Voyager Space Probe Owner's Manual - Assembly Instructions

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INTRODUCTION This guide contains instructions for assembling your new Voyager速 Deep Space Probe. Please read this manual thoroughly before attempting assembly to ensure thorough knowledge of assembly process. We also encourage you to save these instructions to make installation and repairs easier, to help with future questions, and also to for reference if you have an inspection. Your safety is also very important - assembly of your Voyager速 spacecraft requires many critical steps, during which you will risk laceration, electric shock, chemical burns, dismemberment, incineration, radiation poisoning, and/or death. Following these instructions closely will mitigate these risks and, more importantly, will ensure proper assembly of your Voyager速 spaceraft. We also encourage you to observe all governing codes and ordinances. At right you will see an inventory of connection hardware included with your Voyager速 spacecraft, as well as recommended tools.





STEP 1: MAIN BODY A. Set DELTA-V STAGE MATING TRUSS (S220-0) on flat, even surface. B. Affix FUEL TANK SUPPORT TRUSS (S220-4) to DELTA-V STAGE MATING TRUSS (S220-0) by threading both onto 10cm carriage screws (see drawing at right). C. Weld HYDRAZINE FUEL TANK (P210-0) to FUEL TANK SUPPORT TRUSS (S220-4) at indicated points. (NOTE: Hydrazine [N2H4] is extremely toxic, flammable, and highly unstable unless handled in solution. Do NOT fill tank with fuel before mounting.) D. Attach MAIN ELECTRICAL BUS (E1100) to frame by threading bus onto attached carriage screws and fastening accordingly.



STEP 2: MAIN BODY (CONT’D) A. Connect RTG ARM SUPPORT MOUNT (S450-3) to body assembly using included hardware. B. Affix BOOM/ANTENNA HOUSING (E150-1) (which includes LOW-FIELD MAGNETOMETER BOOM (C230-1), HIGH-FIELD MAGNETOMETER (C230-5), and PLANETARY RADIO ASTRONOMY AND PLASMA WAVE ANTENNAS (C361-5)) to body assembly. Slot in BOOM/ANTENNA HOUSING (E150-1) should fit evenly over end of MAIN ELECTRICAL BUS (E110-0). Ensure when installing that the retracted LOW-FIELD MAGNETOMETER BOOM (C230-1) is pointed outwards from the center of the spacecraft so that top subassembly of RTG ARM SUPPORT MOUNT (S450-3) fits over housing of LOW-FIELD MAGNETOMETER BOOM (C230-1). C. Attach HIGH-GAIN ANTENNA SUPPORT TRUSSES (S230-4) [x4] and INSTRUMENT ARM SUPPORT MOUNT (S234-0) using included hardware. D. Mount all HYDRAZINE THRUSTERS (P186-6 & P186-7) [x16] to various parts of spacecraft so that full array of thrusters allows complete control of all three axes. Also check to make sure thruster wash does not risk damaging spacecraft components when thrusters are fired. Connect fuel lines as indicated by thruster manufacturer.



STEP 3: RTG ARM A. Assemble RADIOISOTOPE THERMOELECTRIC GENERATOR (E9908) [x3] as per included instructions. (Plutonium-238 not included. Please contact NASA/JPL for a list of authorized resellers.) B. Place RADIOISOTOPE THERMOELECTRIC GENERATORS (E990-8) [x3] in GENERATOR FRAME (S520-1) as shown. Connect RADIOISOTOPE THERMOELECTRIC GENERATORS (E990-8) [x3] to MAIN POWER LINE (E670-1) using RTG PATCH WIRING (E671-3) [x3]. Affix MICROMETEORITE SHEILD (M111-0) to outside end of generator assembly. C. Connect generator assembly to LAUNCH CONFIGURATION SUPPORT ARMATURE (S521-4) and RTG ASSEMBLY MOUNT (S500-1) using included hardware. D. Attach RTG ASSEMBLY MOUNT (S500-1) to main body assembly using RETRACTOR HINGES (S825-2) [x2]. Connect wiring as indicated.



STEP 4: INSTRUMENT ARM A. Lay out MAIN INSTRUMENT ARM (S250-1) on a flat, clean surface. B. Attach COSMIC RAY DETECTOR (C235-1), PLASMA DETECTOR (C960-1), and LOW-ENERGY CHARGED PARTICLE DETECTOR (C8151) to MAIN INSTRUMENT ARM (S250-1) using included hardware. C. Install INSTRUMENT ARRAY ROTATION CONTROLLER (E255-1) on ACTUATED INSTRUMENT ARRAY ARM (S250-1). Connect wiring as indicated. D. Using included mount, attach WIDE-ANGLE TV CAMERA (C720-1), NARROW-ANGLE TV CAMERA (C733-1), and PHOTOPLOARIMETER (C741-1) to ACTUATED INSTRUMENT ARRAY ARM (E252-1). E. Affix UV SPECTROMETER (C560-1) and INFRARED SPECTROMETER AND RADIOMETER (C562-1) to ACTUATED INSTRUMENT ARRAY ARM (E252-1) just below INSTRUMENT ARRAY ROTATION CONTROLLER (E255-1). F. Attach ACTUATED INSTRUMENT ARRAY ARM (E252-1) to end of MAIN INSTRUMENT ARM (S250-1). Connect wiring as indicated. G. Install assembled instrument arm to main body using included hardware. Connect wiring as indicated. H. Attach OPTICAL CALIBRATION TARGET / RADIATOR (M220-1) to main body assembly as shown. OPTICAL CALIBRATION TARGET/ RADIATOR (M220-1) should fit onto DELTA-V STAGE MATING TRUSS (S220-0). Connect wiring as indicated.



STEP 5: HIGH-GAIN ANTENNA A. With help from a friend, lift HIGH-GAIN ANTENNA (E800-1) and set it on top of main body assembly. Points on HIGH-GAIN ANTENNA SUPPORT TRUSSSES (S230-4) should line up with marked attachment points indicated on underside of HIGH-GAIN ANTENNA (E800-1). Connect with included hardware. B. Attach SUBREFLECTOR (E811-1) to SUBREFLECTOR SUPPORT TRUSS (S815-3) before installing subreflector assembly to HIGH-GAIN ANTENNA (E800-1). Take care not to put too much weight on HIGHGAIN ANTENNA (E800-1) as it may distort the parabolic surface and severely handicap communication efficacy. C. Using ANTENNA DATA FEEDS (E819-2) [x2], connect HIGH-GAIN ANTENNA (E800-1) with MAIN ELECTRICAL BUS (E110-0). D. Affix thermal blankets throughout as necessary to insulate electric and mechanical components.



STEP 6: INSTALLING RECORD & CONFIGURING FOR LAUNCH A. Affix GOLD-PLATED COPPER RECORD W/ SPECIES INFORMATION (U000-1) to main electrical bus as shown. Before installation, verify that 12� record includes all pertinent details communicating history and identity of human race. B. Place assembled spacecraft onto DELTA-V STAGE (P800-0) as shown. Fold RTG and Instrument arms down so that they rest on escape stage. Once spacecraft is attached with explosive bolts, payload fairing should fit over spacecraft and Delta-V stage with ample clearances throughout.



Congratulations! Your spacecraft is now assembled and ready for launch. For Titan IIIe/Centaur launch vehicle assembly instructions, contact NASA/JPL. For detailed instructions on operation of the spacecraft, consult the Voyager速 Components & Capabilities Manual and the Voyager速 Spacecraft Operation Manual.






Š1977 National Aeronautics and Space Administration / Jet Propulsion Laboratory

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