5 minute read


By Deena Prichard

Motivation. What is it really? Motivation is an individual’s action to reach a specified goal. We are taught from infants that if you push towards something there is a benefit at the end, i.e., a baby wants a toy and crawls to get it. Ah! Goal achieved, therefore response learned. As we all know, if we want something bad enough we will do what it takes to get it. That’s simply human nature.

Well, it’s not always that easy now, is it? Motivation is one thing, but the willingness to stay on track and STAY motivated is something completely different. Are you motivated to begin a new fitness routine? Many are now with spring around the corner; if that’s you, let’s own it! And if it’s not a new fitness routine, maybe it’s motivation to eat better, lose a few pounds, gain muscle, or just change something for the positive. There’s that tiny voice inside telling you what you already know about the choices you are making. Give yourself credit and listen to make positive changes!

Whatever you want to conquer, the key is motivation to help make that change achievable no matter what. Ultimately if you figure out what your WHY is and a more in-depth reason for wanting the change, then you will have a purpose, and the more likely you will STAY motivated and focused on the results. Let’s dig deeper into the inspiration and how to achieve your goals year-round.

1. Ask yourself these questions. WHY do I want to reach that goal and; What is the initial motivating factor?

2. Once you figure out your WHY, ask it again going a little deeper. For example, if you say you want to lose weight, why? The answer may be, I want to lose weight to feel better. Again, ask why? To feel better because I am tired all the time. Ok, that’s getting us somewhere, so then, why? I am tired all the time because I watch hours of Netflix before I go to bed each night. A—HA!! The moment you realize it’s time to pivot and create a goal. The goal is to watch less Netflix and exercise instead of watching movies resulting in a better night’s sleep. Guess what, if this small change is made, then you will sleep better, feel more energized, STAY motivated, and ultimately lose weight.

3. Write down your WHY along with your ultimate goal, and make sure it is measurable and achievable. Goals should be made so they are reachable setting yourself up for success. Be mindful to create a goal that will KEEP you motivated. It really works!

4. Check in after a measurable time, a month for example is reasonable, and ask if you were successful. You likely were because you had a direct reason to continue to stay motivated and stay on track.

5. Now create a new goal! It can be the same goal but re-evaluate it after a shorter period. It is human nature to revert to our old habits. Reestablishing new goals or updating and continuing work on the current ones helps make the change a habit. Once it is a habit, you will find it is easier to set new goals because you know what it feels like to stay driven and complete a goal don’t stop, keep going!


For a healthy start to the day or a late afternoon treat, Coach Deena shares her favorite smoothie. Loaded with flavor and 23 grams of protein, you won’t be disappointed.


• Fill blender with 1 cup of ice

• 1/2 cup coconut water

• 3/4 cup greek yogurt

• 1/3 cup blueberries (fresh or frozen)

• 1 banana (fresh or frozen)

• 1 tablespoon peanut butter

Optional add-ins: Feel free to add in one or a combination of any of these: blueberries, raspberries, spinach, flax seed, and chia seeds. Any milk of your choice instead of coconut water may also be used.

DIRECTIONS: In a blender, combine ingredients and puree until smooth.

Staying motivated is a cyclical path. Motivation keeps you going by staying focused on your WHY and the reason that is pushing you to reach that goal. You have the control to set a goal that will be successful, but be careful not to set goals that are out of reach failure is not on the table. Stay true to yourself and find YOUR reasons for wanting to make a positive change.

DEENA PRICHARD is a Personal Trainer, Group Fitness Trainer, Health Coach, and Life Coach living in Brentwood, Tennessee. She is currently the Lead Coach at Row House Cool Springs and enjoys sharing her passion for fitness with others. In her spare time, she loves spending time with her husband and 3 kids ages 18, 14, and 8 traveling ... whether in the mountains or on the beach!

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