I would say this is the quality that best predicts whether a couple will keep growing together or break up. When couples ask me if I ever see an issue that feels like it will doom the couple, I honestly answer that I have seen a lot that would appear to be very hard or impossible to bounce back from, and yet folks do manage to move beyond those big issues when the commitment to learn together and choose love is there.
No “thing” dooms anyone as much as an attitude of thinking your relationship is “happening to you.” When a couple lives on the premise that they create their relationship, it becomes very easy to turn conflict into a growth experience because they are relating to the world from a stance that, to put it simply, is closer to reality than the defensive and reactionary stance that any problems must be the other person’s fault. You are always in a more powerful position to make an impact when you are operating from reality rather than ego defenses.
This need not be anything dogmatic or religious. But love is a powerful force. It’s the foundation of our humanity. When you relate to your relationship as an expression of something divine or a higher power, it helps you see the big picture of what it means to share a life with another person.
One way of working with this is to take on the idea of the relationship being its own energetic entity, a transcendent third above the two of you. Two people join together, and their
union births this transcendent energy that works at growing these two people, influencing them to soften their hearts and to weave their lives together, leaning on each other’s strengths and being stronger together than they could be on their own.
Feel into the energy of your relationship as its own “thing” and tune into how it is influencing you to grow.
Withholding is an intimacy killer. It is poor emotional hygiene to hold back your truth from your partner, and couples who are building
lifelong love know that if the impulse to withhold something ever does come up, they don’t trust it as it comes from some kind of insecurity and not from a connection to the bigger picture of love. It’s best to just have a slightly uncomfortable conversation and move on from it, rather than put crumbling bricks into the foundation of your trust.
Nourish Each Other
Know what love languages your partner speaks, and employ those to nourish your partner with the love they most readily receive.
Keep going on dates and spend quality time with each other. The relationship can’t run on fumes, and couples who stay happily in love for decades are couples who continue to prioritize quality time together, where the focus is simply on enjoying each other’s company.
Evolve Together
Let there be space for the person you fell in love with to keep growing and evolving. They inevitably will, so you may as well expect it. The happiest couples welcome getting to know the new version of their partner, decade after decade, and appreciate that experience of not needing to stay a static version of themselves to keep being loved.
Ania Ananda Wood, MA, M-NLP, loves empowering couples and individuals to clear trauma patterns and unconscious blocks and to create the lives and relationships of their dreams. She offers sessions from her home office in Haiku or over video.
Visit www.conscious.love or call 415.517.7349 for more information or to book a session.
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“The first wealth is health,” American philosopher Ralph Waldo Emerson wrote in 1860.
How do I stay fit and healthy? I keep a “To Do” list on my phone that I glance at most days. Right at the top it says “Exercise” followed quickly by number 2, which is “Meditate.” These two are the most essential for me. I also have the belief that consuming multi-vitamins for most of my adult life has benefitted me immensely.
Luckily, at age 68, I have missed most major health challenges, with the exception of colon cancer which I developed in 2006. I did not succumb to fear, I faced it with confidence, and had a conversation with my tumor telling it that it was not welcome in my body.
I did traditional treatments including chemotherapy and radiation, but also did ho’oponopono, wheatgrass, organic juicing, spiritual mind treatments, DNA transformation from my naturopath (reversing family history and genetics) and received prayer work. Overwhelmed by the holistic therapies, the tumor disappeared without a trace before surgery. Maybe I was just lucky, but I call it my miracle cure!
I am not immune to getting sick. Last month, I suffered that long-lasting cold going around and faced a death in my family. Finally energetic and healthy and back at my computer, I had to scramble to pull this issue together!
Special thanks go to Amanda Farmer, franchise owner of Orangetheory® Fitness in Kahului, who came through with an amazing cover image. Mahalo!
I have a lot of support in my life, and for my businesses. I am grateful! Enjoy the edition.
- Eric T. Richter, publisherDiet, exercise, and sleep are the cornerstones of a healthy, fit body. Eating a balanced diet gives the body energy and good health. Unhealthy food causes inflammation and disease. American food is contaminated with Roundup and Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs). Avoid corn, wheat, oats, soy, canola, and sugar, unless they are organic. The second best is non-GMO verified.
It is important to limit sugar consumption. Sugar contributes to diabetes, obesity, and other health problems. Avoid refined (white) carbohydrates; artificial sugars are even worse, with the exception of Stevia. Consider taking multivitamins to get all of the nutrients you need.
It matters what type of fat you eat. Saturated fat, particularly from animals and their accompanying cholesterol, can build up in the arteries, causing strokes and heart attacks. Coconut oil is saturated but is plant-based and has other health benefits. Avocados and nuts contain healthy fats. Trans fats are the most damaging to our health.
Exercise helps every system in the body to work better and to reduce stress. Experts say we should exercise at least four days per week. That could be a long walk or a short aerobic workout. Resistance training, such as weightlifting, strengthens the muscles. Warm up the body by stretching. Stretch afterwards to keep the muscles flexible.
Experts recommend at least seven hours of sleep. Sleep restores the body. Sleep deprivation causes disease. Limit blue light exposure after sunset, maximizing natural melatonin production. Avoid caffeine and heavy meals before bedtime. Keep phones and other technology out of the bedroom. Electronic radiation could disrupt sleep. When you wake up, get outside for natural light exposure.
Manage stress. Yoga helps relax the body through poses and meditation. Having regular massages relaxes the muscles further. As a massage therapist, I have helped many people overcome trauma. Many had neck, shoulder, or lower back pain that made it difficult to move their bodies or to sleep well. Many stressed bodybuilders and construction workers felt rock hard and full of knots; afterwards, they felt softer and more relaxed.
John T. Gelert is the owner of Lomi Hanamana. Contact 808.214.5054 for more information or to book a massage!
When we experience love, it transforms us, shaping our identities in profound ways. But how exactly does it change us, and who do we become under Love’s influence? All our decisions, our success, and our happiness depend on the answer to this deep question. Allan Hunter, in his book “The Six Archetypes of Love,” shows how human love takes shape through six evolving personas: The Innocent, Orphan, Pilgrim, Warrior-Lover, Monarch, and Magician.
Whenever we fall in love, we revisit The Innocent stage, where we are naturally inclined to give and receive love unconditionally, as if our true nature has been reignited. This phase mirrors the purity and openness of a baby (as in “be my baby tonight”), which we find irresistibly charming – in others and in ourselves. However, this blissful state is fleeting, and soon enough we will transition into what’s called the Orphan stage, marked by the experience of life’s inevitable disappointments – such as our parents’ imperfections, our unmet needs, or any number of the world’s dangerous possibilities. Over time, this sharp awareness of problems can give rise to anxious rumination. Orphan consciousness mirrors the psychology of preteens, who become aware of their individual needs for security, structure, and belonging. It’s partly a protective tribal instinct against isolation and accepting the fact that unconditional love may never again be available – and certainly not guaranteed. Despite this, we will cherish our sources of imperfect love—our loved ones, flawed as they may be. Orphans seek stability and peace within relationships and can cling to them for a sense of security.
desires. They are seekers who embody a quest for growth and fulfillment beyond survival needs and may remain Pilgrims for a lifelong pursuit of self-discovery.
A Warrior-Lover stage can follow, characterized by commitment to a cause or a relationship—something that we are willing to stand up for. Beyond that, the Monarch stage potentially emerges, embodying leadership and caretaking within an extended family or community, offering wisdom and resources for the collective good. Finally, the Magician level represents creative prowess, an ability to manifest something new for the betterment of all. In a personal relationship context, this highest stage fosters mutual inspiration and support, encouraging partners to realize their fullest potential.
During this evolutionary journey, each new love returns us to the Innocent stage, albeit fleetingly. As we age, such a return becomes briefer, sometimes lasting for a short period of infatuation. In general, many of us find ourselves stuck in the Orphan phase, perhaps indefinitely. Professor Hunter estimates that around 50 percent of American adults remain psychologically entrenched in the Orphan comfort zone, reluctant to move past their comfort zone. The good news is that orphan types do reliably take care of vital functions for society – like the military, as nurses, firefighters, or many other positions of steady service. Society needs the reliable service of such people. Their reluctance to venture beyond their comfort zone, however, may lead them to submit to authoritarian figures, ideologies, or conspiracy theories (be mindful of your voting!)
As time passes, we may find ourselves questioning if there’s more to love than what we are experiencing now. Such introspection activates the next phase, the Pilgrim within us, urging us to adventure beyond the confines of our comfort zones. Similar to an individuating teenager, Pilgrims are great at identifying what they don’t want but still remain uncertain about their true
In conclusion, understanding our evolutionary journey through love’s archetypes offers profound insights into our identities and relationships. By recognizing our predominant stage and embracing growth, we can navigate love’s complexities with greater wisdom and compassion.
Paulo is the author of Intuitive Intelligence and the Visionary I Ching app. Explore insightful discussions with luminaries like Allan Hunter and the last 300 Pathways Podcasts at www.Divination.com.
After seven years of photographing auras and chakras, I’ve come to realize that 90 percent of women photograph with overactive sacral chakras. The sacral chakra is the energy center that rules our reproductive system, emotions, hormones, sexuality, desires, and pleasure. It is the seat of physical, spiritual, and energetic creation and our cycles. When we experience overactivity, there is simply too much energy infused into the center. The goal with our chakras is to achieve energetic balance – not too much or too little of anything.
But why are the women all overactive in their sacral chakras? It’s simple: we are no longer the women we used to be. In this modern time, women have become so powerful. Not only are we mothers and wives, but we are also now bosses and leaders and wear many hats. We have evolved into a position that holds many roles. Most of us are also on birth control/hormones, which has become unusually “normalized.
With any great power also comes great responsibility. With this responsibility comes less time to take care of ourselves and less time to nurture our cycles. In many indigenous cultures, the women would congregate, rest, and process to honor their menstrual cycles. They understood the importance of rest and that the woman was the most intuitive during her cycle. Most modern-day women no longer have this luxury and are required to push through the pain – physical, emotional, or energetic – to keep up with the role they have grown into.
We can still do it all while honoring our energy and cycles. We are limitless, yet rest is still required to do our most meaningful work.
Kristine Kozuki is a born and raised Maui girl and the owner of Pink Moon Aura in Makawao. She specializes in aura/chakra photography, intuitive counseling, crystal grid workshops, and Reiki, practicing for over 12 years. For bookings or to get more information, visit her website, www.pinkmoonauramaui.com or follow Pink Moon Aura on Instagram @pinkmoonaura.
Aging gracefully is an art that involves approaching the golden years with a positive outlook and sense of purpose. It requires a conscious decision to prioritize personal wellness through activities that not only nourish the body but also enrich the spirit. This is where finding an age-appropriate wellness program becomes crucial – one that aligns with your unique journey and encourages regular practice.
Yoga is an ancient practice that involves gentle stretches and poses, which are ideal for maintaining and improving flexibility. It helps align the body and mind, promoting a sense of tranquility while also ensuring that the muscles remain supple. On the other hand, Qigong is a cornerstone of traditional Chinese medicine that complements yoga by infusing the routine with flowing movements that harness the body’s vital energy, or qi. These movements are not only meditative but also enhance functional strength, which is paramount for carrying out everyday tasks with ease.
Meditation offers a moment of calmness and tranquility in today’s fast-paced world, promoting mental clarity and emotional stability. It provides a chance for rejuvenation, reflection, and personal development. Breathwork is a vital aspect of the practice, as it connects all elements. By mastering breath control and deepening breathing techniques, individuals can improve their cardiovascular health and manage stress more effectively.
My business, Grow with Carl, is more than just a wellness program; it’s a promise to age gracefully. The program is founded on the belief that everyone deserves to feel strong, balanced, and peaceful, regardless of their age. By integrating these practices into a daily routine, aging becomes more than just a natural process; it becomes a journey undertaken with grace, strength, and joy.
Carl Powell is a renowned motivational speaker, author, and wellness expert with over 40 years of experience. He offers in-person classes at his studio in Wailuku, as well as live online offerings, along with many classes on demand. Call 808.664.6670 or visit www.carlpowell.com.
So, what keeps this Maui Fairy Gridmama healthy at retirement age?
Nature walks. Nurturing foods from Mama Aina. Yoga stretches. Healing sounds. Fun, loving people who make her laugh. Sweet meditation. Going within and finding deep joy and contentment that are always available and accessible. A chance to become totally aware of the present and choose from a place of love.
Practice the following to stay mindfully FIT: Forgiveness. Inner love. Thankfulness.
I first check in with my mindbody.
We are all teachers and mirrors for each other in this Earth School classroom. When I allow someone to push my buttons of fear, anxiety, anger, and sadness, it gives me an opportunity to practice operating from a mindset different from theirs. Today, I choose Ho’oponopono: I am sorry. Forgive me. I love you. Thank you.
Therefore, my mental and emotional barometer feels balanced and fit. Checked.
Then, I check in with my physical body.
At writing, my neck is slightly sore, my shoulders stiff, and my right hip is sticky. It’s time to take a break from sitting, hunching, and constantly tapping on keyboards, big and small. I will
return to help others after I recharge my own batteries. Time for gentle yin yoga stretches. Ahhhh. Stress released. Tightness and pain no longer exist. The body feels more flexible, open, and fit. Checked.
Then, I check in with my energy body.
With my eyes closed, I savor the moment. Listening to deep bass-note chimes swaying in the wind. So soothing. Birds chirping, children laughing, and ocean waves. Energizing.
I step outside, barefoot on the grass, feeling Mama Aina grounding me. Sun and gentle wind on my face. I drop to my knees in gratitude. Tears of joy. I feel my ancestors, angels, and spirit guides, both in human and non-human form. I embrace the energy field of light and love that I have co-created. My face, heart, and soul smile. Spirit and body happily fit. Checked.
I feel good about where I am in life today. I feel more safe, confident, content, and complete. In defiance of the trials and tribulations we all go through, I did this all on my own. No matter how hopeless or helpless it feels—feeling down on your luck, losing a loved one, or being broke constantly—do not allow anyone to rob you of your inner light, your right, and your free will to be FIT for LIFE.
F – Forgiveness. For giving and receiving love.
I – I love myself. I practice self-love and self-care so I can provide and care for others.
T – Thankfulness. Togetherness. Be grateful for those who love and support you. We are all One, coming from One Divine Source and returning back to It.
Lydee Ritchie is a working psychotherapist and crystal energy practitioner in Makawao. She offers sound healing yoga events at Lumeria Maui Retreat Center and at Mangala Yoga Studio. She is the author of “Crystal Moon Grids,” which can be purchased online at CrystalFairyGridmother.com and at Driftwood Maui, Makawao.
What does staying fit mean? fit” we immediately think about tion to our physical body, we have all equally important and work together keep us fit.
Our daily choices can affect level in one or all areas.
Hypnosis is a great tool that the areas of your life that need fine-tuning. For example, let’s look at a few of things that can affect your fitness
Making healthy and nutritious choices is good for your mind body. Getting a good night’s another one that is good for your your body. Are you doing meaningful creative work that you enjoy? learning new things? Do you regularly?
Spending time out in nature, meditating, or doing Yoga, are all and spirit.
You can see that every choice in either a positive or negative way. you feel and the choices you make.
Hypnosis can help you direct and make the changes that you desire, free to choose your thoughts. You focus, what to believe, and how you can release any unwanted thoughts with new thoughts and feelings that your thoughts, you change your
Barbara Ensign is a certified hypnotherapist specializing in past life and life between lives spiritual regression. She has been serving Maui for over 20 years. For more information or to make an appoint ment, please call 808.269.2129 or visit www.hypnosishawaii.com.
If you’re looking for clarity in life because you feel stuck in survival mode and don’t know what to do after trying many different solutions, I CAN HELP
I intuitively give guidance to heal your energy and whatever is blocking your life to flow effortlessly.
Benefits of healing your energy:
4Unconditional self-love strengthening;
4Intuition clarity;
4Ability to communicate clearly & intentionally;
4Improvement of emotional connections with self & others;
4Self-confidence & personal empowerment;
4Increased levels of creativity & problem solving;
4Breaking down of energy blocks.
Ready to change your life?
I’m ready to guide you!
Marcelle de Oliveira Spiritual Coach - Energy Healer - Speaker (415) 933-2994, ascensionenergyh.com ascensionenergyh@gmail.com
ONGOING ASTROLOGY CLASSES by Juliet Doty. Signs, Planets, Houses, Elements, Qualities. April 11 & 25th, May 9th & 23rd, June 6th & 20th. 381 Hukulii Pl #202 Kihei. 808-359-8676 https:// unwindthesoul.com
REIKI TRAINING – Maui April 13 & 14. EmpowerYour Healing Ability. Facilitated by Jenna Keck, Reiki Master. 408-621-4102, Register online www. LifestyleReiki.com
Maui’s popular MYSTIC HOLISTIC WELLNESS FAIR and crystal sale will be In Haiku on Sat.April 13 @ the colorful Temple of Peace ; noon til 5 pm. (575 Haiku Rd- 1 mi off Hana Hwy @ Haiku town exit) Free admission! Come have a mini massage, energy work or a fantastic reading with our gifted practitioners nurse and enjoy unique gifts from local artisans along with music healthy munchies and Sharin's Famous organic cookies. Live music, A unique event on Maui! Call Judy 808.269.7762.
EXPERIENCE THE DIVINE with Paul Selig’s channeled retreat at Napili Kai Beach Resort,April 14-19, 2024. Details: https://www.studentsoftheguides.com/maui-2024
DOORWAY INTO LIGHT presents “Beginners Guide to Aging, Dying and Death.” Four Tuesday night classes starting April 16 at UH Maui. See display ad on page 19 or call/text Rev. Bodhi, 808.283.5950.
Saturday, April 20, 10am-6pm ~ SHADOWTEMPLE: Claiming the Power in our Subconscious Programs, using Heart Intelligence with Tomas and Joan Heartfield Ph.D. for couples and singles, 10 am-6 pm: Includes delicious organic lunch, $108. These monthly community circles help you feel connected to life in a way that is real, and deeply nourishing.You feel seen, felt, supported, and respected. Each theme is designed to deepen and enrich your life. Heart Intelligence is a powerful, user-friendly spiritual practice that helps you create confidence, clarity and more joy in your life as you build meaningful and enjoyable relationships with others. Call or email Joan: joan@talkinghearts.com, 808 280-9005 to hold your space. www.talkinghearts.com.
YIN YOGA SOUND HEALING with Lydee, 6:30-8:30 p.m., Saturdays, April 20, May 25, June 22, July 27. Cacao, gentle chakra opening stretches, crystal layouts, and sound healing with crystal bowls, gongs, and percussions. Cost: $55. Limited space. Lumeria, Maui. - 1813 Baldwin Ave. For more info text Lydee at 808-757-1111.
CELEBRATE EARTH DAY from 3-6pm on Monday, April 22 on the Great Lawn at UH Maui Campus, Kahului! The free event will feature food, drinks, entertainment, keiki yard games, and guest speakers, with outreach booths by local agencies. See @uhmcsosclub on Instagram for more details.
EARTH DAY PLANT SPIRIT FEST ~ Free private non-commercial community event, 10-sunset on Sun., April 21 at Ahimsa Farm, Haiku. Look for invites by email or text!
Maydeen ‘Iao, Gina Salá, Lei‘ohu Ryder & Friends will perform live at the RAM DASS MAUI LEGACY SUNDAY SATSANG CONCERT, 4:30 p.m. on Sunday, April 28. The event takes place at the Napili Kai Beach Resort, Aloha Pavillion. Purchase tickets in advance on Eventbrite.com, $40 plus fees, or $50 cash at the doors. Info.: www.leiohuryder.com, www.ginasala.com, www.hanumanmaui.org.
Hanuman Maui Presents: Lei‘ohu Ryder , Maydeen ‘Iao, Gina Salá & Friends LIVE in Concert at the RAM DASS MAUI LEGACY SUNDAY SATSANG CONCERT where Aloha & Bhakti reside as Love & Devotion thru Music, Movement, Pule, Celebration & Community. 4:30-7:00pm, Sunday, April 28 at the Napili Kai Beach Resort, Aloha Pavilion. Celebrate Lei Day and the “Powers of Flowers." $40 + Fees for Advance Tickets purchased online at Eventbrite. Otherwise $50 cash only, on day of the program at the door. For more info: www.leiohuryder.com, www.ginasala. com, www.hanumanmaui.org.
May 4 & June 29 - BEGINNING SPONTANEOUS PAINTING with Lalénya Vann, at Hui No’Eau Art Center, Makawao. Let your inner 5 year old go wild with color, just for Fun!!! All ages, safe, no experience needed! For more information and to Register: www.Canvas.HuiNoeau.com/classes, 808-572-6560, or 808-757-8761.
Saturday, May 11 ~ EXPLORING INTIMACY AND SENSUALITY Safely and Playfully in this Delightful Taurus Window using Heart Intelligence with Tomas and Joan Heartfield Ph.D. for couples and singles, 10 am-6 pm: Includes delicious organic lunch, $108.These monthly community circles help you feel connected to life in a way that is real, and deeply nourishing.You feel seen, felt, supported and respected. Each theme is designed to deepen and enrich your life. Heart Intelligence is a powerful, user-friendly spiritual practice that helps you create confidence, clarity and more joy in your life as you build meaningful and enjoyable relationships with others. Call or email Joan: joan@talkinghearts. com, 808 280-9005 to hold your space. www. talkinghearts.com.
ADVANCED MASTER REIKI TRAINING, May 17-19, Haiku, full details at reikiunleashed.com
Saturday, June 8 ~ STOKING THE FIRE OF OUR CREATIVITY in the Playful Gemini New Moon Window using Heart Intelligence with Tomas and Joan Heartfield Ph.D. for couples and singles, 10 am-6 pm: Includes delicious organic lunch, $108. These monthly community circles help you feel connected to life in a way that is real, and deeply nourishing. You feel seen, felt, supported and respected. Each theme is designed to deepen and enrich your life. Heart Intelligence is a powerful, user-friendly spiritual practice that helps you create confidence, clarity and more joy in your life as you build meaningful and enjoyable relationships with others. Call or email Joan: joan@talkinghearts. com, 808 280-9005 to hold your space. www. talkinghearts.com.
BREAST AND FULL BODY THERMOGRAPHY SCREENING available on Maui June 10, 2024 by Nancy Gardner, board certified with 30 years experience. To schedule (415) 300-6527
IRELAND SACRED JOURNEY July 23-30, full details at sacredventures.com
DREAM SHARING CIRCLES and Trance Drum Journeys with www.ActiveDreamingMaui. com .Guided by Lalénya Vann, learn to interpret your own dreams for healing and soul guidance. Weekly and monthly events upcountry. 808-7578761.
SWAMI KHECARANATHA and the Heart of Consciousness offers on-going kundalini meditation and sakti transmission classes on Tues and Thurs at 5pm and 6pm on Saturday at Nityakash in Haiku.To schedule coming to one of the classes during the week email maui@heartofc.org.Visit our website to see the upcoming retreats and immersions. https:// www.heartofc.org/
PADMA’S TEA HOUSE & HEALING HAVEN ~ Energy healing, tea parties, cultural classes, emotional and spiritual support. 24 N. Market Street, Wailuku. (808) 446-3060.
PILATES ON MAUI, Classical studio, 2d generation; all levels, all schedules, all budgets, privates, duets, trios, mat classes, upcountry: No muscle left behind. www.truepilatesmaui.com 808-359-3131.
Kundalini Sadhana leads to the blissful dissolution of dualistic consciousness into the experience of joy and Oneness. We’ll focus on experiencing and cultivating our internal spiritual energy as a gateway to discovering the Divine within.This class includes a powerful “eyes open” Shakti transmission, chanting, guided meditation, talk and Q & A. Ongoing Tuesdays Thursday and Saturday.To schedule coming to one of the classes during the week email maui@ heartofc.org.Visit our website to see the upcoming retreats and immersions. https://www.heartofc.org/
MAUI HOMEOPATHY– Shone Edel is a Classical Homeopath practicing on Maui for 25 years. She passionately treats people of all ages all over the world. She also treats animals. As founder of Maui Homeopathy, Shone has created a line of healing wellness formulas for men, women and children. With air pollution being a worldwide health issue, she has created environmental oral healing sprays: Smog Off!, Breathe On!, Kid’s Throat Spray and Vog Off!. Shone offers Homeopathic Brainwave Therapy, a treatment combining homeopathy, brainwave technology and Shambhala Healing Tools. By Appointment: 808-248-7568 Office in Wailuku: 210 Imi Kala Street Suite S4. shone@ mauihomeopathy.com
INTUITIVE CARD READINGS at Maui Mana Metaphysical Center with Psychic Heimana Sherman. Call for information: 808-385-0898.
EXPLORE MEDITATION on the Inner Light and Sound. Who am I? Where do I come from? Where am I going? Sant Mat is a practical and natural path to self-realization. The meditation on the inner Light and Sound combined with an ethical lifestyle builds the foundation to experience and strengthen the connection with the inner core of our being, the soul. Sant Baljit Singh Ji teaches this meditation to anyone who is searching for a deeper meaning to life.There is no charge at any stage for learning or practicing this path. More information: 1-877-MEDITATE (1-877-633-4828) Info.us-hi@ knowthyself.org www.knowthyself.org
TEMPLE OF PEACE Sunday Service. Temple of Peace Spiritual Center is an inter-faith spiritual community whose doors are open to all who aspire to seek genuine spirituality, personal change and loving service to humanity. Join Rev. Kedar St John & Friends every Sunday,10:30 am.- noon as we gather together in musical remembrance, practice and celebration of our divine connection, here now alive and awake in our changing world. 575 Haiku Road, Haiku - 808-575-5220 templeofpeacemaui.com
UNITY CHURCH OF MAUI– Unity Church offers a positive path to spiritual living, and an inclusive community that celebrates diverse beliefs that honor the sacred truth of God. Our10am Sunday Service welcomes all who aspire to create a life of health, prosperity, happiness, and peace of mind through positive spiritual practice and community. Please join us as we celebrate the divinity in each of us with music, laughter, inspirational messages and fellowship. Located at 483 S. High Street, Wailuku. 808-242-9327.
Hamish's 'Maui Celtic Radio Show’ 8-10am & 5-7pm on KAKU 88.5fm Maui. No signal? - online at https:// www.akaku.org/kaku-88-5-fm/
Every Wednesday KIRTAN CHANTING 6:30pm, followed by vegetarian dinner at Temple of Peace, 575 Haiku Rd. For more info., call (808) 575-5220. By donation.
SOMATICS: Experience the power of gentle movements to reorganize and rebalance your body/mind for increased comfort and flexibility. Fridays 3:00 - 4:14 $25. Wisdom Flow Yoga www.mauisomatics.com
E-mail your listing to MauiVision@aol.com.
The first 25 words are free on the first Calendar listing per person/organization. Additional words/and/or listings are 35 cents per word. Classified ads are 35 cents per word, no minimum.We will contact you with payment details. Call 808.344.6195 for more information. Ads are due by Friday, July 19 for the Summer/Fall edition publishing in early August. (Covers Aug., Sept., Oct., Nov., 2024)
Imagine what your life would look like if you were free of the nonsense running around in your head — free of thoughts that make you angry, anxious, sad or scared; free of uncomfortable memories of past traumas or pain.
We all are impacted in some way. Many relate post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) to war, shootings, rape or abuse. Seeing a violent movie or witnessing a car accident or any disturbing event, can also have a harmful effect on our psyche. Watching destructive images repeatedly on television is so negative to our wellbeing, yet we do it anyway, regardless of the impact on our minds. Many have tried different healing modalities to remove unpleasant experiences or memories. Somehow, though, they creep back into our minds.
This is where homeopathic brainwave therapy comes into play. It is a revolutionary, ground-breaking treatment combining homeopathy, brainwave optimization technology and Shambhala healing tools.
Listening to the music and receiving the treatment can clear blocks and stresses from incidents you would rather forget. By uncluttering our minds from the accumulation of judgments, gloomy thoughts or bad memories, we allow new neural pathways to grow and increase our brain power. You may gain greater clarity and feel more energetic, inspired and motivated.
Homeopathic brainwave therapy is like a mental enema. Being in a pyramid with a homeopathic remedy in your auric field makes the treatment even more powerful and healing. It can be very subtle at first. Then you may notice that things do not have the same kind of ‘charge’ as before. A healthy level of detachment ultimately results in improved mood and more creativity and inner peace.
Shone Edel BA, NHC is a classical homeopathic practitioner on Maui for 25 years. Maui Homeopathy created a line of healing wellness products available in stores or online. Homeopathic brainwave therapy is a powerful healing tool. For more information call 808.248.7568 or visit www.mauihomeopathy.com. Location: 210 Imi Kala Street, Suite S4, Wailuku.
I love a good hike in the forest or a long swim out to the Aquarium at La Perouse; it makes me feel alive and full of vigour, charged up with Mother Nature.
What is truly important for me with my total fitness is keeping my internal muscles fit, for indeed, this is the ultimate fix for anyone who is functioning on a Soul level.
Your mental discipline is paramount to ensure that you are behind the steering wheel of your life harnessing the monkey mind in your head. I liken the monkey mind to a wild horse we need to catch and bring into the training corral.
It takes discipline and focus to strengthen the mental muscle calibre in order to focus your awareness on the internal machinations of the breath, the stillness, and ultimately the core of the heart – being able to drop in and bringing your awareness to the pulsation of what gives you Life.
2024 is the year to tone your internal relationship with your deep heart so that you may feel what your Soul’s path is. April 20th is the biggest astrological event of 2024, from now through the end of May. Huge potentialities abound for innovations and creativity to expand into your life. Jupiter and Uranus coming together is so expansive and creative. Put the two together, and you are birthing something exceptional and exciting.
Being internally fit on a Soul level is key to hearing the still small voice with the ideas and genius that may stream in for you. Life-changing ideas will come to you as an individual but also, of course, for the Collective.
Juliet Butters Doty is a Soul Whisperer and Evolutionary Astrologer, assisting Souls to navigate through these extraordinary years of change ahead. She offers private sessions at her upcountry home office via Zoom, and she welcomes inquiries. Call 808.359.8676 or visit www.unwindthesoul.com.
Most people might assume that having a workout routine is purely a physical endeavor to stay fit. However, a mental workout can also help! Physically fit people may think that going on a bike ride or pumping iron is all you need to be strong and healthy; however, they are not addressing the fact that to be well balanced in your life, your emotions need to be fit as well.
Many people are starting to prioritize being spiritually fit over physical fitness.
The phrase “A bitter root will produce bitter fruit” begs attention. Does that mean that physical exercise is not good? No, physical exercise can reduce stress as well as meditation, but that too will only work on the branches, not the root. Some people may be addicted to running, just to get away from harboring anger or frustration and not realizing they are poisoning their own lives.
It takes more than forgiveness of oneself and others to live your best life, which is one of the reasons to stay fit for life and embrace both good and bad, whatever life may bring. We are living in challenging times with the way the world turns. Many of us have pre-existing biological conflicts that, if not dealt with in challenging times, can and will add more damage to the root of our being.
Biological conflicts must be rooted out to have true fitness on all levels to have resilience in the coming times to meet any situation, good or bad. Whatever is coming will bring triggers, based on world events that will make unresolved conflicts even worse.
Having a German New Medicine consultation can help unroot unresolved conflicts to allow maximum health and resilience.
Dr. Douglas J. Price, D.C. has over 30 years of experience in chiropractic and kinesiology. His approach to healing is revolutionary, encompassing both wellness and resolution. Author of Activate Your Brain To Heal Your Body, he teaches online and travels internationally. Contact: dr.price.gnm@gmail.com, 808.244.0415.
Day One, again with my promise to walk everyday; 10 to 20 minutes daily, only I really dislike walking; it’s so boring!
Taking care of these precious and complicated body temples is really a full time business if we take serious responsibility.
I was “blessed” to have scoliosis surgery for my horribly crooked spine at 16 which had been causing me “growing pains.” This year-long chapter totally changed my life as we were guided to the amazing Dr. Joseph C. Risser. We were all astonished to learn that this high energy, gentle man, who appeared to be in his early 50s was actually 72!
I went on his Dr. R. diet during the usual 8-10 month healing time wearing a full body plaster cast. I avoided eating any white flour, sugar and processed foods, eating only whole grains. This sped up my healing time and I was out of the cast in only 7 months with a new appreciation for whole foods.
As a result of this early lesson I am now living a life of “healthy longevity” tending carefully to what I feed this magical temple. Thankfully on Maui, we have access to the best food on the planet and we all could (should) be growing some of our own greens and herbs year round.
My wise friend shared many years ago: “What if God only gave you one car your whole life? How would you take care of it? Would you put sugar in the gas tank?” I realized our body is our one vehicle issued for this life; you can’t trade it in for a newer model! Tend carefully!
Judy Levy is “Maui’s Crystal Lady,” merchandising crystals and producing the popular monthly Mystic-Holistic Wellness Fairs in Wailea and Haiku. She also offers an “Angelic Crystal Journey” a unique crystal layout and other tools to balance your chakras and realign your body and Spirit by donation. Contact her at 808.269.7762.
In 2023, the theme of “penetration” illuminated my journey, sparked by the impact of Hurricane Lydia and heightened awareness of life after death. This revelation led me to contemplate the ruts and patterns that ensnare us in life, reinforced through the rewriting of my book, Enlightenment Pie. As 2024 unfolds, my focus shifts to “transformation,” inspired by the belief that change is an ongoing process.
The evolution of consciousness ignited by the awakening of 2020 underscores the importance of consciously navigating these patterns. Stepping into spring, my intention is to prioritize the transformation of these patterns, recognizing their significance in fostering spiritual growth, emotional equilibrium, and a deeper connection with ourselves and the universe. This conscious shift from negative ruts to positive grooves marks the beginning of a journey toward self-improvement, shaping both our present experiences and transitions beyond life.
Ruts: In Tibetan Shamanism, “ruts” delve into cyclic patterns or habits binding individuals in waking life, dreams, and the process of death.
Ruts in Life: Tibetan Shamanism views ruts as habitual patterns limiting spiritual growth. Breaking free from these cycles is essential for spiritual liberation.
Ruts in Lucid Dreams: In lucid dreaming, ruts manifest as
“When I have a difficult decision or concern, I call Helen. She helps me ‘see’ through ‘real eyes’ what resonates with who I am at the soul level. I find joy is an experience of path intertwining with the soul. Helen shines a light that helps me see both.”
- William Greenleaf“If you are asking yourself anything at all, need advice or find yourself rumbling through your head of how to handle something, give Helen a call. She listens beyond the voice, not only to you but from another place that holds the wisdom of how to navigate through your life in a more peaceful, productive and fulfilling way. She is one of the wisest shamans I know. In addition to her wizardry she has a huge loving playful heart.”
- Chef Teton“Wow, years of trauma eliminated in one session. What a relief! Thank you Helen!”
- T. Rrecurring dream scenarios, symbolizing unresolved issues. Practitioners navigate these dream ruts for introspection and resolution
Ruts in Death: The transitional phase of death in Tibetan Shamanism involves navigating obstacles created by attachment to worldly desires and habitual patterns. Practices guide individuals to attain enlightenment.
In essence, ruts represent repetitive patterns binding individuals in waking life, dreams, and the journey through death. Breaking free involves introspection and spiritual practices for liberation.
My own experience: As a medium and lucid dreamer, I connect with individuals transitioning into the afterlife. Encounters provide insights into the intricate tapestry of emotions, memories, and unresolved sentiments intertwining with consciousness during this profound transition. These encounters offer a window into the complexities of human emotions, providing profound insights into patterns persisting beyond the physical realm.
Grooves: In Yoga and the Vedas, “grooves” are patterns of behavior, thought, and action cultivated throughout life, both positive and negative.
Positive Grooves in Yoga and the Vedas: Virtuous, uplifting patterns align with virtues such as compassion and mindfulness, fostering spiritual growth, emotional balance, and interconnectedness.
Transforming from Ruts to Grooves: Consciously shifting from negative ruts to positive grooves involves self-awareness, conscious effort, yoga practices, cultivating virtues, and seeking guidance.
In essence, Yoga and the Vedas acknowledge the significance of grooves – positive or negative – in shaping human experiences. Through self-awareness and conscious effort, individuals can navigate away from negative ruts and cultivate positive grooves.
Conclusion: In life’s journey, experiences are shaped by patterns known as “ruts” and “grooves.” Ruts represent negative patterns limiting growth, while grooves signify positive behaviors leading to self-realization and fulfillment.
This concept is interwoven into various philosophies, transcending life and death. Practices such as self-awareness, yoga, and the cultivation of virtues offer pathways to transform negative ruts into positive grooves.
As we step further into 2024, focusing on transforming these patterns becomes paramount. Consciously shifting from negative ruts to positive grooves initiates a journey of self-improvement, fostering spiritual growth and a deeper connection with ourselves and the universe. This focus not only enhances present experiences but also guides transitions and experiences in the realms of death and beyond.
Lisa M. Gunshore, is a certified quantum coach, tantric yogini, and Ayurveda wellness coach initiated by the Dalai Lama,. She advocates for non-violence and compassion, and specializes in genetic transformation, ancestral healing, and conscious content. Visit her buddhistbiohacker YouTube channel to find out more, or contact her through her website, www.buddhistbiohacker.com.
A question worth asking ourselves is: How can we nourish the body to best enjoy youthful freedom throughout our lives? The alignment and integrity of one’s spine directly relate to being in the greatest alignment and integrity within one’s mind, heart, and relationship to life.
For thousands of years, the sages and yogis have been aware of the direct relationship between spinal health and life-force energy, or consciousness. The spine is the motherboard, the transmitter or receiver for the creative energy that gives us all life and health. This energy, known by many names such as Mana, Prana, or Chi, must freely flow through the entire spine and body if we are to experience radiant health and inner peace and express our unique gifts fully in this life.
One direct and powerful way to open the flow of life-force energy is to have a trusted chiropractor assess and adjust the spine. The adjustment releases energy stored as tension in the body, which then integrates with the whole being and results in a sense of balance and ease. When done regularly, it restores optimal integrity and health to the nervous system.
Actions taken now toward spinal health will surely support greater levels of health, wealth, and deep fulfillment in life for years to come. You do not have to live with pain and restrictions or wait for them to come; rather, you can answer your body’s call toward greater levels of freedom.
It’s been a true privilege to do this work in Paia and maximize the lives and health of my practice members with a gentle, intuitive approach. It is your birthright to experience lasting health and vitality! Discover how you can benefit from chiropractic care by scheduling a visit or with a complimentary phone consultation.
Dr. Andy is a local family chiropractor at Connected Chiropractic, based in Paia. For more information or to schedule a visit, call 808.723.4703 or visit www.connected-chiropractic.com.
808 Wellness Spa & Healing Center 808wellness.com | 808.875.4325 | mae#3142
Aimee Greenwood L.Ac
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Maui Vision Network (808) 344-6195 www.mauivision.net
Lady Nenari (808) 318-5056 www.diamondlady.net
Jennifer Bass AHC,CAP, RYT200 (808) 707-4700 mauiveda@gmail.com
Dr. Gina Kim, DC. 871-6996 Wailuku
Na Keiki O Emalia 808.214.9832 www.nkoemaui.org
Dr. Douglas J. Price, D.C.808.244.0415 dr.price.gnm@gmail.com
Dr. Addison Bulosan 808.866.6551
The Specific Chiropractic Centers - Maui addison@thespecific.com
Shone Edel NHC 808-248-7568
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Casanova’s Makawao 572-0220
Maui Coffee Roasters - 877-2877
The Coffee Store - Napili 669-4170
Shelley St. John, RN, CT 808.575.5220
Joan Heartfield, PhD 808 280-9005 www.talkinghearts.com
Ania Ananda Wood, MA, M-NLP 415-990-4451 www.conscious.love www.consciouslife.us
Shanna Shanti, LMT 808.866.0298 IntoTheHealing.com
REIKI ATTUNEMENTS/PRIVATE YOGA www.jilldevishriyoga.com 808.344.1427
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Michele Leilani MMP, LMT# 15960 aloha-medical.massagetherapy.com
Broth Café at Alive and Well 808.877.4950 In Kahului www.brothataliveandwell.com
Juliet Butters Doty 808.359.8676 www.unwindthesoul.comom
Elaine Lopez-Bogard 505-218-6884 www.healingthewomb.com
Rhonda Felix (808) 205-8302 www.soulspacemaui.com
Dr. Douglas J. Price, D.C.(808 )244-0415 www.germannewmedicine-au.com
Laura Miner, CT 808.757.8124
Lydee Ritchie, LMFT, LLC 808-757-1111 LauraCMiner.com
Kahu Alalani 808.281.2582 hawaiianceremonies.com
Tomas and Joan Heartfield, PhD 808 280-9005 www.talkinghearts.com
Maui Vision Magazine (808) 344-6195 www.mauivision.net
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Maribeth Theisen, MSW, LCSW, CHt 808-269-2923 www.MaribethTheisen.com
Barbara Ensign Cht. 808 269-2129
Tomas Heartfield 808 280-9006 www.talkinghearts.com
Wendy Areus (808) 283-9248 www.GraceHealingMaui.com
Sue Divine 808.463.8443 www.SueDivine.com
Barbara Ensign CHt. 808 269-2129
John T Gelert, owner, 808-214-5054 www.lomihanamana.com
Maui Vision Magazine (808) 344-6195 www.mauivision.net
Maha Conyers, Rev, MA, LMT, www.mahanaweddingsmaui.com 808 876 0409
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Thai Massage Institute of Maui 808-463-7734 www.thaimassagemaui.com
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Tomas Heartfield 808 572-1250 www.talkinghearts.com
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UnWind the Soul Healings
Juliet Butters Doty 808.359.8676 www.unwindthesoul.com
Maui Singing Bowl 808.330.8227 www.mauisingingbowl.com
Ramona Leela (808) 280-6187 http://www.TaiChiGung.US
Dr. Addison Bulosan,D.C. 808.866.6551 Maui@TheSpecific.com
Myles Saputo (808) 344-1315 http://www.LivingPureWater.com
Cindi Nand 808.264.4177 www.WholisticRetreatCatering.com
Island Spirit Yoga Maui 667-2111 www.islandspirityoga.com
Meenakshi Angel Honig www.AngelYoga.com
angel@angelyoga.com 808.269.8297
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In today’s fast-paced world, finding balance and harmony can often feel like an endless pursuit. Yet, at the heart of energy healing lies a powerful principle: the restoration of equilibrium within your energy system. Through targeted techniques that address blockages and imbalances, energy healing offers a pathway to rediscovering inner serenity and vitality.
What sets energy healing apart is its ability to complement traditional medicine, working hand in hand to support the body’s natural healing processes. Whether you’re recuperating from illness, or injury, or managing chronic conditions, the gentle yet potent methods of energy healing can contribute to expedited recovery and improved overall health.
Moreover, energy healing serves as a sanctuary for relaxation and stress relief in an increasingly hectic world. Our tranquil sessions provide a refuge for the nervous system, promoting mental clarity and fostering emotional resilience. As negativity and discordant energies are released, clients often experience a profound sense of self-acceptance, love, and alignment with their true purpose.
Working with energy healers, the sessions not only promote the free flow of energy but also balance and clear your chakras, the vital energy centers within the body. This comprehensive approach ensures that every aspect of your being is nurtured and supported on the journey to wellness.
Embarking on a journey toward holistic wellbeing with energy healing is a transformative experience with your healers committed to guiding you every step of the way, offering personalized sessions tailored to your individual needs.
You can embrace the positive changes awaiting you and step into a life filled with vitality, balance, and joy, by allowing the power of energy healing to ignite your inner spark and illuminate the path to a healthier, happier you.
Look for group sessions with sound healing with Taryn Kama and Brooke Howsley at locations on Maui. Taryn Kama is a Maui-based writer and digital marketing specialist (GoGetitMedia.com). She is also an energy healer and owner of Go Get it Energy Healing (GoGetitEnergyHealing.com)
JUDY LEVY is “Maui’s Crystal Lady” with gorgeous specimens from all over planet Earth; w/ kama'aina prices. Come to my Haiku hilltop and enjoy a delightful 90-minute “Angelic Crystal Journey.” Starting with a unique crystal layout to rebalance your Chakras, combing to stimulate your lymphatic system, reflexology, foot massage, Reiki and a reading. You might float off the table! By donation. Call Judy 808.269.7762.
EVOLUTIONARY ASTROLOGER , SOUL WHISPERER UnWind the Soul (UWS) Detox Healings. Guided Meditation Journeys. Seer. Juliet Butters Doty. 29 years in business. Healing Sanctuary Upcountry. 808-359-8676 juliet@unwindthesoul.com
RV ELKRIDGE TRAILER 5th wheel asking $67k obo financing thru Lightstream.com. Used only as storage last 2-3 years. Propane Refrig, Onan Generator, Full kitchen microwave. 2 televisions. Rocking chairs. Dinette. Tinted windows. Legal in residential zones, fully equipped and self contained for off grid. Tax write offs if rent to fire victims. Delivery, power wash and maintenance included at time of sale. Empty and ready to move now. Call Malia, 808 419 4234
SESSIONS and Workshops Lomi Hanamana, Kihei studio, 808-214-5054
ADVERTISING THAT WORKS! Maui Vision Magazine ads are affordable and effective. Call 344-6195 or visit www.mauivision. net for details
NATIVE HAWAIIAN here in Hana to support like-minded individuals in many aspects of life… especially reaching out to our west side Ohana. Live life, culturally rich support found here Hananow4u@gmail.com.
CHAOS TO CAREFREE with Gylian Solay, MS: Professional Organizer. “Find What You Need” and “Keep What You Want.” With over 40 yrs Organizing experience, Gylian assists you in your home, office, and life…”Together we focus on Who YOU are and How YOU live” to make the space comfortably YOURS! Spaces vary from: hoarding, extreme cluttering, messy, Zen, and everything in-between; combining households, downsizing, packing, and moving households large and small. My clients are always amazed at how I’m able to find ways to create spaces that help them “Find it..and Keep it.” So, if you’re looking for “Ways and Spaces” for your possessions, Contact me for further info: 808 344 8068, gylian@ youremergentself.net; https://gyliansolay. com/why-chaos-to-carefree Mission Possible!!!
DREAM SHARING CIRCLES and Trance Drum Journeys with www.ActiveDreamingMaui.com Learn to interpret your own dreams for healing and soul guidance. Weekly and monthly events Upcountry. 808-757-8761.
IN: healing, creating or inspiring and you want assistance or training with your marketing or website, we can help. www.GoGetitMedia. com.
808 WELLNESS, 808wellness.com ~ Spa & Healing Center in S. Kihei, MAE #3142. Seeking Licensed Massage Therapists, Healers, Mediums, and Astrologers for local spa and resort work. Contact us today to apply: info@808wellness.com
HUMAN DESIGN ANALYST~ Looking at your birth blueprint, we explore the gifts you have to offer, challenges unique to you and current dynamics at play. Rupa Westbrook, call 808 283 5774. rupachan@gmail.com
GERMAN NEW MEDICINE - Discover this True Science that helps us to understand disease through the eyes of Mother Nature. German New Medicine clinician Dr. Douglas J. Price, DC is an authorized international consultant/practitioner and instructor of GMN founded by Dr. Hamer. This knowledge will enhance the practitioner's effectiveness and the use of modalities and/or remedies, if needed, to ease the symptoms while the mindbody is healing according to the 5 Biological Laws. www.germannewmedicine-au.com or call (808) 244-0415.
FAFA CHRIST’S LOVE WITHOUT DISCRIMINATION Heaven on Earth Worldwide Teachings: I Resurrected in Paia on 8/9/10 during the Lions Gate Portal. Twitter. com/FaFaChrist1 (4/24)
CREATIVE ORGANIZER. Let’s get organized so you can find things and create less stress. I can help. Many years of experience. Golden References available. Dawn 808-2641931 (4/24)
ENERGY MEDICINE BEAR ~ Acupuncture that tends to your soul. The destiny of the heart is nourished when we move from the knowing in our bones. The way for this movement is liberated when our body/mind/ spirit is interconnected without obstruction. Your life is precious and Bear Brown, Hawaii State Licensed Acupuncturist, is here to offer the medicine that he carries on your behalf. For an introductory consultation please email energymedicinebear@gmail.com
Email your listing to MauiVision@aol.com. Classified ads are 35 cents per word, no minimum. We will email billing instructions to you. Call 808/344-6195 for more information. Ads are due by Fri., July 19 for the Summer/Fall edition publishing in early Aug., 2024. (Covers the months of August, September, October, November, 2024.
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Our new Maui Pulse newspaper begins monthly publication with 10,000 free copies delivered all over Maui starting in May, 2024!
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