TENDER NOTICE Sealed quotations are invited from reputed Sales Tax and Income Tax registered Internet Services providers for hiring of following internet facilities for the period of one year(renewable on the performance basis) at Directorate of Soil Fertility Research Institute, Lahore Description
Internet Bandwidth Primary Media Fiber Optic
Total= 4MB CIR With min 5 static IP’s
Internet Bandwidth Backup Media Fiber Optic / Wireless
Delivery & Installation Schedule from the date of Signing contract 3 weeks
Delivery Location
Directorate of Soil Fertility Research Institute, Thokar Niaz Baig , Multan Road Lahore -do-
Sealed Quotation should include the cost of above work, Sales Tax and Income Tax Certificate, accompanied with pay order (Refundable) of 2% of the total bid amount as earnest money in favour of Director of Soil Fertility Research Institute, Lahore within 15 days positively. Performa payment of Rs.500/= regarding the technical specifications may be collected during the office timings (from 08:00 AM to 03:00 PM) except Friday (from 08:00 AM to 12:00 AM). Terms and Conditions 1. Setup and activation charges of package including laying of OFC as well as deployment period. 2. List of services, devices and items offered along with package without incurring additional cost such as number of static IPs, Routers, Switches and media convertors or any other relevant material. 3. Upload bandwidth of primary link preferably equal to download speed. 4. Medium of backup link (OFC and Wireless along with download and upload bandwidth). Procedure (For switch over)and time in case of primary link goes down 5. Primary link must be on Fast Ethernet Interface and upgradable up to 100 Mbps without incurring further deployment charges on existing hardware infrastructure. 6. Zero downtime on shifting over to backup link and vice versa in case of any problem or ISP's scheduled servicing etc. 7. In case of damage of hardware equipment provided by ISP to this Office, ISP must provide immediate backup till the resolution of actual equipment. 8. Documents containing Copy of registration of firm / company, NTN detail, financial position, GST certificate, enterprise clientage list, OFC topology routes, backbone links
and detail of technical & support staff along with functional time. 9. Reports for performance, monitoring/usage of bandwidth preferably through graphs on monthly, quarterly and yearly basis. 10. In case, no or less than three (3) ISPs participated in the bid, the Office reserves the right to procure the required bandwidth without retendering from any ISP. 11. This Office reserves the right to discontinue internet service on one month notice in case of breach of any term and condition. 12. The tender should reach to the o/o the under signed up to 10.11.2012 by 03:00 PM which shall be opened on 12.11.2012 at 11:00 am in the presence of the tenderers who desire to participate in the tender opening.
Director, SFRI
INVITATION TO TENDER FORM 1. Schedule to Tender No. 1290049/R-1209/310187dated 01-10-2012. This tender will be closed for acceptance at 1000 Hrs and will be opened at 1100 Hours on 14-11-2012. Please drop tender in the Tender Box No.107. 2. You are requested to please use this Performa for price quotation, fill in the prices, affix your stamp on the same, sign it and forward it in original as your Commercial offer along with the covering letter of your firm. If you do not use this form as price quotations your offer might be rejected. 3. Please tick the prescribed IT instructions and confirm complied or not complied in the column given in front of each instruction. 4. You are requested not to use ink of any colour other than black and there should be no writing / overwriting except in the column / columns specified for that purpose. 5. Any overwriting will render your offer liable for rejection. 6. You are requested to please attach DP-1,DP-2 and DP-3 along with your quotation duly signed & stamped. S.No
1. Up-gradation of IP DSLAM of various locations at Karachi
Technical specifications at as per Annex ‘A’ General Instruction at as per Annex ‘B’
Firm is to confirm either 16% GST is applicable on subject equipment. If yes then confirm either quoted price is inclusive of GST or not. Grand total
Special Note: All participating firms must submit technical offers in duplicate in original (one for TSR committee and one for DP (Navy)). In case of failure to comply, offer will liable for rejection.
Wide Area Network Connectivity between LESCO Data Center, Data Recovery Site and Field Offices LESCO invites sealed quotations two parts (i.e. technical and commercial separately) from the potential dealing firms for the provision of Wide Area Network Connectivity between LESCO Data Center, Disaster Recovery site and Field Offices. Tender document can be obtained from the office of undersigned during working hours after payment of Rs. 1000/- (non refundable) before the tender opening date and present the receipt along with bid. Date & time for submission of Bids:
24.10.2012 at 10.30 a.m.
Date & time of Opening of Bids:
24.10.2012 at 11.00 a.m.
Amount of Bid Security
Two (2%) for registered firms and four (4%) for unregistered firms of the total quoted tender price
LESCO reserves the right in its discretion to cancel or amend the entire bidding process at any stage and to reject any or all bids as per PPRA rules.
Director General (IT) LESCO IT Directorate, 132-KV Ghazi Grid Station, Barki Road, Lahore Ph # 042-36636815, Fax # 042-36636814
COVERING SHEET TENDER NO 1290051/B-1209/310133 DATED 11-09-2012
I/we M/s ________________________________ do herby affirm to adhere to the necessary instructions for participation in the procurement process. All the columns of DP-I, II and III are filled, signed and stamped as per requirement. Data Sheet (for unregistered firms only) is attached dully filled in all respects.
Yours truly, _________________ Signature of Tenderer _________________ Complete Name Seal/Stamp of Firm
_________________ Capacity in which Signing _________________ Date
Contact Numbers Assistant Directors Procurement DP(Navy) ADP-31 ADP-32 ADP-33 ADP-34 ADP-36 ADP-37
051-9271471 051-9271472 051-9271473 051-9271474 051-9271475 051-9271478
DP-1 DIRECTORATE PROCUREMENT (NAVY) No.……………………….. …………. Directorate of Procurement (Navy) At Ministry of Defence Production Building Sectt No. II, Adamjee Road Rawalpindi Tel: 051-9271474 Fax : 051-5516307 E-mail: M/S SEP 2012 Invitation to Tender and General Instructions 1. Conditions Governing Contracts. The ‘Contract’ made as result of this I/T shall mean the agreement entered into between the parties i.e. the ‘Purchaser’ and the ‘Seller’ on Directorate General Defence Purchase (DGDP) contract Form “DP-19” in accordance with the law of contract Act, 1872 and those contained in Defence Purchase Procedure (DP-35) and other special conditions that may be added to given contract for the supply of Defence Stores specified herein. 2.
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Delivery of Tender. The offer is to be submitted in duplicate as under:a. Commercial Offer. The offer will be in duplicate and indicate prices quoted in figures as well as in words alongwith essential literature/brochure. It should be clearly marked in fact on the envelope “Commercial Offer”, tender number and date of opening. Taxes, duties, freight/transportation, insurance charges etc are to be indicated separately. Total price of the items quoted against the tender is to be clearly mentioned. b Technical Offer: (Where Applicable). Should contain all relevant specifications in triplicate in an envelope and clearly marked “Technical Offer” without prices, tender number and date of opening. a. Special Instructions. Tender documents and its conditions may please be read point by point and understood properly before quoting. All tender conditions should be responded clearly. In case of any deviation due to non-acceptance of tender conditions(s), the same should be highlighted alongwith your changed offer/conditions. Tender may however be liable to be rejected. d. Firms shall submit their offers in two separate envelopes (i.e. two copies of commercial offer and two or more copies of the technical offer as asked in the IT). The commercial offer will include rates of items/services called for and the technical offer will not
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indicate the rates. Both types of offers are to be enclosed in separate covers and each envelope shall be properly sealed bearing the signature of the bidder. Each cover shall indicate type of offer, number and date of IT and IT opening date. Thereafter both the envelopes (technical and commercial offer) shall be placed in one envelope (second cover) duly sealed and signed. This cover should bear the address of the procurement agency indicating, issuance date of IT and No, with its opening date. This should be further placed in another cover (third cover), addressed as indicated in the tender documents, without any indication that there is a tender within it. e.
The tender duly sealed will be addressed to the following:Directorate of Procurement (Navy)/P-31. At Ministry of Defence Production Building Secretariat No. II, Adamjee Road Rawalpindi, PAKISTAN Telephone: 92-051-9271468-78 Fax No. 92-051-5516307 E-Mail:
3. Date and Time For Receipt of Tender. Tender must reach this office by the date and time specified in the Schedule to Tender (Form DP2) attached. This Directorate will not accept any excuse of delay occurring in post. Tenders received after the appointed/ fixed time will NOT be entertained. The appointed time will, however, fall on next working day in case of closed/forced holiday. Only legitimate/registered representatives of firm will be allowed to attend tender opening. 4. Tender Opening. Tenders will be opened as mentioned in the schedule of tender. Commercial offers will be opened at later stage if Technical Offers are declared acceptable on examination by technical authorities of PN. Date and time for opening of Commercial offer shall be intimated later. Only legitimate / registered representative of firm will be allowed to attend tender opening. 5.
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Validity of Offer. a. The validity period of quotations must be indicated and should invariably be 90 days extendable to 120 days from the date of opening of commercial offer. Conversion rate of FE/LC components will be considered w.e.f. opening of commercial offer. b. The quoting firm will certify that in case of an additional requirement of the contract items (s) in any qty(s) with in a period of 12 month from the date of signing the contract, these will also be supplied ( at the on going contract rates) with discount.
6. Part Bid. Firm may quote for the whole or any portion, or to state in the tender that the rate quoted, shall apply only if the entire quantity is taken from the firm. The Director Procurement reserves the
right of accepting the whole or any part of the tender or portion of the quantity offered, and firm shall supply these at the rate quoted. 7. Quoting of Rates. Only one rate will be quoted for entire quantity, item wise. 8. Return of I/T. In case you are Not quoting, please return the tender inquiry stating the reason of NOT quoting. In case of failure to return the ITs either quoted or not quoted consequently on three occasions, this Directorate, in the interest of economy, will consider the exclusion of your firm’s name from our future distribution list of invitation to tender.
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9. Withdrawal of Offer. If the firm withdraws it offer within validity period the competent authority may place such firm under embargo for a period, which may be extended up to one year.
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10. Provision of Documents in case of Contract on Earnest Money.. In case any firm wins a contract on EM, it will deposit following documents for provisional registration before award of contract:
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a. A copy of letter showing firm’s financial capability. b. Foreign Seller has to provide its Registration Number issued by respective Department of Commerce authorizing export of subject stores. c. Principal/Agency Agreement.
Return of Earnest Money. a. Earnest Money to the unsuccessful bidders will be returned on finalization of the contract. b. Earnest Money of the firm/firms with whom contract is concluded will be returned on submission of Bank Guarantee as stipulated in the contract.
12. Earnest Money/Tender Bond: your tender must be accompanied by a Bank Draft in favour of CMA (DP), Rawalpindi for the following amount: a.
Registered/Indexed Firms: 2% of the quoted value only.
Registered but Un-indexed Firms: 3% of the quoted value only.
Un-registered/Un-indexed Firms: 5% of the quoted value only
In case of firm wins a contract on EM, it will deposit following documents for provisional Regn before the award of contracts:
S. No. i)
Local Supplier
Foreign Supplier
Three filled copies of SVA-8121 of each member of management
Three filled copies of SVA-8121D of each member of management Three filled copies of SVA-8121 Three photocopy of Resident Card or equivalent identification Card for each member of management Three PP size photographs for each member of management Challan Form (*) Financial standing/audit balance sheet Photocopy of passport Agency Agreement in case of Trading House/Company/ Exporter/Stockiest etc.
ii) iii)
Three filled copies of SVA-8121-A Three photocopy of NIC for each member of management
Three PP size photographs for each member of management Challan Form (*) Bank Statement for last one year
v) vi) vii) viii)
Photocopy of NTN Foreign Principal Agency Agreement in case of local agent
13. Treasury Challan. a. Offers must be accompanied with a challan form of Rs.200/(obtainable from State Bank of Pakistan/Government Treasury) and debitable to Major Head XL VII, Main Head XII, Sub Head ‘A’ Miscellaneous Code No Def – 1220. Each offer will be covered by one challan.
Not Attached
Not Attached
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b. In case of un-registered firms, whether they have applied for registration or not, will pay tender inquiry fee (Challan Form) at following rates: (1) Contract for value upto. Rs. 250,000/- :
Rs 1,000/-
(2) Contract for value from Rs. 250,000/- to Rs.5,000,000/-
Rs. 1,500/-
(3) Contracts for value above 5,000,000/-
Rs. 2,000/-
Inspection Authority.
Inspection Authority will be CINS
b. Joint Inspection of store, after receipt at consignee warehouse will be carried out by Consignee and Specialist User. However, functional tests and trials prior final acceptance will be carried out by end user
15. Condition of Stores. Brand new stores will be accepted on Firm’s Warranty/Guarantee Form DPL-15. Copy of DPL-15 can be obtained from DP(N) on e-mail address given on page 1.
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Marking of stores in accordance with Spec/Misc/NS/002/80.
17. Documents Required. submitted along with the quote:
Following documents are required to be
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a. OEM/Authorized Dealer/Agent Certificate along with OEM Dealership Evidence. b. The supplier is to provide OEM conformance certificate to CINS through respective ADsP/DAs or it is to be e-mailed to CINS directly by OEM. Hard copy of conformance certificate must follow, in any case, through DHL courier. On receipt, PN can approach the OEM to confirm whether an OEM conformance certificate has been issued by them. Companies/firms rendering false OEM conformance will be blacklisted. c.
Original quotation/proforma invoice.
d. In case of bulk proforma invoice, a certificate that prices indicated in the bulk proforma invoice have not been decreased since the date of bulk proforma invoice from the manufacturers/suppliers. e. Submit breakup of cost of stores/services on the following lines: (1) Imported material with break down item wise along-with import duties. (2) Variable business overheads like taxes and duties imposed by the federal/provincial government as applicable:(i) General Sales Tax (ii) Income Tax (iii) Custom Duty. PCT code along with photocopy of the related page is to be attached where applicable. (iv) Any other tax/duty. (3) Fixed overhead charges like labour, electricity etc. (4) Agent commission/profit, if any. (5) Any other expenditure/cost/service/remuneration as asked for in the tender. 18. Rejection of Stores/Services. The stores/services offered as a result of contract concluded against FOR tender may be rejected as follows: a. b. c.
1st rejection on Govt. expense 2nd rejection on supplier expense 3rd rejection contract cancellation will be initiated. Understood agreed
Understood not agreed
19. Security Deposit/Bank Guarantee . To ensure timely and correct supply of stores the firm will furnish an unconditional Bank Guarantee(BG) from a schedule Bank for an amount of 10 % of the contract value (excluding Taxes, duties/freight handling charges) on a Judicial Stamp Paper of the value of (Rs 100.00) as per prescribed format or in shape of CSD/Bank draft. The Bank Guarantee shall be endorsed in favour of CMA(DP) Rawalpindi who is the Accounts Officer specified in the contract. The CMA(DP) Rawalpindi have the like power of seeking encashment of the Bank Guarantee as if the same has been demanded by the purchaser himself. The Bank Guarantee shall be produced by the supplier within 30 days from the date of issue of the contract and remain valid for upto 60 days after completion of warranty period and remain in force till one year ahead of the delivery date given in the contract. If delivery period is extended, the supplier shall arrange the extension of Bank Guarantee within 30 days after the original delivery period to keep its validity always one year ahead of the extended delivery period. The BG form can be obtained from DP(N) on email address given on page 1. 20. Integrity Pact. Procurements exceeding Rs 10 Million shall be subject to an integrity pact, between the procuring agency and the suppliers or contractors. The form is available at or can be requested at
21. Correspondence. All correspondence will be addressed to the Purchaser. Correspondence with regard to payment or issue of delivery receipt may be addressed to CMA Rawalpindi & Consignee respectively with copy endorsed to the purchaser.
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22. Pre-shipment Inspection. PN may send a team of officers including DP(N) member for the inspection of major equipments and machinery items at OEM premises.. 23. Amendment to Contract. Contract may be amended/modified to include fresh clause (s) modify the existing clauses with the mutual agreement by the supplier and the purchaser; such modification shall form an integral part of the contract. 24. Discrepancy. The consignee will render a discrepancy report to all concerned within 60 days after receipt of stores for discrepancies found in the consignment. The quantities found short are to be made good by the supplier, free of cost. 25.
Price Variation. a. Prices offered against this tender are to be firm and final. b. Where the prices of the contracted stores/raw material are controlled by the government or an agency competent to do so on government behalf then price increase/decrease will be allowed at
actual on case to case basis on production of government notification by the Supplier for the subject stores where the firms are contractually obliged and bound to produce the stores from raw materials supplied by government/State controlled departments in consultation with Military Finance. c. Except for calculation or typographical errors, the rates of the contracts not having a price variation clause PVC clause will not be increased subsequently. But when such an increase is considered desirable in the interest of expeditious supply of stores and is necessitated by the circumstances beyond the control of the Supplier, the case may be decided accordingly. 26. Price Reduction (PR). In case the stores on inspection are found to be below the stipulated specification and these are proposed to be accepted by the inspector under deviation subject to be certain price reduction, the relevant Inspection Note may be released and stores dispatched to the consignee with the following endorsement on the Inspection Note:
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“Accepted under deviation with certain price reduction, as recommended on deviation form, which is subject to final approval/decision by the Purchaser� The supplier will not submit the bills unless price reduction aspect is finally decided upon by the purchaser and formal amendment to this effect is issued in the contract.
27. Buy back. The seller will buy back the spares/items supplied as a part of this tender at the selling price, which are no longer required as indicated by the buyer with in five years from the final acceptance of the spares/items. 28. Force Majeure. The supplier will not be held responsible for any delay occurring in supply of equipment due to event of Force Majeure such as acts of God, War, Civil commotion, Strike, Lockouts, Act of Foreign Government and its agencies and disturbance directly affecting the supplier over which events or circumstances the supplier has no control. In such an event the supplier shall inform the purchaser within 15 days of the happening and within the same timeframe about the discontinuation of such circumstances/happening in writing. Non-availability of raw material for the manufacture of stores, or of export permit for the contracted stores from the country of its origin, shall not constitute Force Majeure. 29. Arbitration. All matters of dispute or difference regarding rejection of stores by the inspector or cancellation of the contract by the Purchaser, arising out of the contract finalized between the parties thereto, the settlement of which is not otherwise specially provided for in the contract, shall be referred to arbitration as under:
Foreign Currency (FOB/CIF/C&F/FSA etc) Contracts (1). The dispute shall be referred for adjudication to two arbitrators one to be nominated by each party. Who before entering upon the reference shall appoint an umpire by mutual agreement and if they do not agree a judge of the Superior Court will be requested to appoint the umpire. The arbitration proceedings shall be held in Pakistan and under Pakistan Law.
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(2). The venue of arbitration shall be the place from which the contact is issued or such other places as the Purchaser at his discretion may determine. (3). Arbitration award so given will be firm and final.
b. Indigenous (FOR etc) Contracts.The settlement of dispute, is not otherwise specially provided for in the contract, through arbitration clause in the contract shall be referred to the decision of Secretary, Ministry of Defence (DP Division). His decision shall be final and binding on both the parties. Work under the contract shall if reasonably possible continue, under the proceedings before the said Secretary and no payments payable by the Director shall be withheld on the account of such proceeding unless they are subject of the dispute. 30. Court of Jurisdiction. In case of any dispute only court of jurisdiction at Rawalpindi shall have jurisdiction to decide the matter. 31. Liquidated Damages(LD). Liquidated Damages upto 2% per month are liable to be imposed on the suppliers by the purchaser in accordance with DP-35, if the stores supplied after the expiry of the delivery date without any valid reasons. Total value of LD shall not exceed 10% of the contract value. 32. Risk Purchase. In the event of failure on the part of supplier to comply with the contractual obligations the contract will be cancelled at the Risk and Expense of the supplier in accordance with DP-35.
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33. Penalty. In case of wrong supply of the item by the supplier, a penalty of 10 % of the contract value may be imposed by DP(N) apart from any other penalties. 34. Gratuities/Commission/Gifts. No commission, rebate, bonus, fee or compensation in any form shall be paid to any local or foreign agent, consultant representative, sales promoter or any intermediary by the Manufacturer/Supplier except the agent commission payable as per the agent commission policy of the government and as amended from time to time and given in the contract. Any breach of such clause(s) of the contract by Manufacturer/Supplier and/or their sole nominated representative may result in cancellation of the contract blacklisting of the Manufacturer/Supplier
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financial penalties and all or any other punitive measure which the purchaser may consider appropriate. 35.
Termination of Contract. a. If at any time during the currency of the contract the Purchaser decides to terminate the contract for any reason whatsoever (other than for reasons of Non-Delivery) he shall have right to do so by giving the Supplier a registered notice to that effect. In that event the Purchaser will accept delivery at the contract price and terms of such stores/goods/services which are in the actual process of manufacture that is completed and ready for delivery within thirty days after receipt by the Supplier of such notice. b. In the case of remainder of the stores/goods/services the Purchaser may elect either:
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(1). To have any part thereof completed and take the delivery thereof at the contract price or. (2). To cancel the remaining quantity and pay to the Supplier for the articles or sub-components or raw materials purchased by the Supplier and are in the actual process of manufacture at the price to be determined by the Purchaser. In such a case materials in the process of manufacture shall be delivered by the Supplier to the Purchaser. (3). No payment shall however be made for any materials not yet in the actual process of manufacture on the date notice of cancellation is received. c. Should the Supplier fail to deliver goods/services in time as per quality terms of contract or fail to render Bank Guarantee within the stipulated time period or any breach of the contract the Purchaser reserves the right to terminate/cancel the contract fully or any part thereof at the risk and expense (RE) of the Supplier. 36. Rights Reserved. Directorate Procurement (Navy), Rawalpindi reserves full rights to accept or reject any or all offers including the lowest, before formal Final Acceptance of any offer. Particular reasons for cancellation of tender/offer/bid will be intimated upon request of bidder. 37. Application of Official Secret Acts. All the matters connected with this enquiry and subsequent actions arising there from come within the scope of the Official Secret Act, 1923. You are, therefore, requested to ensure complete secrecy regarding documents and stores concerned with the enquiry and to limit the number of your employees having access to this information. 38. Acknowledgment. Firms will send acknowledgement slips within 07 days from the date of receipt of IT. In case IT is not received by a registered firm within 10 days IT published in the Bulletin, the firm must ask for it from
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concerned procurement agency in writing with intimation to Registration Section (DGDP) or visit www.ppra to download the required tender.
Disqualification. Offers are liable to be rejected if:-
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a. Received later than appointed/fixed date and time. b. Offers are found conditional or incomplete in any respect. c. Any deviation from the General /Special/Technical Instructions contained in this tender. d. Forms DP-1, DP-2,and DP-3 duly signed, if NOT received with the offers. e. Taxes and duties, freight/transportation and insurance charges NOT indicated separately as per required price breakdown mentioned at Para 17. f. Treasury challan is NOT attached with the offer. g. Multiple rates are quoted against one item. h. Manufacturer’s relevant brochures and technical details on major equipment assemblies are not attached in support of specifications. j. Subject to restriction of export license. k. Offers (commercial/technical) containing non-initialed/ unauthenticated amendments/corrections/overwriting. l. If the validity of the agency agreement expired at the time of submission of offer. m. The commercial offer against FOB/CIF/C&F tender is quoted in local currency and vise versa. n. Principals invoice in duplicate clearly indicating whether prices quoted are inclusive or exclusive of the agent commission is not enclosed. p. Earnest money is not provided. q. If validity of offer is not quoted as required in IT or made subject to confirmation later. r. Offer made through Fax/E-mail/Cable/Telex. s. If offer is found to be based on cartel action in connivance with other sources/ participants of the tender. t. If OEM and principal name and complete address is not mentioned. u. Stores or any parts thereof are originated/manufactured from India, Israel or Taiwan. 40. The above terms and conditions are confirmed in total for acceptance.
Sincerely yours, _____________________________ (To be Signed by Officer Concerned) Rank:__________________________
NAME:_________________________ NOTES 1. FORM DP-1, DP-2, DP-3 and Questionnaires. Form DP-1, DP-2, DP-3 and Questionnaires duly filled in are to be returned with the offer duly signed by the authorized signatory/person. It is pertinent to mention that all these are mandatory requirement for participation in the tender. 2. Copy of DP-35 Revised 2002: Copies of DP-35 revised 2002 are available with Registration Section DGDP and the same be obtained by the Supplier on payment at the rate of Rs 250/- each.
(Signatures of Tenderer) ……………………………………. (Capacity in which signing)
INVITATION TO TENDER FORM 1. Schedule to Tender No. 1290051/B-1209/310133 dated 11-09-2012. This tender will be closed for acceptance at 1000 Hrs and will be opened at 1100 Hours on 17-10-2012. Please drop tender in the Tender Box No.107. 2. You are requested to please use this Performa for price quotation, fill in the prices, affix your stamp on the same, sign it and forward it in original as your Commercial offer along with the covering letter of your firm. If you do not use this form as price quotations your offer might be rejected. 3. Please tick the prescribed IT instructions and confirm complied or not complied in the column given in front of each instruction. 4. You are requested not to use ink of any colour other than black and there should be no writing / overwriting except in the column / columns specified for that purpose. 5. Any overwriting will render your offer liable for rejection. 6. You are requested to please attach DP-1,DP-2 and DP-3 along with your quotation duly signed & stamped. Patt/No
PA 3100 PX 3100 PS 2200
Misc as per Annex A & B
02 x PA 3100 - Allegro PCB Designer (Version 16.5) 01 x PX 3100 – Allegro (R) PCB SI-XL (Version 16.5) 01 x PS 2200 Allegro (R) AMS Simulator (Version 16.5) Training charges Price is based on budgetary quote 08 x HP Compaq 8200 Elite CMT PC 02 x HP color LaserJet Printer
DETAILS Annexes: A. B.
Detailed Specifications General Requirements/Instructions
Special Note: All participating firms must submit technical offers in duplicate in original (one for TSR committee and one for DP(Navy)). In case of failure to comply, offer will liable for rejection.
Basis for Acceptance:
FOB Basis Quantity/Requirement: Quantity of store can be increased/ decreased as per requirement / discretion of purchaser.
Country of Origin Preferably USA/UK ,Western EU
Inspection Authority CINS However Joint inspection to be carried out by CINS and end user. CRV to be issued after functional test onboard. Delivery Period
06 Months after contract signing Earnest Money Firms Registered / Indexed : 02 % of quoted value. Firms Registered But Un-Indexed : 03 % of quoted value. Firms Un-Registered / Un-Indexed : 05 % of quoted value.
07 08 09 10
11 12
Validity of Offer 90 t0 120 days After Tender Opening TSR (Technical Scrutiny) Required Tender Nature Open Tender Basis Terms of Payment AS PER DP-35. Marking Marking of stores in accordance with international standards. Currency of Contract All participating firms are to quote in US$ Following documents are also required Original quotation/Proforma invoice and in case of bulk Proforma invoice, a certificate that prices indicated in the bulk Proforma invoice have not been decreased since the date of bulk Proforma. Invoice form the manufacturers. "Suppliers" must be attached in support of the prices quoted. Only one rate will be quoted for entire quantity, item wise.
Each and every clause of the tender documents is to be addressed. No clause/ column of the tender document should be un addressed. Furthermore, the specifications and IT conditions are to be confirmed in technical offer in total for acceptances.
Lab testing charges, if arranged out of service facility, will be borne by the supplier. Certificate of Conformance by OEM
The firm /supplier shall provide correct and valid e mail and fax number to CINS and DP (Navy). Supplier /contracting firm shall either provide OEM conformance certificate to CINS or is to be e mailed to CINS under information to DP(Navy) Hard copy of conformance certificate must follow, in any case, through courier. On receipt, CINS shell approach the OEM for verification of conformance certificate issued by the OEM. Companies/firms rendering false OEM conformance certificate will be black listed. Compensation on breach of contract If the contractor fails to supply of contracted stores or contract is cancelled either on RE or without RE or contract become ineffective due to default of supplier / seller or stores / equipment declared defective and caused loss to the Government, contractor shall be liable to pay to the Government compensation for loss or inconvenience resulting for his default or from the rescission of his contract when such default or rescission take place such compensation will be in excess to the RE amount, if imposed by the competent authority. Compensation amount in terms of money will be decided by the purchase officer and will be deposited by contractor / seller in Government treasury in the currency of contract. Performance Bank Guarantee Successful registered bidder is to submit unconditional performance bond in shape of bank guarantee equal to 05% of contracted value .within 30 days after signing of contract. For successful unregistered bidder the said amount is 10% of contract value. The performance bond is to remain valid till the completion of Warranty Period.
Port Charges in case of FOB Contracts All port and Dock dues in Pakistan for FOB, CIF, FCA and CIP contracts (if applicable) will be paid by Supply Officer PN Embarkation HQ Karachi.
ANNEX B TO Tender NO.1290051/B-1209/310133 DATED September 12 S No
Firm’s Reply /Remarks
a. Scope of supply: PCB Fabrication Design Facility – Network Station alongwith accessories. Provision, installation, set-to-work and commissioning of 08 x work stations (PCs), 02 x Laser printers alongwith Allegro software and other accessories. Technical specifications of each deliverable are mentioned against in following paragraphs. WORK STATIONS FOR PCB DESIGNING FACILITY(Qty 08) b. Branded work stations as per following or specification/configuration to be used on PCB designing nodes:
HP ELITE 8200 MT or equivalent (1). Processor: Intel CORE i7 2600 3.80GHZ Turbo (8MB Cache 4.8 GT/s). (2). Motherboard : intel Q67 Express Chipset. (3). Memory : 4GB DDR-III. (4). Hard Drive : 500GB 3.5" SATA-II 7200RPM. (5). Optical Drive : DVDRW 22X DL SATA. (6). Giga/100/10 Mb LAN Support. (7). DVD Writer (Speed 32x). (8). Key Board, Mouse. j. LCD monitor: View Sonic (21”). LASER PRINTERS(Qty 02) c. Branded laser coloured printers with following or higher specifications/configuration: (1). In line colour laser printing technology (2). Max Page Size: A3, Ledger, 306 mm x 470 mm (Custom) (3). Print Speed: 28 ppm (4). Max Resolution: 600 dpi x 600 dpi (Color & BW) (5). CPU: 533 MHz or above (6). Memory: 512 MB or above DDR DIMM. (7). Interface: Parallel, USB and Ethernet 10/100 Mbps. (8). Language Simulation: PCL 5C, PostScript 3, PCL 6, PDF 1.3 j. Media Type: Rough Paper, Envelops, Transparencies, Labels, Plain Paper, Glossy Paper, Heavy Weight Paper, Cards, Recycled Paper. k. Compatible with all type of Operating Systems (Microsoft Windows, LINUX, UNIX, Mac etc). OPERATING SOFTWARE d.
Software/Application as per following specifications: (1). Licensed Anti Virus with firewall. (Norton or Kasper Sky Latest)
(2). Licensed Office Suit (Microsoft Latest). (3). Licensed PDF Reader/Writer Software (Adobe Latest). PCBs DESIGNING SOFTWARE (ALLEGRO) or equivalent e. SOFTWARE TYPE. PCB Designing & Verification Software of following types are required: (1). Allegro PA3100 02 x Licences.
(2). Allegro PX3100 (3). Allegro PS2200
01 x License. 01 x License.
f. SOFTWARE VALIDITY. All ALLEGRO Software licenses should be valid for life time. g. SOFTWARE VERSION. All ALLEGRO Software should be of the latest version at the time of provision. h. SOFTWARE UPDATES. Provision of all ALLEGRO Software updates are to be guaranteed for atleast 10 years without any extra cost bearing. SOFTWARE FEATURES. j. The ALLEGRO software is to be provided with following features, capabilities and assurances: (1). System design including Gerber Mylar, Schematic and Circuit Diagrams, Mono Layer to Multi Layered PCB Designs compatible for SMD and PTH components. (2). Analog Simulation with Advance Analysis Capability. (3). Signal Integrity Analysis. (4). PCB Layout Definition for each component. (5). Interactive/Auto-Routing. (6). Verification of Designed Circuit. (7). Viewing and Collaboration of different applications. (8). Test and assembly analysis. (9). Thermal Analysis. (10). Complex programmable logic devises (FPGAS, ASICS, BGA etc) design. (11). Evaluation of physical dimension of components, holes, tracks, Pads with CAD/CAM compatibility. (12). Capable to integrate future additives of same software to cater (13). for additional/future developments in field of PCBs designing. (14). Allegro Design Authoring. (15). Allegro Design Entry CIS. (16). Constraint-Manager: Physical, spacing and samenet rules. (17). Constraint Manager: Properties and DRCs. (18). Constraint Manager: Differential pair rules. (19). Constraint Manager: Region rules. (20). Floor planning, placement, placement replication. (21). DFA, DFF, DFT. (22). Dynamic feedback on DFA compliance during placement. (23). IDF3.0, DXF in/out.
(24). EDMD schema-based ECAD-MCAD co-design . (25). Native 3D viewer . (26). Hierarchical interconnect flow planning . (27). Length-based rules for high-speed signals . (28). Constraint-driven flow for length-based high-speed signals . (29). Match groups, layer sets, extended nets . (30). T-point rules (pin to T-point) . (31). 6-layer automatic shape-based auto router . (32). High-speed rules-based auto routing . (33). Layer-specific rules-based auto routing . (34). Design planning - plan spatial feasibility analysis and feedback Design Planning Option (35). Design planning - generate topological plan Design Planning Option (36). Design planning - Convert Topological plan to traces (CLINES) Design Planning Option (37). Constraint Manager: Electrical rule set (reflection, timing, crosstalk) PCB High-Speed Option (38). Constraint-driven flow using electrical rules PCB High-Speed Option (39). Electrical constraint rule set (ECSets) / topology apply PCB High-Speed Option (40). Formula and relationship based (advanced) constraints PCB High-Speed Option (41). Backdrilling PCB High-Speed Option (42). Die2Die pin delay, dynamic phase control, Z-axis delay PCB High-Speed Option (43). Return path management for critical signals PCB High-Speed Option (44). Constraint Manager: HDI rule set Miniaturization Option (45). Micro-via and associated spacing, stacking, and via-in-pad rules Miniaturization Option (46). Constraint-driven HDI design flow Miniaturization Option (47). Manufacturing rule support for embedding components Miniaturization Option (48). Embedd components on inner layers Miniaturization Option (49). HDI micro-via stack editing Miniaturization Option (50). Dynamic shape-based filleting, line fattening, and trace filleting Miniaturization Option (51). Hug contour routing (Flex) Miniaturization Option (52). Support for cavities on inner layers Miniaturization Option (53). Concurrent team design - layer by layer partitioning PCB Team Design Option (54). Concurrent team design - functional block partitioning PCB Team Design Option (55). Concurrent team design - team design dashboard PCB Team Design Option (56). Concurrent team design - soft nets PCB Team Design Option (57). Parameterized RF etch elements editing PCB Analog / RF Option (58). Asymmetrical clearances PCB Analog / RF Option (59). Bi-directional interface with Agilent ADS PCB Analog / RF Option
(60). Import Agilent ADS schematics into DE-HDL PCB Analog / RF Option (61). Layout-driven RF design creation PCB Analog / RF Option (62). Flexible Shape Editor PCB Analog / RF Option (63). Cadence Allegro PCB Design Solution (64). Cadence is transforming the global electronics industry through a vision called EDA360. (65). With an application-driven approach to design, our software, hardware, IP, and services help (66). Customers realize silicon, SoCs, and complete systems efficiently and profitably. (67). 256-layer Autorouting PCB Routing Option. (68). DFM rules-based autorouting PCB Routing Option. (69). Automatic trace spreading PCB Routing Option. (70). ATP generation PCB Routing Option. (71). Layer-specific rules-based autorouting PCB Routing Option. OPERATING SYSTEM SUPPORT k. All ALLEGRO Software should support following Platform Technology: (1). Sun Solaris. (2). Linux. (3). IBM AIX. (4). Microsoft Windows. (5) OrCAD Technology: Windows 2.
Preferably UK, USA or Western Europe. ACCEPTABLE MAKES
CADENCE/ALLEGRO Software or equivalent. Workstations and Printers of HP, COMPAQ or equivalent. SPARES
Supplier/OEM is to include list of major and minor spares required to maintain the system for next ten years. Item wise price of spares is to be provided. PROVISION OF SPARES/CONSUMABLES Supplier is to provide OEM recommended parts including consumables required for scheduled maintenance/operation for 01 year operation of the equipment (List to be provided with the proposal for vetting).
ANNEX B TO Tender NO.1290051/B-1209/310133 DATED September 12 S. NO
DELIVERY SCHEDULE: a. The equipment/stores/accessories/tools are to be delivered within 06 months from the date of signing of contract on FOB basis.
b. All Port and dock charges will be paid at actual (if applicable) by Supply Officer PN Embarkation Headquarters, West Wharf Road Karachi on submission of the bills duly verified by Commanding Officer PN EHQ in Pak Currency. PAYMENT TERMS: a.
As per DP-35 or as decided by DP(N).
80% payment on: (1) Receipt of all materials, documents, and procedures etc as per acceptance criteria of contract as per agreed procedure. (2)
Satisfactory acceptance by JIC (Joint Inspection Committee).
Issuance of CRV (certificate Receipt Voucher).
c. 20% payment on: (1)
Successful installation, commissioning and acceptance.
(2) Trials of the equipment by OEM/firm to the satisfaction of the end user.
(3) Issuance of EIUC (End Item Utilization Certificate), within 01 month after successful completion of test and trials by the end user. WARRANTY/GUARANTEE a.
Supplier is to guarantee that product is as per specs of the contract.
b. Complete equipment including accessories/software are to be warranted by the supplier for a period of 01 year, for all defects from the date of final acceptance by PN. c. The supplier is to guarantee that all the items supplied under the terms of this contract are of the latest version, OEM certified and brand new. Stores not procured directly from OEM or his authorized dealer/agent/stockist will not be acceptable. d. The supplier is to guarantee that materials used, whether or not of his manufacture, conform to the international quality standards for such equipment. 23
e. Post delivery, the supplier will replace DDP at consignee's warehouse on the basis of free of cost within 30 days every article or part thereof which before use or in use shall be found defective or not within the limits and tolerances of specifications, or in any way not in accordance with the terms of the contract at the time of Joint Inspection.
f. In case of supplier failure to replace the defective stores free of cost within 30 days he will refund relevant cost DDP at consignee's warehouse in the currency in which received along with a reasonable compensation as claimed by PN. LOGISTIC SUPPORT
Manufacturer/OEM/supplier to certify that the spares will be available to support the supplied equipment for at least 15 years. DOCUMENTATION: a. Two sets of following original documents are to provided by the firm for each system: (1)
Operator manuals
(2) Maintenance manuals with circuit maintenance routines of the equipment.
(3) Complete priced spare parts list alongwith part Nos to be provided. (4) Routine wise list of all items with their Part No/NSN No, quantities, denomination and prices are to be provided which will be mandatory used in the routines. Any item that is to be changed on "condition base" or uncertain requirement, may be separately indicated. b. Firm will provide 01 set of above documents against IT for study of PN, at the time of TSR. Photocopy of the documents will not be acceptable. c. Firm is to obtain clearance from OEM regarding availability of documentation as per PN requirement. Later on after contract conclusion no relaxation in this regard will be entertained.
d. The OEM brochure of the equipment containing all technical details is to be provided by the supplier alongwith technical offer. TRAINING (OPERATOR / MAINTAINER): a. The supplier is to arrange 10 working days OJT for 05 personnel of PN training on to be conducted by OEM certified representative for personnel nominated. After the completion of training, the trainees should be able to generate Gerber files of multilayer PCBs, so that trained personnel are capable of: (1) Operating ALLEGRO Software to its full capabilities, while ensuring all safety aspects of software. 24
(2) Carryout all types of maintenance routines. (4) Carryout fault diagnosis and rectification upto the module level of the software. b.
Provision of computer based training CDs/DVDs.
c. Training charges (if any) to be mentioned in the technical offer by supplier. ADDITIONAL INSTRUCTIONS Certification Requirement a. Supplier/OEM will confirm through OEM certificate at the time of supply/delivery of the equipment at NSD that equipment being supplied is proven equipment. b. Supplier through certificate is to confirm that he will provide import documents at the time of delivery of stores. c. Supplier certificate for conformance of 100% contract specification, (any deviation to be clearly indicated in the offer) will be provided at the time of delivery of stores. d. OEM’s “Certificate of Conformity” originating from “Principle” who is neither the OEM nor the OEM’s authorized dealer/agent/stockist will not be acceptable. e. DP(N) shall ask contracting firms to either provide OEM conformance certificate to CINS or is to be e-mailed to CINS directly by the OEM. Hard copy of conformance certificate must follow in any case through courier. On receipt CINS shall approach the OEM for verification of conformance certificate issued by the OEM Companies/firms rendering false OEM conformance certificates will be black listed Additional Purchase f. OEM/supplier is to provided an undertaking that in case purchaser wishes to buy additional quantity/number of stores within next 12 months after the completion date of the contract, the supplier will provide the equipment at the same cost. The supplier may however sell stores at a lower cost. Obtaining of Licenses g. It is the responsibility of the supplier to obtain licenses/permits etc (if any) in the seller’s country. Failure to obtain the same shall not constitute grounds for Force Majeure. Packing h. Packing of equipment should be of international quality standards to be worthy of air, sea, rail and road transportation. 25
Joint Inspection Committee j. A joint inspection committee comprising reps from CINS, NPEC, and NSD will carryout joint inspection of delivered equipment/stores at NSD within 15 days of receipt of stores. Para 3 e above also refers. Origin of Supply k. Supplier in his” Offer/Quotation” is to specifically mention country of origin for the stores which will be subsequently endorsed in the “Contract”. Origin of the equipment should be preferably from UK/USA, Western European countries or Japan. Discontinuation of Production l. In case of discontinuation of production of any component part as result of obsolescence or development of upgraded version, the seller is to inform the buyer at least one (01) year in advance. The seller will ensure the provision of such components /parts as demanded by the buyer prior discontinuation of the production and shall also provide alternate for such components/parts in case the original is not available. Quality Standards m. The equipment and accessories are manufactured and assembled in accordance with Western EU standards or equivalent. The Quality standards compliance certificate is to be submitted with the offer.
n. OEM be ISO or own country’s (in case of Western EU) standards certified. Certificate to this effect of OEM is to be provided by supplier while exact mentioning of ISO classification and own country (in case of Western EU) standards, at the time of supply/delivery of the equipment at NSD. ACCEPTANCE/INSPECTION CRITERIA: a.
The equipment will not be acceptable in case of the following: (1) Equipment specifications are not as per Annex ‘A’. (2) List of Spares/Consumables required for maintenance / operation for 01 year at clause 5 of Annex ‘A’ are not provided. (3) Documentation at clause 5(a to d) of Annex ‘B’ not provided. (4) Training is not conducted as per clause 6 (a to h) of Annex ‘B’. (5) Clause 7(a to e) “Certification Requirement” at Annex ‘B’ are not met. (6) Commissioning is not completed to the satisfaction of end user in accordance with OEM approved/recommended procedures (As mutually agreed). (7) Confirmation of performances and functions is not same as given in the contract and relevant documentation/manuals. b. The final acceptance certificate will be signed by PN within 01 week only after successful completion of all acceptance trials to the entire satisfaction of PN.
a. Installation/commissioning and STW of the system/equipment is to be arranged within 30 days of supply of equipment by the supplier through OEM or their authorized rep(s) at NPEC.
b. Commissioning charges (if any) to be mentioned in the quotation by supplier. PRICE OF ALL DELIVERABLES: a. In his quotation the supplier should separately mention the price as per following format: S No
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
Complete equipment Mandatory accessories Operator manual Maintenance manual Depot list
b. DP (N) is requested to ensure that commercial offer clearly indicates above listed prices. TSR
Technical scrutiny of quotations forwarded by the bidders will be carried out by a committee nominated by NHQ. In case of non-compliance to any of the clause of Annex A to IT, offer is subject to technical rejection. SOURCE OF SUPPLY: a. In case the equipment is being sourced through OEM’s Authorized Dealer/Agent/Stockist, a documentary proof to this effect comprising OEM’s Dealership Certificate in respect of Dealer/Agent/Stockist is to be provided by the supplier with following endorsements:
(1) Certificate reference number with date. (2) Name of the authorized dealer/agent/stockist. (3) Last date/duration/period for validity of dealership. BUY BACK The seller will buy back the spare parts supplied as part of this contract at the selling price, which are no longer required as indicated by the Buyer, within 05 years from the final acceptance of the equipment/system.
DP-3 Tender No……………
Name of the Firm……………… DGDP Registration No……….. Address………………………… Date…………………………….. Telephone No. ………………… Official E-Mail………………….. Fax No …………………….…… Mobile No of contact person…..
To: THE DIRECTOR OF PROCUREMENT (Section P-3..) Ministry of Defence Production Sectt. No. II, Adamjee Road RAWALPINDI Tel: 051-9271468-78 Dear Sir 1. I/We hereby offer to supply to the Director of Procurement (Navy) the stores detailed in schedule to the tender inquiry or such portion thereof as you may specify in the acceptance of tender at the prices offered against the said schedule and further agree that this offer will remain valid up to 120 days and will not be withdrawn or altered in terms of rates quoted and the conditions already stated therein or on before this date. I/we shall be bound by a communication of acceptance to be dispatched within the prescribed time. 2. I/We have understood the Instructions to Tenders and General Conditions Governing Contract in Form No. DP-35 (Revised 2002) included in the pamphlet entitled, Government of Pakistan, Ministry of Defence (Directorate General Defence Purchase) “General Conditions Governing Contracts” and have thoroughly examined the specifications/drawings and/ or patterns quoted in the schedule hereto and am/are fully aware of the nature of the stores required and my/our offer is to supply stores strictly in accordance with the requirements. 3. The following pages have been added to and form part of this tender: a. ………………………………………. Yours faithfully, ………………………………… (Signature of Tenderer) ……………………………………. (Capacity in which signing) Address:……………………………….. Date………………………………. Signature of Witness…………… ADDRESS…………………………………..
*Individual signing tender and/or other documents connected with a contract must specify:(a) (b) (c) (d)
Whether signing as “Sole Proprietor” of the firm or his attorney. Whether signing as a “Registered Active Partner” of the firm or his attorney. Whether signing for the firm “per procuration”. In the case of companies and firms registered under the Act, 1913 as amended up-to-date and under the Partnership Act 1932, the capacity in which signing e.g., the Director, Secretary, Manager, Partner, etc. or their attorney and produce copy of document empowering him so to sign, if called upon to do so.
(e) (f) (g)
Principal’s proforma invoice (in original) Earnest money Treasury Challan Form for tender Fees as applicable
DPL – 15 WARRANTY M/S ___________________________________________________________________
CONTRACT NO. ________________________________________________ 1. We hereby guarantee that the articles supplied under the terms of this contract are produced new in conformance with approved drawings/specification and in all respect in accordance with the terms of the contract, and the materials used whether or not of our manufacture are in accordance with the latest appropriate standard specifications, as also in accordance with the terms of complete of good workmanship throughout and that we will repair/replace free of cost (FOB/CIF/FOR/C&F) Karachi as the case may be every article or part thereof which before use or in use shall be found defective or not within the limits and tolerance of specifications requirement or in any way not in accordance with the terms of the contract. 2. In case of our failure to replace the defective stores free of cost within three months of reporting by the consignee, we will refund the relevant cost (FOB/CIF/FOR/C&F/DDU) Karachi as the case may be in the currency/currencies in which received plus freight charges, upto consignees end and the purchaser shall have the right to purchase the stores declared defective at our risk and expense from elsewhere. 3.
The Supplier also undertakes to make good the deficiency in supply if any.
4. This warranty will remain valid for 01 year after acceptance of system by Pakistan Navy end user.
SIGNATURE : __________________ DATE
: _______________
NECESSARY DATA FOR ISSUANCE OF CONTRACTS ON EARNEST MONEY IMPORTANT Each column must be filled in with BLOCK CAPITAL LETTERS, incompletion shall render disqualification.
Name : _____________________________________
Father’s Name : ______________________________
Address (Residential) _____________________________________________________
__________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ 4.
Designation in Firm _______________________________________________________
CNIC : _____________________________________ (Attach Copy of CNIC) 6. NTN : ______________________________________ (Attach Copy of NTN) 7. Firm’s Address __________________________________________________________
___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ 8. Date of Establishment of Firm : ________________________________________________ 9. Firm’s Registration Certificate with FBR/Chamber of Commerce/Registrar of Companies. (Attach Copy of relevant CERTIFICATE) 10. In case PARTNERSHIP (Attach particulars at serial 1,2,3,4,5 and 6 of each partner).
(Kindly fill in the above form and forward it under your own letter head with contact details)
THE TOURISM DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION OF PUNJAB TENDER NOTICE Sealed bids are invited from eligible solution providers for the supply, installation and configuration of following equipment and provision of technical services at head office of Tourism Development Corporation of Punjab. Supply and Installation of Telephone Exchange S# Description 1 Digital Telephone Exchange with 8 CO lines and 40 intercom points with call management software and DISA card 2 Console Set 3 Intercom Sets 4 Installation and Configuration of Telephone exchange including ducting, cabling and allied accessories for 32 intercom connections Installation of CCTV System 5 6
Qty 1 1 7
Outdoor CCTV IR Night visions cameras with housing 4 Installation and Configuration of CCTV system including cameras, DVR, ducting, cabling and allied accessories for 12 CCTV camera points
Supply and Installation of Wireless & Wired Networking S# 7 8
Description Wireless Access Point 2.4 Ghz Ducting & cabling of Ethernet cable with allied accessories for 15 points
Qty 4
UPS Wiring 9
UPS wiring for CCTV, Wireless & Wired Networking and as standby backup for telephone exchange.
The tender documents may be downloaded from the TDCP website ( or may be collected from the office of I.T Specialist during office hours within 15 days of publication of this advertisement. Conditional bids will not be entertained. 2% of the bid amount is required to be submitted in form of CDR with proposals as earnest money. TDCP reserves the right to accept or reject any offer or annul the tender as per PPRA rules.con
General Manager (Finance) Tourism Development Corporation of Punjab 151-Abubakar Block, New Garden Town, Lahore Ph: 042-99231649, mail:
THE TOURISM DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION OF PUNJAB TENDER NOTICE Sealed bids are invited from eligible solution providers for the supply, installation and configuration of following equipment and provision of technical services at head office of Tourism Development Corporation of Punjab. Supply and Installation of Telephone Exchange S# Description 1 Digital Telephone Exchange with 8 CO lines and 40 intercom points with call management software and DISA card 2 Console Set 3 Intercom Sets 4 Installation and Configuration of Telephone exchange including ducting, cabling and allied accessories for 32 intercom connections Installation of CCTV System 5 6
Qty 1 1 7
Outdoor CCTV IR Night visions cameras with housing 4 Installation and Configuration of CCTV system including cameras, DVR, ducting, cabling and allied accessories for 12 CCTV camera points
Supply and Installation of Wireless & Wired Networking S# 7 8
Description Wireless Access Point 2.4 Ghz Ducting & cabling of Ethernet cable with allied accessories for 15 points
Qty 4
UPS Wiring 9
UPS wiring for CCTV, Wireless & Wired Networking and as standby backup for telephone exchange.
The tender documents may be downloaded from the TDCP website ( or may be collected from the office of I.T Specialist during office hours within 15 days of publication of this advertisement. Conditional bids will not be entertained. 2% of the bid amount is required to be submitted in form of CDR with proposals as earnest money. TDCP reserves the right to accept or reject any offer or annul the tender as per PPRA rules.con
General Manager (Finance) Tourism Development Corporation of Punjab 151-Abubakar Block, New Garden Town, Lahore Ph: 042-99231649, mail:
TENDER NOTICE NO-002/2012-2013 A public sector organization invites TENDER from reputed manufacturers / fabricator / Stockiest and importers for supply of items as per following description: -
Tender No.
Description of Stores
3. 4. 5.
CCTV System (Single stage two envelope bid system). Complete Outer Condensing Unit 3 ton Split A/C Portable Stick Welding Machine with access.
Auburn Spark Plug type level probe
7. 8.
TN-028/12-13 TN-048/12-13
Air Conditioner Split Type & Copper Pipes. Complete Outer Condensing Unit, Split A/C and Copper Tubes. Cartridge Filter Element (F40-C) Photo Copier Machine
PVDF Pipe & Fittings different types.
10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.
TN-029/12-13 TN-030/12-13 TN-031/12-13 TN-032/12-13 TN-033/12-13
MCC Thermal Over Load Heaters Air Circuit Breaker Precision Power Supply Vibration Pickup R.M.Young Monitor along with cable
Diesel Generator 100 KVA
1 TN-057/12-13
Opening Date & Time 14.11.2012 at 1030 hrs.
-do-do15.11.2012 at 1030 hrs. -do-do-do-do-do-do-
6Pulse Firing Board
TN-034/12-13 TN-035/12-13 TN-036/12-13 TN-037/12-13 TN-038/12-13 TN-039/12-13
Solenoid Valve & Rebuild kit Spare of TOC Tekmar Dohrmann. Room Thermostat Condensing Unit Complete Magnetic Contactor, Moving & Fixed Contract. Round Bar SS-316 different sizes Round Bars SS-316 different sizes. Vesconit Hilube Pump Bearing different type. M.S Pipe, Angle Iron, Iron Bar, Paint Brush. C Channel different sizes. M.S Round, Flat bar, Cutting disc etc.
Electrode for Electrolytic Cell & Worm Gear.
31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36.
TN-041/12-13 TN-042/12-13
Wooden Pallets (Pan Wood & Painted) Explosion Proof Light.
16.11.2012 at 1030 hrs. -do-do-do-do-do-do19.11.2012 at 1030 hrs. -do-do-do-do-do-do20.11.2012 at 1030 hrs. -do-do-
Cabinet Wall Mounted Steel Hose Fire Extinguisher different types.
Potassium Iodide Tablets. Ferrous Sulphate
Conductivity Cell
17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22.
Variable Frequency Drive
24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 1
TN-019/12-13* TN-047/12-13 TN-049/12-13 TN-050/12-13
TN-052/12-13 TN-053/12-13
TN-058/11-12 TN-044/12-13
TENDER NOTICE NO-002/2012-2013 S.#
Tender No.
Description of Stores
Basis F.O.R
Computer P-IV
38. 39. 40. 41. 42.
TN-051/12-13 TN-054/12-13 TN-013/12-13* TN-045/12-13 TN-046/12-13
Heavy Duty Net Work Printer Soldering, Desoldering, Digital Multimeter, etc. Media Converter GIGA Bit single mode Industrial Computer Intel Core Due Computer Server Toner Cartridge HP Laser jet printer different sizes.
Opening Date & Time 21.11.2012 at 1030 hrs.
Note: TENDER WILL BE OPENED AT KANUPP COLONY PHASE-I, HAKSBAY ROAD, KARACHI. Terms & Conditions: 1) a) The tender documents may be purchased from the office of the CHIEF ACCOUNTANT, Kanupp, Paradise Point, P.O.Box # 3183, Karachi-75400 between 0830 hrs. to 1600 hrs. (Except Saturday, Sunday & Public Holiday) against payment of Rs.300/- each in the form of (non-refundable) Pay Order/Bank Draft drawn in favor of KANUPP, Karachi. Cheque/Postal order/Bank guarantee will not be accepted. Tenders document also available at KANUPP COLONY PHASE-I, HAKSBAY ROAD, KARACHI, b) between 0830 hrs to 1215 hrs only on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. 2) Earnest money equal to 2% inclusive of GST should be endorsed in a separate seal covered envelop along with quotation. 3) No tender documents will be issued on the date of opening. 4) All persons visiting KANUPP to purchase tender documents must bring their original National Identity Card. 5) In case of holiday on due date, the tender will be opened on next working day. 6) The firms desirous of purchasing tender documents or seeking any clarification may contact Procurement Division on Phone: 9920-2222 Extension 2481 or through post. 7) Tender documents will be issued only to those firms / companies who are registered with sales tax department. 8) The suppliers are advised to submit their bids strictly as per specification/term and conditions laid down in our tender document. Otherwise their bids will be rejected. 9) In case of F.O.R, the rates should be quoted inclusive of G.S.T along with their G.S.T number allotted by the C.B.R. 10) The rates should clearly indicate actual price of the item +% GST, otherwise bid should be considered as inclusive GST. 11) The firms who had previously purchased tender documents in respect of S. No. 2, 3, 16, 17,18,19,23, & 40, above may send their bid without purchasing, fresh tender documents. 12) The competent authority reserves the right to accept or reject any or all the quotations. 13) For the purpose of Income Tax Exemption, supplier must submit, visible copy of “Bill of Entry�, along with invoice at the time of delivery. TN-Sch-002/12-13 will also be available on PPRA Web Site Head Procurement Karachi Nuclear Power Plant P.O. Box No.3183, Karachi Phone # 021-9920-2222 &9920-2233/Ext.2481, 2489 & 2480
__________________________, __________________________, PPRA __________________________,
Dear Sirs, Reference : TENDER ENQUIRY NO 0062-LP-PUR-SAA-42, Dated: 22-10-2012. You are requested to submit quotations for the item (s) noted in the schedule to the Tender. Offer should be sent duly sealed in an envelope. Please note the following instructions for filling the tender:-
1. SUBMISSION OF TENDER 1.1 Tenders will be opened at 1200 hours on 13-11-2012 and must reach this office on or before that time. The tender received late will not be entertained. You may witness the opening of the tender if you so desire. If a representative is deputed, he should bring a letter of authority from you. 1.2 Only one tender should be included in one envelope. The outside of the envelope should be inscribed with:Tenders Enquiry No.:
Tender to be opened on
Address as follows:GM-PPC-SAA&BM POFs WAH CANTT. PAKISTAN. 1.3
If envelope do not indicate reference of T.E. or received late the same may be returned un-opened.
0.2 GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS REGARDING PREPARATION OF QUOTATIONS: 2.1 For materials, the prices should be filled in column 5 and delivery date in column 6 of the schedule to this Tender Enquiry. The undertaking should be signed at the bottom of the schedule which shall form the quotation. You may use a separate sheet if necessary. 2.2. For Plant and Machinery, you are required to quote in two parts:Part I “Technical Offer”. It should exclusively give technical details and literatures/brochures of the offered plant, machinery and equipment, validity date: delivery schedule and signed undertaking given on the schedule to this Tender enquiry. It is must not indicate price, costs etc. (Cont’d…………….P/2)
POF 1262-A -2Part II “Commercial Offer”: It should indicate the commercial terms e.g. price, terms of payment, mode of payment, mode of supply. Each part should be placed in a separate sealed cover. The envelopes should be inscribed with Part I “Technical Quotation without Price” and Part II “Commercial Quotation with Price”. 2.3
The quotation must remain valid for, at least 90 days from the date of opening of tenders.
The quotation should hold good for any reduced or enhanced quantities without notice.
In the event of non-acceptance of offer, no intimation will be given to the Tenderers.
Conditional offers or alternative offers are likely to be ignored.
Quotations should be based on:F.O.R. station of despatch basis, i.e. delivered free on rail, inclusive of packing and forwarding charges. The stores will be booked under Military Credit Note, to be provided by the purchaser. and/or Free delivery at POF’s stores at
In this case Octroi duty will be payable by the supplier. 2.8
Taxes and Duties etc. where applicable, must be shown separately, quoting reference to Registration No. in cases of Sales Tax and relevant authority in the case of others. Offers without these clarifications and inclusive of Taxes and Duties may be ignored.
Taxes and duties levied on or after Tender opening date or on or after the date offer was signed and dispatched will be allowed to include in the offered rates.
“Suppliers will furnish a certificate, issued by Excise & Taxation deptt:, that he has cleared all Professional Tax payable by him” offers received without this certificate will be rejected.
Suppliers will render necessary information regarding hazardous effects on environment of the materials/products supplied by them, in their quotations and shipping/despatch documents.
If the requisite information is not furnished on the T.E. forms or offer received is not conformity with the requirement of T.E. such offer shall be ignored.
Supplies shall be subject to the inspection and acceptance by the competent inspection authority nominated by the Purchaser, who will arrange it at his own cost Inspection facilities such as tools, test equipment, instruments etc. will, however, be provided by the Suppliers in accordance with the relevant specifications.
Where considered necessary by the Purchaser, the stores may be obtained on Warranty/Guarantee subject to inspection on receipt. Rejected stores will be removed and replaced with the acceptable stores by the Supplier at his own expense, within a specified time. (Cont’d…………….P/3)
POF 1262-A -34.
TENDER FEE. The tender must be accompanied by a non-refundable fee by means of a crossed postal order in favour of GM-PPC-SAA & BM POFs Wah Cantt. The rates of the Tender Fee are as follows:Cost of supplies upto Rs. 0.1 Million. Cost of supplies from Rs. 0.1 Million to Rs. 0.5 Million. . Cost of supplies over Rs. 0.5 Million.
Rs. 50.00 Rs. 100.00 Rs. 200.00
5. BID MONEY. 5.1
Bid Money at the rate of 1% of the quoted value, should accompany the tender in the shape of Deposit at Call Receipt, from a scheduled Bank drawn in favour of:GM-PPC-SAA & BM POFs WAH CANTT. Tenders received without Bid Money will be rejected.
Bid Money of the unsuccessful tenderers will be returned as soon as the scrutiny of the tenders is completed. Bid money of the successful tenderers will be retained until the contract is finalized. Bid money will be forfeited in case the quotation is withdrawn before the expiry of its validity date.
State owned organizations are not required to provide Bid Money.
The right to accept or reject any offer in full or in part, without assigning any reason or to negotiate price without prejudice to the original offer is hereby reserved.
6.2. PERFORMANCE BOND. (a) The successful bidder shall provide Performance Bond at the rate, of 10% of the value of contract, in the form of a Deposit At Call Receipt from a scheduled Bank; or, an un-conditional Bank Guarantee valid for 12 months (03 months extendable to 12 months in case of cloth items required by Clothing Fy.) after receipt of store in POFs on a prescribed format. The performance Bond will be in favour of C.M.A. POFs Wah Cantt. It will be returned on satisfactory completion of contract. (b) If the Supplier fails to furnish the Performance Bond within the specified time, such failure will constitute a breach of the contract and the Purchaser shall be entitled to make other arrangements for purchase of the stores at the risk and expense of the Supplier. (Cont’d…………….P/4)
POF 1262-A -46.3 Performance Bond from State owned organizations may be waived off at the discretion of the Purchaser. 6.4.
FAILURE TO SUPPLY THE STORES All deliveries must be completed by the specified date. If the failure to deliver the stores within the scheduled time should have arisen from “Force Majeure”, which the Purchaser may admit as reasonable ground for further time, he will allow such additional time as he may consider to have been required by the circumstances of the case. Otherwise, he will be entitled, at his discretion, to cancel the contract; and/or, claim liquidated damages upto 2% but not less than 1% of the contact price of the items and their quantities for each and every month or part of a month, beyond the specified delivery date, during which these may not be delivered, subject to a maximum of 10% of the total contract value of the particular stores which remained unsupplied either in part or in full: or, to purchase from elsewhere, the unsupplied stores at the risk and cost of the Supplier.
6.5 PAYMENT Payment will be made by the C.M.A. through crossed cheque on receipt/acceptance of stores on our prescribed bill form supported by receipt voucher on part/full supply basis. 6.5 (a) Payment of duties/Taxes including professional tax (where applicable) must be supported by proof of having paid these to concerned Govt. Taxation Deptt: 7. SECURITY OF INFORMATION The tenderer and his employees must not communicate any information relating to the sale/purchase of stores under this enquiry to any person other than the manufacturer or to any press or agent not authorized in writing by POFs to receive it. Please return the Schedule to the Tender duly signed by the specified date, alongwith the specifications, drawings etc, if any, enclosed herewith – even if you are unable to quote. WARNING In case the firm abstain from making offers or fail to return/acknowledge the tender form by the specified date on three consecutive occasions, no further tender enquiry may be issued to them and their names would be liable to remove from approved list.
Note:Offers/bids through E-Mail & Fax are not acceptable. The offers/bids must be submitted on firm’s original letter head pad through Mail/Courier. Yours faithfully,
MANAGER-PUR-SAA&BM For PAKISTAN ORDNANCE FACTORIES ._______ Tele: (0596) 9314101-21 Ext. 22014 Telex: 5840 POFAC PK
POF-1262-A PAKISTAN ORDNANCE FACTORIES. SCHEDULE TO T.E NO. 0062-LP-PUR-SAA-42, DATED: 22-10.2012. DUE ON: 13-11-2012. FOR MATERIALS (1) Item No 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
(2) Description Round Rubber Pad Dia 25mm, Length 30mm Allen Head Screw 10x40mm Allen Head Screw 10x50mm Rubber Cup Bucket As per drg.No. SK/E-2618/D-02 Leather Buffalow 1/16˜ thick Leather Buffalow 1/04˜ thick Tap Set 14mm
10. 11.
Ball valve ¾˜
Ball Bearing 6204 Fag or Equivalent Ball Bearing MS-8 Fag or Equivalent Ball Bearing 6201 Fag or Equivalent Ball Bearing 6202 ZZ Fag or Equivalent Ball Bearing 6203 ZZ Fag or Equivalent
13. 14. 15. 16.
Price Per Unit FOR or free delivery
Endless V-Belt A-116 Endless V-Belt B-172 Ball valve ½˜
(3) Qty
50 Nos 100 Nos 100 Nos 40 Nos 30 Kg 30 Kg 5 sets 15 Nos 25 Nos 10 Nos 10 Nos 35 Nos 06 Nos 12 Nos 15 Nos 24 Nos
In Figures
In Words.
Delivery Date
02 Months or Earlier 02 Months or Earlier 02 Months or Earlier 02 Months or Earlier 02 Months or Earlier 02 Months or Earlier 02 Months or Earlier 02 Months or Earlier 02 Months or Earlier 02 Months or Earlier 02 Months or Earlier 02 Months or Earlier 02 Months or Earlier 02 Months or Earlier 02 Months or Earlier 02 Months or Earlier
18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23.
Price Per Unit FOR or free delivery
Item No 17.
Ball Bearing 6205 ZZ Fag or Equivalent Tonner For Photocopier Machine Sweeping Brush Size: 18˜ Sweeping Brush Size: 24˜ Tonner for Computer Equipment P-1005 (HP Laser Jet) Walkie Talkie Set Rang 01 Km Sticker for Caliberation
For Plant & Machinery: Specifications:
Special Conditions:
15 Nos 04 Nos 05 Nos 10 Nos 01 Nos 01 Set 20000 Nos
In Figures
In Words.
Delivery Date
02 Months or Earlier 02 Months or Earlier 02 Months or Earlier 02 Months or Earlier 02 Months or Earlier 02 Months or Earlier 02 Months or Earlier
Should our offer be accepted, we hereby undertake to supply the stores/render the services contracted on the basis of General Conditions of Contract embodied in Form POF 1281, and to deposit the performance bond within the prescribed time, failing which it will constitute a breach of contract, and POF will have the right to purchase the stores/services elsewhere at our risk and cost. Place:_______________________
Signature of the Tenderer ___________________
Name ___________________________________ Position _________________________________ Address _________________________________ Income Tax G.I.R No. _______________________
COVERING SHEET TENDER NO 1290053/B-1209/31088 DATED 10-10-2012
I/we M/s ________________________________ do herby affirm to adhere to the necessary instructions for participation in the procurement process. All the columns of DP-I, II and III are filled, signed and stamped as per requirement. Data Sheet (for unregistered firms only) is attached dully filled in all respects.
Yours truly, _________________ Signature of Tenderer _________________ Complete Name Seal/Stamp of Firm
_________________ Capacity in which Signing _________________ Date
Contact Numbers Assistant Directors Procurement DP(Navy) ADP-31 ADP-32 ADP-33 ADP-34 ADP-36 ADP-37
051-9271471 051-9271472 051-9271473 051-9271474 051-9271475 051-9271478
DP-1 DIRECTORATE PROCUREMENT (NAVY) No.……………………….. …………. Directorate of Procurement (Navy) At Ministry of Defence Production Building Sectt No. II, Adamjee Road Rawalpindi Tel: 051-9271474 Fax : 051-5516307 E-mail: M/S SEP
Invitation to Tender and General Instructions 1. Conditions Governing Contracts. The ‘Contract’ made as result of this I/T shall mean the agreement entered into between the parties i.e. the ‘Purchaser’ and the ‘Seller’ on Directorate General Defence Purchase (DGDP) contract Form “DP-19” in accordance with the law of contract Act, 1872 and those contained in Defence Purchase Procedure (DP-35) and other special conditions that may be added to given contract for the supply of Defence Stores specified herein. 2.
Understood agreed
Understood not agreed
Delivery of Tender. The offer is to be submitted in duplicate as under:a. Commercial Offer. The offer will be in duplicate and indicate prices quoted in figures as well as in words alongwith essential literature/brochure. It should be clearly marked in fact on the envelope “Commercial Offer”, tender number and date of opening. Taxes, duties, freight/transportation, insurance charges etc are to be indicated separately. Total price of the items quoted against the tender is to be clearly mentioned. b Technical Offer: (Where Applicable). Should contain all relevant specifications in triplicate in an envelope and clearly marked “Technical Offer” without prices, tender number and date of opening. a. Special Instructions. Tender documents and its conditions may please be read point by point and understood properly before quoting. All tender conditions should be responded clearly. In case of any deviation due to non-acceptance of tender conditions(s), the same should be highlighted alongwith your changed offer/conditions. Tender may however be liable to be rejected.
Understood agreed
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Understood not agreed
d. Firms shall submit their offers in two separate envelopes (i.e. two copies of commercial offer and two or more copies of the technical offer as asked in the IT). The commercial offer will include rates of items/services called for and the technical offer will not indicate the rates. Both types of offers are to be enclosed in separate covers and each envelope shall be properly sealed bearing the signature of the bidder. Each cover shall indicate type of offer, number and date of IT and IT opening date. Thereafter both the envelopes (technical and commercial offer) shall be placed in one envelope (second cover) duly sealed and signed. This cover should bear the address of the procurement agency indicating, issuance date of IT and No, with its opening date. This should be further placed in another cover (third cover), addressed as indicated in the tender documents, without any indication that there is a tender within it. e.
The tender duly sealed will be addressed to the following:Directorate of Procurement (Navy)/P-31. At Ministry of Defence Production Building Secretariat No. II, Adamjee Road Rawalpindi, PAKISTAN Telephone: 92-051-9271468-78 Fax No. 92-051-5516307 E-Mail:
3. Date and Time For Receipt of Tender. Tender must reach this office by the date and time specified in the Schedule to Tender (Form DP-2) attached. This Directorate will not accept any excuse of delay occurring in post. Tenders received after the appointed/ fixed time will NOT be entertained. The appointed time will, however, fall on next working day in case of closed/forced holiday. Only legitimate/registered representatives of firm will be allowed to attend tender opening. 4. Tender Opening. Tenders will be opened as mentioned in the schedule of tender. Commercial offers will be opened at later stage if Technical Offers are declared acceptable on examination by technical authorities of PN. Date and time for opening of Commercial offer shall be intimated later. Only legitimate / registered representative of firm will be allowed to attend tender opening. 5.
Understood agreed
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Understood agreed
Understood not agreed
Validity of Offer. a. The validity period of quotations must be indicated and should invariably be 90 days extendable to 120 days from the date of opening of commercial offer. Conversion rate of FE/LC components will be considered w.e.f. opening of commercial offer.
b. The quoting firm will certify that in case of an additional requirement of the contract items (s) in any qty(s) with in a period of 12 month from the date of signing the contract, these will also be supplied ( at the on going contract rates) with discount.
Understood agreed
Understood not agreed
Understood agreed
Understood not agreed
8. Return of I/T. In case you are Not quoting, please return the tender inquiry stating the reason of NOT quoting. In case of failure to return the ITs either quoted or not quoted consequently on three occasions, this Directorate, in the interest of economy, will consider the exclusion of your firm’s name from our future distribution list of invitation to tender.
Understood agreed
Understood not agreed
9. Withdrawal of Offer. If the firm withdraws it offer within validity period the competent authority may place such firm under embargo for a period, which may be extended up to one year.
Understood agreed
Understood not agreed
6. Part Bid. Firm may quote for the whole or any portion, or to state in the tender that the rate quoted, shall apply only if the entire quantity is taken from the firm. The Director Procurement reserves the right of accepting the whole or any part of the tender or portion of the quantity offered, and firm shall supply these at the rate quoted. 7. Quoting of Rates. Only one rate will be quoted for entire quantity, item wise.
10. Provision of Documents in case of Contract on Earnest Money.. In case any firm wins a contract on EM, it will deposit following documents for provisional registration before award of contract:
Understood agreed
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Understood agreed
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Understood agreed
Understood not agreed
a. A copy of letter showing firm’s financial capability. b. Foreign Seller has to provide its Registration Number issued by respective Department of Commerce authorizing export of subject stores. c. Principal/Agency Agreement.
Return of Earnest Money. a. Earnest Money to the unsuccessful bidders will be returned on finalization of the contract. b. Earnest Money of the firm/firms with whom contract is concluded will be returned on submission of Bank Guarantee as stipulated in the contract.
12. Earnest Money/Tender Bond: your tender must be accompanied by a Bank Draft in favour of CMA (DP), Rawalpindi for the following amount:
Registered/Indexed Firms: 2% of the quoted value only.
Registered but Un-indexed Firms: 3% of the quoted value only.
Un-registered/Un-indexed Firms: 5% of the quoted value only
In case of firm wins a contract on EM, it will deposit following documents for provisional Regn before the award of contracts: S. No. i)
Local Supplier
Foreign Supplier
Three filled copies of SVA-8121 of each member of management
Three filled copies of SVA-8121D of each member of management Three filled copies of SVA-8121 Three photocopy of Resident Card or equivalent identification Card for each member of management Three PP size photographs for each member of management Challan Form (*) Financial standing/audit balance sheet Photocopy of passport Agency Agreement in case of Trading House/Company/ Exporter/Stockiest etc.
ii) iii)
Three filled copies of SVA-8121-A Three photocopy of NIC for each member of management
Three PP size photographs for each member of management Challan Form (*) Bank Statement for last one year
v) vi) vii) viii)
Photocopy of NTN Foreign Principal Agency Agreement in case of local agent
13. Treasury Challan. a. Offers must be accompanied with a challan form of Rs.200/- (obtainable from State Bank of Pakistan/Government Treasury) and debitable to Major Head XL VII, Main Head XII, Sub Head ‘A’ Miscellaneous Code No Def – 1220. Each offer will be covered by one challan.
Not Attached
Not Attached
Understood agreed
Understood not agreed
b. In case of un-registered firms, whether they have applied for registration or not, will pay tender inquiry fee (Challan Form) at following rates: (1) Contract for value upto. Rs. 250,000/- :
Rs 1,000/-
(2) Contract for value from Rs. 250,000/- to Rs.5,000,000/-
Rs. 1,500/-
(3) Contracts for value above 5,000,000/-
Rs. 2,000/-
Inspection Authority. Understood agreed
Understood not agreed
Inspection Authority will be CINS
b. Joint Inspection of store, after receipt at consignee warehouse will be carried out by Consignee and Specialist User. However, functional tests and trials prior final acceptance will be carried out by end user
15. Condition of Stores. Brand new stores will be accepted on Firm’s Warranty/Guarantee Form DPL-15. Copy of DPL-15 can be obtained from DP(N) on e-mail address given on page 1.
16. Marking. Marking Spec/Misc/NS/002/80.
17. Documents Required. submitted along with the quote:
Understood agreed
Understood not agreed
Following documents are required to be
Understood agreed
Understood not agreed
Understood agreed
Understood agreed
a. OEM/Authorized Dealer/Agent Certificate along with OEM Dealership Evidence. b. The supplier is to provide OEM conformance certificate to CINS through respective ADsP/DAs or it is to be e-mailed to CINS directly by OEM. Hard copy of conformance certificate must follow, in any case, through DHL courier. On receipt, PN can approach the OEM to confirm whether an OEM conformance certificate has been issued by them. Companies/firms rendering false OEM conformance will be blacklisted. c.
Original quotation/proforma invoice.
d. In case of bulk proforma invoice, a certificate that prices indicated in the bulk proforma invoice have not been decreased since the date of bulk proforma invoice from the manufacturers/suppliers. e. Submit breakup of cost of stores/services on the following lines: (1) Imported material with break down item wise along-with import duties. (2) Variable business overheads like taxes and duties imposed by the federal/provincial government as applicable:(i) General Sales Tax
(ii) Income Tax (iii) Custom Duty. PCT code along with photocopy of the related page is to be attached where applicable. (iv) Any other tax/duty. Fixed overhead charges like labour, electricity
(3) etc. (4) Agent commission/profit, if any. (5) Any other expenditure/cost/service/remuneration as asked for in the tender.
Understood agreed
Understood agreed
18. Rejection of Stores/Services. The stores/services offered as a result of contract concluded against FOR tender may be rejected as follows: a. b. c.
1st rejection on Govt. expense 2nd rejection on supplier expense 3rd rejection contract cancellation will be initiated.
19. Security Deposit/Bank Guarantee . To ensure timely and correct supply of stores the firm will furnish an unconditional Bank Guarantee(BG) from a schedule Bank for an amount of 10 % of the contract value (excluding Taxes, duties/freight handling charges) on a Judicial Stamp Paper of the value of (Rs 100.00) as per prescribed format or in shape of CSD/Bank draft. The Bank Guarantee shall be endorsed in favour of CMA(DP) Rawalpindi who is the Accounts Officer specified in the contract. The CMA(DP) Rawalpindi have the like power of seeking encashment of the Bank Guarantee as if the same has been demanded by the purchaser himself. The Bank Guarantee shall be produced by the supplier within 30 days from the date of issue of the contract and remain valid for upto 60 days after completion of warranty period and remain in force till one year ahead of the delivery date given in the contract. If delivery period is extended, the supplier shall arrange the extension of Bank Guarantee within 30 days after the original delivery period to keep its validity always one year ahead of the extended delivery period. The BG form can be obtained from DP(N) on e-mail address given on page 1.
Understood agreed
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Understood agreed
Understood not agreed
20. Integrity Pact. Procurements exceeding Rs 10 Million shall be subject to an integrity pact, between the procuring agency and the suppliers or contractors. The form is available at or can be requested at
21. Correspondence. All correspondence will be addressed to the Purchaser. Correspondence with regard to payment or issue of delivery receipt may be addressed to CMA Rawalpindi & Consignee respectively with copy endorsed to the purchaser.
22. Pre-shipment Inspection. PN may send a team of officers including DP(N) member for the inspection of major equipments and machinery items at OEM premises.. 23. Amendment to Contract. Contract may be amended/modified to include fresh clause (s) modify the existing clauses with the mutual agreement by the supplier and the purchaser; such modification shall form an integral part of the contract. 24. Discrepancy. The consignee will render a discrepancy report to all concerned within 60 days after receipt of stores for discrepancies found in the consignment. The quantities found short are to be made good by the supplier, free of cost. 25.
Understood agreed
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Understood agreed
Understood not agreed
Price Variation. a. Prices offered against this tender are to be firm and final. b. Where the prices of the contracted stores/raw material are controlled by the government or an agency competent to do so on government behalf then price increase/decrease will be allowed at actual on case to case basis on production of government notification by the Supplier for the subject stores where the firms are contractually obliged and bound to produce the stores from raw materials supplied by government/State controlled departments in consultation with Military Finance. c. Except for calculation or typographical errors, the rates of the contracts not having a price variation clause PVC clause will not be increased subsequently. But when such an increase is considered desirable in the interest of expeditious supply of stores and is necessitated by the circumstances beyond the control of the Supplier, the case may be decided accordingly.
26. Price Reduction (PR). In case the stores on inspection are found to be below the stipulated specification and these are proposed to be accepted by the inspector under deviation subject to be certain price reduction, the relevant Inspection Note may be released and stores dispatched to the consignee with the following endorsement on the Inspection Note: “Accepted under deviation with certain price reduction, as recommended on deviation form, which is subject to final approval/decision by the Purchaser�
The supplier will not submit the bills unless price reduction aspect is finally decided upon by the purchaser and formal amendment to this effect is issued in the contract. Understood agreed
Understood not agreed
Understood agreed
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Understood agreed
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Understood agreed
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Understood agreed
Understood not agreed
27. Buy back. The seller will buy back the spares/items supplied as a part of this tender at the selling price, which are no longer required as indicated by the buyer with in five years from the final acceptance of the spares/items. 28. Force Majeure. The supplier will not be held responsible for any delay occurring in supply of equipment due to event of Force Majeure such as acts of God, War, Civil commotion, Strike, Lockouts, Act of Foreign Government and its agencies and disturbance directly affecting the supplier over which events or circumstances the supplier has no control. In such an event the supplier shall inform the purchaser within 15 days of the happening and within the same timeframe about the discontinuation of such circumstances/happening in writing. Non-availability of raw material for the manufacture of stores, or of export permit for the contracted stores from the country of its origin, shall not constitute Force Majeure. 29. Arbitration. All matters of dispute or difference regarding rejection of stores by the inspector or cancellation of the contract by the Purchaser, arising out of the contract finalized between the parties thereto, the settlement of which is not otherwise specially provided for in the contract, shall be referred to arbitration as under: a.
Foreign Currency (FOB/CIF/C&F/FSA etc) Contracts (1). The dispute shall be referred for adjudication to two arbitrators one to be nominated by each party. Who before entering upon the reference shall appoint an umpire by mutual agreement and if they do not agree a judge of the Superior Court will be requested to appoint the umpire. The arbitration proceedings shall be held in Pakistan and under Pakistan Law. (2). The venue of arbitration shall be the place from which the contact is issued or such other places as the Purchaser at his discretion may determine. (3). Arbitration award so given will be firm and final.
b. Indigenous (FOR etc) Contracts.The settlement of dispute, is not otherwise specially provided for in the contract, through arbitration clause in the contract shall be referred to the decision of Secretary, Ministry of Defence (DP Division). His decision shall be final and binding on both the parties. Work under the contract shall if reasonably possible continue, under the proceedings before the said Secretary and no
payments payable by the Director shall be withheld on the account of such proceeding unless they are subject of the dispute. 30. Court of Jurisdiction. In case of any dispute only court of jurisdiction at Rawalpindi shall have jurisdiction to decide the matter. 31. Liquidated Damages(LD). Liquidated Damages upto 2% per month are liable to be imposed on the suppliers by the purchaser in accordance with DP-35, if the stores supplied after the expiry of the delivery date without any valid reasons. Total value of LD shall not exceed 10% of the contract value. 32. Risk Purchase. In the event of failure on the part of supplier to comply with the contractual obligations the contract will be cancelled at the Risk and Expense of the supplier in accordance with DP-35.
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33. Penalty. In case of wrong supply of the item by the supplier, a penalty of 10 % of the contract value may be imposed by DP(N) apart from any other penalties. 34. Gratuities/Commission/Gifts. No commission, rebate, bonus, fee or compensation in any form shall be paid to any local or foreign agent, consultant representative, sales promoter or any intermediary by the Manufacturer/Supplier except the agent commission payable as per the agent commission policy of the government and as amended from time to time and given in the contract. Any breach of such clause(s) of the contract by Manufacturer/Supplier and/or their sole nominated representative may result in cancellation of the contract blacklisting of the Manufacturer/Supplier financial penalties and all or any other punitive measure which the purchaser may consider appropriate. 35.
Understood agreed
Understood not agreed
Termination of Contract. a. If at any time during the currency of the contract the Purchaser decides to terminate the contract for any reason whatsoever (other than for reasons of Non-Delivery) he shall have right to do so by giving the Supplier a registered notice to that effect. In that event the Purchaser will accept delivery at the contract price and terms of such stores/goods/services which are in the actual process of manufacture that is completed and ready for delivery within thirty days after receipt by the Supplier of such notice. b. In the case of remainder of the undelivered stores/goods/services the Purchaser may elect either:
Understood agreed
Understood not agreed
(1). To have any part thereof completed and take the delivery thereof at the contract price or. (2). To cancel the remaining quantity and pay to the Supplier for the articles or sub-components or raw materials purchased by the Supplier and are in the actual process of manufacture at the price to be determined by the Purchaser. In such a case materials in the process of manufacture shall be delivered by the Supplier to the Purchaser. (3). No payment shall however be made for any materials not yet in the actual process of manufacture on the date notice of cancellation is received. c. Should the Supplier fail to deliver goods/services in time as per quality terms of contract or fail to render Bank Guarantee within the stipulated time period or any breach of the contract the Purchaser reserves the right to terminate/cancel the contract fully or any part thereof at the risk and expense (RE) of the Supplier. 36. Rights Reserved. Directorate Procurement (Navy), Rawalpindi reserves full rights to accept or reject any or all offers including the lowest, before formal Final Acceptance of any offer. Particular reasons for cancellation of tender/offer/bid will be intimated upon request of bidder. 37. Application of Official Secret Acts. All the matters connected with this enquiry and subsequent actions arising there from come within the scope of the Official Secret Act, 1923. You are, therefore, requested to ensure complete secrecy regarding documents and stores concerned with the enquiry and to limit the number of your employees having access to this information. 38. Acknowledgment. Firms will send acknowledgement slips within 07 days from the date of receipt of IT. In case IT is not received by a registered firm within 10 days IT published in the Bulletin, the firm must ask for it from concerned procurement agency in writing with intimation to Registration Section (DGDP) or visit www.ppra to download the required tender. 39.
Disqualification. Offers are liable to be rejected if:a. Received later than appointed/fixed date and time. b. Offers are found conditional or incomplete in any respect. c. Any deviation from the General /Special/Technical Instructions contained in this tender. d. Forms DP-1, DP-2,and DP-3 duly signed, if NOT received with the offers.
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Understood not agreed
Understood not agreed
e. Taxes and duties, freight/transportation and insurance charges NOT indicated separately as per required price breakdown mentioned at Para 17. f. Treasury challan is NOT attached with the offer. g. Multiple rates are quoted against one item. h. Manufacturer’s relevant brochures and technical details on major equipment assemblies are not attached in support of specifications. j. Subject to restriction of export license. k. Offers (commercial/technical) containing non-initialed/ unauthenticated amendments/corrections/overwriting. l. If the validity of the agency agreement expired at the time of submission of offer. m. The commercial offer against FOB/CIF/C&F tender is quoted in local currency and vise versa. n. Principals invoice in duplicate clearly indicating whether prices quoted are inclusive or exclusive of the agent commission is not enclosed. p. Earnest money is not provided. q. If validity of offer is not quoted as required in IT or made subject to confirmation later. r. Offer made through Fax/E-mail/Cable/Telex. s. If offer is found to be based on cartel action in connivance with other sources/ participants of the tender. t. If OEM and principal name and complete address is not mentioned. u. Stores or any parts thereof are originated/manufactured from India, Israel or Taiwan. 40. The above terms and conditions are confirmed in total for acceptance.
yours, _____________________________ (To be Signed by Officer Concerned) Rank:__________________________ NAME:_________________________ NOTES 1. FORM DP-1, DP-2, DP-3 and Questionnaires. Form DP-1, DP-2, DP-3 and Questionnaires duly filled in are to be returned with the offer duly signed by the authorized signatory/person. It is pertinent to mention that all these are mandatory requirement for participation in the tender.
2. Copy of DP-35 Revised 2002: Copies of DP-35 revised 2002 are available with Registration Section DGDP and the same be obtained by the Supplier on payment at the rate of Rs 250/- each.
(Signatures of Tenderer) ……………………………………. (Capacity in which signing)
DP-2 INVITATION TO TENDER FORM 1. Schedule to Tender No. 1290053/B-1209/310188 dated 01-10-2012. This tender will be closed for acceptance at 1000 Hrs and will be opened at 1100 Hours on 21-11-2012. Please drop tender in the Tender Box No.107. 2. You are requested to please use this Performa for price quotation, fill in the prices, affix your stamp on the same, sign it and forward it in original as your Commercial offer along with the covering letter of your firm. If you do not use this form as price quotations your offer might be rejected. 3. Please tick the prescribed IT instructions and confirm complied or not complied in the column given in front of each instruction. 4. You are requested not to use ink of any colour other than black and there should be no writing / overwriting except in the column / columns specified for that purpose. 5. Any overwriting will render your offer liable for rejection. 6. You are requested to please attach DP-1,DP-2 and DP-3 along with your quotation duly signed & stamped. S.No
1. 5825-72-512-0194 SCOPE OF WORK Provision of communication equipment as per equipment specification mentioned at Annex ‘A’
04 X HF Receiver s
FUNCTIONAL/NONFUNCTIONAL/TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS General Instruction at as per Annex ‘B’ GRAND TOTAL Special Note: All participating firms must submit technical offers in duplicate in original (one for TSR committee and one for DP(Navy)). In case of failure to comply, offer will liable for rejection.
Basis for Acceptance: FOB Basis Quantity/Requirement: Quantity of store can be increased/ decreased as per requirement / discretion of purchaser.
Country of Origin USA,UK Europe However Firm must specify one country of origin.
Inspection Authority As per clause 38 of Annex B of DP-2 Delivery Period
08 09 10 11
06 Months after contract signing Earnest Money 2% OF QUOTED VALUE AT MAXIMUM 10,000 US$. Validity of Offer 90 t0 120 days After Tender Opening TSR (Technical Scrutiny) Required Tender Nature Open Tender Basis Terms of Payment 70% Payment on a. Receipt of all materials, documents, procedures etc as per contract b. Acceptance of the stores/documents by inspection committee. 30% Payment a. After issuance of final acceptance certificate upon successful installation and commissioning.. b. After issuance of CRV Note: The firm who fail to undertake the installation and commissioning of equipment well in time ( as described in contract or 60 days after delivery) due to its own fault, will be subjected to 2% Liquidated Damage per month for the delayed period on balance payment.
12 13 14
Marking Marking of stores in accordance with international standards. Currency of Contract All participating firms are to quote in US$. Following documents are also required Original quotation/Proforma invoice and in case of bulk Proforma invoice, a certificate that prices indicated in the bulk Proforma invoice have not been decreased since the date of bulk Proforma. Invoice form the manufacturers. "Suppliers" must be attached in support of the prices quoted. Only one rate will be quoted for entire quantity, item wise.
Each and every clause of the tender documents is to be addressed. No clause/ column of the tender document should be un addressed. Furthermore, the specifications and IT conditions are to be confirmed in technical offer in total for acceptances.
16 17
Lab testing charges, will be borne by the supplier. Certificate of Conformance by OEM
The firm /supplier shall provide correct and valid e mail and fax number to CINS and DP (Navy). Supplier /contracting firm shall either provide OEM conformance certificate to CINS or is to be e mailed to CINS under information to DP(Navy) Hard copy of conformance certificate must follow, in any case, through courier. On receipt, CINS shell approach the OEM for verification of conformance certificate issued by the OEM. Companies/firms rendering false OEM conformance certificate will be black listed. Compensation on breach of contract If the contractor fails to supply of contracted stores or contract is cancelled either on RE or without RE or contract become ineffective due to default of supplier / seller or stores / equipment declared defective and caused loss to the Government, contractor shall be liable to pay to the Government compensation for loss or inconvenience resulting for his default or from the rescission of his contract when such default or rescission take9place such compensation will be in excess to the RE amount, if imposed by the competent authority. Compensation amount in terms of money will be decided by the purchase officer and will be deposited by contractor / seller in Government treasury in the currency of contract. Performance Bank Guarantee Successful registered bidder is to submit unconditional performance bond in shape of bank guarantee equal to 05% of contracted value .within 30 days after signing of contract. For successful unregistered bidder the said amount is 10% of contract value. The performance bond is to remain valid till the completion of Warranty Period.
Port Charges in case of FOB Contracts All port and Dock dues in Pakistan for FOB, CIF, FCA and CIP contracts (if applicable) will be paid by Supply Officer PN Embarkation HQ Karachi.
Annex ‘A’ to Tender No. 1290053/B-1209/310188 Dated September 2012 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS AND SCOPE OF WORK ROLE 1. The anticipated role of HF receiver is to enable long range communications incorporation latest trends in the filed of HF communication for ship borne applications:. FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENT 2. The programmable digital HF receiver should conform to following functional requirements: a.
Be easy to operate via crypto terminal, remote control unit or front panel.
Be capable of handing following types of communications/information: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
Have provision of Automatic Gain Control (AGC) and Manual Gain Control (MGC).
Have a message handing software including auto routing facility.
Employ microprocessor for interfacing, menus and user programs.
Have standard interfaces for integration/interface with other equipment (RS-232, RS-422).
Be compatible with existing cipher machine being used in PN.
The system should be capable of real time channel evaluation and rejecting.
Have complete BITE facility up to module level.
The equipment is to be integrated with existing communication equipment onboard.
l. The radio should have the capability to receive data through existing PN data links.
The system should conform to following non functional requirements: a.
A digital programmable with user friendly MMI and flexible interface.
Be provided in a water proof, dust protected metal casing with a built in power supply unit. the equipment should be rack mounted for ship borne applications.
4. The hardware and software should be supportable for at least 20 years from date of commissioning of equipment, with warranty for a period of 01 year after commissioning. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS 5.
The receiver should conform to following technical specification:
Frequency Range Frequency Resolution Synthesizer Tuning Time Demodulation Modes Frequency Stability Frequency Ageing Data transfer Rate Channel Memory Freely Programmable Half duplex Fixed programmed Immunity to input interface Input Impedance S/N Ratio IF Rejection Sensitivity
MTBF MTTR Inter-modulation Products Spurious Suppression Suppression of Unwanted Side band
10 KHz â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 30 MHz Better than 100Hz with search and fine tune facility < 20 ms to within 20Hz CW/MCW, AM/AME, USB/LSB, ISB, FSK/AFSK. Better than 0.35 ppm Less than 1 ppm per year. Less than 5 ppm per 10 years. 50 to 2400 baud 500 Channels 100 Channels 100 Channels Up to 200 V EMF 50 ohm. 145 dB Better than 90db Better than the following figures: SSB: 0.5 uV AM: 1.0 uV CW: 0.25 uV > 5000 hrs < 30 m Better than 40dB Better than 70 dB PEP Greater than 60 dB
The equipment should be supplied with necessary cabling and interfaces.
The system software must incorporate following features: a.
It should be fully documented.
Complete source codes must be provided with the software.
Software must have simulation and training facilities.
d. The software should be of latest version and the supplier must furnish a certificate to this effect. Any upgradation of the software should be provided free of cost. POWER SUPPLY REQUIREMENT 8.
The equipment should be able to operate on following power supplier: a.
The primary power available onboard respective PN Ships.
For shore based applications, 220V, single phase, 50Hz.
12/24V DC (battery power).
COUNTRY OF ORIGIN 9. Supplier is to indicate country of origin of stores alongwith the offer. In addition, offered equipment should be preferably of Western origin. CONFORMANCE TO MILITARY STANDARDS 10.
The receiver should conform to following military standards: a. b. c. d.
EMI/EMC Shock & Vibration Climatic Software development & Quality
MIL-STD-461F MIL-STD-810G MIL-STD-810G MIL-STD-498 & 2168
Tendering is open to all firms meeting the following requirements: a.
Tender shall be entertained only from the firms/authorized agent of the actual manufacturer having their registered office in Pakistan and which can provide backup support after sale services at Islamabad & Karachi. The system shall be ISO 9001:2008 certified, ISO Certificate must be provided with technical proposal.
Duly registered with the income tax and sales tax department of Pakistan (if applicable).
The firm shall furnish documentary evidence of its average annual turn over as per audited financial statement or calculated as total certified
payments received of contract performed or in progress during the lat five (05) years to ascertain the financial capability of firm. d.
The firm shall furnish documentary evidence that it meets the following requirements (s):
(1) The manufacturer of the offered goods should have at least five (05) years experience in supplying similar type of goods in local market/international market. (2)
The firm should have at least five (05) years experience in supplying and installing similar type of goods.
The firm shall furnish documentary evidence to demonstrate that the goods offered meet the usage and quality requirement as specified in the technical specifications.
Annex ‘B’ to Tender No. 1290053/B-1209/310188 Dated September 2012 GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS MAN MACHINE INTERFACE (MMI) 1. The equipment should be user friendly, MMI configurable by purchaser as per agreed user requirement: TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE 2. The manufacturer is to provide for each system the services of its own qualified engineers and technicians to undertake all activities mentioned below with the assistance of Pakistan Navy. These services will be for the duration till all the activities defined below are accomplished to the entire satisfaction of PN: a.
Installation of the complete equipment along with all accessories/ancillaries at respective units in Pakistan including the feasibility study and interface development.
Integration and interfacing of supplied equipment with existing communication system in PN.
Seller will be responsible for installation, FATs and SATs on respective units.
ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA 3. The seller is to provide Factory Acceptance Tests (FATs) and Site Acceptance Trails (SATs) procedures (In English) three moths in advance for study and vetting by PN. The final acceptance procedures will be made by PN, taking into consideration the trial procedure recommended by the supplier, system specifications provide by the supplier and PN experience in operating/maintaining HF communication equipment. 4. Seller will carry out Factory Acceptance Tests (FATs) at its premises, in the presence of authorized representative(s) of the Buyer/PN. All claimed technical capabilities should be demonstrated during Factory Acceptance Trails (FATs). PN will pay for international travelling expenses of PN personnel whereas transportation, boarding and lodging abroad will be borne by seller. 5. After installation, STW and commissioning of the supplied equipment, the seller will carryout all acceptance tests/trials in the presence of Buyer/PN to prove the system is performing as per agreed criteria. The final acceptance certificate will be signed by PN only after successful completion of all acceptance trials and 100% operational performance proven by the seller to the entire satisfaction of Buyer/PN as per agreed capabilities. 6. The buyer shall have the right to inspect the equipment at seller’s site before its handing over to PN. The seller shall inform buyer within 60 days in advance through telex/fax about the date of inspection so that the buyer representatives can be present
at site. In case no response is received from buyer within 30 days, the seller may proceed with the delivery without waiting for buyerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s representatives.
The seller to provide following to the buyer: a.
Enumeration of maintenance and repair philosophy and degree of reparability at each maintenance level preferably upto competent level.
The number and qualifications of the personnel required at each level.
Maintenance frequency requirement for level 1 and 2 with special emphasis to equipment/parts exposed to environment.
Facility required at each level including test equipment/tolls etc alongwith cost of each item.
Equipment and system reliability figures.
Following training should be arranged with OEM: a.
Operator training (inland/aboard) for 4-5 x operators to enable the operators to user the system to its optimum capabilities for one/two week duration.
Maintenance training for 5-6 x maintainers to enable them to undertake maintenance/repair upto 2nd level for two/three week duration.
DOCUMENTATION 9. Supplier is to provide an operating manual for each set. However, 02 sets for maintenance/repair overhauling up to factory level with documentation are also to be delivered. FUTURE SUPPORTABILITY REQUIREMENTS TRAINING AND DOCUMENTATION)
10. Future maintenance requirements of the equipment should be considered in two phases: a.
Phase-I: (1)
Maintenance facilities including spare support should be provided by the firm free of cost during warranty period i.e 24 months after final acceptance of equipment.
Firm should provide complete range of Tools/Test, Equipment, Job Information Cards (JICs) and extension boards along with
requisite software/firmware required for modules replacement. b.
Phase-II: equipment:
Under mentioned items to be delivered alongwith radio
One year onboard and 5 years (after expiry of warranty) Depot level package of spares/replacement modules and PCBs is to be made available.
The supplier should agree to provide future upgrades/modifications on the offered stores. The supplier should agree to certify that items are brand new.
TEST INSTRUMENTS AND TOOLS 11. An adequate inventory of general purpose test equipment/tools and special to type test equipment/tools will also be provided by the seller to support following: a.
Set to Work, Filed Tests/Trials.
Intermediate/workshop associated hardware.
12. The supplier shall provide proposal for Dockyard/Depot level test bench facilities alongwith budgetary effects covering following: a.
Test Instruments to undertake overhaul and reconditioning of equipment.
b. Automatic test bench facility alongwith associate software for maintenance and repair of all the sub-systems/modules/PCBs/components of the main equipment. A complete list of repairable and non repairable sub systems/modules/PCBs/components through Automatic test bench is to be provided with the offer. CONTINUES LOGISTIC SUPPORT 13. The seller will guarantee to supply the necessary spares for next 20 years form the date of final acceptance of the system by PN. A certificate to this effect will be provided by the seller alongwith offer. All the COTS (Commercial off the Shelf) items supplied as part of the main equipment should preferably be supportable in Pakistan through the respective local authorized after sales service centres for such items. 14. The Seller will be required to have a provision in the same contract for replacement of defective components/parts through exchange and shall provide in the proposal the Standard Replacements Cost for all PCBS modules, sub-assembles, LRUs, etc used in the equipment/system for next five years. Further more the Seller will also be required to furnish the Standard Repair Costs for all these PCBs, modules, Sub-assemblies, LRUs, etc. 15. In case of discontinuation of production of any component/part as result of obsolescence or development of upgraded version, the seller is to inform the buyer
atleast one (01) year in advance. The seller will ensure the provision of such components/parts as demanded by the buyer prior discontinuation of the production and shall also provide alternate for such components/parts in case the original is not available. 16. The seller is to provide alongwith the offer the name of manufacturers of all the major sub-assemblies, components and associated accessories of the offered system. 17. The seller is to provide alongwith the offer copies of Standards/Specifications referred to or used for the equipment and its accessories. SPARES 18. The supplier will provide onboard/ready use spares to keep the system functional at its optimum performance for an operational period on one (01) year and depot level spares for five (05) years alongwith following information for each item and the same is also to be made part of the contract: a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. j.
Part Number or NATO Stock Number Description/Nomenclature Denomination Shelf Life OEM Main Equipment Price Quantity Required Special Storage requirements
19. The composition of the spares package as part of the scope of supply should essentially include atleast one of each type of major LRUs and PCBs. A certificate to the effect will be rendered by OEM alongwith offer. 20. The seller is to provide list of COTS items alongwith source of supply, price breakdown and features of relevant COTS. 21. Critically required spares should form part of one year onboard and five (05) years deport level spares package which are to be provided by OEM. The proposal should include prices and lead time of all critical items. CUSTOMIZED COMPONENTS 22. The seller is to provide list of all customized components as well as all programmable components used in the system, to meet the PN maintenance/repair requirements for next five years. 23. In case of computer hardware, no customized chips/modules/memory/interfacing to be use. Such components should be COTS nature of ease of replacement. List of such hardware with OEM addresses be provided. GENERAL ITEMS
24. A list general items/test equipment/tools/computer hardware/power supplies/cables etc that can be sourced locally, to be provided alongwith offer. This should also include price of each item. BUY BACK 25. The seller will buy back the spare/PCBs/LRUs/parts supplied as a part of this indents at the selling price, which are no longer required as indicated by the buyer within five years form the final acceptance of the systems. INSTALLATION OF EQUIPMENT 26. Supplier should undertake installation of equipment onboard each platform. Project Definition Documents (PDD) defining interfacing, necessary drawing and other technical requirement should be prepared and provided by the supplier 03 months after singing of contract. TRIALS OF EQUIPMENT 27.
Following to be included in the trials:
a. All claimed technical/operational capabilities should be demonstrated to PN tam comprising of 3-4 PN personnel during Factory Acceptance Trial (FATs). Moreover, site survey be conducted of PN units at Karachi. b. SATS should be conducted to verify workmanship, applied quality standard and other technical features of the equipment c. Upon installation, trials for extended ranges should be conducted by PN in presence of Firmâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Engineers. Operational ranges of HF equipment during all seasons must be ensured. WARRANTY/GUARANTEE 28. Warranty/Guarantee of supplied equipment should be provided for a period of 12 moths for defects in hardware and 10 years for defects in software form date of final acceptance by PN and upn successful completion of SATs. LONG TERMS SECURITY GUARANTEE 29. The supplier should ensure complete confidentiality regarding supply of equipment to PN and knowledge about PN systems. INTERFACING 30. The supplier is to render certificate of compatibility of equipment proposed with existing equipment in use within PN (where applicable). Details of these (if required) may be obtained form Naval Headquarters. The effectiveness of the contract shall be subject to the successful inter-operability demonstration of the offered system with the existing equipment being used in PN.
31. The OEM will deliver the ICDs/protocols alongwith the equipment. This will include all hardware/software modules to facilitate PN to integrate the equipment independent of OEM at later stages. DOCUMENTATION 32.
Seller to provide documents as per appendix 1.
DELIVERY SCHEDULE 33. The Equipment/Stores are to be delivered within six (06) months of signing of the contract. 34.
The delivery will be made by the seller on CIP basis.
PROVISION TO BUY ADDITIONAL SYSTEMS 35. The buyer/PN may order additional sets and accessories within 01 year of acceptance of the initially procured systems under this indent. The price for the later systems shall not be more than lthe price of the systems initially procured under this indent. PROVISION OF RATE RUNNING CONTRACT 36. The supplier would be required to have a provision for going into a Rate Running Contract (RRC) for technical assistance, spare parts, training and repair of parts on request of PN. PAYMENT TERMS 37.
As per DP-35 or as mutually agreed by both the parties.
TECHNICAL SCRUTINY 38. Technical scrutiny of the technical bid would be conducted by a committee nominated by NHQ. OBSOLESCENCE CLAUSE 39. Following obsolescence clause will also be included in the contract as part of continuous logistic support: a. In case of equipment becoming obsolete/obsolescent and the inability of the seller/OEM to provide spares support of equipment and repair of components/sub-systems, the seller undertakes to provide technical drawing and details of manufacturing processes to the buyer, free of charge, to enable the latter to become self sufficient, should the buyer choose to do so. b. In case of equipment becoming obsolete the supplier will replace the equipment with modified/substitute and shall charge form the buyer the difference of price of substitute/modified equipment and the previously supplied equipment (on case to case basis).
D SIGs, Naval Headquarter Islamabad.
PENALTY 41. The supplier before making the delivery of the equipment will carryout complete test of equipment at his facilities to ensure that the same has been manufactured as per the specifications. However, the buyer after its receipt will carryout inspection and test/trials. In case the equipment/machinery does not pass the test/trials, the buyer has the right to out rightly reject the equipment or impose penalty at rate 2-5% of the value of the relevant equipment/item. 42. The penalty shall not absolve the supplier to undertake the repairs in Pakistan at his cost and expense. This shall be in addition to other penalties and obligations covered in the contract like warranty/guarantee obligations on form DPL-15. MISCELLANEOUS 43. OEM certified brand new equipment/stores to be accepted on firmâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s warranty/guarantee on DPL-15 consigneeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s end. 44. The resources, process, designs, methods and techniques should assure that all system and equipments items, including support and training equipment are adequately protected during movement and storage. 45.
The commercial proposal should include separately cost of following: a. b. c. d. e. f. g.
Major equipment Accessories Tools/test equipment Spates Training Documentation Any other item
46. Following will be provided by the OEM, alongwith proposal for smooth conclusion of contract: a.
List of ready use and depot level spares alongwith the price of each item and critical items with lead time.
List of test equipment/tool for intermediate and depot level maintenance.
Maintenance philosophy to maintain the equipment with maximum efficiency.
List of documentation.
Certificate of supportability for next 20 years.
Certificate that the spares include at least one major LRU and PCB.
Warranty certificate
List of PCBs/modules repairable and non-repairable and list of all customized items.
List of general items.
Security Guarantee certificate
Copies of the standards alongwith test reports for conformance to military standard.
Addresses of OEMs/vendors with e-mail, telephone and postal addresses.
Tender No……………
DP-3 Name of the Firm……………… DGDP Registration No……….. Address………………………… Date…………………………….. Telephone No. ………………… Official E-Mail………………….. Fax No …………………….…… Mobile No of contact person…..
To: THE DIRECTOR OF PROCUREMENT (Section P-3..) Ministry of Defence Production Sectt. No. II, Adamjee Road RAWALPINDI Tel: 051-9271468-78 Dear Sir 1. I/We hereby offer to supply to the Director of Procurement (Navy) the stores detailed in schedule to the tender inquiry or such portion thereof as you may specify in the acceptance of tender at the prices offered against the said schedule and further agree that this offer will remain valid up to 120 days and will not be withdrawn or altered in terms of rates quoted and the conditions already stated therein or on before this date. I/we shall be bound by a communication of acceptance to be dispatched within the prescribed time. 2. I/We have understood the Instructions to Tenders and General Conditions Governing Contract in Form No. DP-35 (Revised 2002) included in the pamphlet entitled, Government of Pakistan, Ministry of Defence (Directorate General Defence Purchase) “General Conditions Governing Contracts” and have thoroughly examined the specifications/drawings and/ or patterns quoted in the schedule hereto and am/are fully aware of the nature of the stores required and my/our offer is to supply stores strictly in accordance with the requirements. 3. The following pages have been added to and form part of this tender: a. ………………………………………. Yours faithfully, ………………………………… (Signature of Tenderer) ……………………………………. (Capacity in which signing) Address:……………………………….. Date………………………………. Signature of Witness…………… ADDRESS………………………………….. *Individual signing tender and/or other documents connected with a contract must specify:-
(a) (b) (c) (d)
Whether signing as “Sole Proprietor” of the firm or his attorney. Whether signing as a “Registered Active Partner” of the firm or his attorney. Whether signing for the firm “per procuration”. In the case of companies and firms registered under the Act, 1913 as amended up-to-date and under the Partnership Act 1932, the capacity in which signing e.g., the Director, Secretary, Manager, Partner, etc. or their attorney and produce copy of document empowering him so to sign, if called upon to do so.
(e) (f) (g)
Principal’s proforma invoice (in original) Earnest money Treasury Challan Form for tender Fees as applicable
DPL â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 15 WARRANTY M/S ___________________________________________________________________
CONTRACT NO. ________________________________________________ 1. We hereby guarantee that the articles supplied under the terms of this contract are produced new in conformance with approved drawings/specification and in all respect in accordance with the terms of the contract, and the materials used whether or not of our manufacture are in accordance with the latest appropriate standard specifications, as also in accordance with the terms of complete of good workmanship throughout and that we will repair/replace free of cost (FOB/CIF/FOR/C&F) Karachi as the case may be every article or part thereof which before use or in use shall be found defective or not within the limits and tolerance of specifications requirement or in any way not in accordance with the terms of the contract. 2. In case of our failure to replace the defective stores free of cost within three months of reporting by the consignee, we will refund the relevant cost (FOB/CIF/FOR/C&F/DDU) Karachi as the case may be in the currency/currencies in which received plus freight charges, upto consignees end and the purchaser shall have the right to purchase the stores declared defective at our risk and expense from elsewhere. 3.
The Supplier also undertakes to make good the deficiency in supply if any.
4. This warranty will remain valid for 02 year after acceptance of system by Pakistan Navy end user.
SIGNATURE : __________________ DATE
: _______________
______________________ ______________________ ______________________
Reference: TENDER ENQUIRY No. 413-FP-Capt-DS-Elect-Hvn/Sjl/Gdl, dated 01-10-2012. POF (Services Group) intends to procure three Telephone Exchanges one for each factory: POF Sanjwal, POF Havelian & POF Gadwal. You are requested to submit sealed quotations for the item(s) noted in the Schedule to the Tender. Offers should be sent duly sealed in an envelope. Fax / E-mail offers are not acceptable. Please note the following instructions for filling the tender: 1.
Tenders will be opened at 1200 hours on 05-11-2012 and must reach this office on or before that time. The tender received late will not be entertained. You may witness the opening of the tender if you so desire. If representative is deputed the request alongwith particulars (Copy of CNIC) of the rep be sent to this office 10 days before opening of TE.
Only one tender should be included in one envelop. The outside of the envelope should be inscribed with: Tender Enquiry No. 413-FP-Capt-DS-Elect-Hvn/Sjl/Gdl, Dt: 01-10-2012. Tender to be opened on 05-11-2012. Address as follows:i) TECHNICAL OFFER (PART-I)
Director Services, POFs Wah Cantt – 47040 (Pakistan) Tele: +92-51-9055 21090 Fax: +92-51-9271400, 9314100
Chairman POF Board POFs Wah Cantt – 47040 (Pakistan) Fax: +92-51-9271400, 9314100
Page 1 of 53
1.3 If envelope do not indicate reference of TEs or received late the same returned unopened. 2.
For material (Telephone Exchanges), item wise prices should be filled in column 5 and delivery date in column 6 at Para 1 of the Schedule to this Tender Enquiry. The undertaking should be signed at the bottom of the schedule, which shall form the Quotation. You may use a separate sheet if necessary.
For Plant and Machinery, you are required to quote in two parts:(A)
Part I “Technical Offer”. It should exclusively give technical details and literatures / brochures of the offered plant, machinery and equipment; validity date; delivery schedule; signed undertaking given on the schedule to this Tender Enquiry. It must not indicate price, costs etc. These details are required for each of 03 PABXs separately. (Addressed to Director Services) (i)
Technical offer should be divided into 03 sub-parts. a) Technical offer for POF Gadwal PABX AND accessories alongwith required literature in specifications. b) Technical offer for POF Sanjwal PABX AND accessories alongwith required literature in specifications. c) Technical offer for POF Havelian PABX AND accessories alongwith required literature in specifications.
Part II “Commercial Offer”. It should indicate the commercial terms for each of 03 PABXs separately e.g price, terms of payment, mode of payment, mode of supply, validity date. (Address to Chairman POF Board) i) Prices be quoted separately for each of the above mentioned individual PABX and accessories, at clause 2.2 A (i) a, b, c. But deal will be finalized on package of 03 PABXs.
Each part should be placed in a separate sealed cover. The envelopes should be inscribed with: Part I “Technical Quotation without price” and Part II “Commercial Quotation with price”.
The quotation must remain valid for, at least 120 days from the date of opening of tenders.
The quotation should hold good for any reduced or enhanced quantities without notice.
In the event of non-acceptance of offer, no intimation will be given to the Tenderers. Page 2 of 53
Conditional offers or alternative offers are likely to be ignored.
Quotations should be based on C&F Karachi. The consignment will be shipped preferably through Pakistan National Shipping Corporation (PNSC). In case there is no PNSC service in the country of shipping, the store may be shipped on foreign flag vessel (preferably the conference line vessel) calling at Karachi as the first port of call in the South Asia sub continent. Under no circumstances shipment will be made on INDIAN OR ISRAELI vessels are on the foreign flag vessel, calling first at any INDIAN Seaport en-route to Karachi. The freight should be indicated separately. Insurance premium should not be included in the quoted price. However, where insurance is considered necessary, advice to that effect should be given in the quotation.
Submission of the offer through an agent in Pakistan should be avoided. In case it is considered inevitable, the agent’s quotation must invariably be accompanied by the original proforma invoice from the Principals (i.e. manufacturers).
Country of origin and port of shipment to be stated.
The offer of the Principal must clearly indicate whether the rate quoted is inclusive of agent’s commission, and if inclusive, rate of commission included be specified.
Suppliers will render necessary information regarding hazardous effects on environment, of the materials / products supplied by them, in their quotations and shipping / dispatch documents.
If the requisite information is not furnished on the T.E form or offer receive is not in conformity with the requirement of the T.E such offer shall be ignored.
Pre-shipment inspection will be carried out by a team of 04 personnels of Purchaser at the manufacturer’s premises. Suppliers will bear all the expenses for inspection and boarding/lodging etc. However, Air Tickets charges will be borne by Purchaser.
The final inspection and performance test of each PABX and its accessories will be carried out by POF’s Engineers and supplier’s Engineers at sites (i.e. POF Havelian, Sanjwal & Gadwal). Inspection facilities such as tools, test equipments, instruments etc will be arranged by Supplier in accordance with relevant specifications.
The store will be obtained on supplier’s warranty / guarantee subject to inspection on receipt. Rejected store will be replaced with the acceptable store by the supplier at his own expenses, within a specified time.
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Tender opening officer may reject all bids at any time prior to the acceptance of a bid and upon request, he will communicate to any supplier or contractor who submitted a bid about the grounds for its rejection but is not required to justify those grounds.
PERFORMANCE BANK GUARANTEE (BG) The successful bidder will provide performance BG at the rate of 10% of total value of the contract in favour of Controller of Military Account (CMA) Pakistan Ordnance Factories, Wah Cantt. The performance BG will be furnished in the form of an un-conditional bank guarantee on prescribed proforma covered by a scheduled bank in Pakistan. The performance BG shall be furnished within 45 days from the date of opening of Letter of Credit. It shall be valid for a period of two years after the date of expiry of L.C, however, it will be extendable till the expiry period of satisfactory performance of the PABXs. The BG should be valid for one year after successful performance test of all 03 PABXs. If performance BG is not furnished, within the above mentioned prescribed time, the purchaser reserves the right to cancel the contract and has the right of risk purchase action. Performance BG shall be released one year after satisfactory performance of the PABXs.
FAILURE TO SUPPLY THE STORES All deliveries must be completed by the specified date. If the failure to deliver the stores within the scheduled time should have arisen from “Force Majeure’’, which the purchaser may admit as reasonable ground for further time, he will allow such additional time as he may consider to have been required by the circumstances of the case. Otherwise, he will be entitled, at his discretion, to cancel the contract; and/or claim liquidated damages upto 2% but not less than 1% of the contract price of the items and their quantities for each and every month or part of a month, beyond the specified delivery date, during which these may not be delivered, subject to a maximum of 10% of the total contract value or to purchase, from elsewhere, the unsupplied stores at the risk and cost of the supplier.
PAYMENT 4.4.1 Payment will normally be made by means of irrevocable letter of credit. Scheduled of payment is as under: i)
80% Payment will be released against shipment on submission of shipping documents and pre delivery certificate to the Bank.
10% Payment will be released after the successful inspection of the complete store at sites (i.e. POF Havelian, Sanjwal & Gadwal) in the presence of Supplier’s rep. Page 4 of 53
10% Payment will be released after successful commissioning and satisfactory performance test of all PABX.
4.4.2 All Bank charges incurred in Pakistan in connection with the establishment of L.C. will be borne by the purchaser, whereas all Bank charges incurred in connection with drawing of payment including charges for confirmation of L.C. by the advising Bank / Foreign Bank will be borne by the Supplier. 5.
SECURITY OF INFORMATION The tenderer and his employees must not communicate any information relating to the sale/purchase of stores under this enquiry to any person other than the manufacturer or to any press or agent not authorized in writing by POFs to receive it.
ARBITRATION All matters of dispute or difference except regarding rejection of store by the inspector and/or cancellation of contract by the purchaser arising out of this agreement between the parties hereto, the settlement of which is not otherwise provided for in this agreement shell be referred for adjudication to two arbitrators, one to be nominated by each party, who before entering upon the reference shall appoint any umpire by mutual agreement and if they do not agree a judge of superior court shall appoint the umpire. The arbitration proceeding shall be held in Pakistan & under Pakistani Law.
Please return the schedule to the Tender duly signed by the specified date, alongwith the specifications, drawings etc. if any, enclosed herewith even if you are unable to quote. Offer must be according to clause 2.2 (Technical & Commercial separately). Yours faithfully,
Tele + 92-51-905521090 e. mail: e. mail:
(TASHHIR UDDIN) DIRECTOR SERVICES Pakistan Ordnance Factories Wah Cantt Fax + 92-51-9271400 Fax + 92-51-9314100
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POF 1262
SCHEDULE OF STORE SCHEDULE TO TENDER NO. 413-FP-Capt-DS-Elect-Hvn/Sjl/Gdl, Dated: 01-10-2012 To be opened on 05-11-2012 1.
Item No.
Description with Spec etc
Qty (Units)
a) POF Havelian (As per specs attached as Annex “A”) b) POF Sanjwal (As per specs attached as Annex “B”)
c) POF Gadwal (As per specs attached as Annex “C”)
(5) Price per unit for C&F delivery. Price in Price in figure words
(6) Delivery date
Digital Telephone Exchanges complete with Hardware, Software and Accessories for:
Brands: Country of Origin:
Siemens, Huawie & ZTE European, Chinese, Japanese, Korean.
2. For Plant & Machinery: Specification: Attached as “Annexure A” for POF Havelian Telephone Exchange Attached as “Annexure B” for POF Sanjwal Telephone Exchange Attached as “Annexure C” for POF Gadwal Telephone Exchange Specifications may also be downloaded from PPRA Website ( & POF Website (
Special Conditions: a.
Store must be protected adequately and appropriately to the mode of dispatch against damage from environmental effects, water or other substances during the sea voyage and overland journey to with stand rough handling involved in transit and provide proper preservation of material while held in storage by the consignee. Installation & Installation & Commissioning of complete system including commissioning: MDF will be carried out by Supplier. Page 6 of 53
a) Supplier will arrange 02 weeks training of 08 personnels of POF at firmâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s premises on the operation/maintenance, hardware and software programming of offered PABXs. All the expenses of training and boarding/ lodging will be borne by the supplier, however, air tickets will be arranged by POF. b) During installation & Commissioning, Supplier will arrange 03 weeks training of 18 personnels (06 personnels at each POF site) on the operation/maintenance, hardware and software programming of offered PABXs.
Warranty / Guarantee:
i. The supplier will have to provide a warranty/guarantee for two years smooth functioning of the unit, including free of cost repairs, maintenance, supply of spare parts and its installation. ii. One year warranty/guarantee period will be started from the date of satisfactory completion of performance test of each of 03 PABX. iii. Any damage / or loss to PABX and equipment procured due to faulty design, material handling shall be the responsibility of the manufacturer / supplier(s). Inspection of store will be carried out in the presence of supplierâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s rep at sites (i.e. POF Havelian, Sanjwal & Gadwal).
Manufacturers having backup / field services setup in Pakistan are eligible to submit the offer.
Conditional offers:
Offers with conditions like availability of export permit or any other restrictions will not be accepted.
Delivery Period:
Within 06 months.
Other conditions endorsed specifications will also be applicable.
Undertaking:Should our offer be accepted, we hereby undertake to supply the stores / render the services contracted on the basis of General Conditions of Contract embodied in Form POF 1282, and to deposit the performance bond within the prescribed time, failing which it will constitute a breach of contract, and POF will have the right to purchase the stores / services elsewhere at our risk and cost.
Signature of the Tenderer _______________
Name_____________________________ Position____________________________ Address____________________________ Income Tax G.I.R No. ________________
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“Annexure A” to TE No. 413-FP-Capt-DS-Elect-Hvn/Sjl/Gdl, Dated: 29-9-2012,
IP Switch, expandable up to 5,000 Ports
1. DTMF/ DP Ports with CLI facility Executive/ Secretary Digital Ports with CLI facility IP Ports for Chief/Secretary - Digital Trunk Circuits ISDN PRI 2Mb stream Trunks for connection with NTC/PTCL and POFs MAIN PABX at Wah. - IP Trunks along with all accessories for connectivity with corporate sites. Analog Trunk Circuits -Connectivity of POF Havelian Exchange to PTCL Havelian Exchange with Transport Equipment on Optical Fiber - HDSL modem supported upto 8 Km minimum (G. 703 interface)
4 5
6 7
8 9 10 11 12
Central Processor with switching matrix and power supply System redundancy 7-1 The main control board shall support 1:1 hot backup. 7-2 Redundant Processor Power Supply 7-3 Redundant shelf Power Supply 1+1 7-4 Redundant Rectifier 7-5 1+1 backup of network ports shall be supported. Operator Console Standard / PC Based PC Based Directory service Battery backup for 08 hours minimum Modular power supply including rectifiers/Charger with battery connection facility. MDF for above system along with computer based line tester.
Qty 01 No 750 orts 50 Ports 10 Ports 04 Ports 04 Ports 20 Ports 01 Set 03 Pairs (Pair=2 sets) 01 No 01 01 01 01
No. No. No. No.
03 No. 01 No 01 No. 01 No. 01 No.
13 14 15 16
System Software (Complete) PC Based Service Terminal. Administration, Programming and Maintenance Software Call Logging and detailed Extension Billing Software along with Hardware and a heavy duty printer
01 01 01 01
No. No. No. No.
17 18
Automated Attendant system minimum 08 ports. Voice Mail System 1000 mail box for the user with recording capacity of minimum one hour per mail box
01 No. 01 No. Page 8 of 53
19 20 21
Music on hold device (built in) DTMF/ DP CLI Telephone Sets. Additional Key Terminals for Executive/ Secretary Telephone sets
01 No. 250 No’s. 10 No’s
Chief/Secretary Sets
20 No’s.
Set of documents standard including system description/ operation Instructions/Service manual with complete circuit Diagrams.
Power Requirement
25 26
Compatibility with existing POFs Wah Main PABX (Siemens make HICOM 300E). Environmental Conditions
System Back Up
Installation / Commissioning
29 30
Training General
03 Set
Note: If SDH installed by PTCL authorities, then the equipment at Sr No. 5 will no more required.
IP SWITCH Detail of the IP switch is appended below: a)
Basic Functional Requirements on IP Voice Switch are:
The IP voice switch implements the PBX switching function. The IP voice switch performs operations such as call control, media gateway access control, resource allocation, protocol processing, routing, authentication, and charging.
The IP voice switch shall support the SIP (RFC 3261) and H.248 (ITU-T H.248) protocols. Party B (supplier) shall provide description of the support of the SIP and H.248 protocols by the IP voice switch.
The IP voice switch shall work with IP network. Party B (supplier) shall provide description of the network interface. The key modules shall support backup feature, including but not limited to: •
The main control board shall support 1:1 hot backup. Conversation shall not be interrupted after switching.
1+1 backup of network ports shall be supported.
2 + 1 backup of power supply module shall be supported.
Load sharing of media resource modules shall be supported.
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The IP voice switch system shall support connection to PSTN with FXO, ISDN PRA, R2,Qisg or SS7 (ISUP and TUP).
The IP voice switch shall support to receive, store and forward at least 32 digits of a number. And at least 32 of it can be analyzed.
The IP voice switch shall support T.30 and T.38 for fax.
The system shall support built-in voice conference without any additional source and equipment. Any peripheral equipment for voice conference will not be accepted. Each conference shall support 3 to 120 Parties. At least 960 parties of total shall be supported.
The following functions shall be supported:
Telephone conference shall be managed easily through web browser, for example Internet Explorer.
Conference shall be accessed through access code.
Conference convening on time or by chairman should also be supported.
Instant call conference should be supported.
The system should support multimedia conference. The following functions should be supported: •
Document sharing
Desktop sharing
Program sharing
Communication through text
File transfer
Video conference
Control of participants' rights: Participants' speech rights and data operation rights can be controlled by the compare.
Display of participants' status in a conference: The compare can view participants' speech status (allowed to listen / allowed to speak) in the conference. A participant can view other participants' data status (if camera-enabled / if raising hand).
Conference recording
The IP voice switch shall support only (One Number Link You) service: The following functions shall be supported: a)
Each user of the IP voice switch shall have only one number. Multiple extensions can be bound with it, including internal extension, PSTN number and cell phone number.
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b) c) d) e) xi)
The IP voice switch shall support automatic attendant. • • •
When the user is busy and a new call arrives, the system will act according to the busyselectmode setting: does not call any terminal, call all the terminals, call the busy terminal or call idle terminals. Two different sequential ring modes shall be supported, alternate ring and appended ring. The priority of a terminal can be set. The interval of sequential ring can be set by user.
The automatic attendant shall be provided with the IP voice switch directly. When there is an incoming call comes to the automatic attendant, the system shall automatically pickup the call, play welcome prompt and collect digits of internal extension number. The playing voice and the capability of number collecting and analyzing should be customized.
The IP voice switch shall support Intelligent Routing function. The following functions shall be supported: •
Time segment- based routing
Charging rate-based routing
Load sharing of routing
Percentage-based polling routing
Subscriber Level-based routing
Trunk balance routing
xiii) xiv) xv)
The IP voice switch shall support Voicemail function. The IP voice switch shall support simply web management function. The IP voice switch shall support the DTMF (RFC2833) transmission of the RTP extended payload to improve the reliability of collecting the digits of the VoIP system. xvi) The IP voice switch shall support synchronization of network time through SNTP protocol. xvii) The IP voice switch shall provide the local accounting function (including outgoing and incoming calls). It can generate CDRs and supply them to billing server. xviii) The IP voice switch shall support Diameter for Billing. xix) The IP voice switch shall support the following services: The system should have a multiple IP gateway which can be configured for SIP trunks. It must be possible to set up IP trunk connections, digital BRI exchange connections or PRI exchange connections for connection to digital exchanges.
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xx) xxi)
Distributed Architecture Via IP Network IP Access Point-Standard (Remote Shelf on IP Network, Free standing and 19”rack). It should support: • • • • • • • • • • •
Slots for peripheral modules per IP access point\central control module 2 x 10/100 Base-T interface Should also support local switching matrix Support of voice-based network protocols via IP Support of all features and applications of the host system Administration of all components via central management tool Distributed voice switching QoS according to IEEE 802.1 d/q and IETF DiffServ Integrated echo compensation Voice compression according to ITU-T G.711 and G.729 AB Transparent fax-modem support (FMoIP) according to G.711t
The bidder should specify available type of Access Points, available slots, connectivity channels and local switching matrix ports. b)
IP Access Point – Survivability The system should support as an option transferring signaling and voice data information of the IP access points to the central system via PSTN during a fail of the internal IP network infrastructure or during an undercut of the necessary QoS criteria in the IP network.
Soft IP Access Point: The system should have provision for soft IP access point with survivable unit for remote locations. The software should run on a standard server with LINUX operating system as an interface connection to support IP based services devices with following features: • • • • • • •
Virtual control module to support more than 50 connections to the IP network expandable in future. Integrated media server Support of voice-based network protocols over IP (SIP and / or H.323 based) SIP video support. QoS according to IEEE 802.1 p/q and IETF DiffServ Integrated echo compensation Voice compression according to ITU-T G.711 and G.729 A Multifunctional configurable as: IP / SIP subscriber gateway IP trunking gateway SIP trunking gateway
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Multifunction IP gateway: The system should have multifunction IP gateway which can be configured for IP extensions / SIP extensions / SIP trunks or combination of these three in any configuration.
Service Provide interfaces: i) It must be possible to set up IP trunk connections, digital BRI exchange connections or PRI exchange connections for connection to digital exchanges for dial-up connections on the exchange side. Integrated IP gateways must provide the connection with IP based net transitions to service providers by means of the Session Initiated Protocol (SIP). ii)
The system must have ‘integrated gateways’ for VoIP- terminals. It should not require any external gateway for connecting VoIP terminals. The system has to be suitable to allow a complete changeover to VoIP technology and, for this reason; has to support a complete wiring with VoIP-terminals
SIP – Carrier Gateway: i) Connecting via SIP with following functions: • Up to minimum 50 VoIP-connections • 10/100 Base-T interface • Support of TCP/IP, UDP, FTP, SIP • Support of Voice based network protocols via IP • Voice compression according to ITU-T G.711, G.723 and G.729AB ii)
Alternatively configurable in mix mode as: • • •
IP/SIP-subscriber gateway IP- Trunking gateway SIP- Trunking gateway
Interface for ISDN BRI - basic access: For the digital exchange lines with ISDN-channel structure B+B+D and DSS1 protocol
Interface for ISDN PRI - primary rate access: For digital exchange lines with channel structure 30B+D and DSS1- protocol
Interface for PCM30 digital interface unit: With CAS (channel-associated signaling) for PCM30 access, outgoing / incoming traffic with DID, E&M-signaling Subscriber interfaces
Page 13 of 53
IP Subscriber Gateways: Connection of IP telephone via internal IP based infrastructure with the following features: • • • • •
10/100 Base T interface Support of voice-based network protocols via IP Support of voice compression according to ITU-T G.711, G.723 and G.729 AB. QOS according to IEEE 802.1p and IETF Diff Serv Administration of the IP users by the central management
Analog / DTMF interface: For connecting analog telephones, payphones and card telephones with transfer of call charge pulses, modems and group 3 faxes, pulse dialing or DTMF dialing.
Digital 2-channel interface: Connecting two-channel digital telephones, channel structure 2B+D (2 x 64 + 16 kbps), 2-wire
Digital 2-channel BRI interface with DSS1-protocol: Connecting 2-channel ISDN- telephones, ISDN-Router, ISDN-adapter, ISDN- group 4 faxes and adapters for conventional interfaces
Interface for Base Stations: To cover radio cells (cordless)
IP Standby Board: Stand-By Gateway to resume the functions in case of failure of one or several IP gateways and/or the respective LAN connection.
Mandatory Standards: The communication server must meet the requirements of the regulatory authorities for telecommunications and the recommendations of the ITU/TS and the ETSI. The offering party must also demonstrate by means of appropriate certificates that their development, production, sales and customer service have introduced and are using a quality and environmental management system to ISO 9001 / ISO 14001
q) Operating reliability, maintenance, administration: i)
The offered communication server should provide multiple IP gateways to implement voice features and applications. Page 14 of 53
In accordance with the envisaged final configuration, it must be possible to operate the communication server alternatively with analogue, digital and/or IP phones. Efficiency at the work place has to be supported by user-friendly features that are provided by the system.
To ensure the administration of the communication server, the system should provide a set of basic management functions. The functions to be provided are as follows: • Configuration management • Inventory management • Backup and restore • Switch diagnosis support • Error message interpreter • Tracer • Collecting agent for call data record • SNMP-support The access to these management functions should be web-based with a userfriendly interface, to eliminate the need for specialized system knowledge.
System Structure: i) The system should have automatic provision for being switched to duplex control processor, without changing the peripheral and hardware / power supplies. ii) It must be possible to operate the system as pure IP switch, Pure TDM or mixture of the two as per requirement.
iii) The switching material should be non-blocking permitting a traffic value of Erlang per line.
iv) Central Processor: The system should be based on redundant duplex processing techniques to give optimum performance. The system shall have duplicated central processor, memory hardware and power supply working in hot standby configurations so that if one fails, the other takes over the operation smoothly without interrupting the communication services. v) Functionality: The communication system being required must comply with the enhanced expectations and requirements of present day office communications. The system must feature state-of-the art digital technology and microelectronics, with processor control, modular hardware and structured software. The internal transmission and switching of the system must be based on digital (PCM/TDM) technology according to ITU-T (CCITT) specifications. The system shall have one stage time division multiplex with freely assignable ports i.e. it should not restrict using any ports for any feature. Page 15 of 53
vi) The equipment should be of modular design. The inter shelf and inter cabinet cabling shall be of the pre-manufactured pluggable type. The system shall contain highly packed shelves and modules. s)
System Application: The System should be capable of supporting following applications: ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾
Computer Telephone Integration (CTI) Directory Service ISDN PRI/BRI Pure IP Telephony Hybrid IP-TDM Telephony
DTMF/ DP Ports with CLI facility 1. The DTMF/DP extensions should be able to work correctly up to 8 Km with 0.6mm cable. System shall provide the facilities and features on all extensions i.e. Call forwarding, Call pickup, Call transferring, Call back, Call hold, Conferencing, Conference Drop, Abbreviated dialing, Distinctive Ringing not less than 03 patterns, Hot line service, Line lock out, Music on hold, Executive right of way, Malicious call tracing, Telephone lock, Direct inward Dialing, Direct outward dialing, Hunting facility, Outgoing trunk queuing, Authorization code for DOD, Automatic Recovery from incorrect operation, CLI on Analogue / Digital extensions, Traffic classes (class of service) etc. 2. Hardware for 50 Executive / Secretary Digital/IP Ports. The extensions must be able to work correctly at least 3 to 5 Km with 0.6 mm cable (two wire system).The system shall have the capability for simultaneous voice and data communication on a port. It should have following features: • Speaker phone for hands free operation (integrated hands free talking facility) • CLI facility • Call waiting indication • User programmable keys • On hook dialing • Call conferencing • Barring / allowing a second incoming call during a call in progress • Toggling (Switching between two connections) • Mailbox function for conference appointment. 3. VoIP (voice over IP) is an IP telephony term for a set of facilities used to manage the delivery of voice information over the Internet. The system shall consist of IP ports that should support various features of VoIP e.g. Video Telephony, Video Conferencing, Mail Box facility, data sharing etc. with Chief/ Secretary facility for simultaneous voice and data communication on a port. Page 16 of 53
Digital Trunk Circuits ISDN PRI 2Mb stream Trunks for connection with NTC/PTCL and POFs MAIN PABX at Wah The system must have provision for connection of 4 x 2Mb ISDN/PRI interface for connection with NTC/PTCL and POFs MAIN PABX at Wah Cantt, expandable up to 8x2 Mb ISDN/PRI interfaces, as approved by PTA and adapted by PTCL/NTC. The system should have a multiple IP gateway which can be configured for SIP trunks. It must be possible to set up IP trunk connections, digital BRI exchange connections or PRI exchange connections for connection to digital exchanges, or dial-up connections on the exchange side. - IP ports for connectivity with shelf (Each Port should support 60 channels at least. - 04 IP Trunks along with all accessories for connectivity with corporate sites.
Analog Trunk Circuits Hardware/Software for 20 trunks with CLI and metering facility.
Connectivity of POF Havelian Exchange to PTCL Exchange with transport Equipment on Optical Fiber Modem is a modular system for transmitting TDM based 2 Mbit/s digital signals. The signals are transmitted either via copper cables using HDSL technology or using SHDSL (One wire pair) technology or via an Optical fiber cable using TCM (Time Compression Multiplex) technology, operating voltage 95-260V AC, 4072V DC. Supported up to 4-10 Km using E1/T1/G.703 interfaces. Or Optical Transport equipment (If Dark Fiber Provided by POF) / switches/ router etc between POF and NTC/PTCL for their proper functionality.
Central Processor with switching matrix and power supply Central Processor with switching matrix and power supply should be of modular design for ease in Installation/replacement.
SYSTEM REDUNDENCY The system must have following components redundant (duplicated) so that in case of failure of one component the standby should take over 100% load of processor/peripheral hardware without disruption in the communication. The service must not be degraded also. • • • •
Central Processor and Switching Matrix – Redundant Central Processor Power Supplies – Redundant Peripheral Shelf Power Supply – Redundant Main Rectifier/ battery charger- Redundant
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Operator Console Standard/PC Based 03 Operator Consoles standard, expandable up to 05.
Attendant client shall support shortcut keys for operation. The attendant client shall support incoming call notification window.
The attendant client shall support the display of call information such as caller/callee number, caller/callee name, and call duration.
The attendant client shall support multiple rights control, including normal attendant, monitor and system administrator.
The attendant client shall support BLF (Busy Lamp Field) to display status information about attendants.
The attendant client shall support call logs and their management.
The attendant client shall support querying user status before calling a user.
The attendant client shall support enterprise directory through LDAP.
Each IP voice switch shall support up to 1024 attendants.
The software attendant client can bind an physical telephone set. Then the telephone set can be used to answer calls instead of headset.
The attendant client shall support time-out locking of user interface.
Except for software client, IP phone or analog phone should support part of attendant functions, such as call transfer, call queue, break-in, and forced release
PC Based Directory Service PC Based directory assistance service with hardware/software.
10. Battery Backup Minimum 08 hours Battery backup, with automatic recharging.
11. RECTIFIER SYSTEM Modular power supply including rectifiers and battery connection facility.
12. MDF The system trunk lines and extension lines shall be terminated on a Main Distribution Frame (MDF). The MDF must be a separate unit connected to the exchange by cables along with computer based Line tester. Self Protector Strips should also be attached with the MDF to avoid overvoltage damages. Page 18 of 53
13. SYSTEM SOFTWARE • Hard copy of software programming of Exchange. • Programmer to incorporate changes in the software of the Exchange. • The software of the PABX shall steadily develop further. The manufacturer shall offer software upgrades with new features. • The software should be in the high level language recommended by ITU-T (CCITT)
14. PC Based Service Terminal PC based Service Maintenance / Administration Terminal and latest computer (with Maintenance / Administration software), along with following maintenance features. Trouble shooting software Access for remote maintenance Alarm distribution Alarm indications Alarm Identification Automatic restart Blocked circuit indication Call monitoring Data dump Diagnostic test Lighting / over current protection on all lines in the interface cards On line maintenance
15. Administration, Programming and Maintenance Software/Hardware The bidder must provide copies of administration, programming and maintenance software.
16. Call Logging System There should be a facility of complete call logging in the system. Full detail regarding telephonic number dialed, time and duration should be recorded. The details should be retrievable for all the extension numbers and trunk numbers. In case the output device disabled due to any reason, the PABX must have a buffer for storing of minimum 3000 CDR data in the system preferably on hard disk & Alarm / Blink overflows position. The CDR is then transferred to the call logging device, a proven call billing system incorporating a standard PC with heavy duty printer and software (Password protected) shall be provided, the processed data shall indicate the extension number, dialed number, date, time and duration of the call, charges etc. 16.1
DETAILED CALL BILLING SOFTWARE • Web Based Detailed Call Billing Software for Call Accounting and Management with basic facilities. • Graphical Display for management Page 19 of 53
• • • • • • • • •
• • • • •
Options to monitor different extensions by defining different parameters i.e. time, area code, cost, etc. Email of Call-Bill at end of month. Name display for easy recognition of numbers Flexible Rate Tables. Reports generating facility which is printable via serial / USB printer. Multi-user Multilevel Security Local or Remote Backup of Call Log data Export of reports to Word, Excel, etc Monthly Graphical Reporting and Trend Charts based on No of Calls Cost Usage (Duration) Call Class such as International / National / Incoming / Mobile etc. Trunk based Costing (Each trunk will have its own cost table) Time Based, Multi Slab, Variable Pulse time costing Configurable Parameters via GUI Single billing solution for multiple telephone systems Each telephone system can have its own • Call log format • Port and IP address • Costing tables • Extension info, Ceiling limits etc. Recalculate function to update data on rate tables
17. AUTOMATED ATTENDANT Auto attendant system minimum 08 ports for all incoming trunks
The UMS(unified messaging system) shall support call transfer to voice mailbox unconditional, call transfer to voice mailbox on no reply, and call transfer to voice mailbox on busy.
The UMS shall support retrieving voice message through phone, email, or Web page.
The UMS shall support FAX messages leaving, and FAX messages retrieving through fax machine, email, or Web page.
The UMS shall support new voice or fax message notification by message waiting indicator, SMS, email, and phone call.
The UMS shall support sending FAX through email or Web page.
The UMS shall support voice/fax message sending through email. The voice/fax message can be sent automatically to a mail box of a user, and it enables the user to conduct unified management of email and voice/fax massage through Outlook, Notes or other tools. Page 20 of 53
The UMS shall support sending voice/fax message by group.
The UMS shall support personalized greetings. A user can record personalized greetings.
19. MUSIC ON HOLD Music on hold should be built in and external device facility for both local extension and trunk lines.
20. DTMF/DP CLI TELEPHONE SETS • Calling line identification. • Date and time display. • 150 outgoing calls memory. • 100 incoming calls memory. • LCD (Min. 16 Digit).
10 additional Add on key terminals with indications (minimum 16 programmable keys).
22. CHIEF/SECRETARY SETS The SIP Phone should be intuitive in functionality and interface, integrated through interoperability with other devices. It is designed to be extremely user friendly and simplify feature implementation. Sensorial interfaces based on advanced technology solutions (touch keys, embedded color LEDs, Touch- Slider for volume control and Touch Guide navigator) as well as large, tilt able, backlit color graphical displays in TFT technology to facilitate user interaction. 22.1 DIGITAL TELEPHONE SETS: • Both the Chief and secretary sets should be directly operated on the wire telephone network, without any external power supply. • 20 digital telephone sets. 2 x 24 character alpha numeric LCD Display. • Speaker phone for hands free operation (integrated hands free talking facility). • Programmable keys with indications should be available in the sets for both the number storage and for enhanced digital features e.g. call forwarding, call pickup, call hold etc. 22.2
Functional Requirements on Video Phone:
The video phone shall be with a camera of 2 megapixel, 1/6-inch Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor (CMOS) image sensor. And the camera can be adjusted in the vertical direction of the LCD.
The video phone shall have a display of 800 x 480 pixels, true color with 16.7 million colors, 7-inch Thin Film Transistor (TFT) LCD with a touch screen. The video phone shall support phone book capacity of 2000 records.
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The video phone shall support 200 received call records,200 missed call records, and 200 dialed call records.
The video phone shall support wifi.
22.3 Applications of SIP Phone: The following applications should be available with SIP Phone: • Graphical Call Handling • Simple use of complex phone features • Personal Phone Book to 1,000 personal contacts with different telephone numbers • Combine Contacts into Groups • Add a picture to favorite contacts • Call Log/History • See the list of missed, forwarded, dialed and received calls • Dial from the Call Log List • Graphical voicemail control • Message Waiting Indication via LED and icon on idle screen • Intuitive user interface with tape recorder look & feel • Object Push Profile: Send and receive business cards / vCards
23. TECHNICAL DOCUMENTATION The bidder must provide: a) b) c) d) e) f)
Item-wise compliance statement. Make and model of the quoted PABX (Including accessories) Maximum capacity of the quoted PABX Block diagram of all shelves Software details, name and manufacturer along with Operating System details. 03 sets of Operational and Maintenance manuals with complete circuit diagrams (Both Hard and Soft copies) g) Operator’s manual should include Operation of system and Location & function of all controls & instruments.
24. POWER REQUIREMENT The system should be able to operate with 220 (±10%) AC Volt / 50 Hz and with least power consumption. System should have built in protection / stabilizer for any power variations. The power consumption per extensions shall not exceed 1 watt per extension. The rectifier should be built-in and modular and should use low dissipation, standard and customized, LSI components packing density and shall operate without the need of forced cooling. No special environmental, like forced cooling by fans and air conditioning should be required. Meantime before failure (MTBF) should be mentioned by the manufacturer of the system.
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a) Features Transparency It must be possible to interface the new system with the existing system on ISDN PRI basis with full features transparency. Following features must be transparent but the features transparency should not be limited to only these features: • Number display • Name display • Callback No Answer • Callback Busy • Centralized Attendant service • Centralized call detail recording • Closed Numbering • Route optimization • Digital Executive Terminal compatibility It should be possible to connect existing Digital Executive sets with the new system and the new Digital Executive sets should work with existing POF Wah Main PABX. Preference will be given to vendor whose system is fully compatible.
26. ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS The system should be able to work under following environmental conditions; a) Operating temperature on -1oC to 50o C without the need of force cooling. b) Humidity 85%
b) c) d)
The system should have multiple backup media, i.e. Hard Disk, Magneto Optical drive (MO Disk), on Flash Disk etc (CDs and floppy disks are not acceptable as backup media). It should be possible to reload the system from either of the backup media. The bidder must specify type of backup media available in the offered system. The back up media should be in MO drive, flash disk for storing system software separately for emergency use. System shall be able to reboot (restore service / with full memory reload with in a period of not more than 3 minutes). Initiating of a reload (office / system data) shall be possible from Maintenance Administration Terminal + computer.
The system should be capable of interfacing with NTC/PTCL Public Exchanges on ISDN PRI and BRI basis as approved and adopted by NTC/PTCL.
Supplier shall be responsible for installation / commissioning of complete system including MDF. Page 23 of 53
29. TRAINING Supplier shall arrange training of 06 POF personnel for at least four weeks at his venue on Basic concept of Digital / ISDN / IP Technology, Hardware Structure, Software programming & Maintenance etc.
30. GENERAL a)
The supplier must be a manufacturer having sales and services offices in Pakistan.
Certificate specifying the following must be attached: Make & model of the offered PABX with version / software release Confirmation that the equipment to be supplied shall be brand new and has not been manufactured prior to offer submission date Maximum capacity of quoted Make and Model in mixed analogue /digital / IP configuration.
Previous experience of installing digital exchanges with 750 lines or more in Pakistan is required. A list of such sites should be attached. Offered PABX Make and Model must have been approved by PTA (Pakistan Telecommunication Authority) of at least the offered capacity prior to submission of offer, NOC be attached. Confirmation regarding provision of spare parts support for a period of ten years. The supplier should offer the entire solution meeting the specifications. Any deviation from the specifications should be mentioned. Warranty period is one year. The warranty cost for the next two years, separately for each year, should be quoted in optional items. Supplier shall provide a list of two year running spares. All the equipment to be supplied by the successful tenderer must be brand new from the latest product line and of latest hardware and software version. The licensing packages, if any, for use of system / user features must be clearly mentioned and all the features given in the specifications must be included in the price for all users. The list of features in each package should be mentioned. All the Licensing must be of Top End and of highest category offering maximum feature access to all users. List of customers in Pakistan where large IP implementation has been executed by the local vendors must be provided with the quotation / offer. Single stage-two envelope for procurement of equipment. The Technical and Commercial Proposals should be in Separate SEALED envelopes thereafter both envelopes (TECHNICAL & COMMERCIAL) be put in one envelope (Second Cover) duly sealed and signed. Bid evaluation procedure will be adopted as per POF purchase policy.
d) e) f) g) h) i) j)
k) l) m)
Page 24 of 53
o) p) q) r)
Copy of Sales Tax registration Certificate and NTN Certificate must be attached. The bidder must also provide Item and sub-item wise compliance statement of technical specifications and BOQ (Bill of Quantities). The tenderer shall submit a list indicating all additional facilities and features available in the offered system other than those listed above. List of Staff along with the relevant experience in the field to be attached. CVs of all technical employees in the company within Pakistan which should include minimum following information, on separate sheet for each employee, must be attached with the bid: i) ii) iii) iv) v) vi) vii)
s) t)
Full Name Date of Joining Location Details of trainings Details on Certification on own / OEM product Details of Certification on switching and routing technologies Details of major project completed
The supplier must provide the List of traceability documents if the cards/parts/subassemblies are not manufactured by the OEM. The supplier must also ensure as to which cards/parts/ subassemblies of the system are to be checked against the OEM
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“Annexure B” to TE No. 413-FP-Capt-DS-Elect-Hvn/Sjl/Gdl, Dated: 29-9-2012,
Description IP 2. 3. IP
Switch, expandable up to 5,000 Ports DTMF/ DP Ports with CLI facility Executive/ Secretary Digital Ports with CLI facility Ports for Chief/Secretary
Qty 01 No 750 Ports 50 Ports 10 Ports
- Digital Trunk Circuits ISDN PRI 2Mb stream Trunks for connection with NTC/PTCL and POFs MAIN PABX at Wah. - IP Trunks along with all accessories for connectivity with corporate sites. Analog Trunk Circuits
25 Ports
Executive/Secretary SIP PHONE
06 Nos
Central Processor with switching matrix and power supply
01 No
System redundancy 7-1 The main control board shall support 1:1 hot backup. 7-2 Redundant Processor Power Supply 7-3 Redundant shelf Power Supply 1+1 7-5 Redundant Rectifier
01 01 01 01
7-5 8 9 10 11 12
04 Ports 04 Ports
No. No. No. No.
1+1 backup of network ports shall be supported.
Operator Console Standard / PC Based PC Based Directory service Battery backup for 08 hours minimum Modular power supply including rectifiers/Charger with battery connection facility. MDF for above system along with computer based line tester.
03 No. 01 No 01 No. 01 No. 01 No.
13 14 15 16
System Software (Complete) PC Based Service Terminal. Administration, Programming and Maintenance Software Call Logging and detailed Extension Billing Software along with Hardware and a heavy duty printer
01 01 01 01
No. No. No. No.
17 18
Automated Attendant system minimum 08 ports. Voice Mail System 1000 mail box for the user with recording capacity of minimum one hour per mail box
01 No. 01 No.
19 20 21
Music on hold device (built in) DTMF/ DP CLI Telephone Sets. Additional Key Terminals for Executive/ Secretary Telephone sets
01 No. 50 No’s. 10 No’s Page 26 of 53
Chief/Secretary Sets
Set of documents standard including system description/ operation Instructions/Service manual with complete circuit Diagrams.
24 25 26
Power Requirement Compatibility with existing POFs Wah Main PABX (Siemens make HICOM 300E). Environmental Conditions
System Back Up
Installation / Commissioning
29 30
Training General
20 No’s. 03 Set
IP SWITCH Detail of the IP switch is appended below: a)
Basic Functional Requirements on IP Voice Switch are:
The IP voice switch implements the PBX switching function. The IP voice switch performs operations such as call control, media gateway access control, resource allocation, protocol processing, routing, authentication, and charging.
The IP voice switch shall support the SIP (RFC 3261) and H.248 (ITU-T H.248) protocols. Party B (supplier) shall provide description of the support of the SIP and H.248 protocols by the IP voice switch.
The IP voice switch shall work with IP network. Party B (supplier) shall provide description of the network interface. The key modules shall support backup feature, including but not limited to: •
The main control board shall support 1:1 hot backup. Conversation shall not be interrupted after switching.
1+1 backup of network ports shall be supported.
2 + 1 backup of power supply module shall be supported.
Load sharing of media resource modules shall be supported.
The IP voice switch system shall support connection to PSTN with FXO, ISDN PRA, R2,Qisg or SS7 (ISUP and TUP).
The IP voice switch shall support to receive, store and forward at least 32 digits of a number. And at least 32 of it can be analyzed.
The IP voice switch shall support T.30 and T.38 for fax.
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The system shall support built-in voice conference without any additional source and equipment. Any peripheral equipment for voice conference will not be accepted. Each conference shall support 3 to 120 Parties. At least 960 parties of total shall be supported.
The following functions shall be supported:
Telephone conference shall be managed easily through web browser, for example Internet Explorer.
Conference shall be accessed through access code.
Conference convening on time or by chairman should also be supported.
Instant call conference should be supported.
The system should support multimedia conference. The following functions should be supported: •
Document sharing
Desktop sharing
Program sharing
Communication through text
File transfer
Video conference
Control of participants' rights: Participants' speech rights and data operation rights can be controlled by the compare.
Display of participants' status in a conference: The compare can view participants' speech status (allowed to listen / allowed to speak) in the conference. A participant can view other participants' data status (if camera-enabled / if raising hand).
Conference recording
The IP voice switch shall support only (One Number Link You) service: The following functions shall be supported: a) Each user of the IP voice switch shall have only one number. Multiple extensions can be bound with it, including internal extension, PSTN number and cell phone number. b) When the user is busy and a new call arrives, the system will act according to the busyselectmode setting: does not call any terminal, call all the terminals, call the busy terminal or call idle terminals. c) Two different sequential ring modes shall be supported, alternate ring and appended ring. d) The priority of a terminal can be set. e) The interval of sequential ring can be set by user. Page 28 of 53
The IP voice switch shall support automatic attendant. • • •
The automatic attendant shall be provided with the IP voice switch directly. When there is an incoming call comes to the automatic attendant, the system shall automatically pickup the call, play welcome prompt and collect digits of internal extension number. The playing voice and the capability of number collecting and analyzing should be customized.
The IP voice switch shall support Intelligent Routing function. The following functions shall be supported: •
Time segment- based routing
Charging rate-based routing
Load sharing of routing
Percentage-based polling routing
Subscriber Level-based routing
Trunk balance routing
xiii) xiv) xv)
The IP voice switch shall support Voicemail function. The IP voice switch shall support simply web management function. The IP voice switch shall support the DTMF (RFC2833) transmission of the RTP extended payload to improve the reliability of collecting the digits of the VoIP system. xvi) The IP voice switch shall support synchronization of network time through SNTP protocol. xvii) The IP voice switch shall provide the local accounting function (including outgoing and incoming calls). It can generate CDRs and supply them to billing server. xviii) The IP voice switch shall support Diameter for Billing. xix) The IP voice switch shall support the following services: The system should have a multiple IP gateway which can be configured for SIP trunks. It must be possible to set up IP trunk connections, digital BRI exchange connections or PRI exchange connections for connection to digital exchanges. xx) Distributed Architecture Via IP Network xxi) IP Access Point-Standard (Remote Shelf on IP Network, Free standing and 19”rack). It should support: • • • • • • • • •
Slots for peripheral modules per IP access point\central control module 2 x 10/100 Base-T interface Should also support local switching matrix Support of voice-based network protocols via IP Support of all features and applications of the host system Administration of all components via central management tool Distributed voice switching QoS according to IEEE 802.1 d/q and IETF DiffServ Integrated echo compensation Page 29 of 53
• •
Voice compression according to ITU-T G.711 and G.729 AB Transparent fax-modem support (FMoIP) according to G.711t
The bidder should specify available type of Access Points, available slots, connectivity channels and local switching matrix ports. b)
IP Access Point – Survivability The system should support as an option transferring signaling and voice data information of the IP access points to the central system via PSTN during a fail of the internal IP network infrastructure or during an undercut of the necessary QoS criteria in the IP network.
Soft IP Access Point: The system should have provision for soft IP access point with survivable unit for remote locations. The software should run on a standard server with LINUX operating system as an interface connection to support IP based services devices with following features: • • • • • • •
Virtual control module to support more than 50 connections to the IP network expandable in future. Integrated media server Support of voice-based network protocols over IP (SIP and / or H.323 based) SIP video support. QoS according to IEEE 802.1 p/q and IETF DiffServ Integrated echo compensation Voice compression according to ITU-T G.711 and G.729 A Multifunctional configurable as: IP / SIP subscriber gateway IP trunking gateway SIP trunking gateway
Multifunction IP gateway: The system should have multifunction IP gateway which can be configured for IP extensions / SIP extensions / SIP trunks or combination of these three in any configuration.
Service Provide interfaces: i) It must be possible to set up IP trunk connections, digital BRI exchange connections or PRI exchange connections for connection to digital exchanges for dial-up connections on the exchange side. Integrated IP gateways must provide the connection with IP based net transitions to service providers by means of the Session Initiated Protocol (SIP). ii)
The system must have ‘integrated gateways’ for VoIP- terminals. It should not require any external gateway for connecting VoIP terminals. The system has to Page 30 of 53
be suitable to allow a complete changeover to VoIP technology and, for this reason; has to support a complete wiring with VoIP-terminals f)
SIP – Carrier Gateway: i) Connecting via SIP with following functions: • Up to minimum 50 VoIP-connections • 10/100 Base-T interface • Support of TCP/IP, UDP, FTP, SIP • Support of Voice based network protocols via IP • Voice compression according to ITU-T G.711, G.723 and G.729AB ii)
Alternatively configurable in mix mode as: • • •
IP/SIP-subscriber gateway IP- Trunking gateway SIP- Trunking gateway
Interface for ISDN BRI - basic access: For the digital exchange lines with ISDN-channel structure B+B+D and DSS1 protocol
Interface for ISDN PRI - primary rate access: For digital exchange lines with channel structure 30B+D and DSS1- protocol
Interface for PCM30 digital interface unit: With CAS (channel-associated signaling) for PCM30 access, outgoing / incoming traffic with DID, E&M-signaling Subscriber interfaces
IP Subscriber Gateways: Connection of IP telephone via internal IP based infrastructure with the following features: • • • • •
10/100 Base T interface Support of voice-based network protocols via IP Support of voice compression according to ITU-T G.711, G.723 and G.729 AB. QOS according to IEEE 802.1p and IETF Diff Serv Administration of the IP users by the central management
Analog / DTMF interface: For connecting analog telephones, payphones and card telephones with transfer of call charge pulses, modems and group 3 faxes, pulse dialing or DTMF dialing.
Digital 2-channel interface:
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Connecting two-channel digital telephones, channel structure 2B+D (2 x 64 + 16 kbps), 2-wire m)
Digital 2-channel BRI interface with DSS1-protocol: Connecting 2-channel ISDN- telephones, ISDN-Router, ISDN-adapter, ISDN- group 4 faxes and adapters for conventional interfaces
Interface for Base Stations: To cover radio cells (cordless)
IP Standby Board: Stand-By Gateway to resume the functions in case of failure of one or several IP gateways and/or the respective LAN connection.
Mandatory Standards: The communication server must meet the requirements of the regulatory authorities for telecommunications and the recommendations of the ITU/TS and the ETSI. The offering party must also demonstrate by means of appropriate certificates that their development, production, sales and customer service have introduced and are using a quality and environmental management system to ISO 9001 / ISO 14001
q) Operating reliability, maintenance, administration: i)
The offered communication server should provide multiple IP gateways to implement voice features and applications.
In accordance with the envisaged final configuration, it must be possible to operate the communication server alternatively with analogue, digital and/or IP phones. Efficiency at the work place has to be supported by user-friendly features that are provided by the system.
To ensure the administration of the communication server, the system should provide a set of basic management functions. The functions to be provided are as follows: • • • • • • • •
Configuration management Inventory management Backup and restore Switch diagnosis support Error message interpreter Tracer Collecting agent for call data record SNMP-support Page 32 of 53
The access to these management functions should be web-based with a userfriendly interface, to eliminate the need for specialized system knowledge. r)
System Structure: i) The system should have automatic provision for being switched to duplex control processor, without changing the peripheral and hardware / power supplies. ii) It must be possible to operate the system as pure IP switch, Pure TDM switch or mixture of the two as per requirement. iii) The switching material should be non-blocking permitting a traffic value of 1 Erlang per line. iv) Central Processor: The system should be based on redundant duplex processing techniques to give optimum performance. The system shall have duplicated central processor, memory hardware and power supply working in hot standby configurations so that if one fails, the other takes over the operation smoothly without interrupting the communication services. v) Functionality: The communication system being required must comply with the enhanced expectations and requirements of present day office communications. The system must feature state-of-the art digital technology and microelectronics, with processor control, modular hardware and structured software. The internal transmission and switching of the system must be based on digital (PCM/TDM) technology according to ITU-T (CCITT) specifications. The system shall have one stage time division multiplex with freely assignable ports i.e. it should not restrict using any ports for any feature. vi) The equipment should be of modular design. The inter shelf and inter cabinet cabling shall be of the pre-manufactured pluggable type. The system shall contain highly packed shelves and modules.
System Application: The System should be capable of supporting following applications: ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾
Computer Telephone Integration (CTI) Directory Service ISDN PRI/BRI Pure IP Telephony Hybrid IP-TDM Telephony
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DTMF/ DP Ports with CLI facility 1.
The DTMF/DP extensions should be able to work correctly up to 8 Km with 0.6mm cable. System shall provide the facilities and features on all extensions i.e. Call forwarding, Call pickup, Call transferring, Call back, Call hold, Conferencing, Conference Drop, Abbreviated dialing, Distinctive Ringing not less than 03 patterns, Hot line service, Line lock out, Music on hold, Executive right of way, Malicious call tracing, Telephone lock, Direct inward Dialing, Direct outward dialing, Hunting facility, Outgoing trunk queuing, Authorization code for DOD, Automatic Recovery from incorrect operation, CLI on Analogue / Digital extensions, Traffic classes (class of service) etc.
2. Hardware for 50 Executive / Secretary Digital/IP Ports. The extensions must be able to work correctly at least 3 to 5 Km with 0.6 mm cable (two wire system).The system shall have the capability for simultaneous voice and data communication on a port. It should have following features: • Speaker phone for hands free operation (integrated hands free talking facility) • CLI facility • Call waiting indication • User programmable keys • On hook dialing • Call conferencing • Barring / allowing a second incoming call during a call in progress • Toggling (Switching between two connections) • Mailbox function for conference appointment. 3. VoIP (voice over IP) is an IP telephony term for a set of facilities used to manage the delivery of voice information over the Internet. The system shall consist of IP ports that should support various features of VoIP e.g. Video Telephony, Video Conferencing, Mail Box facility, data sharing etc. with Chief/ Secretary facility for simultaneous voice and data communication on a port.
Digital Trunk Circuits ISDN PRI 2Mb stream Trunks for connection with NTC/PTCL and POFs MAIN PABX at Wah The system must have provision for connection of 4 x 2Mb ISDN/PRI interface for connection with NTC/PTCL and POFs MAIN PABX at Wah Cantt, expandable up to 8x2 Mb ISDN/PRI interfaces, as approved by PTA and adapted by PTCL/NTC. The system should have a multiple IP gateway which can be configured for SIP trunks. It must be possible to set up IP trunk connections, digital BRI exchange connections or PRI exchange connections for connection to digital exchanges, or dial-up connections on the exchange side.
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IP ports for connectivity with shelf (Each Port should support 60 channels at least. 04 IP Trunks along with all accessories for connectivity with corporate sites.
Analog Trunk Circuits Hardware/Software for 25 trunks with CLI and metering facility.
CHIEF/SECRETARY SIP PHONE The SIP Phone should be intuitive in functionality and interface, integrated through interoperability with other devices. It is designed to be extremely user friendly and simplify feature implementation. Sensorial interfaces based on advanced technology solutions (touch keys, embedded color LEDs, Touch- Slider for volume control and Touch Guide navigator) as well as large, tilt able, backlit color graphical displays in TFT technology to facilitate user interaction.
Applications of SIP Phone The following applications should be available with SIP Phone: •
Graphical Call Handling
Simple use of complex phone features
Personal Phone Book to 1,000 personal contacts with different telephone numbers
Combine Contacts into Groups
Add a picture to favorite contacts
Call Log/History
See the list of missed, forwarded, dialed and received calls
Dial from the Call Log List
Graphical voicemail control
Message Waiting Indication via LED and icon on idle screen
Intuitive user interface with tape recorder look & feel
Bluetooth V2.0
Object Push Profile: Send and receive business cards / vCards
Page 35 of 53
Key Module •
At least 12 additional freely programmable keys with LEDs; function, speed dial or line keys (two-level).
Large graphical display for key labeling
Central Processor with switching matrix and power supply Central Processor with switching matrix and power supply should be of modular design for ease in Installation/replacement.
SYSTEM REDUNDENCY The system must have following components redundant (duplicated) so that in case of failure of one component the standby should take over 100% load of processor/peripheral hardware without disruption in the communication. The service must not be degraded also. • • • •
Central Processor and Switching Matrix – Redundant Central Processor Power Supplies – Redundant Peripheral Shelf Power Supply – Redundant Main Rectifier/ battery charger- Redundant
Operator Console Standard/PC Based 03 Operator Consoles standard, expandable up to 05. •
Attendant client shall support shortcut keys for operation. The attendant client shall support incoming call notification window.
The attendant client shall support the display of call information such as caller/callee number, caller/callee name, and call duration.
The attendant client shall support multiple rights control, including normal attendant, monitor and system administrator.
The attendant client shall support BLF (Busy Lamp Field) to display status information about attendants.
The attendant client shall support call logs and their management.
The attendant client shall support querying user status before calling a user.
The attendant client shall support enterprise directory through LDAP.
Each IP voice switch shall support up to 1024 attendants.
The software attendant client can bind an physical telephone set. Then the telephone set can be used to answer calls instead of headset.
The attendant client shall support time-out locking of user interface. Page 36 of 53
Except for software client, IP phone or analog phone should support part of attendant functions, such as call transfer, call queue, break-in, and forced release
PC Based Directory Service PC Based directory assistance service with hardware/software.
10. Battery Backup Minimum 08 hours Battery backup, with automatic recharging.
11. RECTIFIER SYSTEM Modular power supply including rectifiers and battery connection facility.
12. MDF The system trunk lines and extension lines shall be terminated on a Main Distribution Frame (MDF). The MDF must be a separate unit connected to the exchange by cables along with computer based Line tester. Self Protector Strips should also be attached with the MDF to avoid overvoltage damages.
13. SYSTEM SOFTWARE • Hard copy of software programming of Exchange. • Programmer to incorporate changes in the software of the Exchange. • The software of the PABX shall steadily develop further. The manufacturer shall offer software upgrades with new features. • The software should be in the high level language recommended by ITU-T (CCITT)
14. PC Based Service Terminal PC based Service Maintenance / Administration Terminal and latest computer (with Maintenance / Administration software), along with following maintenance features. Trouble shooting software Access for remote maintenance Alarm distribution Alarm indications Alarm Identification Automatic restart Blocked circuit indication Call monitoring Data dump
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Diagnostic test Lighting / over current protection on all lines in the interface cards On line maintenance
15. Administration, Programming and Maintenance Software/Hardware The bidder must provide copies of administration, programming and maintenance software.
16. Call Logging System There should be a facility of complete call logging in the system. Full detail regarding telephonic number dialed, time and duration should be recorded. The details should be retrievable for all the extension numbers and trunk numbers. In case the output device disabled due to any reason, the PABX must have a buffer for storing of minimum 3000 CDR data in the system preferably on hard disk & Alarm / Blink overflows position. The CDR is then transferred to the call logging device, a proven call billing system incorporating a standard PC with heavy duty printer and software (Password protected) shall be provided, the processed data shall indicate the extension number, dialed number, date, time and duration of the call, charges etc. 16.1
DETAILED CALL BILLING SOFTWARE • Web Based Detailed Call Billing Software for Call Accounting and Management with basic facilities. • Graphical Display for management • Options to monitor different extensions by defining different parameters i.e. time, area code, cost, etc. • Email of Call-Bill at end of month. • Name display for easy recognition of numbers • Flexible Rate Tables. • Reports generating facility which is printable via serial / USB printer. • Multi-user Multilevel Security • Local or Remote Backup of Call Log data • Export of reports to Word, Excel, etc • Monthly Graphical Reporting and Trend Charts based on No of Calls Cost Usage (Duration) Call Class such as International / National / Incoming / Mobile etc. • Trunk based Costing (Each trunk will have its own cost table) • Time Based, Multi Slab, Variable Pulse time costing • Configurable Parameters via GUI • Single billing solution for multiple telephone systems • Each telephone system can have its own • Call log format • Port and IP address Page 38 of 53
• Costing tables • Extension info, Ceiling limits etc. Recalculate function to update data on rate tables
17. AUTOMATED ATTENDANT Auto attendant system minimum 08 ports for all incoming trunks
The UMS(unified messaging system) shall support call transfer to voice mailbox unconditional, call transfer to voice mailbox on no reply, and call transfer to voice mailbox on busy.
The UMS shall support retrieving voice message through phone, email, or Web page.
The UMS shall support FAX messages leaving, and FAX messages retrieving through fax machine, email, or Web page.
The UMS shall support new voice or fax message notification by message waiting indicator, SMS, email, and phone call.
The UMS shall support sending FAX through email or Web page.
The UMS shall support voice/fax message sending through email. The voice/fax message can be sent automatically to a mail box of a user, and it enables the user to conduct unified management of email and voice/fax massage through Outlook, Notes or other tools.
The UMS shall support sending voice/fax message by group.
The UMS shall support personalized greetings. A user can record personalized greetings.
19. MUSIC ON HOLD Music on hold should be built in and external device facility for both local extension and trunk lines.
20. DTMF/DP CLI TELEPHONE SETS • Calling line identification. • Date and time display. • 150 outgoing calls memory. • 100 incoming calls memory. • LCD (Min. 16 Digit). •
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10 additional Add on key terminals with indications (minimum 16 programmable keys).
22. CHIEF/SECRETARY SETS The SIP Phone should be intuitive in functionality and interface, integrated through interoperability with other devices. It is designed to be extremely user friendly and simplify feature implementation. Sensorial interfaces based on advanced technology solutions (touch keys, embedded color LEDs, Touch- Slider for volume control and Touch Guide navigator) as well as large, tilt able, backlit color graphical displays in TFT technology to facilitate user interaction. 22.1 DIGITAL TELEPHONE SETS: • • • •
Both the Chief and secretary sets should be directly operated on the wire telephone network, without any external power supply. 20 digital telephone sets. 2 x 24 character alpha numeric LCD Display. Speaker phone for hands free operation (integrated hands free talking facility). Programmable keys with indications should be available in the sets for both the number storage and for enhanced digital features e.g. call forwarding, call pickup, call hold etc. Functional Requirements on Video Phone:
The video phone shall be with a camera of 2 megapixel, 1/6-inch Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor (CMOS) image sensor. And the camera can be adjusted in the vertical direction of the LCD.
The video phone shall have a display of 800 x 480 pixels, true color with 16.7 million colors, 7-inch Thin Film Transistor (TFT) LCD with a touch screen. The video phone shall support phone book capacity of 2000 records. The video phone shall support 200 received call records,200 missed call records, and 200 dialed call records.
• • •
The video phone shall support wifi.
22.3 Applications of SIP Phone: The following applications should be available with SIP Phone: • Graphical Call Handling • Simple use of complex phone features • Personal Phone Book to 1,000 personal contacts with different telephone numbers • Combine Contacts into Groups • Add a picture to favorite contacts Page 40 of 53
• • • • • • •
Call Log/History See the list of missed, forwarded, dialed and received calls Dial from the Call Log List Graphical voicemail control Message Waiting Indication via LED and icon on idle screen Intuitive user interface with tape recorder look & feel Object Push Profile: Send and receive business cards / vCards
23. TECHNICAL DOCUMENTATION The bidder must provide: a) b) c) d) e) f)
Item-wise compliance statement. Make and model of the quoted PABX (Including accessories) Maximum capacity of the quoted PABX Block diagram of all shelves Software details, name and manufacturer along with Operating System details. 03 sets of Operational and Maintenance manuals with complete circuit diagrams (Both Hard and Soft copies) g) Operator’s manual should include Operation of system and Location & function of all controls & instruments.
24. POWER REQUIREMENT The system should be able to operate with 220 (±10%) AC Volt / 50 Hz and with least power consumption. System should have built in protection / stabilizer for any power variations. The power consumption per extensions shall not exceed 1 watt per extension. The rectifier should be built-in and modular and should use low dissipation, standard and customized, LSI components packing density and shall operate without the need of forced cooling. No special environmental, like forced cooling by fans and air conditioning should be required. Meantime before failure (MTBF) should be mentioned by the manufacturer of the system.
a) Features Transparency It must be possible to interface the new system with the existing system on ISDN PRI basis with full features transparency. Following features must be transparent but the features transparency should not be limited to only these features: • Number display • Name display • Callback No Answer • Callback Busy • Centralized Attendant service • Centralized call detail recording • Closed Numbering Page 41 of 53
â&#x20AC;˘ Route optimization â&#x20AC;˘ Digital Executive Terminal compatibility It should be possible to connect existing Digital Executive sets with the new system and the new Digital Executive sets should work with existing POF Wah Main PABX. Preference will be given to vendor whose system is fully compatible.
26. ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS The system should be able to work under following environmental conditions; a) Operating temperature on -1oC to 50o C without the need of force cooling. b) Humidity 85%
27. SYSTEM BACK UP a) The system should have multiple backup media, i.e. Hard Disk, Magneto Optical drive (MO Disk), on Flash Disk etc (CDs and floppy disks are not acceptable as backup media). It should be possible to reload the system from either of the backup media. The bidder must specify type of backup media available in the offered system. b) The back up media should be in MO drive, flash disk for storing system software separately for emergency use. c) System shall be able to reboot (restore service / with full memory reload with in a period of not more than 3 minutes). d) Initiating of a reload (office / system data) shall be possible from Maintenance Administration Terminal + computer.
The system should be capable of interfacing with NTC/PTCL Public Exchanges on ISDN PRI and BRI basis as approved and adopted by NTC/PTCL.
Supplier shall be responsible for installation / commissioning of complete system including MDF.
29. TRAINING Supplier shall arrange training of 06 POF personnel for at least four weeks at his venue on Basic concept of Digital / ISDN / IP Technology, Hardware Structure, Software programming & Maintenance etc.
30. GENERAL a) The supplier must be a manufacturer having sales and services offices in Pakistan. b) Certificate specifying the following must be attached: Page 42 of 53
Make & model of the offered PABX with version / software release Confirmation that the equipment to be supplied shall be brand new and has not been manufactured prior to offer submission date Maximum capacity of quoted Make and Model in mixed analogue /digital / IP configuration.
c) Previous experience of installing digital exchanges with 750 lines or more in Pakistan is required. A list of such sites should be attached. d) Offered PABX Make and Model must have been approved by PTA (Pakistan Telecommunication Authority) of at least the offered capacity prior to submission of offer, NOC be attached. e) Confirmation regarding provision of spare parts support for a period of ten years. f) The supplier should offer the entire solution meeting the specifications. Any deviation from the specifications should be mentioned. g) Warranty period is one year. The warranty cost for the next two years, separately for each year, should be quoted in optional items. h) Supplier shall provide a list of two year running spares. i) All the equipment to be supplied by the successful tenderer must be brand new from the latest product line and of latest hardware and software version. j) The licensing packages, if any, for use of system / user features must be clearly mentioned and all the features given in the specifications must be included in the price for all users. The list of features in each package should be mentioned. k) All the Licensing must be of Top End and of highest category offering maximum feature access to all users. l) List of customers in Pakistan where large IP implementation has been executed by the local vendors must be provided with the quotation / offer. m) Single stage-two envelope for procurement of equipment. The Technical and Commercial Proposals should be in Separate SEALED envelopes thereafter both envelopes (TECHNICAL & COMMERCIAL) be put in one envelope (Second Cover) duly sealed and signed. n) Bid evaluation procedure will be adopted as per POF purchase policy. o) Copy of Sales Tax registration Certificate and NTN Certificate must be attached. p) The bidder must also provide Item and sub-item wise compliance statement of technical specifications and BOQ (Bill of Quantities). q) The tenderer shall submit a list indicating all additional facilities and features available in the offered system other than those listed above. r) List of Staff along with the relevant experience in the field to be attached. CVs of all technical employees in the company within Pakistan which should include minimum following information, on separate sheet for each employee, must be attached with the bid: i) ii)
Full Name Date of Joining Page 43 of 53
iii) iv) v) vi) vii)
Location Details of trainings Details on Certification on own / OEM product Details of Certification on switching and routing technologies Details of major project completed
s) The supplier must provide the List of traceability documents if the cards/parts/subassemblies are not manufactured by the OEM. t) The supplier must also ensure as to which cards/parts/subassemblies of the system are to be checked against the OEM.
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“Annexure C” to TE No. 413-FP-Capt-DS-Elect-Hvn/Sjl/Gdl, Dated: 29-9-2012,
IP Switch for Master and Remote Sites, expandable up to 5,000 Ports IP Ports ( Subscriber ) for Master IP Ports ( Subscriber ) for Remote
200 Ports 10 Ports
Remote shelf with Survivability for DTMF/ DP Ports with CLI facility for remote sites
500 Ports
Digital Trunk Circuits ISDN PRI 2Mb stream Trunks for connection with NTC/PTCL and POFs MAIN PABX at Wah. IP Trunks having ports for connectivity with remote shelf (Each Port should support 60 channels at least), along with all accessories for connectivity with corporate sites. Trunk Circuits
Connectivity of Master/Remote Sites with Transport Equipment on Optical Fiber
01 Set
Central Processor with switching matrix and power supply
01 No
System redundancy 7-1 The main control board shall support 1:1 hot backup. 7-2 Redundant Processor Power Supply 7-3 Redundant shelf Power Supply 2+1 7-4 Redundant Rectifier 7-5 1+1 backup of network ports shall be supported. Operator Console Standard / PC Based
01 No. 01 No. 01 No. 01 No.
04 Nos. 08 Nos. 20 Nos.
03 No.
PC Based Directory service
01 No
Battery backup for 08 hours minimum
01 No.
Modular power supply including rectifiers/Charger with battery connection facility.
01 No.
MDF for above system along with computer based line tester.
01 No.
System Software (Complete)
01 No.
PC Based Service Terminal.
01 No.
Administration, Programming and Maintenance Software
01 No.
Call Logging and detailed Extension Billing Software along with Hardware and a heavy duty printer
01 No.
17 18 19
Automated Attendant system minimum 08 ports. Voice Mail System 750 mail box for the user with recording capacity of minimum one hour per mail Music on hold device (built in)
01 No. 01 No. 01 No.
DTMF/ DP CLI Telephone Sets.
250 Nos.
Additional KEY Terminals for Executive/ Secretary Telephone sets
10 Nos.
250 Nos.
Set of documents standard including system description/ operation Instructions/Service manual with complete circuit Diagrams. Power Requirement
Compatibility with existing POFs Wah Main PABX (Siemens make HI-COM 300E).
Environmental Conditions
System Back Up
Installation / Commissioning
03 Set
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IP SWITCH FOR MASTER AND REMOTE SITES Detail of the IP switch is appended below:
Basic Functional Requirements on IP Voice Switch: i) The IP voice switch implements the PBX switching function. The IP voice switch performs operations such as call control, media gateway access control, resource allocation, protocol processing, routing, authentication, and charging. ii) The IP voice switch shall support the SIP (RFC 3261) and H.248 (ITU-T H.248) protocols. Party B (supplier) shall provide description of the support of the SIP and H.248 protocols by the IP voice switch. iii) The IP voice switch shall work with IP network. Party B (supplier) shall provide description of the network interface. The key modules shall support backup feature, including but not limited to: • The main control board shall support 1:1 hot backup. Conversation shall not be interrupted after switching. • 1+1 backup of network ports shall be supported. • 2 + 1 backup of power supply module shall be supported. • Load sharing of media resource modules shall be supported. iv) The IP voice switch system shall support connection to PSTN with FXO, ISDN PRA, R2,Qisg or SS7 (ISUP and TUP). v) The IP voice switch shall support to receive, store and forward at least 32 digits of a number. And at least 32 of it can be analyzed. vi) The IP voice switch shall support T.30 and T.38 for fax. vii) The system shall support built-in voice conference without any additional resource and equipment. Any peripheral equipment for voice conference will not be accepted. Each conference shall support 3 to 120 Parties. At least 960 parties of total shall be supported. viii) The following functions shall be supported: • Telephone conference shall be managed easily through web browser, for example Internet Explorer. • Conference shall be accessed through access code. • Conference convening on time or by chairman should also be supported. • Instant call conference should be supported. ix) The system should support multimedia conference. The following functions should be supported: • Whiteboard • Document sharing • Desktop sharing • Program sharing • Communication through text • File transfer • Video conference • Bulletin • Control of participants' rights: Participants' speech rights and data operation rights can be controlled by the compare. • Display of participants' status in a conference: The compare can view participants' speech status (allowed to listen / allowed to speak) in the conference. A participant can view other participants' data status (if camera-enabled / if raising hand). • Conference recording x) The IP voice switch shall support only (One Number Link You) service: The following functions shall be supported: u) Each user of the IP voice switch shall have only one number. Multiple extensions can be bound with it, including internal extension, PSTN number and cell phone number. v) When the user is busy and a new call arrives, the system will act according to the busyselectmode setting: does not call any terminal, call all the terminals, call the busy terminal or call idle terminals. w) Two different sequential ring modes shall be supported, alternate ring and appended ring. x) The priority of a terminal can be set. y) The interval of sequential ring can be set by user. xi) The IP voice switch shall support automatic attendant. • The automatic attendant shall be provided with the IP voice switch directly. • When there is an incoming call comes to the automatic attendant, the system shall automatically pickup the call, play welcome prompt and collect digits of internal extension number. • The playing voice and the capability of number collecting and analyzing should be customized. xii) The IP voice switch shall support Intelligent Routing function. The following functions shall be supported: ♦ Time segment- based routing ♦ Rerouting ♦ Charging rate-based routing ♦ Subscriber Level-based routing ♦ Load sharing of routing ♦ Trunk balance routing ♦ Percentage-based polling routing
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xiii) xiv) xv) xvi) xvii) xviii) xix)
xx) xxi)
The IP voice switch shall support Voicemail function. The IP voice switch shall support simply web management function. The IP voice switch shall support the DTMF (RFC2833) transmission of the RTP extended payload to improve the reliability of collecting the digits of the VoIP system. The IP voice switch shall support synchronization of network time through SNTP protocol. The IP voice switch shall provide the local accounting function (including outgoing and incoming calls). It can generate CDRs and supply them to billing server. The IP voice switch shall support Diameter for Billing. The IP voice switch shall support the following services: The system should have a multiple IP gateway which can be configured for SIP trunks. It must be possible to set up IP trunk connections, digital BRI exchange connections or PRI exchange connections for connection to digital exchanges. Distributed Architecture Via IP Network IP Access Point-Standard (Remote Shelf on IP Network, Free standing and 19”rack). It should support: • Slots for peripheral modules per IP access point/Central control module • 2 x 10/100 Base-T interface • Should also support local switching matrix • Support of voice-based network protocols via IP • Support of all features and applications of the host system • Administration of all components via central management tool • Distributed voice switching • QoS according to IEEE 802.1 d/q and IETF DiffServ • Integrated echo compensation • Voice compression according to ITU-T G.711 and G.729 AB • Transparent fax-modem support (FMoIP) according to G.711t The bidder should specify available type of Access Points, available slots, connectivity channels and local switching matrix ports.
IP Access Point – Survivability The system should support as an option transferring signaling and voice data information of the IP access points to the central system via PSTN during a fail of the internal IP network infrastructure or during an undercut of the necessary QoS criteria in the IP network.
Soft IP Access Point: The system should have provision for soft IP access point with survivable unit for remote locations. The software should run on a standard server with LINUX operating system as an interface connection to support IP based services devices with following features: • Virtual control module to support more than 50 connections to the IP network expandable in future. • Integrated media server • Support of voice-based network protocols over IP (SIP and / or H.323 based) SIP video support. • QoS according to IEEE 802.1 p/q and IETF DiffServ • Integrated echo compensation • Voice compression according to ITU-T G.711 and G.729 A • Multifunctional configurable as: IP / SIP subscriber gateway IP trunking gateway SIP trunking gateway
Multifunction IP gateway: The system should have multifunction IP gateway which can be configured for IP extensions / SIP extensions / SIP trunks or combination of these three in any configuration. Service Provide interfaces: i) It must be possible to set up IP trunk connections, digital BRI exchange connections or PRI exchange connections for connection to digital exchanges for dial-up connections on the exchange side. Integrated IP gateways must provide the connection with IP based net transitions to service providers by means of the Session Initiated Protocol (SIP). ii) The system must have ‘integrated gateways’ for VoIP- terminals. It should not require any external gateway for connecting VoIP terminals. The system has to be suitable to allow a complete changeover to VoIP technology and, for this reason; has to support a complete wiring with VoIP-terminals
SIP – Carrier Gateway: i) Connecting via SIP with following functions: • Up to minimum 50 VoIP-connections • 10/100 Base-T interface • Support of TCP/IP, UDP, FTP, SIP • Support of Voice based network protocols via IP
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Voice compression according to ITU-T G.711, G.723 and G.729AB
Alternatively configurable in mix mode as: • IP/SIP-subscriber gateway • IP- Trunking gateway • SIP- Trunking gateway Interface for ISDN BRI - basic access: For the digital exchange lines with ISDN-channel structure B+B+D and DSS1 protocol
Interface for ISDN PRI - primary rate access: For digital exchange lines with channel structure 30B+D and DSS1- protocol
Interface for PCM30 digital interface unit: With CAS (channel-associated signaling) for PCM30 access, outgoing / incoming traffic with DID, E&M-signaling Subscriber interfaces
IP Subscriber Gateways: Connection of IP telephone via internal IP based infrastructure with the following features: • 10/100 Base T interface • Support of voice-based network protocols via IP • Support of voice compression according to ITU-T G.711, G.723 and G.729 AB. • QoS according to IEEE 802.1p and IETF DiffServ • Administration of the IP users by the central management
Analog / DTMF interface: For connecting analog telephones, payphones and card telephones with transfer of call charge pulses, modems and group 3 faxes, pulse dialing or DTMF dialing.
Digital 2-channel interface: Connecting two-channel digital telephones, channel structure 2B+D (2 x 64 + 16 kbps), 2-wire
Digital 2-channel BRI interface with DSS1-protocol: Connecting 2-channel ISDN- telephones, ISDN-Router, ISDN-adapter, ISDN- group 4 faxes and adapters for conventional interfaces
Interface for Base Stations: To cover radio cells (cordless)
IP Standby Board: Stand-By Gateway to resume the functions in case of failure of one or several IP gateways and/or the respective LAN connection.
Mandatory Standards: The communication server must meet the requirements of the regulatory authorities for telecommunications and the recommendations of the ITU/TS and the ETSI. The offering party must also demonstrate by means of appropriate certificates that their development, production, sales and customer service have introduced and are using a quality and environmental management system to ISO 9001 / ISO 14001
Operating reliability, maintenance, administration: i) The offered communication server should provide multiple IP gateways to implement voice features and applications. ii) In accordance with the envisaged final configuration, it must be possible to operate the communication server alternatively with analogue, digital and/or IP phones. Efficiency at the work place has to be supported by user-friendly features that are provided by the system. iii) To ensure the administration of the communication server, the system should provide a set of basic management functions. The functions to be provided are as follows: ♦ Configuration management ♦ Error message interpreter ♦ Inventory management ♦ Tracer ♦ Backup and restore ♦ Collecting agent for call data record ♦ Switch diagnosis support ♦ SNMP-support The access to these management functions should be web-based with a user-friendly interface, to eliminate the need for specialized system knowledge.
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System Structure: i) The system should have automatic provision for being switched to duplex control processor, without changing the peripheral and hardware / power supplies. ii) It must be possible to operate the system as pure IP switch, Pure TDM switch or mixture of the two as per requirement. iii) The switching material should be non-blocking permitting a traffic value of 1 Erlang per line. iv) Central Processor: The system should be based on redundant duplex processing techniques to give optimum performance. The system shall have duplicated central processor, memory hardware and power supply working in hot standby configurations so that if one fails, the other takes over the operation smoothly without interrupting the communication services. v) Functionality: The communication system being required must comply with the enhanced expectations and requirements of present day office communications. The system must feature state-of-the art digital technology and microelectronics, with processor control, modular hardware and structured software. The internal transmission and switching of the system must be based on digital (PCM/TDM) technology according to ITU-T (CCITT) specifications. The system shall have one stage time division multiplex with freely assignable ports i.e. it should not restrict using any ports for any feature. vi) The equipment should be of modular design. The inter shelf and inter cabinet cabling shall be of the premanufactured pluggable type. The system shall contain highly packed shelves and modules.
System Application: The System should be capable of supporting following applications: ♦ Computer Telephone Integration (CTI) ♦ Directory Service ♦ ISDN PRI/BRI
♦ ♦
Pure IP Telephony Hybrid IP-TDM Telephony
Remote shelf with Survivability for DTMF/ DP Ports with CLI facility for remote sites • •
The DTMF/DP extensions should be able to work correctly up to 8 Km with 0.6mm cable. System shall provide the facilities and features on all extensions i.e. Call forwarding, Call pickup, Call transferring, Call back, Call hold, Conferencing, Conference Drop, Abbreviated dialing, Distinctive Ringing not less than 03 patterns, Hot line service, Line lock out, Music on hold, Executive right of way, Malicious call tracing, Telephone lock, Direct inward Dialing, Direct outward dialing, Hunting facility, Outgoing trunk queuing, Authorization code for DOD, Automatic Recovery from incorrect operation, CLI on Analogue / Digital extensions, Traffic classes (class of service) etc.
Digital Trunk Circuits ISDN PRI 2Mb stream Trunks for connection with NTC/PTCL and POFs MAIN PABX at Wah The system must have provision for connection of 4 x 2Mb ISDN/PRI interface for connection with NTC/PTCL and POFs MAIN PABX at Wah Cantt, expandable up to 8x2 Mb ISDN/PRI interfaces, as approved by PTA and adapted by PTCL/NTC. The system should have a multiple IP gateway which can be configured for SIP trunks. It must be possible to set up IP trunk connections, digital BRI exchange connections or PRI exchange connections for connection to digital exchanges, or dial-up connections on the exchange side. IP Trunks having ports for connectivity with remote shelf (Each Port should support 60 channels at least), along with all accessories for connectivity with corporate sites.
Trunk Circuits Hardware/Software for 20 trunks with CLI and metering facility.
Connectivity of Optical Fiber with Master/Remote Sites Transport equipment / switches/ router etc. between the master system and remote shelf complete in all respect for proper functionality (the dark fiber will be provided by POF between the two sites)
Central Processor with switching matrix and power supply Central Processor with switching matrix and power supply should be of modular design for ease in Installation/replacement.
SYSTEM REDUNDENCY The system must have following components redundant (duplicated) so that in case of failure of one component the standby should take over 100% load of processor/peripheral hardware without disruption in the communication. The service must not be degraded also. ♦ Central Processor and Switching Matrix – Redundant ♦ Peripheral Shelf Power Supply – Redundant ♦ Central Processor Power Supplies – Redundant ♦ Main Rectifier/ battery charger- Redundant
Operator Console Standard/PC Based 03 Operator Consoles standard, expandable up to 05. ● The attendant client shall support:
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● ● ●
♦ Shortcut keys for operation. ♦ Incoming call notification window. ♦ The display of call information such as caller/callee number, caller/callee name, and call duration. ♦ Multiple rights control, including normal attendant, monitor and system administrator. ♦ BLF (Busy Lamp Field) to display status information about attendants. ♦ Call logs and their management. ♦ Querying user status before calling a user. ♦ Enterprise directory through LDAP. ♦ Time-out locking of user interface. Each IP voice switch shall support up to 1024 attendants. The software attendant client can bind an physical telephone set. Then the telephone set can be used to answer calls instead of headset. Except for software client, IP phone or analog phone should support part of attendant functions, such as call transfer, call queue, break-in, and forced release
PC Based Directory Service PC Based directory assistance service with hardware/software.
Battery Backup Minimum 08 hours Battery backup, with automatic recharging.
RECTIFIER SYSTEM Modular power supply including rectifiers and battery connection facility.
MDF The system trunk lines and extension lines shall be terminated on a Main Distribution Frame (MDF). The MDF must be a separate unit connected to the exchange by cables along with computer based Line tester.
• • • •
Hard copy of software programming of Exchange. Programmer to incorporate changes in the software of the Exchange. The software of the PABX shall steadily develop further. The manufacturer shall offer software upgrades with new features. The software should be in the high level language recommended by ITU-T (CCITT)
PC Based Service Terminal PC based Service Maintenance / Administration Terminal and latest computer software), along with following maintenance features: ♦ Trouble shooting software ♦ Access for remote maintenance ♦ Alarm distribution ♦ Alarm indications ♦ Alarm Identification ♦ Lighting/over current protection on all lines in the interface cards
(with Maintenance / Administration ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦
Blocked circuit indication Call monitoring Data dump Diagnostic test Automatic restart On line maintenance
Administration, Programming and Maintenance Software/Hardware The bidder must provide copies of administration, programming and maintenance software.
Call Logging System There should be a facility of complete call logging in the system. Full detail regarding telephonic number dialed, time and duration should be recorded. The details should be retrievable for all the extension numbers and trunk numbers. In case the output device disabled due to any reason, the PABX must have a buffer for storing of minimum 3000 CDR data in the system preferably on hard disk & Alarm / Blink overflows position. The CDR is then transferred to the call logging device, a proven call billing system incorporating a standard PC with heavy duty printer and software (Password protected) shall be provided, the processed data shall indicate the extension number, dialed number, date, time and duration of the call, charges etc. DETAILED CALL BILLING SOFTWARE • Web Based Detailed Call Billing Software for Call Accounting and Management with basic facilities. • Graphical Display for management • Options to monitor different extensions by defining different parameters i.e. time, area code, cost, etc. • Email of Call-Bill at end of month. • Name display for easy recognition of numbers • Flexible Rate Tables. • Reports generating facility which is printable via serial / USB printer. • Multi-user Multilevel Security • Local or Remote Backup of Call Log data • Export of reports to Word, Excel, etc
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• • • • •
Monthly Graphical Reporting and Trend Charts based on ♦ No of Calls ♦ Cost ♦ Call Class such as International / National / Incoming / Mobile etc. ♦ Usage (Duration) Trunk based Costing (Each trunk will have its own cost table) Time Based, Multi Slab, Variable Pulse time costing Configurable Parameters via GUI Single billing solution for multiple telephone systems Each telephone system can have its own ♦ Call log format ♦ Extension info, Ceiling limits etc. ♦ Port and IP address ♦ Recalculate function to update data on rate tables ♦ Costing tables
AUTOMATED ATTENDANT Auto attendant system minimum 08 ports for all incoming trunks
VOICE MAIL SYSTEM The UMS (Unified Messaging System) shall support: ♦ Call transfer to voice mailbox unconditional, call transfer to voice mailbox on no reply, and call transfer to voice mailbox on busy. ♦ Retrieving voice message through phone, email, or Web page. ♦ FAX messages leaving, and FAX messages retrieving through fax machine, email, or Web page. ♦ New voice or fax message notification by message waiting indicator, SMS, email, and phone call. ♦ Sending FAX through email or Web page. ♦ Voice/fax message sending through email. The voice/fax message can be sent automatically to a mail box of a user, and it enables the user to conduct unified management of email and voice/fax massage through Outlook, Notes or other tools. ♦ Sending voice/fax message by group. ♦ Personalized greetings. A user can record personalized greetings.
MUSIC ON HOLD Music on hold should be built in and external device facility for both local extension and trunk lines.
Calling line identification. Date and time display. 150 outgoing calls memory.
♦ ♦
100 incoming calls memory. LCD (Min. 16 Digit).
ADD ON TERMINAL FOR CHIEF/SECY DIGITAL TELEPHONE SETS 10 additional add on key terminals with indications (minimum 16 programmable keys).
CHIEF/SECRETARY SETS The SIP Phone should be intuitive in functionality and interface, integrated through interoperability with other devices. It is designed to be extremely user friendly and simplify feature implementation. Sensorial interfaces based on advanced technology solutions (touch keys, embedded color LEDs, Touch- Slider for volume control and Touch Guide navigator) as well as large, tilt able, backlit color graphical displays in TFT technology to facilitate user interaction. 22.1 DIGITAL TELEPHONE SETS: • Both the Chief and secretary sets should be directly operated on the wire telephone network, without any external power supply. • 20 digital telephone sets. 2 x 24 character alpha numeric LCD Display. • Speaker phone for hands free operation (integrated hands free talking facility). • Programmable keys with indications should be available in the set sfor both the number storage and for enhanced digital features e.g. call forwarding, call pickup, call hold etc. 22.2 Functional Requirements on Video Phone: • The video phone shall be with a camera of 2 megapixel, 1/6-inch Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor (CMOS) image sensor. And the camera can be adjusted in the vertical direction of the LCD. • The video phone shall have a display of 800 x 480 pixels, truecolor with 16.7 million colors, 7-inch Thin Film Transistor (TFT) LCD with a touchscreen. • The video phone shall support: ♦ Phone book capacity of 2000 records. ♦ 200 Received call records, 200 missed call records, and 200 dialed call records. ♦ Wifi. 22.3 Applications of SIP Phone: The following applications should be available with SIP Phone: • Graphical Call Handling
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• • • • • • • • • • •
Simple use of complex phone features Personal Phone Book to 1,000 personal contacts with different telephone numbers Combine Contacts into Groups Add a picture to favorite contacts Call Log/History See the list of missed, forwarded, dialed and received calls Dial from the Call Log List Graphical voicemail control Message Waiting Indication via LED and icon on idle screen Intuitive user interface with tape recorder look & feel Object Push Profile: Send and receive business cards / vCards
TECHNICAL DOCUMENTATION The bidder must provide: a) Item-wise compliance statement. b) Make and model of the quoted PABX (Including accessories) c) Maximum capacity of the quoted PABX d) Block diagram of all shelves e) Software details, name and manufacturer along with Operating System details. f) 03 sets of Operational and Maintenance manuals with complete circuit diagrams (Both Hard and Soft copies) g) Operator’s manual should include Operation of system and Location & function of all controls & instruments.
POWER REQUIREMENT The system should be able to operate with 220 (±10%) AC Volt / 50 Hz and with least power consumption. System should have built in protection / stabilizer for any power variations. The power consumption per extensions shall not exceed 1 watt per extension. The rectifier should be built-in and modular and should use low dissipation, standard and customized, LSI components packing density and shall operate without the need of forced cooling. No special environmental, like forced cooling by fans and air conditioning should be required. Meantime before failure (MTBF) should be mentioned by the manufacturer of the system.
Compatibility with existing POFs Wah Main PABX (Siemens make HI- COM 300E) Features Transparency It must be possible to interface the new system with the existing system on ISDN PRI basis with full features transparency. Following features must be transparent but the features transparency should not be limited to only these features: ♦ Number display ♦ Centralized call detail recording ♦ Name display ♦ Closed Numbering ♦ Callback No Answer ♦ Route optimization ♦ Callback Busy ♦ Digital Executive Terminal compatibility ♦ Centralized Attendant service It should be possible to connect existing Digital Executive sets with the new system and the new Digital Executive sets should work with existing POF Wah Main PABX. Preference will be given to vendor whose system is fully compatible.
ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS The system should be able to work under following environmental conditions; a) Operating temperature on -1oC to 50o C without the need of force cooling. b) Humidity 85%
b) c) d)
The system should have multiple backup media, i.e. Hard Disk, Magneto Optical drive (MO Disk), on Flash Disk etc (CDs and floppy disks are not acceptable as backup media). It should be possible to reload the system from either of the backup media. The bidder must specify type of backup media available in the offered system. The back up media should be in MO drive, flash disk for storing system software separately for emergency use. System shall be able to reboot (restore service / with full memory reload with in a period of not more than 3 minutes). Initiating of a reload (office / system data) shall be possible from Maintenance Administration Terminal + computer.
The system should be capable of interfacing with NTC/PTCL Public Exchanges on ISDN PRI and BRI basis as approved and adopted by NTC/PTCL. Supplier shall be responsible for installation / commissioning of complete system including MDF.
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TRAINING Supplier shall arrange training of 06 POF personnel for at least four weeks at his venue on Basic concept of Digital / ISDN / IP Technology, Hardware Structure, Software programming & Maintenance etc.
c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j) k) l) m) n) o) p) q) r)
s) t)
The supplier must be a manufacturer / authorized dealer having sales and services offices in Islamabad, Lahore and Karachi. The authorization letter from OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) to be attached. Certificate specifying the following must be attached: Make & model of the offered PABX with version / software release. Confirmation that the equipment to be supplied shall be brand new and has not been manufactured prior to offer submission date. Maximum capacity of quoted Make and Model in mixed analogue /digital / IP configuration. Previous experience of installing digital exchanges with 750 lines or more in Pakistan is required. A list of such sites should be attached. Offered PABX Make and Model must have been approved by PTA (Pakistan Telecommunication Authority) of at least the offered capacity prior to submission of offer. NOC be attached. Confirmation regarding provision of spare parts support for a period of ten years. The supplier should offer the entire solution meeting the specifications. Any deviation from the specifications should be mentioned. Warranty period is one year. The warranty cost for the next two years, separately for each year, should be quoted in optional items. Supplier shall provide a list of two year running spares. All the equipment to be supplied by the successful tenderer must be brand new from the latest product line and of latest hardware and software version. The licensing packages, if any, for use of system / user features must be clearly mentioned and all the features given in the specifications must be included in the price for all users. The list of features in each package should be mentioned. All the Licensing must be of Top End and of highest category offering maximum feature access to all users. List of customers in Pakistan where large IP implementation has been executed by the local vendors must be provided with the quotation / offer. Single stage-two envelope for procurement of equipment. The Technical and Commercial Proposals should be in Separate SEALED envelopes thereafter both envelopes (TECHNICAL & COMMERCIAL) be put in one envelope (Second Cover) duly sealed and signed. Bid evaluation procedure: Technical bid: 60% and Financial bid: 40%. Copy of Sales Tax registration Certificate and NTN Certificate must be attached. The bidder must also provide Item and sub-item wise compliance statement of technical specifications and BOQ (Bill of Quantities). The tenderer shall submit a list indicating all additional facilities and features available in the offered system other than those listed above. List of Staff along with the relevant experience in the field to be attached. CVs of all technical employees in the company within Pakistan which should include minimum following information, on separate sheet for each employee, must be attached with the bid: ♦ Full Name ♦ Details on Certification on own / OEM product ♦ Date of Joining ♦ Details of Certification on switching and routing technologies ♦ Location ♦ Details of major project completed ♦ Details of trainings The supplier must provide the List of traceability documents if the cards/parts/subassemblies are not manufactured by the OEM. The supplier must also ensure as to which cards/parts/subassemblies of the system are to be checked against the OEM.
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ZARAI TARAQIATI BANK LIMITED TENDER NOTICE (TENDER NOTICE 5-2012) The Zarai Taraqiati Bank Limited has allocated funds for the Supply, installation, configuration & commissioning of Cisco Catalyst 4507-R+E Core Switch or equivalent, SFP Modules and Rack for its Data Center established in its Head Office, Islamabad. Bidding is open to all suppliers who can demonstrate the following:
Firm must be registered with Sales Tax and Income Tax Department (Copy of NTN Certificate & Sales Tax Certificate should be provided). Firm must provide Gold Partner Status, Firm must have been established in IT (Sales and Service) business for at least 5 years. Proof of Date of incorporation of the Firm must be provided. Firm must have established office at Islamabad along with repairing facility. Firm must have not been black listed by any government organization. Firm must provide list of their valued clients in Government/Public Sector, Banks/DFIs along with their Contact Addresses and telephone numbers. Proof of financial soundness (Bank Certificate) Firms are also required to submit detail/reference letter from the Client for the same.
Interested bidders may inspect the tender document, containing detailed terms & conditions, on the ZTBL website or at the address mentioned below. Bidding documents may be purchased upon payment of a non-refundable fee of rupees 500/- in shape of cash / pay order/ demand draft. Tenders must be delivered to the address below on or before closing date 19.11.2012 upto 11:00 AM. All tenders must be accompanied by; • a bid security of not less than 3% of total tender price); • documents mentioned in checklist available in bidding document Tenders will be opened on 19.11.2012 at 11:30 AM, in the presence of bidders’ representatives who choose to attend, at the address below. Late tenders will be rejected and returned unopened to bidders. Incharge IT-Procurement & Assets Management Department, Zarai Taraqiati Bank Limited Head Office 1 -Faisal Avenue, Zero Point, Islamabad Ph. 051-9252798 There will be no price negotiations with the lowest evaluated responsive bidders. Suppliers are therefore requested to submit their lowest and best prices with their tenders.
ZARAI TARAQIATI BANK LIMITED TENDER NOTICE SUPPLY, INSTALLATION, CONFIURATION AND COMMISSIONING OF FIREWALL AND IDS/IPS (Procurement Number: 1/2012) The Zarai Taraqiati Bank Limited has allocated funds for the Supply, installation, configuration & commissioning of firewall and supply, installation, configuration & commissioning of IDS/IPS. Bidding is open to all suppliers who can demonstrate the following: • Firms is authorized by manufacturer as Authorized Distributor/Dealer/Retailer • Name of Firm with address, Telephone No. and Fax No. (if any) • Date of establishment of firm and Certificate of Registration. • The firm has sufficient permanent technical staff who posses relevant training from manufacturer. • Reference certificates from two corporate clients or their contact numbers to whom similar services were provided. • Have valid NTN and Sales Tax Registration No. • The firm is not black listed by any government / semi government organization. Interested bidders may inspect the tender document, containing detailed terms & conditions, on the ZTBL website or at the address mentioned below. Bidding documents may be purchased upon payment of a non-refundable fee of rupees 500/- in shape of cash/ pay order/ demand draft. Tenders must be delivered to the address below on or before closing date 15.11.2012 upto 11:00 AM. All tenders must be accompanied by; • a bid security of not less than 3% of total tender price); • documents mentioned in checklist available in bidding document Tenders will be opened on 15.11.2012 at 11:30 AM, in the presence of bidders’ representatives who choose to attend, at the address below. Late tenders will be rejected and returned unopened to bidders. Incharge IT-Procurement & Assets Management Department, Zarai Taraqiati Bank Limited Head Office 1 -Faisal Avenue, Zero Point, Islamabad Ph. 05 1-9252798 There will be no price negotiations with the lowest evaluated responsive bidders. Suppliers are therefore requested to submit their lowest and best prices with their tenders
TENDER NOTICE Sealed quotations are invited from reputed Sales Tax and Income Tax registered Internet Services providers for hiring of following internet facilities for the period of one year(renewable on the performance basis) at Directorate of Soil Fertility Research Institute, Lahore Description
Internet Bandwidth Primary Media Fiber Optic
Total= 4MB CIR With min 5 static IPâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s
Internet Bandwidth Backup Media Fiber Optic / Wireless
Delivery & Installation Schedule from the date of Signing contract 3 weeks
Delivery Location
Directorate of Soil Fertility Research Institute, Thokar Niaz Baig , Multan Road Lahore -do-
Sealed Quotation should include the cost of above work, Sales Tax and Income Tax Certificate, accompanied with pay order (Refundable) of 2% of the total bid amount as earnest money in favour of Director of Soil Fertility Research Institute, Lahore within 15 days positively. Performa payment of Rs.500/= regarding the technical specifications may be collected during the office timings (from 08:00 AM to 03:00 PM) except Friday (from 08:00 AM to 12:00 AM). Terms and Conditions 1. Setup and activation charges of package including laying of OFC as well as deployment period. 2. List of services, devices and items offered along with package without incurring additional cost such as number of static IPs, Routers, Switches and media convertors or any other relevant material. 3. Upload bandwidth of primary link preferably equal to download speed. 4. Medium of backup link (OFC and Wireless along with download and upload bandwidth). Procedure (For switch over)and time in case of primary link goes down 5. Primary link must be on Fast Ethernet Interface and upgradable up to 100 Mbps without incurring further deployment charges on existing hardware infrastructure. 6. Zero downtime on shifting over to backup link and vice versa in case of any problem or ISP's scheduled servicing etc. 7. In case of damage of hardware equipment provided by ISP to this Office, ISP must provide immediate backup till the resolution of actual equipment. 8. Documents containing Copy of registration of firm / company, NTN detail, financial position, GST certificate, enterprise clientage list, OFC topology routes, backbone links
and detail of technical & support staff along with functional time. 9. Reports for performance, monitoring/usage of bandwidth preferably through graphs on monthly, quarterly and yearly basis. 10. In case, no or less than three (3) ISPs participated in the bid, the Office reserves the right to procure the required bandwidth without retendering from any ISP. 11. This Office reserves the right to discontinue internet service on one month notice in case of breach of any term and condition. 12. The tender should reach to the o/o the under signed up to 10.11.2012 by 03:00 PM which shall be opened on 12.11.2012 at 11:00 am in the presence of the tenderers who desire to participate in the tender opening.
Director, SFRI
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Benefits of Maven Tenders A subscription to Maven will ensure your organization has access to the latest tenders being called by all levels of Government along with the private and public sectors. As the smartest provider of tender opportunities in the Pakistan market, Maven lead the way in ensuring all relevant tenders for your business are captured and distributed to you in a timely manner. Our capture rates (finding what tenders are available in the market) are considered the best available. What are you currently missing out on?
There are many good reasons to subscribe to a tender notification service. Think of your subscription as an investment, an investment that will more than pay for itself when you win new business called through the tender process. Even if you already have a tender notification provider, having two subscriptions will ensure nothing slips through the net. If you buy your local newspaper and check the tenders advertised column yourself, and this suffices for your business, then you probably don't need our services. However if you are serious about winning new business through the complete capture of all relevant tenders for your business, then a subscription to Maven will deliver.
The following pages outline the main benefits of using our service. Complete Coverage: Maven is your single source. 95% of all publicly advertised tenders in Pakistan pass through our system. We are the only tender notification company that provides customized service. Our research team are highly experienced in hunting down the latest tenders, and our daily media search extends to printed media such as newspapers, trade journals and industry magazines. We also search known industry websites for new tenders being published including all levels of government, councils, and corporate procurers. Rest assured, we know all the sources of tenders and they know us! Benefit to you Your organization receives the widest possible coverage. When you subscribe to Maven you can be assured that all tenders are being captured that are relevant to your business, and that nothing is being missed. You need confidence in this area. Relevancy: We realise the importance of ensuring you only receive tenders that are relevant to your business and industry. Time is precious
and we also understand that you are very busy in your day-to-day work. That is why we have developed an industry matching system that ensures accuracy and relevancy to your specific needs. With many industry categories available, you pick and choose which categories you require tenders from. We also provide keyword profile matching for the most highly targeted matches. Benefit to you You spend less time searching and filtering for tenders in the market and more time running your business. Only receive tenders that are of direct interest to you, and only tenders you are capable of responding to. We keep it quick and simple! Timeliness: We guarantee to have a minimum of 95% of all publicly available tenders to you within 24 business hours of publication. If a tender is published in a newspaper or website today, and it matches your profile, we will send that to you within one business day usually Benefit to you You receive notification in a timely and efficient manner. The earlier the notification to you the more time you have to prepare and respond. With tight closing times becoming the norm, you need to receive notification of tenders at the earliest point possible!
Many of our clients claim that this benefit alone saves them the equivalent of our annual subscription costs! Users: You can have up to five users under your subscription. So if you have a branch network or multiple offices, five people within your business can receive or access tenders we publish. This is useful when each of your branches require tenders for their own region, or where your business has different operating divisions. Benefit to you A subscription can be set-up with 5 users in your organization. Each user can have access to Maven and can receive tenders via email. This means tenders being captured can easily be distributed to your staff or colleagues based on their location or the division they work in.