Application ITECH - Max Zorn - Portfolio
Application ITECH - Max Zorn - Portfolio
b 2
Schools are like the solar system, but with knowledge being the one connecting, central element. As the sun shares energy, knowledge is shared, powering the whole. The planets on the other hand can be understood as the integral physical parts of the school. Each planet creates its own micro system, crucially influencing the development of the former.
1a 2a 13 14
The proposed design tries to build on this conceptual approach on schools. Three buildings are orbiting the common atrium, each revealing itself differently.
5c 5d 6 7 8 10b
9a 9b
Dr. Howard Elementary an orbiting school Spring Semester 18
The reactive facade system is not pure Single Project shading, but through different opacities of the UIUC | Professor Yun Yi modules, creates exciting interior situations. Champaign, IL
Application ITECH - Max Zorn - Portfolio
Daylight factor no shading 5-9
Daylight factor shading 2-5 Stages of opacity
Classroom plan
Emerging pattern
Passive climate design - winter
Kinetic system
Passive climate design - summer
Illuminance opened shading elements Ø 516lx Illuminance 60 % closed shading elements medium opacity Ø 333lx
Illuminance 60 % closed shading elements high opacity Ø 249lx Illuminance 100 % closed shading elements high opacity Ø 100lx
Application ITECH - Max Zorn - Portfolio
The Luliwa Mosque is an iconic placemaking statement. The use of the Pearl as a visual and physical entry portal reveals a site inspired history while connecting with the future through a timeless spatial experience. Where the Dubai Creek Tower emphasizes verticality, the Luliwa Mosque is an exercise in complimentary urban design by emphasizing a horizontal relationship with the topography. The proposal uses the park promenade west axis to create a civic connection, while graciously receiving car-bound faithful. Simple horizontal roof planes intersect to sinuously enclose a column inscribed courtyard whose sacred geometry inspire awe and contemplation.
Luliwa Mosque
a new pearl for Dubai
May 18 Team Project | B. Bross | S. Clark-Koth | J. McCallister | C. Wehmeier Competition Entry - One Week Design Charrette Dubai
Fountain as deconstructed minaret
ca Mec
Application ITECH - Max Zorn - Portfolio
ca Mec
Windflow along E-W axis as form generator
Mosque plan
Approaching the pearl
Application ITECH - Max Zorn - Portfolio
The Kunstareal Munich, with its high density in various institutions, is unique among the cultural centers of Europe. Unfortunately, the Neo-classical urban grid with magnificent solitary buildings make this it impossible to experience its unity in an urban context. Our aim was, to revive the KA through participatory working spaces for architecture students. After deeply analyzing the prevailing conditions, we designed flower-like, foldable, energy self sufficient, and transportable structures, that provide working space for two students each, can be placed independently or be connected with a larger unit and thus create a cluster.
unfolding creativity Winter Semester 18|19 Team Project | A. Arndt TUM | Professor Diébédo Francis Kéré Munich
Application ITECH - Max Zorn - Portfolio
Unfolding diagram
Airflow, rainwater collection and pv power supply
Possible cluster plan
Application ITECH - Max Zorn - Portfolio
The Museo Modulo shapes the way artifacts are being presented. Its interlocking spacial program, the various kinds of proposed galleries and the possibility to adapt the spaces to the needs of an exhibition guarantee a new museum experience. Orienting the programs vertically and creating porosity in both plan and section, allows for a unique flow, while directly responding to Chicago’s building tradition. Lastly, we implemented a childcare facility. We believe, this will be a safe space for the children of Chicago, where kids get the chance to interact with art and architecture.
Museo Modulo
a vertical Chicago Biennale Fall Semester 17 Team Project | Krystn Rilloraza UIUC | Professor Thérèse Tierney Chicago
Application ITECH - Max Zorn - Portfolio
Residence halls are unique buildings. They‘re shared by students of multiple different majors, of all ages and ethnicities. Creating spaces where students can benefit from this diversity, was the aim of our proposal. Two residential stories, each hosts four two-bedroom apartments, share one inserted community floor. To create an as open as possible plan, we designed three story high, trusses, which, together with the slabs, function as a static box. The upper apartment floor is suspended from this box. The apartment floors are enclosed by a polycarbonate double-skin that fits the ecological demand, provides natural daylight, and above all is very lightweight.
Sandwich Living
a dorm outside the box Winter Semester 16 | 17 Team Project | K. FlĂśhl | E. Gonzalez | O. Kehrer TUM | Professor Florian Musso Munich
The current situation of the Architecture Annex at the University of Illinois is borderline disrepair. This research approached the ILLUMINANCE WITH LIGHT SHELVESwithin the building from energy conservation December 21, 12pm two different perspectives: one in which the Clear Sky Average: 775 lux building has a future lifespan of less than ten years, and another in which the building is assumed to be functional for the foreseeable future.
Application ITECH - Max Zorn - Portfolio
ILLUMINANCE BASELINE June 21, 12pm Clear Sky Average: 645 lux
Simulation and Design
To examine the current situation, we used three different tools: Ansys for airflow sim- DESIGN STRATEGIES TESTING saving the Architecture ulation, eQUEST for energy simulation and Honeybee for daylight simulations. ILLUMINANCE WITH LIGHT SHELVES ILLUMINANCE WITH LIGHT SHELVES
ILLUMINANCE BASELINE June 21, 12pm Overcast Sky Average: 310 lux
RADIANCE BASELINE Solar June 21, 12pm Average: 7.46 w/m2
ILLUMINANCE WITH LIGHT SHELVES June 21, 12pm Clear Sky Average: 459 lux
June 21, 12pm
December 21, 12pm Overcast Sky Daylighting Average: 104 lux +
Spring Semester Overcast Sky18 Solar Heat Gains: Radiance with Light Shelves Average: 219 lux able to prove, that even slight Team Project | M. Carroll | M. Rauber
We were changes could improve the buildings perfor- UIUC | Professor Yun Yi shelves act as external shading devices and decrease mance Light dramatically. Urbana, IL solar heat gains during summer by 37%.
Energy Losses [KBTU/HR] chimneyCooling reduces cooling degree days | Ansys
Cooling energy losses | eQUEST
Heating Energy Losses [KBTU/H]
RADIANCE WITH LIGHT SHELVES External December 21, 12pm Average: 7.53 w/m2
Infiltration [KBTU/H]
RADIANCE WITH shading devices would decrease solar heat gains byLIGHT 37%SHELVES during the summer | Honeybee
June 21, 12pm Average: 4.7 w/m2
Infiltration | eQUEST 30