Key megatrends that will have implica4ons for golf
How do consumers engage with golf?
~27M people are golfing today ... but ~90M are not
playing and want to play, or are playing and want to play more
Nine target groups priori4zed for focus going forward
Barriers of cost and 4me reported by all target groups, though strength of pain points varies
Beyond cost and 4me, other significant issues to address for specific target groups
Can leverage reported strengths of golf as selling points, though kids pose a challenge
Target segments include ~70M who want to play more Overall accoun,ng for ~40% of total US popula,on
A vision for golf's future
Golf 2.0: three core pillars for growing golf, supported by robust program management and execu4on
Pillars comprised of dis4nct strategies to drive growth
Welcome back: draQ team charter
Connec4ng with her: draQ team charter
Family focus: draQ team charter
Building blocks: draQ team charter
Strategies for target segments allow for poten4al to grow par4cipa4on to 40M+ by 2020
Success in Golf 2.0 will require some structural changes