4 minute read


By William Harwood

To people, Mother Nature is life-giving and nurturing, but to floors and foundations, walkways and driveways, crawl spaces and downspouts, Mother Nature is often less than kind. Water, tree roots, ground settling all are seemingly in constant cahoots to put cracks in your castle. Throw in wild cards like hidden septic tanks, misaligned concrete footers, and ever more extreme weather events and you have the reason for why things fall apart and centers cannot hold, housekeeping wise.

But Mother Nature doesn’t have to undermine your house today. Or tomorrow. Or, for that matter, for decades to come. Upkeep experts exist, and some with the successful track record to prove that they are very good at what they do. Nashville native Josh Reinoehl, owner of A-1 Concrete Leveling, is one such upkeep expert. Since joining an A-1 leveling team in 1994 as a summer job when he was only 15, Reinoehl has built over the decades a mountain of wellearned credibility by keeping customers’ homes level and any unwanted water away. The glowing testimonials that he and his team have garnered over the years from grateful homeowners would be book length.

One of the most recent testimonials comes from Maury County realtor Katie Baker of Re/Max Katie Baker Group: “My clients wanted a historic 1920s home, but the wavy floors told us there might be foundation issues. During the inspection phase, Josh helped them understand the problem and the expenses for its solution, allowing my clients to make an educated decision. A-1 turned what could’ve been a deal-breaker into a fixable repair that will ensure they enjoy their historic home for many years to come.”

However, Reinoehl and his A-1 team are not just experts at solving problems once they have happened, they are also experts at preventing them and their associated expenses from getting out of hand. “An existing problem is not going to get better on its own,” Reinoehl points out. “Getting the repair done sooner rather than later saves money and headache.”

To address these structural issues, Reinoehl and A-1 provide nearly 40 separate services, from foundation repairs to house framings, from downspout extensions to catch basins, from brick steps to concrete pool decks. The key to remember is that preventative maintenance is to a home what a healthy diet and focused exercise are for a body an investment well spent. Your home is your castle, but that doesn’t mean you want a moat around it, gouged out by an unaddressed rivulet between a gutter’s drainpipe and the concrete footing. Further, preventative maintenance reduces liability issues, eliminating issues like trip hazards over cracked walkways. The point is that Mother Nature never sleeps, and addressing inevitable issues keeps all systems running smoothly, sparing you aggravation while saving money in the long run.

“The success of our company,” Reinoehl says, “is due to observing a few core principles: we pride ourselves in being totally honest and providing our customers detailed information; we don’t just work hard, but smart using advanced technology and efficient scheduling; and, we provide superior service at a price that is fair and reasonable. From our free initial quote to our final invoice, our customers always have a clear understanding of what we are doing and why.”

Yes, there is something that doesn’t love your house, but — thanks to A-1 that something can be kept at bay, day after day after day, allowing you to enjoy your home’s continued good health and maintain its value.

Josh Reinoehl is the owner of A-1 Concrete Leveling & Foundation Repair and has been servicing Middle Tennessee for more than 30 years. Contact A-1 at (615) 207-7103 for a free quote or visit a1concretelevelingnashville.com

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