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Design Cloud #2

indice generale /general index tavoli /tables

sedute /seats

sistemi /systems

complementi /complements

25 44-47

288 22

Clay 78-81

Holm 14-15

Sail / T V holder 60-61, 98-101

Helsinki 15 /small table 56-57

Clay /outdoor 82-83

Kobe 18-19, 54-55

Fill /bookcase 19-21

Helsinki 15 /console 58-59

Helsinki /bookcase 23

Helsinki 15 /outdoor 102-105

Element 10-11 Every /Grid /extendible tables 66-69

Koki 82-83, 86-87, 96-97 Lisbona 28-29

Fan 16-17

Nara 62-63,90-91, 94-95

Helsinki 14-15, 18-19, 22

Riga 66-69

Helsinki /outdoor 32-33, 72-73

Sand 30-31

Iblea 50-51 Icaro 015 86-87, 90-91 Liko Glass 38-39 Mac 48-49 Skin 94-95 Skin /extendible table 96-97

Sand Air 72-73 Sand tessuto 78-81 Softer than Steel /bench 8-9, 52-53 Softer than Steel /chair 4-5, 32-33

Hexagon /small table 98-101 Icaro 015 /small table 84-85 Icaro 015 /console 92-93 Mixit /small table 34-35 Softer than Steel /coat stand 70-71 Softer than Steel /small table 6-7

Wok 36-37

Stilt /extendible table 26-29 Stilt Glass /extendible table 54-55 Tender /extendible table 62-65

Design Cloud #2

under sky one

> Softer than Steel /chair Nendo 2014


> Softer than Steel /small table Nendo 2014 misure /measures 30x30 cm altezze /heights (cm) 25 /30 /40 /45 /50 /55 misure /measures 49x49 cm altezze /heights (cm) 25 /30 /40 /45 misure /measures 90x74 cm altezze /heights (cm) 25 /30 /40


> Softer than Steel /bench Nendo 2014


> Element / table Tokujin Yoshioka 2013 altezza /height 72 cm misure /measures (cm) Ø 140 Ø 160 Ø 180 99x200 99x240 99x300 148x148


> Helsinki /table Caronni + Bonanomi 1995 > Holm /chair Piergiorgio Cazzaniga 2012


> Fan / table Piero Lissoni 2014 altezza /height 74 cm misure /measures (cm) 80x150 85x180 90x210 90x240 100x210 100x240 120x120 140x140


> Helsinki / home-office desk Caronni + Bonanomi 2012 Helsinki 30 office altezza /height 74 cm misure /measures (cm) 52x52 52x78 52x118 52x140 52x170 78x78 78x118 78x140 78x170 78x180 118x118


Helsinki 35 office altezza /height 74 cm misure /measures (cm) 52x118 52x140 78x118 100x220 78x140 100x240 78x170 100x260 90x180 100x280 90x200 100x299 90x220 118x240 90x240 118x299 90x299 140x140 100x200 149x149

Helsinki 40 office altezza /height 74 cm misure /measures (cm) 140x240 140x299 180x180 200x200

> Fill /bookcase Studio Ausenda Greco 2008 > Kobe /chair Piergiorgio Cazzaniga 2011

> Fill /bookcase Studio Ausenda Greco 2008


> Helsinki /table Caronni + Bonanomi 1995 Helsinki 30 home altezza /height 74 cm misure /measures (cm) 52x52 /78 /118 /140 /170 78x78 /118 /140 /170 /180 118x118 Ă˜ 135

> 288 /chair Pocci + Dondoli 2009 > Helsinki /bookcase Caronni + Bonanomi 2009

Helsinki 35 home altezza /height 74 cm misure /measures (cm) 90x180 /200 /220 /240 /299 100x200 /220 /240 /260 /280 /299 118x240 /299 140x140 /149 Helsinki 40 home altezza /height 74 cm misure /measures (cm) 140x240 /299 180x180 200x200


> Stilt / extendible table Decoma Design 1993 altezza /height 75 cm misure /measures (cm) Stilt 429 90x155 /240 Stilt 430 85x170 /255 85x200 /300 100x200 /300


> Lisbona /chair Pocci + Dondoli 2009 > Stilt / extendible table Decoma Design 1993


> Sand /chair Pocci + Dondoli 2002


> Helsinki /outdoor Caronni + Bonanomi 2012 > Softer than Steel /chair Nendo 2014

Helsinki 30 outdoor altezza /height 74 cm misure /measures (cm) 78x78 78x118 78x140 78x170 78x180 118x118 Helsinki 30 bench outdoor altezza /height 45 cm misure /measures (cm) 100x36 130x36 160x36 Helsinki 35 outdoor altezza /height 74 cm misure /measures (cm) 90x180 100x260 90x200 100x280 90x220 100x299 90x240 118x240 90x299 118x299 100x200 140x140 100x220 149x149 100x240


> Mixit /small table Arik Levy 2005


> Wok /stool Pocci + Dondoli 2005


> Liko Glass / table Arik Levy 2003 altezza /height 73 cm misure /measures (cm) Ă˜ 160 79x79 99x99 119x79 150x79 190x90 220x90


under sky two

XXIII Compasso d'Oro ADI, 2014

> 25 /table Fattorini + Rizzini + Partners 2011 altezza /height 72 cm misure /measures (cm) 130x130 149x149 100x200 80x140 100x220 80x170 100x240 90x180 100x300 90x200 110x240 90x240 110x300



> Mac /table Pierluigi Cerri 2007 altezza /height 73 cm misure /measures (cm) 85x85 100x100 149x149 85x140 /160 100x180 /200 /240 /300


> Iblea / table Gordon Guillaumier 2007 altezza /height 74 cm misure /measures (cm) Ø 120 Ø 140 Ø 160 140x140 180x120 260x119


> Softer than Steel /bench Nendo 2014



> Kobe /chair Piergiorgio Cazzaniga 2011 > Stilt Glass / extendible table Decoma Design 2007 altezza /height 75 cm misure /measures (cm) 90x155 /240 85x170 /255 85x200 /300 100x200 /300


> Helsinki 15 /small table Caronni + Bonanomi 2014 altezza /height 25-30-40-50-55 cm misure /measures (cm) 35x35 35x118 35x140 52x52 52x78 52x118 52x140 78x78 78x118 78x140 118x118


> Helsinki 15 /console Caronni + Bonanomi 2014 altezza /height 80 cm misure /measures (cm) 35x35 35x118 35x140 52x52 52x78 52x118 52x140


> Sail / TV holder Caronni + Bonanomi 2013


> Nara /chair Piergiorgio Cazzaniga 2014 > Tender / extendible table Decoma Design 1988


> Tender / extendible table Decoma Design 1988 altezza /height 73 cm misure /measures (cm) 85x170 /255 85x200 /300 100x200 /300


> Every /extendible table Caronni + Bonanomi 2009 > Riga /chair Pocci + Dondoli 2008


> Every / extendible table Caronni + Bonanomi 2009 altezza /height 75 cm misure /measures (cm) 85x125 /167 85x125 /167 /209 85x145 /187 85x145 /187 /229 85x170 /212 /254 100x170 /212 /254 100x200 /242 /284 > Riga /chair Pocci + Dondoli 2008


> Softer than Steel /coat stand Nendo 2014


> Helsinki / outdoor table Caronni + Bonanomi 2012 > Sand Air /chair Pocci + Dondoli 2003


under sky three

> Clay /table Marc Krusin 2015 > Sand tessuto /chair Pocci + Dondoli 2015


Iconic Design Award, 2016 > Clay /table Marc Krusin 2015

> Sand tessuto /chair Pocci + Dondoli 2015

altezza /height 74 cm misure /measures (cm) ø 120 /140 /160 /180


> Clay /outdoor table Marc Krusin 2015 > Koki /chair Pocci + Dondoli 2015


> Icaro 015 /small table Caronni + Bonanomi 2015 altezza /height 35 cm misure /measures (cm) 85x140 85x180 85x220 100x180 100x220 140x140


> Icaro 015 /table Caronni + Bonanomi 2015 altezza /height 74 cm misure /measures (cm) 85x140 85x180 85x220 100x180 100x220 140x140

> Koki /chair Pocci + Dondoli 2015




> Icaro 015 /table Caronni + Bonanomi 2015 > Nara /chair Piergiorgio Cazzaniga 2014


> Icaro 015 /console Caronni + Bonanomi 2015 altezza /height 84 cm misure /measures (cm) 42x140


> Skin /table Marco Acerbis 2015 > Nara /chair Piergiorgio Cazzaniga 2014


> Skin /table Marco Acerbis 2015 fisso /fix altezza /height 73,5 cm misure /measures (cm) 85x140 85x170 100x200 100x300 140x140 200x200

allungabile /extendible altezza /height 73,5 cm misure /measures (cm) 100x200 (300) 170x85 (250)

> Koki /chair Pocci + Dondoli 2015


> Sail /TV holder Caronni + Bonanomi 2015 > Hexagon /small table Tokujin Yoshioka 2013


> Sail /TV holder Caronni + Bonanomi 2015 > Hexagon /small table Tokujin Yoshioka 2013


> Helsinki 15 outdoor /small table Caronni + Bonanomi 2015 altezza /height 25-30-40-50-55 cm misure /measures (cm) 35x35 35x118 35x140 52x52 52x78 52x118 52x140 78x78 78x118 78x140 118x118


> Helsinki 15 outdoor /small table Caronni + Bonanomi 2015


Riconoscimenti /Awards

Iconic Design Award Clay, 2016

Interior Innovation Award Fan, Winner 2015 Element, Winner 2014 Kobe, Winner 2012 Sand light, Winner 2011 Helsinki XL, Best detail 2006 4to8, Best detail 2005 Liko glass, Best detail 2005 Tender, Class innovation 2004

Elle Deco International Design Awards Element, Best in Furniture, 2013

Iconic Design Award Clay, 2016

Interior Innovation Award 25, Best of the Best 2012 Liko, Best item 2003

ADI Design Index Softer than Steel, 2015 Element, 2014 25, 2012 Posto, 1999

Travel + Leisure Design Award Element, Best Retail Space Issey Miyake Tokyo showroom, 2014

Palmarès / Archi Design Club Element, 2013

XXIII Compasso d'Oro ADI 25, 2014 Menzione d'onore Compasso d'Oro ADI Entronauta, 2011

MIAW - Muuuz International Awards Softer than Steel, 2015

Wallpaper Design Award Element, Best line work, 2014 Fluid, 2009

Collezione permanente MoMA, New York /Permanent Collection MoMA, New York Entronauta, 2010

Reddot design Award Kloe, 2009

Young & Design Compasso, 2005 Zip, 1996 Bibop, 1991 Tender, 1990

progetto /project chiara boselli studio fotografia /photography tommaso sartori concept image and styling elisa ossino studio ritocco /postproduction marco vagnetti fotolito /pre press de pedrini stampa /print grafica gioia Š 12.2015 stampato in italia /printed in italy

si ringrazia /thanks to abc italia artemide atelier areti atipico e15 fabrica flos fontana arte golran karman l’arte nel pozzo living divani marco guazzini marsotto edizioni nahoor norman copenhagen paola paronetto salvatore cuschera saturnia serax something good vertigo bird vitra zaven zero lighting

desalto spa via per montesolaro 22063 cantĂš (como) italia t. + 39 031 7832211 f. + 39 031 7832290 info @

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