15 minute read
Many stories abound of individuals throughout history in search of the illusive fountain of youth. Explorers such as the famous Ponce de León traveled to what is now the State of Florida in search of this magical fountain or spring of water in 1513. He was actually told by Native Americans upon arriving that it could be found in a place known as Bimini, which is now known as the Bahamas. He never found this magical place, or this magical fountain, and unfortunately died due to an arrow from native tribes. Many other stories appeared throughout history telling of seekers of this great and fantastic water that could restore youth to anyone. Even today, we are always bombarded by countless items in commercials such as the newest age defying creams, pills, or miracle diets that will reverse the aging process, and return us to the youthful looks and vitality we once had so many years ago. But these items usually only fail to produce their promised results, or at best, only show limited and temporary results. But there is one scientifically proven way to stay active with unlimited vigor, even into our senior years. And that is to regularly exercise, properly eat balanced and nutritious meals, and reduce stress in our lives as much as possible. So, let’s take a look at these areas one by one and see how we may be able to incorporate them into our own lives. Exercise is one of the most important elements that we can do for ourselves to remain active and functional. One of the best ways to begin an exercise program is to consult with a qualified and highly certified fitness professional. This individual can help you create an exercise program specific to your own individual needs and possible limitations. As we age it is important to incorporate a weight bearing regimen into our weekly routine to maintain muscle mass that tends to deteriorate with advancing age. Exercises such as this will also assist in maintaining important bone density that is needed to avoid our bones from becoming brittle as we age as well. Nutritious and properly balanced meals are one of the most critical factors in maintaining an energetic and healthy lifestyle. Whatever you do, stay away from those fast-food alternatives and junk food aisles at your local grocery store. These items usually only contain minimal amounts of any needed vitamins and minerals, and instead only load your body up with empty calories that we definitely do not need. Begin to take the time to read those labels on foods that you are purchasing in order to limit carbs and caloric intake to only those that are needed to sustain and active and energetic life.
Johnny Ryder is a Doctoral Degree Candidate (PhD) in Holistic Life Counseling, and holds a Master of Education Degree, in addition to several additional degrees and collegiate certificates. He is a CertiAbove, our client Joan, age 81, who remains an active individual due to exercise and proper nutrition, the Real Fountain of Youth!
fied Health and Physical Education Teacher in the State of Arizona. Johnny is also a Certified Master Level Personal Fitness Trainer and Certified Interscholastic Coach, holding numerous individual specialized certifications. He has over thirty-years’ experience in the health and fitness field as an educator, trainer, fitness and martial arts competitor, published author, public speaker, and is the founder and CEO of Ryder Fitness-Personal Training Studios in Show Low.
Enjoying health means more than just prolonging our life span. What matters is the quality of our life, living a life with grace and dignity along with enjoying good health and longevity. It is about living your best life, feeling vibrant, maintaining a healthy appearance and delaying the aging process through preventing debilitating disease.
There are many activities we can do to age gracefully. Although genes may play a role in our aging process, many experts give us the normal tips such as diet and nutrition, consistent exercise, caring for your skin, avoiding stress, having a sense of purpose, etc. There are however spiritual practices that we can do to support our health and longevity. A spiritual practice can be a personal transformation as well as a way of life for our physical and mental well being, with positive outcomes resulting in longevity, greater joy and a more peaceful way of life. Research shows that people who have developed a consistent spiritual practice live an average of 7 years longer than those who do not.
These practices do not have to be complicated. They can be as easy as sitting with your eyes closed for 5 to 10 minutes a day, focusing on your breath as you connect to that sacred place within. Gentle yoga is instrumental in releasing stress and tension in the body. An attitude of gratitude and appreciation is important for mental strength.
There is also the field of quantum energy medicine that has become instrumental and beneficial in supporting and removing imbalances in the body that create functional limitations leading to pain and abnormal physiology.
One such program is the AIM Program of Energetic balancing which supports you in helping you to retard and revitalize the aging process by giving you balancing frequencies. The beauty of Aim is that the participant is self-healing non-stop, 24/7 while they continue their busy life. A participant selects through their innate knowing or higher consciousness whatever balancing energies they personally need via their hologram, their energetic footprint anything unique to them and their consciousness, in this case their photograph. These balancing, anti-aging frequencies help you to self-heal the imbalances that have the potential for manifesting such things commonly associated with aging such as dementia, arthritis, hearing or vision loss etc.
Some of the targeted anti-aging frequencies are T cell frequencies to increase stamina and vitality; frequencies to increase respiratory capacity. AIM also includes thousands of enhancing or empowerment frequencies, such as perpetual gratitude and unconditional love constant, positive vibrational energies to assist in elevating consciousness and to further increase ones healing capacity. The anti-agency balancing frequencies on AIM are helping most participants reach a level of well-being beyond anything that they have ever known before. The entire purpose of the AIM Program is to assist you in releasing any blockages that impede you from creating a life of well-being, to raise your Life Force for maximum ability to self-heal, and to assist you in expanding your consciousness to live in the fullness of who you truly are. Here is for living your best life on AIM.
For more information on the Aim program, go to www. aimprogram.com or call us at (702) 944-1801.
Activate Your Stem Cells
What People Are Saying:
My skin all over my body feels softer As we age, our system cells decline in their ability to heal our bodies. Imagine if we could activate our stem cells and reset them to a younger, healthier state? This would be healing in a completely non-invasive, safe and cost-effective way.
"I started using X39™ patches in October. It has helped my skin issues. Amazing. My skin all over my body feels softer like a baby’s and tighter." ~~ LINDA ROBINETTE
My Skin Looks Much More Youthful and Healthier "I have noticed after I have been using X39 my skin looks more youthful, healthier and shines 24/7 with or without make up. I am so excited, thank you for this discovery!" ~~BETTY ASLANIS
I have extra motivation to get things done "I am experiencing great results with X39™ and IceWave patches. I am sleeping more deeply than ever. I have extra energy & strength & very important motivation to get things done, get clutter sorted, and house cleaned. Feeling of confidence and well-being." ~~ DIANNE STANDLEY We did it!
The LifeWave X39™ is clinically proven to provide the body with a level of health and vitality that you have not experienced since you were in your youth. Backed by multiple clinical studies and 20 years of development, the LifeWave X39™ patch has been demonstrated to provide an abundance of health benefits.
I don't feel like I need to wait as long to recover "Since I first used the X39™ patches I am blown away with the results! I work out with weights at the gym 3 days a week. With X39™ I feel ready to work out harder and my muscles feel like they are recovering in real time! I don't feel like I need to wait a long time to recover between workouts anymore!" ~~ DAVID JUMPER
I don't wake up groggy anymore!
I feel more focused, energetic and youthful "I got introduced to LifeWave in June 2017. LifeWave changed my life towards a healthy life. I was very happy with the LifeWave patches before I got introduced to the X39™. I feel more focused, energetic and youthful using it." ~~ FARRAH BAHAMIN "Ever since I can remember as a child, I've always been a "sleep hog". In other words, if I had the opportunity to sleep 9-10 hours a night, I'd easily do that! I used X39™, I noticed a profound depth of sleep that was "new" to me. I notice that I am consistently waking up before my alarm. That almost NEVER happened in the past. I've been waking up each morning alert and ready to go! No more grogginess. Wow! For me that is a miracle!" ~~ KAREN KAN
Significant change in my overall energy level "In regard to the X39™, I have noticed a significant change in my overall energy level, endurance, sleeping more soundly, mental clarity, skin tone, and overall sense of well-being and really love the product! Thank you so much." ~~ KELLY MADRUGA
It gives me more energy and I feel stronger "I was excited about this new patch. I feel that I have more energy doing my daily workout. It gives me more energy and I feel stronger." ~~ DAGMAR MUELLER
Call for your FREE consultation: (928) 358-9791
The Chemicals in Hair Color
by Minnesota Jodi
If you are going to color your hair and you want to be lighter or cover grey than you have to use chemicals to do it.
The most common chemical found in hair color is ammonia. Ammonia is a ph of 11.5, very alkaline. Alkaline swells open the cuticle layer allowing the color to penetrate.
Peroxide is a ph of 4.5, quite acid. This closes the cuticle, but it also dissolves the natural melanin in the hair. The reason the peroxide is stored separate from the color and mixed right before application is because when acid and alkaOnce the color is mixed, it starts working and degrades as it sits. It usually takes me thirty minutes to apply highlights. I start my highlights in the part of the head I want to see the lightest because by the time I get to the back of the head, the lighter has significantly lost some of it's lifting power. This is also why I apply color to the greyest part of the head first.
Some hair color uses metallic salts instead of ammonia. Metallic salts interact with the sulfur naturally found in hair. This reaction dictates the color the hair turns. Metallic salt dyes are called progressive because they slowly add more color with each application. Metallic salts interact negatively with ammonia based color and permanent waves causing major disasters.
Other chemicals found in hair color are antiseptics, chemicals that change the color of the hair, chemicals to make the color last, preservatives, antifungals, emulsifiers, and lightning agents. Some things to be careful of is lead oxide in Metallic salt dyes and PPD in henna. These can cause allergic reactions and other health problems.
The people who make our color here in the United States also sell to the European market. It has to pass Federal Drug and Cosmetic Act and Fair Packaging and Labeling Act in the United States. It also has to pass the European equivalent. Some chemicals that pass in the United States, don’t pass in the Europe market. This is why sometimes your favorite nice and easy copper blond is suddenly missing from the shelf.
If a person is going to have a chemical service done in a salon for the first time, it’s important to be upfront and open about what chemicals are being used at home. This will save everyone a lot of heartache. Having a basic knowledge of PH, chemistry and the makeup of hair helps the hair stylist avoid catastrophes when working with chemicals. You just worry about what color you want and we’ll worry about how to safely get you there.
Minnesota Jodi hails from Duluth Minnesota. She’s lived in the mountains for over ten years now. She owns North Star Salon LLC.
A Lakeside
Unstuck Living Sleep?
What Sleep?
by Joan Courtney, C.Ht. Unstuck Living “I Crave Sleep…”
The magical power of sleep! That wonderful, rested feeling that comes after a good night’s rest is getting more and more difficult for some of us to luxuriate in since COVID struck. When did 24-7 anxiety become a way of life? The subtle decline in sleep happened so slowly and seamlessly that many of us didn’t even notice the trend. With the Internet, video games, text messaging and endless TV channels so readily available, cutting corners on sleep becomes easier and easier. Or moving into never disconnecting from work, or futilely going over a personal problem over and over again at 2 a.m. How about the night owls who are avid readers? “One more chapter, and I’ll call it quits for the day?” Why is sleep so important?
Millions of sleep deprived Americans are sacrificing their health, quality of life and even putting the length of their life in danger. Did you know that some 40% of us are getting less than 7 hours of sleep on week nights? It’s taking a toll, for blood pressure and heart rate are at their lowest levels during sleep. The connection between lack of sleep and hypertension could explain other findings linking lack of sleep with heart attacks, diabetes, and lower immune systems. No surprise that the trend toward shorter sleep cycles has coincided with an increasing trend toward obesity.
What can you do to get more restful sleep?
Aside from the truisms of avoiding caffeine, alcohol, exercise and bright light before bedtime, shutting off the TV for an hour before going to bed can be a signal to your brain that it’s time to sleep. Did you know waking up two to three times a night is natural to the world’s population? It’s the worrying about this lack of sleep that’s the problem. Other research has found that Mom was right: the traditional glass of warm milk serves to boost calcium levels, releasing irritability and jumpiness. Another handy tip is to have a routine that you follow every night (check to see the door’s locked, turning off lights, reading something comforting) before retiring. Yet another signal to your mind that it’s time for rest and sleep. Mattress firmness, or lack thereof, contributes to good sleep. Andrew Hecht, M.D., an orthopedic surgeon cited a major study, confirming the Goldilocks theory: most of us prefer a mattress that’s not too hard or not too soft. Medium firm will be just right. Try the type of mattress you’re considering while on a vacation in a hotel or at a friend’s house.
Anything help to stop the mind chatter?
Is this you? When you lay down in bed, an automatic signal runs through your brain that it’s time to worry about yesterday or consider the problems of tomorrow. Stress levels increase, anxiety flourishes as a companion, and depression lurks in the shadows. The subconscious mind has picked up clues from previous patterns that this activity means it’s time to wake up. With one or two sessions, you can release these patterns.
Can I gift myself with the magic power of sleep?
As mentioned, sleep can improve your health, increase longevity, promote happiness and build a better brain. You can have choices and options that become automatic responses, improving your mind and your life. Let go of that baggage from the past. For a tryout, download Deep Sleep in 5 Minutes on www.unstuck-living.com for comforting relief. Celebrate the sweet refreshing experience of a good night’s sleep.
Want a good night’s sleep? Let’s retrain your mind! Having over 35 years of experience, Joan Courtney is a Clinical Hypnotherapist and a Neurolinguistic Programming Practitioner. Unstuck Living is located at 163 White Mountain Bl., Pinetop/Lakeside, AZ. To make an appointment, call (928) 367-8208 or email www.unstuck-living.com
Sleep? What Sleep? We Can Help!
Reader End Shots
Willy Wonka would be proud: Above, local resident and avid outdoor photographer George Marcelonis captured this shot of Grand Falls aka Chocolate Falls "flowing like crazy" while on a recent Sunday outing.
Got a great shot you wanna share? Email your cool pic to amierodgers@hotmail.com. Title the email ‘Reader End Shot’ and make it as BIG and as high quality as possible (300 dpi minimum).