I/we M/s ________________________________ do herby affirm to adhere to the necessary instructions for participation in the procurement process.
All the
columns of DP-I, II and III forms are filled, signed and stamped as per requirement. Data Sheet (for unregistered firms only) is attached and required to be filled in all respects.
Yours truly, _________________ Signature of Tenderer _________________ Complete Name Seal/Stamp of Firm
_________________ Capacity in which Signing _________________ Date
Contact Numbers Assistant Directors Procurement DP(Navy) ADP-31 ADP-32 ADP-33 ADP-34 ADP-36 ADP-37
051-9271471 051-9271472 051-9271473 051-9271474 051-9271475 051-9271478
DP-1 DIRECTORATE OF PROCUREMENT (NAVY) No.……………………….. …………. Directorate of Procurement (Navy) At Ministry of Defence Production Building Sectt No. II, Adamjee Road Rawalpindi Tel: 051-9271468-78 Fax : 051-5516307 E-mail: M/S 2012
Invitation to Tender and General Instructions
1. Conditions Governing Contracts. The ‘Contract’ made as result of this I/T shall mean the agreement entered into between the parties i.e. the ‘Purchaser’ and the ‘Seller’ on Directorate General Defence Purchase (DGDP) contract Form “DP-19” in accordance with the law of contract Act, 1872 and those contained in Defence Purchase Procedure (DP-35) and other special conditions that may be added to given contract for the supply of Defence Stores specified herein.
Understood agreed
Understood not agreed
2. Delivery of Tender. The offer is to be submitted in duplicate as under:a. Commercial Offer. The offer will be in duplicate and indicate prices quoted in figures as well as in words alongwith essential literature/brochure. It should be clearly marked in fact on the envelope “Commercial Offer”, tender number and date of opening. Taxes, duties, freight/transportation, insurance charges etc are to be indicated separately. Total price of the items quoted against the tender is to be clearly mentioned.
b. Technical Offer: (Where Applicable). Should contain all relevant specifications in triplicate alongwith essential literature/brochure and drawings in an envelope and clearly marked “Technical Offer” (without prices), tender number and date of opening. c. Special Instructions. Tender documents and its conditions may please be read point by point and understood properly before quoting. All tender conditions should be responded clearly. In case of any deviation due to non-acceptance of tender conditions(s), the same should be highlighted alongwith your changed offer/conditions. Tender may however be liable to be rejected.
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d. Firms shall submit their offers in two separate envelopes (i.e. two copies of commercial offer and two or more copies of the technical offer as asked in the IT). The commercial offer will include rates of items/services called for and the technical offer will not indicate the rates. Both types of offers are to be enclosed in separate covers and each envelope shall be properly sealed bearing the signature of the bidder. Each cover shall indicate type of offer, number and date of IT and IT opening date. Thereafter both the envelopes (technical and commercial offer) shall be placed in one envelope (second cover) duly sealed and signed. This cover should bear the address of the procurement agency indicating, issuance date of IT and No, with its opening date. This should be further placed in another cover (third cover), addressed as indicated in the tender documents, without any indication that there is a tender within it. e.
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The tender duly sealed will be addressed to the following:Directorate of Procurement (Navy)/P-3... At Ministry of Defence Production Building Secretariat No. II, Adamjee Road Rawalpindi, PAKISTAN Telephone: 92-051-9271468-78 Fax No. 92-051-5516307 E-Mail:
3. Date and Time For Receipt of Tender. Tender must reach this office by the date and time specified in the Schedule to Tender (Form DP2) attached. This Directorate will not accept any excuse of delay occurring in post. Tenders received after the appointed/ fixed time will NOT be entertained. The appointed time will, however, fall on next working day in case of closed/forced holiday. Only legitimate/registered representatives of firm will be allowed to attend tender opening. 4. Tender Opening. Tenders will be opened as mentioned in the schedule to tender. Commercial offers will be opened at later stage if Technical Offer is found acceptable on examination by technical authorities of Service HQ. Date and time for opening of Commercial offer shall be intimated later. Only legitimate / registered representative of firm will be allowed to attend tender opening. 5.
Validity of Offer. a. The validity period of quotations must be indicated and should invariably be 90 days extendable to 120 days from the date of opening of Tender. Conversion rate of FE/LC components will be considered w.e.f. opening of commercial offer. b. The quoting firm will certify that in case of an additional requirement of the contract item(s) in any qty(s) with in a period of
12 months from the date of signing the contract, these will also be supplied ( at the on going contract rates) with discount. 6. Part Bid. Firm may quote for the whole or any portion, or to state in the tender that the rate quoted, shall apply only if the entire quantity is taken from the firm. The Director Procurement reserves the right of accepting the whole or any part of the tender or portion of the quantity offered, and firm shall supply these at the rate quoted.
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Understood not agreed
7. Quoting of Rates. Only one rate shall be quoted for entire quantity, item wise. 8. Return of I/T. In case you are Not quoting, please return the tender inquiry stating the reason of NOT quoting. In case of failure to return the ITs either quoted or not quoted consequently on three occasions, this Directorate, in the interest of economy, will consider the exclusion of your firm’s name from our future distribution list of invitation to tender. 9. Withdrawal of Offer. Firms shall not withdraw their commercial offers before signing of the contract and within validity period of their offers. In case the firm withdraws its offer within validity period and before signing of the contract, Earnest Money of the firm shall be confiscated and disciplinary action may also be initiated for embargo up to 01 year. 10. Provision of Documents in case of Contract. In case any firm wins a contract, it will deposit following documents before award of contract:
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Understood not agreed
a. A copy of letter showing firm’s financial capability/Bank statement. b. Foreign Seller has to provide its Registration Number issued by respective Department of Commerce authorizing export of subject stores. c. Principal/Agency Agreement. 11.
Treasury Challan. a. Offers must be accompanied with a challan form of Rs. 200/(obtainable from State Bank of Pakistan/Government Treasury) and debitable to Major Head XL VII, Main Head XII, Sub Head ‘A’ Miscellaneous Code No Def – 1220. Each offer will be covered by one challan.
b. In case of un-registered firms, whether they have applied for registration or not, shall pay tender inquiry fee (Challan Form) of Rs. 300/-.
Not Attached
Not Attached
12. Inspection Authority. CINS, Joint Inspection will be carried out by INS, Consignee & Specialist User or a team nominated by Pakistan Navy. CINS inspection shall be as prescribed in DP-35 and PP & I (Revised 2002) or as per terms of the contract.
Understood agreed Understood agreed
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Understood not agreed
13. Condition of Stores. Brand new stores will be accepted on Firm’s Warranty/Guarantee Form DPL-15. Copy of DPL-15 can be obtained from DP(N) on e-mail address given on page 1. 14. Marking. Marking Spec/Misc/NS/002/80.
15. Documents Required. submitted along with the quote:
Following documents are required to be
a. OEM/Authorized Dealer/Agent Certificate along with OEM Dealership Evidence for respective tender.
Understood agreed
Understood not agreed
b. The firm/supplier shall provide correct and valid e-mail and Fax No to CINS and DP(Navy). Supplier/contracting firm shall either provide OEM Conformance Certificate to CINS or is to be emailed to CINS under intimation to DP (Navy). Hard copy of COC must follow in any case through courier. On receipt, CINS shall approach the OEM for verification of Conformance Certificates issued by OEM. Companies/firms rendering false OEM Conforming Certificates will be blacklisted. c.
Original quotation/proforme invoice.
d. In case of bulk proforme invoice, a certificate that prices indicated in the bulk proforme invoice have not been decreased since the date of bulk proforme invoice from the manufacturers/suppliers. e. Submit breakup of cost of stores/services on the following lines: (1) Imported material with break down item wise alongwith import duties. (2) Variable business overheads like taxes and duties imposed by the federal/provincial government as applicable:(i) General Sales Tax (ii) Income Tax (iii) Custom Duty. PCT code along with photocopy of the related page is to be attached where applicable. (iv) Any other tax/duty. (3) Fixed overhead charges like labour, electricity etc. (4) Agent commission/profit, if any. (5) Any other expenditure/cost/service/remuneration as asked for in the tender. Understood agreed
Understood agreed
16. Rejection of Stores/Services. The stores/services offered as a result of contract concluded against this tender may be rejected as follows: a. 1st rejection on Govt. expense b. 2nd rejection on supplier expense c. 3rd rejection contract cancellation will be initiated. 17. Security Deposit/Bank Guarantee . To ensure timely and correct supply of stores the firm shall furnish an unconditional Bank Guarantee(BG) from a scheduled Bank for an amount upto 10 % of the contract value (excluding Taxes, duties/freight handling charges) on a Judicial Stamp Paper of the value of (Rs 100.00) as per prescribed format or in shape of CSD/Bank draft. The Bank Guarantee shall be endorsed in favour of CMA(DP) Rawalpindi who is the Accounts Officer specified in the contract. The CMA(DP) Rawalpindi have the like power of seeking encashment at site of the Bank Guarantee as if the same has been demanded by the purchaser himself. The Bank Guarantee shall be produced by the supplier within 30 days from the date of issue of the contract and remain valid for upto 60 days after completion of warranty period and remain in force till one year ahead of the delivery date given in the contract. If delivery period is extended, the supplier shall arrange the extension of Bank Guarantee within 30 days after the original delivery period to keep its validity always one year ahead of the extended delivery period. The BG form can be obtained from DP(N) on e-mail address given at page 1. 18. Integrity Pact. Procurements exceeding Rs 10 Million shall be subject to an integrity pact, between the procuring agency and the suppliers or contractors. The form is available at or can be requested at, or . 19. Correspondence. All correspondence will be addressed to the Purchaser. Correspondence with regard to payment or issue of delivery receipt may be addressed to CMA Rawalpindi & Consignee respectively with copy endorsed to the purchaser.
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20. Pre-shipment Inspection. PN may send a team of officers including DP(N) member for the inspection of major equipments and machinery items at OEM premises as per terms of contract. 21. Amendment to Contract. Contract may be amended/modified to include fresh clause (s) modify the existing clauses with the mutual agreement by the supplier and the purchaser; such modification shall form an integral part of the contract. 22. Discrepancy. The consignee will render a discrepancy report to all concerned within 60 days after receipt of stores for discrepancies found in the consignment. The quantities found short are to be made good by the supplier, free of cost. 23.
Price Variation.
a. Prices offered against this tender are to be firm and final.
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Understood not agreed
b. Where the prices of the contracted stores/raw material are controlled by the government or an agency competent to do so on government behalf then price increase/decrease will be allowed at actual on case to case basis on production of government notification by the Supplier for the subject stores where the firms are contractually obliged and bound to produce the stores from raw materials supplied by government/State controlled departments in consultation with Military Finance. c. Except for calculation or typographical errors, the rates of the contracts not having a price variation clause PVC clause will not be increased subsequently. But when such an increase is considered desirable in the interest of expeditious supply of stores and is necessitated by the circumstances beyond the control of the Supplier, the case may be decided accordingly. 24. Price Reduction (PR). In case the stores on inspection are found to be below the stipulated specification and these are proposed to be accepted by the inspector under deviation subject to be certain price reduction, the relevant Inspection Note may be released and stores dispatched to the consignee with the following endorsement on the Inspection Note: “Accepted under deviation with certain price reduction, as recommended on deviation form, which is subject to final approval/decision by the Purchaser� The supplier will not submit the bills unless price reduction aspect is finally decided upon by the purchaser and formal amendment to this effect is issued in the contract. 25. Buy back. The seller will buy back the spares/items supplied as a part of this tender at the selling price, which are no longer required as indicated by the buyer with in five years from the final acceptance of the spares/items. 26. Force Majeure. The supplier will not be held responsible for any delay occurring in supply of equipment due to event of Force Majeure such as acts of God, War, Civil commotion, Strike, Lockouts, Act of Foreign Government and its agencies and disturbance directly affecting the supplier over which events or circumstances the supplier has no control. In such an event the supplier shall inform the purchaser within 15 days of the happening and within the same timeframe about the discontinuation of such circumstances/happening in writing. Nonavailability of raw material for the manufacture of stores, or of export permit for the contracted stores from the country of its origin, shall not constitute Force Majeure.
Understood agreed
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Understood not agreed
27. Arbitration. All matters of dispute or difference regarding rejection of stores by the inspector or cancellation of the contract by the Purchaser, arising out of the contract finalized between the parties thereto, the settlement of which is not otherwise specially provided for in the contract, shall be referred to arbitration as under: a.
Foreign Currency (FOB/CIF/C&F/FSA etc) Contracts (1). The dispute shall be referred for adjudication to two arbitrators one to be nominated by each party. Who before entering upon the reference shall appoint an umpire by mutual agreement and if they do not agree a judge of the Superior Court will be requested to appoint the umpire. The arbitration proceedings shall be held in Pakistan and under Pakistan Law. (2). The venue of arbitration shall be the place from which the contact is issued or such other places as the Purchaser at his discretion may determine. (3). Arbitration award so given will be firm and final.
b. Indigenous (FOR etc) Contracts. The settlement of dispute, is not otherwise specially provided for in the contract, through arbitration clause in the contract shall be referred to the decision of Secretary, Ministry of Defence (DP Division). His decision shall be final and binding on both the parties. Work under the contract shall if reasonably possible continue, under the proceedings before the said Secretary and no payments payable by the Director shall be withheld on the account of such proceeding unless they are subject of the dispute.
Understood agreed
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Understood agreed
Understood not agreed
28. Court of Jurisdiction. In case of any dispute only court of jurisdiction at Rawalpindi shall have jurisdiction to decide the matter. 29. Liquidated Damages(LD). Liquidated Damages upto 2% per month are liable to be imposed on the suppliers by the purchaser in accordance with DP-35, if the stores supplied after the expiry of the delivery date without any valid reasons. Total value of LD shall not exceed 10% of the contract value. 30. Risk Purchase. In the event of failure on the part of supplier to comply with the contractual obligations the contract will be cancelled at the Risk and Expense of the supplier in accordance with DP-35. 31. Penalty. In case of wrong supply of the item or any breach of the contractual terms & conditions by the supplier, a penalty may be imposed by DP(Navy). 32 Compensation Breach of Contract. If the contractor fails to supply the contracted stores or contract is cancelled either on RE or without RE or contract become ineffective due to default of supplier / seller or stores / equipment declared defective and caused loss to the Government, contractor shall be liable to pay to the Government
Understood agreed
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Understood not agreed
compensation for loss or inconvenience resulting for his default or from the rescission of his contract when such default or rescission take place such compensation will be in excess to the RE amount, if imposed by the competent authority. Compensation amount in terms of money will be decided by the purchase officer and will be deposited by contractor / seller in Government treasury in the currency of contract.
33. Gratuities/Commission/Gifts. No commission, rebate, bonus, fee or compensation in any form shall be paid to any local or foreign agent, consultant representative, sales promoter or any intermediary by the Manufacturer/Supplier except the agent commission payable as per the agent commission policy of the government and as amended from time to time and given in the contract. Any breach of such clause(s) of the contract by Manufacturer/Supplier and/or their sole nominated representative may result in cancellation of the contract blacklisting of the Manufacturer/Supplier financial penalties and all or any other punitive measure which the purchaser may consider appropriate. 34.
Understood agreed
Understood not agreed
Termination of Contract. a. If at any time during the currency of the contract the Purchaser decides to terminate the contract for any reason whatsoever (other than for reasons of Non-Delivery) he shall have right to do so by giving the Supplier a registered notice to that effect. In that event the Purchaser will accept delivery at the contract price and terms of such stores/goods/services which are in the actual process of manufacture that is completed and ready for delivery within thirty days after receipt by the Supplier of such notice. b. In the case of remainder of the stores/goods/services the Purchaser may elect either:
(1). To have any part thereof completed and take the delivery thereof at the contract price or. (2). To cancel the remaining quantity and pay to the Supplier for the articles or sub-components or raw materials purchased by the Supplier and are in the actual process of manufacture at the price to be determined by the Purchaser. In such a case materials in the process of manufacture shall be delivered by the Supplier to the Purchaser. (3). No payment shall however be made for any materials not yet in the actual process of manufacture on the date notice of cancellation is received. c. Should the Supplier fail to deliver goods/services in time as per quality terms of contract or fail to render Bank Guarantee within the stipulated time period or any breach of the contract the Purchaser reserves the right to terminate/cancel the contract fully or any part thereof at the risk and expense (RE) of the Supplier.
Understood agreed
Understood not agreed
35. Rights Reserved. Directorate of Procurement (Navy), Rawalpindi reserves full rights to accept or reject any or all offers including the lowest, by giving the reasons in writing to the participants. 36. Application of Official Secrets Act, 1923. All the matters connected with this enquiry and subsequent actions arising there from come within the scope of the Official Secrets Act, 1923. You are, therefore, requested to ensure complete secrecy regarding documents and stores concerned with the enquiry and to limit the number of your employees having access to this information. 37. Acknowledgment. Firms will send acknowledgement slips within 07 days from the date of downloading of IT from the PPRA Website i.e. 38.
Disqualification. Offers may be liable to rejection if: a.
Received later than appointed/fixed date and time.
Offers are found conditional or incomplete in any respect.
c. There is any deviation from the General /Special/Technical Instructions contained in this tender. d. Forms DP-1, DP-2,and DP-3 duly signed and stamped as stipulated, are NOT received with the offers. e. Taxes and duties, freight/transportation and insurance charges NOT indicated separately as per required price breakdown mentioned at Para 17. f.
Treasury challan is NOT attached with the offer.
Multiple rates are quoted against one item.
h. Manufacturer’s relevant brochures and technical details on major equipment assemblies are not attached in support of specifications. j.
Subject to restriction of export license.
k. Offers (commercial/technical) containing non-initialed/ unauthenticated amendments/corrections/overwriting. m.
If the validity of the agency agreement is expired.
n. The commercial offer against FOB/CIF/C&F tender is quoted in local currency and vice versa. p. Principals invoice in duplicate clearly indicating whether prices quoted are inclusive or exclusive of the agent commission is not enclosed.
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Understood not agreed
q. Earnest money is not provided with the technical offer (or as specified). r. If validity of offer is not quoted as required in IT or made subject to confirmation later. s.
Offer made through Fax/E-mail/Cable/Telex.
t. If offer is found to be based on cartel action in connivance with other sources/ participants of the tender. u. If OEM and principal name and complete address is not mentioned.
39. Appeals by Supplier/Firm. Any aggrieved Supplier/Firm against the decision of DP(N) or CINS or any other problematic area towards the execution of the contract may prefer an Appeal to Standing Appeal Committee(SAC) comprising PN Officers at Naval Headquarters, Islamabad. The detail and timeline for preferring appeals is given below:
S.No 1.
Category of Appeal Appeals for liquidated damages Appeals for reinstatement of contracts Appeals for risk & expense amount Appeals for rejection of stores Appeals in all other Cases
Understood agreed
Understood not agreed
Understood agreed
Understood not agreed
Limitation Period Within 30 days of decision Within 30 days of decision Within 30 days of decision Within 30 days of decision Within 30 days of decision
40. Limitation. Any appeal received after the laps of timelines given in para 39 above shall not be entertained.
41. The above terms and conditions are confirmed in total for acceptance.
Sincerely yours, _______________________ (To be Signed by Officer Concerned) Rank:__________________ NAME:______________________ ___ NOTE: 1. FORM DP-1, DP-2, DP-3 and Questionnaires. Form DP-1, DP-2, DP-3 and Questionnaires duly filled in are to be returned with the offer duly signed by the authorized signatory/person. It is pertinent to mention that all these are mandatory requirement for participation in the tender. 2. Copy of DP-35 Revised 2002: Copies of DP-35 revised 2002 are available with Registration Section DGDP and the same be obtained by the Supplier on payment at the rate of Rs 250/- each.
(Signatures of Tenderer) ……………………………. (Capacity in which signing)
D P 2 I N V I T A T I O N
1. Schedule to Tender No 220035/R-1211/310449 dated 28-11-2012 This tender will be closed for acceptance at 1030 Hours and will be opened at 1100 Hours on 31-122012. Please drop tender in the Tender Box No 107. 2. You are requested to please use this Performa for price quotation, fill in the prices, affix your stamp on the same, sign it and forward it in original as your Commercial offer along with the covering letter of your firm. If you do not use this form as price quotations your offer may be rejected. 3. You are requested to please attach DP-1 and DP-3 alongwith your quotation duly signed & stamped. Same can be requested from DP (N) at Email, S. No. 1.
Cat/Part No. NSN-6130-50-513-8806 P/No/Model No.GES303H3326
OEM: Firm is to mentioned in its offer detailed address, Tel No and Fax No of respective OEM Above mentioned price includes 16% sale Tax (Please tick Yes or No) Yes
Grand Total
Terms & Conditions 1.
Special Instructions.
Terms of Payment.
Attached CINS Special Instructions.
70% Payment on a. Receipt of all materials, documents, procedures etc as per contract b. Acceptance of the stores/documents by inspection committee. 30% Payment a. After issuance of final acceptance certificate. b. After issuance of CRV
Origin of Stores.
Origin of OEM.
To be indicated by Firms.
Technical Scrutiny Report.
Delivery Period. As per approved tender. 90 days to 120 days.
Basis for acceptance.
Bid validity.
Tendering procedure Any one of the following bidding procedure as per PPRA Rules, 2004 will be followed. PPRA Rule 36 refers. The other not applicable shall be deleted: a.
As per terms of contract. Pak Rupees. FOR DDP Karachi Basis.
At least 90 Days, extendable to 120 Days.
Single Stage.
Earnest Money/Bid Security: Earnest Money/Bid Security at the rate of 2.5 % of the bid value in the firm of bid bond/CDR/PO/DD shall be submitted alongwith the technical offer. Technical offers received without Earnest Money shall not be accepted and render for rejection. Therefore, your tender must be accompanied by a Bank Draft in favour of CMA (DP), Rawalpindi.
Return of Earnest Money. a. The offers alongwith Earnest Money of the firms not qualified during technical scrutiny shall be returned within 03 days of receipt of TSR. b. Earnest Money of the unsuccessful bidders other than the first three lowest quotes shall be returned instantly on the next day of commercial opening. c. Earnest Money of the second & third lowest quotees will be returned on signing of the contract with the first lowest quotee (Para 32 (b) of DP-35 refers). d. Earnest Money of the first lowest firm will be returned after the finalization of the contract, and subsequently provision of Bank Guarantee by the firm. (Para 32 (c) of DP-35 refers).
Special Note. a. All Participating firms must submit technical offers in duplicate (one for TSR committee and one for DP (Navy) record). b. Unregistered (Not registered with Directorate General Defense Purchase) firms must provide the documentary evidence of their financial capability to undertake the project.
c. Unregistered firms are to submit a certificate along with their Technical offer stating that the firm is not black listed by any government organization and not under disciplinary trial or embargo. d. In case of Pakistani firms, sales tax, NTN and income tax registration certificates are to be attached with the technical and commercial offers both. These certificates are mandatory with the BID, otherwise offer shall be REJECTED. e.
Company registration certificates are to be attached with offer.
f. Requisite amount of earnest money (in shape of Bank Draft in the favour of CMA (DP)) is to be attached in separate envelope in sealed condition with the Technical offer. Photocopy of the same shall also be attached with DP-2 as a testimony. Cheques/crossed cheques shall not be accepted. g. Duly completed Form DP-1 and DP-3 are to be attached with Technical Offer. h. DP-2 Form shall also be submitted with Technical Offer without mentioning of prices. Note: In case of failure to comply with the above instructions, Terms and Conditions, offer shall be liable for rejection.
Annex ‘A’ to Tender No. 220035/R-1211/310449 Dated November 2012 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Model Power Rating
Rating Voltage Voltage Range Power Factor Frequency Voltage
V V Hz V
Voltage Harmonic Voltage Regulation Frequency Overload
% % Hz
Rating Voltage
Recharging Capability
Electrical Connection LED Display LCD
Interface Conformance
Standard Optional Accessories Safety EMC Emergency Power Off Maintenance Bypass Switch Extended Battery Cabinet Battery-Start Normal Efficiency (AC-AC) Economic
Temperature Overall Relative Humidity Noise (one mater) Dimensions (WxDxH) 3/3 Model Weight 3/1 Model Back up Time
C % dBA mm
GES153H GES153H GES203H GES203H GES303H 3/1 3/1 3/3 3/3 3/3 15kVA/12kW 20kVA/16kW 30kVA/24 kW 380/220, 400/230, 415/240 (3phase, 4-wire plus ground) 270~485 (line-line)/156~280 (line-neutral) >0.95 50 or 60 + 3 3/3 model: 220/280, 230/400, 240/415 (3phase, 4-wire plus ground) 3/1 model: 220/230/240 (single phase) > 3 (liner load) +2 50 or 60 + 0.1 < 102%: Continuous: 102~125%: 1 minute. 125~150%: 0.5 minute: >150%: 2 seconds 240Vdc Built-in: 5.2Amp: Built-in: 2.6Amp: Optional extra Charger: Optional extra Charger: 5Amp 5Amp (external (external installation) installation) Cable UPS status: Mains input, Bypass input, AC-DC, DC-AC, Backup, Bypass, Output Input/Output, Bypass, Inverter, Frequency, Loading and battery voltage, Abnormal message and intelligent self diagnosis RS232 x 1, SNMP slot x 1, AS400 x 1, Dry contact x 1 SNMP card, Modbus card, Relay I/O control card, EnviroProbe, 5NMP+5 ports hub CE, EN62040-1-1 CISPR 22 Class A Local and remote Built-in Optional (Two types: 26Ah) Yes 3/3 model: 90 (full load) 3/1 model: 87 (full load) 3/3 model: 97 (full load) 3/1 model: 95 (full load) 0~40 5~95% (non-condensing) > 60 380 x 650 x 860 (UPS and battery cabinet are the same) 210 220 240
kg 30 minute
Annex ‘A’ to Tender No. 220035/R-1211/310449 Dated ovember 2012 SOURCE OF SUPPLY 1. Genuine OEM certified brand new stores will only be acceptable. Stores not procured directly from OEM or his authorized dealer/agent/stockiest will not be acceptable. 2. Supplying Firm in his “Offer/Quotation” is to clearly state whether stores will be supplied directly from relevant OEM or OEM’s authorized dealer/agent/stockiest. 3. In case the stores are being sourced through OEM’s Authorized Dealer/Agent/Stockiest, a documentary proof to this effect comprising OEM’s Dealership Certificate in respect of Dealer/Agent/Stockiest is to be provided by the Supplying Firm with following endorsements. a. b. c.
Certificate reference number with date. Name of the authorized dealer/agent/stockiest. Last date/duration/period for validity of dealership.
4. Supplying Firm in his “Offer/Quotation” is to provide, OEM’s contact (address, email address, phone, fax and website etc). ORIGIN OF SUPPLY 5. Supply of Firm in his “Offer/Quotation” is to specifically mention a country of origin for the stores which will be subsequently endorsed in the “Contract” UPDATES & CURRENT INFORMATION 6. Supplying Firm in his “Offer/Quotatio” is to provide latest updates and current information about technical specifications/data. If pattern number, part number or quality standards of a particular item has been superseded by a new one after conclusion of the contract, the Supplying Firm will be required to produce a documentary proof to this effect originating from the relevant OEM. If replaced part affects fittings and functioning of other associated parts as well, than details of those parts are also to be provided. DOCUMENTATION REQUIRED 7
Supplying Firm is to provide following documentation at the time of inspection:
a. b.
Firm’s Warranty/Guarantee on form “DPL-15”. OEM’s “Certificate of Conformity” indicating following and in accordance with NHQ letter CM/465/RRC/212 dated 19-05-2009:
(1). (2). (3).
Pattern/Part Numbers of stores. Description of stores along with quantity. List of Serial Numbers of Batch Numbers or Lot Numbers as embossed/engraved on the stores. Date/Period of manufacture. Conformance to standards/specifications quoted in the I.T.
(4). (5).
c. d.
OEM Test Certificate. Import documents comprising “Lading/Airway Bill” or “Shipping Bill” and “Bill of Entry” duly endorsed with the name of Supplying Firm. e. In case like ‘Minimum Order Quantity’ where Supplying Firm itself has not imported the stores rather obtained from another firm/company/party that has actually imported the stores, the Supplying Firm will still remain responsible for providing above mentioned documents and genuineness of stores. 8. OEM’s “Certificate of Conformity” originating from “Principal” who is neither the OEM nor the OEM’s authorized dealer/agent/stockiest will not be acceptable. INSPECTION 9. Inspection Authority will be CINS. 10.
Joint Inspection will be carried out by INS, Consignee & Specialist User.
Yours faithfully, …………………………………
(Signature of Tender) (Capacity in which signing) Address:……………………………….. Date……………………………….
DP-3 Tender No……………
Name of the Firm……………… DGDP Registration No……….. Address………………………… Date…………………………….. Telephone No. ………………… Official E-Mail………………….. Fax No …………………….…… Mobile No of contact person…..
To: THE DIRECTOR OF PROCUREMENT (Section P-3..) Ministry of Defence Production Sectt. No. II, Adamjee Road RAWALPINDI Tel: 051-9271468-78 Dear Sir 1. I/We hereby offer to supply to the Director of Procurement (Navy) the stores detailed in schedule to the tender inquiry or such portion thereof as you may specify in the acceptance of tender at the prices offered against the said schedule and further agree that this offer will remain valid up to 120 days and will not be withdrawn or altered in terms of rates quoted and the conditions already stated therein or on before this date. I/we shall be bound by a communication of acceptance to be dispatched within the prescribed time. 2. I/We have understood the Instructions to Tenders and General Conditions Governing Contract in Form No. DP-35 (Revised 2002) included in the pamphlet entitled, Government of Pakistan, Ministry of Defence (Directorate General Defence Purchase) “General Conditions Governing Contracts” and have thoroughly examined the specifications/drawings and/ or patterns quoted in the schedule hereto and am/are fully aware of the nature of the stores required and my/our offer is to supply stores strictly in accordance with the requirements. 3. The following pages have been added to and form part of this tender: a. ………………………………………. b. ………………………………………. c. ……………………………………….. Yours faithfully, ………………………………… (Signature of Tenderer) ……………………………………. (Capacity in which signing) Address:……………………………….. Date………………………………. Signature of Witness…………… ADDRESS…………………………………..
*Individual signing tender and/or other documents connected with a contract must specify:(a) (b) (c) (d)
Whether signing as “Sole Proprietor” of the firm or his attorney. Whether signing as a “Registered Active Partner” of the firm or his attorney. Whether signing for the firm “per procuration”. In the case of companies and firms registered under the Act, 1913 as amended up-todate and under the Partnership Act 1932, the capacity in which signing e.g., the Director, Secretary, Manager, Partner, etc. or their attorney and produce copy of document empowering him so to sign, if called upon to do so.
(e) (f) (g)
Principal’s Proforma invoice (in original) Earnest money Treasury Challan Form for tender Fees as applicable
NECESSARY DATA FOR ISSUANCE OF CONTRACTS ON EARNEST MONEY IMPORTANT Each column must be filled in with BLOCK CAPITAL LETTERS, incompletion shall render disqualification.
Name : _____________________________________
Father’s Name : ______________________________
Address (Residential) : _____________________________________________________
_______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ 4. 5.
Designation in Firm : _______________________________________________________ CNIC : _____________________________________ (Attach Copy of CNIC) 6. NTN : ______________________________________ (Attach Copy of NTN) 7. Firm’s Address : __________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ 8. Date of Establishment of Firm : ________________________________________________ 9. Firm’s Registration Certificate with FBR/Chamber of Commerce/Registrar of Companies. (Attach Copy of relevant CERTIFICATE) 10. In case PARTNERSHIP (Attach particulars at serial 1,2,3,4,5 and 6 of each partner).
(Kindly fill in the above form and forward it under your own letter head with contact details)
04 Dec, 2012
The Director Advertisement Press Information Department Islamabad REQUISITION FOR ADVERTISEMENT: NOTICE OF TENDER 1. Please arrange to publish the enclosed classified advertisement according to the requirements specified below in the issue of: -
07 Dec, 2012 The overall expenditure on this account may not exceed the limit: (a) (b) (c)
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(Urdu) (English)
It is confirmed that: (a)
Funds are available to meet the entire cost of this advertisement.
(b) Payment to respective parties will be made promptly on receipt of relevant bills from your department after pre-audit. 3. Necessary bill in triplicate duly supported with relevant tear sheet, please be forwarded to CMES (PAF) Faisal. One copy of tear sheets each to this HQ for reference and record. 4.
Please ensure that the bills are sent to CMES (PAF) Faisal and not to this Headquarters.
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DW&CE/6002-Advt/ 746
04 Dec, 2012
M/S Hawk Advertising C/O Head Office Shaheen Foundation Sector E-9/I PAF Complex Islamabad
The following requisition for advertisement of M E S Notice of tender are sent herewith for publications:-
No 6002-Advt / 745
DA/As above
04 Dec, 2012
(KHURSHID AHMAD) SE DW & CE (PAF) Ckl Tele No 5339
Copy to:1.
CMES (PAF) Faisal
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Please ensure making of payment on receipt of advertisement bills from respective agencies.
Alongwith copy of requisition for loading on PPRA Website.
Tender No. MRD/PC/LED/PRNT/2012-13/38
TENDER FOR THE PROCUREMENT OF "COMPUTER SYSTEMS, UPS, LED’S & PRINTERS” FOR P.N.S.C HEAD OFFICE 1. Bids under sealed envelops on prescribed forms are invited on Urgent Basses from reputable Computer Accessories Suppliers / Firms for Procurement of “COMPUTERS, UPS, LED’s & PRINTERS for PNSC Head office Karachi. 2. Computer Accessories Suppliers / Firms accredited and holding NTN, GST registration and having similar type of experience may apply. 3. Tender documents and other details may be obtained from PNSC and PPRA website, till (11:00 A.M) Wednesday 19th, December 2012. 4. Tender Documents on Prescribed forms accompanied with earnest money equivalent 2% of Bid value (refundable to unsuccessful bidders), through pay order / Bank Draft in favor of Pakistan National Shipping Corporation will be received 12th floor PNSC building MIS Department up to 11:00 hours on Wednesday 19th, December 2012. Bids will be opened on the same day at 11:30 hours, in the presence of bidders who wish to attend. PNSC Reserves the right to accept / reject any or all bids. GENERAL MANAGER (MR&S/Procurement) MR&S Department, 01st Floor, PNSC Building, M.T Khan Road, Karachi. Pakistan. Ph: 92-21-99204009, 99203980-90 (Ext. 390) Email: ,
EMERGENT (PPRA 42, d-iii) Wednesday 19th DEC, 2012
Tender No. MRD/PC/LED/PRNT/2012-13/38
Date of advertisement: Wednesday 12th December 2012 Due by 11:00 A.M, on Wednesday 19th December 2012 Date and time of Tender opening Wednesday 19th December 2012 at 11:30 A.M Quantity
Sr. No.
Name of Items
Total Amount
without GST
Computer System (Branded) Prefered Brands: HP , DEL , Or IBM Intel Core i3-2120 Processor (3.3 GHz, 3MB Cache) Intel H61 Chipset 2GB DDR3 RAM 500GB 7200 RPM SATA Hard Drive DVD+/- DL/-RW SATA Drive 1
10/100/1000 Gigabit LAN Built-in AGP, Sound
18.5” OR ABOVE WIDE SCREEN LED MONITOR (Prefered Brands: HP , DEL , Or IBM) 2
Laser Jet Printer
HP Laserjet 2035 (Under One Year Warranty)
UPS 12-V , 7AH Energy Capacity : 1 KVA 4
Battery Type : Dry Sealed Maintenance free Batteries
Exterior Battery Voltage : 12V / 7 AH x 1 Waveform : Modified Since wave (Under Ine Year Warranty)
Total Price in words (Rupees………………………………………..…..) Remarks: The bid price is valid for 30 days from the date of opening of the bid. Bid price is acceptable on individual item wise.
Tender No. MRD/PC/LED/PRNT/2012-13/38
Pakistan National Shipping Corporation “TERMS AND CONDITIONS” 1.
Tender documents comprise of: a. Bid Form, b. Profile of Bidder c. Terms & Conditions Bid Form, Profile of the Bidder and Terms & Conditions (1a to 1c above) duly completed, signed and stamped accompanied by Earnest Money of 2% of bid price in the shape of Bank Draft/Pay Order in favor of Pakistan National Shipping Corporation as per prescribed terms & conditions will be dropped at tender box placed at MIS Department, 12th Floor, PNSC Building M.T. Khan Road, Karachi in Sealed Cover marked Tender Documents for the Procurement of "Computers System, UPS, LED’s & Printers” for PNSC Head office Karachi 11:30 hours on Wednesday 19th December 2012. Tender documents submitted without Pay order/ Bank Draft of full amount and or being uncompleted will be liable for rejection.
Bid validity shall be 30 days from date of opening of bids.
Eligibility Criteria: The bidders must have following qualifications to be eligible to participate in the bidding and provide relevant documents as mentioned in parenthesis: i. Supplier must be an authorized re-seller/ partner/dealer (HP / DEL / IBM) of the quoted brand (copy of valid certificates) ii. Tax Payer holding National Tax Registration (Copy of valid NTN). iii. General Sales Tax registered (copy of valid GST registration certificate). iv. Up to date in paying Professional Tax of Sindh Government if applicable (Copies of Tax payment Challans for current period or confirmation of grounds for in-applicability on letterhead of the entity).
An entity having been black listed by PPRA/Government/Ministries/Department or public sector entities will not be eligible to participate in the bid.
Bids will be evaluated on the basis of lowest quoted rates for each item.
PNSC would hire one or more bidders on the basis of lowest offered rates of the qualified bidders.
Selected bidder(s) shall deliver requested item(s) to Procurement Department PNSC within 07 days of the award of Purchase Order. The delivery of item(s) shall be evidenced through a Delivery Challan duly countersigned by Procurement Department PNSC.
In case of failure to supply of items, PNSC has the right to procure items from next higher resources. The differences in price will be recovered from the Earnest Money.
In case of successful bidders the Earnest Money will be converted into Security Deposit (No Interest payable) and it will be returned within 30 days from the date of complete and satisfactory supplies. Earnest Money of unsuccessful bidders will be refunded (without any interest) within (7) seven days of the decision for awarding of order.
Payment shall be made within 30 days from the date of submission of bills and Delivery Challan containing acknowledgement of receipt by Procurement Department PNSC.
The Corporation will be the sole judge to determine whether the supplier has failed to commence or satisfactorily complete the work within stipulated time and this decision of the Corporation shall be final.
In case of any dispute, Executive Director (SP&PL) PNSC or his nominee will be the final authority to decide and his decision shall be final and binding on both parties.
It shall not be open to the bidders to withdraw or modify the offer made by them, after opening of the tender and before expiry of the bid validity period.
Conditional quotations with such remarks â&#x20AC;&#x153;Current Market Price plus 10% etc.â&#x20AC;? will not be considered.
Separately attached the details of support and services with the tender documents.
PNSC reserves the right to accept/reject any or all tenders.
PNSC reserves the right to postpone the date of submission and opening of the tenders
Note: We agree to abide by above Terms & Conditions.
Tender No. MRD/PC/LED/PRNT/2012-13/38
Wednesday 19th, 2012
PAKISTAN NATIONAL SHIPPING CORPORATION TENDER FOR PROCUREMENT OF “COMPUTER SYSTEMS, UPS, LED’s & PRINTERS PROFILE OF BIDDER 1) Name of Organization: a) Address: ______________________________________________________________ b) Mailing Address: ________________________________________________________ c) Telephone No.: _________________________________________________________ d) Fax No: ________________________________________________________________ e) E-Mail Address: _________________________________________________________ f) Organization Legal Status: (Mark () at appropriate status and mention paid up capital amount) i) Sole Proprietorship: ii) Partnership: iii) Joint Stock Company: 2) National Tax Registration No.: _____________________________________________ 3) Sales Tax Registration No. (if applicable): ___________________________________ 4) Sindh Government Professional Tax Registration No: _________________________ 5) Banks: Name: _________________________________________________________________ A/c No: _________________________________________________________________ Branch: ________________________________________________________________ Address: _______________________________________________________________ 6) Name (s) of person (s) Authorized to Sign Correspondence / Documents / Bills etc: Name
Post Held
Limit Authority
7) Have your firm ever been black listed by any Government / Semi Government / Public Sector Organization(s)? If yes please attach details.
8) Detail of Litigation / Arbitration cases (if any): ________________________________
Name: ____________________________________________ Signature: _________________________________________ Name of Entity: ____________________________________
Seal of Entity: ______________________________________ Dated: ____________________________________________
Note: Complete information, as asked for, must be provided in all columns of profile. All columns must be filled in Blue or Black Ink only. There should be no over-writings. Corrections, if any, must be done by crossing out the wrong word or figure, writing the correct word / figure afresh and initialing the same.
DW&CE/6002-Advt/ 761
11 Dec, 2012
M/S Hawk Advertising C/O Head Office Shaheen Foundation Sector E-9/I PAF Complex Islamabad
The following requisition for advertisement of M E S Notice of tender are sent herewith for publications:-
No 6002-Advt / 760
DA/As above
11 Dec, 2012
(KHURSHID AHMAD) SE DW & CE (PAF) Ckl Tele No 5339
Copy to:1.
CMES (PAF) Faisal
AGE (Air) Satt Mirpur Khas
Assistant Director Rizwan Mehmood PPRA Federal Bank for Co-operative Building 1st Floor Sector G-5/2 Near SBP, Islamabad
Please ensure making of payment on receipt of advertisement bills from respective agencies.
Alongwith copy of requisition for loading on PPRA Website.
m o .c
k -44 p 18 en
v 4-7 a m 3-4 0 3 0
NECESSARY DATA FOR ISSUANCE OF CONTRACTS ON EARNEST MONEY IMPORTANT Each column must be filled in with BLOCK CAPITAL LETTERS, incompletion shall render disqualification.
Name : _____________________________________
Father’s Name : ______________________________
Address (Residential) : _____________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________
Designation in Firm : _______________________________________________________
CNIC : _____________________________________ (Attach Copy of CNIC) NTN : ______________________________________ (Attach Copy of NTN) Firm’s Address : __________________________________________________________
6. 7.
________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ 8. Date of Establishment of Firm : ________________________________________________ 9. Firm’s Registration Certificate with FBR/Chamber of Commerce/Registrar of Companies. (Attach Copy of relevant CERTIFICATE) 10. In case PARTNERSHIP (Attach particulars at serial 1,2,3,4,5 and 6 of each partner).
(Kindly fill in the above form and forward it under your own letter head with contact details)
2.5 KVA / 2000 WATTS
Patt No
Material Description
Technical Description
2.5 KVA / 2000 WATT
INPUT Voltage Range: 160 VAC â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 265 VAC Frequency Range
50-60 HZ (Auto sensing)
OUTPUT On battery out put voltage Pure since wave at 220 VAC + /-5% On battery out put Frequency 50 HZ / 60 HZ +/- 1% Transfer time in (Typical)
4 mints
Protection: 1. Over current protection 2. Over voltage protection 3. Low battery and alarm indication 4. Full charge indication and automatic power cut off on full charge 5. Lighting and surge protection Battery: Sealed maintenance free (dry battery) Battery of 12 V 200 AH/1.
Warning Diagnostics:
Indicators power on / using battery Availabe alarms, On battery, Over load, low battery AVR
Boost only
Management: Auto charge Auto re-start 10. Detail scope of work
Yes Yes
Provision and installation of UPS onboard including all woring (heat and fire proof), switches and breakers (all contacts are to be made spark free). System to be secured properly (proper mounts for both UPS and Battery)
11. Eligibilities
Authenticated ISO 9001 certified company product
12. EDD
15 days
13. Warranty
01 Year parts and service warranty on completion of successful load trials
14. Acceptance Criteria
Satisfactory acceptance by Ship staff.
Quality control
certificate is to be authenticated by PMSS REHMAT. Off load charging trials. Work certificate including entire magnitude of work undertaken. 15. Any other relevant information
Director General Pakistan Maritime Security Agency Plot No 34-A, Dockyard Road KARACHI Telephone 99214964-7 Fax 99214625 E-Mail pk INVITATION TO TENDER GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS 1.
All Procurement / Repairs / Maintenance Contract, Local Purchase Order (LPO) and work ordered made as a result of this IT shall mean the agreement entered into between the parties that is buyer and the supplier will be in accordance with the PPRA rules 2004 or any amendment issued from time to time. Therefore all open tender inquiry will be uploaded on PPRA Website and publish on print media as the case may be. 2.
Firms shall submit their offers in two separate envelopes clearly marked as “Commercial Offer” and “Technical Offer” for open tender.
Both envelops shall be properly sealed
bearing the signature of the bidder. Thereafter both these envelopes shall be placed in one bigger envelope. This envelope should bear the address of the DD (P&CC). a.
specifications as per the IT specifications.
Literature / Brochure or any other
relevant technical details may also be included in it. Technical offer should not contain the price. Indication of price in technical offer may render it null and void. The word “Technical Offer” should be clearly mentioned alongwith the tender No and date on the envelop containing the technical offer. b.
The price be quoted in figures as well as in words
alongwith essential Literature / Brochures. The word “Commercial Offer”, tender number should be clearly mention on the envelope.
Taxes, duties, freight /
transportation, insurance charges etc if any are to be indicated separately. Total price of the items quoted against the tender is to be clearly mentioned. It should also contains a pay order 2% of the offered value as earnest money. Cross cheque or cash is not acceptable in this case. The offer received without earnest money will be rejected.
Tender documents and its conditions may
please be read point to point and understood properly before quoting. All tender conditions should be responded properly. In case of any deviation due to nonacceptance of tender conditions, the same should be highlighted alongwith changed offer / conditions. Tender may however be liable to be rejected. PREPARATION OF QUOTATION Please prepared quotation in this format In case of GST. S.NO
Unit Price
Please prepared quotation in this format In case of without GST S.NO
Without this format quotation will not be accepted. 3.
Tender must be dropped in tender Box placed at main gate. HQ PMSA will not accept any excuse of delay occurring due to whatsoever reason.
Tender received after the time
indicated in IT will not be entertained. The tender opening time, however, fall on next working day in case of closed / forced holiday or any other unforeseen event.
authorized representatives of firm will be allowed to attend tender opening. The tender received through Fax, E-Mail will not be acceptable. 4.
Technical offer will be opened as per scope of work on the date mentioned in the tender. Commercial offer shall be retained in DD (P&CC) office without being opened. It will be opened at a later stage. All technical offers will be scrutinized by a Technical Scrutiny Report (TSR) committee nominated by HQ PMSA. The offers which are not as per the IT specification will be rejected. The firms recommended by TSR Committee will be allowed to attend the commercial opening for which date and time will be intimated separately.
The validity period of quotations must be indicated and should invariably be for 60 days extendable to 90 days from the date of opening of commercial offer. 6.
Unit price of the item, GST or any other Govt tax and Total price all these should be indicated separately in Pak Rupees in a very clear manner as follows: S No
GST/Taxes Total Price
GST and income tax number be clearly indicated on the quotations and all other relevant documents. 8.
Earnest money to the unsuccessful bidders will be returned one week after
commercial opening date. b.
Earnest money to the firm who has won the contract will be returned on
submission of Bank Guarantee as per the contract. 9.
Each technical offer must be accompanied with a Pay Order/Cross Cheque or Cash of Rs. 200/00 non refundable as tender fee. 10.
Joint inspection of stores provided and work done will be carried out by committee appointed by HQ PMSA or as per the contract. 11.
Spares, Stores, items and work done will be accepted on Warranty / Guarantee of the firm on Form DPL-15. Copy of DPL-15 is at Annex ‘A’.
Following documents are required to be submitted alongwith the quotes where applicable: a.
OEM / Authorized Dealer/Agent Certificate alongwith OEM Dealership
Evidence as applicable. b.
The Supplier is to provide OEM conformance certificate. In case of Fax or
e-mail hard copy of conformance certificate must follow. On receipt of this PMSA HQ may approach the OEM to confirm the veracity of the documents submitted. Companies / firms rendering false OEM conformance certificate will be penalized as per rules in vogue.
SECURITY DEPOSIT / BANK GUARANTEE: To ensure timely and correct supply
of stores the firm will furnish an unconditional Bank Guarantee (BG) from a schedule bank for an amount of 10% of the contract value (excluding taxes, duties / freight handing charges on a stamp paper of the value of (Rs.100/00) as per prescribed format in the shape of Bank Guarantee. Format of Bank Guarantee is at Annex ‘B’. 14.
For all contracts of Rs 1,000,000/- or more the firm is required to submit current bank statement of the firm. 15.
Procurement exceeding Rs 10M shall be subject to an integrity pact, between the Buyer and the Suppliers or Contractors. 16.
All correspondence will be addressed to the Buyer.
Correspondence with regard to
payment or issue of delivery receipt may be addressed to DD (P & CC) PMSA Karachi. 17.
PMSA may send a team of Officers for the inspection of Major Equipment and Machinery items at OEM premises for inspection before dispatch if required at the Supplier’s cost and arrangement.
Contract may be amended / modified to include fresh clause modify the existing clauses with the mutual agreements by the Supplier and the Buyer such modifications shall form an integral part of the contract. 19.
The Buyer will render a discrepancy report to all concerned within 45 days after receipt of stores for discrepancies found in the consignment. The quantities found short are to be made good by the Supplier free of cost. 20.
Price offered against IT are to be firm and final. 21.
Liquidated Damages upto 2% per month are liable to be imposed on the Suppliers by the Buyer in accordance with PPRA rules, if the stores supplied after the expiry of the delivery date without any valid reason. Total value of the LD shall not exceed 10% of the contract value. 22.
In the event of failure on the part of Supplier to comply with the contractual obligations the contract will be cancelled at the Risk and Expense of the Supplier in accordance with PPRA rules. 23.
In case of wrong supply of the item by the Supplier, a penalty of 10% of the contract value may be imposed by this HQ PMSA apart from any other penalties. 24.
HQ PMSA reserves full rights to accepts or reject any or all offers including the lowest. 25.
The payment will be released through Controller of Naval Accounts (CNA) Karachi in Pak Rupees after completion of delivery / work.
Offers are liable to be rejected if:-
Received after time and date specified in the IT.
Offers are found conditional or incomplete in any respect.
There is any deviation from the General / Special / Technical Instructions
contained in this tender. d.
Taxes and duties, Freight / Transpiration and Insurance charges not
indicated separately as per required price breakdown mentioned above. e. Pay Order or Cross Cheque is not received with the Technical & Commercial offers. f.
Multiple rates quoted against one item.
g. Manufactureâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s relevant Brochures and technical details on major equipment, assemblies are not attached in support of specification. h. Offers (Technical / Commercial) are containing amendments / corrections / overwriting etc. j. National Tax No and GST No are not indicated on technical and commercial offer. k. If validity of offer is not quoted as required in IT or made subject to confirmation late. l.
Offer is made through Fax/E-Mail/Mail etc.
m. If offer is found to be based on cartel action in connivance with other sources / participants of the tender. n.
If OEM and Principal name and complete address is not mentioned.
Sealed bids are invited from the firms registered with the Sales Tax and Income Tax departments for supply & installation (at Islamabad) of UPS Batteries as per following specifications: S. # 1
Description Supply & installation of 12Volt 7 Ah Sealed Dry charge battery 5 years design life with 1 year warranty
Qty. 96
If you have any doubt as to the meaning of any portion of the technical specifications, you may seek clarification of the same from Malik Nasir Abbas, Manager (Infrastructure) PRAL (Cell # 0321-5371151).
Income Tax / Withholding Tax will be deducted in accordance with the law. Kindly note that the Sales Tax shall also be deducted in accordance with the law.
PRAL reserves the right to increase or decrease the quantity, annul the bidding process and accept or reject any or all bids for which reasons on request shall be communicated to the concerned bidder.
DELIVERY & INSTALLATION SCHEDULE The delivery and installation (at Islamabad) of the batteries is required ON URGENT BASIS so the bidders are required to quote shortest possible delivery/installation time. However the maximum required delivery and installation period is four (04) weeks.
Quoted prices must be inclusive of all taxes and delivery & installation (at Islamabad) charges of the above equipment.
Price must be quoted including all charges like handling, loading, and transportation etc. Quoted prices must also be inclusive of cost for the free maintenance of the batteries on installation site (during warranty period).
Quoted price shall be valid for six (6) months from the opening date of the bids. However, any subsequent change in taxes and duties as notified by Federal Board of Revenue will be given due consideration.
PAYMENT: Payment will be made as per mutually agreed schedule and in accordance with the terms and conditions spelled out in the contract issued against this tender document. However, submission of Bank Guarantee, being 10% of the total bill value/ Work Order / Purchase Order Value shall be pre-requisite for the release of 100% payment. The Bank Guarantee must be issued by Schedule Bank. The Bank Guarantee shall be released after successful completion of warranty period. In case the supplier failed to complete the warranty period successfully then the retained value/bank guarantee shall be forfeited in favor of PRAL. For any advance payment the Bank Guarantee shall be required.
SEALING AND MARKING OF BIDS: The bids shall be submitted in sealed envelope marked as under:
DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSION OF BIDS: All bids must be delivered in the Office of undersigned on or before the prescribed deadline of 1100 hours on 02/01/2013.
LATE PROPOSALS: Any bid received by the PRAL after the prescribed deadline will be returned unopened to the Bidder.
OPENING OF BIDS: The Purchaser will open the bids in the presence of bidder representatives who choose to attend at 1130 hours on 02/01/2013 at the below mentioned address.
WARRANTY 13.1 The Supplier shall warrant that the equipment supplied under the Contract (s) shall have no defect arising from design, materials or workmanship or from any act or omission of the Supplier, which may develop under normal use of the supplied items under the conditions prevailing at final destination. 13.2
PRAL shall promptly notify the Supplier in writing of any claims arising under this Warranty. Upon receipt of such notice, the Supplier shall repair or replace the defective equipment or parts thereof, without cost to PRAL immediately.
Period of comprehensive warranties and maintenance with labor and material cost shall be minimum one (01) year. During the warranty period due to any reason, if the Supplier failed to rectify the problem, PRAL shall get repair the equipment or replace the defective parts thereof and forfeit the Bank Guarantee/retained values.
EARNEST MONEY: The Bidder shall furnish as part of his bid, a Call Deposit/Pay Order equivalent to 2% of the total bid value as Earnest Money crossed in favour of “Pakistan Revenue Automation (Pvt.) Ltd.”. Any bid not accompanied by Earnest Money shall be rejected without any right of appeal. In case of cancellation of Purchase Order as default of the Supplier the earnest money shall be forfeited in favour of PRAL.
PENALTY: For failure to comply with the delivery schedule of Purchase Order (s), to be issued against this tender inquiry, penalty will be imposed on defaulting Supplier as under:
1% of the cost of entire purchase order or of such item as remains un-supplied/un-completed for every day up to maximum of 5% for 10 days exceeding the delivery period.
If the item is not supplied even after payment of penalty for 10 consecutive days PRAL reserves the right to cancel the purchase order and to purchase required equipment from elsewhere at risk and cost of the defaulting Supplier.
All bids should include: 16.1 Company’s profile, list of clients with their telephone number and address. 16.2 Copies of Income Tax and Sales Tax registration certificates.
16.3 16.4 17.
A call deposit being 2% of the bid value as Earnest Money crossed in favour of “Pakistan Revenue Automation (Pvt.) Ltd. Brochures and other technical material of the quoted batteries.
Bidding Form Annexure “A” must also be duly filled in, stamped and signed by authorized representative of the bidder.
(SOHAIL AKHTAR) Manager (Procurement) House # 2-A, Embassy Road, G-6/4, Islamabad Ph: 051-9208687, 051-9210030
BIDDING FORM Dated 18/12/2012 Pakistan Revenue Automation (Pvt.) Limited, Islamabad.
Tender No.P-38/2012
Gentlemen, 1.
Having examined the conditions to Tender and Specifications of Tender No.P-38/2012 dated 18/12/2012, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged we, the undersigned, offer to install, supply and deliver in conformity with specifications mentioned in tender documents and conditions of Tender for the sum of Rs._________________________ (Rupees ______________________________ ) or such other sums as may be ascertained in accordance with the said Conditions.
If our Bid is accepted we shall deliver the equipment mentioned in the tender documents within ______ days from the date of receipt of your firm Purchase Order.
We agree to abide by the terms and conditions of the Tender for the period of _______ from the date fixed for receiving the same and it shall remain binding upon us and may be accepted at any time before the expiration of that period.
Until a formal Purchase order(s) is placed, this Bid, together with your written acceptance thereof, shall constitute a binding contract between us.
We understand that you are not bound to accept the lowest or any proposal you may receive or to inform us of the rejection of our bid or to give any reasons therefor.
Dated this ______________________ day of ______________________________ 2012 ________. Signature _______________________ in the capacity of ______________________________ duly authorized to sign Tender for and on behalf of _____________________________________________________________________________________ (NAME OF FIRM IN BLOCK CAPITALS) Complete address:________________________________________________________________________ Fax No.____________________________ Telephone No.______________________________________
Witness:1. _______________________ 2.
______________________ ( SIGNATURE )
Notice for Invitation of Bids Bids are invited from reputed, experienced and ďŹ nancially sound vendors for supply of the following materials: Enquiry No. Description
Closing Opening Docs. Date & Date & Value Time Time (Rs.)
PPRA/67111 Supply and Installation of 8 January 8 January Nil Split AC of 1.5 Ton at 2013 2013 Kandhkot Field 12:00 hrs 15:00 hrs PPRA/65512 Supply of 5KVA UPS
8 January 8 January Nil 2013 2013 12:00 hrs 15:10 hrs
PPRA/62428 Supply of Automated Hematology Analyzer
8 January 8 January Nil 2012 2012 12:00 hrs 15:20 hrs
PPRA/64100 Supply of Liquid Level Gauge
9 January 9 January Nil 2013 2013 12:00 hrs 15:00 hrs
SSO/PP/ Supply of Cable Tray and 9 January 9 January Nil 63629/2012 Floor Mounted Rack/Panel 2013 2013 12:00 hrs 15:10 hrs SSO/SFGC/ Supply of G.I. Sheet 65381/2012
9 January 9 January Nil 2013 2013 12:00 hrs 15:20 hrs
SSO/SD/ Supply of Butterfly Valves 9 January 9 January Nil 67001/2012 2013 2013 12:00 hrs 15:30 hrs Mandatory Requirements: l Provide information on sales of similar material during the last one year with cliental list and PO reference. l Preferable delivery should be 30 days after placement of order. l Validity of quotation should be 90 days from the date of public opening. Request for Quotation (RFQ) can be obtained by sending a written request atleast 5 days before the closing date to the following address: Manager Procurement & Support Services Pakistan Petroleum Limited PIDC House, 4th Floor Dr. Ziauddin Ahmed Road Karachi-Pakistan Tel. No : +92-21-111-568-568 (Ext: 4435/4463/4752) Fax Nos : +92-21-35683467/ 35680005 Email : Company reserves the right to accept or reject any or all quotations/ applications.
D. I. KHAN TENDER NOTICE HIRING OF ELECTRICIANS FOR OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE OF GENERATORS & UPS AT SBP BSC (BANK) D.I.KHAN State Bank of Pakistan, SBP BSC (Bank), D.I.Khan invites sealed quotations/tenders for hiring services of 03 competent, and efficient Electricians for round the clock services (in shifts of eight hours each, Working Hours for each shifts will be decided by the Bank) for maintenance / services & upkeep of UPS and Generators. Tenders are invited from reputed and experienced firms / contractors on the terms & conditions detailed below. Tenderers are required to furnish the following information with their tenders, failing which their tenders are liable to be rejected:1. Organizational structure of the Contracting Firm (Whether the firm is a Partnership, or Limited Company).
2. Details of works of similar nature executed during the last five years with cost supported by documentary evidence (Photocopies to be attached). 3. Availability of equipments & technical know how. 4.
The particulars of the staff available for the said work together with their qualifications etc.
5. Confirmation to the effect that the Firm has not been blacklisted by any organization. 6. Detailed scope of work can be seen during office hours from in Staff Matters Unit SBP BSC (Bank) D.I.Khan. Sealed quotations addressed to â&#x20AC;&#x153; The Chief Manager State Bank of Pakistan, SBP BSC (Bank), Shami Road, D.I.Khanâ&#x20AC;? should reach this office on or before 3rd January, 2013 upto 01:30 PM. The quotations shall be opened at 03.00 PM on same day in the presence of contractors who may like to be present at the occasion. Terms & Conditions 1. The Contractor will have to deposit a Sum of Rs. 20,000/- as security in the form of Bank Draft/ Payment Order in favour of State Bank of Pakistan, SBP BSC (Bank), D.I.Khan. Refundable after expiry of the term of agreement. 2. That the contractor shall provide qualified, suitable, efficient and Physically/medically fit persons having sufficient experience and required skill for the job.
3. That the contractor assumes full responsibility as to payment of salaries, allowances or other benefits to such persons and cause them to strictly observe punctuality in attending to their duties in the Bank. 4. The contractor shall pay to the staff as per prevailing minimum labour wages announced by the government and submit a certificate of this affect alongwith their monthly bill. 5. The contractor shall be personally liable for any loss or damages to the Bank’s property or any injury caused to the Bank’s Staff / employees or visitors as a result of any direct or indirect negligence of the Electricians supplied by the Contractor and he shall make good the loss or damage within three days of lodging of such claim by the Bank. 6. The contractor shall be responsible for obtaining all Government permits and license that may be needed for performing the services contemplated under the Agreement. 7. In case no tax exemption certificate is provided by the Contractor, the Bank will deduct all State levies prescribed by the Government from time to time. Income Tax shall be directly deposited to the authority in terms of Section 50 (4) of the Income Tax Ordinance, 1979. 8. Tools and plants etc. for electrician will be supplied by the Contractor at his own cost. 9. The Contractor will issue proper identity cards and uniforms to the staff and the Contractor’s personnel shall perform the Bank’s duties in neat and clean uniform. 10. The such Electricians shall always remain the employees of the contractor and under no circumstance, whatsoever, the contractor or its employees shall be considered to be the employees of the Bank or claim any employer/employee relationship with the Bank. 11. The contractor shall obtain police or other authorized agency's clearance / verification for all said Electricians and submit the same for record and reference to the Bank. 12. The contract shall remain valid initially up to 31-12-2013 which can however be renewed further on the same terms, conditions and rate for the total period of three years with mutual consent of both the parties. 13. Bank reserves the right to terminate the contract upon 30 days Notice in writing or till any suitable alternate arrangement is made by the Bank whichever is earlier. “The Bank” shall, however, have the right to terminate contract forthwith without any compensation if the contractor fails to provide the services to the utmost satisfaction of the Bank or commits any other breach of its obligations under the Agreement. 14. Bank reserves the rights to reject all or any offer under the PPRA Rules-2004. The successful Tenderers shall have to execute an agreement with SBP BSC (Bank) as per Bank’s standard format. After execution of the agreement the work order for commencement of the work shall be issued. (Muhammad Humayun Khan) Chief Manager 18-12-2012
Dated: December 18, 2012
Tender notice for procurement of CCTV for Karachi Export Processing Zone
uploaded on Authority (EPZA) and PPRA web sites on December 14, 2012. The interested firms may note the following additions / amendments: 2.
Copies of Tender Documents can be purchased by interested parties against
payment of Rs.500/= (non-refundable) in cash or by Pay Order from a Scheduled Bank in favour of Export Processing Zones Authority during office hours (9:00 AM to 5:00 PM) w.e.f December 24, 2012 till January 4, 2013. 3.
The bid must be submitted on the address given below not later than January 15,
2013 at 11:30 AM and will be opened on same date at 12:30 pm in the presence of those who wish to attend. 4.
Competent Authority reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids/tenders by
announcing the result of bids evaluation in the form of report giving justification for acceptance or rejection of bids at-least (10) ten days prior to the award of procurement contract. 5. This addendum is also available on PPRA website as well as EPZA website.
Manager (Security) Export Processing Zones Authority Landhi Industrial Area Ext. Mehran Highway, Landhi, Karachi
PAKISTAN BROADCASTING CORPORATION PROCUREMENT CELL, ISLAMABAD. TENDER NOTICE Sealed tenders are invited on their letter head from reputed and financially sound manufacturers/dealers having their own office telephone number, registered with Income and Sales Tax Departments and enlisted in Government/ Semi Govt. Organizations for the supply of the following Equipment/items on F.O.R Khairpur and Islamabad basis. Tender No.
Sr. No.
Time/Date of Tender Opening.
Delivery period
Tender fee (nonrefundable)
01 No.
1100 Hrs. 14.01.2013
30 days
1100 Hrs. 14.01.2013
15 days
1100 Hrs. 14.01.2013
15 days
UPS 15 KVA, Online, Pure Sine Wave, three Phase (Branded) for 5 KW FM Transmitters.
Audio Cable ( Shielded )
20 Rolls.
Computer System as per required specification
03 Nos.
LCD 40â&#x20AC;?, Model:40 BX 420 Or equivalent, with wall bracket and installation.
02 Nos.
Tender documents and other details can be obtained from this office as well as from the office of Deputy Controller (Engineering), PBC, Broadcasting House, Gulshan-e-Iqbal, near Civic Centre, Karachi (Telephone No.021-99230467) on any working day during office hours. The tenders along with 02% of the total quoted cost in shape of call deposit/Demand Draft as earnest money will be received in this office up to 1030 hours on 14.01.2013 and will be opened at 1100 hours on the same date as mentioned above in the presence of the bidders or their authorized representatives who may care to attend. The competent authority reserves the right to accept/reject any or all tenders as per PPRA rule.
(Syed Azmat Ali Shah) Deputy Controller For Controller (Procurement) Phone: 051-9215823 Fax: 051-9215821