the Sunny Season By Nichole Nace
As we protect our skin, it is important to be mindful of the products we are choosing. Products with a physical SPF are recommended as opposed to a chemical SPF. The difference is a physical SPF is applied and bounces the sun’s rays off your skin, never giving them the chance to enter the body. Physical SPFs are zinc oxide and titanium dioxide. Chemical SPFs are applied and absorbed into the skin and the sun’s rays penetrate the skin, where the chemicals absorb the rays. Chemicals to avoid in SPFs are avobenzone, octinoxate, and octocrylene and oxybenzone. These chemicals can often cause a reaction, especially for those who already have sensitive skin. The skin is often viewed simply as the protective barrier, but in fact it is the body’s largest organ. Because it is porous, the skin naturally absorbs what is put on it. As a matter of fact, 60-70% of what we put on our body will be absorbed. Once those products pass the top layer of epidermis, they can be passed directly into our bloodstream making it important to be aware of what chemicals we are slathering on our skin.
It’s simple, SPF needs to be reapplied every 90 minutes. SPF is soaked in and no longer fully effective after that time because the sun breaks down all the active ingredients. If your makeup or moisturizer has SPF and is applied in the morning, be sure to reapply later in the day. This same rule applies while sitting and soaking up those rays by the beach or pool, especially when you are in and out of the water.
The sun is finally starting to shine bright in Maury County and we are all
excited! These wonderful summer months are often spent outside soaking up the beautiful rays that have been hidden for so long. The sun gives us vitamin D and just 15 minutes a day without SPF gives us most of our daily intake.
However, when skin is left unprotected from the sun’s harmful UVA or UVB
rays, there are several skin issues, such as premature age spots, wrinkles, or
more serious sunburns that can lead to skin cancer. Here are four tips for the sunny keepVISUAL yourMEDIA skin safe PHOTOseason BY ROSS to JAYNES CO. during the warm months ahead. 58
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The sun and elements can create a need for extra hydration in skin all year round. There are many moisturizing products available that will help rehydrate dry skin and reduce the signs of aging. Products containing natural ingredients, such as frankincense and lavender essential oils are highly recommended and fantastic for dry, sensitive and mature skin. Geranium calms the skin and combats aging. Argan oil is an antioxidant used