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THE URBAN UNIT Planning and Development Department

Government of the Punjab


Miscellaneous Works Sealed tenders are invited from the Sales Tax Registered Firms/Contractors having sufficient experience to carry out the following jobs/works. Sr. # a) b) c) d)

Tender Renovation of Halls Furniture and Fixtures Electrification Work Computer Networking

Detailed specifications are available in Tender Documents. Separate Tender should be submitted on the prescribed form (Separate for each work) which can be purchased from the office of the undersigned on payment of Rs.200/- (Non-refundable). Tender documents will be received till 13th December, 2012 in the office of “Chief Executive Officer, Urban Sector Planning & Management Services Unit (Pvt.) Ltd� (The Urban Unit) up to 11:00 a.m. and shall be opened on the same day at 11:30 a.m. in the presence of authorized representatives of the firms who may wish to attend. Earnest money @ 2% of total bid cost (Refundable) must be furnished in the shape of Call Deposit Receipt (CDR) in favour of the Chief Executive Officer, Urban Sector Planning & Management Services Unit (Pvt.) Ltd. (The Urban Unit), Lahore. The Competent Authority reserves the right to reject any or all tenders at any stage.

Chief Executive Officer, Urban Sector Planning & Management Services Unit (Pvt.) Ltd.,

4-B, Lytton Road, Lahore Ph:# 042-99213579-83, Fax# 042-99213585

COVERING SHEET TENDER NO 1290049/R-1209/310187 DATED 03-12-2012

I/we M/s ________________________________ do herby affirm to adhere to the necessary instructions for participation in the procurement process. All the columns of DPI, II and III are filled, signed and stamped as per requirement. Data Sheet (for unregistered firms only) is attached dully filled in all respects.

Yours truly, _________________ Signature of Tenderer _________________ Complete Name Seal/Stamp of Firm

_________________ Capacity in which Signing _________________ Date

Contact Numbers Assistant Directors Procurement DP(Navy) ADP-31 ADP-32 ADP-33 ADP-34 ADP-36 ADP-37

051-9271471 051-9271472 051-9271473 051-9271474 051-9271475 051-9271478

DP-1 DIRECTORATE PROCUREMENT (NAVY) No.……………………….. …………. Directorate of Procurement (Navy) At Ministry of Defence Production Building Sectt No. II, Adamjee Road Rawalpindi Tel: 051-9271474 Fax : 051-5516307 E-mail: M/S SEP 2012 Invitation to Tender and General Instructions 1. Conditions Governing Contracts. The ‘Contract’ made as result of this I/T shall mean the agreement entered into between the parties i.e. the ‘Purchaser’ and the ‘Seller’ on Directorate General Defence Purchase (DGDP) contract Form “DP-19” in accordance with the law of contract Act, 1872 and those contained in Defence Purchase Procedure (DP-35) and other special conditions that may be added to given contract for the supply of Defence Stores specified herein. 2.

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Delivery of Tender. The offer is to be submitted in duplicate as under:a. Commercial Offer. The offer will be in duplicate and indicate prices quoted in figures as well as in words alongwith essential literature/brochure. It should be clearly marked in fact on the envelope “Commercial Offer”, tender number and date of opening. Taxes, duties, freight/transportation, insurance charges etc are to be indicated separately. Total price of the items quoted against the tender is to be clearly mentioned. b Technical Offer: (Where Applicable). Should contain all relevant specifications in triplicate in an envelope and clearly marked “Technical Offer” without prices, tender number and date of opening. a. Special Instructions. Tender documents and its conditions may please be read point by point and understood properly before quoting. All tender conditions should be responded clearly. In case of any deviation due to nonacceptance of tender conditions(s), the same should be highlighted alongwith your changed offer/conditions. Tender may however be liable to be rejected. d. Firms shall submit their offers in two separate envelopes (i.e. two copies of commercial offer and two or more copies of the

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technical offer as asked in the IT). The commercial offer will include rates of items/services called for and the technical offer will not indicate the rates. Both types of offers are to be enclosed in separate covers and each envelope shall be properly sealed bearing the signature of the bidder. Each cover shall indicate type of offer, number and date of IT and IT opening date. Thereafter both the envelopes (technical and commercial offer) shall be placed in one envelope (second cover) duly sealed and signed. This cover should bear the address of the procurement agency indicating, issuance date of IT and No, with its opening date. This should be further placed in another cover (third cover), addressed as indicated in the tender documents, without any indication that there is a tender within it. e.

The tender duly sealed will be addressed to the following:Directorate of Procurement (Navy)/P-31. At Ministry of Defence Production Building Secretariat No. II, Adamjee Road Rawalpindi, PAKISTAN Telephone: 92-051-9271468-78 Fax No. 92-051-5516307 E-Mail:

3. Date and Time For Receipt of Tender. Tender must reach this office by the date and time specified in the Schedule to Tender (Form DP-2) attached. This Directorate will not accept any excuse of delay occurring in post. Tenders received after the appointed/ fixed time will NOT be entertained. The appointed time will, however, fall on next working day in case of closed/forced holiday. Only legitimate/registered representatives of firm will be allowed to attend tender opening. 4. Tender Opening. Tenders will be opened as mentioned in the schedule of tender. Commercial offers will be opened at later stage if Technical Offers are declared acceptable on examination by technical authorities of PN. Date and time for opening of Commercial offer shall be intimated later. Only legitimate / registered representative of firm will be allowed to attend tender opening. 5.

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Validity of Offer. a. The validity period of quotations must be indicated and should invariably be 90 days extendable to 120 days from the date of opening of commercial offer. Conversion rate of FE/LC components will be considered w.e.f. opening of commercial offer. b. The quoting firm will certify that in case of an additional requirement of the contract items (s) in any qty(s) with in a period of 12 month from the date of signing the contract, these will also be supplied ( at the on going contract rates) with discount.

6. Part Bid. Firm may quote for the whole or any portion, or to state in the tender that the rate quoted, shall apply only if the entire quantity is taken from the firm. The Director Procurement reserves the right of accepting the whole or any part of the tender or portion of the quantity offered, and firm shall supply these at the rate quoted. Understood agreed

Understood not agreed

8. Return of I/T. In case you are Not quoting, please return the tender inquiry stating the reason of NOT quoting. In case of failure to return the ITs either quoted or not quoted consequently on three occasions, this Directorate, in the interest of economy, will consider the exclusion of your firm’s name from our future distribution list of invitation to tender.

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9. Withdrawal of Offer. If the firm withdraws it offer within validity period the competent authority may place such firm under embargo for a period, which may be extended up to one year.

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7. Quoting of Rates. Only one rate will be quoted for entire quantity, item wise.

10. Provision of Documents in case of Contract on Earnest Money.. In case any firm wins a contract on EM, it will deposit following documents for provisional registration before award of contract:

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a. A copy of letter showing firm’s financial capability. b. Foreign Seller has to provide its Registration Number issued by respective Department of Commerce authorizing export of subject stores. c. Principal/Agency Agreement.


Return of Earnest Money. a. Earnest Money to the unsuccessful bidders will be returned on finalization of the contract. b. Earnest Money of the firm/firms with whom contract is concluded will be returned on submission of Bank Guarantee as stipulated in the contract.

12. Earnest Money/Tender Bond: your tender must be accompanied by a Bank Draft in favour of CMA (DP), Rawalpindi for the following amount: a.

Registered/Indexed Firms: 2% of the quoted value only.


Registered but Un-indexed Firms: 3% of the quoted value only.


Un-registered/Un-indexed Firms: 5% of the quoted value only

In case of firm wins a contract on EM, it will deposit following documents for provisional Regn before the award of contracts:

S. No. i)

Local Supplier

Foreign Supplier

Three filled copies of SVA-8121 of each member of management

Three filled copies of SVA-8121D of each member of management Three filled copies of SVA-8121 Three photocopy of Resident Card or equivalent identification Card for each member of management Three PP size photographs for each member of management Challan Form (*) Financial standing/audit balance sheet Photocopy of passport Agency Agreement in case of Trading House/Company/ Exporter/Stockiest etc.

ii) iii)

Three filled copies of SVA-8121-A Three photocopy of NIC for each member of management


Three PP size photographs for each member of management Challan Form (*) Bank Statement for last one year

v) vi) vii) viii)

Photocopy of NTN Foreign Principal Agency Agreement in case of local agent


13. Treasury Challan. a. Offers must be accompanied with a challan form of Rs.200/(obtainable from State Bank of Pakistan/Government Treasury) and debitable to Major Head XL VII, Main Head XII, Sub Head ‘A’ Miscellaneous Code No Def – 1220. Each offer will be covered by one challan.

Not Attached


Not Attached

Understood agreed

Understood not agreed

b. In case of un-registered firms, whether they have applied for registration or not, will pay tender inquiry fee (Challan Form) at following rates: (1) Contract for value upto. Rs. 250,000/- :

Rs 1,000/-

(2) Contract for value from Rs. 250,000/- to Rs.5,000,000/-

Rs. 1,500/-

(3) Contracts for value above 5,000,000/-

Rs. 2,000/-



Inspection Authority. Understood agreed


Understood not agreed

Inspection Authority will be CINS

b. Joint Inspection of store, after receipt at consignee warehouse will be carried out by Consignee and Specialist User. However, functional tests and trials prior final acceptance will be carried out by end user

15. Condition of Stores. Brand new stores will be accepted on Firm’s Warranty/Guarantee Form DPL-15. Copy of DPL-15 can be obtained from DP(N) on e-mail address given on page 1.

16. Marking. Marking Spec/Misc/NS/002/80.





17. Documents Required. submitted along with the quote:

Following documents are required to be

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a. OEM/Authorized Dealer/Agent Certificate along with OEM Dealership Evidence. b. The supplier is to provide OEM conformance certificate to CINS through respective ADsP/DAs or it is to be e-mailed to CINS directly by OEM. Hard copy of conformance certificate must follow, in any case, through DHL courier. On receipt, PN can approach the OEM to confirm whether an OEM conformance certificate has been issued by them. Companies/firms rendering false OEM conformance will be blacklisted. c.

Original quotation/proforma invoice.

d. In case of bulk proforma invoice, a certificate that prices indicated in the bulk proforma invoice have not been decreased since the date of bulk proforma invoice from the manufacturers/suppliers. e. Submit breakup of cost of stores/services on the following lines: (1) Imported material with break down item wise alongwith import duties. (2) Variable business overheads like taxes and duties imposed by the federal/provincial government as applicable:(i) General Sales Tax (ii) Income Tax

(iii) Custom Duty. PCT code along with photocopy of the related page is to be attached where applicable. (iv) Any other tax/duty. (3) Fixed overhead charges like labour, electricity etc. (4) Agent commission/profit, if any. (5) Any other expenditure/cost/service/remuneration as asked for in the tender.

Understood agreed

Understood agreed

18. Rejection of Stores/Services. The stores/services offered as a result of contract concluded against FOR tender may be rejected as follows: a. b. c.

1st rejection on Govt. expense 2nd rejection on supplier expense 3rd rejection contract cancellation will be initiated.

19. Security Deposit/Bank Guarantee . To ensure timely and correct supply of stores the firm will furnish an unconditional Bank Guarantee(BG) from a schedule Bank for an amount of 10 % of the contract value (excluding Taxes, duties/freight handling charges) on a Judicial Stamp Paper of the value of (Rs 100.00) as per prescribed format or in shape of CSD/Bank draft. The Bank Guarantee shall be endorsed in favour of CMA(DP) Rawalpindi who is the Accounts Officer specified in the contract. The CMA(DP) Rawalpindi have the like power of seeking encashment of the Bank Guarantee as if the same has been demanded by the purchaser himself. The Bank Guarantee shall be produced by the supplier within 30 days from the date of issue of the contract and remain valid for upto 60 days after completion of warranty period and remain in force till one year ahead of the delivery date given in the contract. If delivery period is extended, the supplier shall arrange the extension of Bank Guarantee within 30 days after the original delivery period to keep its validity always one year ahead of the extended delivery period. The BG form can be obtained from DP(N) on e-mail address given on page 1. 20. Integrity Pact. Procurements exceeding Rs 10 Million shall be subject to an integrity pact, between the procuring agency and the suppliers or contractors. The form is available at or can be requested at

21. Correspondence. All correspondence will be addressed to the Purchaser. Correspondence with regard to payment or issue of delivery receipt may be addressed to CMA Rawalpindi & Consignee respectively with copy endorsed to the purchaser. 22. Pre-shipment Inspection. PN may send a team of officers including DP(N) member for the inspection of major equipments and machinery items at OEM premises..

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23. Amendment to Contract. Contract may be amended/modified to include fresh clause (s) modify the existing clauses with the mutual agreement by the supplier and the purchaser; such modification shall form an integral part of the contract. 24. Discrepancy. The consignee will render a discrepancy report to all concerned within 60 days after receipt of stores for discrepancies found in the consignment. The quantities found short are to be made good by the supplier, free of cost. 25.

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Price Variation. a. Prices offered against this tender are to be firm and final. b. Where the prices of the contracted stores/raw material are controlled by the government or an agency competent to do so on government behalf then price increase/decrease will be allowed at actual on case to case basis on production of government notification by the Supplier for the subject stores where the firms are contractually obliged and bound to produce the stores from raw materials supplied by government/State controlled departments in consultation with Military Finance. c. Except for calculation or typographical errors, the rates of the contracts not having a price variation clause PVC clause will not be increased subsequently. But when such an increase is considered desirable in the interest of expeditious supply of stores and is necessitated by the circumstances beyond the control of the Supplier, the case may be decided accordingly.

26. Price Reduction (PR). In case the stores on inspection are found to be below the stipulated specification and these are proposed to be accepted by the inspector under deviation subject to be certain price reduction, the relevant Inspection Note may be released and stores dispatched to the consignee with the following endorsement on the Inspection Note: “Accepted under deviation with certain price reduction, as recommended on deviation form, which is subject to final approval/decision by the Purchaser� The supplier will not submit the bills unless price reduction aspect is finally decided upon by the purchaser and formal amendment to this effect is issued in the contract.

27. Buy back. The seller will buy back the spares/items supplied as a part of this tender at the selling price, which are no longer required as indicated by the buyer with in five years from the final acceptance of the spares/items.

The supplier will not be held responsible for 28. Force Majeure. any delay occurring in supply of equipment due to event of Force Majeure such as acts of God, War, Civil commotion, Strike, Lockouts, Act of Foreign Government and its agencies and disturbance directly affecting the supplier over which events or circumstances the supplier has no control. In such an event the supplier shall inform the purchaser within 15 days of the happening and within the same timeframe about the discontinuation of such circumstances/happening in writing. Nonavailability of raw material for the manufacture of stores, or of export permit for the contracted stores from the country of its origin, shall not constitute Force Majeure.

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29. Arbitration. All matters of dispute or difference regarding rejection of stores by the inspector or cancellation of the contract by the Purchaser, arising out of the contract finalized between the parties thereto, the settlement of which is not otherwise specially provided for in the contract, shall be referred to arbitration as under: a.

Foreign Currency (FOB/CIF/C&F/FSA etc) Contracts (1). The dispute shall be referred for adjudication to two arbitrators one to be nominated by each party. Who before entering upon the reference shall appoint an umpire by mutual agreement and if they do not agree a judge of the Superior Court will be requested to appoint the umpire. The arbitration proceedings shall be held in Pakistan and under Pakistan Law. (2). The venue of arbitration shall be the place from which the contact is issued or such other places as the Purchaser at his discretion may determine. (3). Arbitration award so given will be firm and final.

b. Indigenous (FOR etc) Contracts.The settlement of dispute, is not otherwise specially provided for in the contract, through arbitration clause in the contract shall be referred to the decision of Secretary, Ministry of Defence (DP Division). His decision shall be final and binding on both the parties. Work under the contract shall if reasonably possible continue, under the proceedings before the said Secretary and no payments payable by the Director shall be withheld on the account of such proceeding unless they are subject of the dispute. 30. Court of Jurisdiction. In case of any dispute only court of jurisdiction at Rawalpindi shall have jurisdiction to decide the matter. 31. Liquidated Damages(LD). Liquidated Damages upto 2% per month are liable to be imposed on the suppliers by the purchaser in accordance with DP-35, if the stores supplied after the expiry of the

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delivery date without any valid reasons. Total value of LD shall not exceed 10% of the contract value. 32. Risk Purchase. In the event of failure on the part of supplier to comply with the contractual obligations the contract will be cancelled at the Risk and Expense of the supplier in accordance with DP-35.

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33. Penalty. In case of wrong supply of the item by the supplier, a penalty of 10 % of the contract value may be imposed by DP(N) apart from any other penalties. 34. Gratuities/Commission/Gifts. No commission, rebate, bonus, fee or compensation in any form shall be paid to any local or foreign agent, consultant representative, sales promoter or any intermediary by the Manufacturer/Supplier except the agent commission payable as per the agent commission policy of the government and as amended from time to time and given in the contract. Any breach of such clause(s) of the contract by Manufacturer/Supplier and/or their sole nominated representative may result in cancellation of the contract blacklisting of the Manufacturer/Supplier financial penalties and all or any other punitive measure which the purchaser may consider appropriate. 35.

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Understood not agreed

Termination of Contract. a. If at any time during the currency of the contract the Purchaser decides to terminate the contract for any reason whatsoever (other than for reasons of Non-Delivery) he shall have right to do so by giving the Supplier a registered notice to that effect. In that event the Purchaser will accept delivery at the contract price and terms of such stores/goods/services which are in the actual process of manufacture that is completed and ready for delivery within thirty days after receipt by the Supplier of such notice. b. In the case of remainder of the stores/goods/services the Purchaser may elect either:


(1). To have any part thereof completed and take the delivery thereof at the contract price or. (2). To cancel the remaining quantity and pay to the Supplier for the articles or sub-components or raw materials purchased by the Supplier and are in the actual process of manufacture at the price to be determined by the Purchaser. In such a case materials in the process of manufacture shall be delivered by the Supplier to the Purchaser. (3). No payment shall however be made for any materials not yet in the actual process of manufacture on the date notice of cancellation is received.

Understood agreed

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c. Should the Supplier fail to deliver goods/services in time as per quality terms of contract or fail to render Bank Guarantee within the stipulated time period or any breach of the contract the Purchaser reserves the right to terminate/cancel the contract fully or any part thereof at the risk and expense (RE) of the Supplier. 36. Rights Reserved. Directorate Procurement (Navy), Rawalpindi reserves full rights to accept or reject any or all offers including the lowest, before formal Final Acceptance of any offer. Particular reasons for cancellation of tender/offer/bid will be intimated upon request of bidder. 37. Application of Official Secret Acts. All the matters connected with this enquiry and subsequent actions arising there from come within the scope of the Official Secret Act, 1923. You are, therefore, requested to ensure complete secrecy regarding documents and stores concerned with the enquiry and to limit the number of your employees having access to this information. 38. Acknowledgment. Firms will send acknowledgement slips within 07 days from the date of receipt of IT. In case IT is not received by a registered firm within 10 days IT published in the Bulletin, the firm must ask for it from concerned procurement agency in writing with intimation to Registration Section (DGDP) or visit www.ppra to download the required tender.


Disqualification. Offers are liable to be rejected if:a. Received later than appointed/fixed date and time. b. Offers are found conditional or incomplete in any respect. c. Any deviation from the General /Special/Technical Instructions contained in this tender. d. Forms DP-1, DP-2,and DP-3 duly signed, if NOT received with the offers. e. Taxes and duties, freight/transportation and insurance charges NOT indicated separately as per required price breakdown mentioned at Para 17. f. Treasury challan is NOT attached with the offer. g. Multiple rates are quoted against one item. h. Manufacturer’s relevant brochures and technical details on major equipment assemblies are not attached in support of specifications. j. Subject to restriction of export license. k. Offers (commercial/technical) containing non-initialed/ unauthenticated amendments/corrections/overwriting. l. If the validity of the agency agreement expired at the time of submission of offer. m. The commercial offer against FOB/CIF/C&F tender is quoted in local currency and vise versa.

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n. Principals invoice in duplicate clearly indicating whether prices quoted are inclusive or exclusive of the agent commission is not enclosed. p. Earnest money is not provided. q. If validity of offer is not quoted as required in IT or made subject to confirmation later. r. Offer made through Fax/E-mail/Cable/Telex. s. If offer is found to be based on cartel action in connivance with other sources/ participants of the tender. t. If OEM and principal name and complete address is not mentioned. u. Stores or any parts thereof are originated/manufactured from India, Israel or Taiwan. 40. The above terms and conditions are confirmed in total for acceptance.

Sincerely yours, _____________________________ (To be Signed by Officer Concerned) Rank:__________________________ NAME:_________________________ NOTES 1. FORM DP-1, DP-2, DP-3 and Questionnaires. Form DP-1, DP-2, DP-3 and Questionnaires duly filled in are to be returned with the offer duly signed by the authorized signatory/person. It is pertinent to mention that all these are mandatory requirement for participation in the tender. 2. Copy of DP-35 Revised 2002: Copies of DP-35 revised 2002 are available with Registration Section DGDP and the same be obtained by the Supplier on payment at the rate of Rs 250/- each.

(Signatures of Tenderer) ……………………………………. (Capacity in which signing)


INVITATION TO TENDER FORM 1. Schedule to Tender No. 1290049/R-1209/310187dated 03-12-2012. This tender will be closed for acceptance at 1000 Hrs and will be opened at 1100 Hours on 09-01-2013. Please drop tender in the Tender Box No.107. 2. You are requested to please use this Performa for price quotation, fill in the prices, affix your stamp on the same, sign it and forward it in original as your Commercial offer along with the covering letter of your firm. If you do not use this form as price quotations your offer might be rejected. 3. Please tick the prescribed IT instructions and confirm complied or not complied in the column given in front of each instruction. 4. You are requested not to use ink of any colour other than black and there should be no writing / overwriting except in the column / columns specified for that purpose. 5. Any overwriting will render your offer liable for rejection. 6. You are requested to please attach DP-1,DP-2 and DP-3 along with your quotation duly signed & stamped. S.No




1. Up-gradation of IP DSLAM of various locations at Karachi


Technical specifications at as per Annex ‘A’ General Instruction at as per Annex ‘B’


Firm is to confirm either 16% GST is applicable on subject equipment. If yes then confirm either quoted price is inclusive of GST or not. Grand total

Special Note: All participating firms must submit technical offers in duplicate in original (one for TSR committee and one for DP (Navy)). In case of failure to comply, offer will liable for rejection.





Basis for Acceptance:






07 08

FOR/DDP Karachi Basis Quantity/Requirement: Quantity of store can be increased/ decreased as per requirement / discretion of purchaser. Country of origin European and Chinese. Inspection Authority Joint inspection to be carried out by committee of officers nominated by Director of signal. Delivery Period 06 Months after contract signing Earnest Money/Bid Security: Earnest Money/Bid Security at the rate of 2.5 % of the bid value in the firm of bid bond/CDR/PO/DD shall be submitted alongwith the technical offer. Technical offers received without Earnest Money shall not be accepted and render for rejection. Therefore, your tender must be accompanied by a Bank Draft in favour of CMA (DP), Rawalpindi. Validity of Offer 90 t0 120 days After Tender Opening TSR (Technical Scrutiny) Required. TSR will be carried out by team of officers nominated by NHQ (Dir Signal). Technical scrutiny of the offers will be carried out in 02 stages. Stage 1 Evaluation / Scrutiny of offers will be carried out by Technical scrutiny committee (The firms qualifying stage one will be requested for demonstration of offered/quoted equipment for evaluation in Second stage on discretion of PN.


Stage 2

09 10

Evaluation of offered equipment will be carried out through demonstration. Tender Nature Open Tender Basis Terms of Payment AS PER PARA-8 OF ANNEX B

11 12

Marking Marking of stores in accordance with international standards. Currency of Contract All participating firms are to quote in Pak Rupees


Following documents are also required Original quotation/Proforma invoice and in case of bulk Proforma invoice, a certificate that prices indicated in the bulk Proforma invoice have not been decreased since the date of bulk Proforma. Invoice form the manufacturers. "Suppliers" must be attached in support of the prices quoted. Only one rate will be quoted for entire quantity, item wise.


Each and every clause of the tender documents is to be addressed. No clause/ column of the tender document should be un addressed. Furthermore, the specifications and IT conditions are to be confirmed in technical offer in total for acceptances.


Lab testing charges, if arranged out of service facility, will be borne by the supplier. Certificate of Conformance by OEM



The firm /supplier shall provide correct and valid e mail and fax number to CINS and DP (Navy). Supplier /contracting firm shall either provide OEM conformance certificate to CINS or is to be e mailed to CINS under information to DP(Navy) Hard copy of conformance certificate must follow, in any case, through courier. On receipt, CINS shell approach the OEM for verification of conformance certificate issued by the OEM. Companies/firms rendering false OEM conformance certificate will be black listed. Compensation on breach of contract If the contractor fails to supply of contracted stores or contract is cancelled either on RE or without RE or contract become ineffective due to default of supplier / seller or stores / equipment declared defective and caused loss to the Government, contractor shall be liable to pay to the Government compensation for loss or inconvenience resulting for his default or from the rescission of his contract when such default or rescission take place such compensation will be in excess to the RE amount, if imposed by the competent authority. Compensation amount in terms of money will be decided by the purchase officer and will be deposited by contractor / seller in Government treasury in the


currency of contract. Performance Bank Guarantee Successful registered bidder is to submit unconditional performance bond in shape of bank guarantee equal to 05% of contracted value .within 30 days after signing of contract. For successful unregistered bidder the said amount is 10% of contract value. The performance bond is to remain valid till the completion of Warranty Period.




In case of non-compliance to any of the clause of Annex A to IT, offer is subject to technical rejection. Note for compliance. a. All Participating firms must submit technical offers in duplicate (one for TSR committee and one for DP (Navy) record). b. Unregistered (Not registered with Directorate General Defense Purchase) firms must provide the documentary evidence of their financial capability to undertake the project. c. Unregistered firms are to submit a certificate along with their Technical offer stating that the firm is not black listed by any government organization and not under disciplinary trial or embargo. d. In case of Pakistani firms, sales tax, NTN and income tax registration certificates are to be attached with the offer. These certificates are mandatory with the BID, otherwise offer shall be REJECTED. e. Company registration certificates are to be attached with offer. f. Requisite amount of earnest money (in shape of Bank Draft in the favour of CMA (DP)) is to be attached in separate envelop in sealed condition with the Technical offer. Photocopy of the same shall also be attached with DP-2 as a testimony. Cheques/crossed cheques shall not be accepted. g. Duly completed Form DP-1 and DP-3 are to be attached with Technical Offer. h. DP-2 Form shall also be submitted with Technical Offer without mentioning of prices.

Annex ‘A’ to Tender No. 1290049/R-1209/310187 Dated October 2012 UPGRADATION OF IP DSLAM AT KARACHI PROJECT DEFINITION DOCUMENT SCOPE OF PROJECT 1. PN intends to upgrade BOL Internet setup for various locations at Karachi using DSL Broadband Technology. The scope of project includes design and establishment of IP based core network by installing DSLAMs at NORE-1, Greater Area of PNS Karsaz and PNS Mehrean. Provide all associated equipment, systems and accessories, deemed necessary to integrate with central location at RMC to ensure a secure, redundant, reliable and always available internet services. The project is on turnkey basis, the firm is to be install and commission the system. 2. Scope of supplies, to be provided for this project, shall include, but not limited to, following equipment/systems: a. 3 x IP based DSLAMs chassis with DSL cards (configuration details are at para 3 of doc). b.

E1 aggregator/Router for backhauling with Central Office system.


01 x NMS for DSLAM network.


01 x Manageable LAN Switch


Associated cabling


3 x Rectifiers and battery bank with 1 hour backup time


200 x CPEs of DSL services


01 x HP Pavilion 6 Laptop Core i5 Processor -2430M 2.4 GHz 4 GB DDR-3 RAM

SITE WISE PORT AND CHASSIS CONFIGURATION FOR DSLAM 3. Detailed chassis configurations for DSLAM, required at each site (exchange), are as under:

S. NO.

1. 2.




19” wide Scalable to 1500 and above DSL Ports NORE-I 19” wide Scalable to 1000 and above DSL Ports


1300 600

ADSL Cards must comply following specs: • ADSL2 Annex A/M.

• 3.

196” wide Scalable to 500 and above DSL Ports

120 •

All required system cards and cables shall be provided. Critical cards (control card, power card, etc) shall have 1 + 1 redundancy.

TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS 4. Detailed technical specifications of equipment, desired to be installed for establishment of said network, is appended below: a.

IP DSLAM. IP DSLAM should have following properties: (1)

Shall adhere to following standards:


SHDSL E1 (2)

ITU G.992.1 (G.DMT), ITU G.992.2 (G.lite), ITU G.992.3 (G.DMT.BIS), ITU G.992.5 (ADSL2+), ITU G.994.1 (G.hs), ITU G.997.1, Annex A, Annex B, Annex M. ITU G.991.2, ITU G.994.1 (G.hs), ITU G.997.1 G.703, G.704

Shall support congestion control (EPD, PPD) and traffic shaping.

(3) Shall support Uplink: 10/100/1000BT, Fiber GigE, IP interface to sustain long distance access: FE/GE optical or electrical interfaces. (4) Shall support IP Features/Specifications: IGMP Snooping, Multicast, 802, IQ VLAN, 802. 1d spanning tree protocol, 802.1p Priority Queuing, 802.3ad Trunk and RFC 1483/2684 Bridged Encapsulation, Address filtering, Secure forwarding, Proxy ARP, PPPtoA to PPPoE. (5)

Shall support following: (a)

RIP v1 (RFC 1058)/RIP v2 (RFC 2453)


DHCP Server (RFC 2131, 2132), DHCP Relay


IEEE 802.17 RPR


802.3ad Link Aggregation


Multicast IGMP v1/v2

(6) Shall support SNMP V1, V2, V3, MIB-II (RFC1213, RFC1573), ATM MIB (RFC2515), IMA MIB (AF-PHY-0086.1), E1/E3 MIB. (7)

Shall provide full QoS for IP networks


Shall provide Carrier-class reliability and management

(9) Shall provide Web-based and command line management. (10) Shall provide Integrated Loop Diagnostics via the use of SELT/DELT (single ended and dual ended loop test). (11)

Shall provide (MRTG) on uplink interface and ports of line card.

(12) The administrator must be able to restore (download)/(upload) the configuration, firmware or switch version external files using ftp/tftp. (13) Shall support Input power from -44 to -62 VDC with Redundant power modules.



Should support hot swappable boards/cards.


Shall provide redundant Control board/cards.


Shall provide ACL-based access control support.


Shall provide MAC address Binding and IP Address Binding Support.


Shall support Universal Access for Triple Play.


Shall support VOIP: SIP/MGCP/H.248, G-PON/Active Ethernet.


Shall support ADSL2+/G.SHDSL/VDSL2/Ehternet Fist Mile (EFM).

CPE: CPE should have following properties: (1)


Shall support following protocols: (a)

ANSI T1.413 (full Rate ADSL)


ITU G.992.1 (G.dmt)


ITU G.992.2 (G.lite)


ITU G.992.3 (ADSL2)


ITU G.992.5 (ADSL2+)


ITU G.994.1 (G.SHDSL)


ITU G.997.1

Shall support following management features: (a)

Web-based configuration GUI




Telnet Remote Management

(d) (3)


FTP/TFTP firmware upgrade and configuration backup/restore

Shall support following interfaces: (a)

DSL Line: RJ11


Ethernet: 100BaseT




With Phone Filter

Network Management System (NMS). Network Monitoring System (NMS) should have following attributes: (1) Monitors and evaluates the current operational status of all the supported network and office desktop devices. Monitored components include DSLAMs routers, switches, workstations, applications and services. (2) of and

Provides console-based auto-discovery of the network. Auto-discovery the network can be preformed using SNMP smart scan, IP range scan, network neighborhood scan.

(3) Helps enable easy integration into customer monitoring and troubleshooting workflows by means of notification mechanisms such as SNMP traps, Short Message Services (SMS), e-mails, beeper, pager, syslog, active script activation, services restart, windows pop-up action, and Web alarms. d.


Ethernet over E1 aggregator/router. Ethernet over E1 aggregator/router with E1 module should be have following specifications: (1)

Aggregator is required at each station for backhauling of data link with the central office.


It should carry atleast 04 E1s per station with atleast 02 FE interfaces.


It should have SNMP management support for NMS.


It should comply all E1 and Ethernet standards.

LAN Switch.

LAN Switch should have following specifications:


Switch should be L-2 with 24-prot 10/100/1000 and 4-Small Form Factor (LC based) ports with Enhanced IP feature set software.


Scalable stacking should create 32 Gbps switch interconnections without using the user ports.


Support of Ether Channel (Link Aggregation) should be present.


STP versions of RSTP, PVSTP+ and RPVSTP should be supported.

(5) VLAN trunks can be created from any port, using the standard based 802.1Q tagging. (6) VLAN Trunking Protocol (VTP) supports dynamic VLANs and dynamic trunk configuration across all switches. NETWORK SECURITY 7.

In order to ensure Network security, following arrangements are essentially required: a.

Network should be based on layered security architecture.


The system should empower Network administration to disable/enable IO devices on client nodes. The system should alarm if any unauthorized device/system attempts to access the network.


NMS should have powerful security management features so that users having different rights should be able to have different views and operational tree of network.

Annex ‘B’ to Tender No. 1290049/R-1209/310187 Dated October 2012 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS AND CONDITIONS WARRANTY 1. The equipment and all its associated accessories are to be warranted by the supplier for a period of One (01) years, for all defects in hardware from the date of final acceptance by PN. 2. The supplier will guarantee that the articles supplied under the terms of this contract are of latest. 3. The supplier will guarantee that the equipment produced are of the current production and band new. 4. The supplier will replace within 01 month period, free of cost during warranty every article or part thereof which before use or in user shall be found defective or not within the limits and tolerances of specifications requirements, or in any way not in accordance with the terms of the contract. LIQUIDATED DAMAGES 5. Liquidated Damages (LD) upto 2% per month are liable to be imposed on the supplier/principal by the purchaser for equipment in delay in accordance with DP-35, if the stores are supplied after the expiry of the delivery date without an valid reasons, provided that liquidated damages does not exceed 10% of value of equipment in delay. DELIVERY SCHEDULE 6. The equipment/stores are to be delivered within six (06) months form signing of the Contract on DDP at consignee’s ware house. Joint Inspection of the Stores is to be carried out within 15 days of delivery of stores. The firm has to install and configure the switch at consignee’s end. Installation, Commissioning and final acceptance of the equipment is to be completed within 2 months. END USER 7.

OI/C Telecom (South), Karachi

Terms of Payment 8.

Terms of payment are as follows: a.

50% Payment on (1) (2) (3)

Supplier Bill duly completed (In duplicate) Copy of the Inspection Note duly endorsed by the Inspection Officer i.e Director Information Technology. Delivery Challan duly receipted by the Consignee.

(4) A certificate from the OEM that equipment is brand new and from the latest production. (5) Supply Completion Certificate by the Supplier. b.

50% Payment on (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

Supplier Bill duly completed (In duplicate) Copy of the Inspection Note duly endorsed by the Inspection Officer Director Information Technology. Delivery Receipt issued by the Consignee. Copy of DPL-15 Successful commissioning of system Acceptance certificate issued by DIT

PENALTY 9. The supplier before making the delivery to PN will carryout complete test of the equipment at his facilities to ensure that the same has been manufactured as per the specifications. However, the buyer after its receipt will carryout inspection and test/trials. In case the equipment/machinery does not pass the test/trials, the buyer has the right to out rightly reject the equipment or impose penalty at rate 2+-5 % of the value of the relevant equipment/item. 10. The penalty shall not absolve the supplier to undertake the repairs in Pakistan at his cost and expense. This shall be in addition to other penalties and obligations covered in the contract like warranty/guarantee obligations on form DPL-15. PRICES OF THE ITEMS 11. Prices for each of the items/services that are to form the scope of supply are to be indicated separately in the proposal. RISK PURCHASE 12. In the event of failure on the part of supplier to comply with the contractual obligations, the contract will be cancelled at the risk and expenses limited to the amount of the contract. DISCREPANCY 13. The consignee will render a discrepancy report to tall concerned within 30 days after receipt of stores for discrepancies found in the consignment. The granitites found short are to be made good by the supplier, free of cost on DDP at consignee’s ware house within 30 days. SOFTWARE 14. The software of the DSLAM/Switch should have latest modular OS and features applicable to this model. This should be fully supportable in case of an upgrade in hardware is necessitated due maintainability and/or technological advancement. The supplier should render a certificate, obtained form the manufacturer that software supplied is of latest version. Any up-gradation in the software should be provided free of charges. Necessary

software for running the diagnostic tests should also be provided. It is the responsibility of the supplier to obtain licenses/permits etc (if any). Software warranty of 5 years from date of final acceptance will be provided. ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS 15.

The system should conform to following environmental standards: a.

Temperature range

0O to 40OC


Storage Temperature

-05O to 45OC


Relative Humidity

45% to 50% non condensing

MISCELLANEOUS 16. OEM certified brand new equipment/stores warranty/guarantee on DPL-15 at consignee’s end.






17. Contract to be back loaded form payment point of view, A reasonable percentage of payment should be linked with the supply of each deliverable and acceptance trials. 18. TSR will be done through TSR Committee nominated by DCM Naval Headquarters Islamabad after receipt of proposals form DP (N). 19. The performance Guarantee equal to 10% contract value, valid 02 months beyond the warranty period be obtained form the supplier on signing of contract. 20. If purchaser wishes to make additional purchaser within one year after the completion date of the contract, the supplier will provide the stores/equipment on the same price. CERTIFICATE OF CONFORMANCE BY OEM 21. In case of difference in IT specs and specs mentioned in supplied broucher, an OEM certificate regarding conformance to technical specs of IT is to be provided by the firm along with technical offer. In case of non-provisioning of the same, specs mentioned in brouchers/OEM website will be considered final. PROVISION OF DOCUMENTATION 22. Firm is to provide requisite documentation (user’s manual) in hard copy or soft copy (CD) format as under: a. Operating Manual. This document should provide equipment pre start checks, detailed operating & switching off procedures alongwith log sheets. b. Installation Manual. This document should cover in detail preinstallation checks, detailed installation procedure alongwith drawings and post installation checks, should also cover setting to work & commissioning procedure alongwith relevant settings, configurations and performance data sheet. This should

also provide installation specifications and test & trials procedure alongwith test forms. c.

Maintenance Manual.

This document should include following:

(1) Technical data/specifications & general technical description of the equipment/system, including its sub assemblies/sub systems. (2) Level-1 maintenance routine alongwith detailed procedure to complete maintenance job. (3) Fault diagnostic procedure. TECHNICAL REJECTION 23. In case of non-compliance to any of the clause of Annex ‘A’ to IT, offer is subject to technical rejection. JOINT INSPECTION COMMITTEE 24. Joint Inspection Committee will inspect the delivery of equipment. Committee will comprise of Reps of Telecom (South), CINS and IT Dte. OBTAINING OF LICENSES 25. It is the responsibility of the supplier to obtain licenses/permits etc (if nay) in the seller’s or OEM’s country. Failure to obtain the same shall not constitute grounds for Force Majeure. TRAINING 26. Training of 2 weeks to 6 personnel on Configuration and Management of DSLAM, Network Management Software (Open Source). Training should also include Troubleshooting/maintenance of network. Training is to be delivered at PN site (Telecom South). The firm is to design the course outlines and get it approved by PN after signing of contract. COUNTRY OF ORIGIN 27.

European and Chinese

INSPECTION CRITERIA 28. The equipment will be inspected as per technical specifications of equipment mentioned in para 4 of Annex A. PACKING 29. Packing of the equipment should be of international quality standards to be worthy of air, sea, rail and road transportation.

FIRM’S COMPLIANCE ABOUT ABOVE SPECIFICATIONS (Firm is to attach compliance chart of its offered equipment’s specification viz a viz tendered specifications)

Tender No……………

DP-3 Name of the Firm……………… DGDP Registration No……….. Address………………………… Date…………………………….. Telephone No. ………………… Official E-Mail………………….. Fax No …………………….…… Mobile No of contact person…..

To: THE DIRECTOR OF PROCUREMENT (Section P-3..) Ministry of Defence Production Sectt. No. II, Adamjee Road RAWALPINDI Tel: 051-9271468-78 Dear Sir 1. I/We hereby offer to supply to the Director of Procurement (Navy) the stores detailed in schedule to the tender inquiry or such portion thereof as you may specify in the acceptance of tender at the prices offered against the said schedule and further agree that this offer will remain valid up to 120 days and will not be withdrawn or altered in terms of rates quoted and the conditions already stated therein or on before this date. I/we shall be bound by a communication of acceptance to be dispatched within the prescribed time.

2. I/We have understood the Instructions to Tenders and General Conditions Governing Contract in Form No. DP-35 (Revised 2002) included in the pamphlet entitled, Government of Pakistan, Ministry of Defence (Directorate General Defence Purchase) “General Conditions Governing Contracts” and have thoroughly examined the specifications/drawings and/ or patterns quoted in the schedule hereto and am/are fully aware of the nature of the stores required and my/our offer is to supply stores strictly in accordance with the requirements. 3. The following pages have been added to and form part of this tender: a. ………………………………………. Yours faithfully, ………………………………… (Signature of Tenderer) ……………………………………. (Capacity in which signing) Address:……………………………….. Date………………………………. Signature of Witness…………… ADDRESS………………………………….. *Individual signing tender and/or other documents connected with a contract must specify:(a) (b) (c) (d)

Whether signing as “Sole Proprietor” of the firm or his attorney. Whether signing as a “Registered Active Partner” of the firm or his attorney. Whether signing for the firm “per procuration”. In the case of companies and firms registered under the Act, 1913 as amended up-to-date and under the Partnership Act 1932, the capacity in which signing e.g., the Director, Secretary, Manager, Partner, etc. or their attorney and produce copy of document empowering him so to sign, if called upon to do so.

(e) (f) (g)

Principal’s proforma invoice (in original) Earnest money Treasury Challan Form for tender Fees as applicable

DPL – 15 WARRANTY M/S ___________________________________________________________________

CONTRACT NO. ________________________________________________ 1. We hereby guarantee that the articles supplied under the terms of this contract are produced new in conformance with approved drawings/specification and in all respect in accordance with the terms of the contract, and the materials used whether or not of our manufacture are in accordance with the latest appropriate standard specifications, as also in accordance with the terms of complete of good workmanship throughout and that we will repair/replace free of cost (FOB/CIF/FOR/C&F) Karachi as the case may be every article or part thereof which before use or in use shall be found defective or not within the limits and tolerance of specifications requirement or in any way not in accordance with the terms of the contract. 2. In case of our failure to replace the defective stores free of cost within three months of reporting by the consignee, we will refund the relevant cost (FOB/CIF/FOR/C&F/DDU) Karachi as the case may be in the currency/currencies in which received plus freight charges, upto consignees end and the purchaser shall have the right to purchase the stores declared defective at our risk and expense from elsewhere. 3.

The Supplier also undertakes to make good the deficiency in supply if any.

4. This warranty will remain valid for 01 year after acceptance of system by Pakistan Navy end user.





SIGNATURE : __________________ DATE

: _______________

NECESSARY DATA FOR ISSUANCE OF CONTRACTS ON EARNEST MONEY IMPORTANT Each column must be filled in with BLOCK CAPITAL LETTERS, incompletion shall render disqualification.


Name : _____________________________________


Father’s Name : ______________________________


Address (Residential) _____________________________________________________


__________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ 4.

Designation in Firm _______________________________________________________

CNIC : _____________________________________ (Attach Copy of CNIC) 6. NTN : ______________________________________ (Attach Copy of NTN) 7. Firm’s Address __________________________________________________________




___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ 8. Date of Establishment of Firm : ________________________________________________ 9. Firm’s Registration Certificate with FBR/Chamber of Commerce/Registrar of Companies. (Attach Copy of relevant CERTIFICATE) 10. In case PARTNERSHIP (Attach particulars at serial 1,2,3,4,5 and 6 of each partner).

(Kindly fill in the above form and forward it under your own letter head with contact details)




Description Optical Fiber Solution Optical-Fiber Splicing & equipment installation of existing deployed cable at KSK premises. Wi-Fi Connectivity for 12 buildings Indoor Wi-fi connectivity with Central Management Solution, with uplink UTP cat6 in each department’s computer Lab etc. Computer core i7

Qty 01



Terms & Conditions Late submission/incomplete non-compliance tender will not be entertained. The bids will be received by 31/12/2012 at 10 AM. Tender will be opened in the presence of bidders on 31/12/2012 at 10.30 AM. 2% earnest money in shape of deposit-at-call in the name of Treasurer U.E.T. Lahore must accompany the tender. Only the registered firms under GST companies are invited to visit KSK campus (during office hours (8.30 AM to 2.30 PM)) before providing any solution/tender. Tender document will be available from the office of Electrical Engineering Department, UET Lahore, KSK Campus during office hours on the production of receipt of Rs. 500 (non-refundable) deposited in the university main account at HBL, Engineering University branch Lahore or HBL, UET booth at KSK campus with company profile. The competent authority may reject all bids or proposals at any time prior to the acceptance of a bid or proposal. The competent authority shall upon request communicate to any supplier or contractor who submitted a bid or proposal, the grounds for its rejection of all bids or proposals, but is not required to justify those grounds. (Note: Those who have already purchased the tender document will be considered in the bid)

Dr. Qammer Hussain Abbasi Phone: 042-37951904

Embassy of Pakistan The Hague ****

Tenders are invited from reputed firms/companies based in the Netherlands for to carry out following installation and repair works at the Embassy of Pakistan (Chancery) located at Amaliastraat 8, 2514JC The Hague:


Installation of security cameras (including recording and monitoring equipment) at the Chancery building.


Repair/Installation of a security door at the entrance to the chancery building meant for Consular Section.

The offers contained in a sealed envelope and addressed to the “Head of Chancery� must reach the embassy within 15 days of the publication of this notice, Tender will be close at 11:00am and open at 11:30am. For further enquiries related to bidding documents kindly contact the Embassy by phone or email at: Phone:





Dear Sirs, Reference : TENDER ENQUIRY NO. 0032/DS/LP/42


You are requested to submit sealed quotations for the item(s) noted in the Schedule to the Tender.Offer should be sent duly sealed in an envelope. Please note the following instructions for filling the tender:1. SUBMISSION OF TENDER 1.1 Tenders will be opened at 1200 hours on 08-JAN-13 and must reach this office on or before that time. The tender received late will not be entertained. You may witness the opening of the tender if you so desire.If a representative is deputed, he should bring a letter of authority from you. 1.2 Only one tender should be included in one envelope. The outside of the envelope should be inscribed with:Tender Enquiry No: 0032/DS/LP/42 Tender to be opened on: 08-JAN-13 Address as follows:MANAGER PURCHASE SERVICES POF WAH CANTT

2. GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS REGARDING PREPARATION OF QUOTATIONS 2.1 For materials, the prices should be filled in column 5 and delivery date in column 6 of the schedule to this Tender Enquiry. The undertaking should be signed at the bottom of the Schedule which shall form the Quotation. You may use a separate sheet if necessary. 2.2 For Plant and Machinery, you are required to quote in two parts:Part I "Technical Offer": It should exclusively give technical details and literatures/brochures of the offered plant, machinery and equipment; validity date; delivery schedule; and signed undertaking given on the schedule to this Tender Enquiry. It must not indicate price, costs etc.



POF 1262-A

Part II "Commercial Offer": It should indicate the commercial e.g.price, terms of payment, mode of payment, mode of supply.


Each part should be placed in a separate sealed cover. The envelopes should be inscribed with Part I "Technical Quotation without Price" and Part II "Commercial Quotation with Price". 2.3 The quotation must remain valid for, at least 90 days from the date of open of tenders. 2.4 The quotation should hold good without notice. 2.5 In the event of to the Tenderers.





reduced or

offer, no

enhanced quantities





2.6 Conditional offers or alternative offers are likely to be ignored. 2.7 Quotations should be based on:F.O.R. station of despatch basis, i.e. delivered free on rail, inclusive of packing and forwarding charges. The stores will be booked under Military Credit Note, to be provided by the purchaser. and/or Free delivery at POF's stores at WAH CANTT In this case Octroi duty if any,will be payable by the supplier. 2.8 Taxes and refrences the case Taxes and


Duties etc. where applicable, must be shown separately, quoting to Registration No. in cases of Sales Tax and relevent authority in of others. Offers without these clarifications and inclusive of Duties may be ignored.

2.9 Taxes and duties levied on or after Tender opening date or on or after the date offer was signed and despatched will be allowed to include in the offered rates. 2.10 "Suppliers will furnish a certificate, issued by Excise & Taxation deptt:, that he has cleared all Proffessional Tax payable by him" offers recieved without this certificate will be rejected. 2.11If the requisite information is not furnished on the T.E forms or offer received is not conformity with the requirement of T.E such offer shall be ignored. 2.12 The supplier will render necessary information regarding hazardous effects on environment of the material/products supplied by them,in their quotations and shipping/despatch documents. 3. INSPECTION 3.1 Supplies shall be subject to the inspection and acceptance by the competent inspection authority nominated by the Purchaser, who will arrange it at his own cost. Inspection facilities such as tools, test equipment, instruments etc will, however, be provided by the Suppliers in accordance with the relevant specifications. 3.2Where considered necessary by the Purchaser, the stores may be obtained on Warranty/Guarantee subject to inspection on receipt. Rejected stores will be removed and replaced with the acceptable stores by the Supplier at his own expense, with in a specified time. Contd...P-3

-3POF 1262-A 4. TENDER FEE The tender must be accompanied by a non-refundable fee by means of a crossed postal order in favour of: DIRECTOR SERVICES The rates of the Tender Fee are as follows:Cost of supplies upto Rs 0.1 Million Cost of supplies from Rs 0.1 Million to Rs 0.5 Million Cost of Supplies over Rs 0.5 Million 4.1

- Rs 50 - Rs 100 - Rs 200

TENDER SAMPLE Where required, offer must accompany tender sample., strictly according to the description and specification given in Tender Enquiry. Offer not accompanied by tender sample will NOT be entertained excepting the established and reputable firms who have either previously satisfactorily supplied the same or similar stores or have submitted an acceptable sample thereof against previous

5. BID MONEY 5.1

Bid Money at the rate of 1% of the quoted value, should accompany the tender in the shape of Deposit at Call Receipt, from a scheduled Bank drawn in favour of:DIRECTOR SERVICES



Tenders received without Bid Money will be rejected. Bid Money of the unsuccessful tenderers will be returned as soon as the scrutiny of the tenders is completed. Bid Money of the successful tenderers will be retained untilthe contract is finalised. Bid Money will be forfeited in case the quotation is withdrawn before the expiry of its valid

5.3 State owned organizations are not required to provide Bid Money. 6. ACCEPTANCE OF OFFERS 6.1 The right to accept or reject any offer in full or in part, without assigning any reason or to negotiate price without prejudice to the original offer is hereby reserved. 6.2


(a) The successful bidders shall provide performance bond at the rate, prescribed by POF Board according to the value of contract, in the form of Deposit At Call Receipt from a scheduled Bank; or, an un-conditional Bank Gaurantee valid for 12 months (03 months extendable to 12 months in case of cloth items required by Clothing Fy.)after receipt of store in POFs on a prescribed format. The performance Bond will be in favour of CMA(POF) Wah Cantt. It will be returned on satisfactory completion of contract. i. ii.

For For and iii. For

contract contract upto Rs. contract

valuing upto Rs. 1,000,000 valuing beyond Rs. 1,000,000 2,500,000 valuing beyond Rs. 2,500,000


10% 05% but not less than Rs. 100,000 2% but not less than Rs. 125,000

(b) If the Supplier fails to furnish the Performance Bond within the specified time, such failure will constitute a breach of the contract and the Purchaser shall be entitled to make other arrangements for purchase of the stores at the risk and expense of the Supplier. Contd....p-4

POF 1262

-46.3 Performance Bond from State owned organizations discretion of the Purchaser.




off at


6.4 FAILURE TO SUPPLY THE STORES All deliveries must be completed by the specified date. In case of failure to deliver the stores within the scheduled time should have arisen from "Force Majeure", which the purchaser may admit as reasonable ground for further time, he will allow such additional time as he may consider to have been required by the circumantances of the case.Otherwise, he will be entitled, at his discretion, to cancel the contract; and/or claim liquidated damages upto 2% but not less than 1% of the contract price of the items and their quantities for each and every month or part of a month, beyond the specified delivery date,during which these may not be delivered, subject to a maximum of 10% of the total contract value; or,to purchase from elsewhere, the unsupplied stores at the risk and cost of the supplier. 6.5 PAYMENT Payment will be made by the CMA(POF) through crossed cheques on receipt/ acceptance of stores on our prescribed bill form supported by receipt voucher on part/full supply basis. (a)Payment of duties/Taxes including professional tax (where applicable) must be supported by proof of having paid these to concerned Govt. Taxation Deptt. 7. SECURITY OF INFORMATION The tenderer and his employees must not communicate any information relating to the sale/purchase of stores under this enquiry to any person other than the manufacturer or to any press or agent not authorised in writing by POFs to receive it. Please return the Schedule to the Tender duly signed by the specified date,alongwith the specifications, drawings etc.if any, enclosed herewith even if you are unable to quote. WARNING In case the firm abstain from making offers or fail to return/ acknowledge the tender form by the specified date on three consecutive occasions, no further tender enquiry may be issued to them and their names would liable to be removed from the approved list.

Yours faithfully


Tele 051-905522277

Fax 051-9314100, 9271400






Description with Specs. etc.

Item No.







Price Per Unit FOR or free delivery In Figures

Indent No. 0071/LP/DS/42



In Words

Dated 25-06-2012


























































8 CH





4 CH



























Description with Specs. etc.

05-DEC-12 (3)





Price Per Unit FOR or free delivery In Figures











In Words








































(2) For Plant & Machinery: Specification:(3)Special Conditions 1 Indicate the Model, Name of the Manufacturer, Country of Origin and also provide the Technical Brochure of the Material/Products being offered. 2 Breakdown of rates be given showing price and sales tax separately. 3 Quotation may be submitted if you are registered with sales tax department. Sales Tax Registration number may also be indicated in your offer. 4 Govt. & Semi Govt. departments detailed in para 8 of CBR letter No.1/10-stb/98 dt.1206-98 are not required to be registered since they are not involved in any taxable activity. So registered supplier shall pay sales tax at the standard rate i.e. 16%. 5 The supplier will provide the requisite 01% CDR alongwith the complete Mailing Address, Telephone No, Fax No, E-Mail and branch code of the issuing bank and in addition for Distt./Zonal office of the same bank.




(4) Undertaking Should our offer be accepted, we hereby undertake to supply the stores/render the services contracted on the basis of General Conditions of Contract embodied in Form POF 1281, and to deposit the performance bond within the prescribed time, failing which it will constitute a breach of contract, and POF will have the right to purchase the stores/services elsewhere at our risk and cost. Place ____________ Date ____________ __________________ __________________

Signature of the Tenderer Name Position Address Income Tax G.I.R. No Official Stamp

______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________

Invitation for Bids (IFB) IFB No:GSD.(Proc)/ 4822 /Maint. & Support- IT&T Division)/2012 December 10, 2012 1. The State Bank of Pakistan intends to acquire maintenance and technical support services for its existing Networking & UPS equipment and related software. 2. Procurement Division, General Services Department (SBP BSC) on behalf of State Bank of Pakistan invites sealed bids for “Maintenance and Technical Support Services for Network and UPS Systems for State Bank of Pakistan and offices of its subsidiaries” from all eligible Bidders as defined in the PPR 2004. Bidders must be registered with Income and Sales Tax Department having Annual Sales Volume/Gross Turnover of at least Rs.20 million in any of last five (5) years. Bidders must also meet the minimum qualification for each quoted package or packages as follows: Package






Package -6


Minimum Qualification

‘Manufacturer Authorization Form’ for this tender Experience of 3- similar assignments of providing maintenance Cisco Tandberg Video and technical support for VC systems. Conferencing Systems Point of presence or branches in Karachi, Lahore and Islamabad At least 3 technical staff certified by OEM Cisco Routers, ‘Manufacturer Authorization Form’ for this tender Firewalls & VPN Experience of 3- Similar Assignments of providing Smartnet Concentrator, Cisco maintenance and technical support for Cisco Routers and and Non-Cisco L3 Firewalls. Switches, Wireless Point of presence or branches in Karachi, Lahore and Islamabad LAN, Layer 2 LAN At least 3 Technical Staff certified by OEM Switches ‘Manufacturer Authorization Form’ for this tender Experience of 3- Similar Assignments of providing RSA’s EMC’s RSA Network Maintenance and Technical Support. Security Software Point of presence in Karachi At least 2 Technical Staff certified or trained by OEM Relevant license holder from PTA to commission / install / operate or provide technical support for Wireless Networks/Products/Technology or related business Experience of 3- Similar Assignments of providing maintenance RF Equipment and and technical support for Wireless Network/Modems/Bridges links connections. Point of presence or branches in Karachi, Lahore and Islamabad At least 3 Technical Staff certified or trained/experienced on Wireless Networks and Products ‘Manufacturer Authorization Form’ for this tender Experience of 3- Assignments of providing maintenance and Emerson 120KVA technical support services for three phase UPS Systems. UPS Systems Point of presence or branches in Karachi (Including Batteries) At least 3 Technical Staff certified or trained/experienced on 3Phase UPS Systems ‘Manufacturer Authorization Form’ for this tender Experience of 3- Assignments of providing maintenance and technical support services for three phase UPS Systems. APC UPS Systems (Including Batteries) Point of presence or branches in Karachi, Lahore and Islamabad At least 3 Technical Staff certified or trained/experienced on 3Phase UPS Systems

Required Contract Period Three Years

Three Years for SMARTNET & Two Years for Local Support Items

Three Years

One Year

Three Years

Nine Months

3. Eligible and qualified bidders can submit bids for ALL or for INDIVIDUAL Contract Package(s). Separate contract will be signed for each package. Bidder will have to comply with COMPLETE REQUIREMENTS for quoted Package(s). 4. Bidding will be conducted under National Competitive Bidding pursuant to ‘Single stage two envelopes procedure’ as per Rule 36(b) of Public Procurement Rules 2004 (PPR 2004). 5. The rates quoted must remain valid for a period of One hundred twenty (120) days after the opening of tenders. Bid security of not less than 2% of the bid price must be accompanied by Financial Proposal in sealed envelope. Late bids will be rejected. Bids submitted without signed Bid Form by authorized nominee of the bidder will be rejected. Bid with material deviation, exception, objection, conditionality, or reservation shall be rejected. Bid found without earnest money will also be rejected instantly at the time of opening of financial proposals.

6. Interested eligible Bidders may obtain further information if required and purchase the bidding documents on submission of a written application, upon payment of nonrefundable fee of PKR 1,000/- only through Bank Draft/Pay Order drawn in favor of SBP BSC (Bank) from the address given below from 9:00 am to 5:30 pm after the publication of IFB till closing thereof. If the bidding documents are requested by post then non-refundable fee of PKR 1,500/- will be charged. IFB is also uploaded for display on the websites and 7. Bids must be delivered to the address below on or before Wednesday, January 2, 2013 at 11:00 am. Bids will be opened in the presence of bidders’ representatives who choose to attend at 11:30 am same day at Learning Resource Centre, State Bank of Pakistan, I.I. Chundrigar Road, Karachi –Pakistan.

Joint Director Procurement Division General Services Department State Bank of Pakistan – SBP BSC 4th Floor, Subsidiary House, I.I Chundrigar Road, Karachi -Pakistan Telephone No: 92-21-32455373 Facsimile: 92-21-99218175





INTRODUCTION--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3 INFORMATION FOR BIDDERS-------------------------------------------------------------------------3 SCOPE OF WORK------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4 TERMS AND CONDITIONS------------------------------------------------------------------------------4 PROCEDURE FOR BID SUBMISSION-----------------------------------------------------------------5 EVALUATION CRITERIA--------------------------------------------------------------------------------6 PAYMENT TERMS-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------6


TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION FORM--------------------------------------------------7


Annexure I


BILL OF QUANTITY ------------------------------------------------------------12

Annexure II


QUALIFICATION CRITERIA--------------------------------------------------13


1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 National Investment Trust (NIT) is largest open end Mutual Fund in Pakistan. NIT has its Head Office located in Karachi, with its operation spread all over Pakistan through the presence of 22 NIT branches and over 100 distributor’s branches. 1.1 Sealed Tenders are invited from reputed and well established firms/companies registered with Sales Tax and Income Tax Departments for solicit proposals for installation of video surveillance system /CCTV at NIT Head Office. 2. INFORMATION FOR BIDDERS Name of Procuring Agency:

National Investment Trust Limited National Bank Building, 6th Floor, I.I. Chundrigar Road, Karachi. 74000, Pakistan.

Earnest money

Bank draft equal to 2% of the total bid value to be enclosed at the time of bid submission.

Last date for Bid Submission

December 31, 2012 11.00 A.M

Bid Opening Date and Time

December 31, 2012 11.30 A.M

Bid Opening Place

National Investment Trust Limited National Bank Building, 6th Floor, I.I. Chundrigar Road, Karachi. 74000, Pakistan.

Contact Person

Mr. S. T. A. Quadri, AVP - Admin


021-32412056-9 (Ext : 235)

Direct Phone






3. SCOPE OF WORK MMISSION Following requirements define the scope of work for this Tender: COMMISSION 2.1 It is a turnkey project and it is required that the bidder should survey/ visit the NIT Head Office before submission of the bid. The submitted bid will cover all specified services, devices or items, mentioned that are required for completion of this project as per specification and accepted standard / best practices required for such projects. 2.2 The Selected bidder will be responsible for the supply, installation, commission and testing of all new equipment provided under this Tender. It will include installation & configuration of DVR, Cameras include Video and Power cabling at NIT Head Office as per specification and conditions mentioned below. 2.3 Selected bidder must ensure that the supplied equipment is fully operational, new and performs properly and meet Tender Technical Specification. 2.4 Provide Technical training of the product. 4. TERMS AND CONDITIONS: 4.1. The bidder should be registered with Sales Tax and Income Tax Department. 4.2. Bid should be submitted in Pak Rupees only. 4.3. Bidder firm has not been blacklisted by any Government/Semi Government organization. 4.4. NIT reserves the right to accept/reject wholly or partially any tender at any stage of the tender process. Reasons may be provided upon written request. 4.5. Validity period of the bids shall be for at least 30 days. 4.6. The decisions of NIT will be binding on all concerned and will in no case be challengeable at any forum or any court of law. 4.7. Bids are liable to be rejected if; they are not conforming the terms, conditions and specifications stipulated in this Tender. 4.8. During the examination, evaluation and comparison of the bids, the NIT at its sole discretion may ask the bidder for clarifications of its bid. However, no change in the price or substance of the bid shall be sought, offered or permitted after bid submission. 4.9. The amount submitted as Earnest Money shall be refunded to the unsuccessful bidders after the decision for the award of said tender. 4.10. For this tender all updates/changes shall be communicated through email by NIT.


4.11. It is a turnkey project where all the equipment quoted in BOQ is to be installed by the bidder and handed over in an optimized condition. The price for installation where not specifically asked for in BOQ, is assumed to be included within the equipment cost by the vendor. 4.12. The bidder must provide Project Execution Plan, Design Proposal with layouts, diagrams, etc. after conducting the detailed survey of the along with Technical Proposal. 4.13. The bidder must have office in Karachi and fully capable to provide maintenance support from these locations. 4.14. Bids submitted via email or fax will not be entertained. 4.15. The selected bidder will be required to submit project implementation plan. 4.16. Total Bid Value shall cover cost of equipment including optional equipment, installation, configuration and services required as per specification.

5. PROCEDURE FOR BID SUBMISSION 5.1. For this tender ‘Single stage- Two envelope procedure’ for open competitive bidding shall be adopted. 5.2. Bid envelope submitted will comprise of a single envelope containing two separate closed / sealed envelopes containing Technical and Financial proposal. 5.3. Technical proposal envelope should be marked as ‘Technical proposal for video surveillance system” and should include following documents: 5.3.1. 5.3.2. 5.3.3. 5.3.4. 5.3.5. 5.3.6. 5.3.7. 5.3.8.

Technical Document of the Solution . Company profile. List of customers(corporate sector) along with their contact details Technical specification Form I completely filled, signed and stamped for identifying offered Solution. Project Execution Plan, Design Proposal with layouts, diagrams, etc. after conducting the detailed site survey. Elite partner Authorization letter from Manufacturer. Income Tax/GST certificate of the bidder. Any other document required as per this tender document.

5.4. Financial proposal should be marked ‘Financial proposal for video surveillance system” and contain bid price filled as per BOQ (Annexure I ) as per specification given in Form I . 5.5 In first stage only the ‘Technical proposals’ will be opened in the presence of bidder’s representatives that choose to attend. 5.6 Technical proposals of the bidders will be evaluated, generally for compliance of ALL the requirements given in the tender document and specifically for Qualification Criteria given in Annexure II.


5.7 Vendors who will not submit all required documents / information as per Qualification Criteria and do not meet the qualification requirement will be declared as Non-Qualified Vendors. 5.8 As a part of technical evaluation, bidders may be asked to arrange visit to their completed projects. 5.9 On the basis of Qualification Criteria, the financial proposal of only technically qualified bidder will be opened in the presence of their representatives that choose to attend. 5.10 Financial proposals of bids found technically non-responsive will be returned un-opened.


The lowest financial bid will be accepted

7. PAYMENT TERMS 7.1 No payment shall be made in advance to the Contractor as mobilization advance. 7.2 Fifty percent (50%) cost of equipment shall be paid after successful delivery of equipment at site. However partial delivery of equipment may be accepted. 7.3 Remaining fifty percent (50%) cost of equipment shall be payable to the vendor after completion of the project as mentioned in Tender Document. 7.4 All payments shall be made after deduction of taxes. 7.5 All payments shall be made through cross cheque in the Pak Rupees. 7.6 Taxes will be deducted at source as per government rules at the time of payment. 7.7 Bidder should mention any other charges/optional charges in financial bid deemed necessary to complete and compare final bid amount. (all inclusive including taxes)



Equipment and Service Specification

1.1 Digital Video Recorder (DVR) Appliance

1.1.1 Make

Branded (LG, Samsung, Panasonic or Equivalent) Form Factor should be Rack Mounted

1.1.2 Video Input 1.1.3 Video Output

1.1.4 Operating System 1.1.5 Compression

1.1.6 Recording

16ch Composite (BNC) Main Output (Simultaneous) : VGA, Composite Spot Output : Composite (up to 16 division) Display mode supported (1, 4, 9, 16, 1+5, 1+7, 1+12) Embedded Linux or Equal H.264 Hardware Codec H.264 / JPEG Dual Codec for Network Stream Recording FPS D1, Half D1, CIF Frame Rate 480fps (NTSC),400fps (PAL) at CIF Resolution Continuous, Alarm, Motion, Instant Recording Mode Various type of Conditional Recording (Continue, Motion, Alarm, Continue + Motion, etc) Various Conditional Search Playback Mode Calendar, Date/Time, Event (Motion, Alarm), Bookmark Instant Recording and Playback Separated Recording/Network dual streaming Extended Recording through eSATA storage Ability to export video in AVI Format

Comments Compliance(Y/N) mmm))

Equipment Category


Ref Brochure


1.1.7 Audio 1.1.8 Sensor Input / Alarm Out

4 lines Input / 1 line Output Two-way audio support 8 Lines (NC/No Selectable) / 4 Lines(NC/No Selectable 2 internal SATA HDD supported

1.1.9 Storage

e-SATA HDD supported QTY 01 02 TB SATA installed QTY 01 External USB DVD Writer installed

1.1.10 Backup

1.1.11 Network

1.1.12 Operation Control

Supported backup media (USB Storage, Network, External DVD Writer) Data retention Support (Auto Delete setting on Setup) 10/100/1000 base Ethernet, DDNS, TCP/IP, ADSL/VDSL, DHCP

Front Key, Mouse and Remote Controller Remote Monitoring / Management : Client S/W Centralized management of Multiple DVR and cameras through single console / Interface Remote Notification : e-mail, Remote Software Ability to access through Internet / IPhone

1.1.13 Others

NTP support Health Check support Watchdog support Firmware Update USB Memory, Network Rack Mountable

1.1.14 Warranty & Support 1.2 Indoor IR Dome Camera with

PSU (Power supply unit)

1 year onsite warranty on DVR with Labor and parts

1.2.1 Make

Branded (LG, Samsung, Panasonic or Equivalent)

1.2.2 Signal System



1.2.3 Total / Effective Pixels No

470K / 440K

1.2.4 Image Device

6.0mm (1/3 Type) CCD

1.2.5 DSP


1.2.6 Lens

2.8~11mm Vari-focal lens, F1.4

1.2.7 Digital Zoom


1.2.8 Sync. System 1.2.9 Scanning Frequency(H/V) 1.2.10 Horizontal Resolution 1.2.11 S/N Ratio 1.2.12 Minimum Illumination (30 IRE)

1.2.13 Control Method 1.2.14 Video Output Signal 1.2.15 Day & Night 1.2.16 Backlight Compensation 1.2.17 DNR 1.2.18 Auto Gain Control 1.2.19 Electronic Shutter Speed 1.2.20 Electronic Sensitivity 1.2.21 White Balance 1.2.21 Motion Detection 1.2.22 Privacy Zone Masking

Internal 15.625KHz/50Hz 620 TV Lines 52dB 0.06 lux @ Sens-up OFF, F1.4 0.0001 lux @ Sens-up Auto, F1.4 B/W 0.006 lux @ Sens-up OFF, F1.4 B/W 0.000001 lux @ Sens-up x128, F1.4 Inner Key button 1 Vp-p Composite (75 ) Auto / Day / Night


3D-DNR (Off/Low/Middle/High) Off / Low / Middle / High 1/50 ~1/90,000 OFF/Auto ( x2, x3, x4,...x 128 ) ATW / AWC Push / Manual (1,700 K ~ 11,000 K) 4 Zones

8 Masks


1.2.23 Stabilizer( EIS) 1.2.24 User Color Mode 1.2.25 Multi OSD Language 1.2.26 Power Source 1.2.27 Power Consumption

1.3 Cabling / Power DB

On / Off Standard / Cool / Warm / Vivid 15 Languages DC12V/AC24V (Dual)

2.8W (DC12V/AC24V

1.2.28 Operation Temp

-10 C ~ 50 C

1.2.29 Storage Temp

-20 C ~ 60 C

1.2.30 Operation Humidity

0%RH ~ 80%RH

1.2.31 Storage Humidity

0%RH ~ 85%RH

1.2.32 Accessory 1.2.33 PSU 1.2.34 Warranty & Support 1.3.1 Video Cabling

Screw / Install guide sticker/ Installation Manual Power supply unit (PSU) Box 1 year onsite warranty on Camera & PSU with Labor and parts 3M Brand RG-6 Co-axial Cable lay from DVR to every individual camera Required cable manufacturer certificate for Authenticity Cable should be route in pipe / duct Cable laying services for 20 cameras (approx. 3000ft). vendor should also survey the site BNC Connectors should be clamped at both end Connect LCD with Audio \ Video Cable Approx. Distance 50 Ft Harnessing / Labeling and cable management Removal of existing wiring

1.3.2 Power Cabling

Centralized End to End cable lay from IT Power Room to every individual camera. No joints are accepted in power cable


Cable should be route in pipe / duct Pipes / duct should be mounted / hooked on walls /roof. Not hooked on false ceiling Cable laying services for 20 cameras (approx. 3000ft). vendor should also survey the site 3 core power cable brand should be Pakistan Cable Required Cable manufacturer certificate for Authenticity Labeling / Drawing and Documentation Removal of existing wiring

1.4 Services

1.3.4 Main Power DB

14” X 18” X 4” 18 gauge C\B Braker 16 Amp Hager Qty 01 Switches NONC Type for 20 Cameras and 2 DVR brand should be Clipsal Input Power connection from Existing UPS DB. Brand should be Pakistan Cable Labeling / Drawing and Documentation of DB

1.4.1 Installation

Complete Installation of CCTV systems in all respect

1.4.2 Training

Minimum 10 hours on-site Professional training of the installed CCTV system

1.4.3 Warranty / Support

1 year on-site warranty/ Support with parts and labor on complete installed solution



Equipment Type


1. Branded DVR (As per specifications in Form 1 Point 1.1) 2.





Indoor IR Dome Cameras With PSU (As per specifications in Form 1 Point 1.2) Video Cabling (As per specifications in Form 1 Point 1.3.1)

Total Price (Rs)



Per Feet

Power Cabling (As per specifications in Form 1 Point 1.3.2)

Per Feet

Power DB (As per specifications in Form 1 Point 1.3.3)


Services (As per specifications in Form 1 Point 1.4)

Unit Price (Rs)



Note: Please attach the Detailed BOQ with cost break-up. Price should be included all taxes


ANNEXURE II: QUALIFICATION CRITERIA Vendors who will meet the following conditions and submit the documents / statements / information as mentioned, will be declared Qualified Vendors while others will be classified as Non-Qualified Vendors. 1. Income Tax Certificate / GST Certificate (Copy to be provided). 2. Holding Elite level partnership like Gold / Tier1 etc for Pakistan from the principal/ manufacturer of the equipment (Copy to be provided). 3. Submission of all documents as mentioned in Para 5.3 4. Compliance of the offered model / product Solution with the specification mentioned in Technical Information Form I. 5. Technical proposal documents be duly signed and stamped. 6. The bidder must have office having fully functional tech support department in Karachi. 7. High level of customer satisfaction feedback from the client list of the bidder. 8. The Vendor must be a well-established company registered in Pakistan and must have been in business for at least 3 years or more. 9.

Successful implementation of at least Eight (8) to Ten (10) similar projects* completed within last Five years Testimonial from the customer or can be confirmed by NIT through the contact detail provided.

10. The video surveillance system \ CCTV deploy project completed during last 5 years and in hand should have a combined worth of at least Rs. 20 Million (list to be provided).

* Project listed should be of the same or higher specification than this Tender


Sealed Tenders are invited from the contractors / contracting firms for awarding the above work on yearly basis. Contractors enlisted with Pak. P.W.D., provincial PWD, M.E.S., Quasi Government Body or any reputed organization who have experienced in such jobs shall be eligible to submit tenders. The amount of Earnest Money for the work is 2% of total tendered amount (quoted for one year) payable in the form of Bank Draft/Payment Order in favor of the Bank. Tender Documents for the work can be obtained from the office of the undersigned during office hours on any working day up to 03-01-2013. No Tender Document shall be issued on the date fixed for opening of Tenders. The tenders/quotations alongwith requite earnest money should reach to the undersigned on or before 04-01-2013 by 11.00 a.m., which shall be opened on the same day at 11.30 a.m. in the presence of those tenderers who may like to be present. Incomplete, conditional and tenders without Earnest Money shall not be considered at all. The rates quoted should be inclusive of all taxes. This tender is only an invitation to offer and the Bank reserves the right to accept or reject any tender as per PPRA’s rules. The rates offered should be valid for a period of at least one year. Successful bidder will have to execute an agreement with the Bank on its standard form before issuance of work order.

(Muhammad Tahir) Dated; 14-12-2012

CHIEF MANAGER (A) STATE BANK OF PAKISTAN SBPBSC (BANK) MUZAFFARABAD Phone No. 05822-921672 Fax No. 05822-921671 E. Mail : m.tahir

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Dated: December 18, 2012


Tender notice for procurement of CCTV for Karachi Export Processing Zone

uploaded on Authority (EPZA) and PPRA web sites on December 14, 2012. The interested firms may note the following additions / amendments: 2.

Copies of Tender Documents can be purchased by interested parties against

payment of Rs.500/= (non-refundable) in cash or by Pay Order from a Scheduled Bank in favour of Export Processing Zones Authority during office hours (9:00 AM to 5:00 PM) w.e.f December 24, 2012 till January 4, 2013. 3.

The bid must be submitted on the address given below not later than January 15,

2013 at 11:30 AM and will be opened on same date at 12:30 pm in the presence of those who wish to attend. 4.

Competent Authority reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids/tenders by

announcing the result of bids evaluation in the form of report giving justification for acceptance or rejection of bids at-least (10) ten days prior to the award of procurement contract. 5. This addendum is also available on PPRA website as well as EPZA website.

Manager (Security) Export Processing Zones Authority Landhi Industrial Area Ext. Mehran Highway, Landhi, Karachi

TENDER NOTICE COMPUTER CELL, RESEARCH CENTER UNIVERSITY OF ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY, LAHORE List of Equipment: The department intends to purchase the following equipment. Sr. No. 1. 2. 3.


Descriptions & Specifications ATM+IP-DSLAM-48P with AC power with all related accessories (Brand: Avelinks Avicinia / D-link / equivalent) Cabinet 4U, (Brand: APC / Emerson/ Riello / PCM / equivalent ) UPS 2.2KVA x 24 Volts with 02 Dry cell batteries 12 Volts 100Ah

01 01 01

Terms & Conditions Late submission/incomplete non-compliance tender will not be entertained. The bids will be received by 10/01/2013 at 11:00AM. Tender will be opened in the presence of bidders on the same day 10/01/2013 at 11.30 AM. 5% earnest money in shape of deposit-at-call in the name of Treasurer, UET. Lahore must accompany the tender. Only the registered firms under GST are eligible to participate in the bid. Tender document will be available from the office of Computer Cell, Research Center UET Lahore (flanking to gate no. 3) during the office hours on the production of receipt of Rs. 500 (non-refundable) deposited in the university main account at HBL, Engineering University branch Lahore from December 20, 2012. The competent authority may reject all bids or proposals at any time prior to the acceptance of a bid or proposal. The competent authority shall upon request communicate to any supplier or contractor who submitted a bid or proposal, the grounds for its rejection of all bids or proposals, but is not required to justify those grounds.

(DR. WAQAR MAHMOOD) Director, Computer Cell

Computer Cell, Research Center, UET, G.T. Road Lahore, Pakistan. Tel: +92-42-99029101

NATIONAL TELECOMMUNICATION CORPORATION Regional Headquarters, Office of Regional Director NTC, 6-Race Course Road Lahore

TENDER NOTICE Sealed bids are invited from the reputed Firms having relevant experience for execution / carrying out the following works: S# Name of Work Laying of 1200 pair UG cable extending from NTC MAO college manhole to NTC Jainmandir Chowk manhole with further extension of I 600 pair to NTC Lyton road cabinet N-09 Lahore and laying of optical fiber cable from women Education University Gate No. 01 opposite Mao college to NTC cabinet N-09 near NBP Lyton Road Lahore Relocation of primary OSP Network of NTC cabinet No. N-07 (PCSIR) NII 11 (National Hockey Stadium) and N-12 (Ferozepur Road) due to construction of under pass at Kalma Chowk MSU Garden Town Lahore Detailed tender documents can be obtained from the office of undersigned during working hours on any working day on payment of Rs.500/- for each work (tender fee non-refundable) up to 11-01-2013. Sealed bids accompanying Pay Order of Rs.2% of bid value as earnest money (refundable) against each work in the Favor of Director NTC Lahore must be submitted by 14th January, 2013 till 11:30 hrs. Bids shall be opened on the same day at 1200 hrs in presence of bidders or their representatives, at the venue given below. PEC/GST/NTN registration of Firm is mandatory for participation. NTC reserves the right to accept or reject any or all tenders with assigning reason. (Phone: 042-9201235 Fax: 042-9201236) Director NTC 6-Race Course Road Lahore

Keep yourself updated with weather/climate outlooks thereby helping to develop disaster resilience society


PAKISTAN METEOROLOGICAL DEPARTMENT (Headquarters Office) Post Box No. 1214, Sector H-8/2 ISLAMABAD Tele: 051-9250598 Fax: 051-9250368

Tender Notice

PMD invites the quotations/bids from well reputed local Pakistani Govt. / Private Companies, Contractors, Dealers, Suppliers, etc registered with Income Tax and Sales Tax departments for supply/completing the following items/Task: SR NO. 01

DESCRIPTION OF ITEMS/TASKS Gigabit Network Switch for 60 nodes at each floor.


Closing Date & Time

Opening Date & time

3 floor building For 60 nodes at each floor


Patch Panel


Face plates + I/O


Switch Box


Cat-VI Cable (Full Copper )+ RJ-45 Connectors

Required for whole building


Plastic flexible Duct for network cabling

Required for whole building

For each node 3

11-01-2013 11:00PST

11-01-2013 11:00PST

Terms & Conditions: Complete Lan track and installation including ducting and cabling is required. 1. Bid Security (2% of the Offer) in shape of Bank Draft / Pay Order in favour of D.G. Met. Services, Islamabad should be submitted with the Bid. 2. Incomplete or late received offer will not be considered. 3. Detail specifications can be obtained from websites or or undersigned during office hours.

AZMAT HAYAT KHAN Director Ph. No. 051-9250598


Punjab Information Technology Board (PITB) 11th Floor, Arfa Software Technology Park (ASTP), 346-B, Ferozepur Road, Lahore, Pakistan Phone: (+ 92) (42) (35880062), Fax: (+92) (42) (99232123) URL:

Table of Contents 1. Invitation to Bid ............................................................................................................. 6 2. Bidding Details (Instruction to Bidders) ........................................................................ 8 TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THE TENDER ................................................................. 10 3. Definitions.................................................................................................................... 10 4. Headings and Titles...................................................................................................... 11 5. Notice ........................................................................................................................... 11 6. Scope of Work and Deliverables: ................................................................................ 11 7. Tender Eligibility ......................................................................................................... 13 8. Tender Cost .................................................................................................................. 14 9. Joint Venture/Consortium ............................................................................................ 14 10. Examination of the Tender Document ......................................................................... 14 11. Clarification of the Tender Document ......................................................................... 14 12. Amendment of the Tender Document.......................................................................... 14 13. Preparation / Submission of Tender ............................................................................. 14 14. Tender Price ................................................................................................................. 17 15. Tender Security (Earnest Money) ................................................................................ 17 16. Tender Validity ............................................................................................................ 18 17. Modification / Withdrawal of the Tender .................................................................... 18 18. Opening of the Tender ................................................................................................. 18 19. Clarification of the Tender ........................................................................................... 18 20. Determination of Responsiveness of the Bid (Tender) ................................................ 19 21. Correction of errors / Amendment of Tender .............................................................. 19 22. Rejection / Acceptance of the Tender .......................................................................... 20 23. Award Criteria ............................................................................................................. 20 24. Acceptance Letter (Letter of Intent) ............................................................................ 20 25. Performance Security ................................................................................................... 20 26. Redressal of grievances by the procuring agency ........................................................ 21 TERMS & CONDITIONS OF THE DRAFT CONTRACT ................................................... 22 27. Contract ........................................................................................................................ 26 28. Contract Documents and Information .......................................................................... 26 29. Contract Language ....................................................................................................... 26 30. Standards ...................................................................................................................... 26 31. Commercial Availability.............................................................................................. 26 32. Patent Right .................................................................................................................. 27 33. Execution Schedule ...................................................................................................... 27 Page 2 of 52

34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71.

Packing ......................................................................................................................... 27 Insurance ...................................................................................................................... 27 Labeling ....................................................................................................................... 27 Delivery........................................................................................................................ 27 Installation and Implementation .................................................................................. 28 Site Preparation ............................................................................................................ 28 Power ........................................................................................................................... 28 Safety ........................................................................................................................... 28 Operation and Maintenance ......................................................................................... 29 Test Equipment and Tools ........................................................................................... 29 Spare Parts and Support ............................................................................................... 29 Inspection and Testing ................................................................................................. 29 Taking-Over Certificate ............................................................................................... 30 Warranty ...................................................................................................................... 30 Ownership of Goods and Replaced Components ........................................................ 30 Defects Liability Expiry Certificate ............................................................................. 31 Payment........................................................................................................................ 31 Price ............................................................................................................................. 32 Contract Amendment ................................................................................................... 32 Assignment / Subcontract ............................................................................................ 32 Extensions in time for performance of obligations under the Contract ....................... 33 Liquidated Damages .................................................................................................... 33 Blacklisting .................................................................................................................. 33 Forfeiture of Performance Security ............................................................................. 33 Termination for Default ............................................................................................... 34 Termination for Insolvency.......................................................................................... 34 Termination for Convenience ...................................................................................... 34 Force Majeure .............................................................................................................. 34 Dispute Resolution ....................................................................................................... 35 Statutes and Regulations .............................................................................................. 35 Taxes and Duties .......................................................................................................... 35 Contract Cost ............................................................................................................... 35 The Client..................................................................................................................... 35 Authorized Representative ........................................................................................... 36 Waiver .......................................................................................................................... 36 Training ........................................................................................................................ 36 Documentation ............................................................................................................. 36 Special Stipulations...................................................................................................... 38 Page 3 of 52

Annexure-A: TECHNICAL EVALUATION CRITERIA ................................................ 40 Annexure-B .............................................................................................................................. 42 Annexure-C .............................................................................................................................. 43 Annexure-D.............................................................................................................................. 44 Annexure-E .............................................................................................................................. 45 Annexure-F .............................................................................................................................. 46 Annexure-G.............................................................................................................................. 48 Annexure-H.............................................................................................................................. 49 Annexure-I ............................................................................................................................... 50 Annexure-J ............................................................................................................................... 51 Annexure-K.............................................................................................................................. 52

Page 4 of 52

Important Note: Bidders must ensure that they submit all the required documents indicated in the Bidding Documents without fail. Bids received without, undertakings, valid documentary evidence, supporting documents and the manner for the various requirements mentioned in the Bidding Documents or test certificates are liable to be rejected at the initial stage itself. The data sheets, valid documentary evidences for the critical components as detailed hereinafter should be submitted by the Bidder for scrutiny. It is intimated that no objection shall be entertained regarding the terms and conditions of the Bidding Document at the later stages during tender process.

Applicability of Punjab Procurement Rules, 2009 This Bidding Process will be governed under Punjab Procurement Rules, 2009, as amended from time to time and instructions of the Government of the Punjab received during the completion of the project

Page 5 of 52


Invitation to Bid

1.1 PPRA Rules to be followed Punjab Procurement Rules 2009 will be strictly followed. These may be obtained from PPRA’s website: In this document, unless otherwise mentioned to the contrary, "Rule" means a Rule under the Punjab Procurement Rules 2009. 1.2 Mode of Advertisement(s)

As per Rule 12(1), this Tender is being placed online at PPRA's website, as well as being advertised in print media. As per Rule 12(3), this Tender is also placed online at the website of Purchaser. The bidding document carrying all details can be downloaded from PITB’s website and from PPRA’s website for information only. All prospective bidders are required to register themselves with the Procurement Assistant, PITB at above given address, collect a Challan Form to submit an amount Rs.500/- in given head at State Bank of Pakistan or National Bank of Pakistan, the deposit slip must accompany the bids, elsewise the bid will stand rejected. 1.3 Type of Open Competitive Bidding

As per Rule 36(b), Single Stage - Two Envelope Procedure shall be followed. This is as follows: i.

The bid shall comprise of a single package containing two separate envelopes. Each envelope shall contain separately the financial proposal and the technical proposal;


The envelopes shall be marked as “FINANCIAL PROPOSAL” and “TECHNICAL PROPOSAL” in bold and legible letters to avoid confusion;


Initially, only the envelope marked “TECHNICAL PROPOSAL” shall be opened;


The envelope marked as “FINANCIAL PROPOSAL” shall be retained in the custody of the procuring agency without being opened;


The Purchaser shall evaluate the technical proposal in a manner prescribed in Section 7, 13, 20 and Annexure-A of this document, without reference to the price and reject any proposal which does not conform to the specified requirements as listed in said Sections.


During the technical evaluation no amendments in the technical proposal shall be permitted;


The financial proposals of technically qualified bidders shall be opened publicly at a time, date and venue announced and communicated to the bidders in advance;

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After the evaluation and approval of the technical proposal the procuring agency, shall at a time within the bid validity period, publicly open the financial proposals of the technically accepted and qualified bids only. The financial proposal of bids found technically non-responsive shall be returned un-opened to the respective bidders.

In accordance with these rules, interested companies (hereinafter referred to as “Bidders�) applying for bids should submit two separate bids/envelopes for Financial Proposal and Technical Proposal.

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Bidding Details (Instruction to Bidders)

PITB requires services for automation of Lahore High Court & District Courts. All bids must be accompanied by Tender Security (As per provisions on clause “Tender Security” of this document) in favor of “Punjab Information Technology Board”. The bids along with tender security, Tender Forms, Affidavits, etc., must be delivered into the Tender Box No.1, placed at reception of Punjab Information Technology Board, Lahore on or before 1500 hrs no later than The Technical bids will be publicly opened in the Committee Room of Punjab Information Technology Board, 11th Floor, Arfa Software Technology Park, 346-B, Ferozepur Road, Lahore, on same date at 1600 hours. Queries of the Bidders (if any) for seeking clarifications regarding the specifications of the hardware must be received in writing to the Purchaser within five working days from the date of Tender advertisement. Any query received after five working days shall not be entertained. All queries shall be responded to within due time. PITB may host a Q&A session, if required, at PITB premises (11th Floor, Arfa Software Technology Park, 346-B, Ferozepur Road, Lahore). All Bidders shall be informed of the date and time in advance. The bidder shall submit bids which comply with the Bidding Document. Alternative bids will not be considered. The attention of bidders is drawn to the provisions of Clause regarding “Determination of Responsiveness of Bid” and “Rejection/Acceptance of the Bid”, for making their respective bids substantially responsive to the requirements of the Bidding Document. The Primary Contact & Secondary Contact for all correspondence in relation to this bid is as follows: Primary Contact Person: Mr. Kashif Farooq Program Manager Email: 11th Floor, Arfa Software Technology Park, 346-B, Ferozepur Road, Lahore, Pakistan. Secondary Contact Person: Mr. Sajid Latif Director General (e-Governance) Email: 11th Floor, Arfa Software Technology Park, 346-B, Ferozepur Road, Lahore, Pakistan. Bidders should note that during the period from the receipt of the bid and until further notice from the Primary Contact, all queries should be communicated via the Primary Contact and in writing (e-mail) only. In the case of an urgent situation where the Primary Contact cannot be contacted, the bidder may alternatively direct their enquiries through the Secondary Contact. Bidders are also required to state, in their proposals, the name, title, fax number and e-mail address of

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the bidder’s authorized representative through whom all communications shall be directed until the process has been completed or terminated. The Purchaser will not be responsible for any costs or expenses incurred by bidders in connection with the preparation or delivery of bids. As authority competent to accept the tender, the Purchaser reserves the right to cancel the tender, accept or reject one or all bids without assigning any reason thereof. Failure to supply required items/services within the specified time period will invoke penalty as specified in this document.

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3.1 3.2

In this document, unless there is anything repugnant in the subject or context: "Authorized Representative" means any representative appointed, from time to time, by the Client, the Purchaser or the Contractor. “Availability and Reliability” means the probability that a component shall be operationally ready to perform its function when called upon at any point in time. "Client" means Lahore High Court, Lahore or any other person, duly appointed in writing, by the Client, for the time being or from time to time, to act as Client for the purposes of the Contract. “Bidder/Tenderer” means the Firm/Company/Supplier/Distributers that may provide or provides the subject and related services to any of the public sector organization under the contract and have registered for the relevant business thereof. "Commencement Date of the Contract" means the date of signing of the Contract between the Purchaser and the Contractor. "Contract" means the agreement entered into between the Purchaser and the Contractor, as recorded in the Contract Form signed by the parties, including all Schedules and Attachments thereto and all documents incorporated by reference therein. "Contractor" means the person whose Tender has been accepted and awarded letter of Intent followed by the Contract by the Purchaser. "Contract Price" means the price payable to the Contractor under the Contract for the full and proper performance of its contractual obligations. "Contract Value" means that portion of the Contract Price adjusted to give effect to such additions or deductions as are provided for in the Contract which is properly apportion-able to the Goods or Services in question. "Defects Liability Expiry Certificate" means the certificate to be issued by the Client to the Contractor, in accordance with the Contract. "Day" means calendar day. "Defects Liability Period" means the warranty period following the taking over, during which the Contractor is responsible for making good, defects and damage in Goods and Services provided, under the Contract. "Force Majeure" means an event beyond the control of the Contractor and not involving the Contractor's fault or negligence and not foreseeable. Such events may include, but are not restricted to, acts of the Purchaser in its sovereign capacity, wars, revolutions, fires, floods, epidemics, quarantine restrictions, and freight embargoes. "Goods" means equipment, machinery, and/or other materials which the Contractor is required to supply to the Purchaser under the Contract. "Person" includes individual, association of persons, firm, company, corporation, institution and organization, etc., having legal capacity. "Prescribed" means prescribed in the Tender Document. "Purchaser" means the Punjab Information Technology Board (PITB), or any other person for the time being or from time to time duly appointed in writing by the Purchaser to act as Purchaser for the purposes of the Contract. "Origin" shall be considered to be the place where the Goods are produced or from where the

3.3 3.4


3.6 3.7

3.8 3.9 3.10

3.11 3.12 3.13


3.15 3.16 3.17 3.18


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3.22 3.23

Services are provided. Goods are produced when, through manufacturing, processing or assembling of components, a commercially recognized product results that is substantially different in basic characteristics or in purpose or utility from its components. The origin of Goods and Services is distinct from the nationality of the Contractor. "Services" means the deliverables mentioned vide clause 6.3 of this document or any such obligations which the Contractor is required to provide to the Purchaser under the Contract. “Taking-Over Certificate" means the certificate to be issued by the Client to the Contractor, in accordance with the Contract. "Works" means work to be done by the Contractor under the Contract. “MRF” means Microsoft Reinvestment Funds.


Headings and Titles

3.20 3.21

In this document, headings and titles shall not be construed to be part thereof or be taken into consideration in the interpretation of the document and words importing the singular only shall also include the plural and vice versa where the context so requires.




In this document, unless otherwise specified, wherever provision is made for exchanging notice, certificate, order, consent, approval or instructions amongst the Contractor, the Purchaser and the Client, the same shall be: in writing; issued within reasonable time; served by sending the same by courier or registered post to their principal office in Pakistan or such other address as they shall notify for the purpose; and The words "notify", "certify", "order", “consent”, “approve”, "instruct", shall be construed accordingly.

5.1.1 5.1.2 5.1.3 5.1.4


Scope of Work and Deliverables:      


Review of past IT projects and relevant reports (Judiciary and Law), if any Review of existing business processes and related rules of business/ law Review of user requirement and Functional Specification in perspective of national and international experience Preparation of revised Business Process Re-engineering (BPR) and get sign off from authorities Framing of new /modified court rules for automated case flow system Drafting and vetting of RFPs, IT related agreements, contracts and documents for IT project of LHC

Review of Past IT Projects and Relevant Reports Existing IT team of Lahore High Court initiated many innovative services without any Business Process Re-engineering, therefore all these efforts should be reviewed and improvements may be required. These efforts are including case flow system, auto-marking of cases and availability of cause list on web. Many core components are missing in existing case flow system such as efiling and archival of old record etc.

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A project titled “Access to Justice1 ” executed during 2001-9 funded by the technical assistance loan of Asian Development Bank. Executing agency was Federal Ministry of Law, Justice and Human Rights. One component of this project was “Automation of Justice Sector Institutions”. A consulting firm M/s Bearing Point Management and Technology Consultants submitted a report titled “Detailed Functional Requirements” on May, 2008 under the Access to Justice Program. Review of system developed for Sindh High Court. 6.1.2

Review of Existing Business Processes and related Rules of Business/ Law Review of business / court rules regarding the following key components  Case Flow Management  Monitoring of Lower Courts  Inspection of Lower Courts  Public Inquiry System and Website of Model Districts  Complaints Monitoring System  Preparation of Detailed Network Plan Documents, Establishment, Testing and  Operationalization of IT Infrastructure New business / court rules are required for electronic or online case filing. Many documents2 are available on web media.


Preparation of Revised Business Process Re-engineering (BPR) In Bearingpoint report, there is limited BPR available but still revision is required as per international standard. There are many implemented standards available for review and suitable functions related to case flow system and e-filing may be adopted after the careful review.


Framing of new /modified court rules for automated case flow system Service provider will conduct a comparative study for the implemented court rules of few successful automated judiciaries of other countries. Then localize these common court rules and get sign off from concerned authorities. These new or modified court rules aim to regulate the smooth operations of case flow system and electronic filing.


Review of user requirement and Functional Specification in perspective of national and international experience Bearingpoint report has some working on user requirement and specifications. Service provider has to review the document and modify these as per International experience. There are many standardized documents available for reference.


Drafting and vetting of IT related agreements and contracts Outsourcing varies from simple procurement to public private partnership (BOO3, BOOT4, ASP5, EFSP6 etc). Service provider will select the optimum approach of outsourcing. For the

1 3 BOO: Build Own and Operate 4 BOOT: Build Own, Operate and Transfer 5 ASP: Application Service Provider 6 EFSP: Electronic Filing Service Provider 2

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outsourcing of different components of judiciary automation, detailed RFPs7 will be required. Service provider need supervise the whole outsourcing including the evaluation of the proposed solutions to finalize the selection of potential solution. 6.2 Roles and Responsibilities: 

LHC will provide the requirements, previous reports and domain knowledge.

Timely payments to services provider linked with satisfactory completion of deliverables.

PITB and LHC will review all deliverables submitted by the services provider in a timely fashion.

The services provider shall be fully responsible for completion of his/her assignment in a timely manner with high quality of output to the satisfaction and sign off from LHC.

6.3 Deliverables & Schedule Component Component Description (Deliverables) Sr. No. 1


Review of past projects and relevant reports (Judiciary and Law)   

Required Business Process Re-engineering Review of user requirement and Functional Specification in perspective of national and international experience Feasibility of e-filing

Component Deliverable Timelines (From start of Assignment) 6 working days

60 working days


Mapping and evaluation of available software with respect to requirements

12 working days


Drafting and vetting of IT related agreements, contracts and documents and Evaluation of bids

20 working days


(98) Workings Days

6.4 Time Duration Total time duration for these services is four man months8.

7. 7.1 7.1.1 7 8

Tender Eligibility Non-compliance to any of below point will disqualify the bidder from quoting Eligible Tenderer is a Tenderer who: must have expert (s) having qualification Master/PhD in IT, Management or Law related degrees from recognized university (If multiple

RFP: Request for Proposal Man-month: A man-month is the amount of work performed by an average worker in one month

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experts then at-least one individual from IT and one from law or judiciary background) 7.1.2 At least three years’ experience required in automation of judiciary systems (Preferred) 7.1.3 Overall five years’ experience required in ICT (Mandatory for at-least one individual) 7.1.4 Expertise in consultancy related to Software Engineering at enterprise level (Mandatory for at least one individual) 7.1.5 Expertise in technical documents for software development (Mandatory for at least one individual) 7.1.6 Preferably foreign experience in judiciary automation including case flow management system (Preferred) 7.2 How many above mentioned experts available in the service provider organization? 7.3 has been established for at least 3 years with proven experience in conducting/carrying out the similar services mentioned in this tender document. 7.4 Audited Financial Statements of last 3 years. 7.5 Verifiable proof for all the above shall be mandatory.


Tender Cost The Tenderer shall bear all costs / expenses associated with the preparation and submission of the Tender(s) and the Purchaser shall in no case be responsible / liable for those costs / expenses.


Joint Venture/Consortium Joint venture or partnership firms are not eligible for this tender. Only those companies which are validly registered with sales tax and income tax departments and having sound financial strengths can participate.


Examination of the Tender Document The Tenderer is expected to examine the Tender Document, including all instructions and terms and conditions.


Clarification of the Tender Document The prospective bidders may solicit clarification of the Tender Document, within 05 working days of issuance of tender in writing. The clarification and its replies will be shared with all prospective bidders.


Amendment of the Tender Document


The Purchaser may, at any time prior to the deadline for submission of the Tender, at its own initiative or in response to a clarification requested by the Bidder(s), amend the Tender Document, on any account, for any reason. All amendment(s) shall be part of the Tender Document and binding on the Bidder(s). The Purchaser shall notify the amendment(s) in writing to the prospective Tenderers. The Purchaser may, at its exclusive discretion, amend the Tender Document to extend the deadline for the submission of the Tender, in which case all rights and obligations of the Purchaser and the Tenderers previously subject to the deadline shall thereafter be subject to the deadline as extended.

12.2 12.3


Preparation / Submission of Tender

13.1 13.2 13.3

The Tenderer is only allowed to bid complete tender. The Tenderer is not allowed to bid for partial scope. The Tender and all documents relating to the Tender, exchanged between the Tenderer and the Purchaser, shall be in English. Any printed literature furnished by the Tenderer in another language shall be accompanied by an English translation which shall govern for purposes of

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interpretation of the Tender. 13.4 The Tender shall be filed in / accompanied by the prescribed Forms, Annexes, Schedules, Charts, Drawings, Documents, Brochures, Literature, etc. which shall be typed, completely filled in, stamped and signed by the Tenderer or his Authorized Representative. In case of copies, photocopies may be submitted. 13.5 The Tender shall be in two parts i.e the technical proposal and the financial proposal. Each proposal shall be in two sets i.e the original and the copy. In the event of any discrepancy between the original and the duplicate, the original shall govern. 13.6 The Technical Proposal shall comprise the following, without quoting the price: 13.7 Technical Proposal Form (Annexure-B) 13.7.1 Affidavit and Undertaking (All terms & conditions and qualifications listed anywhere in the RFP have been satisfactorily vetted) (Annexure-G&H) 13.7.2 Covering letter duly signed and stamped by authorized representative. (Annexure-E) 13.7.3 Evidence of eligibility of the Tenderer and the experts 13.7.4 Evidence of conformity of the Goods / the Services to the Tender Document 13.7.5 Technical Brochures / Literature 13.7.6 The Contractor’s financial capacity to mobilize and sustain the Services is imperative. In the Proposal, the Bidder is required to provide information on its financial status. 13.7.7 The statement must be signed by the authorized representative of the Bidder 13.7.8 Financial Capacity as per Annexure-K 13.7.9 Valid Registration Certificate for Income Tax & Sales Tax 13.7.10 Income Tax & Sales Tax Returns for the last three tax years 13.7.11 Power of Attorney, if an authorized representative is appointed (Annexure-F) 13.8 13.8.1 13.8.2 13.8.3

The Financial Proposal shall comprise the following: Financial Proposal Form (Annexure-C) Price Schedule (Annexure-D) Tender Security (As per provisions of the clause Tender Security of this document) (Annexure- I)


The Tenderer shall seal the Original Technical Proposal in an envelope duly marked as under: Original Technical Tender for Tender Name. [Number of Tender]

[Name of the Purchaser] [Address of the Purchaser] [Name of the Tenderer] [Address of the Tenderer] [Phone No. of the Tenderer]

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The Tenderer shall seal the Duplicate Technical Tender in an envelope duly marked as under: Duplicate Technical Proposal for Tender Name. [Name of Tender]

[Name of the Purchaser] [Address of the Purchaser] [Name of the Tenderer] [Address of the Tenderer] [Phone No. of the Tenderer] 13.11

The Tenderer shall follow the same process for the Financial Tender.

13.12 The Tenderer shall again seal the sealed envelopes of Original Technical Proposal and the Original Financial Proposal in an outer envelope, duly marking the envelope as under: Original Tender for Tender Name. [Name of Tender] Strictly Confidential Open on [Last Date of submission of the Tender] [Name of the Purchaser] [Address of the Purchaser] [Name of the Tenderer] [Address of the Tenderer] [Phone No. of the Tenderer] 13.13 The Tenderer shall again seal the sealed envelopes of Duplicate Technical Proposal and the Duplicate Financial Proposal in an outer envelope, duly marking the envelope as under: Duplicate Tender for Tender Name. [Name of Tender]

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Strictly Confidential Open on [Last Date of submission of the Tender] [Name of the Purchaser] [Address of the Purchaser] [Name of the Tenderer] [Address of the Tenderer] [Phone No. of the Tenderer] 13.14

13.15 13.16


The Tenderer shall enclose soft copies of the Technical Proposal and the Financial Proposals, including all Forms, Annexes, Schedules, Charts, Drawings, Documents, Brochures, Literature, etc., in the form of MS Word Documents, MS Excel Worksheets and Scanned images, with the hard copies. The Tender should be dropped in the prescribed Tender Box placed at the Reception of the Purchaser’s office, up to due date and time. This is made obligatory to affix authorized signatures with official seal on all original and duplicate (copies) documents, annexures, copies, certificates, brochures, literature, drawings, letters, forms and all relevant documents as part of the bids submitted by the tenderer. Noncompliance with the same will cause the rejection of bid at the time of opening.

Tender Price

14.1 The quoted price shall be: 14.1.1 final / fixed against whole tender and valid until completion of all obligations under the Contract i.e. not subject to variation / escalation; 14.1.2 in Pak Rupees; 14.1.3 inclusive of all taxes, duties, levies, insurance, freight, etc. 14.2 If not specifically mentioned in the Tender(s), it shall be presumed that the quoted price is as per the above requirements. 14.3 Where no prices are entered against any item(s), the price of that item shall be deemed to have been distributed among the prices of other items, and no separate payment shall be made for that item(s).


Tender Security (Earnest Money)

15.1 The Tenderer shall submit the Tender Security (Earnest Money) as under: 15.2 As part of financial bid envelope, failing which will cause rejection of bid. 15.2.1 if Total Tender Price is less than or equal to PKR 100.00 Million, in the form of Demand Draft / Pay Order / Call Deposit Receipt, in the name of the Purchaser; 15.2.2 if the Total Tender Price is more than PKR 100.00 Million, in the form of Bank Guarantee, issued by a scheduled bank operating in Pakistan, in the name of the Purchaser, as per the format provided in the Tender Document; 15.2.3 for a sum equivalent to 2% of the Total Tender Price; 15.2.4 denominated in Pak Rupees;

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15.2.5 having a minimum validity period of ninety days from the last date for submission of the Tender or until furnishing of the Performance Security, whichever is later. 15.3 The Tender Security (Earnest Money) shall be forfeited by the Purchaser, on the occurrence of any / all of the following conditions: 15.3.1 If the Tenderer withdraws the Tender during the period of the Tender validity specified by the Tenderer on the Tender Form; or 15.3.2 If the Tenderer does not accept the corrections of his Total Tender Price; or 15.3.3 If the Tenderer, having been notified of the acceptance of the Tender by the Purchaser during the period of the Tender validity, fails or refuses to furnish the Performance Security, in accordance with the Tender Document. 15.4 The Tender security shall be returned to the technically unsuccessful Tenderer with unopened/sealed financial bid while the unsuccessful bidders of financial bid opening procedure will be returned the tender security only. The Tender Security shall be returned to the successful Tenderer on furnishing the Performance Security.


Tender Validity The Tender shall have a minimum validity period of ninety days from the last date for submission of the Tender. The Purchaser may solicit the Tenderer's consent to an extension of the validity period of the Tender. The request and the response thereto shall be made in writing. If the Tenderer agrees to extension of validity period of the Tender, the validity period of the Tender security shall also be suitably extended. The Tenderer may refuse extension of validity period of the Tender, without forfeiting the Tender security.


Modification / Withdrawal of the Tender


The Tenderer may, by written notice served on the Purchaser, modify or withdraw the Tender after submission of the Tender, prior to the deadline for submission of the Tender. The Tender, withdrawn after the deadline for submission of the Tender and prior to the expiration of the period of the Tender validity, shall result in forfeiture of the Tender Security.



Opening of the Tender


Tenders shall be opened, at PITB head office at given time and date, in the presence of the Tenderer(s) for which they shall ensure their presence without further invitation. The Tenderer's name, modifications, withdrawal, security, attendance of the Tenderer and such other details as the Purchaser may, at its exclusive discretion, consider appropriate, shall be announced and recorded. No tenderer or its representative will be allowed to keep any digital device (camera, audio recorder, cell phone etc.) during tender opening meeting at given time and location. Noncompliance will cause the rejection of respective bidder.




Clarification of the Tender The Purchaser shall have the right, at his exclusive discretion, to require, in writing, further information or clarification of the Tender, from any or all the Tenderer(s). No change in the price or substance of the Tender shall be sought, offered or permitted except as required to confirm the corrections of arithmetical errors discovered in the Tender. Acceptance of any such correction is sold discretion of the purchaser

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Determination of Responsiveness of the Bid (Tender)


The Purchaser shall determine the substantial responsiveness of the Tender to the Tender Document, prior to the Tender evaluation, on the basis of the contents of the Tender itself without recourse to extrinsic evidence. A substantially responsive Tender is one which: meets the eligibility criteria for the Tenderer / the Goods / the Services; meets the Technical Specifications for the Goods / the Services; meets the delivery period / point for the Goods / the Services; offers fixed price quotations for the Goods / the Services; is accompanied by the required Tender Security as part of financial bid envelope; The original receipt of tender fee submitted, attached with technical bid envelope; is otherwise complete and generally in order; Conforms to all terms and conditions of the Tender Document, without material deviation or reservation. A material deviation or reservation is one which affects the scope, quality or performance of the Goods or limits the Purchaser's rights or the Tenderer's obligations under the Contract. The Tender determined as not substantially responsive shall not subsequently be made responsive by the Tenderer by correction or withdrawal of the material deviation or reservation. However, the Purchaser may waive off any minor non-conformity or inconsistency or informality or irregularity in the Tender.

20.1.1 20.1.2 20.1.3 20.1.4 20.1.5 20.1.6 20.1.7 20.1.8 20.2 20.3


Correction of errors / Amendment of Tender

21.1 The Tender shall be checked for any arithmetic errors which shall be rectified, as follows: 21.1.1 if there is a discrepancy between the amount in figures and the amount in words for the Total Tender Price entered in the Tender Form, the amount which tallies with the Total Tender Price entered in the Price Schedule, shall govern. 21.1.2 if there is a discrepancy between the unit rate and the total price entered in the price Schedule, resulting from incorrect multiplication of the unit rate by the quantity, the unit rate as quoted shall govern and the total price shall be corrected, unless there is an obvious and gross misplacement of the decimal point in the unit rate, in which case the total price as quoted shall govern and the unit rate shall be corrected. 21.1.3 if there is a discrepancy in the actual sum of the itemized total prices and the total tender price quoted in the Price Schedule, the actual sum of the itemized total prices shall govern. 21.2 The Tender price as determined after arithmetic corrections shall be termed as the Corrected Total Tender Price which shall be binding upon the Tenderer. 21.3 Adjustment shall be based on corrected Tender Prices. The price determined after making such adjustments shall be termed as Evaluated Total Tender Price. 21.4 The cost of making good any deficiency resulting from any acceptable, quantifiable variations and deviations from the terms and conditions of the Contract / Technical Specifications, shall be added to the corrected Tender Price for comparison purposes only. No credit shall be given for offering delivery period earlier than the specified period. 21.5 The Tenderer shall state the Tender Price for the payment terms outlined in the Conditions of Contract which will be considered for the evaluation of the Tender. The Tenderer may state alternate payment terms and indicate the reduction in the Tender price offered for such alternative payment terms. The Purchaser may consider the alternative payment terms offered by the Tenderer.

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Rejection / Acceptance of the Tender


The Purchaser shall have the right, at his exclusive discretion, to increase / decrease the quantity of any or all item(s) without any change in unit prices or other terms and conditions, accept a Tender reject any or all tender(s), cancel / annul the Tendering process at any time prior to award of Contract, without assigning any reason or any obligation to inform the Tenderer of the grounds for the Purchaser's action, and without thereby incurring any liability to the Tenderer and the decision of the Purchaser shall be final. The Tender shall be rejected if it is: substantially non-responsive; or submitted in other than prescribed forms, annexes, schedules, charts, drawings, documents / by other than specified mode; or incomplete, un-sealed, un-signed, printed (hand written), partial, conditional, alternative, late; or subjected to interlineations / cuttings / corrections / erasures / overwriting; or the Tenderer submits more than one Tenders; or the Tenderer refuses to accept the corrected Total Tender Price; or the Tenderer has conflict of interest with the Purchaser; or the Tenderer tries to influence the Tender evaluation / Contract award; or the Tenderer engages in corrupt or fraudulent practices in competing for the Contract award. there is any discrepancy between bidding documents and bidder’s proposal i.e. any nonconformity or inconsistency or informality or irregularity in the submitted bid. the Tenderer submits any financial conditions as part of its bid which are not in conformity with tender document.

22.2 22.2.1 22.2.2 22.2.3 22.2.4 22.2.5 22.2.6 22.2.7 22.2.8 22.2.9 22.3 22.4


Award Criteria

23.1. 23.2.

At first step eligible tenderer fulfilling mandatory requirements and qualification criteria will stand qualified technically. At second step technically qualified & eligible successful tenderer will be evaluated & selected on lowest cost quoted as per rules and fulfilling all codal formalities, irrespective of their score in previous step.


Acceptance Letter (Letter of Intent) The Purchaser shall, send the Acceptance Letter (Letter of Intent) to the successful Tenderer, prior to the expiry of the validity period of the Tender, which shall be a formal purchase order and constitute a contract, until execution of the formal Contract. However, the Purchaser reserves exclusive rights to cancel the letter of Intent at any time, without giving any reason thereof.


Performance Security

25.1 The successful Tenderer shall furnish Performance Security as under: 25.2 within fourteen (14) days of the receipt of the Acceptance Letter from the Purchaser; 25.2.1 in the form of a Bank Guarantee, issued by a scheduled bank operating in Pakistan or allowed to carry out financial transaction in Pakistan, as per the format provided in the Tender Document; 25.2.2 for a sum equivalent to 10% of the contract value; 25.2.3 denominated in Pak Rupees;

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25.2.4 have a minimum validity period until the date of termination of services, or fulfillment of all obligations under the contract, whichever is later. 25.2.5 The Performance Security shall be returned to the Tenderer within thirty working days after the expiry of its validity on written request from the Contractor. 25.3 In case the Contractor fails to furnish Performance security in the shape of bank guarantee within the stipulated period given under Letter of Intent and subsequent formal contract, or till end of the currency of the said contract, the amount of bank guarantee, as required, shall be deducted from the amount payable to the Contractor.


Redressal of grievances by the procuring agency


The procuring agency shall constitute a committee comprising of odd number of persons, with proper powers and authorizations, to address the complaints of bidders that may occur prior to the entry into force of the procurement contract. Any bidder feeling aggrieved by any act of the procuring agency after the submission of his bid may lodge a written complaint concerning his grievances not later than fifteen days after the announcement of the bid evaluation report under rule 35 of PPRA rules 2009. The committee shall investigate and decide upon the complaint within fifteen days of the receipt of the complaint. Mere fact of lodging of a complaint shall not warrant suspension of the procurement process. Any bidder not satisfied with the decision of the committee of the procuring agency may lodge an appeal in the relevant court of jurisdiction.


26.3 26.4 26.5

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Contract for


Punjab Information Technology Board (PITB)


[name of Contractor]


Page 22 of 52


I. Agreement II. General Conditions of Contract 27. Contract 28. Contract Documents and Information 29. Contract Language 30. Standards 31. Commercial Availability 32. Patent Right 33. Execution Schedule 34. Packing 35. Insurance 36. Labeling 37. Delivery 38. Installation and Implementation 39. Site Preparation 40. Power 41. Safety 42. Operation and Maintenance 43. Test Equipment and Tools 44. Spare Parts and Support 45. Inspection and Testing 46. Taking-Over Certificate 47. Warranty 48. Ownership of Goods and Replaced Components 49. Defects Liability Expiry Certificate 50. Payment 51. Price 52. Contract Amendment 53. Assignment / Subcontract 54. Extensions in time for performance of obligations under the Contract 55. Liquidated Damages 56. Blacklisting 57. Forfeiture of Performance Security 58. Termination for Default 59. Termination for Insolvency 60. Termination for Convenience 61. Force Majeure 62. Dispute Resolution 63. Statutes and Regulations 64. Taxes and Duties 65. The Client 66. Authorized Representative Page 23 of 52

67. 68. 69. III.

Waiver Training Documentation Technical Specifications

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This CONTRACT AGREEMENT (this “Contract”) made as of the [day] of [month], [year], between [full legal name of the Purchaser] (the “Purchaser”), on the one part, and [full legal name of Contractor], on the other part severally liable to the Purchaser for all of the Contractor’s obligations under this Contract and is deemed to be included in any reference to the term “Contractor.” RECITALS WHEREAS,

(a) The Government through the Purchaser intends to spend a part of its budget / funds for making eligible payments under this contract. Payments made under this contract will be subject, in all respects, to the terms and conditions of the Contract in lieu of the consulting services as described in the contract. (b) The Purchaser has requested the Contractor to provide certain supply of Goods/items as described in Tender Document; and (c) The Contractor, having represented to the Purchaser that it has the required professional skills, and personnel and technical resources, has agreed to provide such services on the terms and conditions set forth in this Contract.

NOW THEREFORE, the Parties to this Contract agree as follows: 1. The Contractor hereby covenants with the Purchaser to supply the Goods and provide the Services and to remedy defects / damage therein, at the time and in the manner, in conformity in all respects with the provisions of the Contract, in consideration of the payments to be made by the Purchaser to the Contractor. 2. The Purchaser hereby covenants with the Contractor to pay the Contractor, the Contract Price or such other sum as may become payable, at the times and in the manner, in conformity in all respects with the provisions of the Contract, in consideration of supply of the Goods and provision of the Services and remedying of defects / damage therein. 3. The following shall be deemed to form and be read and construct as part of this Contract: a. b. c. d. e.

The Tender Document Bidder’s Proposal Terms and Conditions of the Contract Special Stipulations The Technical Specifications

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f. g. h. i. j. k. l. m.

Tender Form Price Schedule Affidavit(s) Authorized Dealership / Agency Certificate Performance Security Service Level Agreement ( SLA ) (if required) Non-Disclosure Agreement (if required) Any Standard Clause acceptable for Purchaser

4. This Contract shall prevail over all other documents. In the event of any discrepancy / inconsistency within the Contract, the above Documents shall prevail in the order listed above.

II General Conditions of Contract 27.

Contract The Purchaser shall, after receipt of the Performance Security from the successful Tenderer, send the Contract provided in the Tender Document, to the successful Tenderer. Within three working days of the receipt of such Contract, the Tenderer shall sign and date the Contract and return it to the Purchase.


Contract Documents and Information The Contractor shall not, without the Purchaser's prior written consent, make use of the Contract, or any provision thereof, or any document(s), specifications, drawing(s), pattern(s), sample(s) or information furnished by or on behalf of the Purchaser in connection therewith, except for purposes of performing the Contract or disclose the same to any person other than a person employed by the Contractor in the performance of the Contract. Disclosure to any such employed person shall be made in confidence and shall extend only as far as may be necessary for purposes of such performance.


Contract Language The Contract and all documents relating to the Contract, exchanged between the Contractor and the Purchaser, shall be in English. The Contractor shall bear all costs of translation to English and all risks of the accuracy of such translation.


Standards The Goods supplied and the Services provided under this Contract shall conform to the authoritative latest industry standards.


Commercial Availability The Goods supplied under this Contract shall be commercially available at the time of signing of the contract. Commercial availability means that such Goods shall have been sold, installed and operationalized in more than two installations initiated under two separate contracts by manufacturer globally.

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Patent Right The Contractor shall indemnify and hold the Purchaser harmless against all third party claims of infringement of patent, trademark or industrial design rights arising from use of the Goods / the Service or any part thereof.


Execution Schedule The Contractor shall submit an Execution Schedule, giving details of customs clearance, supply, installation, configuration, deployment, commissioning, testing, training, etc., as required under the Contract, to the Client, within three days of the signing of the Contract.


Packing The Contractor shall provide such packing of the Goods as is sufficient to prevent their damage or deterioration during storage / transit to their final destination as indicated in the Contract. Packing case size and weights shall take into consideration, where appropriate, the remoteness of the final destination and withstand, without limitation, rough handling, exposure to extreme temperatures, salt and precipitation at all points in storage / transit. The Contractor shall arrange and pay for the packing of the Goods to the place of destination as specified in the Contract, and the cost thereof shall be included in the Contract Price.


Insurance The Contractor shall provide such insurance of the Goods as is sufficient to protect against their damage or deterioration during storage / transit to their final destination as indicated in the Contract. The Contractor shall arrange and pay for the insurance of the Goods to the place of destination as specified in the Contract, and the cost thereof shall be included in the Contract Price.


Labeling The Goods supplied under the Contract, shall be clearly labeled so as to correspond with the delivered documentation, with proper labeling scheme provided by the Client. All networking equipment, cables, connectors, ports, boxes shall be clearly labeled.




The Contractor shall indicate his delivery approach clearly specifying the requirements for packing, shipping and unpacking of deliverable hardware, software and documentation. The approach shall address shipment of deliverables to the various designated (installation) sites. The approach shall also specify any special shipping constraints such as custom requirements, security requirements, access arrangement or loading dock requirements. The Contractor shall deliver the Goods (if any) at prescribed location in Punjab, as specified by the Purchaser at the time of delivery. The Service shall remain at the risk and under the physical custody of the Contractor until the delivery and testing of the Goods is completed. The Contractor shall ensure that the Goods shall be delivered complete to enable the testing and training to proceed without interruption. If it shall appear to the Client that the Goods have been or are likely to be delayed by reason of incomplete delivery or for any other reasons, he may require the Contractor at the expense of the Contractor to dispatch the missing items of the Goods or suitable replacements thereof to the site of delivery by the fastest available means including air freight. The Contractor shall include in the Tender a detailed logistics plan which shall include support

37.2 37.3


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details for transportation, mobilization and personnel scheduling during project implementation and the warranty period. The Contractor shall provide maintenance, supply and procurement support necessary for Client to maintain all system, at the contracted performance and reliability level. The Contractor shall arrange and pay for the transport of the Goods to the place of destination as specified in the Contract, and the cost thereof shall be included in the Contract Price.


Installation and Implementation


The Contractor shall ensure that the implementation design conforms to an open standard by which new services can be added without disruption to existing services. The Contractor shall ensure that the implementation is fault tolerant. This is accomplished by supplying a set of programs and procedures that allow the system recovery or roll back when a fault is detected. The Contractor shall provide a document stating step-by-step procedures for installation and disaster recovery to the Purchaser. The Contractor shall provide all the recent patches and updates for Firmware/Hardware, on a reliable media, with proper labeling, during the installation to the Purchaser. The Contractor shall configure the system for high availability and reliability, of all hardware and software. The Contractor shall submit detailed and complete installation, transition and cutover plan for the new system, installation procedures for the new components specifying equipment checkout, installation constraints, operational cutover, maintenance prior to Client acceptance and if special security and/or access arrangements are required. New equipment, shall be installed with existing equipment, and shall require close coordination between the Contractor and the Client personnel.


38.3 38.4 38.5 38.6



Site Preparation


The Contractor shall be responsible to survey the site, prepare the site, determine power, air conditioning and floor space requirements, identify and install, if necessary, any special / additional power and air conditioning requirements, for the proposed equipment. The Purchaser and the Client shall facilitate the Contractor in discharge of the above responsibilities.



Power The Goods supplied under the Contract, unless otherwise specified, shall be capable of operating normally with single phase AC power, within the range of 220-240V, with the corresponding frequency of 50 Hz, inclusive, and should be protected from over-voltage, over heating and outof-tolerance current surges.




The Contractor shall be responsible for the embedding of safety features in the inherent design of the equipment, for elimination of identified hazards, including but not limited to high voltage, electromagnetic radiation, sharp points and edges, etc., and reduction of associated risk to personnel and equipment. The Contractor shall be responsible for the addition of bilingual warnings and caution notices, where hazards cannot be eliminated or risks cannot be reduced. The Contractor shall be responsible for the protection of the power sources, controls, and critical

41.2 41.3

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components of the redundant systems and subsystems by shielding or physical separation when possible.


Operation and Maintenance The Contractor shall be responsible for the continuous operational capability and maintenance of the entire system, 24/7, without disruption to either service or performance, during the warranty period.


Test Equipment and Tools The Contractor shall evaluate the existing facilities and abilities of the Client to accomplish corrective and preventive maintenance and support and identify additional skills, test equipment and tools required to maintain and support the new equipment. Such test equipment and tools shall be state of the art in design aimed at providing an efficient, systematic and cost effective repair operation for all replaceable components.


Spare Parts and Support


The Contractor shall ensure that the Services provided by the Contractor, under the Contract are standard and of exact Computer Equipment Hardware and Networking Equipment, and incorporate all recent improvements in design and materials, unless provided otherwise in the Contract. The Contractor shall further ensure that the Services provided by the Contractor, under the Contract shall have no defect, arising from design, materials, installation, configuration, or from any act or omission of the Contractor that may develop under normal use of the provided Service. The Contractor shall maintain sufficient backup stock of spare parts and tools locally at sites, for the maintenance of the supplied Goods, during the warranty period. The Contractor shall ensure availability of spare parts and technical assistance for all components for at least three years, without major changes, after the completion of final acceptance. The Contractor shall give six months advance notice on any discontinued part(s) with a suggestion for appropriate alternatives failing which will cause forfeiture of Performance Security. The Contractor shall also identify and provide the following: items (repairable spares, parts and consumable supplies) that are needed to maintain design performance, reliability and availability standards prescribed in the Technical Specifications. The quantity of spare parts and consumable items provided and kept shall be equal to the requirements for one year of operating stock; critical items, whose failure would cause a system failure; items of high cost and/or long lead time (over thirty working days); items whose design reliability is such that normal stock replenishment would not justify maintaining a level of the item in stock.


44.3 44.4


44.6 44.6.1

44.6.2 44.6.3 44.6.4


Inspection and Testing


The Client shall inspect and test the Goods supplied, the Services provided or the Works carried out, under the Contract, to verify their conformity to the Technical Specifications. The inspections and tests shall be conducted at the premises of the Contractor / its subcontractor(s) / at the final destination. Where conducted at the premises of the Contractor / its subcontractor(s), the Contractor / its subcontractor(s) shall provide all-reasonable facilities and


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assistance, including access to drawings, production data and online verification from official web site of the Manufacture, to the inspectors, at no charge to the Purchaser. The Purchaser may reject the Goods, the Services or the Works if they fail to conform to the Technical Specifications, in any test(s) or inspection(s) and the Contractor shall either replace the rejected Goods, Services or Works or make all alterations necessary to meet the Technical Specifications, within three working days, free of cost to the Purchaser. The Purchaser’s post-delivery right to inspect, test and, where necessary, reject the Goods shall in no way be limited or waived by reason of pre-delivery inspection, testing or passing of the Goods. Nothing contained in Clauses 41.1 and 41.2 shall, in any way, release the Contractor from any Warranty or other obligations under the Contract.


Taking-Over Certificate


The Contractor shall, by written notice served on the Client with a copy to the Purchaser, apply for a Taking-Over Certificate. The Client shall, within seven days of receipt of Contractor's application, either issue the Taking-Over Certificate to the Contractor with a copy to the Purchaser, stating the date of successful inspection / testing of the Goods or any portion thereof, for their intended purposes; or reject the application giving the reasons and specifying the work required to be done by the Contractor to enable the Taking-Over Certificate to be issued. Nothing contained in Clauses 42.1 and 42.2 shall, in any way, release the Contractor from any Warranty or other obligations under the Contract.




Warranty / Support


The Contractor shall warrant/Support to the Purchaser that the Services supplied by the Contractor, under the Contract are genuine, un-altered in any way, of the most recent and incorporate all recent improvements in design and materials, unless provided otherwise in the Contract. The Contractor shall further warrant that the Goods/Services supplied by the Contractor, under the Contract shall have no defect, arising from design, materials, workmanship or from any act or omission of the Contractor that may develop under normal use of the supplied Goods/Services. The Contractor shall provide support (if applicable) for minimum Six Months (hereinafter referred as Warranty/Support Period), after the issue of Taking-over Certificate in respect of Goods, the Services and the Works, or any portion thereof, as the case may be, which will include: The Warranty/Support Period shall start from the date of successful completion of all the project deliverables. The Client shall, by written notice served on the Contractor with a copy to the Purchaser, promptly indicate any claim(s) arising under the warranty/support. The Contractor shall, within the prescribed time period, after receipt of such notice, repair or replace the defective / damaged Goods or parts thereof on site, without any cost to the Purchaser. The end user licenses, end user warranties and end user contracting support services shall be in the name of Purchaser, for the Goods supplied, the Services provided and the Works done, under the Contract (if any).



47.4 47.5 47.6



Ownership of Goods and Replaced Components Goods to be supplied to the Purchaser, pursuant to the Contract, shall become the property of the Purchaser when the Goods are taken over by the Purchaser. Defective components to be

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replaced by the Contractor, pursuant to the Contract, shall become the property of the Contractor as and where it lies.


Defects Liability Expiry Certificate


The Contractor shall, after expiry of the warranty period, by written notice served on the Client with a copy to the Purchaser, apply for a Defects Liability Expiry Certificate. The Client shall, within seven days of receipt of such notice, either issue the Defects Liability Expiry Certificate to the Contractor with a copy to the Purchaser, stating the date of expiry of the Warranty Period for all the Goods supplied and fulfillment of all obligations by the Contractor, under the Contract; or reject the application giving the reasons and specifying the work required to be done by the Contractor to enable the Defects Liability Expiry Certificate to be issued.





Payments will be made through MRF (Microsoft Reinvestment Funds) as per listed below payment schedule. Advance payment shall not be made. The Contractor shall submit an Application for Payment, in the prescribed form, to the Client. The Application for Payment shall: be accompanied by such invoices, receipts or other documentary evidence as the Client may require; state the amount claimed; and set forth in detail, in the order of the Price Schedule, particulars of the Goods supplied, the Services provided and the Works done, up to the date of the Application for Payment and subsequent to the period covered by the last preceding Certificate of Payment, if any. The Client shall issue a Certificate of Payment, in the prescribed form, to the Purchaser, with a copy to the Contractor, verifying the amount due, within seven days of receipt of an Application for Payment. The Client may withhold a Certificate of Payment on account of defect(s) / short coming(s) in the Goods supplied / non-satisfactory performance of the Services / the Works. The Client may make any correction or modification in a Certificate of Payment that properly be made in respect of any previous certificate. The Purchaser shall pay the amount verified in the Certificate of Payment within twenty one (21) days of receipt of a Certificate of Payment. Payment shall not be made in advance. The Purchaser shall make payment for the Goods supplied, the Services provided and the Works done, to the Contractor, as per Government policy, in Pak Rupees, through MRF after issuance of satisfactory certificate by the technical team of PITB. Payments shall be made on actual basis as per listed below payment schedule, after completion of deliverables as per this tender document upon issuance of satisfactory certificate by the client and the purchaser:




Payment Schedule: Component Component Description (Deliverables)x Sr. No.


Review of past projects and relevant reports (Judiciary and Law)

Component Payment 100% payment against quoted cost for component (1) after completion of the same & legal codal formalities as per this document or subsequent formal contract.

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  




Required Business Process Re-engineering Review of user requirement and Functional Specification in perspective of national and international experience Feasibility of e-filing

100% payment against quoted cost for component (2) after completion of the same & legal codal formalities as per this document or subsequent formal contract.

Mapping and evaluation of available software with respect to requirements

100% payment against quoted cost for component (3) after completion of the same & legal codal formalities as per this document or subsequent formal contract.

Drafting and vetting of IT related agreements, contracts and documents and Evaluation of bids

100% payment against quoted cost for component (4) after completion of the same & legal codal formalities as per this document or subsequent formal contract.

Price The Contractor shall not charge prices for the Goods supplied, the Services provided and for other obligations discharged, under the Contract, varying from the prices quoted by the Contractor in the Price Schedule.


Contract Amendment


The Purchaser may, at any time, by written notice served on the Contractor, alter, amend, omit, increase, decrease or otherwise change the nature, quality, quantity and scope, of all / any of the Goods / the Services / the Works, in whole or in part. The Contractor shall, within ten working days of receipt of such notice, submit a cost estimate and execution schedule of the proposed change (hereinafter referred to as the Change), to the Purchaser. The Contractor shall not execute the Change until and unless the Purchaser has allowed the said Change, by written order served on the Contractor with a copy to the Client. The Change, mutually agreed upon, shall constitute part of the obligations under this Contract, and the provisions of the Contract shall apply to the said Change. No variation in or modification in the Contract shall be made, except by written amendment signed by both the Purchaser and the Contractor.


52.3 52.4 52.5


Assignment / Subcontract


The Contractor shall not assign or sub-contract its obligations under the Contract, in whole or in part, except with the Purchaser's prior written consent. The Contractor shall guarantee that any and all assignees / subcontractors of the Contractor shall, for performance of any part / whole of the work under the contract, comply fully with the terms and conditions of the Contract applicable to such part / whole of the work under the


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Extensions in time for performance of obligations under the Contract If the Contractor encounters conditions impeding timely performance of any of the obligations, under the Contract, at any time, the Contractor shall, by written notice served on the Purchaser with a copy to the Client, promptly indicate the facts of the delay, its likely duration and its cause(s). As soon as practicable after receipt of such notice, the Purchaser shall evaluate the situation and may, at its exclusive discretion, without prejudice to any other remedy it may have, by written order served on the Contractor with a copy to the Client, extend the Contractor's time for performance of its obligations under the Contract.


Liquidated Damages If the Contractor fails / delays in performance of any of the obligations, under the Contract / violates any of the provisions of the Contract / commits breach of any of the terms and conditions of the Contract the Purchaser may, without prejudice to any other right of action / remedy it may have, deduct from the Contract Price, as liquidated damages, a sum of money @0.25% of the Contract Price which is attributable to such part of the Goods / the Services / the Works as cannot, in consequence of the failure / delay, be put to the intended use, for every day between the scheduled delivery date(s), with any extension of time thereof granted by the Purchaser, and the actual delivery date(s). Provided that the amount so deducted shall not exceed, in the aggregate, 50% of the Contract Price.




If the Contractor fails / delays in performance of any of the obligations, under the Contract / violates any of the provisions of the Contract / commits breach of any of the terms and conditions of the Contract the Purchaser may, at any time, without prejudice to any other right of action / remedy it may have, blacklist the Contractor, either indefinitely or for a stated period, for future tenders in public sector. If the Contractor is found to have engaged in corrupt or fraudulent practices in competing for the award of contract or during the execution of the contract, the Purchaser may, at any time, without prejudice to any other right of action / remedy it may have, blacklist the Contractor, either indefinitely or for a stated period, for future tenders in public sector.



Forfeiture of Performance Security


The Performance Security shall be forfeited by the Purchaser, on occurrence of any / all of the following conditions: 57.1.1. If the Contractor commits a default under the Contract; 57.1.2. If the Contractor fails to fulfill any of the obligations under the Contract; 57.1.3. If the Contractor violates any of the terms and conditions of the Contract. 57.1.4. The Contractor shall cause the validity period of the performance security to be extended for such period(s) as the contract performance may be extended. In case the Contractor fails to submit bank guarantee with extended validity period for such period(s) as the contract performance may be extended, an amount equal to 10% of total contract value shall be deducted from the payments to be made against the contract.


If the Contractor fails / delays in performance of any of the obligations, under the Contract / violates any of the provisions of the Contract / commits breach of any of the terms and conditions

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of the Contract the Purchaser may, without prejudice to any other right of action / remedy it may have, forfeit Performance Security of the Contractor. 57.3.

Failure to supply required items/services within the specified time period will invoke penalty as specified in this document. In addition to that, Performance Security amount will be forfeited and the company will not be allowed to participate in future tenders as well.


Termination for Default


If the Contractor fails / delays in performance of any of the obligations, under the Contract / violates any of the provisions of the Contract / commits breach of any of the terms and conditions of the Contract the Purchaser may, at any time, without prejudice to any other right of action / remedy it may have, by written notice served on the Contractor with a copy to the Client, indicate the nature of the default(s) and terminate the Contract, in whole or in part, without any compensation to the Contractor. Provided that the termination of the Contract shall be resorted to only if the Contractor does not cure its failure / delay, within fifteen working days (or such longer period as the Client may allow in writing), after receipt of such notice. If the Purchaser terminates the Contract for default, in whole or in part, the Purchaser may procure, upon such terms and conditions and in such manner as it deems appropriate, Goods / Services / Works, similar to those undelivered, and the Contractor shall be liable to the Purchaser for any excess costs for such similar Goods / Services / Works. However, the Contractor shall continue performance of the Contract to the extent not terminated.



Termination for Insolvency If the Contractor becomes bankrupt or otherwise insolvent, the Purchaser may, at any time, without prejudice to any other right of action / remedy it may have, by written notice served on the Contractor with a copy to the Client, indicate the nature of the insolvency and terminate the Contract, in whole or in part, without any compensation to the Contractor.


Termination for Convenience


The Purchaser may, at any time, by written notice served on the Contractor with a copy to the Client, terminate the Contract, in whole or in part, for its convenience, without any compensation to the Contractor. 60.2 The Goods and the Services which are complete or to be completed by the Contractor, within thirty working days after the receipt of such notice, shall be accepted by the Purchaser. For the remaining Goods, the Purchaser may elect: 60.2.1 to have any portion thereof completed and delivered; and/or 60.2.2 to cancel the remainder and pay to the Contractor an agreed amount for partially completed Goods, Services, Works and materials / parts previously procured by the Contractor for the purpose of the Contract, together with a reasonable allowance for overhead & profit.


Force Majeure


Force majeure shall mean any event, act or other circumstances not being an event, act or circumstance under the control of the purchaser or of the contractor. Non-availability of materials/supplies or of import license or of export permit shall not constitute Force majeure. If by reasons of Force Majeure supplies cannot be delivered by the due delivery date then the delivery date may be extended appropriately by the purchaser keeping in view all the circumstances and requirements of the Purchaser. The Contractor shall not be liable for liquidated damages, forfeiture of its Performance Security,


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blacklisting for future tenders, termination for default, if and to the extent his failure / delay in performance /discharge of obligations under the Contract is the result of an event of Force Majeure. If a Force Majeure situation arises, the Contractor shall, by written notice served on the Purchaser with a copy to the Client, indicate such condition and the cause thereof. Unless otherwise directed by the Purchaser in writing, the Contractor shall continue to perform under the Contract as far as is reasonably practical, and shall seek all reasonable alternative means for performance not prevented by the Force Majeure event.


Dispute Resolution


The Purchaser and the Contractor shall make every effort to amicably resolve, by direct informal negotiation, any disagreement or dispute arising between them under or in connection with the Contract. If, after thirty working days, from the commencement of such informal negotiations, the Purchaser and the Contractor have been unable to amicably resolve a Contract dispute, either party may, require that the dispute be referred for resolution by arbitration under the Pakistan Arbitration Act, 1940, as amended, by one or more arbitrators selected in accordance with said Law. The place for arbitration shall be Lahore, Pakistan. The award shall be final and binding on the parties.



Statutes and Regulations

63.1 63.2

The Contract shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of Pakistan. The Contractor shall, in all matters arising in the performance of the Contract, conform, in all respects, with the provisions of all Central, Provincial and Local Laws, Statutes, Regulations and By-Laws in force in Pakistan, and shall give all notices and pay all fees required to be given or paid and shall keep the Purchaser indemnified against all penalties and liability of any kind for breach of any of the same. The Courts at Lahore shall have the exclusive territorial jurisdiction in respect of any dispute or difference of any kind arising out of or in connection with the Contract.



Taxes and Duties The Contractor shall be entirely responsible for all taxes, duties and other such levies imposed make inquiries on income tax / sales tax to the concerned authorities of Income Tax and Sales Tax Department, Government of Pakistan.


Contract Cost The Contractor shall bear all costs / expenses associated with the preparation of the Contract and the Purchaser shall in no case be responsible / liable for those costs / expenses. The successful bidder will provide legal stamp papers of relevant value according to Govt rules and regulations for signing of the formal contract.


The Client


The Client shall only carry out such duties and exercise such authority as specified in the Contract. The Client shall have no authority to relieve the Contractor of any of his obligations under the Contract, except as expressly stated in the Contract. The Contractor shall proceed with the decisions, instructions or approvals given by the Client in accordance with these Conditions. The Client shall conform with all the relevant clauses of this Tender Document to carry out all responsibilities assigned thereto in a timely manner.

66.2 66.3

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Authorized Representative


The Purchaser, the Client or the Contractor may, at their exclusive discretion, appoint their Authorized Representative and may, from time to time, delegate any / all of the duties / authority, vested in them, to their authorized Representative(s), including but not limited to, signing on their behalf to legally bind them, and may, at any time, revoke such delegation. The Authorized Representative shall only carry out such duties and exercise such authority as may be delegated to him, by the Purchaser, the Client or the Contractor. Any such delegation or revocation shall be in writing and shall not take effect until notified to the other parties to the Contract. Any decision, instruction or approval given by the Authorized Representative, in accordance with such delegation, shall have the same effect as though it had been given by the Principal. Notwithstanding Clause 65.4, any failure of the Authorized Representative to disapprove any Goods or Services or Works shall not prejudice the right of the Client to disapprove such Goods or Services or Works and to give instructions for the rectification thereof. If the Contractor questions any decision or instruction of the Authorized Representative of the Purchaser / the Client, the Contractor may refer the matter to the Purchaser / the Client who shall confirm, reverse or vary such decision or instruction.

67.2 67.3 67.4 67.5



Waiver Failure of either party to insist upon strict performance of the obligations of the other party, under the Contract, shall in no way be deemed or construed to affect in any way the right of that party to require such performance.




The Contractor shall arrange and undertake a comprehensive training program for the staff nominated by the Purchaser / the Client to ensure that they shall acquire a good working knowledge of the operation, and general maintenance of the Goods to be supplied under the Contract. In case of non-compliance with instructions, non-cooperation or other difficulties experienced by the Contractor with regard to any of these personnel, the Contractor shall apprise the Purchaser / Client and proceed to implement suitable remedial measures after consultation with them.



Documentation The Contractor shall furnish the user documentation, the operation manuals/service manuals for each appropriate unit of the supplied Services and other information pertaining to the performance of the Goods, in hard copy format, in soft copy format and in the form of on-line help, before the Goods are taken over by the Purchaser (if any).

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IN WITNESS whereof the Parties hereto have caused this Contract to be executed in accordance with the laws of Pakistan as of the day, month and year first indicated above. For [full legal name of the Purchaser]:

For [full legal name of the Contractor]:





Witnessed By:

Witnessed By:

WITNESSES Signature __________________ CNIC # __________________ Name __________________ Designation__________________ Address _________________

Signature ____________________ CNIC # ____________________ Name ____________________ Designation ____________________ Address __________________

Signature __________________ CNIC # __________________ Name __________________ Designation__________________ Address _________________

Signature ____________________ CNIC # ____________________ Name ____________________ Designation ____________________ Address __________________

Signature __________________ CNIC # __________________ Name __________________ Designation__________________ Address _________________

Signature ____________________ CNIC # ____________________ Name ____________________ Designation ____________________ Address __________________

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Special Stipulations

SCHEDULE-A, SPECIAL STIPULATIONS For ease of Reference, certain special stipulations are as under: The Contractor shall furnish the Tender Security as under: for the whole Tender;

Tender Security (Earnest Money)

if Total Tender Price is less than or equal to PKR 100 Million, in the form of Demand Draft / Pay Order / Call Deposit Receipt, in the name of the Purchaser; if Total Tender Price is more than PKR 100 Million, in the form of Bank Guarantee, issued by a scheduled bank operating in Pakistan, in the name of the Purchaser, as per the format provided in the Tender Document; for a sum equivalent to 2% of the Total Tender Price; denominated in Pak Rupees; Have a minimum validity period of ninety days from the last date for submission of the Tender or until furnishing of the Performance Security, whichever is later The successful Contractor shall furnish Performance Security as under: within fourteen (14) days of the receipt of the Acceptance Letter from the Purchaser; in the form of a Bank Guarantee, issued by a scheduled bank operating in Pakistan, as per the format provided in the Tender Document; for a sum equivalent to 10% of the contract value;

Performance Security

denominated in Pak Rupees; Have a minimum validity period of ninety days from the date of Award Notification or until the date of expiry of warranty period, whichever is later. In case the Contractor fails to furnish Performance security in the shape of bank guarantee within the stipulated period given under Letter of Intent and subsequent formal contract, or till end of the currency of the said contract, the amount of bank guarantee, as required, shall be deducted from the amount payable to the Contractor.

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Start of Operations & Deployment

Immediately from the issuance of acceptance letter (LOI).

Liquidated damages for failure / delay in supply / installation / configuration of Goods / Services / Works by the Contractor

Liquidated damages shall be levied @ 0.25% of the Contract Price which is attributable to such part of the Goods / the Services / the Works as cannot, in consequence of the failure / delay, be put to the intended use, for every day between the scheduled delivery date(s), with any extension of time thereof granted by the Purchaser, and the actual delivery date(s). Provided that the amount so deducted shall not exceed, in the aggregate, 50% of the Contract Price.

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PASS MARKS: Any bidder not meeting the 70% pass mark will be rejected in Technical Valuation, and its Financial Proposal will be returned to it unopened. All bidders scoring greater than or equal to 70% of the marks will be accepted in technical proposal, and their financial bids will be opened. PROVISO: Provided that if NONE or ONLY ONE (single) bidder exceeds the 70% pass mark, then the Purchaser SHALL decrease the Pass Mark limit to 60%. In other words, if TWO or more bidders exceed 70%, then the Pass Mark will NOT be decreased to 60%. If Pass Marks are decreased to 60%, then ALL bidders with scores greater than or equal to 60% (including any above 70%) would stand qualified for opening of their Financial Proposals irrespective of marks obtained in Technical Proposal.



Services Required under LHC Automation


Sr. No.

Requirement Comment/Description

A = 25

B = 20

C = 15




Answer Comment/Description

Feature List Company Profile

Legal (Mandatory)


Max 100

Certificate of Registration


Income & Sales Tax Registration


Undertaking that the firm is not blacklisted and involved in litigation with Government Number of experts fulfilling academic qualification mentioned vide clauses 7.1.1-7.1.6 of this document


If =3, then 'A' If =2, then 'B' If =1, then 'C'

Services Required under LHC Automation



Page 40 of 52

Sr. No.


Requirement Comment/Description

A = 25

B = 20

C = 15




Answer Comment/Description

Feature List Company Profile




Business Process Re-engineering for case flow application Court rules framing experience for IT intervention

Technical Services provided for court & Law organization automation

Max 100 Similar local projects if ≥ 5 then A, ≥3 then B, ≥2 then C Similar International project ≥4 then A, ≥2 then B, ≥1 then C Similar local projects ≥ 3 then A, ≥2 then B, ≥1 then C Similar International project ≥2 then A, ≥1 then B Similar local projects ≥ 5 then A, ≥3 then B, ≥2 then C Similar International project ≥ 3 then A, ≥2 then B, ≥1 then C


Page 41 of 52

Annexure-B Technical Proposal Submission Form [Location, Date] To (Name and address of Client / Purchaser)_

Dear Sir, We, the undersigned, offer to provide the _(insert title of assignment)_ in accordance with your Request for Proposal/Tender Document dated _(insert date)_ and our Proposal. We are hereby submitting our Proposal, which includes the Technical Proposal and the Financial Proposal sealed in two separate envelopes. We undertake, if our Proposal is accepted, to provide supply of _________related to the assignment. We also confirm that the Government of Pakistan / Punjab has not declared us, or any, ineligible on charges of engaging in corrupt, fraudulent, collusive or coercive practices. We furthermore, pledge not to indulge in such practices in competing for or in executing the Contract, and we are aware of the relevant provisions of the Proposal Document.

We understand you are not bound to accept any Proposal you receive.

We remain, Yours sincerely, Authorized Signature (In full and initials) Name and Designation of Signatory Name of Firm Address

Page 42 of 52

Annexure-C Financial Proposal Submission Form (Part of Financial Bid Envelope) [Location, Date]


(Name and address of Client / Purchaser)_

Dear Sir, We, the undersigned, offer to provide the _(Insert title of assignment)_ in accordance with your Request for Proposal dated _(insert date)_ and our Technical Proposal. Our attached Financial Proposal is for the sum of _(insert amount in words and figures)_. This amount is inclusive of all taxes.

Our Financial Proposal shall be binding upon us subject to the modifications resulting from Contract, up to expiration of the validity period of the Proposal, i.e. before the date indicated in _______ of the Proposal Data Sheet.

We also declare that the Government of Pakistan / Punjab has not declared us or any SubContractors for any part of the Contract, ineligible on charges of engaging in corrupt, fraudulent, collusive, or coercive practices. We furthermore, pledge not to indulge in such practices in competing for or in executing the Contract, and are aware of the relevant provisions of the Proposal Document.

We understand you are not bound to accept any Proposal you receive.

Signed In the capacity of: Duly authorized to sign the proposal on behalf of the Applicant. Date:

Page 43 of 52

Annexure-D Price Table/ Financial Cost Sheet Component Sr. No.





Component Description (Deliverables)

Component Total Price (excluding taxes)

Total Taxes

Component Total Price (including all taxes)

Review of past projects and relevant reports (Judiciary and Law)  Required Business Process Re-engineering  Review of user requirement and Functional Specification in perspective of national and international experience  Feasibility of e-filing Mapping and evaluation of available software with respect to requirements Drafting and vetting of IT related agreements, contracts and documents and Evaluation of bids Grand Total (Total Bid Price)


It is mandatory to quote for all items mentioned vide above price table/financial cost sheet and non-compliance of the same will cause rejection of bid.

X will determine the total bid price Total Cost (in words) Rs. ________

Date ___________ Place __________ Signature of authorized person Name: (Company Seal) __________________ In the capacity of Dully authority by

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Note: No cutting or overwriting is allowed. Any cutting or overwriting will lead to rejection of the financial bid.

Annexure-E Format for Covering Letter

To (Name and address of Purchaser)



Dear Sir, a) Having examined the tender document and Appendixes we, the undersigned, in conformity with the said document, offer to provide the said items on terms of reference to be signed upon the award of contract for the sum indicated as per financial bid. b) We undertake, if our proposal is accepted, to provide the items/services comprise in the contract within time frame specified, starting from the date of receipt of notification of award from the client Department / Office. c) We agree to abide by this proposal for the period of ____ days (as per requirement of the project) from the date of bid opening and it shall remain binding upon us and may be accepted at any time before the expiration of that period. d) We agree to execute a contract in the form to be communicated by the _(insert name of the Purchaser)_, incorporating all agreements with such alterations or additions thereto as may be necessary to adapt such agreement to the circumstances of the standard. e) Unless and until a formal agreement is prepared and executed this proposal together with your written acceptance thereof shall constitute a binding contract agreement. f) We understand that you are not bound to accept a lowest or any bid you may receive, not to give any reason for rejection of any bid and that you will not defray any expenses incurred by us in biding. g) We would like to clearly state that we qualify for this work as our company meets all the pre-F criteria indicated on your tender document. The details are as under:

_________________________ Authorized Signatures with Official Seal

Page 45 of 52


a) To be executed by an authorized representative of the bidder. b) The mode of execution of the Power of Attorney should be in accordance with the procedure, if any, laid down by the applicable law and the charter documents of the executants and when it is so required the same should be under common seal affixed in accordance with the required procedure. c) Also, wherever required, the Bidder should submit for verification the extract of the charter documents and documents such as a resolution/power of attorney in favor of the Person executing this Power of Attorney for the delegation of power hereunder on behalf of the Bidder. d) In case the Application is signed by an authorized Director / Partner or Proprietor of the Applicant, a certified copy of the appropriate resolution / document conveying such authority may be enclosed in lieu of the Power of Attorney.

Page 46 of 52

Format of Power-of-Attorney POWER OF ATTORNEY (On Stamp Paper of relevant value) Know all men by these presents, we (name of the company and address of the registered office) do hereby appoint and authorize Mr. (full name and residential address) who is presently employed with us and holding the position of as our attorney, to do in our name and on our behalf, all such acts, deeds and things necessary in connection with or incidental to our proposal for (name of the project) in response to the tenders invited by the (name of the Purchaser) including signing and submission of all documents and providing information/responses to (name of the Purchaser) in all matters in connection with our Bid. We hereby agree to ratify all acts, deeds and things lawfully done by our said attorney pursuant to this Power of Attorney and that all acts, deeds and things done by our aforesaid attorney shall and shall always be deemed to have been done by us.

Dated this _____ day of ____________________ 20__

For ________________________________

(Signature) (Name, Designation and Address) Accepted

(Signature) (Name, Title and Address of the Attorney) Date:

Page 47 of 52

Annexure-G UNDERTAKING It is certified that the information furnished here in and as per the document submitted is true and correct and nothing has been concealed or tampered with. We have gone through all the conditions of tender and is liable to any punitive action for furnishing false information / documents.

Dated this _____ day of ____________________ 20__


(Company Seal) __________________ In the capacity of

Duly authorized to sign bids for and on behalf of:

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Annexure-H AFFIDAVIT Integrity Pact We _(Name of the bidder / supplier)_ being the first duly sworn on oath submit, that Mr. / Ms. ________ (if participating through agent / representative) is the agent / representative duly authorized by _(Name of the bidder company)_ hereinafter called the Contractor to submit the attached bid to the _(Name of the Purchaser)_. Affiant further states that the said M/s (Bidding Firm/Company Name) has not paid, given or donate or agreed to pay, given or donate to any line officer or employee of the _(Name of the Purchaser)_ any money or thing of value, either directly or indirectly, for special consideration in the letting of the contract, or for giving undue advantage to any of the bidder in the bidding and in the evaluation and selection of the bidder for contract or for refraining from properly and thoroughly maintaining projects implementations, reporting violation of the contract specification or other forms of non-compliance.

_________________ Signature & Stamp

Subscribed and sworn to me this ________ day of _____ 20__

______________________________________________________ Notary Public

Page 49 of 52

Annexure-I TENDER SECURITY FORM WHEREAS [Name and Address of the Contractor] (hereinafter called "the Contractor") has submitted Tender against Tender Name/. ______ (hereinafter called "the Tender") to the [Name and Address of the Purchaser] (hereinafter called "the Purchaser") for the Total Tender Price of PKR (in figures ____________________) (in words ___________________________________). AND WHEREAS [Name of the Bank] having registered office at [Address of the Bank] (hereinafter called "the Guarantor") has agreed to give the Contractor a Guarantee; THEREFORE the Guarantor hereby affirms to bind himself, his successors and his assigns to the Purchaser, for the sum of PKR (in figures ____________________) (in words ___________________________________) and undertakes to pay to the Purchaser, upon receipt of his written demand(s), any sum(s) as specified by him, not exceeding the above limit in aggregate, without cavil / argument and without the Purchaser having to substantiate / prove or to show grounds / reasons for such claim(s), on the occurrence of any / all of the following conditions: 1. If the Contractor withdraws the Tender during the period of the Tender validity specified by the Contractor on the Tender Form; or 2. If the Contractor does not accept the corrections of his Total Tender Price; or 3. If the Contractor, having been notified of the acceptance of the Tender by the Purchaser during the period of the Tender validity, fails or refuses to furnish the Performance Security, in accordance with the Tender Document. Provided that the Purchaser shall specify the occurred condition(s) owing to which the said sum is due to him. Provided further that any demand(s) / claim(s) from the Purchaser shall reach the Guarantor within thirty working days after the expiry of the Guarantee. This guarantee shall remain valid up to ___________________ or until furnishing of the Performance Security, whichever is later. Date this ________________day of 2012. GUARANTOR Signature


CNIC # __________________ Name






Page 50 of 52

Annexure-J PERFORMANCE SECURITY Issuing Authority: Date of Issuance: Date of Expiry: Claim Lodgment Date: One Month after the above mentioned Date of Expiry of Performance Security WHEREAS [Name and Address of the Contractor] (hereinafter called "the Contractor") has agreed to supply the Goods and render the Services against Tender Name/ No. ______ (hereinafter called "the Contract") for the Contract Value of PKR (in figures ____________________) (in words ___________________________________). AND WHEREAS it has been stipulated in the Tender Document that the successful Contractor shall furnish Performance Security, within seven working days of the receipt of the Acceptance Letter from the Purchaser, in the form of a Bank Guarantee, issued by a scheduled bank operating in Pakistan, as per the format provided in the Tender Document, for a sum equivalent to Rs.____________________(10% of the contract value) valid from the date of issue until all obligations have been fulfilled in accordance with the Contract; AND WHEREAS [Name of the Bank] having registered office at [Address of the Bank] (hereinafter called "the Guarantor") has agreed to give the Contractor a Guarantee; THEREFORE the Guarantor hereby affirms to bind himself, his successors and his assigns to the Purchaser, for the sum of PKR (in figures ____________________) (in words ___________________________________) and undertakes to pay to the Purchaser, upon receipt of his written demand(s), any sum(s) as specified by him, not exceeding the above limit in aggregate, without cavil / argument and without the Purchaser having to substantiate / prove or to show grounds / reasons for such claim(s), on the occurrence of any / all of the following conditions: 1. If the Contractor commits a default under the Contract; 2. If the Contractor fails to fulfill any of the obligations under the Contract; 3. If the Contractor violates any of the provisions of the Contract. Provided that the Purchaser shall specify the occurred condition(s) owing to which the said sum is due to him. Provided further that any demand(s) / claim(s) from the Purchaser shall reach the Guarantor within thirty working days after the expiry of the Guarantee. This guarantee shall remain valid up to ___________________ or until expiry of warranties or all obligations have been fulfilled in accordance with the Contract, whichever is later. Date this ________________day of 2012. GUARANTOR Signature


CNIC # __________________ Name






Page 51 of 52

Annexure-K Financial Capacity of the Bidder Additionally, the following financial data form shall be filled out for the Bidder. The Purchaser reserves the right to request additional information about the financial capacity of the Bidder. A Bidder that fails to demonstrate through its financial records that it has the financial capacity to perform the required Supply/Services may be disqualified. Financial Information

Historical information for the previous three years (most recent to oldest in (PAK Rupees) Year (Year)


Year (Year)


Year (Year)


Information from Balance Sheet: (1) Total Assets (TA) (2) Current Assets (CA) (3) Total Liabilities (TL) (4) Current (CL)


Information from Income Statement: (5) Total Revenue (TR) (6) Profits before Taxes (PBT) Net Worth (1) – (3) Current Ratio (2) / (4) Provide information on current or past litigation or arbitration over the last three (3) years as shown in the form below. Litigation or arbitration in the last three (3) years: No:_____Yes:______ (See below) Litigation and Arbitration During Last three (3) Years Year

Matter in Dispute

Value of Award Against Contractor in PAK Rupees

_________________________ Authorized Signatures with Official Seal

Page 52 of 52



Supply of Networking Equipment for Internet Facility Sealed bids are invited for Supply/Installation of Networking Equipment from the renowned, well experienced and GST registered firms/companies as per following work detail: S#

Supply and Installation Required



Network Switch 2960-24TC-L



Cable Roll (Cat 6)



Patch Panel



Back Box



Face Plate






Duct 40x40 (6 length)



Duct 60x60 (10 length)



Concealed Duct



Patch Cords (3 meter)



Patch Cords (1 meter)



Service/Installation Charges

01 Job

2. Tender Documents containing terms & conditions of contract can be obtained on payment of Rs.500/- in shape of pay order/DD drawn in the name of CIIT Islamabad before closing date. 3. Sealed tenders (duplicate copies) complete in all respects should reach the undersigned before 1100 hrs on 15 January, 2013 (Tuesday). The tenders shall be accompanied by Earnest Money (refundable) equivalent to 2% of total bid price in shape of pay order/ bank draft in favour of CIIT Islamabad. Tenders will be opened publicly at 1130 hrs on the same day in Office of the Purchase Officer at the address given below in presence of the representatives of parties, who like to be present. 4. The CIIT reserves the right to accept/reject any proposal or cancel the tender process at any time as per PPRA rules.

Purchase Officer COMSATS Institute of Information Technology 2nd Floor, Faculty Block-II, Park Road, Chak Shahzad, Islamabad Ph # 051-9247000-3 (Ext: 5039, 5040) Fax: 051-9247006

THE URBAN UNIT Planning and Development Department

Government of the Punjab


Miscellaneous Works Sealed tenders are invited from the Sales Tax Registered Firms/Contractors having sufficient experience to carry out the following jobs/works. Sr. # a) b) c) d)

Tender Renovation of Halls Furniture and Fixtures Electrification Work Computer Networking

Detailed specifications are available in Tender Documents. Separate Tender should be submitted on the prescribed form (Separate for each work) which can be purchased from the office of the undersigned on payment of Rs.200/- (Non-refundable). Tender documents will be received till 13th December, 2012 in the office of “Chief Executive Officer, Urban Sector Planning & Management Services Unit (Pvt.) Ltd� (The Urban Unit) up to 11:00 a.m. and shall be opened on the same day at 11:30 a.m. in the presence of authorized representatives of the firms who may wish to attend. Earnest money @ 2% of total bid cost (Refundable) must be furnished in the shape of Call Deposit Receipt (CDR) in favour of the Chief Executive Officer, Urban Sector Planning & Management Services Unit (Pvt.) Ltd. (The Urban Unit), Lahore. The Competent Authority reserves the right to reject any or all tenders at any stage.

Chief Executive Officer, Urban Sector Planning & Management Services Unit (Pvt.) Ltd.,

4-B, Lytton Road, Lahore Ph:# 042-99213579-83, Fax# 042-99213585

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