and international vocalist GINA SALÁ returns to Maui for her 8th Annual Maui “Ram Dass House Concert,” a benefit for Hanuman Maui, on Sunday, May 21, 12-3:30pm at Monsoon India Bar & Grill in Kihei. Find more info./online registration links at www.ginasala.com and www.hanumanmaui.org
Life Force Academy’s JAI DEV SINGH & SIMRIT BAND ~ THE Preeminent LIVE MUSIC Kundalini Yoga EXPERIENCE at the Napili Kai Beach Resort, May 4 - May 6 for 3 days / 4 full sessions. Joined by special guests Lei‘ohu Ryder & Maydeen ‘Iao of Aloha in Action, for an otherworldly Retreat Experience. Breath Work - Asanas - Aloha - Kriyas - Meditation all done to the live music of SIMRIT. Enjoy by the Workshop or the Full 4 Session Retreat. Participate on a yoga mat, chair or just come to take in the teachings, music & meditations.All welcome. Pricing & On Line Registration, visit www.brightstarevents.com and search “Life Force Academy” or scan QR code on display ad, inside front cover of this edition. Look for more info. @ https://teachings.jaidevsingh.com/ about-jai-dev/ and /or www.simritkaurmusic.com
SIMRIT LIVE on MAUI “Reach the Beach” Sacred Sunday Concert, Sunday May 7 @ Napili Kai Beach Resort , 4:30pm - 6:30pm. Simrit Kaur brings her full band to share their critically acclaimed hypnotic, haunting, mesmerizing, mystical groove based music. Join them and their enthusiastic, eclectic, devoted fans and global community for a Maui Sunday Spring Time Concert Experience unlike no other. $50 Advance Tickets (+Fees) available www.eventbrite.com (and search “SIMRIT”) / if available limited number of $65 CASH ONLY available day of concert at the doors. More info.: www.simritkaurmusic.com
May 20~ HEART INTELLIGENCE NEW MOON IN TAURUS with Tomas and Joan Heartfield Ph.D. ~ for couples and singles. Sat, 10 am-6 pm, $108. Includes delicious organic lunch. Using our Venus and Mars, we see how increasing and integrating our pleasure and our power makes us more effective across the board. Heart Intelligence is a powerful, user-friendly spiritual practice that helps you create more joy in your life as you build healthy connections with others. Email: joan@talkinghearts. com or call 808 280-9005 to hold your space. www. talkinghearts.com.
June 2-22 A COURSE IN MIRACLES-BASED COUNSELING And Focus Groups. Quickening into sanity and joy. Identifying and seeing through blocks in mind. Connecting to your Inner Teacher. Experienced, long-time students and teachers of ACIM are offering one-to-one counseling sessions and focus groups.fieldofchange.com/events
June 10~ HEART INTELLIGENCE SUMMER SOLSTICE: Deepen, Expand and Celebrate Authentic, Nourishing Connection with Self and Other, with Tomas and Joan Heartfield Ph.D. ~ for couples and singles. Sat, 10 am-6 pm, $108. Includes delicious organic lunch. Heart Intelligence is a powerful, user-friendly spiritual practice that helps you create more joy in your life as you build healthy connections with others.We have a different theme each month, all designed to deepen and enrich your life. Email: joan@ talkinghearts.com or call 808 280-9005 to hold your space. www.talkinghearts.com.
MAUI FILM FESTIVAL~ June 28 - July 2. Check here for details: www.mauifilmfestival.com .
REIKI TRAINING – Maui July 29 & 30. Empower Your Healing Ability. Facilitated by Jenna Keck, Reiki Master. 408-621-4102, Register online www.LifestyleReiki.com
INTUITIVE CARD READINGS at Maui Mana Metaphysical Center with Psychic Heimana Sherman. Call for information and to make an appointment 808-385-0898
HEALTH AND LIFE COACH offers sessions, worldwide! Discover processes of Self-discovery and empowerment that will propel your life forward. Contact: Nicholai Whiticar, 808-280-7810, nicholaiwhiticar.com
MYSTICAL ALCHEMY RETREATS - Small Group Retreats in Maui and Egypt. Sacred Music, Sound Healing, Yoga, Aerial Yoga Play, Coaching, Healing Sessions www.BlackSwanTemple.org 808269-4333
Explore the ancient combination of Cannabis and Yoga, Conscious Cannabis Circles and Cannabis-Assisted Psychedelic Journeys. Experience release of long held physical and emotional patterns. Sacred Plant Medicine Yoga classes Tues. at 4pm & Thurs 6pm at Wailea Healing Center and Last Friday of the month at 5 PM at Temple of Peace in Haiku. Call 808-344-4788 or Email Bre@brewolfe.com or visit www.brewolfe.com for more info. Bre Wolfe is a Modern Medicine Woman. She holds certificates as a Cannabis-Assisted Psychedelic Therapist, RYT Yoga Alliance teacher and Professional Integrative Life Coach.
Come, receive a ‘re-boot’ to your immune system, re-balance your nervous system, relax, rejuvenate while your frequency is uplifted by a personal crystal layout. You’ll enjoy reflexology on ears, hands and feet while the crystals work their magic, along with Lymphatic ‘Gua-Sha’ massage and full Reiki treatment; an ‘Inner Child Card Reading’ confirms your guidance. By Donation - 90 min. sessions, Haiku & Kihei. Judy Levy 808.269-7762
MAUI HOMEOPATHY– Shone Edel is a Classical Homeopath practicing on Maui for 20 years. She passionately treats people of all ages all over the world. She also treats animals. As founder of Maui Homeopathy, Shone has created a line of healing wellness formulas for men, women and children. With air pollution being a worldwide health issue, she has created environmental oral healing sprays: Smog Off!, Breathe On!, Kid’s Throat Spray and Vog Off!. Shone offers Homeopathic Brainwave Therapy, a treatment combining homeopathy, brainwave technology and Shambhala Healing Tools. By Appointment: 808-2487568 Office in Wailuku: 210 Imi Kala Street Suite S4. shone@mauihomeopathy.com
FELDENKRAIS®/QIGONG/WACO,RSS-RELEASE. Stretch and strengthen. Eva Alewa Geueke, 1.808.344.0925. www.smartmoves4you.com Classes and workshops on Zoom and in person.Functional Integration Hands-on in Oahu.
TEMPLE OF PEACE Sunday Service. Temple of Peace Spiritual Center is an inter-faith spiritual community whose doors are open to all who aspire to seek genuine spirituality, personal change and loving service to humanity. Join Rev. Kedar St John & Friends every Sunday from 10:30 am.- noon as we gather together in musical remembrance, practice and celebration of our divine connection, here now alive and awake in our changing world. 575 Haiku Road, Haiku - 808-575-5220 templeofpeacemaui.com
UNITY CHURCH OF MAUI– Unity Church offers a positive path to spiritual living, and an inclusive community that celebrates diverse beliefs that honor the sacred truth of God. Our10am Sunday Service welcomes all who aspire to create a life of health, prosperity, happiness, and peace of mind through positive spiritual practice and community. Please join us as we celebrate the divinity in each of us with music, laughter, inspirational messages and fellowship. Located at 483 S. High Street,Wailuku. 808-242-9327.
BAHAI FAITH OF MAUI honors your perspective on peace and unity. Free devotional meetings, Sundays, 9:30 a.m. Makawao. Info, call 808-572-1111. No donations accepted.
SACRED PLANT CEREMONIES - Join us on the Big Island where we celebrate our indigenous 'Hawaiaka' entheogenic brew Sunday evenings from dusk till midnight. Pre-application and charitable contribution required. +1-808-323-3238 or www. muaisa.org
SINGING FOR WORLD PEACE. Sundays 12:00 noon, Maui Bahai Center, Makawao. Bring your instruments and loving voices. We welcome your perspectives and honor your opinions. No donations accepted. Refreshments served. 808-281-0866.
Hamish's 'Maui Celtic Radio Show’ 8-10am & 5-7pm on KAKU 88.5fm Maui. No signal? - online at https:// www.akaku.org/kaku-88-5-fm
ASCENSION MASTERY KARMA CLEARING classes led by Camille Moritz. 2-4 p.m. Wednesdays in Kihei. Co-create a life of ease and abundance. Call 808.368.3378 for details. www.heavenonearthjustforbeing.com
Every Wednesday KIRTAN CHANTING 6:30pm. Free. Followed by vegetarian potluck at Temple of Peace 575 Haiku Rd, For more info call 575-5220
DIVINE FEMININE DANCE™ Ladies, feel your vitality with conscious guided movement to a wide variety of music to experience more joy, freedom, power, flow, grace, sensuality, playfulness, and pleasure! This class is designed to help you MOVE your body to MOVE your energy while being supported in women’s community.We will end each class in a short meditation to invite in a feeling of calm and peace. No experience is necessary as the movements are designed for all levels. Weekly class: Thursdays 7:458:45 am, Island Spirit Yoga, 840 Wainee Street, Lahaina, HI, 96761. Pre-registration is required… visit www. islandspirityoga.com to register. See www.musicmovesthesoul.com to sign-up for news of updates and special events.
E-mail your listing to MauiVision@aol.com.The first 25 words are free on the first Calendar listing per person/organization.Additional words/and/or listings are 30 cents per word. Classified ads are 30 cents per word, no minimum.We will contact you with payment details. Call 808.344.6195 for more information. Ads are due by Friday, July 14 for the Fall/Early Winter, 2023 edition publishing in early August. (Covers Aug.-Nov., 2023.)
Once upon a time, in a dark jungle far away, lived the Spirit of Creativity. She reveled in the fecundity of her surroundings and in creating new species at a whim. One day, she fell in love with an intrepid explorer who found himself wandering through the heart of the jungle, and when he saw her birthing a butterfly from the palm of her hand, he knew his journey was complete. He had found what his heart was searching for.
They had two daughters named Courage and Trust. Courage was the elder, bold and so clear in her heart’s wisdom that she never hesitated to take action when it was needed. Trust was the younger one, and even if she was more gentle than bold, she was equally impressive in her ability to take risks, simply because she knew that she could never fail.
These two girls, born of a goddess and a mortal man, lived happy lives dancing through trees and bathing in waterfalls. Every once in a while, they would meet a person exploring their jungle home, and they would invite them to meet the Spirit of Creativity, and to come watch her make a shiny beetle the world has never seen, or a new species of fern.
Lots of people were interested in following, but few made it all the way to the heart of the jungle. Many did not trust themselves to keep their footing on the steep paths, or did not have the courage needed to cross a stream. But some people were able to follow them all the way to the Spirit of Creativity, and be forever changed by what they had seen.
This is very much the path of the artist in our society. It takes courage, and trust in yourself and trust in the Universe to engage the creative spirit within you. For what is creativity if not connecting with a deeply divine aspect of your humanity? It’s the part of you that makes something out of nothing… but is it really nothing? Or is the creative act a reaching into the fertile void and pulling through some aspects of Source, as translated through the vessel of your beingness? Is there anything closer to God than the creative act?
In my 15 years of working with clients, first as a psychotherapist, then as a trauma healer / soul alchemist, I have witnessed the profoundly enlivening and trauma-healing capabilities of
tapping into your creativity and pursuing an artistic outlet. It is the most powerful antidepressant, a mainline to joy, to find an outlet for your creative spirit and to let yourself be a channel for beauty.
And it takes courage. And it takes trust. Know this ahead of time. Because inevitably, the programming of our soul-disconnected culture will come into your head and have you questioning if you are wasting your time, if this is “worth it”, and other nonsense. Know that those thoughts are coming so you can wave them away, say “No thanks, not today,” and keep leaning into deepening your connection with your creative spirit.
I’m happy to share that I’ll be offering workshops on Awakening Your Creative Spirit this summer in Haiku. And I’m looking forward to seeing you on this joyful path.
Ania Ananda Wood, MA, M-NLP, loves empowering couples and individuals to clear trauma patterns and unconscious blocks and to create the lives and relationships of their dreams. She offers sessions from her home office in Haiku or over video. Visit www.conscious.love or call 415.517.7349 for more information.
Many of you have watched me transition from Louise Hay work to Licensed Unity Training… and then in 2016, the Foster System here on Maui came into focus when I became a licensed foster parent. I will not write about the pros and cons of this system, but I want to share the value of how we can help these children who are unfortunate enough to be taken into it.
I have realized that when a child is removed, they don’t get to process their feelings of “loss”. To date, I have not seen a program to support the children and their feelings. Truthfully, no matter how poorly a child has been treated, they still love their biological parents.
Hawaii and its agencies offer support to the best of their abilities, but I see that these children need help to “grieve” their losses, of family and the everyday environment they have been taken from… usually with no warning.
We all have things we grieve, from losing a child, a parent, a job, or a relationship. We all know the value of grieving and the necessity to do so.
And if we don’t grieve, and we stuff it, how does that work? Suddenly, we act out in ways we never thought possible; we are angry. And unfortunately, many children in foster care are this… angry.
And then “no one wants to take them in” to help them during their time from family, which may be short, or long-term.
Allowing these children to grieve is a major key. As with any of us, if we are allowed to process our grief and sorrow, we can move on. Helped by others, I have started running groups for these special children. Please feel free to contact me if you have a child you are concerned about; or if you are inclined to support my Project “For The Family”.
To connect with Rhonda, email rhonda@soulspacemaui.com or call 808.205.8302.
Mirabai Devi is offering transformational private healing sessions on Maui. Each session is an opportunity for you to transform ANY situation in your life through healing, Lightwork, Energywork, spiritual counseling, cleansing, and spiritual practices. Sessions for one hour or 45 minutes In Person or Online.
To find out more information about private sessions, please email us at info@mirabaidevi.org or call/text the office at 760-216-1029. And visit our website at www.apoweroflove.com.
Each of us “feeds” the morphogenic field every minute with our frequency, so staying balanced and in harmony with life despite all the craziness we are all going through is crucial. “Going with the flow” has become a mainstream thought, but if we all started our day with a meditation, we would make a positive difference in the planetary vibration. I can’t promise we could stop wars immediately, but we do affect those around us with our temperaments and energy. Even five minutes to “sit” and connect with “Universal Intelligence” (as our precious Wayne Dyer used to say), God, or our Higher Selves sets a tone for the day, which can make all the difference!
How do you want to “show up” in the world today? Twenty minutes, twice daily meditation is optimal for personal harmony, but those few cherished moments in the a.m. can change your life. Nearly all spiritual teachers, coaches and guides discuss meditation as crucial for a truly “self actualized person” to come to their unique fullness.
Now the teachers are reminding us that as we calm and center ourselves in meditation daily, we actually uplift the vibration of the planet! When enough of us embody this practice, the “tipping point” towards higher global frequencies happens. It’s like the “Butterfly Effect,” gentle waves emanate from each of us who can function in those high frequencies most of the time. Besides feeling great, you stimulate your immune system as waves of harmony circulate around the globe. Crystals on your body help to hold the balance. Come, let me show you!
Judy Levy, Maui’s “Crystal Lady,” lovingly offers her crystal boutique plus unique “Chakra re-balancing” sessions with crystal layout, reflexology, lymphatic massage with “Gua-sha,” Reiki, divine foot massage and Inner Child card readings in Haiku by donation. Watch for our popular “Mystic Holistic Wellness Fairs and Crystal and Art Sale.” Call 808.269.7762.
Talented Astrology, Psychic, Tarot and Intuitive Readings / Inquire for Scheduling
Along with… books, candles, crystals, sage sticks & more!
Aloha Aina Center, Haiku 810 Kokomo Road, Ste.184 808-500-4476
Open 11-6 Tues.-Sat. Closed Sun. & Mon.
IG: @Ace.Of.Cups.Maui
Most people have heard of the LOA (Law of Attraction). Yet before LOA, there is a more vital law that few speak of or write of, which is the true first law of the Universe – LOV, the Law of Vibration. The Law of Vibration is the key to Evolution, ergo, LOV becomes LOVE or Law of Vibration for Evolution.
Before you can experience the LOA, you are to LOVE! That way, you will be in the vibration of what you desire to attract. It is all about the vibrational frequency you are residing within first that matters and will bring about what you attract. Without that, the law of attraction cannot even exist, as everything is vibrational frequency.
Many training programs within business, sales, health, well-being, and relationships focus on the law of attraction. Yet when we step into LOVE (Law of Vibration for Evolution) first, this is the true key to your health, well-being, relationships, business/job/career, and all of life. Words and their vibration cast spells, ergo why I call such spelling. Certain words carry a vibrational frequency resonance that, when felt within and said in the outer world, creates your world and worlds beyond that even. It is then a cause to pause – to be consciously aware of the words you choose and the vibration they hold.
Words of doubt create loads of resistance to the flow of what you desire for your life, while words such as belief or hope offer slightly lesser resistance. Yet by far, the four most powerful words that are the basis for this law of vibration for evolution are I Am and I know. When
you come from the vibrational frequency of I Am or I know, whatever follows those words gives you the power to move mountains, creating into existence what you desire as a complete statement of who you are. Saying I Am ugly or I Am ill or I know this impossible, the Universe then says, “So be it,” and you then experience this. This is equally true for the other vibrations of worry, doubt, fear, anxiety etc. Yet when we say I Am abundant, the Universe responds with that abundance.
When you are within that resonance of I Am, or I know in a consistent manner free from other consistent vibrations of fear, doubt etc. (brief thoughts here or there are free from delaying manifestation, consistently doing such does), there is a certainty of vibration through that consistency, which tells the Universe that you are ready to receive the manifestation and thus “So be it.” it shall be. The I know is an inner knowing resonance just as a mother’s love for her child. She knows she loves her child, free from doubting or explaining it; it is a deep intuitive inner knowing within. Coupled with taking the
right action when the Universe calls you forth into such is what brings a thriving aliveness into your life!
Everything you desire comes to you when you come into vibrational harmony with it, for you attract to you whatever you are in vibrational harmony with. LOVE first, then LOA (Law Of Attraction, attracting what you are in vibration with). The question to ask yourself would be –What is the vibe that I Am broadcasting?
Lady Nenari is a Maui-based Wholistic Therapist specializing in Meditational Hypnotherapy, Sound Healing Therapy, Akashic Records Soul Sessions, and Soul Mentoring. To book a one-to-one session with her or for more info, visit her website www.diamondlady.net, email at nenari@diamondlady.net, or phone 808.318.5056.
“When I have a difficult decision or concern, I call Helen. She helps me ‘see’ through ‘real eyes’ what resonates with who I am at the soul level. I find joy is an experience of path intertwining with the soul. Helen shines a light that helps me see both.”
“If you are asking yourself anything at all, need advice or find yourself rumbling through your head of how to handle something, give Helen a call. She listens beyond the voice, not only to you but from another place that holds the wisdom of how to navigate through your life in a more peaceful, productive and fulfilling way. She is one of the wisest shamans I know. In addition to her wizardry she has a huge loving playful heart.”
- Chef Teton
“Wow, years of trauma eliminated in one session. What a relief! Thank you Helen!”
T. R
Joy: it is such a small word for such a big feeling!
Sometimes, it is so easy to jump into! When that happens, it is wonderful. But what about when it is not? Is there a way to purposely cultivate joy and make it something we feel daily?
Yes! Like any skill, it simply takes practice. By paying attention to each moment as we live it, we can learn to find those tiny events that bring us huge delight. We can listen to a favorite song; we can remember that the person speaking is someone we love or admire; we can give ourselves an extra few minutes to wake up; we can trust ourselves; we can hug and cuddle; we can tell a joke; we can stretch and move our bodies; we can meditate or feel appreciation and love.
Then, when we are full of cheer, it’s time to pay attention again and put pen to paper. When we write down enjoyable things as we live them, we make it easier to remember the feeling even when we are further away from it. Then, in moments of delight, we can list the things that bring us pleasure.
We can focus on ideas and memories that cause us to smile. We can journal these things to return to at another time and then use these beautiful moments to create even more. Let’s keep noticing traces of joy as we move about our day. Let’s focus on them, write them down, and expand the feeling of them. Then, continue to “practice, rinse and repeat.” What a joyful way to live!
Sue Divine, an international channel and intuitive, offers workshops on recognizing and expanding your inner guidance and meditation courses that bring you into a daily practice of growth and love. Learn to read oracle cards, expand your connection with money, and live in unconditional love. To connect with her: www.SueDivine.com, 808.463.8443.
By Taryn KamaAbout a year ago, my dog, Bianca, was diagnosed with cancer that had overtaken her lungs and kidneys, and I was told she would most likely die.
She is an energetic dog, so until she became critically ill, we had no idea and the diagnosis was shocking. After a battery of tests, the prognosis was dire. Additionally, she had a fully torn anterior cruciate ligament (which was the original reason we took her to the vet).
Euthanasia was probably the best solution.
After about five days of intense depression and grieving, I decided not to euthanize. Instead, I would try my energy work (Access Consciousness) and my knowledge of nutrition and herbs and hope for a miracle. If she is going to die, what do we have to lose?
(Gasp… was a miracle possible? I had to try!).
I first asked permission from my dog. I told her I would make her comfortable, explaining that she was free to choose if she wanted to stop and leave this earth, I would help her. I intuited that she was willing to try.
Long story short, I found a holistic vet to guide me in the process. She introduced me to the Bengston Method (energy work). Additionally, I did a session with an energy healer to clear me so I could help her. After that, I used a combination of energy work, supplements and an anti-angiogenic diet. One year later, she is cancer-free. A miracle happened.
Now, I have an energy healing practice for animals and people. I use a combination of the Access, Reiki, Bengston Method and other clearing techniques to restore balance and help create optimal health spiritually, emotionally and physically. The power to heal lies within us.
Taryn Kama is an energy healer; social media marketer and owner of mountainstowater.com. She can be reached at: taryn@gogetitgal.com
Living by radical trust can bring you great joy and holistic healing. It minimizes stress and offers you steady, reliable guidance.
I learned radical trust when I didn’t know what to do in troubled times of divorce, single motherhood, poverty, disease and addiction.
During these times, I turned to my style of prayer. While I’m spiritual, not religious, I noticed that when I asked for help navigating scary situations, answers came from within me, consistently offering helpful insights and direction.
The lights went on; I decided to live my life consulting my intellect and Higher Guidance. This was radical trust for me. It was also holistic. As I invited my Higher Soul Self to help guide my human life, I healed my experience of separation.
My radical trust muscle grew, my joy flourished, and my holistic healing emerged.
Living this way since 1987, I find life a wonderful, amazing ride. I invite you to play with radical trust. Here are small steps to begin with: 1)Upon waking in the morning, get quiet before your “to do list” possesses you. 2)Contemplate or meditate on the day ahead. 3) Ask for help with little things: what clothes / colors will help you have more energy? What breakfast foods will provide vitality? Trust what comes to you. 4) If it feels good, follow the answers you receive. Notice how that goes. 5)Check in before sleep and assess how following your guidance worked for you. 6) Sleep and repeat. Radical trust is a teacher, friend, a companion on the path. It can bring you to joy and holistic healing. I’m confident that in exercising this muscle, it will grow strong, as will your confidence that the universe is for you.
Radical trust works!
Danae offers Soul Coaching and Sound Stewardship internationally: Via tech and in person. Contact Danae@DanaeShantiThrive.com, 808.298.2387, www.DanaeShantiThrive.Live, FB & YouTube: Danae Yume Shanti, Danae Shanti Thrive.
My life mission is to spread joy. As a master chocolatier and chocolate maker, every day is a joyful day! A visit to our colorful shop guarantees a tasting adventure for all. From nibs to bars to truffles to chocolate turtles, we blend great chocolate with the abundance of fruits, nuts, flowers, herbs and spices found on Maui.
The properties of cacao in all its forms are an inspiration for well being.
Dark chocolate is known to offer numerous health benefits! It contains minerals and polyphenolic compounds, including antioxidants and flavonoids. These compounds help protect cells from inflammation, boost immunity, and improve brain function and cardiovascular health. These benefits are validated by numerous scientific studies, supported by the John Hopkins School of Medicine, the Cleveland Clinic, and the National Institutes of Health.
Other research indicates chocolate can boost athletic performance by enhancing nitric oxide production in your bloodstream, supporting circulation to maintain workout intensity and optimal performance.
For diabetics, there’s more good news! Epicatechin, a flavanol in chocolate, enhances the body’s processes that improve insulin function, which may help prevent or combat diabetes.
Dr. William Li, a world-renowned physician, scientist, and New York Times bestselling author of Eat To Beat Disease, praises chocolate’s health benefits as a Superfood in his book. He says research indicates that consuming chocolate decreases harmful bacteria, reduces anxiety and stress, increases stem cell production and protects your DNA from damaging free radicals. Our chocolate collections reflect our commitment to crafting chocolate in a health-conscious way. We celebrate the vibrant flavors and beauty of the islands in a fusion of color and taste. At our shop, we take pride in offering something for everyone!
Virginia Douglas offers her small batch, handcrafted artisan chocolates and confections at Sweet Paradise Chocolatier, located in the Wailea Gateway Center, 34 Wailea Gateway Place. Check out her new line of vegan chocolates from 11-8 daily. Visit www.sweetparadisemaui.com.
Qi Gong Massage
For Autism and more!
Movement Resolutions specializes in the assessment and treatment of:
• Sensorimotor skills
• Sensory processing and Self regulation
• Visual-motor integration
• Visual perceptual skills
• Fine motor control and coordination
• Gross motor control and coordination
• Self-care skills
•Social and peer interaction skills
• Executive functioning skills
• Handwriting
Lynette Kanelos, Occupational Therapist, enjoys sharing this information with parents and other caregivers and coaching them through the process.There are some prerequisites.
To learn more, please contact Movement Resolutions LLC at 808-283-4634 or movementresolutions@ yahoo.com
We help children develop the skills needed to perform vital everyday tasks by using creative methods to motivate them and ensure that their occupational therapy experience is successful and enjoyable!
During a surgery in 1970, osteopathic physician John E. Upledger was tasked to hold a patient’s head while a neurosurgeon removed plaque from the membrane near the neck. John couldn’t keep his hands steady as they pulsed a mysterious rhythm. This experience was the catalyst for eight years of research at Michigan State University, where he confirmed this movement was attributed to the pumping of cerebrospinal fluid. Comprised of membranes and fluid surrounding and protecting the brain and spinal cord, the craniosacral system is described as a semi-closed hydraulic tube attaching to the cervical vertebrae and tailbone (end of sacrum).
Transporting nutrients, hormones and peptides, and removing metabolic waste and toxins, cerebrospinal fluid is paramount to vitality. A river dam or diversion disrupts the path of water to the coast, depriving organisms of sustenance. Similarly, interference with the cerebrospinal flow leads to stagnation and malnourishment within our body’s ecosystem.
Evolving from the contributions of Andrew Taylor Still, father of Cranial Osteopathy, and William G. Sutherland, who noticed movement between cranial bones, John pioneered CranioSacral Therapy. Utilizing pressure equaling a nickel’s weight, he maneuvered bones like handlebars to release restrictions in the underlying tissues. This ultimately restored balance to the ebb-and-flow of the cerebrospinal tides.
In serving a diverse clientele, including military veterans struggling with PTSD, his work became more comprehensive than physical adjustments to the spinal region. In John’s safe, receptive hands, clients would resume various positions that resembled the posture experienced during a trauma, triggering memories and suppressed emotions to surface. Over time, clients loosened the grip of destructive thoughts and feelings.
Whether coping with illness, injury or stress, CranioSacral Therapy is here to lullaby our nervous systems and revitalize our inner reservoir.
Shanna Shanti practices CranioSacral Therapy on Maui. To get in touch, visit www.IntoTheHealing.com or call 808.866.0298. Or visit www.iahp.com to find a skilled practitioner in your area to support your body in its natural expression, recovery and healing.
As we grow older, our muscles tighten, and our bodies experience less flexibility and more pain. Deep tissue massage is recommended to relieve these conditions. But most of them hurt due to unskilled use of the elbow. Forearms are common, yet they are too broad to effectively reach many places.
I believed there was a better way to heal pain without causing it. The body can let go when not in pain. So, I experimented with touch and created techniques that do this work in the Lomi Hanamana massage. The fists broadly and knuckles precisely do the deep work, while the thumbs and the hands do lighter work. Elbows and forearms are rarely used. Being present with how the muscle feels is essential. That necessitates moving slowly with the flow. When we press the muscle with just the right amount of pressure and move at just the right speed, it creates a vibration on the entire length of that muscle. We slowly sink in deep, adjust the angle, and back off the pressure until we are in the flow, feeling vibrations as the muscles release tension.
Gentleness and patience are essential. Sometimes, the muscles are so tight that we can only move very slowly. If we lighten up a bit, we can do a lighter, faster stroke now and return later for more work. Sometimes, we get stuck on a knot and have to wait for it to break up before proceeding. The flow speeds up after the tissue softens and the stress is relieved.
A massage has multiple strokes over each muscle, each with a purpose. Extra light strokes spread the oil, light strokes warm up the muscles, deep strokes release tension, and finally, light strokes integrate and relax. Listen carefully to what the client needs and treat them with respect!
John Gelert is the owner of Lomi Hanamana. Call 808.214.5054 for more information or to book a massage!
Joy. How can we feel more? To me, Joy is a very big word; much like love, we hear and use the word often, but experiencing Joy can be a challenge.
It is my sense that Joy comes from tasting our innate loving essence deep within our heart, and a deep Joy comes for me when I witness others – extensions of ourselves – living in that spontaneous arising of harmony and love inside their hearts.
In Tibetan Buddhism, Joy is taught as one of the 4 Immeasurables. Immeasurable Love is another. What good news to think that Love and Joy are Immeasurable! How much more there is for us to taste! Clearly, if we human beings were tasting our immeasurable love and joy, our world would look quite different indeed. So, to grow them is noble.
I feel that Joy is rooted in a loving mind. So, when we commit to holding an intention to see the love in ourselves and each other, our loving minds will expand! Intentional activities (including meditation) to activate these energies also help.
As the founder, my intention of OhanaTree Maui is to host such activities to nourish our sacred roots. The seed planted in May, 2021 bloomed on Feb 15, 2023, to open as a crystal/gift store in the historic Makawao Courtyard. The store holds a healing vibration with Mother Earth’s crystals awaiting their human match to take them to their next home and as a gathering space for the conscious community.
I sincerely hope that OhanaTree Maui will serve as a healing space to bloom loving feelings… and even some Joy to those who enter!
OhanaTree currently hosts Beginning Meditation classes, Keiki storytime, Sound healings, Reiki shares, Open Heart Mic nights and Women’s circles. If you are interested in booking your event, contact us with details. View our IG @OhanaTreeMaui for current offerings, or DM Julie to connect. Be on the lookout for our upcoming website: www.OhanaTreeMaui.com.
For the first time yesterday, I realized it. I have been allowing this false conception of time to oppress me. It’s a myth accepted as truth. New because I was at a new age.
When I turned 79, I realized that my next birthday would be 80. How could I become 80? That wasn’t possible. But it was true. Eighty years I have lived on the planet. That number shocked the hell out of me.
From 21 to 42, I was exploring the world. Then at 42, I decided it might be time to settle down. This new adventure was to have a family. It was my last chance, I threw away my contraception and went off to be part of the Nicaraguan Sandinista Revolution. I returned to the USA pregnant. Over the long-distance telephone, I became engaged. Then I miscarried but decided although I lost the child, I didn’t want to lose this lovely man.
I returned to that Central American magical country full of hopes of revolution, love, community, joy, music, and art. We married in a small town amidst guitars and horses. In 1990, we adopted a son from Nicaragua.
Fifteen years later, 1999. Time to leave. My son depressed – way too much fighting. I had to get him out of there.
Off to Hawaii with my son, Sammy in hand. A New life. I was 57. My son 9 years old.
Oh, this story is depressing me – let me begin again, telling the story of years is not my life’s tale. What is the Story of my soul? I prefer that story of me...
That is an internal, not external, story. That’s the girl I know and Love.
She is ageless. She lives in those moments of childhood. She lives in those endless dreams upon dreams, seeing the rain pouring down in front of her window, hearing those splashing drops resonating through the skies, loving her sweet bedroom – and wonderful Sabbath evenings. And now at 80...Suddenly, I decided that death was hovering around me... two of my closest friends had recently died, others had cancer. The world is facing its destruction. Wars are raging,
Well, Helen, I thought, maybe you must do something important before leaving this planet. But I’ve never been good at telling myself to do something. I rebel against that self-discipline. It is not my Métier. I have lived
in the way of the Dao.
I thought yes, now is the time to get disciplined, Helen. But oh no, that is not your soul’s way, Helen, no! You have never lived by the calendar. You have never lived by the oppression of the day, year, minute, that fool’s construction. At 42, I had trusted the universe to decide my path.
I see now the depths, the infinite wormhole of the present moment. Infinity exists there if it exists anywhere. Deeper and deeper, I descend into realms of imagination, prehistoric information, and mathematical equivalencies swimming in the oceans of galactic realities.
Here on Maui, at least 2000 miles from every continent, Surrounded by whales and dolphins and octopus, living on top of fire from the center of the earth, where I read palms of global visitors, experiencing intimate connections, with hearts opening, tears flowing.
Here your Soul blossoms. This is where I have flowered.
So this Calendar divides up time as though linear time exists, as though past, present, and future are real things. All are lies. We believe these lies and false divisions.
Ha ha, listen to the music of your Soul, the wisdom here and now.
Teri Holter, LCSW, DCSW 205-8055
808 Wellness Spa & Healing Center
808wellness.com | 808.875.4325 | mae#3142
Aimee Greenwood L.Ac Text 808-217-7907 (Upcountry)
Maui Vision Network (808) 344-6195 www.mauivision.net
Lady Nenari (808) 318-5056 www.diamondlady.net
Jennifer Bass AHC,CAP, RYT200 (808) 707-4700 mauiveda@gmail.com
Maui Bodywork & Therapeutic Massage LLC.
Shelagh Sandstedt, LMT, CLT, MAT-11571. Aston Kinetics™ Practitioner, Certified Lymphedema Therapist 808.344.2017 mauibodyworkmassage.com
Christine Warner 808-283-8546
Dr. Gina Kim, DC. 871-6996 Wailuku
Na Keiki O Emalia 808.214.9832 www.nkoemaui.org
Dr. Douglas J. Price, D.C.808.244.0415 dr.price.gnm@gmail.com
Dr. Addison Bulosan 808.866.6551
The Specific Chiropractic Centers - Maui addison@thespecific.com
Shone Edel NHC 808-248-7568 Maui Homeopathy LLC Shone@mauihomeopathy.com
Casanova’s Makawao 572-0220
Maui Coffee Roasters - 877-2877
The Coffee Store - Napili 669-4170
Shelley St. John, RN, CT 808.575.5220
Teri Holter, LCSW, DCSW 205-8055
Joan Heartfield, PhD 808 280-9005 www.talkinghearts.com
Ania Ananda Wood, MA, M-NLP 415-990-4451 www.conscious.love www.consciouslife.us
Shanna Shanti, LMT 808.866.0298 IntoTheHealing.com
REIKI ATTUNEMENTS/PRIVATE YOGA www.jilldevishriyoga.com 808.344.1427
Jennifer Loftus Movesingheal.com
Lalénya L.Vann 808-757-8761 www.ActiveDreamingMaui.com
808 348 8311 Aloha Medical Massage Solutions
Michele Leilani MMP, LMT# 15960 aloha-medical.massagetherapy.com
EAT LOCAL, EAT HEALTHY Broth Café at Alive and Well 808.877.4950 In Kahului www.brothataliveandwell.com
Juliet Butters Doty 808.359.8676 www.unwindthesoul.comom
Elaine Lopez-Bogard 505-218-6884 www.healingthewomb.com
Rhonda Felix (808) 205-8302 www.soulspacemaui.com
Dr. Douglas J. Price, D.C.(808 )244-0415 www.germannewmedicine-au.com
Kahu Alalani 879-1499 hawaiianceremonies.com
Rodeo General Store (808) 572-1868 Makawao
Tomas and Joan Heartfield, PhD 808 280-9005 www.talkinghearts.com
Maui Vision Magazine 669-9091 www.mauivision.net
Maribeth Theisen, MSW, LCSW, CHt 808-269-2923 www.MaribethTheisen.com
Barbara Ensign Cht. 808 269-2129
Maui Miracle Mind Healing Arts 808.442.2950 heathersolarie.com
Tomas Heartfield 808 280-9006 www.talkinghearts.com
Wendy Areus (808) 283-9248 www.GraceHealingMaui.com
Barbara Ensign CHt. 808 269-2129
John T Gelert, owner, 808-214-5054 www.lomihanamana.com
Maui Vision Magazine (808) 344-6195 www.mauivision.net
MAHANA WEDDINGS & MASSAGE: COUPLE, GRIEF & LIFE COUNSELING Maha Conyers, Rev, MA, LMT, www.mahanaweddingsmaui.com 808 876 0409
MASSAGE, LYMPH DRAINAGE, REIKI, ZERO BALANCING Helga Fiederer 808-250-6709 helgaonmaui@yahoo.com
Thai Massage Institute of Maui 808-463-7734 www.thaimassagemaui.com
MASSAGE, RECLAIMING BALANCE 808-354-7159 www.reclaimingbalance.org
Sabai Massage Therapy 808-463-7734 www.sabaimaui.com www.thaimassagemaui.com
Inner Light and Sound, 879-0871
MENTORSHIP & SEASONAL COURSES Divine Nourishment Online School Mary Lane 808.264.5514 P l u m a 310.560.2793 www.Divinenourishment.net
MICROGREENS HEAL Froyam & Shone Edel 808.281.5508 www.microgreens-heal.com
Down to Earth 877-2661
Farmers Market Maui - Honokowai 669-7004
Hawaiian Moons 875-4356
Mana Foods 579-8078
Bonnie Marsh, ND 575-2242
Maurgana Stiastny, LAc, MAcOM 808.579.8810 mauivibranthealth.com
Barbara Ensign Cht. 808 269-2129
Helen Kritzler 573-6343 haikuhelen.com
Bill (Reiki Master) 572-4177 www.mauireiki.com
Jenna Keck, Reiki Master www.LifestyleReiki.com 408.621.4102
www.mauihealingretreat.com (808) 870-3711
Tomas Heartfield 808 572-1250 www.talkinghearts.com
Genesis Young 874-8646
Amitabh Amador 808.740.1528 SomaticTherapyMaui.com
UnWind the Soul Healings
Juliet Butters Doty 808.359.8676 www.unwindthesoul.com
Maui Singing Bowl 808.330.8227 www.mauisingingbowl.com
Ramona Leela (808) 280-6187 http://www.TaiChiGung.US
Dr. Addison Bulosan,D.C. 808.866.6551 Maui@TheSpecific.com
Cindi Nand 808.264.4177 www.WholisticRetreatCatering.com
Jennifer Loftus www.musicmovesthesoul.com
Myles Saputo (808) 344-1315 http://www.LivingPureWater.com
Island Spirit Yoga Maui 667-2111 www.islandspirityoga.com
Meenakshi Angel Honig www.AngelYoga.com angel@angelyoga.com 808.269.8297
Maha Yoga & Wellness Center www.maha-yoga.com 808.868.6475
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Psychedelic Spiritual Care is as old as the first Indigenous shamanic traditions while also being brand new to many today.
Grounded in humility, reverence, honoring, and reciprocity, Spiritual Care partners with plant medicines and psychedelics to open a new door into your deepest self and knowing. Psychedelic Spiritual Care invites the intentional use of psychedelics into the practice of Spiritual Care through mindful ceremony, allowing access to otherwise inaccessible inner sources of knowledge and wisdom.
When stepping into Psychedelic Spiritual Care, we aren’t necessarily focusing on healing or growth (though both are sure to happen) – but on connection. We foster connection to your True Self, to all life – human and more than human – and to the Sacred.
Some come with a sense of searching or longing, an ache of separation or isolation, or a desire to connect to something more – something hard to name. Many come to Psychedelic Spiritual Care with big life questions tugging at their hearts, spirits, minds, and bodies.
Big Life Questions that might bring you to Psychedelic Spiritual Care include: How do I find meaning in this life? How do I heal from deep pain and brokenness? How can I feel more alive? Where can I find connection to something greater than myself? What happens when I/we die? And, what is my relationship to my ancestors, the Sacred/God/Goddess/Universe/Truth?
What does Psychedelic Spiritual Care look like? Psychedelic Spiritual Care can also include: growth in self-knowledge and connection to others; growth in compassion, freedom and service; connection to nature and your body; deeper and more conscious engagement with the inner and outer world; deepening connection to the Sacred, God, Allah, Tao, Community, Love, The Universe, Emptiness, the Ground of All Being – or however you might name that which is bigger than you – of which you are a part.
Bre Wolfe is a Certified Cannabis-Assisted Psychedelic Therapist and modern medicine woman. Call 808.344.4788 or email Bre@brewolfe.com or visit www.brewolfe.com for more information.
here for you and committed to helping you experience a better quality of life.”
A COURSE IN MIRACLES-BASED COUNSELING And Focus Groups. Quickening into sanity and joy. Identifying and seeing through blocks in mind. Connecting to your Inner Teacher. Experienced, longtime students and teachers of ACIM are offering oneto-one counseling sessions and focus groups June 2-22. fieldofchange.com/events
FINDING AND FREEING YOUR VOICE! Learn tools and techniques to develop a healthy, free, expressive, and reliable speaking voice to communicate your message and let your voice be heard. Learn to work with your breath and shift your energy to open your throat chakra and speak with vocal clarity, ease, power and projection. Learn how to keep your voice healthy and clear when speaking. Or expand to singing... singing is simply an extension of speech and our voice is an instrument we carry around with us at all times! Jennifer Loftus has her Master’s degree is music education and is currently accepting new private students. You can see more at www.musicmovesthesoul.com or connect with her for a complimentary 15 minute consultation, call 808-283-3774.
MAUI HOLISTIC GARDEN CENTER ~ A healing center for detoxifying your body’s filtration organs. We offer individualized Colon Hydrotherapy for overall wellness in a calm and nurturing environment. Our additional wellness services include: Endermologie, Ear Candling, Ionic Detox Foot Bath and Infrared Sauna. We are a holistic-based healing center surrounded by a peaceful garden experience. Call 808-281-5457 or go online to MauiHolisticGardenCenter.com to book an appointment. Mention this ad to receive $10 off any of our Spa packages.
EVOLUTIONARY ASTROLOGER, TRANSFORMATIONAL HEALER. Guided Meditation Journeys. Seer. UnWind the Soul with Juliet Butters Doty. 28 years in business. Healing Sanctuary UpCountry. Now is the time. 808-359-8676 www.unwindthesoul.com
SOUND HEALING with Photon Light Therapy & Sacred Geometry.Three primary frequencies that help to remove heavier dense energies in the body, aligns the chakras, stimulates cellular regeneration and activation. First-time clients pay $150 for one hour session in Kihei, 7th Ray Crystals- 381 Huku Lii Pl Ste 202. Call or text to book: (949) 426-9977. Zhayra Escobar, More info: www. freespirithealing.net .
GOT CRYSTALS? Why not put some crystal HEALING energy in your home? Crystals come to us from all over the planet, each with a unique frequency and special healing ‘assignment.’ They are all beautiful to look at as well. You will enhance your personal space with uplifting crystal energy and your body and immune system will benefit. NEW treats from the Tucson Gem Show in Feb. a magnificent new selection of ‘crystal babies.’ Come See! By private appointment in Haiku and at our monthly “Mystic Holistic Wellness Fair & Crystal Sale,” All price ranges~ unique gifts. Call for vendor info/locations for Holistic Fairs; Judy @ 808.269-7762
AYAHUASCA IN HAWAII? Join us on the Big Island for our Indigenous 'Hawaiaka' Sacred Plant Ceremony -- every Sunday from dusk till midnight. tel. +1-808-323-3238 or visit www.muaisa.org for more.
TAI'CHI GUNG CLASSES. Tai'Chi Gung is a series of gentle moving & breathing exercises that restore Energy/Chi in the body. Also know as Simple Yoga. It is a Journey into Vitality, Regeneration & Spiritual Perception. FREE class Sunday 7:30-8:30am, Baldwin Beach. Full schedule at http://www.TaiChiGung.US Ramona Leela (808) 280-6187
Imagine good clean water at every faucet & tub! See our 3rd party test results, state-of-the-art! Call Myles (808) 344-1315 http://www.LivingPureWater.com
~ Explore the ancient combination of Cannabis and Yoga, Conscious Cannabis Circles and CannabisAssisted Psychedelic Journeys. Bre Wolfe is a Certified Cannabis-Assisted Psychedelic Therapist and modern medicine woman. Call 808-344-4788 or Email Bre@ brewolfe.com or visit www.brewolfe.com for more info.
Belly dance in a supportive classroom environment. Learn to coordinate, strengthen and condition your body to decrease the effects of the aging process and to increase self-confidence and body image. Visit https://www.lynettedaybellydance.com or call 808283-4634 for classes
HERE IS LASTING HELP for your joints, spine and thinking. Feldenkrais®/Qigong/Waco/RSS-Release. Stretch and Strengthen. www.smartmoves4you.com Online classes and in person sessions. 808.344.0925
GOT CRYSTALS? Why not put some crystal HEALING energy in your home? Crystals come to us from all over the planet, each with a unique frequency and special healing ‘assignment.’ They are all beautiful to look at as well. You will enhance your personal space with uplifting crystal energy and your body and immune system will benefit. NEW treats from the Tucson Gem Show in Feb. a magnificent new selection of ‘crystal babies.’ Come See! By private appointment in Haiku and at our monthly “Mystic Holistic Wellness Fair & Crystal Sale,”( All price ranges~ unique gifts. Call for vendor info for Holistic Fairs; Judy @ 269-7762
GERMAN NEW MEDICINE - Discover this True Science that helps us to understand disease through the eyes of Mother Nature. German New Medicine clinician Dr. Douglas J. Price, DC is an authorized international consultant/practitioner and instructor of GMN founded by Dr. Hamer. This knowledge will enhance the practitioner's effectiveness and the use of modalities and/or remedies, if needed, to ease the symptoms while the mind-body is healing according to the 5 Biological Laws. www.germannewmedicine-au. com or call (808) 244-0415.
RELAXING DEEP TISSUE MASSAGE Sessions and Workshops. Lomi Hanamana, Kihei studio, 808-214-5054
808 WELLNESS, 808wellness.com ~ Spa & Healing Center in S. Kihei, MAE #3142. Seeking Licensed Massage Therapists, Healers, Mediums, and Astrologers for local spa and resort work. Contact us today to apply: info@808wellness.com
Learn Compassion and Forgiveness by Understanding Yourself and Others ~ LOVE AND DESTINY CARD READINGS are a great way to learn about yourself and others. I offer several different readings including Individual, Love or Friend Connections, and Destiny. Please visit my website: www.loveanddestinyreadings.com
REIKI SESSIONS AND TRAINING ~ Experience the Natural Healing Energy of Reiki. Bill (Reiki Master) 572-4177 www.mauireiki.com
IF YOUR BUSINESS SPECIALIZES IN: healing, creating or inspiring and you want assistance or training with your marketing or website, we can help. www.GoGetitMedia.com.
ADVERTISING THAT WORKS! Maui Vision Magazine ads are affordable and effective. Call (808) 344-6195 or visit www.mauivision.net for details
Place your listing by email to MauiVision@aol.com. Classified ads are 30 cents per word, no minimum.We will email billing instructions to you. Call 808/344-6195 for more information. Ads are due by Fri., July 14 for the Fall/Early Winter edition publishing in early Aug., 2023. (Covers the months of Aug. 2023-Nov., 2023)