By Ania Ananda Wood
I was all set to write about how to let go of perfectionism and the stress of juggling so much in our busy modern lives as my take on how to “find calm amidst the chaos,” which is the lovely theme for this issue… and then I thought about all of the children being orphaned in Gaza… the babies born in tents, only to die days later… amputations with no anesthesia… the people eating grass, dirt, and insects just to survive… and it did not feel right with me to simply espouse the virtues of taking it easy.
There will be those who stop reading at this point, not wanting to register these atrocious levels of suffering inflicted upon innocent civilians, and the contrast between their lives and ours. And that is ok. Not everyone reading this is living with a resilient nervous system where they can bear witness to these human rights abuses. Not everyone reading this is privileged enough to have their emotional body tended to so well that they can handle taking in this information without falling apart themselves.
So if you are still reading, bless you. I believe one of the best things those of us with the privilege of regulated nervous systems can offer the world is to lean into hard things, at minimum, to bear witness and honor our shared humanity by not turning away.
Over the past several years, I have seen people who purportedly believed that “we are all one” betray their deeper alliance to a colonizer mindset of capitalist individualism over genuine caring for the collective when
that care stood to mildly inconvenience them. It confused me until I realized that people who can’t bring themselves to stretch beyond peak individualism dressed up as “self-care” are simply folks who are ungrounded and dysregulated on that subconscious level of the nervous system. I want to offer those folks a stretch goal ¬– that once they attain enough nervous system regulation, they can share that well-being with the collective because it truly does feel good to turn the dial a few notches away from individualism towards collectivism.
We have different levels of tolerance for plugging into the collective with all of
its trauma and active injustices. I believe there is a happy medium of staying engaged and maintaining inner peace. I have worked with activists over the years, where I nudge them more towards unplugging and self-care so that they don’t burn out and can maintain their levels of service to their communities.
And for those of us with so much nervous system privilege, living in paradise, within a culture that is on so many levels healthier than mainland Western culture, I encourage the opposite – not to unplug from our human family but to lean in a little more than we have been – checking ourselves and our capacities so that we don’t burn out. But also being open to the possibility that engaging our life force toward collective liberation can be a lifegiving thing. e can “find the helpers” as r. Rogers taught us, connect with other folks who are leaning in, and let that resonance of loving and caring for our neighbors near and far be something that uplifts our hearts and rekindles our hope for humanity.
Life (and also corrupt institutions based on racism and exploitation) brings chaos, yet we can lean in, lean on each other, and be the calm in the center of the storm.
Ania Ananda Wood, MA, M-NLP loves empowering couples and individuals to clear trauma patterns and unconscious blocks and to create the lives and relationships of their dreams. She offers sessions from her home office in Haiku or over video.Visit www.conscious.love or call 415.517.7349 to make an appointment.
It is clear our world is becoming more chaotic and stressful, especially for those of us on Maui who are still being affected by the fires in Lahaina and Kula one year later. Change is in the air, and how we contend with it correlates profoundly with our personal practices for maintaining wellness and productivity while seemingly negative circumstances and situations abound. Staying in trust of a positive future helps a lot!
ou’ll find all inds of suggestions in this edition, from breathing and mindfulness, to spending time in nature, to exercise, to getting a massage as well as some creative businesses advertising scalar energy, and customized sessions using light and sound healing, to bring you bac to wholeness. ersonally, I li e meditation, chiropractic adjustments and exercise. My meditations help me focus on the present moment, bringing a sense of peace while reducing anxiety. Chiropractic puts my nervous system bac into a free-flowing space, and I find it helps me with enhancing my productivity. Exercise oxygenates my blood, strengthens me and brings me bac to the here and now.
Creative activities such as painting, writing or playing music can help balance out life’s turbulence. I encourage you to find out what “floats your boat” and do it!
- Eric T. Richter, publisher
ON THE COVER: Sandy Schneider, owner of Mind and Body Harmonics, relaxes in the portal of a Harmonic Egg® in Kihei. Within the resonant chamber, frequencies and vibration emanating from music and light guide a person to a state of supreme relaxation while they recline in a zero-gravity chair. To explore the many benefits,visit her website, www.mindandbodyharmonics.com or call 808.856.0054.
By Sandy Schneider
Dailyheadlinesfeaturepresidentialcandidates’flaws,uncertainmarkets, andviolentcrimedetails. A casualreaderlooksuptoseeanoverduebill,she’s minuteslateandhearsher -year-oldcrying.Shethinks, Whydo I care It’snotgettinganybetter. Ifweexamineourselves,wemayrecognizeusinthis story. We maynotrealizethatwe’vebeenmaneuveringthroughchaos.We’ve accepted itassimply a partoflife.
Whatifthatisn’ttrue Whatifthechangerequiredtosidestepchaosis sosimplethatmostlearnedtheconceptaschildren You mayrecallcartoon charactersin a difficultspotwhensuddenlytwolittlecharacterswouldland ontheirshoulders a whiteangeland a reddevil. We laughedasthereddevil’s advicewouldleadthecharacterinto moretrouble,whilethewhiteangel’s advicewouldresolvetheissue.
Whatifthatfamiliarcartoonwas playingoutinourlivestoday
We perceiveswirlinglifecircumstancesandtheninterpretthem basedonourownlifeexperiences. neinterpretationcomesfromthat angelcharacterandonefromthedevil character.Asadults,wecallthe angel perspectiveourinnersage,gutfeeling, ortruth,whilethe littledevil isourinnercritic,judge,orego.Thesecharacters play a realroleinourlives.
urdailychallengeistorecognizethesecompetingvoicesinourheads andexaminewhichperspectiveservesus. urinnersageisalwaysavailableand speakswordsthatbringcalmandpeace. To accessyoursage,createquiettime, eitherbymeditation,prayer,naturewalk,orin a HarmonicEgg,whereyoucan relaxandattuneyourenergy.Whenwecalmourminds,thechaossubsides.
Sandy Schneider, M. . is an CF certified life and leadership coach and the owner of Mind and Body Harmonics in ihei, which features the state s first Harmonic Egg . isit www.mindandbodyharmonics.com to learn more.
By Paulo O’Brien
We are getting older and may even live long enough to experience being ‘old.’ Even during times of extreme uncertainty, aging is certainly one thing we can count on. Along with sickness and death, there is no escaping the reality of aging as a cause of suffering. We only have so much time left. To the extent you identify with your body or separate self (ego), the process of getting old may seem tragic, but it doesn’t have to feel that way.
Yes, aging is commonly viewed through a lens of decline and loss, but there are psychological and personal gains that come with elderhood – new and profound opportunities for the kinds of satisfaction that can help us finally be happy. With aging comes wisdom seasoned by experience, which is why elders have traditionally been so highly respected. We gain a deeper understanding of life by learning from challenges we face, survive and overcome. Earned wisdom helps elders make better decisions, provide valuable advice to younger generations, and approach problems from a more balanced perspective. Earned wisdom supports a richer, more nuanced understanding of the world, supporting greater empathy and compassion.
In addition, retiring from a career or raising children brings a newfound sense of freedom and independence. Without a rigid schedule, elders have time to pursue hobbies, interests and passions – more time to do whatever they want. This can support exploration and self-discovery, allowing us to engage in activities we rarely had time for. The freedom to travel, volunteer or learn new skills can produce a vibrant and active lifestyle. The internal freedom from work stress can give rise to a freer spirit – operating with enthusiasm, confidence and greater patience.
Freedom of spirit is a significant overlooked advantage of growing older. Older folks have had more experiences, and will have more if they
remain open-minded. Considering a conservative bias to hold on to what we have, a higher percentage of emotional experiences as we age will involve turnover or loss of some kind. People die, and more people die the older we get. Businesses fail, marriages and significant relationships dissolve, pets die, life goes through radical ups and downs. The Law of Impermanence means that change is constant. To make things even more confusing, the rate of change is accelerating.
More experience gives elders greater perspective and a better ability to fill in the dots and see larger patterns. This visionary skill is a basis for what we call intuition and makes for better planning and greater creativity. Intuitive intelligence (the title of my book) makes wise elders useful when it comes to advising on long-term decisions. But strategic decisions are not always about achieving something.’ Like the poker player who knows when to fold ‘em, some of the most challenging intuitive decisions are knowing when and how and when to fold ‘em.
Mastering the art of letting go of attachments is central to the cultivation of wisdom and contentment, which is an excellent definition of happiness. In this way, we can accept rather than resist change, let go of habits that offer a lazy way out, cultivate gratitude and a calm confidence that flows when we let go of constant craving. Letting go is the ticket to peace and happiness. The older we get, the more practice life offers us before our final breath. We are not going to live forever, so let’s stop fiercely holding on and master the art of letting go while we still have a chance.
Paulo’s license plates say “Let Go.” He is the author of Intuitive Intelligence and the Visionary I Ching app. Enjoy luminaries like Peter Coyote among Paulo’s last 300 Pathways Podcasts at www.Divination.com.
By Rebecca Kent
My anxiety attack was triggered by the fear of dealing with another one of my husband’s severe anxiety attacks. I can’t do it. I’m crumbling. Hopelessness for me and our three children was caving in all around me. I knelt. “I can’t do this anymore, God!” I cried out, trapped in my own version of hell on earth. Collapsing in a ball, I wept.
Thiswasmyfirstanxietyattack. I had no idea how debilitating they were. None of the usual tools for coping worked. Everything was thrownoutthewindowasfightor flighttookovercompletely,andtherationalmindwasoffline. Noonecan function from a state of love here. My heart goes out to anyone who has experienced this.
My husband, Ryan, had anxiety attacks caused by Multiple Sclerosis. His nervous system was in such terrible shape that we could not carry on normal conversations without him spiraling into endless negativity. The doctors wereshockedwhenhewasfirstdiagnosed. Hisbrainscanswerehorrible. They couldn’t believe that he had made it that long without a diagnosis.
It was only a few weeks later when my mom called me from the mainland and told me she had found something that she thought would help Ryan. Hearing her enthusiasm, I eagerly looked up the Energy Enhancement System. I was quickly disappointed when I saw what appeared to be just a bunch of colorful monitors. Desperate for relief, I set aside my skepticism andarrangedforourfirstsession. We hadnothingtolose.
To my surprise, I found myself falling asleep during the session—an unusual occurrence for me. Drifting into deep meditation, I visualized color-
ful light running through my veins, nourishing every cell in my body. The two-hoursessionflew by. Afterwards, I felt a profoundsenseofpeacethat had been absent for a long time. The stress I had been carrying in my body seemed to melt away.
Ryan, unsure of what to think initially, also felt calmer after the session. Whatstoodouttohimmostwastheimprovementinhisknee,whichhehad reinjured that summer. Convinced of its potential, we signed him up for the largest package available.
Over the next few weeks, our lives began to shift in remarkable ways. Ryan’s anxiety attacks were fewer and shorter. I saw glimpses of the man I married, and I saw him bonding more with our keiki.
Up until this point, we had felt like we had tried everything with only minorimprovements. After monthsofRyanattendingtheEESystem, I finallyhadmyhusbandback. Nomoresymptoms,nomoreanxiety.
Dr. Sandra Rose Michael, the inventor of the Energy Enhancement System, is a holistic healer and a Biophysicist. She understands our bodies have all the intelligence they need to heal. “The power that made the body, heals the body.” Unfortunately, today we are bombarded by toxins in our food, water, and air, as well as radiation from cell towers, 5G, 4G, microwaves, badEMFs,andotherstressors. Thesekeepourbodiesconstantlyfighting to stay in balance, instead of being able to naturally care for themselves.
The Energy Enhancement System combines body, mind, spirit, and science to help you reach higher states of health, consciousness, and selfactualization. EES generates scalar waves, bio-photonic waves, and Hertzian and non-Hertzian waves. The EESystem utilizes frequencies and patterns found in nature to create a supportive energetic environment, allowing the body to heal itself.
Spendingtimewiththistechnologyhassignificantlyimprovedmyfamily’squalityoflife. We continuetobeamazedbythefirsthandexperiences and stories shared by our members at the Maui Scalar Room in Haiku.
Rebecca and her husband, Ryan, offer the Maui Scalar Room in Haiku by appointment. Visit www.mauiscalarroom.com for more information, or call 808.400.1042.
By Cindy Schumacher
Maui resident and 2002 St. Anthony High School graduate, Keith De ey, founded the new nonprofit, Maui Walking Tours LLC. The com pany, launched in early , offers free guided walks through ihei and historic Wailuku town, which highlights the area’s origins and new develop ments, including the Wailuku History Murals Tour and ihei Walking Tour. De ey has extensively researched to uncover the best local stories that prove why Maui is No a i’ The Best . His walks, confirmed by a resident who truly believes Maui is the best place on earth, are healthy, fun, and educational.
uided walking tours are a wonderful way to know the place you live or visit. People get to hear stories I collected firsthand through one-on-one meetings with historians, authors, local kupuna, historical practitioners, city officials, residents, educational outlets, and local architects. My sources include eorge Rixey, community architect and former president of the CA Lucienne De Naie, published Maui author and historian ernon alanikau, Maui County cultural advisor and lead organizer of the Ahupua’a sign project Elan ital, artist who sculpted the alama Park whale and many more, said De ey.
De ey assembled walking routes, allowing a step back in time and a look at the present. He explains the influence of the S military during WWII, the tourism boom of the s and s, how land was divided and cared for by the early Hawai’ians, the influence of the first missionary families, the formation of large plantations, and the transition to a tourismbased economy.
De ey added, I want people to become more familiar with the colorful flora and fauna seen throughout the Hawai’ian Islands, unlike anywhere else in the world. After each tour, participants routinely approached me to share their experiences. Some tell their unique history of living or visiting ihei and Wailuku through the decades. Traveling, I discovered that the most memorable takeaways were experienced through free walking tours guided by locals who lived in each community.
Each tour is capped at 25 participants to assure an enjoyable walking and learning experience.” To sign up for one of the free upcoming tours, visit www.mauiwalkingtours.com. Cindy Schumacher also writes for the Maui Pulse.
Next Maui Reiki Training
October 5 & 6
Summer Cleanse O er
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Ionic Detox Foot Bath
Bioessence Homeopathy Blends Mold, Parasite, or Radiation
Book now and reserve today.
LifeStyleReiki.com (408) 621-4102
Sun., Aug. 4, Maui’s popular event MYSTIC HOLISTIC WELLNESS FAIR and Crystal Sale, noon-6pm @ the Wailea Healing Center, 120 Kauikahi Avenue, above Mulligan's on the Blue. Gifted readers, bodyworkers beautiful crystals and art. Call Judy Levy for info: 808.269.7762.
YIN YOGA SOUND HEALING with Lydee, 6:30-8:30 p.m., Saturdays, Aug. 17 (benefits Lahaina recovery efforts), Sept. 28 and Oct. 26. Cacao, gentle chakra-opening stretches, crystal layouts, and sound healing with crystal bowls, gongs, and percussions. Cost: $55. Limited space. Lumeria, Maui. - 1813 Baldwin Ave. For more info text Lydee at 808-757-1111.
Aug. 23 ~ ALEXANDRE DOSSIN, renowned pianist, performs 7pm at Keawala‘i Congregational Church in Makena. Free! Info.Visit ebbandflowarts.org .
Aug. 29 - Sept. 4~ MAUI FILM FESTIVAL, under the stars at the MACC. Iwww.mauifilmfestival.com .
Sat. Sept. 14, SUNSET & STARS SOUND BATH & Group Energy Session: 6:30 to 8 pm. Private Haiku Oceanfront Location (Limited seating) - GoGetitEnergyHealing.com.
Doorway Into Light’s 6th INTERNATIONAL DEATH DOULATRAINING ON MAUI Sept. 19-23, 2024 This training is for: Those who care, or will care for a dying loved one. Those already working in these fields. Those being called to this sacred community work Anyone who may die one day. For more info: https://www.doorwayintolight. org/education Skills and understandings for the soul-full, whole spectrum, care of the dying, their families and the dead... and too, those with brain disorders. A 5-day immersive training.
“WAKING DREAM” TRANCE DRUM JOURNEYS: Sept. 20, Oct. 18, Nov 15, Fridays 6 - 8 pm, Private Haiku location. To register: www. ActiveDreamingMaui.com/register. Address sent after. Enjoy one or all!!! 808-757-8761
REIKI TRAINING – MauiOctober 5 & 6. EmpowerYour Healing Ability. Facilitated by Jenna Keck, Reiki Master. 408-621-4102, Register online www. LifestyleReiki.com
PORTALS TO PRESENCE ~ Sat., Oct. 5, 1 – 3 p.m.A Divine Feminine Dance™ Event with Jennifer Loftus! Ladies…activate your senses, move your body with Divine Feminine Dance and connect with women’s community in this special event on Maui! Our senses can be portals to being fully present in the now if we tune into them.This event will include Divine Feminine Dance, guided journaling and partner sharing in cool, upcountry beauty! Register on the events page at www.musicmovesthesoul.com.
BREAST AND FULL BODYTHERMOGRAPHY SCREENING available on Maui Mon, Oct. 14, 2024by Nancy Gardner, board certified with 30 years experience. To schedule(415) 300-6527
HARMONY IN PARADISE ~ A Vivid Yoga Retreat Oct. 17-22 at Lumeria Maui. See display ad for details and visit VividYogaRetreats.com to find out more!
KRISHNA DAS & Friends host their Thanksgiving Sunday Maui Satsang / Kirtan at the Napili Kai Beach Resort Sunday, Dec. 1 beginning at 4:30pm. This annual gathering serves as a Food Drive for the Maui Food Bank. KD has been called yoga’s “rock star” with a remarkable soulful voice, instantly accessible melodies and modern instrumentation. Please bring your generous canned / boxed organic food donations and help those on Maui with food / meal insecurity during the Holiday Season. More INFO and $55 Advance ONLINE Tickets available atwww.krishnadas.com or EVENT BRITE, otherwise $70 Cash Only at Doors, if available.
RAINBOW DRAGON ~ Join us for our weekly meditation and sound healing events, private healing sessions and one day retreats! 381 Huku Lii Place, #202, Kihei. 808-743-4414.
DREAM SHARING CIRCLES and “Waking Dream” Trance Drum Journeys with www.ActiveDreamingMaui.com Guided by Lalénya Vann, learn to interpret your own dreams for healing and soul guidance; and, experience access to altered states of consciousness with Trance Drum Journeys, no botanicals!!! Regular events upcountry and in Kihei. 808-757-8761
SWAMI KHECARANATHA and the Heart of Consciousness offers on-going kundalini meditation and sakti transmission classes on Tues and Thurs at 5pm and 6pm on Saturday at Nityakash in Haiku.To schedule coming to one of the classes during the week email maui@heartofc.org.Visit our website to see the upcoming retreats and immersions. https:// www.heartofc.org/
OUTDOOR SPIRITUAL EXPLORATIONS. Activate - Explore - Transform your Body, Mind & Spirit. www.soulvoyageadventures.com
PADMA’S TEA HOUSE & HEALING HAVEN ~ Energy healing, tea parties, cultural classes, emotional and spiritual support. 24 N. Market Street, Wailuku. (808) 446-3060.
PILATES ON MAUI, Classical studio, 2d generation; all levels, all schedules, all budgets, privates, duets, trios, mat classes, upcountry: No muscle left behind. www.truepilatesmaui.com808-359-3131.
INTUITIVE CARD READINGS at Maui Mana Metaphysical Center with Psychic Heimana Sherman. Call for information: 808-385-0898.
TEMPLE OF PEACE Sunday Service. Temple of Peace Spiritual Center is an inter-faith spiritual community whose doors are open to all who aspire to seek genuine spirituality, personal change and loving service to humanity. Join Rev. Kedar St John & Friends every Sunday,10:30 am.- noon as we gather together in musical remembrance, practice and celebration of our divine connection, here now alive and awake in our changing world. 575 Haiku Road, Haiku - 808-575-5220 templeofpeacemaui.com
UNITY CHURCH OF MAUI– Unity Church offers a positive path to spiritual living, and an inclusive community that celebrates diverse beliefs that honor the sacred truth of God. Our10am Sunday Service welcomes all who aspire to create a life of health, prosperity, happiness, and peace of mind through positive spiritual practice and community. Please join us as we celebrate the divinity in each of us with music, laughter, inspirational messages and fellowship. Located at 483 S. High Street, Wailuku. 808-242-9327.
CELTIC MUSIC TWICE EVERY SUNDAY Hamish's 'Maui Celtic Radio Show’8-10am & 5-7pm on KAKU 88.5fm Maui. No signal? - online at https:// www.akaku.org/kaku-88-5-fm/
Every Wednesday KIRTAN CHANTING 6:30pm, followed by vegetarian dinner at Temple of Peace, 575 Haiku Rd. For more info., call (808) 575-5220. By donation.
E-mail your listing to MauiVision@aol.com. The first 25 words are free on the first Calendar listing per person/organization. Additional words/and/or listings are 35 cents per word. Classified ads are 35 cents per word, no minimum. We will contact you with payment details. Call 808.344.6195 for more information. Ads are due by Friday, Nov. 22 for the Winter edition publishing in early December. (Covers Dec. 2024 and Jan. Feb., March 2025)
By Dr. Nancy Gardner
Are Mammograms failing us as a diagnostic tool? Smashing delicate breast tissue and exposing the breast to carcinogenic radiation has put us at risk for a higher rate of breast cancer. This is especially true when considering the error rate of 40% false negative in postmenopausal women and 60% false negative with dense breast tissue. Additionally, 80% of biopsies ordered from mammography are benign, causing
unnecessary painful and invasive procedures.
Thermography uses a Medical Grade Infrared Camera to monitor breast health without compression or carcinogenic radiation. Using the strict procedures outlined in the Marseilles lassification tudy from research at the asture Institute in Marseilles, France, offers an accuracy rate for both false positive and false negative of 9% by rating the breast screening from: TH-1 (benign) to TH-5 (high-risk). It should be noted
Step back into time when Kamehameha conquered, united, and ruled the Hawaiian Islands. Know the sacredness of the mist that still lingers in the Wailuku Valleys until today. Feel peace as you know and understand our spirits never die: we are all spiritually connected, each to each.
that only a biopsy with a histology report can give a 100% positive diagnosis of malignant cells.
Unlike post-mammography biopsy, Nancy Gardner-Heaven’s TMT research has shown that with a omprehensive Immune upport rotocol , using Thermography as a monitoring tool, 80% of women with atypical or high-risk ratings reverse within to months. This research was presented at Auburn University in 2003 at the American Academy of Thermology Annual Medical Conference and was published in 2004. This research has saved hundreds of women from unnecessary invasive procedures.
Below are images of a patient with Ductal Carcinoma in Situ (DCIS) before and after following a Comprehensive Individualize Immune Support rotocol with it completely gone.
To lower your risk factors for breast cancer: Avoid unnecessary radiation, excessive synthetic hormones, and excessive alcohol consumption that compromises your liver’s ability to eliminate hormones and detoxify your body.
For more information on Thermography and what you can do to keep your breasts healthy, visit Nancy GardnerHeaven’s website : www.HealthyBreasts.info.
By Lydee Ritchie, LMFT, LLC
Itis p.m.onthe thof uly. I amfinallyhomefrom a longdayofpsychotherapy sessions.Thelastonewith a firefighter. I walkupthestairs,tiredandhungry.Inthedistance, I see a glowingstreakofredfiringdowntheslopesofMt.Haleakala.Noway!
I blinkandlookagain.Myheartbeats a littlefaster.Mybreathingshortens.Puttingmy bagsdown, I can’tseemtofocus.Myhungerleaves.I’mjitteryandfeellikecrying.Can’t think.
I’mdriftingintoPTSDmode.Thiswildbrushfireis what I sawonthetragicnightthathistoricLahainatown burntdownalmost a yearago.
I can’tfindmyphonetoconnectwithlovedonesand findsolaceandcomfort.But I seeblacktourmalineand silverhematiteonthewindowsill. rabbingthepalm stones, I tellmyselftocalmdown.
Infrontofmywindow, I sitin a lotuspose,onestone ineachpalm.Thefireseemstobespreading.Feeling anxious, I closemyeyes.Takingdeep,longbreaths, I saytomyselfthat I needtoregulatemyemotions.My racingthoughtsareallovertheplace.
Breathe,squeezethestones.Centerandgrounddown. Witheyesclosed, I goinward.Frommyrootchakra, I growenergeticrootsdowntoMamaAina.Pastthe carpet,thewood,andthecement. Twelvefeetintothe Earth, I askhertogroundme.
I begintofeelrootedandcentered.Breathe.Feelthestones--MamaAina’skeiki--in yourhands. rounddown.Breathe.
Suddenly, I hearrain.Itissoothing. I feelhopeful. I amincontrolofmyemotions, body,andthoughts. I openmyeyes.Thestreamofvibrantredisstillthere.Butitnolonger consumesme. I canrefocusonthemelodicsoundofchimesoutsidemywindow.
As a practitionerofyoga, I practicedifferenttypesofbreathing,suchasdirgapranayama, nadishodhana,ujjayipranayama,andkapalabhatifirebreathing.Thisdailypracticeserves mewellduringtimesofpanic.Nowthatmyfearisundercontrol, I canfocusonprayingfor thefirefightersthatnoonegetshurtandthattheanimalsareprotected.
Releasedfromthechaosthatconsumedme, I cannoweat,shower,anddonotesand billings. I textmylovedonesgoodnight,thenfind a responsefromthefirefighter Besafe andsleepwell. Withtheeaseofsweet,preciousbreathandsoothingcrystalalliesathand, I finallysleep.
Lydee Ritchie is a psychotherapist, energy practitioner, and yoga instructor in Makawao. She and her son, Christian, will be offering a fundraiser on August 17th to support those who served and supported Lahaina’s restoration efforts. Please see ad. Her sound healing events are held at Lumeria Maui Retreat Center. Contact info:lydeemaui@gmail.com
Thislivingprayerisdedicatedtothe belovedBanyanTree,thecompass ofLahaina. The -year-oldtree survivedthebrutalfireslastyear.Itis a symbolofhopeandnewbeginnings.
TheHawaiiandeityinthisgridis Lono,whogovernspeace,agriculture, rain,andabundance.
- Smokyquartztohelponeground downduringcrisesandtoprotect fromnegativeenergy.
- Apache’sTearstohelpupliftthosein deepgrievingandmourning.
- reenMossAgatefornewbeginningsandtohelponerecoverfrom trauma,illness,stress,depression,and anxiety.
- Larimartocalm,cool,andsoothe. Itisusedtobringforthcompassion, unconditionallove,andemotional healing.
- Blue yanitetoconnectandcommunicatewiththeangelicrealmsand dimensionsofloveandlight.
By Kristine Kozuki
No Bad Vibes! You hear it everywhere, you see it on social media, and everyone is staying clear of the big bad vibes... but are they really bad? Understandably, no one wants to experience “negative energy,” but what we need to realize is that experiencing these energies is actually crucial for our growth.
Negative energy is energetically just “low and slow” energy, therefore when we experience the emotions that come with negative energy, such as anger, shame, guilt, etc., it simply makes us feel energetically low and slow. Positive energy is energetically “high and fast,” therefore when we experience emotions, such as love, kindness, compassion, etc., it makes us feel energetically “high and fast.” It’s just energy, and we need to experience both to be able to gauge and understand our life experience. Just like the sun needs the moon or like the male needs the female, the positive needs the negative. Human beings require this polarity and synergy of energies to grow.
Loving and accepting all emotions that come with the human experience is the key to healing and facilitating true flow and balance. Avoidance of these energies can turn into toxic positivity or suppression, which causes energetic bloc age and resistance in our fields and in our mind, body, and spirit. Experiencing negative energy doesn’t make us good or bad, it just makes us human. Be in your full experience and feel all the feels to fuel your soul. Use positive and negative energy as your tools and opportunities for growth. After all, the sweet is not as sweet without the sour.
Kristine Kozuki is a born and raised Maui girl and owner of Pink Moon Aura in Makawao. She specializes in aura/chakra photography, intuitive counseling, crystal grid workshops, and Reiki, practicing for over 12 years. For bookings or information, visit www.pinkmoonauramaui.com or follow Pink Moon Aura on Instagram @pinkmoonaura.
By Juliet Butters Doty
urdaysarenowfilledwith a heightenedleveloffreneticbusyness thatmanyofushavenotknownbefore.Thepresentmomentissopacked withhappenings,to-do’s,andeventsthatitalmostfeelsbeyondsurreal, andthenwehavetheexternalchaosseemingly nTap’withsocialmedia etal.
BeingsupermindfulofhowmuchEMF timeyouareexposedtoisimperative.Turning off yourdevicesandturninginwardsisyour Go-to’ tobeabletomakeitthroughthechaos thatwillincreaseaswemovethroughthenext fewyears.
Lyingdownonthegrassoutside,under a tree,orswimminginthewatersofMother Mauicandothetrick.Ifthat’snotavailable, purchasing a rounding Mat fromAmazonis helpful.Itassistsinpullingoutofthebodyany EMFsthatareaffectingyoursystem.
Thenavigationmechanism I useisto sitquietlyandbreathe.Actually, I beginwith prayerand a directconnectiontomySourceof AllthatIs’ I knowwe allhavethat. I talkdirectlyasif I wastalkingtomybestfriend. I unload, I debrief,andmyworldopensupinto a resonancethat I distinctlyfeel pulsatingthroughoutmybody.
We have bodypartsandsystems,atleast,surroundingtheSusumna chakracolumn , andsoobservationofwhatisoccurringcan be a focustoenterintothedeeperrealmsasyoubreatheanddropinto a calmer,clearerpartofyouthatthenopensupintoworldsofdiscovery.
I findthisprocesstransformsmyworldintofluidaction,adjusting lifeinto a free-flowing,effortlessexpression. Try it!
Juliet Butters Doty is a Soul Whisperer and Evolutionary Astrologer, assisting Souls to navigate through these extraordinary years of change ahead. She offers private sessions at her upcountry home office via oom, and she welcomes inquiries. Call 808.359.8676 or visit unwindthesoul.com.
About Lumeria Maui . acre ri ate retreat center o ering beauti ul iews o the north shore and central alley and a ull ser ice wellness s a. The on site Wooden rate restaurant ser es arm to table nourishing and delicious meals.
You cover airfare and transportation. We cover the REST: nights and days lu ury accommodations
By Judy Levy
It’ssureeasytofindchaosincra y“La-LaLand,”asIfondly callthesprawling aliforniametropoliswhereIgrewupandjoyouslyescapedfromin ustbeinga“ auigirl”for years hasbroughtmetoacalmer,thoughstillactivelyengagedwayof life.
t i id oga etreats we understand the im ortance o mind ulness to our indi idual and collecti e wellbeing. e also understand that in today s busy world it can be di ficult to ause or a moment and en oy the eace and harmony within. This all we in ite you to oin us or days and nights o wellness ractice that will enli en your energy restore your resilience and renew your connection to the miracle o li e on our gorgeous lanet. Yes. You deserve it. A $500 deposit reserves your spot!
Twice aily yoga meditation and ranayama inute omi omi assage rystal owl ound erience ll meals included Free time to e lore the e uisite grounds saltwater infinity ool hot tub labyrinth ta es resort ees and gratuities.
Maui Vision Magazine Fall, 2024
I justhadtogobac toL.A.forafamilycelebration,andthere, I wasattemptingtostaycalmonthe insane reeway,whereIlearnedto drivefivedecadesago. G Thanfully,throughyearsofwor shopsand studyof“alternativehealthtools,” I couldmentallynavigate,whileInavigatedmywayaroundinacar ymostfocusedmethodwas L , “ euro-linguistic rogramming,”and wow,didthatsavemylife I had learned to“anchorin”thesweet,peacefulfeelingofsureeasymeditationbytapping mythymuswhileinpeace. otapping instantlybroughtmebac to a calmstate inthemidstofthefren yoftrafficandcra ydriversnotlettingme intoalanewhi ingbyat mph.
Ta ingseveraldeepbreathssetthepacetocomebac to a calm place,andthentappingmythymuswasevenmoreeffective. Try it chooseyourown“anchor,”eitherbyrubbingyourchin,pulling yourearlobe,ortappingwhileyouareinaverycalmstate. our bodyassociatesthislittleactwiththecalmstateyouhavecreated, sowhenyouneedtocallforthpeace,justdoyourmagic
Judy Levy is Maui’s Crystal Lady and activist tutu. Visit quiet Haiku for a serene healing session with her, or come to the MysticHolistic Wellness Fair and Crystal Sale at the Wailea Healing Center on Sunday, August 4th and September 1st, noon-6.Also, on Saturday, October 13, 12-6. For information, call 808.269.7762.
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By Barbara Ensign
A peaceful day can be changed suddenly by many things: too much traffic, disappointments, or unwanted news. At any moment, outer circumstances can uproot your calm and peaceful state. But how do you remain calm and peaceful during chaos?
With the help of hypnosis, you can learn how to stay centered in peace. During a hypnosis session, you can create a plan that will remind you that peace is a part of you and cannot be separated. When being hypnotized, I use a deep relaxation technique to induce a trance state, which allows us to work with the subconscious mind and make the changes that we desire. During hypnosis, your mind and your body become very relaxed. As soon as you are in touch with that deep peace, your path becomes easy. There is nothing for you to fear; you can think and act calmly. During hypnosis, you can expand those deep feelings of calm and peace and etch them in your memory so that they become a permanent part of who you are. At any time, you can turn within to that sanctuary of peace that helps you relax into a state of calm that you can infuse into any situation. Peace is your natural state that you can return to again and again.
Set a daily intention for calm and peace. Your peaceful place is a state of consciousness. Bring a positive expectancy to your day. With the help of hypnosis, you can allow suggestions like these to become firmly imbedded in your subconscious mind, making peace and calm a reality in your daily life. No matter what may come your way, you can remain calm, grounded, and peaceful.
Barbara Ensign is a certified hypnotherapist specializing in past life and life between lives spiritual regression. She has been serving Maui for over 20 years. For more information or to make an appointment, please call 808.269.2129 or visit www.hypnosishawaii.com.
By John T. Gelert, LMT
In our fast-paced world, staying calm, peaceful, and zen-like can be challenging, yet it is essential for mental and physical well-being. Here are some strategies to achieve tranquility amidst chaos and turmoil.
Practicing mindfulness involves being fully present in the moment and observing thoughts without judgment. This can be done during meditation, deep breathing, exercise, swimming, or yoga. These practices encourage a focus on the present, reducing anxiety about the future and rumination on the past.
Setting boundaries is important. In today’s connected world, it is easy to become overwhelmed by the endless stream of information and demands. Limit exposure to news and social media! Designating specific times for checking emails and creating a quiet and personal space can maintain clarity and reduce stress.
Maintain a healthy lifestyle. Regular physical activity, a balanced diet, and adequate sleep are fundamental to managing stress. Exercise releases endorphins, which improve mood, while nutritious food fuels the body and mind. Sufficient sleep ensures that the brain and body are rested and can handle stress
Frequent massage therapy renews the muscles and leaves the body calm.
Cultivating a positive mindset through kindness and gratitude can influence how one perceives and reacts to challenges. Engaging in acts of Aloha can shift focus from problems to positives, and create a more serene outlook and peace of mind.
Lastly, connecting with nature can be inspiring and profoundly calming. Spending time outdoors hiking, walking, bathing near waterfalls, snorkeling, or cannabis use can reduce stress and nurture a positive mood. Nature has restorative effects, helping to rewind and reset the mind and body.
In summary, staying calm and peaceful in chaotic times requires deliberate effort and lifestyle adjustments. By practicing mindfulness, setting boundaries, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, and immersing yourself in nature, you can cultivate a zen-like state and travel through life challenges with grace, beauty, and Aloha.
John is the owner of Lomi Hanamana. Contact 808.214.5054 to book a massage!
The soul that inhabited the body of Jesus reincarnated back to earth on April 2, 1948 at 8:38 AM in Chicago, Illinois. Jesus predicted he would “come again” as recorded in John 14:3 and in Matthew 24:32-34 he predicted exactly when he would “come again.” The “fig tree” symbolizes the nation of Israel which was reborn on May 14, 1948. “Truly I tell you, this generation will not pass away until all these things have taken place. From the fig tree learn its lesson: as soon as its branch becomes tender and puts forth leaves, you know that summer is near.” The generation born around the time of the rebirth of the nation of Israel will still be alive for the “2nd coming of Jesus” event in 2024/2025 Matthew 24:36
* On April 2, 1948 at 8:38 am the Sun was Trine (120 degrees) to conjunct Pluto, Saturn and Mars in Leo. The person born with Sun trine Pluto has the innate ability to “restore order from chaos.” The Sun trine Saturn means the Soul of Honor.
On June 4, 2024 a white buffalo with black hooves, black nose, and black eyes was born in Yellowstone National Park. “For the Lakota Indians, the birth of a white buffalo with these physical characteristics is akin to the second coming of Jesus (Christ),” Looking Horse said. Coincidence or cosmic synchronicity?
In Matthew 17:10-13 Jesus taught the disciples that John the Baptist was the reincarnation of Elija/Elias. They “understood” this.
Let’s be clear who Donald J. Trump and Vladimir Putin are. “You are your father the devil, and your will is to do your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, and has nothing to do with the truth, because THERE IS NO TRUTH in him. When he lies, he speaks according to his own nature, for he is a liar and the father of lies.” John 8:44
The Solution to a Permanent and Lasting Peace in the Middle East can be found at: www.TheCenterForWorldPeace.love. My services are free.
808 Wellness Spa & Healing Center 808wellness.com | 808.875.4325 | mae #3142
Aimee Greenwood L.Ac Text 808-217-7907 (Upcountry)
Maui Vision Network (808) 344-6195 www.mauivision.net
Lady Nenari (808) 318-5056 www.diamondlady.net
Jennifer Bass AHC,CAP, RYT200 (808) 707-4700 mauiveda@gmail.com
Dr. Gina Kim, DC. 871-6996 Wailuku
Na Keiki O Emalia 808.214.9832 www.nkoemaui.org
Dr. Douglas J. Price, D.C.808.244.0415 dr.price.gnm@gmail.com
Dr. Addison Bulosan 808.866.6551
The pecific Chiropractic Centers aui addison thespecific.com
Shone Edel NHC 808-248-7568 Maui Homeopathy LLC Shone@mauihomeopathy.com
Casanova’s Makawao 572-0220 Maui Coffee Roasters - 877-2877 The Coffee Store - Napili 669-4170
Shelley St. John, RN, CT 808.575.5220
Joan eartfield, h 808 280-9005 www.talkinghearts.com
Ania Ananda Wood, MA, M-NLP 415-990-4451 www.conscious.love www.consciouslife.us
Shanna Shanti, LMT 808.866.0298 IntoTheHealing.com
Lalénya L.Vann 808-757-8761 www.ActiveDreamingMaui.com
Juliet Butters Doty 808.359.8676 www.unwindthesoul.comom
Elaine Lopez-Bogard 505-218-6884 www.healingthewomb.com
Rhonda Felix (808) 205-8302 www.soulspacemaui.com
Dr. Douglas J. Price, D.C.(808 )244-0415 www.germannewmedicine-au.com
Lydee Ritchie, LMFT, LLC 808-757-1111 LauraCMiner.com
Kahu Alalani 808.281.2582 hawaiianceremonies.com
Tomas and Joan eartfield, h 808 280-9005 www.talkinghearts.com
Maui Vision Magazine (808) 344-6195 www.mauivision.net
Paul Solomon, LCSW 808-633-3009
Maribeth Theisen, MSW, LCSW, CHt 808-269-2923 www.MaribethTheisen.com
Barbara Ensign Cht. 808 269-2129
Tomas eartfield 808 280-9006 www.talkinghearts.com
Barbara Ensign CHt. 808 269-2129
John T Gelert, owner, 808-214-5054 www.lomihanamana.com
Maui Vision Magazine (808) 344-6195 www.mauivision.net
Helga Fiederer 808-250-6709 helgaonmaui@yahoo.com
Sabai Massage Therapy 808-463-7734 www.sabaimaui.com www.thaimassagemaui.com
Inner Light and Sound, 879-0871
Judy Levy 808.269.7762
Down to Earth 877-2661
Farmers Market Maui - Honokowai 669-7004
Hawaiian Moons 875-4356 Mana Foods 579-8078
Bonnie Marsh, ND 575-2242
Maurgana Stiastny, LAc, MAcOM 808.579.8810 mauivibranthealth.com
Barbara Ensign Cht. 808 269-2129
Melissa Huffman
Helen Kritzler 573-6343 haikuhelen.com
Jenna Keck, Reiki Master www.LifestyleReiki.com 408.621.4102
RETREATS - HEALING CENTER www.mauihealingretreat.com (808) 870-3711
SACRED SEXUALITY COACHING Tomas eartfield 808 572-1250 www.talkinghearts.com
SOUL WHISPERER, SEER UnWind the Soul Healings Juliet Butters Doty 808.359.8676 www.unwindthesoul.com
UPPER CERVICAL CHIROPRACTOR Dr. Addison Bulosan,D.C. 808.866.6551 aui The pecific.com
WHOLISTIC CATERING SERVICE Cindi Nand 808.264.4177 www.WholisticRetreatCatering.com
HERE'S HOW TO PLACE a Healthy Maui Directory listing for your business or healing practice! Format is:
CATEGORY IN ALL CAPS Your name or name of business Phone #, Email or Website.
3 lines are $18 for 3 issues, extra lines are $6.00. Free with purchase of a display ad. Email your listing to MauiVision@aol.com and we will send you billing instructions.
By Maurgana Stiastny
After being a healthcare practitioner and acupuncturist for more than 33 years, I certainly can attest to the destructive power of stress. Whenever we even think about something that happened in the past, our body does not know that it’s not happening now, and we secrete the stress hormones of cortisol and adrenaline.
Those are stress hormones that would be excreted if you were being chased by a sabertooth tiger. Thus you are in a sympathetic response. It’s a very addictive hormone. People actually start to create situations and circumstances to continually be stuck in the stress response so they get that hit of cortisol.
This overactive sympathetic nervous system response causes so many health problems. There are many ways to support your nervous system. One of the best ways to calm your nervous system is to meditate daily, even if it’s just 15 minutes. Another is to do pranayama or box breathing – inhaling for 5 seconds, then holding for 5, exhaling for 5, and holding out for 5 seconds.
Receiving acupuncture is wonderful for resetting the nervous system and attaining a more balanced state. Doing Tai Qi and Qi Gong, Yin Yoga, and somatic exercises are calming. You can take adaptogenic herbs that moderate the stress response. Drink less caffeine if possible.
I also am a strong believer that we must be diligent with the thoughts we choose to entertain. You can either choose to be in survival or to be in creation. To be in a creative process, we have to break old patterns and habits. Of course, it takes awareness to really make the changes we need. Take deep breaths during the day whenever you can, and then pause to have a widened focus and allow yourself to relax. Trust with love!
Maurgana Stiastny, LAc, MAcOM, LMT, has been an acupuncturist and natural healthcare practitioner for 33 years. Find her at Maui Vibrant Health in Paia, or call her at 808.579.8810.
By Lalénya L. Vann
My favorite way to get calm fast is: Stop, take a deep breath into my heart, put a hand over my heart, keep breathing deeply and slowly, and think (with my heart) of the happiest moment of my life. That gets me recentered, grounded, aware, and smiling. I learned this technique recently in a “Heart Math” guided experience. It’s so easy, quick, and effective.
So, that’s for an immediate vibrational adjustment. One needs to stay calm by staying in the Heart, and then, one’s ready for whatever chaos approaches, either to decide to step back slowly or to turn around and run.
In Dreamwork, we teach that it’s best to “Turn around and Face the Monster.” I would add, “Get into your heart first and breathe.” You have to “Brave Up” to do this by having courage in your heart. Keep Breathing! Then, as your loving empowered Self sends loving healing energy, perhaps understanding or forgiveness, to the so-called Monster, or have a dialogue with them, they usually becomes your ally, teacher, guide, or friend. It works in waking reality also!
For following your heart, one may want to get guidance externally or internally. Doing an inner deep dive is usually very beneficial. Let your spontaneous night dreams guide and heal you and the planet. We also have wonderful astrologers, psychics, oracle cards and readers, healers, and more here on Maui and online to help us. My favorite Shaman always says: “Call on your helping spirits. They are always there and ready to assist you.” I also love doing trance drum journeys - AKA “Waking Dreams,” where one has access to intuitive revelations, direct-knowing, guides, insights, and healing. So, follow your heart.
Lalénya L. Vann is an Artist, Dreamer, and Certified Instructor with the Robert Moss School of Active Dreaming. See www.ActiveDreamingMaui. com for dates and specifics about Dream Sharing Circles, Waking Dream Drum Journeys, and Ecstatic Trance Posture Journeys. Call or text 808.757.8761.
By Heather Regal
In our fast-paced world, moments of tranquility can seem elusive, especially amidst the chaos of daily life. Yet, the ancient practice of moon ceremonies offers a profound path to serenity and balance. By aligning ourselves with the lunar cycles, we tap into a source of natural harmony that can guide us through tumultuous times.
Moon ceremonies, rooted in traditions across cultures, provide a ritualistic way to connect with the moon’s phases and energies. In Hawaiian culture, the moon is known as “Mahina,” a symbol of guidance and illumination. In Hawaiian mythology, the moon holds a revered place, with deities such as Hina, the goddess of the moon and mother of the demigod Maui. Hina embodies nurturing and intuitive qualities, and her influence is felt throughout the lunar phases. Each phase—from the new moon to the full moon and back again—carries its own unique energy. The new moon is a time for setting intentions and embracing new beginnings, while the full moon brings clarity and completion.
Engaging in these rituals allows us to pause and reflect, creating a sacred space for self-care and mindfulness. As we honor the moon’s cycles, we cultivate a deeper awareness of our inner rhythms and gain the ability to navigate external chaos with greater ease. This practice encourages us to slow down, listen to our intuition, and ground ourselves in the present moment.
By integrating moon ceremonies into our lives, we align with the cosmos and harness its healing energy. These ceremonies serve as gentle reminders of our connection to the universe and our innate capacity for calm amidst the storm. As we journey through the moon’s phases, we find solace in the natural ebb and flow of life, fostering a serene and centered existence.
Heather Regal is author of Moon Ritual Alchemy ~ A Guide to Creating Lunar Rituals. For more insights and Moon Ritual exploration visit BlackSwanTemple.org or IG & FB @BlackSwanTemple
By Douglas Price, D.C.
Being loved and loving others is the key. It is an Anti-chaos frequency. It can neutralize moments of fear of war and death and bring calmness to the storm.
We have heard stories of people who, before they escaped out of windows during 9/11, shared words of love with their loved ones. Even in their final moments, they were still filled with hope, faith and love. It shows us that no matter what happens, the God within each of us prevails.
Hope, faith, and love are part of who we are, even with our last dying breath. All love comes from God, and sometimes our internal and/or external environment prevents us from tapping into it. Using the example of 9/11, not everyone thought of calling their loved ones. Each person responded differently to the chaotic event. This also applies to impending fear, which may be a great possibility in these times we are living in.
For various reasons, a history of unanticipated dramatic events resulting in shock to the core of our being is stored for the future for our psyche to respond. Not everyone experiences shock the same way. For example, they may have lung issues causing them to shut down and not able to breathe, resulting in death. Women who may have lost a child. A man having a heart attack because of a wife’s death.
The point is to minimize fear and chaos. The more we resolve our past conflict, which is played out in all environments, the better it is to tap into the God part of us to experience God’s peace within us. The more conflicts we resolve, the more prepared we are to tap into our peace in a chaotic situation.
Dr. Douglas J. Price, D.C. has over 30 years of experience in chiropractic and kinesiology. His approach to healing is revolutionary, encompassing both wellness and resolution. Author of Activate Your Brain To Heal Your Body, he teaches online and travels internationally. Contact: dr.price.gnm@gmail.com, 808.244.0415.
GYROTONIC® North Kihei. 25 years experience with leg extension, jumping stretch board and pulley tower. 30 years licensed massage therapist. Bob Samiljan samiljanr@. com 808 870 0752
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PSYCHIC READING ~ The Oracle (by donation) 808-463-0779 (text, please)
808 WELLNESS, 808wellness.com ~ Spa & Healing Center in S. Kihei, MAE #3142. Seeking Licensed Massage Therapists, Healers, Mediums, and Astrologers for local spa and resort work. Contact us today to apply: info@808wellness.com
OUTDOOR SPIRITUAL EXPLORATIONS. Activate - Explore - Transform your Body, Mind & Spirit. www.soulvoyageadventures.com
DREAM SHARING CIRCLES and “Waking Dream” Trance Drum Journeys with www. ActiveDreamingMaui.com Learn to interpret your own dreams for healing and soul guidance; and, Drum Journeys to other worlds for personal insights and growth. Monthly events upcountry, and Kihei, 808-757-8761
EVOLUTIONARY ASTROLOGER, SOUL WHISPERER UnWind the Soul (UWS) Detox Healings. Guided Meditation Journeys. Seer. Juliet Butters Doty. 29 years in business. Healing Sanctuary Upcountry. 808359-8676 juliet@unwindthesoul.com
RELAXING DEEP TISSUE MASSAGE SESSIONS and Workshops Lomi Hanamana, Kihei studio, 808-214-5054
ADVERTISING THAT WORKS! Maui Vision Magazine ads are affordable and effective. Call 344-6195 or visit www.mauivision. net for details
NATIVE HAWAIIAN here in Hana to support like-minded individuals in many aspects of life… especially reaching out to our west side Ohana. Live life, culturally rich support found here Hananow4u@gmail.com.
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JUDY LEVY is “Maui’s Crystal Lady” with gorgeous specimens from all over planet Earth; w/ kama'aina prices. Come to my Haiku hilltop and enjoy a delightful 90-minute “Angelic Crystal Journey.” Starting with a unique crystal layout to rebalance your Chakras, combing to stimulate your lymphatic system, reflexology, foot massage, Reiki and a reading. You might float off the table! By donation. Call Judy 808.269.7762.
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COURSES, WORKSHOPS AND READINGS with Sue Divine. Increase your abundance; discover your intuition; get an Intuitive Reading. Contact: 808-463-8443, www.SueDivine.com
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