3.0 Future Now! THE
EXPRESS Yo’self!
A Word from The Senior Pastor’s Desk................... 2 Strategic plan, Goals & Objective............................. 4
Mizizi Africa: Tour of Duty....................................... 6 Lusaka.......................................................................... 6 Dar-es-Salaam............................................................. 7 Blantyre........................................................................ 7
Saboteurs On The Road To Greatness .................... 10 3D Inferno................................................................... 12 Express Yo’self............................................................. 14 Locked & Loaded....................................................... 17 Opening Real Happiness........................................... 20
Mavuno Marathon..................................................... 4 MDT: Live in 60.......................................................... 22 Mashariki: Story of Harvest...................................... 23 Kampala: New Hunting Grounds............................. 24 Berlin: Roped In......................................................... 26 Season II Calendar..................................................... 34 Fearless Creed............................................................. 35
Freedom Behind Bars................................................ 8 Count Me In................................................................ 27 iStopped: Practical Help For Addictions................. 30 Fearless 2012............................................................... 31 Engaging Society (Groove Awards)......................... 30
THE TEAM Editor: David Kuria
Assistant Editor: Kuyoh Owuor
Mavunites - Photo by Mwangi Kirubi Graphics by Under the Baobab Productions Ltd.
Contributors: Muriithi Wanjau; Charles Maina, Ann-Marie Nakimera, Carol Maajabu, Frank Mutua, Carol Wanjau, Linda Mukomunene, Frank Ondere, Linda Ochola-Adolwa, J.R Opiyo, Elsie Wandera, Benson “BX” Otieno, Milton Jumba, Kevin Nderitu, James & Beth Roper
MAVUNO LIFE is published and distributed by the Mavuno Church. © ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. www.mavunochurch.org
Design & Layout: Under the Baobab Productions Ltd. E: letsmeet@underthebaobab.net Photography Courtesy: Mwangi Kirubi Click Pictureworks Email: snap@click.co.ke KWELI Media Network Twitter: @KWELIMedia Shutter Diplomacy Spread the Love
WORD from
Pst. M
Welcome to the historic first edition of “MAVUNO LIFE”... guard your copy jealously!
Dear Fearless Influencer, Just about half way into the year, 2012 is already shaping up to be one of the most exciting and significant years in our history as Mavuno Church! One of my personal highlights of 2012 so far has been to see the unprecedented number of people who have made the courageous decision to become Christfollowers this year, both in our services and through our outreach events. I find it amazing to think back of our early days when every Sunday morning at the South C Sports Club, we would spend time crying out to God for just one person to make a decision for Christ. 715 people is certainly a record for us, and almost double the number that attended our very first Mavuno service!
The bulk of these decisions have been made during our weekend services. However, we’ve had first time guests walk straight into the Visitor’s Lounge and, without prompting, ask to be led to Christ. Our Discovery Africa interns have also done an amazing job of sharing the gospel in high schools and colleges with outstanding results. Of course this is also the year when we embark on the third phase of Mavuno’s history, which we’ve affectionately dubbed Mavuno 3.0. Our prayer is that this year, we will finally move into our own home. We envision this to be the space where we will plant a global headquarters from which we will launch ourselves headlong into fulfilling the mandate God gave us, which is to “Change our city, take our continent and win the world.” Thanks to
the many who have come to the Vision Nights to dream together about the amazing future God is calling us to. On July 4th-6th, we’ll be hosting the 4th edition of our annual Fearless Summit. We are hoping to considerably exceed the 800 attendees from Fearless 2011. So far, we have delegates confirmed from every continent of the world and at least 7 African countries! Those who have attended in the past know that this is not an event you want to miss. Please plan to take some time off from work to be with us. You can find more details on www. fearlesssummit.org or ask at the info table after our services. I’m tempted to go on and on, and tell you what God has been doing in the Prisons, in our campuses and among our children and teens... I’m really tempted :-) But let me allow the different writers, people who have had a front row seat to God’s amazing work, to tell the story in their own words. Welcome to the historic first edition of “MAVUNO LIFE”, which we are hoping to release each season to connect with you and let you know what has been going on at Mavuno. It will probably become a collector’s item so guard your copy jealously! This is our year to THRIVE! God bless, Muriithi Wanjau, Senior Pastor
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Mavuno’s Five Year Strategic plan aims to break down our mission and long term vision into concrete, strategic and measurable goals that we will attain in the five-year period between 2011 and 2015.
and OUR
Our vision paints a picture of WHAT the future will look like if we are faithful in fulfilling our mission. Our desire is to change the world in our generation: beginning with Africa! Our vision is “To plant a culture
defining church in every capital city of Africa and the gateway cities of the world by 2035’. Or simply put, ‘Change A City, Take a Continent and Win The World’. What is a culture-defining church? In every nation, there are groups of individuals
typically found in key cities, who produce and shape culture for the rest of the society. They determine what’s ‘in’ and what’s ‘out’, how people perceive reality etc. To impact the world, we desire to plant churches that will disciple these culture-shapers by giving them the vision to shape and impact people and institutions in all sectors of society for the kingdom. The resulting churches will thus play a key role in shaping culture for the rest of their nation shape their nation’s culture and also plant other culture defining churches in that nation.
MISSION Mavuno’s Mission statement expresses our overarching purpose or WHY we exist. Our mission involves reaching out to today’s un-churched urban generation and through our discipleship process, the Mavuno Marathon, turning them into change agents who will influence the various sectors of society. It can be stated simply as….
‘Turning Ordinary People into Fearless Influencers of Society’.
STRATEGY Strategy expresses HOW we practically set out to achieve our mission of turning ordinary people into fearless influencers of society. We do it through the Mavuno Marathon. This is represented visually (right):
The Mavuno marathon (pictured above) is our discipleship tool. It presupposes that discipleship is not a one-time event but a life-long process for the believer.
SHORT TERM OBJECTIVES Our 5 year goal is to raise a city impacting church that is ready for Africa. To achieve this, we must focus on two key objectives:
Over the next 25 years, we intend to achieve our vision in the following three steps (as initially stated in 2010)…
5years (2015)
: A City-Impacting church that is ready for Africa
Change Nairobi- we intend to
make Nairobi a test site for our vision. A city whose culture is greatly influenced for the better by a church will build greater credibility for spreading the vision across the rest of Africa and the world. We intend to do this by raising a 20,000 strong army of cultureinfluencers in five campuses across Nairobi, who are trained to bring kingdom impact in every sector of society. The Nairobi church will also act as the headquarters and churchplanting center for churches in the region.
• 20,000 members in 5 Nairobi campuses fearlessly influencing our city in every sector of society. • 10 culture defining capital-city churches (Kampala, Kigali, Lusaka, Harare, Dar es Salaam, Juba, Blantyre, Johannesburg, Accra, Gaborone) and 1 gateway city-church (Berlin)
15years (2025)
: Taking A Continent to Win The World
• A culture defining church in every capital city of Africa and a gateway city church on every continent of the world • An Africa-wide movement of fearless influencers in 54 countries who are impacting every sector of society.
2Prepare For Africa
- even as we seek to change Nairobi, we intend to begin test-launching culture-defining churches in different capital cities that will share the same vision and prepare together to impact Africa in the next stage of our vision. We will seek to do this by planting 10 culture-defining churches in African capital cities.
25years (2035)
: To Win The World in our Generation
• A culture defining church in the key influential global capitals • A global movement of fearless influencers who are changing every sector of society.
2010 3
3rd service
Buy land
3rd dome
Gaborone Accra
f o r u o A C I R F A I Z I Z I M
Change the City; Take the Continent; Win the World
It gives us great joy as we celebrate Mavuno’s Vision in our world. Our Vision is Take a City, Change the continent and Win the World. Amongst us are fearless individuals who have done amazing things on the Africa Tour of Duty. 6
HELLO LUSAKA! By Charles Maina It’s 6:30pm at the La Gondola Restaurant. In a hived off section of the room, a cluster of murmurs and occasional cheers rent the air. It’s week 9 of Mizizi Lusaka Season 1 2012 (actually season 5 cumulative). A Mizizite has just recited the memory verse for the week. Word for word. 1 Peter 4:10 - “Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its forms.” Burning with the passion of sharing the love of Christ, the classes are run by a team of young passionate Zambians, drawn from diverse backgrounds, who earlier went through the program and have come back to use their gifts to serve as Mizizi leaders. During the season, God opened numerous doors for us in Lusaka, Zambia by connecting us with well
meaning people who have supported our mission and touched our personal lives by their words of encouragement, material support and very invaluable advice and information, and more importantly by their presence in our lives. As a result of this, we have been able to have the first Mizizi class of professionals in Zambia, fondly referred to as Corporate Mizizi. It was hosted at Synovate Zambia (formerly Steadman) where 17 of the members of staff signed up for the experience. It is also worth noting that in this season we also have the very first Ombi class in Lusaka. This however was a restricted pilot class that has seen 9 of our Lusaka associates go through Ombi; Making Prayer an Adventure… and what an adventure it has been! You can’t make this stuff up!!
Captions here: What we did not know was God was working behind the scenes to have them released and visit Mavuno as free men and women.
IF DAR PROSPERS, I PROSPER to Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, and now we are beginning to reap the harvest. Dar-es-Salaam means Haven of Peace. It is a beautiful, multi-faceted and multicultural city and a gateway “I am so excited and looking forward to the nation. It is also the former capital and a major to finding my purpose in God” culture-defining center in Tanzania, as well as the Testimony, led by the fearless Carol Maajabu wider East Africa. March 9 2012 saw us launch yet another to spearhead the initial mission to take Mizizi, the 10 week transformational course, successful season of Mizizi, where we Wow! It’s amazing how God works - the Vision: Change a city, take the continent and win the world, is fast becoming a reality. God raised a Life-Group, Pearls of
BLANTYRE; SINCE 1876 6 different nationalities, 6 days on the road, 1 destination, 1 mission; Mizizi Blantyre. Mizizi Blantyre (Malawi) kicked off on Friday 4th May with a Business Networking Cocktail bringing together business people and corporate leaders at the Malawi Sun Hotel. It was buzzing, energetic – almost like this is what they were waiting for all along. I laugh as I remember how my, and the entire team’s faith, was challenged. There we were, setting up in preparation, removing what we thought were extra seats. You see we had anticipated a maximum of 70 people. Oh we of little faith! 130 eager people showed up. Mizizi signups clocked 49 - 16 even paid up front! Just seeing the response, everybody engaging and connecting in intense and intellectual discussions, I just kept wondering how God would link this with selling the Mizizi and Mavuno vision. I was
By Ann-Marie Nakimera
graduated two classes of 18 excited men and women ready to live out their purpose. Not moved yet? Then get a load of this - an exciting season of OMBI was also launched just three days prior, on March 6th 2012. This was the first Ombi class in Dar, with 15 prayer warriors currently engaging in the awesome experience, facilitated by one of our selfless Mavunites who relocated to Dar-es-salaam from Nairobi. Wow! You best be watching this space! Stay tuned…the invasion continues!
By Carol Maajabu
in for a surprise! As we talked about Africa and its opportunities, I could see nodding heads all over the conference room. It dawned on us that the time for Africa is now! I was standing at the back listening to the talk and thinking “If I was in this talk I’d sign up immediately!” I wasn’t prepared for the applause that rent the room when it was announced that Mizizi will be launched in Blantyre!
him. This was later followed by a gospel musical concert dubbed “Re-Wired” for young people at Robin’s Park. The Mizizi season, that took place at Blantyre Baptist Church, saw 38 people go through it. Already we are seeing some great work that God is doing…here’s an interesting comment received. “I decided that I won’t take this journey alone but with two of my managers whose
It’s an adventure, a fun faith journey to see God work in one’s life and the opportunity to celebrate him. The celebration at the end, wow!! Everyone was just happy and joyful. Everyone’s got to do this. It’s the opportunity of a lifetime. It’s an adventure, a fun faith journey to see God work in one’s life and the opportunity to celebrate
fees I will gladly pay for. I look forward to the meetings every Thursday for reasons that I still can’t tell but what I know is that God is there in the meetings and in the weekly readings and I shall discover by week ten what this nagging feeling is.” MAVUNO LIFE
What we did not know was God was working behind the scenes to have them released and visit Mavuno as free men and women.
hen my phone rang that Monday afternoon, I would never have imagined that my life would be radically changed. My brother and cousin were out in Kiambu and had been arrested for misdemeanor offences. They had been taken to court and fined, and my brother needed someone to pay the fine. I dashed there, but unfortunately the cashier had left early. The next morning I returned bright and early, but the magistrate came in the afternoon. After sorting out the money issues, my cousin was released and we proceeded to Kiambu Prison to have my brother released. Seeing my brother, my own flesh and blood, clad in a very old very torn and tattered prison outfit was the most
FREEDOM Behind Bars By Frank Mutua
sobering experience in my life. I always saw prisoners as inhumane people who had committed heinous crimes and needed to be locked up far away from our consciousness. But here he was, my brother, a family man with a wife and two adorable kids. Maybe many of these
As I was getting assisted in the process by a kind lady I met in Kiambu, we got invited to have a cup of tea with Madam Olivia, the Officer-In-Charge of the prison. Somewhere in the conversation the word Mavuno came up, and her face lit up like a Christmas tree. She had heard about
As they have began to see some of the most difficult prisoners radically transformed before their eyes, the prison officials have also hungered for this experience... prisoners are ordinary people. People just like me. That very moment altered the trajectory of my life, and led to the birth of Freedom Behind Bars.
Mavuno, and was desperate to get through to the church. Two weeks later, I returned to meet the officer, and got a tour of the facility. It wasn’t long after that I spoke with the Life-groups pastor, Pastor Judy Gichuru, and together we got a Life-Group to visit and even donate a television to the inmates. This grew into more Life-group visits and further conversations, and it was around this time that I became certain God was calling me to get involved in the rehabilitation of the prisons by bringing Mizizi, an amazing tool for transformation, to the prisons. With the help of Mavuno, and more particularly the Mizizi department, we got a small excited team together and by early 2011, 90 inmates were signed up for Mizizi: 30 in Langata Womens’ Prison and 60 in Industrial Area Remand Prison. Even though we had all led Mizizi, the truth was that we had no idea what we were doing. It’s one thing to lead a Mizizi class where people are attending out of curiosity and may be struggling with issues like addictions and money management. But no one prepared any of us to lead a class that includes hardened criminals who have been behind bars for years. How exactly do you lead such a class? Still we experienced God’s favor, and we concluded the season with two powerful retreats at the respective prisons where many of them made the decision to give their lives to Christ.
Clockwise: Celebrating Mizizi at Lang’ata Women’s Prison; Pastor Simon Mbevi with Philip Onyancha; Frank Mutua with inmates at Nairobi Remand Prison
Transformation That was early 2011. Well over a year later I look at that chance encounter my brother and cousin had with the long arm of the law, and I’m amazed at what God has continued to do through it, and through an ordinary everyday person like myself. Fast-forward to the middle of 2012, and the footprint of Mavuno and Freedom Behind Bars is being felt throughout the city and beyond. I wish I had time to tell you all the stories of transformation we have experienced first-hand. I could tell you the story of two ladies who fought almost to the death in Langata Womens’ Prison, and how one of them made a serious threat to avenge her own spilled blood with the spilled blood of the other’s family, even putting a curse on them. I wish you could have seen them going through Mizizi and encountering a
...we aniticipate to be running a Mizizi class in all of the 9 Nairobi prisons. real God who loves them, and how at the Mizizi retreat they wept as they hugged each other and had genuine repentance and reconciliation. Or maybe I should share the story of a warder named Bobby who through interaction with the Freedom Behind Bars team at Nairobi remand and the first hand transformation he saw in the lives of inmates he was in charge of, decided to sign up for Mizizi at Mavuno Church. Today Bobby is a sold out Mavunite, active in a life-group and has personally signed up several fellow
officers and the children of the officer in charge of Nairobi remand prison and the Nairobi provincial commandant. He is now a member of the Freedom Behind Bars team responsible for the initiative to facilitate warders in all Nairobi prisons through Mizizi. I wish there were more pages to tell you about the dozens of inmates across the different prisons we have since been in who have miraculously been released, had their sentences commuted or had successful appeals. At the time we desperately wanted them to come visit Mavuno and get baptized, but as many of them are from the Condemned Block (Kenya’s Death Row), this was impossible. What we did not know was God was working behind the scenes to have them released and visit Mavuno as free men and women. What an amazing God! What of Philip Onyancha, one of Kenya’s most notorious serial killers, who saw the words of ‘Jeremiah 29:11’ on the back of a car while being transferred from the police station to Kamiti Maximum Prison, and wondered about it. When he got access to a Bible and read it, God began a work in him that was accelerated when he went through Mizizi - a class that I was privileged to personally facilitate. Just like Saul, who committed unspeakable crimes against the church, Onyancha has had a complete 180 degree turn-around and is now sharing the message of Mizizi and of the gospel with others behind bars. If that’s not Freedom Behind Bars, I don’t know what is!
Interested in participating or contributing in Freedom Behind Bars? Don’t delay, speak to us to today on: benjamin.mungai@gmail.com imendewakil@gmail.com
New Frontiers The favor we have experienced can only be from God, as the prison officials have now flung open the doors for Mavuno. As they have began to see some of the most difficult prisoners radically transformed before their eyes, the prison officials have also hungered for this experience, and now special classes have been run for the Prison Warders and one is currently running for all the Prison Chaplains in the Nairobi area. Many have become convinced that Mizizi could arguably be their most potent tool for rehabilitation. We have now run Mizizi in five of the nine Nairobi prisons as well as the Shimo La Tewa Prison, and in the coming season, we anticipate to be running a Mizizi class in all of the 9 Nairobi prisons. Plans are in place to grow from the current 2 counties to all 47 counties within Kenya, as well as launch in Rwanda and Uganda through our existing Mavuno presence. Our current small team of 25 is happy to serve in the prisons because we know that even though these men and women have been condemned by society, they have not been condemned by God (Romans 8:1) and we believe they can experience freedom behind bars. And all this because of a random phone call! You never know when God will come calling, and the trajectory of your life and that of thousands of others gets radically transformed. MAVUNO LIFE
By Pastor Carol Wanjau
circumstances, does our past have any part to play? A few years ago we were in conversation with a friend who was lamenting at the wasted life of his brother; for despite being highly qualified as an engineer, his drinking habit would not allow him to keep a job and he was now dependent on his lowly paid wife to support him! In the history of great men and women, why is it that some fail while others succeed? I believe the main difference After such sensational stories the court is that in one, personal battles are dealt with early enough of public opinion is always left with the while in the other, these battles question, “How could they?” birthed from our past or even inherited in our family lineage are kept hidden in darkness giving them At around the same time, our very own an opportunity to grow from strength to Gilbert Deya came into the limelight with strength flourishing, entangling, binding claims of having supernatural powers to one to a personal prison, which when make infertile women pregnant. However, finally expressed leads one to acts of after much investigation both the U.K. incomprehensible magnitudes! and Kenyan authorities concluded that The truth is that each of us has personal the Deya’s were trafficking Kenyan babies battles characterized by fear, hatred, greed, and an extradition process was initiated in jealousy, rage, malice, un-forgiveness, September 2011. sexual impropriety etc which we try to After such sensational stories the manage under lock and key. If court of public opinion is always left we could be honest with with the question, “How could they?” As ourselves these battles the months wore on, much as Ted took have more a hold on us personal responsibility for his actions, it than us on them and later emerged that he had been sexually as long as we are not assaulted by a male worker at home at the in the public eye no one tender age of seven. Should such a claim can tell when we fall. However, the validate his actions? As for the Deya’s, why truth is that no matter what level we play they should enter such grand schemes is at, our success will be sabotaged if we do still incomprehensible! not master our personal battles. As we examine our current t was November 2006; the Christian world awoke to the shocking news that Ted Haggard, senior pastor of a 14,000 member church had been accused by his male escort and masseur of having paid him to have sexual relations, and also of having provided Ted with illegal drugs. This dynamic pastor and prominent leader in the Christian circles not only had access to the president, he was also known for his public anti-gay stand.
SIMAMA is a ten week path that leads to deliverance, healing, restoration, freedom, peace and so much more. Claim victory over these personal battles we look forward to going through SIMAMA together in our Life Groups.
Kids On Fire For Jesus
e’ Mukomunene By Pastor Linda ‘Nen
. d really funny names ha ey Th . em th of e re There were th . Abednego. Shadrach. Meshach of Daniel. Bible. It’s in the book e th in d un fo is y or Their st Daniel starts with a D decided to obey God s nd ie fr e re th e es th . The king And because , they were punished ng ki e th ey ob an th rather into a big hot fire. em th w ro th to d de ci de saved them! Thank goodness God
ay these issues are w e th d an h ug ro th g way we are goin “...they are things that tand ourselves better and show others the rs handled helps us unde that Jesus did it”
ho would have thought that the story of these three courageous teens would inspire an engaging and exciting ministry thousands of years later! It’s happening, it’s kicking, and it’s on fire!! It’s the newest, freshest, most highly anticipated service in Greenhouse. It’s 3D Inferno. And it’s exclusive! Not just anyone can rock up to this exciting service. The 3D Inferno is only fired up for the special class of pre-teens between the ages of 10 and 12 years. In just a few short months, 3D Inferno has become the talk of Mavuno Church, and the in-thing at Greenhouse, our children’s ministry. It helps that they have one of the coolest slogans going around: “Inferno: Whenever, however, whichever – Still On Fire for Jesus!” Nick Ndegwa, a pre-teen at 12 years old, is one of the many children within his age-group who are breathing a sigh of relief as they finally have something just for them. He says, “I’ve been to Greenhouse since Mavuno started in 2005. I’m excited that there is finally a service for me and my friends, the class discussions have been helpful at school and at home as well, because they are things that we are going through and the way these issues are handled helps us understand ourselves better and show
others the way that Jesus did it through our own ways and habits”. The embers of this service were stoked to cater to the unique needs of this age group, caught between adolescence and childhood. It is a season characterized by a quest for freedom, a season of transition and anticipation. We recognized that the pre-teen has a unique dilemma; they want more freedom, but can only handle so much. Thus the birth of this super exciting preteens service, which serves to bring the Bible stories they learnt as kids to real Mavuno Technicolor, so that they can see and understand a very real, alive and modern God who is relevant to them in their current situation. 3D Inferno is delivered in a fun, energetic way with spiritual significance and fiery passion. At this experience, we commit to aiding in their turbulent transition period by focusing on a solid grounding on God’s word. No, the roof is not on fire! We are grateful to God for the leadership of Giovanna Dunei who leads the team that so passionately serves in this age group. She was very instrumental in the formation of the service; she is a mother to 2 teenage daughters and has invested a great wealth of knowledge in the running of the service. We salute you Giovanna:-)
What is
Green House? Greenhouse is the exciting and vibrant children’s church of Mavuno. We love children and love God, and believe in Turning ordinary Kids into fearless achievers of Society; kids who have a PULSE: are Prayerful, Uncompromising, Loving to God and others, Serve in church, at home and in their community and Evangelize. Through our services, we learn about Jesus in a fun way. This happens through our dedicated, committed team of associates (volunteer leaders) who turn up every weekend to assist in the different roles, to help our children know Jesus and love him. MAVUNO LIFE
F L E S ’ YO e k Onder n a r F r o By Past
ance, loud music (boom twaff!), hype . . . are those the first thoughts that come to mind whenever you think or hear of Teenz Konnekt? Guilty as charged. You will never miss any of this on our charge sheet anytime you walk into our services. Why do we make noise and disrupt your sermon? Well, we are giving thanks to God for a lot more through this Season. God has been so faithful to us. If we don’t, the stones will…and you know they rock! (pun intended) Through the month of April, we hosted the very first ever Teen Voice of the Year competition. Think TPF, harmonize it with X-Factor, now press it down, shake it together and make sure it’s running over! Got it? Good. Starting off from intensely competitive auditions that saw 37 contestants vocally wrestle for the 17 available slots in the first round. After weeks of blood, sweat and tears... (Ok not really), 6 contestants made it to the finals. And we had a winner!! Proudly walking home with Ksh. 20,000, a recording and video shoot contract for
infect their dance DNA to high schools, fusing it with our outreach program. The Fragile Knights Dance Crew is launching out to conduct dance clinics in several schools around the city. How awesome is that?! Other than just learning how to shake a leg, the clinics will be both outreach and discipleship avenues in these high schools. Talk of Fearless Influence! Don’t you wish you were still in high school? We believe in creating an environment where We are already seeing teens are free to express their talents. amazing effects of the on-going outreach and ministry at Teenz Konnekt. discipleship ventures in the high schools This season also saw us launch out through an ever increasing number of the Teenz Konnekt Life Groups. How teens attending our services especially exciting is it that teens can, for an hour during the Holidays. We’re sure that this every Sunday, study and interact on initiative will definitely add on to this. the word of God as well as learn to About 100 teens have given their lives to pray for one another. The take outs and Christ since we started this year. application points have been so deeeeep! A mighty shout of praise our God who We are looking forward to the growth in has richly favored and amazingly blessed the knowledge and love for God these us this far. interactions will create. You’re so welcome to visit (and make Finally (I have to bring in the dance this your church). Ps: Hatutapiga Kelele!!! factor) a group of teens have decided to their debut single. The first runner up won Ksh. 5,000 and a recording contract. Teenz Konnekt’s got talent!! We believe in creating an environment where teens are free to express their talents. Our goal out of all this was to create a music academy where the 17 qualifiers will be trained and challenged to work towards a music project, besides them playing a critical role in the music
Tuvuke Change Leading
at the
By Rev. Linda Ochola-Adolwa
ometimes it’s difficult to describe our endeavors in our own words. Allow me to share the Tuvuke experience through the words of Kevin Kilonzi, who together with others had a first hand experience: “At first I thought Tuvuke was just a concert or a free gig in our local universities, or just another place for the youth to hang out with free music and drinks, but it turned out to be something more…” It’s a peace initiative forum that consolidated various youth platforms, voices, spaces and information towards free, fair and peaceful elections; a place
use to shine and make a difference. Tuvuke is a lifestyle of fearless influencers that transcends time, religion, class or geographical zones. Simply put Tuvuke is a lifestyle of fearless influencers that transcends time, religion, class or geographical zones. It’s taken place so far in 3 universities but its effects are I was really impressed by the starting to take root and shape change I saw happen to students... in corridors far from these institutions. There were 6 forums in total, where a possible voice of reason and hope four at the University of Nairobi, another is felt amidst the chaos that are making one at Moi University and the last one at our world spin out of control. It’s a call for Egerton University. Music and free giveevery youth to be different and fearless aways were used to attract the ever elusive in our speech, action and execution; it’s campus student to the events. But what a ray of gladness that is weaved in such a kept them all through was the sound way that anyone wanting to be a change principles that were shared by each of the agent in this and the next generation can
TUVUKE’s Hatua Forums consolidate youthful platforms, voices, spaces and information towards free, fair and peaceful elections. Sponsored by Mavuno Downtown, they were conducted at the University of Nairobi.
speakers that spoke. Hardly anyone left the event before time. This was one of those events that was truly student led and staff directed. Mavuno Church’s Vision is to have a culture defining church in every capital city in Africa and every gateway city in the world by 2035 and Tuvuke Hatua forums were smack in the middle of that, at least when it comes to “culture defining”. I was really impressed by the change I saw happen to students right after every Tuvuke Hatua forum -the change was almost tangible. Then there were the students from UoN and KU who were involved in taking the message to the other campuses. Basically, students want to reach out to their own, what an opportunity. As for me, I have no greater joy than to see students who we have walked with for less than a year take up what we have taught them and spread it to others in a language that they can understand.
By Pastor Jerry Rawlins “JR” Opiyo
canning belt. Updating flight parameters. Zeroing in on target. Target located. Commencing operation. At 0800 hours on Saturday 17th March 2012, over 600 secret agents (read associates) from each of Mavuno’s three outposts (read campuses) converged at code name Mission Control (Mavuno Dome) for an exciting edition of our annual Leaders day, themed Locked & Loaded. The eagle had landed! The theme was a depiction of our readiness to move to the next level in our vision, and the day’s events set the platform for the coming agenda. First mission? A ‘prayer operation.’ As the associates (Volunteer leaders) arrived, they were taken through three battle stations for a time of focused prayer. The stations were themed around the journey of faith, with special emphasis on the continuing work of the Holy Spirit in our lives and a call to commitment. We’ve discovered that the best way to start any operation is by connecting to the base and getting your daily instruction briefing. God really touched the hearts of our leaders as they set aside everything for a time on bended knees. Target locked! The doors opened to usher the leaders into the thematic décor’ in the dome, and for a session of high powered celebratory worship. There’s no better way to celebrate the successes and victories God has given us other than in song and dance. And boy did
enter into what we are now affectionately calling “Mavuno 3.0”. There was cause for great celebration regarding this initiative, as we received real-time updates on the progress made so far as well as engaging in healthy debate around what Agent M referred to as “a dangerous question”. The questions? “What would it take for us to raise the 600M in 2012?” The success of the day was The joy was contagious. What can beyond expectation. I would have we say? God has been good to us! loved to attribute the great event to the diligence and excellence of the organizing team which I was The eagle landed as Agent M (Pastor heading (and they indeed are a diligent and Muriithi Wanjau) envisioned us for 2012. excellent people) but truth be told, God Special attention was given to a celebratory showed up, and there was a show down!! time of receiving reports from the year Once a Mavunite, Always a Mavunite. It’s 2011, but also to our “Count Me In” who we are, it’s what we do, WE CHANGE initiative, where we intend to launch the THE WORLD! next phase of our journey together and we get down, dancing praising and dancing some more! The joy was contagious. What can we say? God has been good to us! Next brief; James Mworia, one of Kenya’s most respected CEOs provided wise counsel on life and investments. Nods of approval constantly greeted his sentiments. Firearms loaded!
“I dream of a time that God’s people from Mavuno will infiltrate every single ‘secular’ media station of this nation; radical undercover Christians in top positions as editors, journalists and writers quietly transforming the media so it becomes an uplifting force for good and not a destructive force for evil in our nation. I dream of a radical community of musicians, artists, dancers, film producers, writers and graphic artists who will not just entertain but will pass a positive kingdom message through their art and set the agenda for their generation. (Excerpt from the Sermon “Setting The Agenda” by Pastor Muriithi Wanjau.”)
012 proved to be another stellar year for Groove Awards. Spearheaded by Mavuno’s own Kevin Mulei, it was televised live across the continent via KTN (and it’s corresponding DSTV channel), the event was a flawless showcase of musical genius and production excellence of the highest quality. Mavuno Church was again heavily represented, with Pastors Muriithi Wanjau and Linda Ochola-Adolwa presenting awards, as did industry mentor Kanjii Mbugua. In addition, Richard “Astar” Njau served as the Groove Ambassador to Africa, Aaron Rimbui and his band provided the music and Pastor David Kuria reprised his role as the Chairman of the Nomination Panel. Altamin Dancers from Teens Konnect bagged the Dance group of the year. Yet behind the flashing lights and the glitz and glamour is a facet of the event seldom
celebrated. People know about the gala night, and we’ve heard of the impact of the Groove Tours across the different cities and towns, but what lies beneath is a growing corporate social responsibility function, where Gospel artists begin to learn the value of and engage in social justice. Every year this sees dozens of artists being love in action, as they visit children’s homes, prisons and hospitals and take with them not just the message of the cross, but also cash and products that help meet real needs. In 2012 they engaged with, amongst others, Wema Children’s Center in Thika, Emmy Kosgei’s Chilren’s Home in Eldoret, as well as Mama Ngina Children’s Home in Kisumu. We applaud the work of Groove Awards, and all the Gospel artists involved, “...for You have been a defense for the helpless, a defense for the needy in his distress” (Isaiah. 25:4). We
also applaud the work of those that continually influence and set the agenda in the world of media and entertainment - our world is in desperatel need of more of you.
“Media and entertainment are today’s greatest influences in shaping the minds of our generation. I believe strongly that as the people charged with the responsibility to bring God’s influence into all Creation, we must have a strong presence in the media and entertainment... Instead of avoiding show business, Christians should engage it. We must set the agenda if we want to win the hearts and minds of our generation!” (Excerpt from the Sermon “Setting The Agenda” by Pastor Muriithi Wanjau.”)
Elsie (center) went a long way from the board room to the mission field
p ha p
Opening REAL
By Elsie Wandera
“Are you sure you want to work in church?” “Why are you leaving Coke again?”
REWIND: “Are you sure you
want to work in church?” “Why are you leaving Coke again?” Those are some of the questions my friends and colleagues shot at me when I told them I had left my job as an assistant brand manager at the Coca-Cola Company to join Discovery, the Mavuno Church one year internship program. They must have thought I was crazy! Deluded! Maybe even brainwashed! Despite the doubts expressed by those around me however, my heart was stamped with certainty regarding leaving the corporate world and serving at Mavuno, knowing it was where God wanted to be in 2012. And with that, I took the plunge!
PAUSE: I thought that I
would come in clear about what I was supposed to do with ‘my plan’ and ‘my aspiration’. However, I have come to acknowledge that with God’s instruction, there are two key aspects. Obedience and faithfulness. You must be OBEDIENT to His call and FAITHFUL to His instructions. My faith has grown because it is a daily practice of these two pillars. Through Discovery’s outreach program, I have had the opportunity to facilitate a vibrant group of Strathmore University students and Riara Girls through MIZIZI as well as disciple them in their walk with God. My first steps were extremely nervous
n s pi es Pastor Thomas ‘Ten’ Njoroge (centre) leads a fearless group of Discovery interns
and shaky, and riddled with fears of failure. I have never been in a leadership role that involved the lives of others. Previously, in the corporate scene, I was responsible for brands within countries, while at Mavuno, people’s lives are in my hands. It was intimidating at first until I fully grasped that with God ALL things are possible!
PLAY: I have learnt so much in this short time! A key lesson is that people are different from brands - all I can do is obediently plant a seed in their hearts, and then allow God to do the rest. My most
rewarding and fulfilling experience was going with my fellow interns on a 10-day mission to Torosei, Kajiado County and seeing God do amazing things in this community that is 192km away from Nairobi. In the process, I discovered my passion for girls and women. No wonder they call it ‘Discovery’! I have moved from a life of self-dependence to a life God-dependence. I know I am in the right place – Mavuno - where we exist to see real people with real issues, coming to Jesus, being transformed, and becoming change agents to transform society. I’m so glad I’m part of the change!
Discovery is a one year full-time leadership training program that seeks to train and equip candidates for Godcentered, transformational leadership. Through this one year internship, we prepare each intern to become the leader God created them to be. Discovery has two intakes each year - a January intake, whose application deadline is September 30th, and a September intake, whose application deadline is May 30th. For more details, contact us at Discovery@ mavunochurch.org, or visit the “Discovery” section of our website. Here’s what some people have had to say about Discovery:
The Mavuno Internship was an amazing journey of self discovery! I was able to discover my gifts and God’s purpose for my life! Through the program I was equipped for leadership through mentorship and training. It was very fulfilling to see God transform people’s lives as I served in various roles in the course of the year. Trizah Waiyaki (Graduated September 2010)
The one year I served on the Discovery Leadership Program will remain the focal point of my adult and career life! It inculcated in me the virtue of servant leadership, greatly enhanced my self-awareness and taught me to harness my skills and talents. Above all, it gave me a solid foundation to build character and integrity! Patrick Muhia (Graduated December 2010)
Live life 60:
Mavuno Downtown DJ Johni Celeb’s website has an April 17 announcement that reads: Live in 60. Rock & Hip-Hop Smash-Up Concert. Student Center - University of Nairobi. Hosts: DJ Celeb, DJ GG and Rock of Ages. Free!
By Pastor Benson “BX” Xavier
id you say FREE? It’s not long before the Student Center, dubbed Senses, is teeming with campus students eager for a great time of fun, music and real talk. Welcome to “Live in 60”! Live in 60 is a high octane, energy filled and exciting new themed service created by Mavuno Downtown for University students - many of whom would not be caught dead at any one of the numerous Christian fellowships in campus or their local churches back home. Still, they are hungry for a relevant space that will address their felt needs not just for fun, but for meaningful engagement around their issues. The service features various artists (of different genres every week) performing various pieces of the day’s theme, a video or guest of the day, and candid discussions. The venue for the event would vary depending on the day’s theme ranging from the student centre cafeteria, to the basketball court, to the conference hall. It goes down every Thursday evening. At “Live in 60”, the students are the leaders, and they make the service a reality. They also direct people towards Mizizi and eventually lead the small groups that would be formed. Mavuno Downtown Staff provide leadership training via the church’s discipleship marathon. The goal of “Live in 60” is to turn ordinary campus students into fearless influencers of society. There are many testimonies of how this is happening. “He attended one of our themed events when we opened the turn tables to anyone who can DJ. He volunteered to go on stage.
Afterward, I invited him to do Mizizi. He was honest to admit he didn’t know whether he was saved or not. Through the Mizizi classes he is getting rooted in the faith. His questions about God are being answered. When he graduates from class, we intend to provide DJ mentorship for him, for this is what he wants to do, that he may be our resident-in house DJ.” Jude is in his first year…. “Lillian has been writing poetry for a couple of years but she had never performed them before people. At one themed event, we had a spoken word segment and she bolded up to go on stage. We invited her to our Mizizi class. She joined Mizizi honest that her Christian walk has been on and off. Always going south after three months. She really wanted to have a foundation in her faith. Fasting during Mizizi was her first time to fast and she enjoyed learning how to pray. Now she’s doing prayer in poetry.” I could tell you many amazing transformation stories from the numerous students who are coming for Live in 360 every week. Conversations about God are happening and lives are changing every week. And this is our passion at MDT from our strategic location right in the heart of the university of Nairobi, we want to connect students who would otherwise find church irrelevant, and our prayer is to replicate “Live in 60” in all the different universities around our city. We are so privileged and grateful to have a stake in the humongous things that God is doing in this generation through the Mavuno family!
Mavuno Mashariki By Pastor Milton Jumba
W ...it feels like there is an unexplainable urgency by the Lord to salvage souls in this generation.
Lead Pastor Richard Chogo leading an interview
anna hear a secret? Ok! Move a little closer. Well, during one of the Mavuno Church staff team meetings we declared that we are trusting God for 5,000 decisions for Christ in 2012. Unknown to many, Mavuno Mashariki apportioned to ourselves at least 1,000 – praying they would come from our campus. And the Lord has not been disappointing so far! Of the 700-plus salvation stories heard so far, we have added 232 of our own in the broth God is preparing! Now that the cat is out of the bag, I might as well spill the rest of the beans! Of these, one of the most dramatic was that of a gentleman who was raised as the only child by his mum. His mother had spent years praying that he would become a Christ-follower. Now in his 40’s, and with his mother ailing, he stepped into church one Thursday to ask for fare to go and see his mum. One of our Pastors obliged and not only gave him the fare but also prayed for his mum. He returned Saturday morning for more prayer. His mum’s condition seemed to have improved radically after the initial prayer. He hinted to me that his mum had always wanted to see him saved before she dies and I challenged him to give his life
to Christ. He did. Tearfully, overwhelmed and overcome with emotion. Filled with joy, he left for hospital having forgotten that he also had requested for bus fare! He broke the news to his mum who was very excited at what the Lord was doing in his life. Unfortunately she passed on the next morning. But she died, knowing her son will live! Such have been the stories at Mashariki where many walk-ins have come for refuge and rest. When a lady in a come-we-stayhere-today-and-broken-up-tomorrow relationship walks in and gets saved and the boy friend, without knowing what went down does so the next weekend in the same space, it just says that there is a grace that God has released. At Mashariki, it feels like there is an unexplainable urgency by the Lord to salvage souls in this generation. We are privileged to have a stake in the amazing that God is doing through the Mavuno movement. Our prayer and passion is that because of us, Eastlands will never be the same! Mavuno Mashariki meets in Donholm Estate and is passionate to turn ordinary people in the eastern part of our city into fearless influencers of society!
“Kampala does not need another church. What it does need is a safe environment where the unchurched can come and hear the life-changing truth that Jesus Christ cares for them and died for their sin.”
D N U O R G Mavuno Kampala
By Pastor Kevin Nderitu
Pastor Antony Njoroge; Campus Pastor
• March 21 2010 – Our first service. No pastor, ccording to Wikipedia, Mutesa 22 change agents, a choir of 5 and a live I, one time Kabaka of Buganda DSTV stream of Pastor Linda’s “Si poa ku chose the area that was to become chill”. Mavuno Kampala is here! Kampala as one of his favorite hunting grounds. Today, with the establishment of Mavuno Kampala, the city is a hunting • May 2 2010 - Pastor Kevin Nderitu lands! The first in-house sermon is preached by Pastor ground for the hearts and minds of our Kyama Mugambi. A congregation of 33 generation. eagerly converges at the Oasis Restaurant in Lugogo. • April 16 2009 - a team of 6 Mavuno ‘spies’ left Nairobi for Kampala with a specific mission. Was Kampala ready? • Dec 2010 - Enter Pastor Vincent Kasule. 100 fearless influencers converge every Sunday Ready for transformation, for influence, to prepare to take Kampala. It’s exciting, it’s for change? exhilarating. Its Mavuno Kampala ya’ll!! • May 30 2009 - The invasion begins. Mizizi Kampala was launched with 23 • August 2011 - Pastor Anthony Njoroge (a.k.a Pst. Njoro) adds some impetus! Mavuno Mizizites. They were charged, they were moves from Lugogo to Cineplex Garden City stimulated, and they were ready.
• September 2011 - Three weeks later, we outgrow the space. Time for another move, this time to the Cineplex Oasis Mall. A congregation of 300 world changers forces the launch of a second service. • Kampala’s best kept secret is out!! Spread the Word…coz they do it too!! “Our real mission is to lead people into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ, and help turn them into fearless influencers. That’s not just a slogan on our wall. We have measured our success by that standard from the beginning. If we ever stop hearing stories of life change, I guarantee we will stop what we are doing and regroup, no matter how many people are attending.”
“They’re trusting God for a multinational team ready to take a step of faith and plant this church.”
Mavuno Berlin
By James & Beth Roper
our years ago, those were the words of our senior minister, John Gray back in Sydney after visiting Nairobi Chapel. He was talking about a German couple, Daniel and Nancy Flechsig who he had met in Nairobi, and their story marked the highlight of his trip. My then girlfriend (now wife) and I were seeking God as to the direction He wanted us to take. This was it! Our hearts were stirred. We saw this as an opportunity to do tent making ministry, where Beth could put her skills in children’s ministry into practice, and I could put my music skills to good use, and we could work and support the church financially. And so began our journey of preparation and mission. Journey with us as we’ve shared our story so far on our personal blog: January 30 2011 - Welcome to Roped In, Beth and James’ blog on how (we’ve) been roped in by God to serve him in Germany and beyond. We will use this blog as a place to tell people about the challenges and joys we are facing, and how God is providing us with all we need to do his work.
March 06
- February has been a month of building support, and preparing to build a community of prayers around us that will support us as we leave our comfortable community at St Paul’s and step out into a culture that will present many challenges
to us. (Through March April, May and June 2011, and between our house and our church, we hosted a number of prayer events geared towards sharing vision, prayer and gathering support)
March 14
– (About our Prayer Breakfast) This will be a great opportunity to meet together in fellowship and pray for the people of Berlin and our ministry to them. We have been really blessed so far with the amount of prayer support we’ve received from St. Paul’s, so thank you for your support. June 2011- It’s not long now till we say our goodbyes and head for Berlin. We are getting very excited about living overseas and serving God in this amazing opportunity. It will be a huge challenge but also a massive time of growth as we learn what it’s like to serve God cross-culturally and work with a team of people from various cultures in the church plant. We flew to Germany on the 10th of August, and after two days travel we finally arrived in Frankfurt, and took a 5-hour train ride to Berlin. Contrary to our plans of making a subtle entrance, we were heralded with a party of 20 people waving Berlin flags and a big welcome sign at the train station! The congregation of Mavuno Berlin gave us a wonderful welcome, far beyond anything we had expected. MAVUNO LIFE
August 26
- We’re having fun learning about the culture, and making mistakes as we do so. It seems every time we go to the supermarket we get something new wrong. Ordering food at restaurants is getting easier, and we’ve also found out which cinemas have non dubbed English movies, which gives us a welcome break from German only television. We’re enjoying eating German food.
September 12 - James was
fortunate enough to have been offered two jobs within a week of arriving in Berlin. He has accepted a position at VZ Network, a German social networking site akin to Facebook. Beth has enrolled in a 2 month intensive German course at the GoetheInstitut.
September 12 - The vibe in the service was powerful and exciting, we all felt that this church service was the start of something special, that God is moving and is going to work something amazing. Our impression from the existing congregation was that they are very excited too, which is a big answer to prayer.
January 02 - In early October we attended a conference called “Gemeinde Neu Denken” in Wiedenest (Rethinking Church). It was a conference for German church planters, one of the speakers was Muriithi Wanjau, senior pastor of Mavuno
in Nairobi. We were both very inspired by this conference, and felt that God was giving us a new sense of vision for our future in Berlin, which was greatly encouraging because we came here with no expectations of how we would fit in, and now feel like we have a purpose.
January 02 - Praise God that:
We have found an apartment and have settled into life in Berlin. We have a vision for what God wants us to do in Berlin. Our knowledge of German and understanding of German culture is coming along well
January 24 - For us, the big take
away (after attending the Mavuno Staff retreat in Nairobi in January) was that we need to step up our thoughts for making a night club church, and turn it into a reality. We shared with the Mavuno team our vision, and now we have the whole Mavuno staff team watching us, waiting to see how it goes. It’s exciting, but at the same time scary and overwhelming. We’ve got no idea what such a church will look like, but at least we know what we want to achieve, we want to create a church that the people of Berlin’s clubbing scene will feel 100% at home in.
adapted to German culture, and it is our hope that this course will help inspire people to get out of the church and into the culture around them, shining as bright lights on tops of hills.
February 05 - Please pray
for our congregation, that they will understand the reasons behind why we are doing what we are doing. Please pray that the Mizizi course would inspire them to engage the society outside the church; we would love nothing more than the result of doing Mizizi to be that our church as one, stops and says “Hang on, why are we spending all our energy running church services when no one is coming to Christ as a result? Let’s stop, focus our energy on engaging with people outside the church, and draw them into church, and then start putting energy into doing church services again.” If that were to happen, it would be a miracle. Fortunately, God is in the business of miracles!
February 05 - This Sunday we
are starting something new, a course called Mizizi. Mizizi is the Swahili word for root. The course has been translated and
FROM PASTORS DANIEL & NANCY FLESCHIG: On Easter Sunday we graduated our entire congregation from our first Mizizi course. In addition, we held weekly classes for the LifeGroup leaders to equip them in leading the classes, asking flow-questions, helping them to become Pastors for their groups. The outcome is visible! One leader said: “If you’d asked me to keep going two weeks into class, my answer would have been “NO”. Now I feel much more equipped and ready to lead my group even further.”
COUNT 3.0 The Future is
“Je vous prie de bien vouloir m’aider” interrupts you as you walk down the extremely busy hallway. A group of African ladies are
seeking directions, but the little vestiges from your two years of high school French are embarrassingly inadequate to help... thank goodness one of you did remedial classes and, discovering that they are a team of Discovery interns from DRC here for the International Fearless Summit, is able to offer directions. Close shave. The Summit, you later discover, is happening in the 10,000 seater state-ofthe-art conference center in the adjacent
We celebrate God because of the faithful prayers and giving of fearless Mavunites... building. “That must be why the parking silo was completely full”, you wonder to yourself. And as you enjoy the sounds of Fearless Radio, wafting from the media center housed on the 3rd floor of the mall you are in, you wonder to yourself, what should I do next? Gym and spa in the adjacent building, or visit some of your Life-Group members who operate shops in the premises? Primary school aged kids brush against you as they hastily making their way from their classes to the tennis courts for a training session. Everyone’s hustling and bustling. Thank goodness for Mavuno Park right around the corner where you can go and enjoy your sandwich. That, ladies and gentlemen, is your introduction to Mavuno 3.0!
me in
We are excited about the things God has done for us as Mavuno since our inception. We
have seen many people make decisions to be Christ-followers, find their purpose and begin to live it out in a way that affects not just them, but their worlds as well. And now, as we approach our 7th anniversary in August, change beckons. Over the recent past, the need for Mavuno to have our own home became more apparent. We knew God was calling on us to be bold once we realized that the originally planned joint-venture at Belle Vue would not work, not to mention exponentially increasingly rental costs and astronomical land prices. As a result, our development team scoured the city trying to find us a permanent home. This search took them to every corner of this city - from the Mombasa Road area into Upper Hill, Westlands, Lang’ata Road, Karen and every vacant piece of land in Nairobi. It culminated with the identification of a 32-acre property in Mlolongo that we envision as the future home of the fearless. Surrounded by rapidly multiplying housing developments, on the growing edge of Mombasa Road in the Mlolongo area, this property is 22.5 km and a 15-minute drive away from our current location. At a cost of 15 million per acre, this land will cost us Ksh. 500 million to purchase and another Ksh. 150 million to relocate to. We envision Mavuno 3.0 as a center for the reformation of the nations – a community center that will serve as a platform for reaching not only Nairobi but the rest of Kenya, Africa and the world with the gospel of Jesus. It will be will increase our capacity to raise a fearless change army that will impact our city and position us to spread
out across Africa and the world. This property will feature a 24/7 community centre, a convention center with hotel, mall & recreational facilities, as well as other facilities for sports, a school, a media center, and a business incubator. It will also feature a green community space with great environmental & social value.
PHASE ONE The first phase of this venture is in acquiring our own property, and conversations to purchase
the land and launch Mavuno 3.0 kicked off in earnest in January 2012, with the Mavuno Associates (Volunteer Leaders) meeting to pray over and discuss our move. Later the entire congregation participated greatly during the services and later at the Vision Nights. We celebrate God because of the faithful prayers and giving of fearless Mavunites who have put their hands up and said “Count Me In” as they have contributed towards Mavuno 3.0.
We have RAISED a cash amount of over million
We have CASH pledges of over
212.6 million
So far Mavunites have made a PLEDGE
LESSONS Through our history we have learned one very important lesson - “when every member of
the family plays their part in faith, God comes in and makes the difference”. Because a faithful group of around 400 gave sacrificially over 3 years ago, thousands have been transformed and impacted in and through Mavuno. If you consider Mavuno your home, and have personally experienced God’s grace and blessing at Mavuno, here’s your challenge: By doing two simple things, we can accomplish this together
1. Faithful tithing (to meet our ministry needs) 2. Sacrificial giving (for our property acquisition) For everyone who has already given, in small and in big ways, we bless God for you. For those yet to make their faith pledge, we encourage you to plug in and do so as soon as you can. If you would like more information on pledging, prayer or for regular updates on our progress, please check out our ‘Count Me In’ blog – http://mavunochurch. org/countmein/.
HERE S WHAT SOME PEOPLE HAVE HAD TO SAY: This move is exciting, and very visionary. Being a business owner off Mombasa Road, it is evident that is the direction Nairobi is growing, so it is very strategic. It is an ideal location. And as far as giving is concerned, count me in! This is an opportunity for individuals and companies to give strategically, and position themselves to invest in congregations in Africa. Mwongela - MDT When God gives you the opportunity to do something big for God’s kingdom, do it! And do it without expectations that God owes you and will do something in return. Do it because it is the right thing to do, and watch as God builds your faith. Kanjii I will give, more so because of what I have received from Mavuno. My marriage and parenting is amazing because of the teaching from the Ndoa and Lea classes, and also from the nurturing that I receive each Sunday. I wish that many more will be blessed through Mavuno as I have been. I am a better person, wife and mother! Carol Will miss Mavuno 2.0 since that’s where my wife and I renewed our commitment to God and got married. (But I’m) looking forward to renewing our marriage vows several decades from now at Mavuno 3.0. God bless us all. Dr. Loius
My honest encouragement to anyone considering giving a gift in faith, to do so cheerfully, because God is not asking us to do something FOR Him, He’s asking us to do it WITH Him. It’s a privilege to be part of this vision! George Why did I give? I look at King David and ask myself why He was so passionate about building a House for the Lord; he understood that it is the only channel through which generational change and influence can happen. I would give everything I have if God asks me. Through connecting with Him I have developed a giving lifestyle and I enjoy seeing Him work through me to accomplish great goals. I love Mavuno and you can count me in! Chomba We (my husband and I) are joyfully giving, and asking God to stretch our faith. Now God has taken us to a place of sacrificial giving, where giving does not make reasonable sense. My challenge to those who are considering giving is this. Do it! Do it afraid if you must, but do it, and watch God stretch your faith. Triza Amen Amen and to God be all the glory!! Its been a faith lesson for me over the past few weeks and truly I can say God is faithful to those who put their faith in Him. Active Faith needs impossibilities. Am A Dreamer.
iSTOPPED Practical HELP for BONDAGES & Addictions
Interview with Ibrahim Gathungu; By Owuor Kuyoh A free, and now happily married Ibrahim
What is iStopped?
iStopped is an initiative I started to help men and women who are hopelessly drowning in sexual bondage to find hope and live a normal life in Christ and out of the addiction cycle.
How & why did you start the initiative?
I started the initiative from a blog www. istopped.org back in August 2010 to help addicts just like me get hope while in the pit of struggle of the lust of the flesh. It help addicts to seek help anonymously through online courses like ‘Way of Purity’, a 60 day Bible-based purity challenge that gives addicts the foundation to get out of sexual addiction. I began this initiative for two reasons. First, I was an addict for 13 years and God has delivered me from the addiction to porn and masturbation (self-gratification). The addiction all started as a result of me being molested when I was a 3 year old toddler and being introduced to porn at an early age without anyone teaching me the values of purity. Secondly, I saw a vision of the torment that sexual sinners would go through in hell. I discovered that over 60 percent of Christians in church are suffering from sexual bondage and most of them don’t know they can be delivered from it.
What activities are carried out?
At the moment, my wife and I do 24/7 phone counseling with a few other recovering addicts, I’m part of a sexual addicts accountability group and I am a mentor of the “Way of Purity” course to encourage people as they go through the
60-day purity challenge. I’m also part of a local men’s accountability group which meets every Tuesday to go over the book; Every Young Man’s Battle by Stephen Arteburn & Fred Stoeker, to help those who are struggling to find hope in Christ and get the support to get out of the addiction cycle.
What successes and what challenges have you had so far?
On personal success, I remember I used to fall into self gratification everyday 2-3 times a day about 3 years ago before I did Mizizi in Mavuno. And now, after 2 years of recovery, and with an accountability partnership that ran for almost a year and dedication to the word of God, I am proud
Everyone knew me as the good guy but I was drowning in sin. to say that I am completely out of sexual addiction. I registered iStopped as a company limited by guarantee; it’s a not-for-profit. organization which seeks to help addicts with a vision to establish systems for this across Africa. From my humble efforts, I have walked with and seen men and women battle with their challenges and overcome their addictions. The exciting part is watching them serve as fellow counselors helping other addicts out there. Glory to God! The main challenge I have had is dealing with personal strongholds to overcome the
abuse I went through when I was a child. I also get writers block when updating the blog. Lastly, to connect with people offline who are willing to help other addicts without fainting at heart, people who can be the Good Samaritan and walk with someone who is drowning in pain and despair.
What inspires you... why are you still doing it?
At Mavuno, we recently heard that “with great power comes great responsibility”. And just like salvation, when you get a great gift, you don’t keep it to yourself. I get my inspiration from Romans 8 :1 “Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus”. I went before God and He has forgiven me of sexual, and all other, sins. And the devil (the accuser of brothers & sisters in Christ) has no legal authority to steal purity from me as I am a child of the Most High God. I was hopeless and depressed (a lie from the devil). I lived a double standard life, put on a happy face to hide my addiction - in church, in school, at work, at home. Everyone knew me as the good guy but I was drowning in sin. When I remember that feeling of despair, loneliness, solitude I get an urge to continue proclaiming my miracle, my testimony, my healing through Christ Jesus as it will bring hope to just one person, who might get the strength to defeat this and any other addiction one day at a time. There are many addicts who need hope and I have committed to be used by God to pour out His love and grace to them.
Wanna know more? For help, resources, testimonials and more, visit www.iStopped.org today.
Down Town Mashariki Kampala 2011 2010 Shs Shs Shs Shs Shs Shs
INCOME Tithes and offerings
Other income
18,205,693 ___________
1,100,099 ___________
52,003 ___________
156,942 ___________
19,514,737 ___________
7,760,537 ___________
Total income
Salaries and wages
Staff medical costs
Staff retreat
Other staff costs
1,706,883 ___________
45,000 ___________
- ___________
397,489 ___________
2,149,372 ___________
203,076 ___________
Total staff costs
Ministry expenses
Administration costs
54,925,667 ___________
2,875,019 ___________
2,530,917 ___________
2,092,196 ___________
62,423,799 ___________
60,808,849 ___________
Total expenditure
159,447,878 ___________
9,077,876 ___________
3,635,781 ___________
4,356,351 ___________
176,517,886 ___________
157,217,222 ___________
Surplus/(deficit) for the year
OTHER COMPREHENSIVE INCOME (Loss)/gain on revaluation of available for
sale investments
DIRECTOR: FRONTLINE INITIATIVES Mavuno Church seeks to establish the position of Frontlines Initiatives Director to oversee the growth of the Frontline Initiatives. The successful individual will report directly to the Executive Pastor in charge of Discipleship.
Terms of Reference for Front Line Initiatives Director a. Identify opportunities for startup frontline initiatives and work with individuals and teams in developing business plans and basic organizational processes b. Mentor and support those at Mavuno who have established frontline initiatives c. Create regular opportunities to highlight frontline initiatives to our congregation and to get congregation members taking part in their activities d. Work closely with the Hatua course to ensure each graduate is placed in a frontline initiative for a part-time internship e. Coordinate activities of frontline initiatives and assist in their networking f. Setup and regulate accountability systems and ensure adequate reporting by the initiatives g. Assist in monitoring the performance of the organizations and identify required training for the organizations in line with Mavuno’s standards and in consultation with the project facilitators. h. Contribute to teamwork and coordination through initiating and maintaining close working contacts within the organizations i. Initiating and maintaining partnerships and contacts with other organizations and institutions. j. Setting up and maintaining a licensing and certification process in line with best standards Ideal candidate should have at least a first degree from a recognized institution. Further qualifications, experience in and a passion for entrepreneurship, business development and mentoring should be demonstrated. They must be a born-again believer and be an exceptional team-player. They must be passionate about Mavuno’s vision and mission. If interested, please send your CV and application letter to angelag@mavunochurch.org.
SEASON 2 CALENDAR JUNE 16th CONNECT Mizizi Leader’s Meeting
20th GREENHOUSE: Zumba !!
23rd LEA & NDOA Mid-retreat
Mavuno Central
Lessons every Wed and Fri 7:00pm at Mavuno Central
Mavuno Central
6th LEA & NDOA Movie Night!!!
21st LEA FINAL RETREAT Lukenya Get-away
27th CONNECT MIZIZI Matthew Party
28th NDOA FINAL RETREAT Lukenya Getaway
5th BAPTISM WEEKEND!! Mavuno Central
14th - 17th GREENHOUSE Vacational Bible School (VBS) Theme: Building God’s Temple Mavuno Central
GREENHOUSE A play by VBS. Proceeds go to Count me In campaign Mavuno Central
FEARLESS CREED I am a Fearless Influencer…
I am part of the change;
I will be who He calls me to be
My past is forgiven,
I will not hesitate to serve
I agree to be shaped & molded,
my future is secure
I will gladly pay the cost,
through His word and through His family
My present is not for me,
contagiously spreading His love,
Until my will and His will fully agree
but for the one who set me free
Playing my role on the dream team,
And I become fully the influencer
The die has been cast;
the Mavuno family
that I was created to be
I have stepped over the line
Until all Africa is changed,
I am a Fearless Influencer…
No more prayer-less living,
every sector of society
cheap giving & selfish dreaming
I align myself to God’s purpose;