Mavuno Life - Volume 002 - October 2012

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#Mavuno Turns7


your way into a


Mizizi NA












A Word from The Senior Pastor’s Desk................... 2 Mavuno Marathon..................................................... 4 Stroll Down Memory Lane #MavunoTurns7......... 14 Count Me In................................................................ 30 Season 3 Calendar...................................................... 42 Fearless Creed............................................................. 43


Mizizi Dar.................................................................... 6 Mizizi Kigali................................................................ 7




Meet Your Care Pastors............................................. 8 My LG Saved My Life................................................. 10 Fearless 2012............................................................... 12 One More Song........................................................... 18 Serving is a Joy............................................................ 19 Green-Growing Dramatic Faith............................... 36




Kampala City Yange................................................... 24 Building People; Building Dreams........................... 26 This is Africa’s Time................................................... 28 Mizizi Na Makarao..................................................... 29


Laugh Your Way to a Happier Marriage.................. 20 FACT - I Discovered My Purpose............................ 22 58 Movement ............................................................. 35 Strength In My Struggle............................................ 38

THE TEAM Editor: David Kuria


Assistant Editor: Kuyoh Owuor

Collage of Mavunites Graphics by Under the Baobab Productions Ltd.

Contributors: Muriithi Wanjau, Lily Rutera, Mark Nduati, Ler Koteng’o, Sylvia Mukami, Milton Jumba, Alex Shianda, Daniel Fleschig, Joy Muthoni, Linda Mukomunene, Brian Murimi

MAVUNO LIFE is published and distributed by the Mavuno Church. © ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

Design & Layout: Under the Baobab Productions Ltd. E: Photography Courtesy: Mwangi Kirubi Click Pictureworks Email: KWELI Media Network Twitter: @KWELIMedia Shutter Diplomacy Spread the Love

WORD from

Pst. M

The last 7 years have been intense, amazing and exciting... and I’m looking forward to what God has in store for us in the future.

Dear Fearless Influencer, Over the last seven years, God has been doing something amazing at Mavuno Church, something I believe is going to bring change to the African continent, and indeed to the world. When we started off in 2005, we had no idea what this journey would look like, but looking back over the past 7 years and seeing what God has done and continues to do in and through us, one thing is clear - everything that has happened here has been God’s doing. I don’t believe God has chosen to use us because of our smarts or our wisdom. Quite the contrary! I’m compelled to believe the author of Corinthians when he says that God uses the foolish things

of the world to shame the wise, and He chooses the weak things to shame the strong (1 Corinthians 1:27). We are not all that, yet over these years God has chosen to use us in a powerful way, and we give Him all the glory. This seventh year is a very significant year for us as the Mavuno family. It is the year we are trusting God to settle us on our own property. We started off as the Nairobi Chapel Mombasa Road church plant meeting at Mamlaka Hill, then later at the South C Sports Club, and now at Belle Vue. We believe God is now calling us to launch into the next phase of our existence, a season affectionately dubbed “Mavuno 3.0”.

Through our “Count Me In” initiative, we have been trusting God for an astronomical amount of money, Ksh. 600 million, to purchase the land the Lord has called us to. The giving of God’s people towards this has been very encouraging. If in January 2012 someone had told me that by this point of the year we would have over Ksh. 317 million in pledges and over Ksh. 70 million in cash, I would have said only God can do that. To God be the glory! I know that many of you have powerful “Count Me In” testimonies where God has come through for you and is coming through for you. We as a church have been praying for every one of you that this would be our year to Thrive; and by God’s grace we are thriving in Christ Jesus. The last 7 years have been intense, amazing and exciting, and I’m looking forward to what God has in store for us in the future. My prayer for you, and for us as a family, is that the next 7 years of Mavuno would be far greater than the last 7! Muriithi Wanjau, Senior Pastor

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the Mavuno

MARATHON The Mavuno Marathon is our discipleship tool. It presupposes that discipleship is not a one-time event but a life-long process.


hen Mavuno was planted seven years ago, one of the questions we tried to answer was what do we want people to become? We knew from the great Commission in Matthew 28:18-20 that we had been called to make disciples, and we fashioned our mission statement with this in mind - “Turning ordinary people into fearless influencers of society”. Yet we did not want a church with multiple specialized



From Complacent to Consumer

The first thing Jesus did was catch the attention of the disciples so that they wanted to be part of what He was doing. Going against conventional trends, the disciples did not seek after the master, he sought after them (John 15:16). As a result, we designed outreach events and ministries that could attract people to church, where they have a chance of hearing God’s word. We also designed our services in relevant contemporary ways (with contemporary music, video, drama and other media), to keep them once they came. Our approach to our services is to present the unchangeable biblical truth in a style that resembles popular culture.



ministries that were unrelated, but rather we wanted to provide a process through which people could move from one stage to another and towards a goal. We turned to the example of Jesus. Through the gospels, we see Jesus using a very deliberate strategy to create a certain type of believer. This heavily informed and directed us as we prayerfully formed our strategy. We call it the Mavuno Marathon.



From Consumer to Connected

The first reason Jesus called his disciples is that they might be with him. He wanted not just workers but friends. And for the next three years, he shared His life completely with this group of individuals. We realize that relationships are critical to Christian maturity, and that the next step of maturity is to learn to love others in the body. As a result, our next step is a small group (Life Group). However…most people don’t naturally join small groups. God gave us a tool to help us get people into small groups. It’s a ten-week study called Mizizi, which means ‘roots’. We design the class so that close relationships will be built and that at the end of the class, people form very intimate small groups. We currently have around 140 small groups, and we believe this is where “real church happens”. They meet every week to eat together, reflect on the Sunday sermon together and pray for each other.












From Connected to Committed

The other reason Jesus called the disciples is so ‘he might send them out to preach and to have authority to drive out demons’. He let them watch him serve and then he got them to serve under him. We believe that being in a small group will only take you so far, and that the next step in maturity is when people learn how to serve. We teach people that serving in church prepares you to serve in society, and that through service, we learn how to lead in the kingdom, which is very different from leading in a secular or business environment. In the process, we have several courses that equip you as you serve. These courses you do as a Life Group. Simama helps you deal with issues in your family. Ombi helps you learn to overcome the issues in your office through prayer. Hatua helps you understand God’s heart to impact our society. Each class is a practical experience to help you move to the next level.

The Mavuno Marathon (pictured above) is our discipleship tool. It presupposes that discipleship is not a one-time event but a lifelong process for the believer.



From Committed to Compelled

Finally, after Jesus had been with his disciples for 3 intense years, he sent them out to change the world! Service in the church is just a step to prepare believers to impact every sector of society. At Mavuno, we have defined six sectors of society that we’d like to impact, and we help members discern which area of society God is calling them to influence. We encourage them to start ‘frontline initiatives’, which are institutions that can impact society in one of our six sectors.

OUR MISSION: Turning Ordinary People Into Fearless Influencers of Society OUR VISION: To plant culture-defining churches in every capital city of Africa and the gateway cities of the world by 2035. MAVUNO LIFE








By Pastor Mark Nduati


y wife Virginia and I have an undeniable passion for impacting young people in this generation and we know that this was our God-given purpose. As soon as the opportunity arose for us to lead a Mizizi class in Dar-es-Salam, we took it as a faith adventure and obeyed. And God has responded in faithfulness! We ran a Mizizi class between June and August 2012 in Tanzania, and had many interesting experiences along the way. During the Half day of Prayer, which was an altogether exciting beach-side experience, one of the students resolved to take time each and every morning to do his devotion before heading off



to work and asked his class to keep him accountable. Another Mizizite quips “I used to party hard every weekend but during Mizizi something changed and I felt the urge to search for God so I started coming to church with Pastor Mark.” One of the unique experiences was having a lady doing her Mizizi class in Mavuno Kampala. As part of her travels, she was unable to participate in their classes, but as the Kampala and Dar classes ran concurrently, she was able to attend our classes and not miss a single class or retreat session in the process. She was a great addition to our class. We also had a Belgian in class who was an ardent soccer fan. After attending

CLOCKWISE: The class poses for a picture; Mizizites at the beach; Prayer during one of the sessions: Mark & Virginia Nduati

the half day of prayer, he missed the Euro2012 soccer Finals because he has now made it a habit to be up first thing in the morning, at 5:45 am, in order to have quiet time. Jesus 1 – Soccer 0! On 18th August 2012, we had an amazing season ending retreat, and are now in the process of recruiting for season one of SIMAMA. A personal highlight for my wife and I is that as I write this, my wife is six weeks pregnant. What a blessing! The last ten weeks has without doubt created a ripple effect in the lives of the 15 people we did Mizizi with. Mizizi Dar is taking over!


In the

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izizi Kigali recently launched its second season of the year after the Discovery Interns from Nairobi threw down with a university concert by Zambian artist Geo and Kenyan rapper Bupe, not to mention a fantastic business forum to kick-start our very first Corporate Mizizi - Kigali edition! Wow! From the last season we had 6 people get saved. One of the new believers, Dre, talks about how God is reaching out to Him, and how his life has changed so




much. He says that he has now found the real family he always wanted within his new life-group. He’s found new friends and is now reaching out to those who he left behind to come and experience what He did. Another Mizizite, Christian Kajeneri, had this to say “Mizizi came at a time in my spiritual journey where I had to reshuffle my ambitions and career, and after doing the spiritual gifts assessment I learnt so much about myself that I even have to reconsider what my involvement in

By Lilian Rutera

ministry should look like”. She adds, “I loved the sincerity, the atmosphere, and openness. It was a wonderful experience, and the time spent there was worth more than anything anyone could give. Ten weeks is such a short time, but within that period I have seen people’s lives begin to get impacted as they connect with God, meet new friends and begin to discover their purpose. I believe Mizizi has the capacity to bring change to Kigali, and I am excited to be a part of this.

CLOCKWISE: Social justice with the kids; Lilian Rutera; The class poses for a photo; Enjoying a fun day out




Pastors PASTOR SAM MWAKA A pastor’s kid, Pastor Sam Mwaka grew up on a steady dose of church. His father is a Bishop at the Redeemed Gospel Church, and his mother is a pastor at the Redeemed Church in Embakasi. He joined the internship program in 2008 and has since served in Green-house, in the administration department and is now the Care Pastor for Area Code EAST (South B, Mombasa Rd, Embakasi, Eastlands, Buru,

Umoja, Thika Rd). Prior to Mavuno, he had worked at a number of Christian organizations, including Compassion International, Emerging Young Leaders and Visionaries Inc. He studied Business Management at Kenya Institute of Management and thereafter Banking & Finance at Africa Nazarene University. In August of 2011, he married the love of his life, Jane Nyaga, a friend he had met 15 years prior. One of his enduring memories of her in their earlier years is a humorous story of him pursuing her, and how he bought her a 2 kilo black forest cake on her birthday - and all she did was pick the cake and march back into her house without the exchange of too many

words. Well, here they are many years later. During his free time, you can catch Pastor Sam throwing together a beef steak with baked potatoes, or making one of his mean milkshakes - he loves to cook. He enjoys meeting people and going on road trips. He recently went to Kampala and Kigali, and is looking forward to the day he will drive down to South Africa with his wife and friends. He also loves Sudoku! Pastor Sam is passionate about people and raising leaders. He says, “I enjoy giving care to the congregation. There’s nothing like when the people feel ‘this community cares’”. He adds, “I am also passionate about recruiting and developing leaders”.

PASTOR TONI MUNGAI Pastor Toni joined the Mavuno staff team in 2008; however his involvement with the Nairobi Chapel churches runs deep. From 1997 he served as a volunteer ministry leader at Nairobi Chapel, and later served as the Chapel’s full-time Communications Director (2001-2002). His work as ‘the’ Mizizi facilitator in the early Mavuno years earned him the nickname “Baba Mizizi”, and he now serves as the Care Pastor overseeing life-groups and providing care for Area Code WEST (Nairobi



West, Upper hill, Ngummo, Ngong Rd, Kilimani, Kileleshwa, Lavington, Westlands, Parklands). Prior to this, Pastor Toni had studied accounting at Strathmore University, and worked as a graphic designer and publisher for over 12 years. For the past 14 years, Pastor Toni has been married to the love of his life, Edith Mungai, and together they have three adorable children - Jabu (11), Neema (8) and Sifa (6). Ardent swimmers, Toni and Edith have a swim date three times each week. About his kids, he says “My kids are loads of fun, it’s unbelievable, and I love spending time with them. Currently mum is feeling the pressure to take the girls out because every month my son and I have

a date with other fathers and sons. We recently went for motor-cross and iceskating together”. A teacher of the word, Pastor Toni is passionate about parenting and marriage, and likes to share about leadership and leadership development (see his blog, leaderstalk.wordpress. com). He is also a gadgets person, and loves BMWs and Macs. As regards his work in the care department, he says, “People matter to God, and unless they are cared for, they easily become wounded and disgruntled. God has blessed me with the gift of people, which makes care easier for me. It helps that I am a sanguine, as I get energized from being with and praying for people.”

PASTOR BEVERLY MLALE For seven years, Beverly Mlale worked at McCann Ericsson as an art director, and even though she had risen up in the ranks and was leading a department, she was not at ease. Eventually she resigned, and spent time working at Life Ministry and later at BTL (Bible Translation & Literacy) before joining the Nairobi

Chapel internship in 2000. In 2003 she helped plant a church in Mwanza, and later worked in the U.S with the Calvin Presbyterian Church for a year and a half. She joined the Mavuno staff team in 2010, and currently serves as the Care pastor for Area Code SOUTH (South C, Lang’ata, Karen, Ngong). Pastor Bev, as she is fondly referred to, is passionate about many things. She loves to cook, and insists you must try her Shepherd’s Pie. She loves to experiment with food, especially fish, and loves all sorts of sea food, and you can catch her enjoying

the food channel. She is also a sucker for creativity, and together with her friends, they help create model houses on the side. You can also catch Pastor Bev doing online fashion shopping, hanging out with her friends at movies, plays and concerts, and even the occasional dog show; and every now and then you might spot her at a Sofapaka game. “I love people, and I love meeting people. The Care Department is right for me because it gives me a chance to interact with others. I Love to listen and be there for people”.

PASTOR GORDON ROGO Pastor Rogo grew up in the Anglican Church, and always sensed the call of God to serve in ministry on his life. As a result, he enrolled in the Uganda Christian University, where he studied Bible and Theology, before proceeding to work at the All Saints Cathedral from 2005 to 2006. From there he served as the Childrens’ and Teens’ pastor at the House of Grace church between 2007 and 2010. An encounter with Pastor Simon Mbevi led him to Mavuno, and he joined the staff team in April 2010. Since

then he has served in Green-House, the children’s ministry, and is now the care pastor for what is known as Assimilation, where he helps Mizizi groups transition into Life-Groups. In 2010, Pastor Rogo married Dr. Pahe Rogo. About her he says, “I love her outgoing sanguine nature, and I love that she has a beautiful spirit”. Together, they have a one year old son, Lucas Rogo, who is just learning to walk. “There are few things I enjoy more than playing with him, and watching cartoons together - he likes the shows Mouk, Mickey Mouse Club and Handy Manny. But the young man refuses to sleep at night!” When he is not pastoring, praying with people, or leading his teams, you can find Pastor Rogo playing soccer together

with his neighborhood team, or catching a Manchester United game. He also enjoys rallying, cars, and road trips. And as family is very important to him, you may also spot him enjoying a barbeque with his family. Pastor Rogo believes that the church must learn to engage with communities better, and that the family of God’s people needs to be equipped and empowered with skills that better people’s lives. As a result, Pastor Rogo is currently undertaking a Development Studies program from Moi University. Pastor Rogo says he gets discouraged when he sees people give up on their dreams because they are going through a crisis. He says, “I am passionate to see people live out their God-given dreams, because when they do they always produce lasting results for themselves and those around them”. MAVUNO LIFE


They cried with her, they prayed with her, they refused to let go and they stuck out their neck in faith when Joan was too weak to do it for herself.






Joan Karimi


She continued her treatment, punishing rounds of chemotherapy. Her life-group knew she could not manage this on her own, and quickly surrounded her to provide encouragement and comfort. Zaka dirtied their jeans often, kneeling and crying out to God on their new sister’s behalf. Every single day of treatment, her life-group would ensure one of them accompanied her to and from her sessions, and visited her Donholm residence regularly to cook and clean for her. At some point, her health seriously deteriorated, and her family made the decision to have Joan return to her rural home. At their cost, Zaka made the long journey to take Joan to her home town of Kerugoya. The life-group never gave up on Joan, trusting God that she would return to them whole. Members regularly made the journey to Kerugoya to visit and pray with her and her family, and they would regurgitate sermons for her Unbeknown to her, the life-group she joined, and bring her Zaka, would become as close as family. up to speed with what was going on at Mavuno Mashariki. literally changed her life. Unbeknown to In about mid 2012, Joan’s condition took her, the life-group she joined, Zaka, would a turn for the worse, with her weight hitting become as close as family.

er weight had plummeted to a scarcely believable 19 kilograms. She had lost the will to live and had refused further treatment. Now on hunger strike, she knew it - this was the end – she was dying. Six years earlier, Joan Karimi had been diagnosed with non-Hodgkin lymphoma a type of cancer that originates from the white blood cells. Her sister had already succumbed to the disease, and not long after, her father was diagnosed with leukemia, another blood related cancer, and also passed away. Back then, she was determined to live, determined that her mother would not shed more tears to this dreaded cancer. In 2011, frail and withered, she moved to Eastlands, and having been a Mavunite, found herself at Mavuno Mashariki, looking for no more than a church that would offer some encouragement. Yet what she found,



As told by Pastor Milton Jumba

a record low. She could not muster the strength for another round of chemo, and she refused both food and further medical intervention. It was at this point, literally Joan’s lowest moment, that her mother got desperate. She picked up the phone and called on Zaka to intervene. Their response was instant and rapid – they rallied together and began a time of fasting and praying for her. That very weekend, five of them travelled to Kerugoya and persuaded her to return to diet. It was after this intervention that a number of miracles followed. Within a period of just 2-3 weeks, Joan began to recover, quickly regaining her body weight. She was even strong enough to return to work. But the best was yet to come. Tuesday July 24, 2012 is a day firmly etched into the memory of not just Joan, but also Zaka, her new found family. With her life-group members in tow, Joan headed to hospital for a routine check-up. The news that followed not only confounded Dr. Njuguna and the rest of the medical team at Cancer Care Center, but is about to shake the very foundations of her world. Two words…CANCER FREE!! But how? Is this for real? Can this be possible?

SMS MESSAGES FROM ‘ZAKA’ “Hi Joan. God has promised in His word that He is a healer. Receive His healing power no matter how you feel. I know that my God is faithful to His word. I am thanking Him for your healing.” The Zaka Life-group

Dirty jeans – it’s not fashion…it’s faith! God’s people had surrounded her and knelt down with her. They cried with her, they prayed with her, they refused to let go and they stuck out their neck in faith when Joan was too weak to do it for herself. This is the power of community. When people ask Joan how she felt about a random group of people she hardly knew at the time caring for her the way they did, she says “I felt like God had sent me some angels to be His representatives”. About life-

group, she says, “I would say that LG is the best family one can ever ask for. They will help you with your struggles and be there for you in the good times and the bad. I also love that you can be accountable to them for the important areas of your life”. Zaka is just one of the life-groups at Mavuno Mashariki, but throughout the congregation they have seen the words of Acts 2:42-47 breathed into life. It’s the twenty ninth Chapter of the book of Acts still being written!!

“They committed themselves to the teaching of the apostles, the life together, the common meal, and the prayers. Everyone around was in awe—all those wonders and signs done through the apostles! And all the believers lived in a wonderful harmony, holding everything in common. They sold whatever they owned and pooled their resources so that each person’s need was met. They followed a daily discipline of worship in the Temple followed by meals at home, every meal a celebration, exuberant and joyful, as they praised God. People in general liked what they saw. Every day their number grew as God added those who were saved.”

“You will be up and about in no time. Hakuna kitu God hajui (there is nothing God does not know). He will see you through because He is faithful. Tutaendelea kuomba (we continue praying). All will be well, wait and see. Blessed day gal” “I’m so encouraged by your progress. You are a fighter, you will overcome this, but most importantly, God is with you. Hakunya chenye humshinda (nothing is too great for God), wait for His report, not the doctors. God is the greatest healer. Kindly listen to Angela Chibalonza’s song Tabibu, it really encourages me. Sleep well, God bless.” “Sometimes life is so difficult, but God will never allow you to be tested beyond what you can handle. So my dear, you will come out of it victoriously. We will always pray for you. I believe God will create a way and I will come to see you soon.” “Hi Joan, tonight I pray that God will heal you. You are a strong person and you give me a lot of inspiration. You are special”. “Hi Joan, my name is Philip and we belong to the same life group, Zaka. I want to uplift you with Psalms 23 to remind you that God will shield and protect and heal you. Our prayers are with you. Good night”.

By Owuor Kuyoh The FEARLESS SUMMIT is an annual conference by Mavuno Church that brings together the best spiritual and professional leadership minds to intentionally talk about the future of our Churches. We want to provide a bold platform for discerning leaders to search for ways to ensure that our nations and indeed out continent will be firmly rooted in the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ now and for generations to come. 12


This revolution will not be televised. This revolution will be live.


illiam McDowell once said, “When man looks at a church, he sees a city with a church in it, when God looks at the Church, He sees the Church with a city around it.” For almost five months, teams had been working tirelessly, rehearsing endlessly and planning meticulously for the 4th annual Fearless Summit. And when the doors opened at 10 am on the 4th of July 2012, we were ready. It was time! Kijiji Entertainment pulled out all the stops with fantastic event production, and especially with the opening ceremony. It was an eye-popping production marked with energetic dance and flash mobs, creative video, and intense worship, and set the stage beautifully for the next three days. Pastor Muriithi Wanjau opened the event with the first plenary, sharing Jesus’ own recipe for creating city-taking continent-changing fearless men and women who would change their world. Modern-day results of this recipe were on display as people such as Nelson Kuria (CEO, CIC Insurance) and later Isaac Rucci (Kampala City Yange) and Sumeet Walia (Ultra Ltd) shared powerfully regarding how Christians can have impact in the marketplace and change their cities through kingdom business. Career church planter Stephen Beck spoke of God’s passion for the lost and later Daisy Waimiri (Maono Foundation), Prashan DeVisser (Sri Lanka Unites) and Adrian DeVisser (Kithu Sevana Ministries) briefly shared their experiences of cities

being changed through social enterprise. Pastor Kenton Beshore (Mariners Church, USA) issued a challenge for all leaders to lead with great courage, and later a powerful call for the church to arise and change their cities was given by both Pastor Esther Obasi-Ike (RCCG) and Rev. Linda Ochola-Adolwa. Was that it? Were we now ready to go out and change our cities? Not before experts from various fields led the almost 1,000 delegates in engaging lab sessions that ran the gamut from ‘Leading from your strengths’ and ‘Fund-raising for large projects’, to ‘Discipling Your Workplace’ and ‘Turning your passion into profit’. This year we appreciated the significance of “Asking for the nations” as we hosted delegates from every continent of the world. From New Zealand to Haiti, and Sri Lanka to Mexico, and everywhere in between, the world was well represented. We even had to find a translator for our Congolese family – fortunately a fearless Mavunite, conversant in the lingua franca, was at hand to translate plenary and lab sessions into French. Next year we may require more translators, but for now, the writing is on the wall, no translation needed – The church can indeed change the city! This revolution cannot be televised. This revolution must be live. This revolution must begin in this city! You may want to mark your calendars today – Fearless 2013 happens July 3-5 2013.

Minute Maid is a registered trademark of The Coca-Cola Company Š2012

Stroll Down

#MavunoTurns7 MEMORY LANE

Adapted from Pastor Muriithi Wanjau’s 7th anniversary sermon titled ‘Blessed to Be a Blessing’

“If you don’t know history, then you don’t know anything. You are a leaf that doesn’t know it is part of a tree. ” - Michael Crichton


he weekend of the 4th and 5th of August 2012 was a huge celebration for Mavuno Church, as we celebrated our 7th birthday as a family. But what may be lost to many is that we really should have been celebrating the

1952 A vision is birthed to start a church that would be strong in evangelism & teaching, and open to people from all denominations. That church, then reaching many British Troops stationed in the country, is born as Nairobi Chapel at the Girl Guides headquarters at Nairobi Arboretum.



1955 The church acquires property on Mamlaka Hill. The ‘Gospel Hour’ radio services are broadcast live to the whole nation. Services are full to overflowing.

60th anniversary since the movement that planted Mavuno Church began. Let’s revisit our story, a story that is important because unless we know where we’ve come from, we’ll never know who we are to be. So journey with us down memory lane:

1963 At Kenya’s independence, the return of British Settlers to Europe sees the church begin to dwindle. Interestingly, the church building starts becoming surrounded by hundreds of African university students as the former Royal College (now University of Nairobi), buys up land in the area.

1988 After years of steady decline, 20 remaining adults are faced with one of two options close the church, or seek help. After a protracted season of prayer, they felt called by God to approach an African-led church and ask for help.

Leadership of Nairobi Baptist Church not only sends over an intern to assist pastor the church, but also asks some families to move and help. In this season, Pastor Muriithi Wanjau joins the church as a first year university student. Glory Days - God begins to do a new thing, as this little church begins to grow. A group of students, along with young working single adults and young families, many of them lecturers and university staff join the church. Pastors Muriithi and Carol join the staff as some of the first interns. From 20 adults in 1989, the church steadily grew to 3000 adults (and many children) by 2004.


1998 (The Multiplication) – God begins to speak to the elders about the need for expansion, and the vision to buy 14 acres of land on Ngong Road is born. At a cost of a then astronomical 40 million Kenya Shillings, a furious fundraising campaign kicks off. A week to the closing date, the church has only raised a little over half the amount and are faced with the possibility of losing their entire deposit. With two days to spare, we get several large gifts that paid off the whole amount! This was an amazing miracle, and shortly after we did a celebratory service on the land as we prepared to move.

After elections and the entry of a new regime, the government freezes all development of land near forests, including our new parcel. As intense prayer happens during this frustrating season, we sense God’s leadership directing us not to move to one location but to start five different churches at the same time! Five teams were formed and began to prepare.


With a terrible road leading to our premises, and knowledge that the Club was on the market, a two year search for a new home culminates in the identification of the Belle Vue Cinema grounds. Through the sacrificial giving of the congregation, over 30 million Kenya Shillings is raised; this above regular tithes and offering.

(July) - Mavuno Church is launched at the same time as four other sister congregations! The initial staff team included Pastors Muriithi Wanjau, Linda Ochola-Adolwa, Simon Mbevi and Kanjii Mbugua. Our first service at the South C Sports Club attracts 398 adults and children. Our vision and mission become clear in this season.

Mavuno 2.0 - Since then we have been in the middle of a miracle. God’s hand has been upon us. So far in 2012, we have averaged around 4,700 people spread out in five congregations, three in Nairobi, one in Kampala and another in Berlin.




In 2009 Mavuno Downtown joins the Mavuno family, and later in 2010 Mavuno Mashariki also joins. In 2010 and 2011 respectively, Mavuno Kampala and Mavuno Berlin are born.

2008 A launch service is held at the new Mavuno dome, and within the first month, the church grows from 400 to over 1,600.


TO DATE From January 2012 to date, over 700 people have become Christ-followers, which is more than our original congregation.

Mavuno 3.0 – Coming soon!!

VISION - “Turning Ordinary People Into Fearless Influencers Of Society”. MISSION – “To plant a culture-defining church in every capital city of Africa and in the gateway cities of the world by 2035’. MAVUNO LIFE







one more

song By Ler Koteng’o

And there in that moment, all hands lifted up. A silhouette of total surrender, Hands outstretched…grasping for the presence of God! And the solo solemn sound of the piano guides the unheard sound of angels singing “Holy Holy Holy is the Lord God Almighty!” The slow beat of the drum and the electric strum of the guitar kick in Lifting them to a higher place! Lifting to a crescendo, and the sudden roar of joyous celebration! Each yelling in unison “One more song!” “One more song!”




ne of the few things that make my skin tingle, in a nice way, is being in an atmosphere where God’s presence moves freely, addressing needs, desires and hopes in all those hungry enough for it. Imagine being in the middle of a crowd, and in a moment of brokenness and surrender, dignity aside, and with a buzz of people praying, sobbing, echoing songs and scripture all around you, you experience God. And in that moment of realization that you are - as one very huge Hulk from Avengers would put it - a puny god, you surrender. And God embraces you! Welcome to Worship Night at Mavuno! Every last Friday of the month we get together for uninterrupted worship, a time of exuberant music, worship and prayer, as God’s people connect with Him and celebrate His goodness. I happened to be there when Worship Night started. It began when an eager group of people, hungry to meet with God in an uninterrupted space, decided to start a prayer revival called 24/7. Over three days, Mavunites would come to church at any given time of day or night to pray for at least an hour. To climax, we would all gather together

to worship and pray on the last Friday of the month. We prayed for our country, our families, our church and for salvation. It was beautiful! Many people became Christ-followers in these gatherings, and my goodness, weren’t lives transformed! Mine sure was! Now, four years and countless bands, singers and pastors, later, Worship Night at Mavuno has become quite the phenomenon. The level of creativity and hard work put in by the Services and the Life Groups teams, bringing in different worship teams and pastors from churches all over this city, Worship Night has become the beloved and fast growing child to Mavunites. We have experienced breakthrough in impossible situations, witnessed the healing and restoration from dark pasts, and seen new hope birthed in peoples’ hearts. At the end of the night, even with lost voices and muscle aches from the dancing and jumping, a charge lingers in everyone’s spirit. Without need for words, there is an agreement in the air that acknowledges that something significant has just happened. The only remaining souvenir is a memory…then the echo of men and women yelling after the band, “One more Song!”

G N I V SER By Owuor Kuyoh

is a


Every weekend, Mavuno services are broadcast live, via the Internet, for many to watch all across the world. Ever wondered who manages our camera productions and live broadcasts? Meet Muchina Kamau, the man behind the lens. A picture of fierce dedication and unyielding commitment, Muchina stepped away from the camera long enough to tell us his story.


relocated to Kenya about three and a half years ago, and I longed for a church that I could relate to. I was grateful when a friend invited me to find Mavuno because as soon as I got here, it felt like home. I wanted to serve but thought I couldn’t just walk in and start, I had to learn the church culture. I signed up for Mizizi, and later did Ombi. I felt ready to plug into a ministry, and during the Ombi retreat, I found myself gravitating towards the Services/Media sign-up desk, not only because I had served in media in my previous church, but also because it’s what I do for a living. For the year and a half before I committed to serve, I would sit as part of the congregation and marvel at the professional work ethic I saw. “They don’t need me” I thought to myself, “and I don’t think I can add any capacity, they’re good”. I was pleasantly surprised when I stepped in because I realized there is great need for people to serve, and especially to do the behind-the-scenes work that often goes unnoticed. For some reason, possibly my personality, I find that media provides that for me perfectly. As I serve, one of the things I’m very careful to do is to get fed. As a result, I use the Saturday service, a more relaxed environment, to listen. If I’m not available

don’t play around with God’s work. He doesn’t during the weekend I make sure I watch give you a gift to hoard it or hold it back. As the online sermons during the week. The easily as He gave, he can take it away and give one-year-bible Mavuno is going through to another willing soul, so I’m careful to even has also been instrumental, both in my go the extra mile. walk of faith, as well as as a guide in my One thing I believe is that for each one of media career. Through serving, my skill level has also He doesn’t give you a gift to hoard it or hold grown tremendously, as has my quest for it back. As easily as He gave, he can take it excellence. The same away and give to another willing soul. values that once intimidated me have us, there is always something you can do. now become a part of me. Mavuno offers External perceptions might not mirror the the inspiration and opportunity to learn real picture on the inside. You may not think exciting new things, and I see people here with such excellence and passion, whether you have all the skills, just the willingness, and on staff or as associates and it gives me the as you offer capacity and avail yourself, God will equip you. God wants your availability desire to do my best. before you can be of His utility. Anything that My personal conviction is that when you need, He will equip you to do. you’re serving, you give it your all. You MAVUNO LIFE






heir wedding budget was savagely ripped to shreds; by their parents, no less. “Tea and mandazi? At a wedding? Never!” That was part of a brutal conversation that launched two lovebirds on a journey towards discovering and ultimately fulfilling their purpose. Meet Daisy and Seth Busolo proprietors of Wholesome Entertainment. A few months out from their nuptials, all they had raised was enough money to cater for their wedding rings. Their valiant attempts at cost-cutting, including simple refreshment options were promptly shut down. Now trapped between the proverbial rock and hard place, they were forced to regroup, and think on their feet. Seth was a good script-writer, and was mentoring a group of aspiring actors and actresses. Daisy was a great planner and negotiator. “So why not organize a play” they thought to themselves, “and use the proceeds to fund the wedding”. Armed with nothing but this left field idea, and a fearless determination, they set out to do the improbable. A volunteer cast and production crew offered their services as part of their own wedding contribution, and with the nudging and encouragement of more experienced theatre heads, “It’s Not About The Bride” was staged at the Nairobi Cinema.



200,000 Kenya shillings richer, they won not just the admiration of their peers, but also of their families, who responded by promptly topping up their deficit. Unbeknownst to them at the time, a prophetic word Seth received in 2009 was being fulfilled. While doing Mizizi, a lady in their class spoke over his life, making this bold declaration to a gentleman she hardly knew: “God is going to use your gift of creativity in media and the arts to impact the nation of Kenya”. He may have shrugged this off at the time as empty rhetoric, but today, he is living out his purpose, impacting families and marriages across the nation. “It’s Not About The Bride” was followed by other plays, including, “Corporate Wife”, “History Box” and “Secrets”, and today, Wholesome Entertainment, the company born out of this process, has grown to become one of the leading theater companies in Kenya. With over seven plays and more than 45 shows performed in theatres across Nairobi, their shows have been watched by over 3000 people.

With a brand of intellectually stimulating yet genuinely rib-cracking productions, Daisy says “God has given us the privilege and duty to be part of his agenda in the healing and restoration of families. God wants us to contribute in building His Kingdom on earth by inspiring, refreshing and restoring Marriages and family relationships”. Seth and Daisy began by staging plays solely for the public. But with their success, the demand for their product has grown exponentially. They have now diversified into corporate productions, providing plays for corporate employee motivation as well as business training and induction plays. Their clientele now includes Safaricom, CocaCola, Nation Media Group, and Professional Marketing Services (PMS) among others. Wholesome Entertainment are also very close partners of NDOA, Mavuno’s marriage ministry, where both Seth and Daisy serve have served as facilitators for the past three years. Seth concludes by saying, “Because we exist, more people will laugh their way into happier marriages and family relationships”.

Contact Wholesome Entertainment at


I Discovered my

PURPOSE By Pastor David Kuria


hey say ‘when it rains, it pours’. For Joy Muthoni, this seemed to be her unfortunate reality. She freely admits, “Every horrible thing that could happen to a woman has happened to me”. From being sexually molested at an early age and gang raped by a group of violent men, to going through a turbulent and physically abusive marriage that has seen her endure multiple surgical operations as

In every sense of the word, 2011 became a year of great discovery. a result, she’s seen it all. But they also say “God never wastes pain”. In 2011, Joy joined Mavuno’s Discovery program, intent on following after God. She knew she was passionate about God and women, and felt the best place to pursue her passions was in church ministry. In every sense of the word, 2011 became a year of great discovery. In April, together with a team of 30 Discovery Africa members, she went on mission to a far flung island in the Tana Delta known as Katsangani. There, her destiny would be forever changed. During the mission many great things happened. This young team led 18 people to Christ, they saw the deaf and dumb



healed before their very eyes, they helped complete the construction of a half-built church, and many more amazing things. But Joy’s heart was restless throughout. The desperate plight of women in the area broke her heart. With little to no medical facilities in the area, the graphic tales of horrific child-birth stories moved her - untrained traditional birth attendants would leave a trail of destruction in their wake. Sexual molestation of young girls, even by their fathers, was the order of the day, and young girls were sexually active from as early as 7 years of age, and married off to uncaring brutish men not long after. Many of the Discovery participants went back to Nairobi fulfilled, yet Joy was distraught. She shared what she had experienced and the plight of these women with “Unleashed”, her life-group. Compelled to act, Joy invited two Pastors from Katsangani for Fearless 2011. The Pastors were awed by what was happening at Mavuno and felt that they needed the Mavuno DNA in their churches and requested to be taken though the Mizizi experience. The life-group decided to somehow start a Mizizi class in the area and targeted the local pastors. In Joy’s words, “We felt that we had to start with the pastors of the area. If we can reach them and teach them about

their responsibility to call out real men in society, then the area would slowly begin to experience transformation”. The life-group raised Ksh. 5,000 every week, with each member contributing Ksh. 500 weekly, and for eleven weeks, one of them, Cresence Thuo, would travel down to Katsangani each Saturday night and return each Monday morning just in time for work. Joy says, “The pastors of Kastangani understood Mizizi’s Social Justice Week better than any group we had seen in Nairobi. They realized that the crippling poverty they saw all around them had to end, and that without economic empowerment, the women, and even the men, would never move forward”. Together with Joy and Cresence, they decided to start a small income-generating farming project. Back in Nairobi, Joy and Cresence approached the Life-group and some friends, and undertook a fund-raising venture, this time to raise Ksh. 120,000 for the purchase of a water pump, an 8,000

litre water tank, hose pipes, buckets and everything else required for an irrigation project. Joy says “It is amazing to see an area that just a few months ago looked like a desert is now a flourishing farm. Today they have 15 acres of land that is successfully growing water melons, sukuma wiki, kunde and okra”. She adds, “One of the amazing things was seeing Pastor Luka, who was in the Mizizi class, donate an acre of his land to his congregation. He said to the people, ‘I cannot rise up alone, we must rise together’”. The effects of the farming are now being felt in the neighborhood and beyond. Locals now have access to much cheaper vegetables and this season they’re ready to plant their own. In addition, the local church, that has been heavily involved, has grown from 60 people, to over twice that size and is now busting at the seams.

Before, husbands who would forbid is that God was setting her up for significance. their wives to go to church saw what Joy, together with Cresence, has gone on God was doing and soon they became to launch a frontline initiative called F.A.C.T more open to the Gospel; many of them International (Faith, Action, Compassion & becoming Christ-followers. Transformation). “We hope to express our Interestingly, when Joy was through with faith through action by showing compassion, her Mavuno internship, she applied for a which leads to transformation”. position at Mavuno, hoping for the chance Joy says, “I believe the Discovery program to pastor women. The Before, husbands who would forbid their wives response, to go to church saw what God was doing and though soon they became more open to the Gospel; depressing at the time, many of them becoming Christ-followers. freed her to pursue God’s calling for her life. She recalls prepared me for this, and it is no coincidence Pastor Anthony Mwaniki saying to her that God led me to do it. It sharpened me as a “If we bring you here we will have clipped leader and molded my character so definitively. your wings, you will not accomplish God’s God used it to grant me purpose and a new intention for you”. What she did not realize fulfilling, refreshing and direction in my life”.

You can contact F.A.C.T on (+254)724-647769 or (+254)731-377577 or via email; or

DISCOVERY is a one year full-time leadership training program that seeks to train and equip candidates for God-centered, transformational leadership. Through this one year internship, we prepare each intern to become the leader God created them to be. Discovery has two intakes each year - a January intake, whose application deadline is September 30th, and a September intake, whose application deadline is May 30th. For more details, contact us at, or visit the “Discovery” section of our website. MAVUNO LIFE






By Sylvia Mukami

Mavuno Kampala Cleanliness is next to godliness-indeed! Uganda’s capital Kampala is inhaling a breath of fresh air thanks to the efforts of Mavuno Kampala’s Isaac Rucci. He, an acclaimed musician and now successful business owner, is the brains behind Kampala City Yange, an organization that inspires and educates individuals and the community towards greater ownership of their community.

Isaac Rucci founder of Kampala City Yange



How did it all start? What was the inspiration behind Kampala City Yange? I heard a message at Mavuno Kampala one Sunday that inspired me greatly, and I realized that I had no choice but to be a fearless influencer in my society. I am convinced that the state of a Capital City of

any nation shapes the image of the entire nation and we as city dwellers must play our part in making our city better. Kampala has the potential to be the most beautiful garden city of Africa and an exciting place to live and work in. Sadly, few people believe this, so I decided to start a foundation that would rally people towards this cause by making them own their city. I called it Kampala City Yange meaning ‘Kampala my city’. At 11 a.m on 11/11/11, KCY was born.

What activities have you been involved in so far and how well have they been received? We started a clean-up initiative every last Saturday of the month and so far, we have had six successful clean-ups. We also have a series of monthly and on-going community service activities which are drawn from a collection of community needs of city dwellers, workers, businesses, tourists, students and shoppers. We find and document all the community needs in Kampala then we allow the community to find solutions based on their passions and skill from educational presentations to beautification projects. One of the most exciting things for me was the recently held City Yange

Awards, which celebrated local leaders doing extraordinary work to transform their communities - confronting littering, waste management issues and environmental pollution.

Where do you get resources to run Kampala City Yange? Some resources are monetary while others are in kind. I believe that that which will transform Kampala will come from Kampala. Therefore, we mobilize our resources from a wide spectrum of city stakeholders and partners. We provide monthly and annual cityoriented causes to them as their preferred vehicle of expression for corporate social responsibility around Kampala. The response has been really overwhelming and we see God’s hand in all that we do.

One of the things that really caught my eye was your interesting logo, is there specific symbolism to it? Yes, the rising green skyline represents a growing environmentally friendly city. The red and blue open arms represent the warmth, hospitality, and aspirations of the city’s people. The blue striped multi-

colored taxi, the most memorable icon of Kampala’s identity, represents a vibrant city on the move.

What’s next for KCY? What events do we look out for? We are in the process of partnering with various schools, NGO’s, Youth Organizations and the Buganda Government. We want to create ownership of this initiative across the city, and for this to happen we must involve all those who call Kampala home.

You are redefining your city by being part of the solution, how would you challenge those who are apathetic about their city? A city is the embodiment of many colorful experiences that you might not find elsewhere. All these experiences you derive out of a city are ‘a share of ownership’ on your part, regardless of whether you are a resident, a worker, beggar, student, thief, shopper, visitor or tourist to Kampala. This is your city… you own it, but with ownership comes responsibility! Own it and do something!

Visit us on, or like us on Facebook (




People Building

Dreams Building

Mavuno Downtown By Alex Shianda


waiting, consulting, and praying, but eventually William’s father was cleared of all fraud charges. This happened just as William had been elected Projects Manager for Holygan, a Christian student club in Maseno University. This family experience served to awaken the sleeping giant in him, and galvanized strong desires for justice and good governance. So when the Tuvuke-Hatua forums hosted by Mavuno Downtown rolled into his Maseno University campus, it provided an opportunity for William to set the agenda. Together with friends, he set in motion a chain of events that made the Tuvuke initiative a roaring success. He mobilized his friends to create a great buzz in the campus for the initiative. He connected the team with the local FM station, started a word-of-mouth campaign and personally took the team round to all the strategic places around the His family experience served to awaken the campus. With one sleeping giant in him, and galvanized strong day’s publicity, desires for justice and good governance. William and his friends attracted over 800 students to attend the midhis world turned absolutely topsy-turvy week Tuvuke politics and governance when tragedy came knocking. His father, forum. The team had targeted a total of who William admits to loving dearly and 500 people. Talk about fearless influence! whose dedication to transforming lives The Tuvuke-Hatua forums serve as makes him one of William’s life mentors, training grounds targeting the youth of was accused of corruption in the Kenya to become Peace Ambassadors. government ministry he served in. What They also provide an opportunity for he had previously only heard of in the 9 youth to leverage on this platform o’clock news bulletin became reality. and consolidate their voices, spaces Their good family name was dragged and information towards free, fair and through the mud, and they had to endure peaceful elections this year. court cases, hearings and trials. The In his words, “This (Tuvuke) was an storm had surely come. encouragement and I personally wish to It seemed like an eternity, time was spent aruki Murakami, popular Japanese writer and translator was once quoted as saying, “And once the storm is over, you won’t remember how you made it through, how you managed to survive. You won’t even be sure, whether the storm is really over. But one thing is certain. When you come out of the storm, you won’t be the same person who walked in. That’s what this storm’s all about.” These words rang true for William Nyambeka, a first year student at Maseno University. We met William during one of our Tuvuke Hatua forums as we visited colleges and universities. William had what appeared to be the picture perfect world. A good loving family, pristine image, and was in university studying the desire of his heart, Hydrology and Water Resource Management. Yet the calm was violently broken and



Alex Shianda

take part in the creating of a new mentality in our youth for a better Kenya. I want to do it over and over again to personally bring peace and create more peace ambassadors. It’s my dream to visit all other campuses and assist in the creation of a new people of Kenya.” William is a mirror image of the fact that the Christian faith can impact one’s sphere of influence. He is not waiting to finish campus to have an impact. He believes his time to set the agenda is now and with his faith, he has resolved to be relevant in his family life through prayer, and in his student life in projects like Tuvuke. This is just the beginning!

William Nyambeka




Africa’s ROLE Global

Mavuno Berlin



Pastors Daniel & Nancy Flechsig with their son Ferdinand

After serving at Mavuno for a number of years, Daniel Fleschig proceeded to plant Mavuno Berlin in September 2011. We caught up with Daniel during the 2012 Fearless Summit and had a few questions for him.

Why did you stop what you were doing in Germany to come and serve in an African church?

and various events. The marathon classes do not seem like tradition or curriculum – it is passion!

Honestly, I just did not see a future for myself in the church in Europe. At the time I was heading the administration of one wing of the Brethren Churches of Germany, but the truth is I wanted to change careers and return to the marketplace as a physician. I carefully observed the statistics - only one third of German churches were experiencing any sort of growth, with most of them in steady decline. Filled with a mainly grey-haired demographic that does not truly represent our nation, the German church was dying. I saw very many once magnificent traditional church buildings turned into museums and art galleries, or converted to residential facilities. As such, becoming a pastor was just not an option.

Professional – Very interesting for me was the professional standard Mavuno operated at. It’s a standard I have only ever seen in the business world, hardly from churches. There is also a great focus on excellence and execution, even when it comes to making disciples. And as I interacted with the Mavuno vision, I learned to breathe it for myself. It soon became my personal vision, and naturally became the vision of Mavuno Berlin.

You came and served in Nairobi at Mavuno Church for a number of years. What are some of the things you learned from your time here? I was amazed at the level of vibrancy, and the relevance of the church even to the young, well-educated, urban professionals. The church was fun, professional and relevant.

Fun - At Mavuno, people love to go to church

and love the weekend services. The enjoy doing the Marathon, and being involved in trainings



Relevant - In Germany, church remains the

domain of the traditional and the conservative - and this is the description of the target group that 95% of German churches are trying to reach. Yet this group represents way less than 50% of the German population, and even less in major cities like Berlin. At Mavuno I was surprised to see how relevant a church can be to its culture, intentionally connecting with a target group, and connecting with their music, lifestyle, even ambitions, and communicating the Gospel in a way people easily understand.

In your own words, what do you see as Africa’s role in the global church? My heart is for Europe. And as I served in Kenya for the three years I did, I kept asking myself, why do we keep sending missionaries from Germany to Africa? Why is it a oneway street yet the African church is so much stronger? What Europe needs are many more urban missionaries from Kenya, people who talk about the God “the Africans” believe in. What Europe needs is Africa’s vibrancy, Africa’s passion, energy and music. The people I encountered at Mavuno stepped out in such great faith because they believed in a real God. The Germans I relate with have never seen this, and just like I was, will be moved when they encounter people with great passion and faith, and move out to fearlessly influence their society. I really believe that Africa must arise. This is Africa’s time!

Mizizi na

MAKARAO Mavuno Mashariki By Joy Muthoni, David Kuria A city of justice, a city of love; A city of peace, for everyone of us, We all need it, can’t live without it; Gotham City, oh, yeah. - Lyrics to “Gotham City” by R. Kelly


he songwriter told the story of the fictional Gotham City, a city with two faces. On one hand, a city full of promise, full of decent, hard-working people intent on leading meaningful lives. Yet on the other, Gotham is depicted as a hotbed of crime and corruption, taken over by illicit gangs and experiencing high urban decay. Only the super-human intervention of comic book super-hero, Batman, can keep it safe. Mavuno Mashariki looked at the Eastlands area of Nairobi City and couldn’t help but see the striking parallels. Within the great promise of a populous mass of hard-working Kenyans, lies a reality of moral and social degradation. Realizing there would be no Caped Crusader or Dark Knight to save the day, they donned their super-hero cloaks and came up with the “Mizizi Na Makarao” initiative. And just like in the Batman comics, they realized that part of the solution lies in the city’s police department. At around the same time Mavuno Mashariki were thinking through this initiative, God spoke to Jade Gichuri, a member of the Life Group UNLEASHED, and asked her to take Mizizi to the police

and their families in Eastlands. She in turn shared this with the Life Group, who started praying for direction. A couple of meetings with the OCS did not bear initial fruit, and it was then that campus Pastor Richard Chogo suggested a change of tact, and suggested introducing Mizizi to Reverend Wambua, the pastor of Buru Buru Chapel, a church that meets in the Buru Buru Police station compound. He was excited about Mizizi, and a few months later, 30 excited members of his staff and congregation graduated from Mizizi. Whilst going through the program, Reverend Wambua, a retired police officer himself, suggested to the Mizizi team that the program be taken to the police officers at the station. Eventually the DCIO (Deputy Criminal Investigation Officer) opened up the doors for Mizizi at the station, and on 30th August 2012, the program was launched at the Buru Buru Police Station to all the CID (Criminal Investigation Department) officers of the station. It is the desire of Mavuno Mashariki and the life-group that the experience would be so transformational that others would see

The Unleashed Life-group

life-change in the officers and be compelled to try Mizizi. After Buru Buru Police Station, the intention is to move “Mizizi na Makarao” to all the other police stations that fall under the DCIO’s jurisdiction; these include Jogoo Rd, Kamkunji and Dandora police stations.

Here’s a few practical ways to support ‘Unleashed’ and Mavuno Mashariki: 1. Pray for real transformation in the lives of the CID officers and their families 2. Pray that as a result of the Buru Buru initiative, doors will continue to open in other stations 3. You can also purchase and donate Mizizi books to the “Mizizi Na Makarao” initiative. To do so, contact Joy – 0724 647769 or Jade – 0722 722559. Makarao is a popular slang word for ‘police’.



COUNT me in

But who am I, and who are my people, that we should be able to give as generously as this? Everything comes from you, and we have given you only what comes from your hand - I Chronicles 29:14


poken during the tail end of his reign over Israel, King David was effusive as he thought of how the people of Israel had given. The Temple of the Lord needed to be built, and a call was made to all Israel to contribute. As Mavuno Church we are in a season where the call has been made to build God’s house. In 2013 we will be securing prime land in the Mlolongo area from where we will launch ourselves into what God is calling us to. We believe Mavuno to be a place of worship, a place where people come to be healed, refreshed and receive Godinstructions. But we believe it is far more than this. We believe Mavuno is a boot camp for fearless influencers; a place where an army of city and world-changers, fearless men and women who realize the power that God has placed in them will discover their purpose and be equipped to impact their world. And just like King David, we continue to celebrate because as the call was made; God’s people have continued to respond towards the capital campaign, affectionately dubbed “Count Me In” and are giving sacrificially.



Contributions to Date

We’ve witnessed people participate in amazing ways by not only contributing cash, but also by giving land, cars, and even houses, and we bless God for all who have contributed so far.

Number of those who have PLEDGED

1,012 Amount of CASH pledged to date

317,264,571 shillings

Amount of cash RECEIVED to date

68,231,918 shillings



Here are three reasons why God’s people have given and continue to give:

Reason One

Reason Two

Reason 3

Our reality is that the tenancy at our current location is soon coming to an end, and we urgently need to find a new home. At Belle Vue, not only do we not have a lease agreement, which makes our continued stay extremely risky, but with astronomically rising rent costs (set to increase by more than 500%) coupled with an unwillingness by the land owners to pursue a sale agreement, we are left with little choice but to resettle. Failure to secure a new property means that not only will the Mavuno family be homeless, but our continued existence comes under threat. People are giving to ensure that Mavuno Church secures a new and permanent home.

Over the seven years the Mavuno family has been together, we have had a front row seat to the miraculous things God has done in the lives of real men and women. We are always telling the countless stories of marriages being restored, families being set right, and people being freed from bondages and addictions. We’ve seen people leading ordinary powerless lives come in, discover their purpose, and begin to live out more powerful impactful lives than they could have ever imagined, affecting their families, workplaces, sectors of society and beyond. We believe God is not done with Mavuno - if anything, He’s just starting. People are giving because they are investing in the changed lives of numerous others waiting for the ministry of God through the Mavuno family.

At Mavuno, we believe that God is birthing the seeds of transformation not just for the city of Nairobi but also for the continent of Africa, and indeed the world. Our mission is not an easy one; it is to take ordinary everyday people and turn them into fearless influencers of society who will change the world in this generation. We believe this land we are moving to will become a center for the reformation of the nations – a space that will serve as a platform for reaching not only Nairobi but the rest of Kenya, Africa and the world with the gospel of Jesus. Our vision is to see culture-defining churches planted in every capital city of Africa and the gateway cities of the world by 2035. Our prayer is that the amazing transformation we are experiencing in Nairobi will be happening in every African nation, and all key global cities around the world. People are giving because they are investing in a movement to change the world.



...we believe that God is birthing the seeds of transformation not just for the city of Nairobi but also for the continent of Africa, and indeed the world.



We are looking to move further down Mombasa Road to an extremely prime property just a few minutes after Mlolongo Town. The property is a 15 minute drive away from our current location at Belle Vue, and just 22.5 km down. It is a 30 acre property, highly visible from the highway, and is surrounded by very rapidly multiplying housing developments. We anticipate to move by end 2012-early 2013.


In addition to the risky situation mentioned above regarding our tenancy, astronomical land costs mean that the longer we delay purchasing our own property, the longer we would be at the mercy of landlords, and the more expensive it would become in future.


We are excited because we believe in the next few years we will be at the center of the action! The area we are looking at is on a triangle that connects three important hubs; Nairobi, which is our current commercial center, the Kitengela area which is rapidly becoming a very significant residential center, and the upcoming Konza City - a massive 5,000 acre ultra-modern city that will serve as the Silicon Valley of East and Central Africa.


When we were starting Mavuno 2.0 at Bellevue, 400 people were challenged to raise over 30 million. It looked gigantic, and totally out of reach for our young

congregation, but we made it, and the most important lesson we learned then was that it doesn’t take a large number to make a huge difference! We are now looking to raise an astronomical Ksh. 600 million. Yet by faithful tithing and sacrificial giving, we firmly believe God’s purposes for Mavuno and Mavuno’s future will come to pass.

“Not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit says the Lord” - Zechariah 4:6

Visit our website today and discover how you too can be counted in.

LET GO LET GOD As told by MaryAlice Mbithe Muema

In late August MaryAlice Mbithe Muema handed over the car keys to her Toyota Ist to the pastors at Mavuno as part of her contribution towards Mavuno Park. This is her story.


y the time I came to Mavuno, I appeared to be your ordinary Christian girl. What many did not know is that I was really struggling trying to balance the desire to live out Christian values with a noholds-barred party-hard lifestyle. And as a result of a rape I endured in my younger years, I struggled with bitterness and unforgiveness, especially towards parents who neither believed nor supported me. How I ended up in Mizizi is beyond me. Church for me was a boring experience, but a friend really pushed me to do Mizizi. I signed up. Surprisingly, Mizizi was great fun, yet because of the double life I lived, I ended up disappearing for some time. During this period, I ended up in fornication and got



pregnant. Confused and uncertain about the future, I ended up procuring an abortion, and very ironically, this happened the day before the final Mizizi retreat. I felt broken and lost, and had no intention of attending the retreat, but for some inexplicable reason, I made it. What I did not know was that a lifetransforming experience that would alter my destiny was about to happen. At the retreat, a lady I had never met before, nor seen since, began to pray over me, prophesying powerfully over me. Stunned, and with tears in my eyes, she said that she saw a knife, and lots of blood around my private parts. Overwhelmed with a sense of guilt


me in

LEFT: Mbithe with part of the Freedom Behind Bars team. ABOVE: At Lang’ata Women’s Prison

and grief, I utterly and completely broke down. A team of pastors and Mizizi leaders prayed over my hunched self, literally for hours. Their compassion and concern for me was very confusing, but for the first time I began to sense a real love flood my heart. For years I had condemned myself, but here I now was, accepting God’s love and purposes in and for my life. After the Mizizi retreat, life began to slowly turn around, even as I continued to contend with the Christian faith. I plugged into church, went through OMBI, and for a season served with the Freedom Behind Bars initiative as a Mizizi understudy in the prisons. The honest truth is that I really don’t know where my life would have been today without Mavuno Church. At Mavuno I began to find acceptance, love and a sense of purpose. The one thing I know today is that my life is not about me. I find myself yearning for God much more, and He’s revealing to me who I am and what He’s created me to be. I’ve come to understand that life is not about material things or about money. I’m no longer confused about my purpose - I realize it is not about making a profit for a company. My life is about the harvest.


When I heard about the “Count Me In” initiative to secure Mavuno a home, the honest truth is that it was quite scary. God immediately asked me to give my most

struggled with lack of the affirmation I so prized possession towards Mavuno 3.0 - my car. I heard God say to me “Mbithe give, you are craved from my father. One random day the family goes out to not where you used to be 5 years ago”. dinner, and right there in the middle of the I dilly-dallied for a while, even considering meal, my father stood up and did the most selling the car at some point. I recall God unimaginable thing. He begins to confess reminding me about the story of Abraham many of the things that had bedeviled our being asked to sacrifice his son Isaac, and the family, and chooses, right there, in front of thing I said to myself is I would like to get to everyone to start affirming myself and my that point of obedience. I also recalled Rev. sister. We had an amazing family moment, Kwame Rubadiri challenging us that giving is and right there, in the middle of a pub our not about the money, but it’s about an act of family began to experience great healing and faith and full dependence on God. began proclaiming the goodness of God. I Then one day in church I listened to a couple had never felt more complete in my life. share their testimony of selling their car and I appreciate now that giving my car was bringing the proceeds to Mavuno, and that the lesson for them was that ‘God expects obedience ...and right there, in the middle of a pub our more than sacrifice’ - I family began to experience great healing knew what I had to do! and began proclaiming the goodness of God. Giving the car to Mavuno was the hardest an act of surrender to God, and as I gave things I have ever done. “That is my life” myself away to God’s will for me, He began to I thought to myself, “you take my car and respond in amazing ways. you’ve taken away Mbithe”. And even though Today I look back and I’m so grateful that I had experienced God in the past six years, Mavuno Church and Pastor Muriithi Wanjau I realized that a huge quantum leap was challenged me to grow my faith. I realize that happening in my faith. people can remain comfy where they are and Not long after this, I began to experience the chose not to respond to God in obedience, miraculous. I had interviewed for a job many even regarding their resources. But if there’s months back and had never heard back from one thing that I have learnt, it’s that God can’t them. Out of the complete blue, I received a bless you until you let go. Giving means you call, and soon they had offered me a job with a 45% pay increase and a guaranteed bonus. How are letting go and letting God in. My encouragement? Don’t hold on too could I possibly explain this? tightly to something as simple as money and I also began to see God’s hand in my risk what God intends to do in your life. For family. I realized that there were still vestiges God to release His blessing in your life, you of bitterness and unforgiveness in my must learn to let go. heart, especially towards my parents. I also MAVUNO LIFE


Jesus had two fish and five loaves. He fed over 5,000 people. Brian Murimi (pictured below ), a 22-year old leader at ou r teen’s ministry, Teenz Konnect, has already se rved up over 13,000 meals. Welcome to the 58 Movem ent.




By Brian Murim i


t all started in 2009, after I had undergone knee surgery and was spending time at home recuperating. During one of my devotions, I stumbled upon Isaiah 58. And if you spend yourselves on behalf of the hungry and satisfy the needs of the oppressed, then your light will rise in the darkness and your night will become like the noonday – Isaiah 58:10 This passage would not let me go, and refused to give me peace. It became such a profound scripture, and ignited in me a burning desire for social justice. I knew I had to do something, I couldn’t just sit back and watch as the homeless and hungry went unseen. I had so many questions, but I knew the answers would not come as I sat and thought through them. As a self-confessed bookworm, I had started a library service where my friends would borrow books at a small fee. My first hustle! I told my friends about what God had put in my heart, and with the money from the books, two of my friends and I began to finance a feeding project we then called Project Small Love.

Project Small Love

From 9 – 11pm we stayed with a few homeless people in Kayole, and spent that time praying with them and feeding

For more in fo

them. Roho safi we had no idea what we were doing or getting ourselves into! My reaction was to obey God’s instruction. That night, we were shocked to discover that with only one hundred shillings, we bought mukimo and fed 15 street kids! As the library service and the feeding program expanded, we decided to designate a certain alley in the city centre where we would meet every Friday night, and proceed to feed and pray with the homeless.

Support from Teenz Konnekt

I proceeded to share my heart with the pastors and my friends at Teenz Konnekt, and the support was overwhelming. Without the support of Teenz Konnekt, I’m not sure we would have had as much impact as we have had. They are always happy to sacrifice their time and money to share in this dream, and many of them have opened their eyes to new opportunities and possibilities on how to engage their faith in the society. Pastor Frank Ondere has even joined us on a number of occasions. In early 2012, the number of people we were serving ballooned to about 300 each week, which was a good problem, but one we had not anticipated. Still, we sensed God’s affirmation over what we were doing. At this


visit www.58m

point, our project, which we now call 58 Movement, needed a rethink. We have currently slowed down our activities as we look for a sustainable solution for street families. However, talks are ongoing between us and local authorities to see how we can partner and solve this problem together. The 58 Movement has started engaging with various professionals to train the homeless on income generating activities so they can help self sustain their families.

Key Highlights

A really BIG highlight for 58 Movement is that since 2009, we have served over 13,000 meals and fed approximately 200 people per week. In 2011, I was honored to receive the inaugural “Spread The Love: Young Achiever Award” in the under 21 category. This has given me an opportunity to network with influential people who are planting seeds of change in the society. There’s something energizing about dealing with a social injustice even if it feels like your work is just a drop in the ocean. Still, you are planting seeds of hope in someone’s life; and that’s how the world is changed, one life at a time. MAVUNO LIFE




By Pastor Linda Mukomunene


his season, we’ve had some really exciting things happening in Greenhouse. Over time we have noticed a lot of artistic talent developing in the kids and God sent us a ‘drama queen’ in the form of Susan Wanjiru aka Sue (pictured left), an accountant by profession and a exceptional actress by gifting. She has been instrumental in fashioning the first ever Greenhouse drama club branded “LOKHEM” (Hebrew for warrior). Their vision? “To impact the society and win kids to Christ through skits.” She has a love for kids and a passion for transformation through gifts and talents in kids. LOKHEM was born out of a pursuit for creativity in the different Greenhouse functions



like service leading, skits and décor. Sue says, “I was invited to serve in Greenhouse after I shared my love for kids during an interns’ party.” She adds, “I was assigned to teach a class but I really felt that it wasn’t my place, there was something more I could do here, so I approached the leadership and asked if I could engage creatively.” The rest, as they say is history. In April, Sue partnered with Wholesome Entertainment, raised a radiant cast that performed the first Greenhouse concert dubbed “My Sunny Balloon”; a great step of faith for the entire Greenhouse team. If you caught a glimpse of The Sunny Balloon, I have no doubt you experienced a motivational life change. Who said Greenhouse was too young to change the world? For this, and the countless other amazing stories whose ink is still wet, we

give God all the glory! We can’t thank Him enough for the kids who have learnt to trust in God, have faith in Him, and have been chosen to build God’s church for their generation and those to come.

Count Greenhouse In! I just love how the Greenhouse kids shout in unison “Count ME In!” There is a buzzing excitement in the air, displayed through passionate giving, consistent prayers, and would you believe it, even fasting! When the kids heard of Mavuno 3.0, they could not hold their joy. Many of them say, “We can finally have a place of our own, get a bigger space for Greenhouse, where we can

worship God, and will get many toys to play with and share!” You’ll be amazed at the various ways the kids are getting involved, in the month of July we saw kids giving their piggy bank savings aka life savings, their toys and story books. Surely, this is God’s doing! One of the most sacrificial stories I’ve heard is that of T.J and Taj; brothers who gave out a bicycle as part of their Count Me In gift. Alice ‘Kui’ Ndegwa (6 years) gave out loads of toys from her toy collection!! Whaaaaaaaaaat! Isn’t this just incredible, kids have so much inspiring faith, they want to build God’s house and be a part of Count Me In. Mlo-what? Mlolongo here we come!! MAVUNO LIFE


STRENGTH in my STRUGGLE By Owuor Kuyoh

Martin & Robai Muiruri


azel greeted me at the door. She’s a 3 year-old bubbly bundle of Bible verses. True story. You’ll see why in a few paragraphs. She said “Hi” with the highest of fives and I gladly obliged. I hoped it was high enough! There is unexplained warmth and charisma that wafted into the room as Martin Muiruri sauntered in. He counts himself an ordinary guy with an ordinary family but to my calculations he equals extraordinary life. See, Martin is the brilliant creative mind behind the board game SoZo. I wouldn’t do justice if I told the story so I let him do it… “We moved to South B soon after we got married in 2008 and we didn’t have a TV but we had board games which we often played with my wife.” Martin starts off “I think after a while they became ‘bored games’ and I said that one day I’ll make a board game. The idea was always in me but I had to go through the fire before it was refined.” This fire was in the name of Multiple Sclerosis (MS), which Martin was diagnosed with a few years ago. MS is a chronic, often disabling disease that attacks the central nervous system (brain, spinal cord, and optic nerves). Martin says, “This was a very trying time, and we spent so much money on treatment. The drugs, and the hospital visits were draining physically, spiritually and psychologically. I couldn’t work either so I stayed home most of the time”. Yet it seemed



that in the midst of his lowest moments, Martin found his highest calling. His gifts came alive during his most trying times. He adds, “It was during this difficult season that it hit me, ‘why don’t I start that game I vowed I’ll one day invent?”. “Philippians 4:13 says, I can do everything, through Him who gives me strength” Hazel chides in almost on cue. During this period, he started, and completed, working on SoZo (Greek for Salvation), but not without challenges. His physical ailment left him with significant sight impairment, and to write the 300 verses for the game required him to use a magnifying glass. Energy was also a problem, as he would suffer fatigue and sometimes even lose consciousness. Yet he pressed on. “Even in my darkest period I managed to complete SoZo and write two movie scripts and pen 16 songs, which I’m hoping to one day produce”. He adds, “My lifegroup, Wapendwa and my family were the guinea pigs so we constantly played and


prayed for both the game and my health”. Now struggling with muscle weakness and difficulties with balance, Martin now uses a walking cane to help him navigate. However he appreciates what this game has done for him. “Building SoZo helped build my family. We are much stronger, more intimate, more loving to each other. We can play this all day long and my niece Hazel is constantly reciting verses we had no idea she was memorizing.” There’s a lot I could say about Martin and SoZo. From the fact that it has cost almost nothing monetarily, (the first 100 games were paid for by a donor), to their commitment to source for locally made materials to make the game, to having a long-term plan to establish a Nerve Centre to treat MS. It’s too much to fit in one page. “We believe that change must begin in us first before it goes to our city then the continent. If I didn’t change my mindset about my struggle I’d have found suffering rather than strength.”

is a board game and discipleship tool, played by 2-12 players, aimed at encouraging people to learn the scriptures in a fun way. The SoZo board game has two triangles, cream (Deliverance) and a white (Salvation), and each player’s aim is to move from the deliverance triangle to the salvation triangle, and eventually be the first to finish the game. Sozo will soon be available at local bookstores. Till then, contact for delivery within Nairobi and beyond

Keep up with KWELI! For updates on positive entertainment, events, stories, discussions, music, videos, and photos in Kenya and beyond. Read any of our past issues for FREE on






INCOME KSH KSH KSH KSH KSH Tithes and Offerings




18,699,831.16 18,699,831.16

Food Court

128,975.00 128,975.00

Fearless Summit


Green House

125,000.00 125,000.00

Marathon Classes



Mavuno Merchandise



Interns Buffer



Development Income



Other Income (MPESA)



Interest Income









4,000.00 15,500.00



183,943,676.72 171,003,289.09 2,912,186.83









Ministry Expenses






Administration Costs






Designated Expenses






Other Expenses











SURPLUS 62,581,205.0*











* Figure inclusive of Development Income for the “Count Me In” initiative.



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FEARLESS CREED I am a Fearless Influencer…

I am part of the change;

I will be who He calls me to be

My past is forgiven,

I will not hesitate to serve

I agree to be shaped & molded,

my future is secure

I will gladly pay the cost,

through His word and through His family

My present is not for me,

contagiously spreading His love,

Until my will and His will fully agree

but for the one who set me free

Playing my role on the dream team,

And I become fully the influencer

The die has been cast;

the Mavuno family

that I was created to be

I have stepped over the line

Until all Africa is changed,

I am a Fearless Influencer…

No more prayer-less living,

every sector of society

cheap giving & selfish dreaming

I align myself to God’s purpose;



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