Main Street Kelowna Magazine

Page 1


MAY 2011





Gardening Time!


line AGAZINE rack

Your Onli




Over 12 ks Free eBoo Inside

LIFESTYLES Psychological Effects of Nonsexual Touch Are We Robbing Our Children of Their Crea�vity?

HEALTHY LIVING How to Tame a Sweet Tooth Our Alarming Sugar Habit


ine AGAZINE rack ACTIVE SENIORS Western Cultures Struggle with the Acceptance of Death How Safe is Your Home?

HOME & GARDEN Sunrooms Bring the Outdoors In Compos�ng Using Compos�ng Bins and Systems

BUSINESS DYNAMICS Social Media vs. SEO: Which Is More Important? The Educated Consumer: Friend or Foe?


Main Street Kelowna Magazine is published monthly by Main Street Business Network and serves the residents and business community of Kelowna, Bri�sh Columbia. 101 -1865 Dilworth Drive, Kelowna BC V1Y 9T1. Tel 888 412.1067

Publisher Luke Vorstermans

Opera�ons Manager Linda Ryan

Director Business Development Stephen Fountaine

Account Manager Gordon Houston

Editorial Manager Augusto Meneses

Copy Editor William Darnell

Execu�ve Assistant Ana Marie Banares

our bu

Absolute Contrac�ng

Designs for You B

PO Box 1204 Salmon Arm, BC V1E 4P3 Tel: 250.832.9654 www.absolutecontrac�

P.O. Box 89, Sta�on Ma Kamloops, BC V2C 5K Tel: 877.372.1557 www.designedforyouba

Big Brothers and Sisters #102-151 Commercial Dr Kelowna, BC V1X 7W2 Tel: 250.765.2661

Breast Cancer Support 1633 Pandosy Street Kelowna, BC V1Y 1P6 Tel: 250.762.6381

Calavan� Luxury Salon & Spa #102 – 510 Bernard Ave. Kelowna, BC V1Y 6P1 Tel: 250.763.9700 www.calavan�.com

CFUW - Kelowna P.O. Box 21168 Orchard Park Postal Outlet Kelowna, BC V1Y 9N8 Tel: 250.769.3938

DaxAir Charters 102-6197 Airport Way Kelowna, BC V1V 2S2 Tel: 250.868.6656

Fran’s Moving So

Kelowna, BC Tel: 250.317.6857 www.movingsolu�onsf

Fred Sarkari Kelowna, BC Tel: 250.575.0333

Gord Turner Reno

3304 Appaloosa Road Kelowna, BC V1V 2W5 Tel: 250.765.1166 h�p://www.gtrenova�o

Heart to Heart Co

#6-1638 Pandosy Stree Kelowna, BC V1Y 1P8 Tel: 250.864.1135 www.hear�oheartcoun

Home For Dinner

592 Bernard Ave. Kelowna, BC V1Y 6P1 Tel: 778.478.0343


usiness ARTNERS


ain K3

olu�ons for Seniors







Kelowna CleanPro 2405 Collingwood Rd Kelowna, BC V1Z 2C3 Tel: 250.826.7896

Kelowna Salva�on Army 1480 Sutherland Kelowna, B.C V1Y 5Y5 Tel: 250.860.2329 ext 29 www.kelowna.salva�

Menzies Graphics Group 325 Bay Avenue Kelowna, BC V1Y 7S3 Tel: 250.762.3213

PETA h�p://

Red Giraffe Marke�ng Suite 6 – 3185 Via Centrale Kelowna, BC V1V 2A1 Tel: 250.575.1935

SweetLife Realty 1 - 415 Commonwealth Road Kelowna, BC V4V 1P4 Tel: 250.766.4255 h�p://

Trade Exchange Canada 748 Bernard Avenue Kelowna, BC V1Y 6P5 Tel: 250.717.0026

Vata Health #71 – 700 Tranquille Rd. Kamloops, BC V2B 3H9 Tel: 877.914.8282

Vital Waters 1923 Kent Road Kelowna, BC V1Y 7S6 Tel: 250.869.0083



Fostering Your



CONTENTS 13 15 16 16 16 17 20 22 25


10 Things My Dad Was Right About Simple Ways To Improve Fuel Economy WondaWedge Inflatable Lounger The Go Caddy Water Bo�le Holder Psychological Effects of Nonsexual Touch “I Can Do It!” Are We Robbing Our Children of Their Crea�vity? Lessons from a Tube of Toothpaste

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10 Things

My Dad Was Right About by Mark O’Brien

Fi�een years ago, when I was a freshman in high school, my English teacher gave us an assignment en�tled, “Advice for a Younger Genera�on.” Each student had to interview an older person and find out what their advice was for a younger genera�on. I chose to interview my dad who was 53 at the �me. Here are 10 pieces of his advice. 1. Your 30’s, 40’s and 50’s won’t feel like your 30’s, 40’s and 50’s – Adults are just older children. When you get older you won’t feel as old as you imagine you will. For the most part, you s�ll feel exactly the way you feel right now, just a li�le wiser and more confident. 2. Bad things will happen to you and your friends – Part of living is experiencing unexpected troubles in life. People lose jobs, get in car accidents and some�mes die. When you’re younger, this harsh reality can be hard to visualize. 3. Everyone can make a huge difference – Making one person smile can change the world. Maybe not the whole world, but their world. So start small and start now. 4. Big results come when you narrow your focus – Concentrate your efforts on smaller and smaller areas. When your efforts are diffused over a wide area they won’t have much of an impact. 5. Love yourself. Become your own priority – Strive to be the ‘you’ you want to be. 6. Li�le things s�ck with you – So pay a�en�on to them. Like watching your child sleep. Preparing a meal with your family. Sharing a great laugh with an old friend. This is the real stuff life is made of.

7. Some�mes you just have to go for it – In 40 years from now what will you regret not having accomplished, appreciated or a�empted? Do it, appreciate it and attempt it NOW! 8. Not much is worth figh�ng about – If you can avoid it, don’t fight. Step back from arguments. Let yourself calm down. You don’t have to be right or win an argument. It just doesn’t ma�er. 9. Don’t try to impress everyone – Purposely impressing people brings nothing but a momentary ego boost. Be real with people instead. Connect with people on a deeper level. 10. Less advice is o�en the best advice – People don’t need lots of advice, they need to live. I’ve seen young, rocky rela�onships develop into wonderful marriages and flee�ng inspira�ons ignite a life�me of passion and happiness. We all need �me to think, breathe and con�nue to explore the undirected journeys that will help us find our direc�on. Source:

Korean Recipes The book has over 130 delicious Korean recipes from Aeri’s Kitchen. The book includes pictures of all of the recipes and a table of contents with pictures for ease in finding recipes, but we were unable to include the step-by-step pictures.

No Man Has the Right This book is wri�en for the millions of women throughout the world who deserve the right to go anywhere, at any �me, without fear or favor.

Mothering Yourself The mo�va�on for moms Quick Book series -- 10 ways every mom should care for herself and be a happier mother.



In Style Simple Ways To Improve

Fuel Economy Apart from well maintaining your car you need to be economical in spending fuel. A slight change in your motoring habits will save both your time and money.

• Drive steadily. Your fuel consumption will increase if you stop and drive. Maintain a steady speed, do not slow down or speed up unnecessarily. • Avoid starting and stopping your engine uselessly. Idling your engine for one minute uses the gas equivalent to that used when the engine is restarted. • Don’t idle your engine for warming up. During cold mornings 30 to 40 seconds is enough. • Reduce the usage of air conditioner. When the air conditioner is on the gas consumption is more. • Do not keep heavy items on your car. Excess weight will reduce the mileage of your vehicle. A carrier or a roof rack adds extra weight and air drag to your vehicle. Install them only when it is absolutely necessary.

erly inflated tires are long lasting. Try to use large diameter tire for rear wheels. • Use “energy conserving” motor oil. Make sure the oil you are using contain fiction-reducing additives. • Buy gasoline in the early morning or late evening when it’s is densest. • Replace the clogged air filters. This will improve your gas mileage by at least 10%.

• Drive your car on the highest gear possible. Driving at a fast rate on low gear will consume more fuel.

• When you are driving on highways close your windows and use vents to get outside air. Open windows will cause wind drag reducing your mileage up to 10%.

• Keep your tires properly inflated. Under-inflated tires need more energy to roll and reduce your mileage. Prop-

• Avoid driving in traffic congestion and if possible, take the advantage of carpooling.



In Style The GoCaddy is a slender tote and water bottle holder just the right size to hold all your items by your side during a jog, workout or hike.

The Go Caddy

Water Bottle Holder

The pleated deep front pocket with flapped Velcro closure conveniently holds a water bottle, cell phone, sunglasses, camera, passport or cruise tickets (should you be so fortunate!). The extra long strap allows you to wear it over your shoulder or sling style. A stylish and durable metal clip holds keys and there is an additional “D” ring for the little extra you may want to clip on such as an eyeglass or pill case. Manufactured in luxurious Microfiber with a rubber backing. Packs flat for traveling. Price: $20. Website:

WondaWedge Inflatable Lounger The Wondawedge is a combination chair/pillow that can be positioned for sitting up, reclining or lying down. It’s ergonomic design supports your back and improves posture as you read in bed, sit by the campfire or work on your laptop. The Wondawedge is a convenient, portable lounger ideally suited for outdoor events since it eliminates the need to carry a chair. The inflatable pillow has a permanently attached mat, making it perfect for the beach, picnics, outdoor concerts, or reading/recuperating in bed. It’s lightweight for travel, stores in a small space and users can set their own comfort level. Price: $24. Website:



touched once. (Here’s a shocker: Results were highest when females touched males.)

Psychological Effects of

Nonsexual Touch

To get around in the world, we mainly rely on our eyes and ears. Touch is a sense that’s often forgotten. But touch is also vital in the way we understand and experience the world. Psychological research has shown that a simple (nonsexual) touch can influence behavior, increase the chances of compliance, make the person doing the touching seem more attractive and friendly… and can even help you sell a car.

• More likely to generously tip. Waitresses who touch customers are more likely to receive a bigger tip. • Able to perceive unspoken emotions. Participants in a study tried to convey twelve different emotions by touching another blindfolded participant on the forearm. The rate of accuracy for perceiving emotions like fear, anger, gratitude, sympathy, love, and disgust ranged from 43% to 83%.

To prove it, here are 10 psychological effects which show just how powerful nonsexual touch can be from the very informative PsyBlog. When touched, people are:

• More likely to buy a car (maybe). Researchers approached random men shopping for used cars. Half were touched for one second, the other half were not touched. Those who were touched later rated the “toucher” as more friendly, honest, and sincere. Would creating that perception help a salesperson make more sales? You would certainly think so.

• More likely to provide help. 90% of strangers who were touched lightly on the arm helped the experimenter pick up dropped items. If not touched, only 63% helped.

Touch can help improve the likelihood of compliance, so a pat on the arm could, for example, help you talk a hesitant co-worker into accepting a lousy assignment.

• More likely to comply. 81% of participants agreed to sign a petition if touched, while only 55% agreed when not touched.

Touch helps convey sincerity, so when you congratulate your kids for a job well done, make direct eye contact and pat them lightly on the upper arm or back. Show your sincere appreciation not just with words, but with actions as well.

• Even more likely to comply if touched twice. Researchers asked strangers to fill out a questionnaire. People who were touched twice were more likely to agree than those only

Source: Psychblog




e’ve all heard, and probably said, things like “I’m going to go on a diet as soon as summer vacation is over” or “I’m planning to start my own business as soon as I get some money saved.”

Planning is important, but it is action that gets things done. If you just PLAN to lose weight, or just PLAN to start a business, it never happens. If you wait until the time is right, or all the circumstances are in your favor, it never happens. The way to make things happen, the way to follow your dreams, is to take action today and every day. Find something

you can do right now, today, that will bring you closer to your goal. Don’t put it off until the time is right. No matter how insignificant your action may seem, it gets you started in the right direction. Continue taking action every day and you start to gain momentum. Before you know it, you’re in so far that nothing can stop you. What have you been putting off? Life is too precious to spend it waiting. Take action today. Do your dream now.

What Your Mind Can Do Did you know that your mind “thinks” about 60,000 thoughts every day? Just by the sheer volume of them, your thoughts have a huge impact on your life.

“I Can Do It!”



The way to make things happen, the way to follow your dreams, is to take ac�on. Whether you think you can or you think you can’t, you’re right. Everything you do begins in your mind. Success is an inside job. You can choose to think empowering thoughts or you can settle for limiting thoughts. You can think the same old thoughts over and over again, or you can expose yourself to new experiences, concepts and possibilities. It’s completely up to you and the way you choose to think.

Planning is important, but it is action that gets things done.

Look for the opportunities in every situation. Constantly think to yourself, “I can do it.” Use those 60,000 thoughts to program yourself for success. When you believe in what you’re doing, and believe that you can do it, you’ll find a way to make it happen. The things that regularly occupy your thinking have the power to drive your life. Your mind is too powerful to ignore. Take control of your thoughts and you will have control of your destiny.

Be Consistent Small things, repeated over and over again, are vastly more powerful and influential than big things done just once.

Success is most reliably achieved through consistent effort. You can go to workshops and seminars, and hear powerful, motivating speakers. These experiences can be very influential. Even more powerful, however, are the things you do on a daily basis to stay focused on excellence, accomplishment, possibilities and opportunities? Truly successful people realize that meaningful, lasting success does not, cannot come overnight. Great accomplishments are not one-time efforts, but rather the culmination of a long line of repeated efforts.

The gold-medal Olympic swimmer does not just show up at the competition and win the race. For years beforehand, she practices her start, her stroke, her turn, her breathing, fine-tuning each aspect to the nth degree. Often the race is won by mere hundredths of a second. Yet the effort needed to win that race is measured in years. Success in any endeavor comes from consistent, determined, focused effort. The way to guarantee that you’ll be at the right place at the right time is to be at the right place ALL the time. Stay focused every day on the habits of success.



Are We Robbing

Our Children of Their Creativity? By Dr. Shari Lerner


n the age of the brain, scientists are becoming increasingly concerned we may be raising kids who can’t use theirs. Of the many potential casualties related to today’s high-tech, fast-food, fast-paced world, the inability of tomorrow’s children to think may be at the top of the list. Research has revealed that thought and behavior in children and the relative size and weight of their brains is simply not something they’re born with: These things are created or developed after birth. There’s an intriguing term called neuroplasticity, which means that our brain’s neurological tissues are like formable plastic being molded, grown and developed from birth through old age. This allows for two different scenarios: You can develop a small, light, inefficient brain or a huge, heavy, super-smart one. The power of neuroplasticity even goes for the elderly concerned with, or suffering from, Alzheimer’s disease. There’s always something that can be done to change or improve brain function -- for better or worse. In the war between “Nature and Nurture,” the latter has been winning more and more battles. We now know its Nature and Nurture. We’re presently aware that genetics don’t necessarily determine outcomes. Instead, the physical, mental and emotional environments we’re exposed to, how we treat our body and what we feed it have as much or more to say about how smart, happy and healthy we are as our DNA does. Alter what a child does with his or her brain, and you change their brain physically as well as their future. Our current culture has been

LIFESTYLES In the war between “Nature and Nurture,” the la�er has been winning.

leading more and more in the direction of technologies aimed squarely at children. Companies have developed “baby videos” and “CD-ROMs claiming to create “Baby Einsteins” out of our children. However, the results of these “improvements” are not very promising and most likely, very damaging. Building a larger, more functional brain in kids isn’t limited to a larger IQ either. It’s also about developing fully functioning, emotionally intelligent kids who have these great qualities: • Self-control • Motivation • Everyday problem-solving skills • Self-awareness • Reflection • Spiritual qualities • Understanding how information is synthesized • Independent thinking Businesses look for self-starters, not just those who need a checklist. Besides, high IQs don’t translate well into the real world. Skills such as planning, organization, follow-through, the ability to communicate – are just as important.

Ingredients for Building a Big Brain • A diet low in refined carbohydrates with adequate nutrients


• Stimulation from active play, toys, books and games • Limiting toxic foods and drinks You’ve probably realized it’s up to parents and adults to help children learn how to talk, listen, pay attention and show them how to work through problems. Older folks can show kids, how to do these things pretty through a variety of simple adventures: Music, nature walks, caring for pets and reading stories. Brain development is also closely tied to motor systems and spinal health. Sometimes, recess, playing kickball, climbing on the jungle gym or a swim at the pool does more for a child’s intellectual development than another page of math or history. It should be noted that a well functioning spine, music, dance and creative play should not to be cut in lieu of yet another physics calculation.

Keys to a Light Brain • Academic insensitivity • Spinal or cranial injuries • Medications • Toxins • Poor role models from TV, movies and video games (devices that act as non-human surrogates and take time away from the most important needs children have for learning, social interaction, real life experience and creativity) Kids forced to be attentive and grind out another physics lesson – with little time for activities –may kick back with inattentiveness. This is normal and not a disorder of any kind. As doctors, we’re very concerned about babies and toddlers being addicted to the video world as well as the effect of stress and violent games on brain chemicals. And, even though society stresses the importance of mental function, it continues to feed its children toxic substances. Nearly half of all children are so out of shape, they already have at least one risk factor for heart disease.

• Extreme caution in the use of medication

Eventually, a society gets the children it deserves. Let’s work together to deserve the best.

• Adult companionship

Dr Shari Lerner is co-owner of Celebra�on Family Chiroprac�c.





1:00 PM



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Lessons from a

Tube of Toothpaste By Kim Malchuk

This is not going to be an ar�cle on oral hygiene; however, my message and toothpaste share something in common. We brush our teeth at least twice a day so that our teeth remain healthy. Well, here is something to think about the next �me you squeeze out the contents from your own tube of toothpaste. I had a conversa�on with a friend who made a comment about how similar our mothers were. She made an off-the-cuff remark about how she will never understand why her mother, like mine, was so verbally abusive to her when growing up. I gave my friend a ‘Kimini�on’ on how I acknowledged and processed the verbal abuse I received from my mother. I said, ‘Words flow out of mouths like the gel from a tube of toothpaste. Once it’s out, there is no taking or pu�ng it back. I would wonder as a young teenager, where was the ra�onale of her words coming from? Why did my mother have so li�le regard for me?’ It was not un�l I reached adulthood that I was able to

forgive my mother for her hur�ul words. You see, I always knew that I was be�er than what she said I was. I knew that I would make something of myself one day whether she believed in me or not. When I came to that realiza�on I was able to stop caring about what she thought of me. When her con�nuous verbal abuse would be shot in my direc�on, I simply chose not to listen or fight back when she would try to damage the spirit within me. It is important to know who you are and not allow another person to define that for you. We all have to live with the consequences of our words and ac�ons. I did not have to yell back or beat up on my mother’s soul a�er her unkind words spewed from her mouth. She paid the price for her word choice every �me she had to look at herself in the mirror. Be careful how much toothpaste you squeeze out because once it’s out you can make one hell of a mess trying to put it back in. Kim Malchuk is a Canadian best-selling author, speaker and coach who focuses on the importance of living in in the moment and overcoming life’s challenges.




How to

Curb a

Sweet Tooth

Stressed? Anxious? In Conflict? I Can Help. Life can be challenging. You lie awake at night wondering how to handle all the pressure. Your emotions swing wildly – usually more down than up. Tears surge at odd times. You feel suffocated by the heaviness in your chest. Perhaps there’s conflict in a relationship with your spouse, your boss, or someone you’re close to. The strife and negative feelings are draining you. You know you need help. You can’t fix things on your own. Getting help shows your courage to confront your challenges and grow into a stronger person – physically, emotionally, and spiritually. I provide a safe and confidential environment for clients to express their feelings and emotions so they can regain control of their lives. Your anxiety will evaporate. Peace will return to your relationship. You’ll once again live life the way you wish it to be.

Heart to Heart Counselling #6-1638 Pandosy Street Kelowna, BC V1Y 1P8

Lisa Horvath,

Registered Professional Counsellor and Psychotherapist.

2424 Apollo Road West Kelowna, BC V4T 1P6

Tel: 250.864.1135

CONTENTS 33 34 35 36 36 37 40 43 45 COM ..COM

Commandments For a Good Life Teaching Children How to Care for Their Pets 5 Non Medicinal Uses Tea Tree Oil Without An�bio�cs or Cranberry Juice Destroy Urinary Tract Infec�ons Supermodel Gisele Bundchen Infuriates Cancer Experts Condiments and Idle Snacks To Avoid How to Tame a Sweet Tooth Our Alarming Sugar Habit 10 Mind-Myths

the power of words

A short ďŹ lm that illustrates the power of words to radically change your message and your effect upon the world.

An�-Aging Secrets The an�-aging secrets of youthful skin. Discover what the big skincare and cosme�cs companies don’t want you to know.

A Flower Unfolds Inspira�onal teachings in verse from Kwan Yin, known in the Buddhist faith as a Bodhisa�va; a being of enlightenment, and channeled by Marjorie Musacchio.

Time Management for Crea�ve People If you’re worried about the effect of interrup�ons, frustra�ons and distrac�ons on your crea�ve work, then this ebook is for you! The chapters in this book will offer some principles and prac�ces for maintaining crea�ve focus under pressure.


For a Good Life 1. I am not perfect and I will not try to be. The real world doesn’t reward perfectionists. It rewards people who get things done. And the only way to get things done is to be imperfect 99% of the time.

2. I will not try to please everyone. No matter what you do or how you do it, there will always be people that disagree with what you’re doing. That’s life. So don’t try please everyone. Simply do what I know is right.

6. I will help others when I am able. In life, you get what you put in. When you make a positive impact in someone else’s life, you also make a positive impact in your own life. The more you help others, the more they will want to help you.

7. I will focus on the positive. Positive thinking is at the forefront of every great success story. The mind must believe it can do something before it is capable of actually doing it.

8. I can only be me. 3. I will participate in my community. This could be anything. Some people take an active role in their city council, some find refuge in religious faith, some join social clubs supporting causes they believe in and others find passion in their careers. This engagement brings happiness and meaning into their lives.

4. I will prioritize my obligations and do important things first. Set priorities for yourself and act accordingly. It’s the only way to get things done. It’s the only way to turn a dream into a reality.

5. I will choose my friends wisely. Your friends are family you choose. So make sure you choose friends who are worthy of your time and attention.

There is no such thing as living in someone else’s shoes. The only shoes you can occupy are your own. If you aren’t being yourself, you aren’t truly living. Ask yourself: If I don’t like who I really are, why should anyone else?

9. I will be here now. Life is happening right now. Instead of dwelling on the past or worrying about the future, practice being and living in the present moment. Remember, right now is the only moment guaranteed to you.

10. Life never gets any better, only my perception of it does. The world around you changes when you change. If you awake with the thought that something wonderful will happen in your life today, you’ll often find that you’re right. The opposite is also true. The choice is yours to make.



Health Matters Your child is begging for a puppy. He promises to feed the dog and clean up the poop. But a�er a week, guess who is cleaning up the backyard and filling up the dog dish? But before you give in and take over, think of the opportunity you have to teach your child about responsibility, love, and respect. Although it takes some �me and work to teach children how to care for pets, it’s well worth the effort. Of course, responsibili�es you assign will depend on the child’s age. Children as young as two or three can be taught simple chores like changing a water bowl or filling a food dish at night. With young children, supervision is definitely needed. For a young child, consider a pet like a fish, bird, rep�le, or hamster as their first pet, which requires less maintenance. These pets don’t need to be house trained and they don’t chew furniture, but will teach your child lessons in feeding and cleaning. When you do get a pet for your child, here’s a few �ps to keep in mind: 1. Talk to your child about their responsibili�es. Decide exactly what your child’s chores will be. Be willing to nego�ate. For example, maybe you’ll agree to clean up a�er the pet if your child agrees to brush the pet.

Teaching Children

How to Care for Their Pets 2. Keep in mind, walking the dog may be a great opportunity for you to spend some quality �me together. 3. Make a chart that explains your child’s chores. Use the reward system, pu�ng a s�ck or star on a completed chore and give them a prize for every five stars they earn, like a movie or pizza night. 4. Taking care of an animal shouldn’t be all work and no play. Along with the responsibili�es of poop scooping and feeding, they should also take part in fun ac�vi�es like pe�ng and playing with the pet. 5. Young teens can learn how to teach a dog some simple tricks. This involves pa�ence and persistence, great quali�es to ins�ll in your children. 6. Larger animals, like goats, lambs, or a horse, require even more detailed care. Before agreeing to this acquisi�on, get your children a few books on caring for this type of animal. Or enroll them in a pet care class, like those provided by the 4-H organiza�on. Ensure they understand all the du�es that accompany a pet of greater size. 7. Know beforehand, your child will need to be reminded of their responsibili�es. Children need repe��on. Try to resist the tempta�on to do the chore yourself unless your child is very young. Children learn so much from pets, it is well worth the effort to teach them to care for them. With supervision, �me, and pa�ence your child can learn to be a responsible pet caretaker. Source: Pet



Non Medicinal Uses

Tea Tree Oil

Tea Tree oil, taken from the Melaleuca alternifolia tree in Australia, is a wonderful, non-chemical essential oil. The Aboriginal people in Australia have been using the oil, found in the leaves of the tree, for thousands of years for killing bacteria, to help with achy muscles, and other health-related uses. Tea Tree oil has antiseptic, antibiotic, antiviral, and antifungal properties. Tea Tree oil should not be ingested. Recently Tea Tree oil has been touted for more than just medicinal uses. Tea Tree oil, if used properly, will help make your home the cleanest it possibly can be.



Since Tea Tree oil does have antiseptic properties, it is a great addition to your warm mist vaporizer to help disinfect the air after someone has been ill in your family. Adding six to eight drops to the laundry when washing the linens following an illness is another good idea.


You can make a homemade all-purpose cleaner that will rival any store-bought, chemical cleaner. Combine three or four drops of Tea Tree oil with two tablespoons of vinegar and one tablespoon of borax. Add this mixture to a 12 ounce spray bottle and fill it up with warm water. Shake to combine and use as you would a store-bought cleaner.

3 4 5

Adding a drop or two of Tea Tree oil to your soap dispenser in your dishwasher prior to adding soap will help to disinfect your dishes, as well as getting them clean.

To kill germs in your laundry, add a few drops of Tea Tree oil to each load of laundry. Not only will it disinfect your clothing, it will leave them clean and fresh smelling, as well. Do you have household pests such as ants? When you find a line of ants, follow the line back to the point of entry. Place a few drops of Tea Tree oil where the ants are entering the house. This will deter the ants from returning through that same point of entry. Wiping down cupboards with a solution of Tea Tree oil and water will also deter roaches.



Destroy Urinary Tract Infections Without Antibiotics or Cranberry Juice Urinary tract infections affect up to half of all women and are responsible for untold numbers of doctor visits each year.

A new study supports the theory that at least 36 milligrams of proanthocyanidins (PAC) are needed to reduce the adhesion of E. coli bacteria to urinary tract walls. A lower dose proved to be less effective.

Women are more prone to urinary tract infections than men, because of their shorter urethras. Adult men have a bacterial growth inhibitor injected directly by their prostate glands.

However, according to NutraIngredients: “On the other hand, a higher dose of 72 mg was even more efficient at protecting against bacterial adhesion in the urinary tract, according to findings in the open-access journal BMC Infectious Diseases.”

You’ve probably heard that drinking cranberry juice can be helpful in supporting a healthy urinary tract. Studies do show that cranberry juice can help by promoting a healthy flora. What many studies fail to mention is that most cranberry juice is loaded with fructose, that can potentially lead to health problems. So, in effect, you are trading good urinary health for blood sugar instability, stress on your liver, and increased uric acid levels that can raise negative health sequelae. But there is a great discovery that has come from the cranberry juice-urinary tract connection. The active ingredient in cranberry juice responsible for its benefit to your urinary system has been identified and that is D-mannose. D-mannose can be derived from berries, peaches, apples, and some other plants. Pure D-mannose is amazingly 10-50 times stronger than cranberry, non-toxic and completely safe, with NO adverse effects. Why drink sugary cranberry juice if you can get the active ingredient instead, with none of the damaging metabolic consequences? D-mannose can help cure more than 90 percent of all UTIs within 1 to 2 days!

Source: NutraIngredients

Supermodel Gisele Bundchen

Infuriates Cancer Experts

Researchers at the Environmental Working Group, a Washington-based nonprofit, released their annual report claiming nearly half of the 500 most popular sunscreen products may actually increase the speed at which malignant cells develop and spread skin cancer because they contain vitamin A and its derivatives, retinol and retinyl palmitate.


Condiments and Idle Snacks

To Avoid


• One pat of butter on your toast: 36 calories. • One cubic inch of feta cheese on your salad: 45 calories. • One tablespoon ketchup with your fries: 15 calories. • One tablespoon of grated Parmesan on your pasta: 22 calories. • One teaspoon or one cube of sugar in your coffee: 9 calories. • One tablespoon of sour cream on your baked potato: 26 calories. • One tablespoon mayonnaise on your sandwich: 100 calories. • Handful of M&Ms (10 pieces) off your co-worker's desk: 34 calories. • One teaspoon each of oil and vinegar on your sandwich: 39 calories.

According to these are examples of sources of hidden calories you probably never even considered:

Furthermore, the FDA has known about the dangers of vitamin A in sunscreens since ordering a study 10 years ago, but has done nothing to alert the public of the dangers. “Retinyl palmitate was selected by (FDA’s) Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition for photo-toxicity and photocarcinogenicity testing based on the increasingly widespread use of this compound in cosmetic retail products for use on sunexposed skin,” said an October 2000 report by the National Toxicology Program. According to AOL news, other problems with sunscreens include: • The use of the hormone-disrupting chemical oxybenzone, which penetrates the skin and enters the bloodstream. • Overstated claims about performance.

Cutting all of these things out would save you about 330 calories a day. That translates to a loss of about 1 pound every 10 days, or about 36 pounds a year. How much weight do you need to lose? How long would it take you to reach your goal by cutting out these unnecessary condiments?

• The lack of needed regulations and oversight by the FDA. Also, be careful where you discuss the danger involved with sunscreens. Brazilian supermodel Gisele Bundchen has reportedly “infuriated cancer experts” by describing sunscreen as “poison”. Bundchen refuses to use it on herself or her family because of the chemicals they contain. According to the Daily Mail: “[Bundchen] made the comments at the launch of her own organic skin care range, which presumably doesn’t include sun care lotions.” Bundchen, is currently the highest paid supermodel in the world. She also has said that it should be against the law for healthy mothers to give their baby infant formula full of sugar, and often soy.

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How to Tame a

Sweet Tooth By Meg Foulds

Our ‘cravings’ for food can also be due to habit, fond memories or even our emotional state.



ike many people, I have a real sweet tooth. Chocolate calls me. But I never realized the extent of my problem until I changed jobs. At the old job there was a nearby café that served lovely small pieces of slice with their coffee. I had become so used to having a little sweet treat at the end of lunch that in my new job I found myself racing off to the nearest petrol station looking for anything that could satisfy my craving. I found I couldn’t eat half of a chocolate bar. The second half would sit on my desk, tormenting me. My sweet obsession slowly crept into other meals of the day. So with a wildly out-of-control sweet tooth and several kilograms later, it was time to take action. Cravings for sweet food can be linked to a drop in blood sugar levels, especially if there are long gaps between meals. It is times like these when we are more likely to reach for a treat. But our ‘cravings’ for food can also be due to habit (like mine were), fond memories or even our emotional state. Regardless of the reason for our cravings for sweet – and often high-fat – foods, they can easily contain unnecessary kilojoules. If you’re struggling with a sweet tooth, here are some tips to help tame it.

Plan ahead Aim to eat three meals spread evenly throughout the day and have healthy snacks like fruit, nuts or yoghurt on hand if you are likely to get caught out. You may also know of key times when you are vulnerable to a snack attack. Late afternoon or early evening before dinner can be problem times for many people. Plan ahead and have an afternoon snack to get you through to dinner.

Watch your serving sizes Often we just need a little taste of a sweet food to satisfy a craving. Are you able to get a small serve? Try the toddler or single scooped ice cream rather than a double scoop. Or the bite-sized chocolate bars (just don’t eat the whole multi-pack!).

Embrace the seasons In spring and summer there are a lot of delicious berries and stone fruits available, and in winter it’s time for citrus and other treats like tomatillos and crisp apples. Have a variety of different fruit on hand to enjoy at the end of a meal or for a snack throughout the day. A fruit bowl on the desk at work is a great idea for encouraging fruit eating and avoiding the snack box.


DNA Partially Responsible for Your Sweet Tooth! Scien�sts believe that because naturally sweet foods are a safe source of energy and nutrients, over �me we have evolved to have a preference for sweet foods. Of course, this evolu�onary process occurred in a �me when food was in short supply; today a preference for sweet foods is not such an advantage for survival! But people do differ in their liking for sweet foods, and researchers in Finland wanted to find out more about those differences and what influenced our preferences. The researchers studied 146 adults. Par�cipants were given a range of sweet and salty solu�ons to taste and rate for both intensity of taste and pleasantness. They were also asked to rate the pleasantness and frequency of use of a range of 30 different foods. Consistent with other research, men in this sample rated the most intensely sweet solu�on as more pleasant than the women. When the results were analyzed alongside DNA analyses, it was found that 40-50% of the liking for sweet foods could be explained by inherited mechanisms. Source: American Journal of Clinical Nutri�on



Substitute If you have a particular craving for chocolate, try substituting for another food with a chocolate flavor. Chocolate dairy desserts are low-fat and are a good source of calcium for your bones. Cocoa powder is low-fat and makes a decadent hot drink in the evening.

Is it really the sweet tooth calling? Often we confuse the messages our body is sending us. Are you really hungry, or are you thirsty? Try having a glass of water before your snack. A small bowl of cereal with fruit and yoghurt may also help if you are still feeling a little hungry after dinner. Sometimes we snack on sweets out of boredom. Try calling a friend or going for a walk around the block.

Brush your teeth Try brushing your teeth after your meal. The toothpaste will leave a fresh mint flavor in your mouth and will also spoil the flavor of chocolate.

Out of sight, out of mind Tempting food is easier to avoid if it isn’t sitting in your cupboard at home. Visit the supermarket when you are not feeling hungry. Have a list written and stick to it. Sweet treats can sneak into the trolley when blood sugars are low or when there isn’t a set plan to follow. Once the sweet food reaches the pantry at home, it is much harder to avoid.

Share with a friend If you are meeting up with a friend for a catch-up over coffee and cake, try sharing a piece. Half the energy and fat and twice the fun.

Enjoy Often we eat sweet food on the go; something we picked up at the supermarket on the way home from work or a sweet drink gulped as we walk. If you are going to have a sweet treat, take the time to sit down, relax and slowly eat it so you get the most pleasure out if it. Source: Healthy Food Guide

Is Sugar Craving an Addiction Researchers in Auckland, NZ suggest high Glycemic Index (GI) foods like sweets, white bread and cakes may be addic�ve. They present evidence that food consump�on has similar features to other addic�ve behaviors and suggest the GI of foods may be a good predictor of their addic�ve poten�al. The GI measures how quickly blood glucose levels rise a�er consuming a food. The researchers say if their theory is right, subs�tuting low-GI foods may help people overcome their addic�on by reducing cravings in a similar way that low-dose nico�ne helps smokers quit their addic�on.



Our Alarming

Sugar Habit The average person consumes 150 pounds of sugar per year–compared to just 7 ½ pounds in the 1700s. That’s 20 �mes as much! Interestingly, 50 percent of the sugar we consume today comes from high-fructose corn syrup in fatfree foods like salad dressings and regular so� drinks. That’s not to say that we get most of the sugar in our diets directly from the sugar bowl. Only about 29 pounds of it comes as tradi�onal sugar, or sucrose. The rest comes from foods. Those foods include things like candy, soda, and junk food. But plenty of sugar is hiding in places where you might not expect it. Some types of crackers, yogurt, ketchup, and peanut bu�er, for instance, are loaded with sugar. Use of this sweetener has increased 3.5% per year in the last decade, according to the World Health Organiza�on. That’s twice the rate at which the use of refined sugar has grown. Where is all that sugar going? The major source of “added sugar” – like the fructose in fruit – is so� drinks. They account for 33% of all added sugars consumed, says Kris�ne Clark, PhD, a spokeswoman for the Sugar Associa�on. Sweetened fruit drinks account for 10% and candy and cake come in at 5% each. Ready-to-eat cereal comprises 4%, as do each of these categories: table sugar and honey; cookies and brownies; and syrups and toppings. The biggest chunk, making up 26% of added sugars, comes from a variety of prepared foods like ketchup, canned vegetables and fruits, and peanut bu�er. Another high-sugar category? Low-fat products, which may not be as good for your diet as you think. Some contain plenty of sugar to make up for the lack of tasty fat. “People are o�en surprised that a low-fat product may not be that different in calories” than regular products, says Connie Crawley, nutri�on and health specialist. “A good example is fatfree or low-fat salad dressing, which can be high in sugar.” “Foods with a lot of sugar taste good, so we eat too much of

The major source of “added sugar” is soft drinks. them,” says Jule Anne Henstenberg, RD, director of Nutri�on Program. “The one area where this stands out is in drinks. In the last 20 years, we’ve seen an explosion of sugared drinks in the marketplace: teas, sports drinks, juice-based drinks.” In fact, between 1987 and 1997, consump�on of “added sugar” grew 20%. That’s one reason the World Health Organiza�on released guidelines in 2003 that sugar should account for no more than 10% of daily calories. In a 2,000-calorie-a-day diet, that’s just 200 calories -- or eight heaping teaspoons of table sugar at 25 calories each. A single can of regular soda, with the equivalent of 10 teaspoons, would put you over.

If you want to avoid hidden sugar: • Read food labels. Ingredients are listed in order of volume,

so anything with sugar, corn syrup, glucose near the top of the list is likely to be high in sugar. • When you do choose a product with added sugar, watch

your por�on size.

• Simply avoid processed foods as much as you can – espe-

cially sodas and other sweetened beverages.








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10 Mind-Myths Do Any of These Catch You Out?

Think our a�tudes predict our behaviours? Think we only use 10% of our brains? Think blind people’s other senses are more acute? Think again.

1 2 3 4

Seriously, Would You Admit to Only Using 10% of Your Brain? It’s a nice thought that we might have spare capacity, but there’s no evidence for it. Blind People’s Other Senses Not More Acute Blind people might learn to use their other senses be�er, but they are no more acute. Why Psychology is Not Just Common Sense If you want to see a psychologist’s head explode, tell them psychology is just common sense.

The A�tude-Behaviour Gap: Why We Say One Thing But Do The Opposite Even when people are doing their best to tell the truth, there’s s�ll only a small rela�onship between people’s a�tudes and their behaviours.

5 6

Newborns Don’t Bond Immediately with their Mothers Infants don’t care who looks a�er them for the first three months, so long as someone does. 50% of College Students Think We See Like Superman, Despite Percep�on Course Our eyes are only receptors, we don’t see by sending out rays. But even a�er being told the truth, people s�ll revert almost immediately to the myth that we see like Superman.

7 8 9 10

Two Brains for the Price of One? The famous le�-brain/right-brain split in func�oning isn’t nearly as drama�c as you’ve been led to believe.

Graphology: Connec�ons Between Handwri�ng and Personality are Illusory It really seems like handwri�ng should tell us something about personality - but it doesn’t. The Mind Cannot Beat Cancer If only it could. Psychological interven�ons can, however, help people deal with the disease. Is a Bigger Brain Really Be�er? It’s the old, old story: it’s not how big it is, it’s what you do with it. Source:







at Home




Best Snacks to Serve When the Grandkids Visit


People who live to be 100...


Keeping Track of Healthcare


Digital Screens Causing Havoc on Eye Health


Western Cultures Struggle with the Acceptance of Death


How Safe is Your Home?


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Best Snacks to Serve When the Grandkids Visit

1 2

Cereal is always a good choice, but buy unprocessed cereals that are high in fiber and nutrients, and low in fat and added sugar. Think Raisin Bran, granola, Wheat Cheerios, and top with 2% or skim milk. Yogurt is healthy if you buy the low fat flavored type. Your grandkids will never know the difference. Mix in raisins and almonds to add some crunch and sweetness to make this treat yummy and filling for their tummy!


Cut up fruits and veggies are great healthy snacks for either at home or when you take the grandkids to the zoo or other outing. Have carrot and celery sticks, strawberries, grapes or apple slices ready in container in the fridge for the kids to grab when the hunger pains strike.

4 5 6 7

Peanut Butter is great to keep on hand for protein and energy. Mix with celery and raisins to make the classic “bugs on a log.�

Whole wheat tortillas are great for a heavier snack instead of a sandwich. Let the kids roll their favorite filling of lunchmeat, tuna, fish sticks, or scrambled eggs and cheese to make a healthy snack wrap. Oatmeal cookies are a favorite of kids. Let them help you make a batch and top them with raisins. Then eat some together while they are still warm!

Making mini pizzas are a great way to get your grandkids into cooking, and what kid doesn’t like pizza? Use mini wheat bagels or English wheat muffins as the crust and let them top with pizza sauce, and their favorite veggies. This will get your grandkids excited about cooking!

8 9 10

Have some bendy straws on hand. They will make any drink fun! Have drinks, juices, milk, and water on hand to keep the little ones hydrated.

Microwave popcorn is a great snack high in fiber and healthy if not drenched in butter. Make a big bowl of popcorn, pull out a good DVD and enjoy the night. Whole wheat crackers provide a crunchy base for cheese or peanut butter.

Keeping some or all of these healthy snacks on hand when the grandkids come to visit will ensure they will stay happy and fed between the main meals. Snack time will be fun and stress-free when you plan ahead. Frieda Thomas

The 7 Sectrets to Choosing the Best Home Business Discover why 95% of home business owners fail and how to avoid costly mistakes and disappointments. The main reason for failure is that people haven’t done their homework and jump in with both feet without asking the right ques�ons first.

How to Design the Perfect Kitchen This quick and easy guide will help you to ensure that your plan makes maximum use of the space available and best suits your needs. A li�le �me spent at this stage will save you from making mistakes later.

Magic Bullets Kill Scared Cows A must read if you’re looking at selling your own home. This book will take you through the journey star�ng off by removing the number one fear in most people’s minds when it comes to doing it yourself – that being the legal side of the process.


ctive eniors

What Matters Most


Keeping Track of


We’ve all been there – searching for our medica�on informa�on, guessing on the results of a test or trying to remember what the doctor said during an appointment. The solu�on was always quite simple: keeping track of all that informa�on in one place. But who does? The Personal Healthcare Journal has come to the rescue with a handy and easy-to-use book to record all of your medical informa�on and keep track of your medica�ons, doctor’s appointments, medical tests and more. Keeping your medical informa�on in one place provides a quick and accurate reference tool whenever you need it, and in �mes of an emergency, this could save valuable �me and anguish. Once you get into the habit of using it, you’ll wonder how you ever managed without it.

The journal is divided into six handy sections: • Quick Reference Guide • How-to use your book • Personal health informa�on

• Medica�ons, allergies, vitamins and vaccina�ons • 50 different healthcare visits • Resources Take it with you to all your healthcare visits and when you travel. Share it with your family members, doctors, pharmacist, and others directly involved with your care. The Personal Healthcare Journal is ideal for seniors, caregivers, boomers and families interested in recording health informa�on. Available at bookstores or online at: www.mycarenecessi�

People who live to be 100... • Tend to be healthier to begin with, meaning that as they get older, they continue living with more of the same level of general health.

• Are good at handling stress. Centenarians go through difficult times just like everyone else but they seem to adapt and move on more easily.

• Come from a range of backgrounds and education, wealth or what they eat are not important factors.

• Report having a high level of self-confidence, as well being optimistic with an easy-going approach to life.

• Are lean and fit. Few overweight people live to be 100. • Don’t smoke.

• Have longevity in their genes – meaning that family members are more likely to live longer as well.



ctive eniors

What Matters Most

Digital Screens

Causing Havoc on Eye Health

And while technologies have evolved and changed the way people communicate and func�on in their daily lives, female baby boomers are repor�ng higher usage of these eye-straining devices compared to five years ago. “As a result, they are repor�ng more eye and vision ailments associated with high screen �me than male boomers,” says Dr. Lillian Linton, Canadian optometrist and President Elect of the Canadian Associa�on of Optometrists. Canadian optometrists use Computer Vision Syndrome or CVS, to describe various eye and vision symptoms associated with prolonged computer and other digital screen use. Canadian Optometrists see a range of symptoms associated with CVS including eye strain and fa�gue, dry and irritated eyes, blurry vision and photophobia - an oversensi�vity to light. The majority of people may not even realize they have this condi�on.

Computers, cell phones and Blackberries may provide modern conveniences, however prolonged use of digital screens is affec�ng the eye and vision health of Canadians. The average user of these technological conveniences is not just children or young adults. A new survey conducted by Leger Marke�ng indicates that on average, baby boomers are spending 7 1/2 hours daily in front of poten�ally eyestraining devices such as, computers, televisions, cell phones or laptops.

• Canadian optometrists are seeing a higher volume of pa�ents complaining of symptoms linked to computer vision syndrome compared to five years ago. • 40 per cent of baby boomer pa�ents aged 45 to 54 are associa�ng their eye and vision complaints with prolonged screen �me. This is higher than other age groups. Eye and vision health condi�ons do not always come with recognizable symptoms and can go un-detected. The Canadian Associa�on of Optometrists encourages rou�ne, comprehensive eye exams to help detect, minimize and treat symptoms associated with computer vision syndrome.



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ctive eniors

Western Cultures

Struggle with the

Acceptance of Death By Eckhart Tolle

In India you can see the dead bodies being carried through the streets, and being burned in public.


omeone recently asked me how does one be with the process of death in such a way that it can be celebrated? Death is a great opportunity because death is one way in which the formless dimension comes into this life. It’s precisely at the moment of the fading of the form, that the formless comes into this life. But if that is not accepted, and the fading of form is denied, then it’s a missed opportunity. As people around you pass away, you become increasingly aware of your own mortality. The body will dissolve. Many people still, in our civilization, they deny death. They don’t want to think about it, don’t want to give it any attention.


ctive eniors

There is enormous potential there for spiritual flowering. Even in people who, up to the point of the beginning of the fading of the form, were completely identified with the form. It’s your last chance in this incarnation, as your body begins to fade – or you are becoming aware of this limited lifespan. It’s your last chance to go beyond identification with form. This is true whether it’s to do with your body, or somebody else’s body. In the proximity of death, there is always that grace hiding underneath the seemingly negative event. Death in our civilization is seen as entirely negative, as if it shouldn’t be happening. Because it’s denied, people are so shocked when somebody dies – as if it’s not possible. We don’t live with the familiarity of death, as some more ancient cultures still do. The familiarity of death isn’t there. Everything is hidden, the dead body is hidden. In India you can see the dead bodies being carried through the streets, and being burned in public. To the Westerners, it’s terrible.


around and feel extremely peaceful. But even if it’s not nice, spiritually it is just as helpful to walk around the cemetery and contemplate the fact of death. I still do that, quite often, whenever I have a chance. In Europe, in the villages and so on, you have a cemetery next to the church very often. I love walking around there. My favorite thing is reading the names on the gravestones. Sometimes if the gravestones are very old, you’ll see that the name is not there anymore – it got eroded by the weather. It’s the contemplation of death and the acceptance of the impermanent nature of the human form that opens up, if you accept it. Don’t intellectualize it. Don’t come to some kind of conclusion about it. Just stay with the simple “isness” of the fact of the impermanence of the human form, and accept that for what it is without going any further. If you go further, you get into comforting beliefs, that’s very nice too. But what I am driving at is something deeper than comforting beliefs – instead of going to some kind of conclusion, stay with the fact of the impermanence of the human form, and contemplate this fact.

With the contemplation of the impermanence of the human form, something very deep and peaceful opens up inside you. That is why I enjoy going to cemeteries. When you accept the As the consciousness is changing, impermanence, out of that comes an opening within, which I feel that more and more death is beyond form. That which is not touched by death, the will become an important part formless, comes forward as you completely accept the imperof the evolutionary process, manence of all forms. That’s why it is so deeply peaceful to contemplate death. the process of the arising consciousness on our If someone close to you dies, then there is an added dimenplanet. sion. You may find there is deep sadness. The form also was At any age, the form can precious, although what you loved in the form was the formdissolve. Even if you are very less. And yet, you weep because of the fading form. There too, you come to an acceptance – especially if you are already fayoung, you may encounter miliar with death, you already know that everything dies – then death close to you. At any you can accept it more easily when it happens to somebody age, it is extremely helpful close to you. There is still deep sadness, but then you can have to become familiar with, or comfortable with, the imperma- the two dimensions simultaneously – the outer you weeps, the inner and most essential is deeply at peace. It comes forward nence of the physical form. almost as if it were saying “there is no death”. It’s peace.

I recommend to everybody, to occasionally visit the cemetery. If it’s a nice cemetery, that makes it more pleasant. Some cemeteries are like beautiful parks, you can walk

©Eckhart Tolle is the author of the #1 New York Times bestseller The Power of Now and the highly acclaimed follow-up A New Earth, two of the most influential spiritual books of our time.



ctive eniors


How Safe

is Your


by Minerva Navarro, MD


ost of us have heard of a senior who has fallen, been injured and suffered devastating effects: disability, chronic pain, loss of independence and a lesser quality of life. Such falls not only alter the course of aging, they also have serious repercussions on the lives of family and friends, and on Canada’s public health resources. Our home is our castle, and should be even as we age. With a little planning and modifications, your home can easily be adapted for safety, keeping you safe. If necessary, get a friend or call senior care professionals like us to walk inside and outside of your home with you today to complete a home safety check.

1. Get Rid of Throw Rugs and Keep Flooring Safe. • Floors and stairways should be as slip-free as possible. Throw rugs are a big factor in falls. If you use a cane or walker the tips can easily get stuck on the edge of your rug, causing you to trip, lose your balance and fall. • Basic low nap carpet, or hardwood and linoleum floors are best • Place non-skid mats on shower floors, and consider removing thresholds in doorways to minimize the risk of stumbling. • If using a wheelchair, keep in mind that smooth surfaces are easier for maneuverability.


ctive eniors


Our home is our castle, and should be even as we age. 2. Make an Easy Entrance or Exit! • Remove unnecessary clutter in walk areas. • If using a wheelchair, furniture pieces should be placed at least five and a half feet apart from each other. Remove any pieces of furniture that aren’t necessary. • Arrange your furniture in a way that will easily accommodate a safe pathway through your home. • Have the things you use the most or need, easily accessible to your chair, to eliminate reaching or having to get up to find the remote. • Try to find chairs with longer armrests, and higher seats, as these two things make it easier to rise from a sitting position.

3. Simplify Stairs! • To make it easier in your home, install handrails on both sides of the staircase to help with climbing, and assisting with the trek back down. If necessary, install a ramp exiting from your house to eliminate the outside steps. Ramps should be 30-40 inches wide with no more than a 1” rise per foot. • Place non skid tape strips, or non skid reflective strips on stair risers to help prevent any sliding or falling on the stair case. • If your stairs are carpeted, make sure carpeting is not loose, or too high of a nap. If so, consider replacing with a non skid flooring material such as linoleum with non skid strips. • Ensure that lighting is sufficient in staircases, or install lighting along the steps themselves to help your loved one find each step. • Consider the safety of a staircase, and in extreme situations, be open to the idea of moving to a single story home.

4. Install and Double Check Safety Equipment! • Proper safety equipment, such as smoke alarms, should be installed on every level, and must be checked regularly. • A fire extinguisher should be readily accessible in your kitchen, garage, and on each floor of your home. • Purchase a carbon monoxide detector at your local hardware store, and if needed, contact your local fire department for installation tips. • Make sure extensions cords from lamps, fans, stereos etc. are not crossing a walkway, or sticking out from behind the couch. All cords should be tucked away. This is a rule for the kitchen also. Many small appliances have cords that dangle off the counter top. Tuck these away also, to prevent a fall. Use plastic zip ties to keep the cords neat and tidy, and install GFI (ground fault interrupted) electrical outlets in bathrooms and kitchens, or near any water sources. • Don’t forget safety equipment outside too! Install outdoor lighting at entrance ways and up walkways to your house.

6. Slippery When Wet! • Have a grab bar installed in the shower or tub area by a professional • Use a shower chair in the bath to save energy, and most importantly, to prevent slipping. • Consider using a long handled sponge for easier reaching to the feet and lower legs. • A raised toilet seat with handles can make a standard toilet much more accessible and safe. • Since many falls happen in the bathroom, have a phone



ctive eniors

close by, or consider purchasing a cell phone, which can use from room to room. Another option is an emergency response system that is worn around the neck and can be pressed when help is needed.

Statistics on Seniors’ Falls

7. Save a Little Kitchen Magic! • Use a “reacher” or a safe step stool to get to items on top shelves. NEVER climb on a chair to reach that mixing bowl!

• Falls are the second leading cause, a�er motor vehicle collisions, of injury-related hospitaliza�ons for all ages, accoun�ng for 29% of injury admissions.

• Create a workspace where you can be seated while preparing a meal to conserve energy.

• Seniors age 65 and over accounted for 40% of all injury hospitaliza�ons, the largest propor�on of all injury hospitaliza�ons. Falls accounted for 85% of injury hospitaliza�ons in this age group.

• Use slide out shelves or a lazy Susan in your kitchen to get to groceries easier. Don’t store things on higher shelves, keep everything where it’s easiest for you to reach. • Handles and levers are easier for older adults to use than knobs, while handles may need to be lowered for someone who is using a wheelchair. • Replace burned out light bulbs in ceiling fixtures to illuminate work areas. Install under the counter lighting, or lighting inside of cabinets to make it easier to search for that can of vegetables.

8. Goodnight and Safe Dreams! • Install bed rails to make getting in and out of bed easier, or if necessary, purchase a hospital bed. • Make sure the corners of your bedspread or sheets don’t drag on the floor, causing you to get your walker tips or your feet tangled. • Lower the shelves in your closet to make it easier to get to clothing, or store things on eye level or lower. Source:

• The fall-related injury rate is nine �mes greater among seniors than among those less than 65 years of age. • Almost half of seniors who fall experience a minor injury, and 5% to 25% sustain a serious injury such as a fracture or a sprain. • Falls cause more than 90% of all hip fractures in seniors and 20% die within a year of the fracture. • Families are o�en unable to provide care, and 40% of all nursing home admissions occur as a result of falls by older people. • A 20% reduc�on in falls would translate to an es�mated 7,500 fewer hospitaliza�ons and 1,800 fewer permanently disabled seniors. The overall na�onal savings could amount to $138 million annually. • The magnitude of the problem of falls among older adults is reflected in the 300% increase in publica�ons on the issue between 1985 and 2005.

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Taking Charge of Your Brain Health Be Socially Active The human brain, sometimes called the “3 pound universe within,” is one of your most vital organs. It plays a role in every action and every thought and just like the rest of your body, it needs to be looked after. By making healthy lifestyle choices now, you may be able to reduce your risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease and improve your brain’s ability to sustain long-term health. This sheet is part of a series that provides practical action steps, based on current research, which you can take to improve your brain health. Will it prevent Alzheimer’s disease? There are no guarantees, but healthy lifestyle choices will help keep your brain as healthy as possible as you age. And since a healthier brain can withstand illness better, it’s important to take action on the things you can control -- lifestyle choices.

Staying connected socially helps you stay connected mentally. Research shows that people who regularly interact with others maintain their brain function better than those who don’t. Socializing appears to have a protective effect that may help lessen your risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease. Maintain old friendships and make new ones. Stay socially active through work, volunteer activities, travel, hobbies, family and friends. Be open to new experiences. Staying active and involved with life sends healthy messages to your brain and body. Being involved with others also helps to reduce stress, boost mood and keep relationships strong.

Heads Up for Healthier Brains


Don’t Retire –


In 1999 we began research on the concept of re�rement for our book, Don’t Re�re, Rewire! Since then we have helped audiences and readers address the ques�ons: What is re�rement? Where did it come from? Why does it have to be re-defined? And will it eventually just go away and become known as the “future,” or as we call it rewirement?

by Jeri Sedlar & Rick Miners

Why is rewiring important? First and foremost, we are living longer, healthier and overall younger lives with the capacity to have many more experiences. The “longevity bonus” is real. Today there are over 200,000 centenarians worldwide and growing. Three million baby boomers are expected to live to 100 or older. There are no guarantees on who will live to be 100, but our belief is we should all plan for it – financially, physically, emo�onally, spiritually and socially, as best we can. The five step rewiring process we developed allows people to discover what makes them �ck through the iden�fica�on of their personal drivers, or mo�vators for why they work beyond the money. The 85 different drivers we discovered through our research are like our personal DNA. They are the founda�on upon which people should build their next act. Examples of the 85 drivers include: • to belong and to make a difference • to be a problem solver • for the recogni�on • to be a leader If you like the work you do, and the driver fulfillment you get from that work, why would you want to stop doing it? If you want to try something different you can use your drivers to help select it. Most people have five par�cularly strong drivers. Iden�fying which five is the key to future success. Merrill Lynch, MetLife and AARP have all conducted studies that revealed that people want to “work in re�rement.”

Financial reasons are a big factor today, but so is receiving driver fulfillment at work. The reality is that if you want to stay engaged and keep yourself in the game, you need to iden�fy your drivers and keep up on your skills. You will also need to stay relevant in terms of fitness and appearance. It may sound like work, but the payoff is worth it. If you are ready for your next act, go for it -- a�er you have iden�fied your drivers. People who don’t understand their drivers o�en end up selec�ng the wrong type of work or the wrong kind of volunteer ac�vi�es. It won’t take that long to do, and it will help save you from making some big mistakes. It also helps to take stock of what interests you – review prior accomplishments that really made you feel great, create a new rewired vision and an ac�on plan. Finally, don’t view the future as one big chunk of �me, but rather in four year increments. It makes planning easier and life more fun! And tell yourself everyday that it’s your func�onal age not your chronological age that ma�ers. Source: Don’t Re�re, REWIRE!



The Basics of


Is your home a health hazard? In today's air-tight homes indoor air quality is a growing concern. Most household dust contains mites, molds, mildew, pollen, and animal dander. Many of these contaminants are circulated through the centrail air systems in most homes and can aggravate the symptoms of asthma and allergies. The Rotobrush system removes the contaminants that circulate through the air duct system. Then we sanitize your air ducts with an environmentally safe sanitizer commonly used in hospitals and nursing homes, leaving behind a fresh scent.



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CONTENTS 72 73 74 75 76 79 81 85 COM ..COM

Reasons for Star�ng a Vegetable Garden Sprucing Up a Garage Floor The Benefit of an Ionic Air Purifier Know the Cost Before Star�ng Your Renova�on Get More From Your Microwave Sunrooms Bring the Outdoors In Compos�ng Using Compos�ng Bins and Systems New Eco-Bricks: Clay vs. Poo

» Quiet - virtually elimiates outside noise » Healthier indoor air quality » Strong & safe » High fire resistance » Maintenance free

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shipping container homes

A clip from History Channel’s “Modern Marvels” about London’s Container City - a project which utilizes end-of-life shipping containers into accommodations.

Reasons for Starting a

Vegetable Garden 1. Vegetables

Have Flow-

ers Too – Striking and beau�ful flowers can be found in the midst of the vegetable patch such as sunflowers, okra, and gigan�c globe ar�choke le� to form a flower head. 2. Vegetable

Gardening is Healthier –Growing

your own fresh vegetables will provide you with the benefits of exercise and fresh air and also supply you with nutri�ous produce that is loaded with vitamins and nutrients. 3. Edible Gardens are Picture Perfect –A veggie garden can be designed to offer just as much beauty, color, variety and interest to your landscape as any ornamental-only garden. 4. Vegetables are Historical – Heirloom vegetables have been treasured and passed down for centuries, and come to us with fascina�ng histories. 5. Growing Veggies Will Make You Wealthy – Okay, I’ll admit this one’s a stretch, but a vegetable garden will definitely help to slash those costly grocery bills.

6. Vegetable Gardens are Versatile – Whether you call it a kitchen or edible garden, a simple vegetable patch can incorporate all manner of vegeta�on from fruits and vegetables, to herbs, flowers, and even a few edible weeds. 7. Vegetable

Gardeners Have More Friends –

Just let word slip out that you have an abundance of vine-ripened gourmet tomatoes, juicy homegrown melons, or other delicious gourmet treats growing in your backyard and watch your popularity rise. 8. Growing Vegetables Fosters Creativity – You’ll discover new ideas for preparing loads of fresh produce. How do you think that zucchini bread was created? 9. Cultivating Independence – It’s sa�sfying knowing that you can put food on the table and reduce your dependency on produce from the supermarket. 10. Ornamental Veggie Gardeners are Smarter – If you buy into what you’ve read so far, then you won’t dispute the fact that it’s a pre�y clever gardener who cul�vates a garden that is both brilliantly ornamental and provides delicious and nutri�ous produce! Download the The Veggie Garden Primer eBook here

Home & Garden


Around the Home

Sprucing Up a

Garage Floor Successfully pain�ng a concrete garage floor depends on several things, the most important being the pre-pain�ng prepara�on. While older concrete floors can be painted right away, new concrete floors on just built homes, renova�ons or addi�ons need to cure for about 60 to 90 days before paint is applied. In all cases, the concrete needs to be free of surface dirt, grit, grease, oil or other contaminants that may prevent the paint from adhering. First sweep all debris from the floor. Areas that can be subjected to a great deal of water can be pressure washed or steam cleaned to remove stubborn stains or debris. Previous paint that is flaking or peeling can be removed using a chemical remover, a sandblaster or an abrasive substance. Once de-

bris is removed, a thorough cleaning with a solu�on consis�ng of one cup of powdered laundry detergent and one of liquid chlorine bleach in a gallon of hot water needs to be applied. Add the bleach to the water first and then s�r in the detergent. Work the solu�on into the concrete using a s�ff bristle broom or brush. Wear protec�ve goggles and rubber gloves. Allow the solu�on to sit for about 15 minutes, but not long enough to dry. Rinse with fresh water un�l soapsuds are gone. A�er a thorough cleaning, the surface of the concrete should be etched (acid washed) using a commercial concrete cleaning product that contains phosphoric acid, hydrochloric acid or tri-sodium phosphate. This acid wash will remove set in contaminants and prep the concrete to accept paint. Extreme cau�on should be used when applying the acid wash. Goggles, rubber gloves, rubber boots, long sleeves and plenty of ven�la�on and/or fresh air breaks are necessary. Flush the area with plenty of fresh water a�er the acid wash. Once dry, the garage floor is ready for paint.


Home & Garden

Around the Home The Benefit of an

Ionic Air Purifier The air we breathe contains par�cles of various kinds. They are too small to be easily seen by the naked eye. Some larger par�cles can be seen at an angle of diffused light as during dawn and dusk. These par�cles are most o�en of dust and may carry microbes and other allergens. These are especially harmful for people with asthma. Polluted air can be a major concern. Par�cles in the air carry a posi�ve charge. An ionic air purifier fi�ed near the ceiling of a room emits a steady stream of nega�vely charged ions. This a�racts the posi�vely charged par�cles of dust and allergens and they form clumps with the nega�ve ion stream and fall to the ground because of their combined weight. The ambient air becomes free of the germ carrying par�cles and the clumps on the floor can be swept away and cleaned in conven�onal manner. The capacity of an ionic air purifier is measured in the number of air changes per hour that is the �me taken for a unit to provide clean air in a given space. It may be necessary to have more than one ionic air purifier in series in a large room or one frequented by rela�vely high traffic. Ionic air purifiers are economical to operate and effec�ve in improving inhaled air quality. These air purifiers occupy less wall space than an air condi�oner and most model design have easy filter removal and cleaning. Small units can be used in cars and in private rooms as well. Some ionic air purifiers have fans to help circulate the nega�vely charged ions and to a�ract posi�vely charged par�cles as well. These models may be too noisy to use in areas where people need to sleep undisturbed. Ionic air purifier can provide clean air to breathe and can play a significant role in providing clean air to breathe and by controlling the spread and incidence of air-borne pathogens, microbes, dust and allergens.

Home & Garden


Know the Cost Before

Starting Your


The Appraisal Ins�tute of Canada has developed RENOVA, an interac�ve web-based guide to the value of home improvements. RENOVA is designed to give consumers a be�er idea of the return on investment they can expect for a variety of home improvements. RENOVA does this by providing a payback value range derived from the cost of the improvement expressed in dollars. For example, a homeowner might indicate that he or she is considering spending $10,000 on remodeling the kitchen. RENOVA will then provide a payback amount of between x and y dollars for that par�cular renova�on. Homeowners can choose from among the 20 most popular renova�on improvements, iden�fied by a survey of AIC members. Our goal in developing RENOVA was to determine what effect home improvement projects. It also ranks the renova�on trends, in terms of which provided the highest payback poten�al. Consumers should be aware that RENOVA is a guide, which

provides ranges. Home values and returns on renova�on investments are dependent on so many factors such as the loca�on of the property, i.e. province, rural/urban, the neighborhood and notably important is the quality of workmanship and materials. For a comprehensive valua�on of your home and or renova�on project, an accredited home evaluator should be consulted for a cost-benefit valua�on. A valuator can iden�fy the value of your home prior to the renova�ons being undertaken and provide a projected valua�on based on your an�cipated renova�on plans. Homeowners could save themselves a lot of �me, expense and heartache by calling an appraiser first, even before the designer, contractor and architect. Source worksheet: h�p://



Home & Garden

Around the Home Get More From Your


Steamed vegetables Toasted nuts and breadcrumbs Cooked bacon

Roasted garlic

In the era of Slow Food and de-cluttered kitchens, the microwave oven is being phased out in many households. If you haven’t prepared a Hungry-Man dinner in more than 10 years and are considering pawning off a seldom-used microwave on a friend, you might want to think twice. There are numerous ways to get the most out of your microwave — which is significantly more efficient and cost-effective than a traditional full-sized oven.

Poached fish

Baked potatoes

Here are a few of them:

4. Keep bread fresh

1. Kill germs on a kitchen sponge

Here’s an idea for those who enjoy fresh bakery bread and rolls with dinner but don’t have the counter top space for a breadbox: Just stash it in the microwave until you’re ready to eat it.

Instead of tossing a perfectly good sponge that still has some life in it, the green thing to do is simply wet it so it doesn’t become a fire hazard and toss it in the microwave for a minute or two. “Sponge Zapping,” as its known, will sanitize the sponge, killing 99% of bacteria.

2. Cook fresh, healthy food In many households, microwaves are primarily dedicated to reheating leftovers and making nachos. However, there are myriad ways to put a microwave to good use and create delicious, healthy meals. Some of these creations might surprise even the most jaded foodies:

All these can be enjoyed in dramatically less time than it would take to prepare them by firing up the oven or boiling water.

3. Make citrus easy to squeeze Squeezing a lemon or lime for cooking or cocktail purposes can often provide lackluster results, especially if it’s been sitting in a refrigerator. Warm citrus fruits in a microwave for 20 seconds for more juicy results and a nice little blast of natural, citrus-y air in your kitchen.

When the door is closed, a microwave is airtight so your baked goods will stay nice and fresh … just don’t forget them in there. This microwave-as-a-breadbox trick can also be applied to foods that need to kept fresh but don’t need refrigeration and that you don’t want cluttering your counter top.

5. Create a home spa Long considered a must-have tool for those who enjoy luxurious at-home pampering, a microwave can be used to warm facial masks, wraps, creams, lotions, hot-oil conditioning packs, and waxes. And if you’re looking for quick relief from what ails you, there’s no better (or faster) way to heat up a gel pack than popping it in the microwave.

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Home & Garden

SUNROOMS Bring the Outdoors In By Steven Stone Sunrooms have become very popular additions to today’s home. The design brings the homeowner closer to the outdoors, but with all the coziness and comfort of an indoor room. These open sun areas generally have numerous windows, and are closely related to solariums, greenhouses or conservatories, and they were popular as far back as 16-century Europe.



Home & Garden

When considering a sunroom addition design plan, consider the numerous sunroom manufacturers, contractors and dealers that can help with sunroom construction... Before choosing a sunroom design, you will want to consider several factors: • How many months of the year you wish to use it. There are four season sunrooms and three season sunrooms. • Whether you will be growing plants in it, and whether this will be year round • Whether you will have a hot tub or pool in your sunroom • Whether you wish to consider building a sunroom with a kit • Your budget, and the various costs • How it fits best in with the rest of your home • The view looking out and in, and accessibility from your home • Whether you will be having it installed, or doing it yourself • Whether you want a glass roof • Building materials, which will be discussed later.

Choices for Exteriors Design options vary. Exteriors can come prefabricated in metal or wood, or custom-clad in stone, wood or brick to match your house. Specialty items will, of course, drive up the cost, and possibly the time it takes. The least expensive sunrooms can start at around $8000, with no set upper limit, depending on the extras. The lowest priced rooms usually are made of prefabricated aluminum, with red cedar often being the next step up, due to its longevity, light weight, and ease of handling. Other woods can be chosen at a greater cost, to match your house. Thermal breaks, which reduce heat loss, often are not included on the least expensive models, but can be important to stabilizing temperature and controlling condensation. You will need to consider thermal breaks if you plan to install a hot tub, for example.

The Importance of Glass The type of glass in a sunroom can make a big difference in the number of months you are able to use your room. Low cost models, in some climates, will be too hot in the summer and cold in the winter, giving you just six months of good use. The standard is usually insulating glass with double-pane thickness. It is also available in triple pane, for better insulation. The rate of heat flow will be reduced further if argon or krypton gas is placed between the panes. In extremely sunny climates or spaces, consider tinted, Low-E, or reflective glass. The R-value of a pane of glass is its measure of resistance to heat flow, and is the opposite of U-value, which measures the heat that escapes. Solar heat gain is a measure of the sun-shielding properties of the glass, and its ability to absorb and reflect heat. The lower the solar heat gain, the better the product is at protecting from the heat of the sun. You have the options of installing duct work to extend your home’s heating and cooling systems to include your sunroom, giving your sunroom an independent heating and cooling system or simply opening the windows when it is comfortable to do so. Other options for heat control can include installing shades over the windows, or heat-absorbing tiles or masonry on the floors. Small trees can be carefully positioned to block the sun from the outside, though you won’t want to use evergreens, since they would block the sun in winter as well. Sunroom pricing and installation time varies, depending on the materials used, as well as whether you use a sunroom contractor or builder, or do it yourself using a solarium kit, also called prefabricated or DIY sunrooms. Having a little preliminary information going in can help you choose a sunroom that fits your individual needs, budget and environment. Choosing wisely can help you enjoy your sunroom for years to come. Resource: Steven Stone is a staff writer for Read more articles on home improvement topics in the Home Style News email newsle�er. Subscribe free at: www.Para-

Home & Garden


Composting Using

Composting Bins and Systems When it comes to composting bins, there is little difference in actual composting performance. It’s more a question of choice.


omposting involves mixing yard and household organic waste in a pile or bin and providing conditions that encourage decomposition which creates a substance that is excellent for adding to houseplants or enriching garden soil. Composting is the way to recycle your yard and kitchen wastes, and is a critical step in reducing the volume of garbage needlessly sent to landfills for disposal. When we compost, all we’re really doing is speeding up Mother Nature. The decomposition process is fueled by millions of microscopic organisms (bacteria, fungi) that take up residence inside your compost pile, continuously devouring and recycling it to produce a rich organic fertilizer and valuable soil amendment. You can contribute to the ‘composting revolution’ by composting your own yard and kitchen wastes at home. If you have a large yard, you might prefer the ease of composting in a three-bin system out by the back fence. Cities and towns can promote composting through home composting education efforts and the collection of yard wastes for large-scale composting. Whatever your style of composting, there’s plenty of room to get involved!

Composting Bins and Systems There are many different options for containing your compost. Some people choose to go binless by simply building a compost pile in a convenient spot on the ground. Many other people build bins from materials such as recycled pallets, or two-by-fours and plywood. And there are also many commercial bins on the market which can be very helpful and speed up the composting process. When it comes to composting bins, each system has some advantages and disadvantages that you should consider when making your choice. However, there aren’t many significant differences in actual composting performance between the various traditional bin systems. Choosing a type of bin is generally a matter of asking questions such as, “How much kitchen and yard material do I have for composting?” and “What system best fits my preferences for neatness, attractiveness, and convenience?” There are some very attractive and well-engineered commercial composting bins out there, as well as plans for excellent do-it-yourself models.


Home & Garden

Materials to Avoid

Enclosed Composting Bins

Some paper with colored inks, including newsprint, contain heavy metals or other toxic materials and should not be added to the compost pile.

Using enclosed composting bins is composting at its most basic. Enclosed composting bins are best for growers with limited space. They offer a neat appearance and are available at a low cost, which makes this the most popular bin available. The main advantage of this bin is that it is low maintenance and being enclosed keeps it from getting to wet and helps deter animals. The only real downside is that since it is low maintenance, you have slower composting time. There are two options for enclosed composting bins, which are one-bin systems and multiple bin systems.

Diseased Plants

One Bin Systems

Colored Paper

It takes an efficient composting system and ideal conditions that includes extreme heat to destroy many plant diseases. If the disease organisms are not destroyed they can be spread later when the compost is applied. So make sure to avoid questionable plant materials.

Inorganic Materials Inorganic materials including plastics, glass and metal will not break down. Pressure-treated lumber should also be avoided since it is treated with chemicals that could be toxic in your compost.

A one-bin system is the simplest way to make a compost pile, and is a great way to get started. If you plan to make a lot of compost, one bin may not be enough capacity. In a one-bin system, if you build the pile over time, the stuff on the bottom will decompose first since it will have been there the longest. When there is finished compost at the bottom of the bin, and you want to use it, you just simply remove the unfinished compost from on top, take out what you need, and throw the unfinished compost back on top.

Two Bin and Three Bin Systems

Dog or cat droppings contain several disease organisms and can make compost toxic to handle.

These systems consist of two or three adjacent bins. The advantage of having more than one bin is that one bin can have the pile being built and another one can have a pile already built that is in a more advanced stage of decomposition. If you have the space for such a system, and are generating or gathering enough materials to keep the bins in use, this can be very convenient. When this bin becomes full, ‘turn the pile’ by transferring it to the adjacent bin (a garden fork or similar tool will help). This will aerate the pile and hasten decomposition.

Synthe�c Chemicals

Rolling Composting Bins

Certain lawn and garden chemicals including herbicides and pesticides can withstand the composting process and remain intact in the finished compost. Poisons have no place in the natural micro-community of your compost pile.

As the name implies, rolling composting bins can be rolled to your yard waste, loaded up and then rolled away. A quick tumble every day or two helps to mix and aerate the pile, which eliminates the need to aerate with a pitchfork or compost aerator. Rolling composting bins are best for homeowners and others with sufficient space. Their main advantage in the low maintenance needed, plus they make aerating the pile easy. And since they are enclosed they also keep our rain and

Meat, Bones, Fish, Fats, Dairy These products can “overheat” your compost pile and attract animals so they are best avoided.

Pet Droppings

Source: www.nova�

Home & Garden help deter animals. The only real downside is that when the bin is fully loaded they can become heavy and difficult to roll.

Tumbler Composting Bins Composting tumbler bins are probably the easiest of all of the bins to use. Compost tumblers are designed so that they turn their contents easily. They are good for homeowners with limited space that are willing to invest in a compost bin. They keep your compost neat in appearance and make composting quick and easy and are becoming a popular choice. The cost of these systems can be high, and they are somewhat small, but these factors are balanced out by the speed at which tumbler system can generate finished


compost. Under ideal circumstances, compost may be finished in three weeks in a rotating drum composter. They are very easy to use, you just need to give the unit a turn every day or so to aerate the ingredients and remix them. And remember it is important not to pack the container too full, because the ingredients won’t tumble and mix if packed in tightly. The downside is that once tumbler composting bins are full and the composting process begins, you have to wait before adding additional materials. However, while one batch is composting, you can accumulate the materials for the next batch. When the first compost is finished, you can dump in the materials you’ve saved to make more. It’s possible to maintain relatively high temperatures in tumbler systems even if they are small, both because the container acts as insulation and because the constant turning keeps the microbes aerated and active.

What Should You Be Composting? There are a wide variety of organic items that can be composted to become a valuable soil amendment for home and garden use. Organic waste is the best raw material to make compost from. This can come from your garden, your kitchen and even your home at large. The following items are great items to add to your compost pile:

Browns = High Carbon

Greens = High Nitrogen

Ashes, wood




Cardboard, shredded


Corn stalks

Coffee grounds

Fruit waste

Food waste


Garden waste

Newspaper, shredded

Grass clippings

Peanut shells


Peat moss

Hedge clippings

Pine needles

Hops, used



Stems and twigs, shredded



Vegetable scraps

Vegetable stalks


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The New Eco-Bricks:

CLAY vs. POO Well, it’s official: the construc�on industry has gone to poop. Well, cow dung, to be more exact. Students at the Prase�ya Mulya Business School in Indonesia won Berkeley’s Global Social Venture Compe��on at the University of California with their discovery and inven�on of u�lizing cow dung instead of clay to make bricks. The idea came from the business school students as a way to innovate building materials in their country, where clay for brick-making is fairly scarce, yet cow droppings run aplenty. The dung is not only used to make the building materials, it is also used in the firing of the bricks. The poo blocks are called EcoFaeBrick - eco because they are environmentally friendly and fae because they use “faeces.” By making bricks out of cow poop we save the earth from the damage caused by mining clay out of the ground and we save trees by using the dung’s methane gas to fire the bricks instead of firewood. But how do the poop packages stack up to clay cubes? The EcoFaeBrick is actually 20 percent lighter in weight than clay brick, making it easier to transport, easier to handle, and surprisingly stronger than tradi�onal bricks. The eco-friendly bricks are a bit cheaper to produce than clay bricks, but consumers will find that they cost about the same in the building supplies marketplace. The EcoFaeBrick also helps to alleviate other woes in the world. Not only are they a friendlier product to manufacture and use, when compared to clay brick, they are also

a means by which farmers can make a li�le extra income. The bricks, naturally, rely on ca�le farmers to collect and sell their dung to the brick producers. A li�le extra green in their pockets could go a long way to helping farmers keep afloat in this era where many farmers are desperate to make ends meet. Addi�onally, by collec�ng and selling the dung so that it can be made into other products, farmers are also reducing the pollu�on caused by the release of methane into the atmosphere by allowing the dung to lay in the fields and get heated up by the sun. Without ge�ng too graphic here, just think about it, you could, literally live in a sh*thouse - and not because you’re in trouble, just because you care about the environment.


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Small Business Web Site Marke�ng Tips


How toCope with Being Overwhelmed


Is the Customer Always Right?


5 Mistakes to Avoid With Toll-free Numbers


Social Media vs. SEO: Which Is More Important?


The Educated Consumer: Friend or Foe?


Ge�ng Social Shows You Care

the history of youtube

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Small Business

Web Site Marketing


Many small business owners struggle with the seemingly overwhelming task of managing their web site. There’s so much to do, yet no time to do it all. These ten tips are the key to maintaining a successful web site. Nothing will guarantee that a web site will be successful – there are simple too many different factors that impact website’s success – but as a general rule these tips will lead to much better performance.

Content is key Relevant content, and lots of it, is a key for a successful website. The more content you have, the more the search engines can scan. But there is more to it than that: people like great content too! And it’s people that you want to your site.

Structure Organize your web site and everyone will thank you. Search engines by their very nature look for structure (being computers!) and people feel more comfortable within a structured environment.

Accessibility A web site that speaks to all is better then a site that only speaks to some. Make sure your web site is accessible to people with special needs.

Quality Code Well coded web sites perform better. Ensure your web designer is writing standard compliant code that is validated for errors.

Keep it current


Having lots of content is great but if it’s three years old it is not going to look like your site is much of a priority.

Prudent choice of your URLs will impact your web site’s performance.

No Tricks


Don’t try to outsmart the search engines – eventually you’ll loose.

Looks do matter! Ensure the style of your site makes it easy to read and visitors want to stay.


Make sure your images look great.

Links both in and out must be relevant. If you are going to link to someone and/or ask them to link to you – ask yourself: is it relevant?

If you are selling something that has a visual representation, then professional looking photography is key. Source:

Coaching and Mentoring Both coaching and mentoring are designed to help a person develop, but they approach it in different ways, with a different focus, and o�en with different intended results. These differences can impact what is expected of you as a coach.

Perfect Presenta�ons How you can master the art of successful presen�ng. This book highlights major guidelines followed by successful presenters, offering ideas that you can follow to make your presenta�ons more masterful.

Which 90% is Crap Anyone who tells you that their business advice is nearly always right is, well, full of crap! We’ve found five guidelines that will help you do a be�er job of deciding which advice to ignore, syudy more closely or perhaps implement on a trial basis.


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Business Briefs How toCope with


OVERWHELMED by Phillip Humbert

Every business owner has more to do than anyone can accomplish in the time available. We all have marketing and research to do, meetings to attend, people to supervise or a website to build. It’s easy to feel overwhelmed.

Winners employ three simple steps:

What’s a leader to do? Failures succumb. They let themselves get overwhelmed and have the feeling that it’s “too much,” or that they “can’t do it all.”

2. They Sequence. This is another word for prioritizing. A few things must be done now, or soon. Others must be done, but can wait until tomorrow or next week, perhaps even until next year. Do the things of most importance, leave everything else until it’s turn.

Winners, on the other hand, accept reality. Of course you can’t do it all! No one can! That’s the way life is. You can’t fight it. Instead, you have to figure it out, develop a strategy, and over-come the inevitable, over-whelming daily “list.”

3. They Focus. Successful leaders do one thing at a time, and each individual item, at that critical moment, gets their full attention. When you’re in a meeting that you’ve decided is the most important thing at the moment, BE THERE! Pay attention. Be alert. Stay focused.

1. They say No! They understand that some have-to’s are simply unrealistic and they say no, even if it would be “nice” if they could do them. Some of the things on any manager’s list simply won’t get done, at least not today. Delegate or out-source as many things as you can. When necessary, just say No.


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Business Briefs

Is the Customer Always Right? the Answer Is “No”

of those extended warranties, in their view. It’s shortsighted, but technically, they’re right.

Otherwise we’d be able to walk out of any store with a product of our choosing, without paying. When an employee stops you, just say: “I’m not paying. I’m the customer, and I’m always right.” We know that what corporate world means when it says, “The customer is always right,” is a little more nuanced. It means a company will never knowingly disappoint you, and as much as possible, it wants you to have your way. Too bad it doesn’t always end up that way. Here are five times when the customer is always wrong:

1. You made an incorrect assumption about a product I encounter this problem frequently, since I specialize in resolving travel complaints. An airline passenger assumes the first checked bag or a seat reservation is included in the price of a ticket, but it isn’t. Then he complains to the airline. But making assumptions about a product doesn’t make you right. It’s an unwinnable argument with a company.

2. The product is out of warranty If a product breaks outside of the warranty, you’re out of luck. Companies offer extended warranties, and replacing a broken product outside of that would “undermine” the value

3. You didn’t get a promise in writing Promises made by employees on the phone may well represent an oral contract, but a smart customer gets any assurance in writing. Why? Disagreements about what was – or wasn’t – promised easily devolve into an unproductive “he said/she said” argument. All the more reason to limit your correspondence to email, which is hard evidence of a company’s intentions.

4. You’re being a “gimme pig” Customers who ask for more than they’re entitled – demanding a new product when only a part is defective or insisting on an upgrade to a suite when their standard room has a leaky faucet – aren’t just wrong, they also make it exceptionally difficult for other customers with legitimate grievances to get what they deserve when something goes wrong.

5. The law isn’t on your side It’s simple – if the company has provided you with the service you paid for, then it has fulfilled its contract. It isn’t required to give you anything more. This works the other way around, too, as If a company hasn’t provided you with the product for which you paid it, it’s in breach of contract, and it is wrong. All of these “always wrong” situations are easily avoided. And if they are, then the adage, “The customer is always right” may ring true for you. Christopher Elliott is a consumer advocate who blogs about getting better customer service at On Your Side. Connect with him through Twi�er, Facebook or by email.


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5 Here are five mistakes to avoid when getting an 800 number:

1. Number Hybrid This is the biggest mistake business owners make. People remember words, not numbers. 1-800-493-TINT is nowhere near as valuable as 1-800-TINTING. A hybrid quickly becomes 1-800-something-something-something TINT to a potential customer. A hybrid may save you a few dollars, but over time you’ll lose thousands from missed business opportunities. GOOD: 1-800-TINTING BAD: 1-800-493-TINT

2. 800 & 888 vs. 877 and 866 Whenever possible, use an 800 number; it’s what the public is familiar with. When that is impossible, 888 is the second choice. Use 877 as a last resort since the public isn’t yet familiar with this toll-free prefix. Avoid 866 because you could lose up to 1/3 of your calls. GOOD: 800-INSURANCE BAD: 866-INSURANCE

Mistakes to Avoid

With Toll-free Numbers

3. Vanity Name Choice Select a number that either spells out your industry (800FLOWERS, 1-800-EYESIGHT, 1-800-INSURANCE) or describes the advertising message you are trying to convey (Fabulous Honeymoon vacations- 1-800-FABULOUS). Avoid spelling out your company unless everyone knows your company. Stewarts Roofing is much better with 1-800-ROOF CARE then 1-800-STEWART, which could be almost anything.

4. Spelling The number needs to be easy to spell. Never use the “Q” or “Z” as they have only recently been added to newer phone keypads. GOOD:1-800-EYESIGHT BAD:1-800-OPHTHALMOLOGIST

5. Marketing/Branding Don’t be selective using your vanity number; make it the front door to your business for everything you do that the public sees or hears. There is a reason why everything FedEx does has the 1-800-Go FedEx number on it. Same for UPS with 1-800PICK UPS. They know the value of branding the number.


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Social Media vs. SEO:

Which Is More

Important? It’s not about pleasing the search engines…it never has been and it never will be. It’s about pleasing consumers.


ou’re probably aware of how significant social media is becoming and how the popularity of Facebook is giving the monster of Google a run for their money. Considering this, you might be wondering what the significance of the social media explosion will have for the optimization of your website. Should you be committing so much time and energy into optimizing your site for Google, or should you be directing more attention towards gaining credibility with the social media sites? If you’ve been wondering about this, the following information will help you to understand how the social media explosion will affect your business and the popularity and credibility of your website.

Marketing Trends vs. Marketing Principles Since the internet has been exploding in popularity, there have been many trends which have affected the way that internet marketing works. Just about everyone knows that pay per click marketing isn’t the same as it was ten years ago, and that the same is true for article marketing, video marketing, search engine optimization, link building and email marketing. In fact, trends on the internet change and evolve so fast, that you have to run just to keep up with them. But there is an easier way to make sure that your internet marketing is always effective and that your website optimization is always relevant: understanding the principles of good marketing.


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Unlike trends, the principles of marketing are based on human buying psychology and consumer behavior. These principles have not changed for hundreds of year and they likely never will. For example, consumers are always going to do business with companies who they trust, who position themselves as being knowledgeable experts and who provide consistent value. So as long as your website and your internet marketing is based on these principles, you’ll have no need to worry about keeping up with changing trends such as Google’s mysterious algorithms, the potential confusing rules of SEO and things of that nature. So what does this mean when it comes to the growing popularity of social media marketing vs. optimizing your site for the search engines only? It means that as long as you manage your business building and marketing strategies according to the right principles, your website will always be relevant and valuable.

SEO, Social Media and the Principles of Good Marketing In spite of the technical differences between the search engines and social media sites, both of them are built around the same principle: connecting consumers with companies which are providing valuable content and products which ad genuine value. For example, if a customer does a search in Google, MSN or Yahoo, they are looking to connect with a site that has the content that they’re looking for. If they’re interested in purchasing, they’re going to be searching for ways to verify the value and credibility of a company or a product. When people connect with these things, they are happy…when they don’t connect, they’ll go to look for it somewhere else. This is the most important thing to keep in mind as you’re optimizing your site for the search engines. For instance, link building which is based on making connections and providing your potential customers with valuable content will always be more important than a super fast, numbers focused link building approach. When creating content for your website or for offsite article marketing, your primary focus needs to be on creating content which adds value for your visitors and positions your company as the expert in your industry. The other approach would be to create as many articles as possible,

As long as you manage your business building and marketing strategies according to the right principles, your website will always be relevant and valuable. without as much emphasis on quality and to treat the process as strictly a numbers game. When optimizing your site for a set of keywords, it’s more important that your content is relevant and valuable than to saturate it with keywords in order to please the search engine spiders. In other words, it’s not about pleasing the search engines…it never has been and it never will be. It’s about pleasing consumers, and as long as you do this, your site will be valu-

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able in the internet market place. The same principles will apply when someone logs onto a social media site, they’re in search of content and connections which are going to add value to their life. So as long as your website and your marketing are focused on making these kinds of connections, you’ll be valuable with both the search engines and the social media sites.

A Three Step Strategy for Both SEO and Social Media Consistent Content Creation

Build a Feedback System

Content creation is a consistent commitment for any business that hopes to be valuable on the internet. Even if you have thousands of customers who visit your site every week, if they don’t see something new they’ll eventually stop visiting. Make it a goal to have one quality article posted on your website or blog every week. You can create links to this on social media sites in order to generate interest from new visitors as well.

Being able to get feedback from your customer’s and the people who you connect with on social media sites is probably the most valuable feature of social networking. It will help you to understand how valuable your content creation is to the people who really matter: your customers. This is another reason why it’s important to focus on relationships instead of playing the numbers game The more open your communication is with your customers, the more feedback you’ll get from them and the better you’ll understand their needs. You can then use this information to adjust your content creation and build a more relevant and valuable site.

Focus On Relationships Whether you’re adding friends on Facebook, connecting with people on Twitter or interacting with people on a forum, it will always be more important to focus on building quality relationships than racking up hundreds of friends, or following people on Twitter hoping that they’ll follow you back. It’s better to select a dozen key relationships and strengthen those instead of trying to add hundreds of followers hoping they all come to your site. One way that you can do this is provide links to the blogs that you’re writing instead of simply trying to get people to look at sales offers. This will position you as someone who is actually out to make a contribution and will set you apart from the thousands who are just promoting themselves.

Conclusion As social media continues to grow, and as the rules of SEO change, remember that the most important thing to focus on is the principles of marketing: building trust with your visitors. As long as your content marketing, site structure, social media marketing, PPC campaigns and other internet marketing and site building strategies are based on these principles, you’ll have no problem adapting to the social media explosion or any new trends which arise. Source:


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Above the Herd The Educated Consumer:

FRIEND or FOE? by Kimberly Parker


odd heard the kids before he saw the mom. As he walked out of his office, he nearly plowed into a 5year-old chasing her little brother.

“Can I help you, ma’am?” he asked the woman trailing behind the two little ones. “I would like to test drive the 2011 Grand Caravan with the Mainstreet Lifestyle package,” she replied. “Sure,” Todd said, “That package includes everything on the Express package plus 16-inch silver-painted aluminum wheels.” He was ready to launch into the features of the Express package, when she cut him off... “Right,” she said, with her eyes searching for sight of the kids, “I know all about it, I just need to drive it.”

“Oh,” Todd said, “Have you been in here before?” “No, I reviewed it all online. I’m ready to try it.” This woman was an educated consumer. Do you think she intimidated Todd? Or was he glad he didn’t have to waste time going over the minivan’s features and instead could position himself for the close? More than ever, customers use the web to become educated on some level before making a purchase. Some companies consider this a blessing; others as a complication to the sales process. You can’t control prospects spending hours online becoming experts on your product. You can however, make sure you aren’t caught off-guard by a University of Google graduate.


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1. Understand your role People move from complete unawareness about a company through steps that lead them to select your product from all other available options. Along the way, they make decisions which cause them to continue considering your offerings or not. The final step in this process is the purchase decision. A sales rep role changes when your prospect has accumulated product knowledge prior to meeting you; you enter the process mid-cycle. You must discern where he/she is meeting you and get in sync. Assuming that the information is accurate, you can quickly move the conversation from discussing the features to matching the product’s benefits to what the prospect perceives as valuable. For a sales rep, having a part of the work done can be exciting. For example, Todd could what she liked about the information she has researched. Good open questions will reveal if she has a clear understanding of the product and then fill in any gaps. If Todd had continued talking about the features of the Express package, his prospect likely would have become frustrated. He would have been treating her inappropriately to where she actually was in the sales cycle.

2. Go deep Because your consumer potentially knows more, your own depth of knowledge must be greater. You must be able to give context to their knowledge. You can’t fill in the gaps if you know less than the consumer. Read your industry publications and be on top of consumer trends reports. Google your products and see what comes up. This is what your online consumers are doing. If you know what they are reading, you’ll be one step ahead when you encounter an educated consumer. You’ll know of any false information and have evidence to refute it if necessary. You could also add value to your prospect by having an understanding of related products. Todd might suggest his customer add the tow package or bike racks. She may not have considered this related feature, but his understanding and noting that she has kids helps him add value.

3. Be the expert How great would it be if your company consumers were obtaining their online information? People want to do business with an expert, not someone who they perceive as having less knowledge than themselves. Todd should ask his customer which websites she reviewed and he take note of them. There are many ways that you can establish your company as having industry expertise. • Keep your company website up-to-date. Static websites (meaning content never changes) rank less than websites which are continually and relevantly updated. • Start a business blog and post to it once or twice each week. Increase your company visibility through social and business media channels. • Offer a webinar to educate your customers. An interesting webinar that gives valuable, useable information goes a long way to building rapport with your market and developing your reputation. So, do you fear the educated consumer or do you embrace him? Continual development of your skills and strategies will ensure you remain in the driver’s seat with your prospects. Kimberly Parker is an author and partner in Red Giraffe, a Kelowna-based sales and marketing company. Her new ebook is Understanding Business Blogging.

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Getting Social Shows

You Care A recent consumer survey found that a full 85% of us are willing to pay more for a product or service if it means a be�er customer experience. That means that no matter what you’re selling, what customers think of you and your business is as important to them as your actual product and its price tag. Obviously the cornerstone of ge�ng a reputa�on for stellar customer service is to provide great customer service, but how do you inspire confidence before someone has tried you out? Social media is a great way to establish a reputa�on beyond the reach of your storefront or online shopping cart. Building your reputa�on for customer service with social media is as easy as 1-2-3: 1. Build Your Fan Base — Facebook is a great first step to building a networked fan base. Why do you need one? Market research shows that 60% of Facebook users are more likely to recommend a brand they’ve “liked.” And,

with more than 500 million users, “60% of Facebook users” is a lot of people. 2. Give Voice to the Customers — Social media makes it easy for everyone to complain — and for those complaints to go instantly global. However, when you quickly turn a complaint into a sa�sfactory resolu�on, that’s also done on the worldwide stage. Twi�er, in par�cular, has transformed the ability to put your commitment to your customers front and center. 3. Go Local — Geoloca�on apps are becoming increasingly popular as the smart-phone revolu�on con�nues. For businesses with a local presence, the ability to reach out to willing consumers with spur-of-the-moment deals is a cheap, friendly, high-ROI gi� from the business-development gods. For more on how to put these techniques into prac�ce, and which pla�orms will help, see the full blog post. If you’re looking for experts to help you with your social media marke�ng strategy or execu�on, we know where you can find the pros. Source:h�p://

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