Maxdesign Srl via dei Banduzzi, 75 33050 / Bagnaria Arsa / Ud / Italy t. +39 0432 996 412 / f. +39.0432.996.036 /
maxdesign presents / Collection 2011— News
Stratos design— Studio Hannes Wettstein
maxdesign presents / Collection 2011— News
Stratos design— Studio Hannes Wettstein
Foreword / Introduzione Collection 2011— News
—A multi-faceted seat inspired by Italian automotive design, being a recent work by the Hannes Wettstein Studio. A product which is smartly modern and at the same time classic, with shapes based on solid and natural geometries. Sustainable, recyclable, but also worthy of being passed down through time, with universally comprehensible colour qualities, Stratos is suitable for the most varied situations, both private and public . Stratos photogallery > 04 ⁄ Technical informations > 25 ⁄ Colours and materials > 28
—Una poliedrica seduta ispirata al design automobilistico italiano, recente lavoro dello Studio Hannes Wettstein. Un prodotto intelligentemente moderno e allo stesso tempo classico, con forme basate su solide e naturali geometrie. Sostenibile, riciclabile ma ereditabile, con qualità coloristiche universalmente comprensibili, adatto alle più diverse situazioni, sia private che pubbliche. Stratos photogallery > 04 ⁄ Informazioni tecniche > 25 ⁄ Colori e materiali > 28
—Une chaise polyèdre récemment conçue par le Studio Hannes Wettstein, qui s’est inspiré du design italien de l’automobile. Un produit moderne et intelligent tout en étant classique, fait de formes aux géométries solides et naturelles. Durable, recyclable, et intemporelle, les qualités de ses coloris sont unanimement compréhensibles. Elle s’adapte aux situations les plus diverses, que ce soit dans le domaine privé ou public. Stratos photogallery > 04 ⁄ Informations techniques > 25 ⁄ Couleurs et matériaux > 28
—Ein vielseitiger Stuhl, der vom italienischen Autodesign inspiriert wurde und das jüngste Werk aus dem Studio Hannes Wettstein ist. Ein intelligentes modernes und zugleich klassisches Produkt mit Formen, die auf einer bewährten und natürlichen Geometrie basieren. Nachhaltig, wiederverwertbar, jedoch auch langlebig und mit universell kompatiblen Farbgebungen, geeignet für die unterschiedlichsten Einsatzmöglichkeiten, sei es im privaten, als auch im öffentlichen Bereich. Stratos photogallery > 04 ⁄ Technische Eigenschaften > 25 ⁄ Farben und Materialien > 28
—Un asiento poliédrico realizado recientemente por el Studio Hannes Wettstein e inspirado en el diseño automovilístico italiano. Un producto que sabe ser moderno y clásico a la vez, con formas que se basan en geometrías sólidas y naturales. Sostenible y reciclable si bien pueda heredarse, con características de color universalmente comprensibles, apto para las más variadas situaciones tanto privadas como públicas. Stratos photogallery > 04 ⁄ Información técnica > 25 ⁄ Colores y materiales > 28
Stratos art. 1060 / Four legs Polypropylen
maxdesign presents / Collection 2011— News
Stratos is multi-faceted. —Stratos è poliedrica. / Stratos est polyèdre. / Stratos ist vielseitig. / Stratos es poliédrico.
Product / Prodotto Collection 2011— News
Stratos art. 1060 / Four legs Polypropylen
poliedrica / polyèdre / vielseitig / poliédrico
maxdesign presents / Collection 2011— News
Stratos is modern – classic.
—Stratos è moderna – classica. / Stratos est moderne – classique. / Stratos ist modern – klassisch. / Stratos es moderno – clásico.
Stratos art. 1041 / Four wooden legs Upholstered
—modern moderno / moderne / modern / moderno
Stratos art. 1061 / Four legs Upholstered
—classic classico / classique / klassisch / clásico
maxdesign presents / Collection 2011— News
Stratos is private.
Stratos is suitable for most private spaces such as the dining room and home office. Stratos is also suitable for professional environments, such as studies and meeting rooms. — Stratos è privata. Stratos è adatta alla maggior parte degli ambienti privati quali dining e home office. Stratos è adatta anche ad ambienti professionali, quali studi e sale meeting. — Stratos est privée. Stratos s’adapte à toutes sortes d’espaces privés tels que le dining et le home office. Stratos s’accorde également au contexte professionnel du bureau et de la salle de réunion. — Stratos im Privatbereich. Stratos eignet sich sowohl für Privaträume wie z.B. Esszimmer und Homeoffices, als auch für Arbeitsräume wie Büros oder Konferenzräume. — Stratos es privado. Stratos se adapta a la mayor parte de ambientes privados como comedores y despachos. Stratos se adapta también a ambientes profesionales, como estudios y salas de reuniones.
Stratos art. 1040 / Four wooden legs Polypropylene
—private privato / privée / Privatbereich / privado
Stratos art. 1530 / Swivel base with weels Polypropylene
—private privato / privée / Privatbereich / privado
Stratos art. 1060 / Four legs Polypropylene
—private privato / privée / Privatbereich / privado
Stratos art. 1040 / Four wooden legs Polypropylene
—private privato / privée / Privatbereich / privado
maxdesign presents / Collection 2011— News
Stratos is public.
Stratos is suitable for public areas such as bars, restaurants and canteens. Stratos is suitable for public spaces such as theatres, conference rooms and auditoriums. — Stratos è pubblica. Stratos è adatta ad ambienti collettivi quali sale teatro e conferenze, auditorium, cinema e biblioteche. Stratos è adatta ad ambienti pubblici quali bar, ristoranti, mense. — Stratos est publique. Stratos s’adapte aux espaces collectifs tels que les salles de théâtre et de conférences, auditoriums, cinémas, bibliothèques. Stratos s’accorde avec des lieux publiques tels que bars, restaurants et cafétérias. — Stratos in der Öffentlichkeit. Stratos eignet sich für Gemeinschaftsräume, wie Theater- und Konferenzsäle, Auditorien, genauso wie für öffentliche Räume, wie Bars, Restaurants, Kantinen. Ebenso eignet sich Stratos für öffentliche Räume, wie Bars, Restaurants, Kantinen. — Stratos est publique. Stratos s’adapte aux espaces collectifs tels que salles de théâtre et de conférences, auditoriums, cinémas, bibliothèques. Stratos s’accorde avec des lieux publiques tels que bars, restaurants et cafétérias.
Stratos art. 1010 / Four legs stackable Polypropylene
—public pubblico / publique / Öffentlichkeit / público
Stratos art. 1050 / Sled base Polypropylene
—public pubblico / publique / Öffentlichkeit / público
Finishing / Finiture Collection 2011— News
Stratos is a family.
—Stratos è una famiglia. / Stratos est une famille. / Stratos ist eine Familie. / Stratos es una familia.
Stratos design— Studio Hannes Wettstein
maxdesign presents / 79 31,10’’ Collection 2011—45 17,72’’ News
79 31,10’’ 45 17,72’’
45 17,72’’
48 18,90’’
50 19,68’’
48 18,90’’
Stratos 50 19,68’’
45 17,72’’
79 31,10’’
48 18,90’’
50 19,68’’
57 22,44’’
79 31,10’’
79 31,10’’
45 17,72’’
45 17,72’’
51,5 20,28’’
45 17,72’’
57 22,44’’
51,5 20,28’’
51,5 20,28’’
57 22,44’’
17,72’’ Informazioni tecniche > 25 / Informations techniques > 25 / Technische Eigenschaften > 79 25 / Información técnica > 25 79 57 22,44’’
51,5 20,28’’
45 17,72’’
79 31,10’’
57 22,44’’
51,5 20,28’’
57 22,44’’
51,5 20,28’’
—Colours and materials 79 31,10’’
45 17,72’’
57 22,44’’
51,5 20,28’’
45 17,72’’
45 17,72’’
57 22,44’’
51,5 20,28’’
57 22,44’’
45/57 17,72/22,44’’
55 21,65’’ 45/57 17,72/22,44’’
58 22,83’’
79 31,10’’
1530 51,5 20,28’’ Polypropylene Polipropilene Polypropylène Polypropylen Polipropileno
45 17,72’’
58 22,83’’
55 21,65’’
58 22,83’’
1531 Upholstered Rivestita 79/83 Revêtue 54 31,10/32,68’’ 21,26’’ Gepolstert Tapizado
58 22,83’’
57 22,44’’
51,5 20,28’’ 79/83 31,10/32,68’’
54 21,26’’
79 31,10’’
58 22,83’’
45/57 17,72/22,44’’
79 31,10’’
79/83 54 31,10/32,68’’ 21,26’’
51,5 20,28’’
45 17,72’’
55 21,65’’
57 22,44’’
17,72’’weels / Base girevole su ruote / Piètement pivotant sur roulettes / Drehstuhl auf Radern / —Swivel base with 79 79 Base giratoria sobre ruedas 31,10’’ 31,10’’
79 31,10’’ 45 17,72’’
79 31,10’’
Colori e materiali> 28 ⁄ Couleurs et matériaux > 28 ⁄ Farben und Materialien > 28 ⁄ Colores y materiales > 28
45 17,72’’
51,5 20,28’’
79 31,10’’
57 22,44’’
79 31,10’’
—Technical information
79 31,10’’ 45 17,72’’
79 31,10’’
45 17,72’’
45 17,72’’ 45/57 17,72/22,44’’
55 21,65’’
79 31,10’’ 79/83 31,10/32,68’’
55 21,65’’ 58 22,83’’
58 22,83’’
54 21,26’’
54 21,26’’ 58 22,83’’
79 31,10’’
45 01 45 17,72’’ 17,72’’ Chromed / Cromato /Chromé / Verchromt / Cromado 02 Satin / Satinato / Satiniert54 / Satinada 79/83 79/83 55 /Satiné 55 21,65’’ 31,10/32,68’’ 21,26’’ 21,65’’ 31,10/32,68’’ 05 45/57 45/57 Painted white-black / Verniciato bianco-nero17,72/22,44’’ /Verni blanc-noir / Lackiert 17,72/22,44’’ Weiss-Schwarz / Barnizada Blanco-Negro 58 22,83’’
58 22,83’’
58 22,83’’
01 Chromed / Cromato /Chromé / Verchromt / Cromado 79 79 02 31,10’’ 31,10’’ Satin / Satinato /Satiné / Satiniert / Satinada 45 45 05 17,72’’ 17,72’’ Painted white-black / Verniciato bianco-nero /Verni blanc-noir / Lackiert Weiss-Schwarz / Barnizada Blanco-Negro 55 21,65’’
54 21,26’’
55 21,65’’
54 21,26’’
58 22,83’’
54 21,26’’
—Four legs / Quattro gambe / Quatre pieds / Vier Füsse / Quatro patas 79 31,10’’
79 31,10’’
45 17,72’’
45 17,72’’
55 21,65’’
54 21,26’’
55 21,65’’
1060 Polypropylene Polipropilene Polypropylène Polypropylen 54 21,26’’ Polipropileno
79 31,10’’ 45 17,72’’
45 17,72’’
55 21,65’’
79 31,10’’
48 18,90’’
1061 Upholstered Rivestita Revêtue 79 31,10’’ Gepolstert Tapizado
79 31,10’’ 45 17,72’’
45 17,72’’
48 18,90’’
50 19,68’’
48 18,90’’
50 19,68’’
54 21,26’’
50 19,68’’
79 31,10’’ 45 17,72’’
48 18,90’’
50 19,68’’
01 Chromed / Cromato /Chromé / Verchromt / Cromado 02 Satin / Satinato /Satiné79/ Satiniert / Satinada 79 31,10’’ 31,10’’ 05 45 45 blanc-noir / Lackiert Painted white-black / Verniciato bianco-nero /Verni 17,72’’ 17,72’’ Weiss-Schwarz / Barnizada Blanco-Negro 04 Colored painted 48/ Verniciato colorato 50 / Verni coloré / Lackiert 48 andere 18,90’’teñida 19,68’’ 18,90’’ Farbe / Barnizada 01 Chromed / Cromato /Chromé / Verchromt / Cromado 02 Satin / Satinato /Satiné / Satiniert / Satinada 05 Painted white-black / Verniciato bianco-nero /Verni blanc-noir / Lackiert Weiss-Schwarz / Barnizada Blanco-Negro 04 Colored painted / Verniciato colorato / Verni coloré / Lackiert andere Farbe / Barnizada teñida
50 19,68’’
45 17,72’’
Technical info / Info tecniche Stratos design— Studio Hannes Wettstein
48 18,90’’
50 19,68’’
45 17,72’’
48 18,90’’
50 19,68’’
79 31,10’’
48 18,90’’
1040 Polypropylene Polipropilene 50 Polypropylène 19,68’’ Polypropylen Polipropileno
45 17,72’’
79 31,10’’
48 18,90’’
57 22,44’’
1041 79 31,10’’ Upholstered 50 Rivestita 19,68’’ 79 Revêtue 31,10’’ Gepolstert Tapizado 51,5
48 18,90’’
50 19,68’’
45 17,72’’ 45 17,72’’ 45 17,72’’
45 17,72’’
45 17,72’’
79 31,10’’ 48 18,90’’ 48 18,90’’
79 31,10’’
57 22,44’’ 48 18,90’’
50 19,68’’ 50 19,68’’ 51,5 20,28’’
79 31,10’’
79 31,10’’
48 18,90’’
45 45 17,72’’ 17,72’’
57 22,44’’ 57 22,44’’
79 79 31,10’’ 31,10’’ 79 31,10’’
48 57 18,90’’ 22,44’’
79 31,10’’
48 18,90’’
17,72’’ 18,90’’
50 19,68’’
48 18,90’’
79 31,10’’
50 19,68’’ 51,5 20,28’’ 51,5 20,28’’ 50 51,5 19,68’’ 20,28’’
79 31,10’’
45 17,72’’
57 22,44’’
79 19,68’’ 31,10’’
51,5 20,28’’
45 57 17,72’’ 22,44’’
57 22,44’’
51,5 20,28’’
—Four legs stackable / Quattro gambe impilabile / Vier Füsse Stapelbar / Quatro patas apilables 57 51,5 / Quatre pieds empilable 57 51,5 57
57 22,44’’
57 22,44’’
1010 79 31,10’’ Polypropylene 51,5 Polipropilene 20,28’’ 79 Polypropylène 31,10’’ Polypropylen Polipropileno51,5
57 22,44’’
51,5 20,28’’ 79 31,10’’ 1011
57 22,44’’
Upholstered Rivestita Revêtue 79 31,10’’ Gepolstert 51,5 20,28’’ Tapizado 79 31,10’’
55 21,65’’ 57 22,44’’
54 21,26’’
45 17,72’’ 45 17,72’’
57 22,44’’
45 45 17,72’’ 17,72’’
57 22,44’’ 57 22,44’’
45 17,72’’
45 17,72’’
55 21,65’’ 55 21,65’’
57 22,44’’
57 22,44’’
45 17,72’’ 45 17,72’’
55 21,65’’ 55 21,65’’
79 31,10’’ 79 31,10’’ 79 79 31,10’’ 31,10’’ 79 31,10’’
79 31,10’’
79 31,10’’ 79 31,10’’ 79 31,10’’ 79 31,10’’ 79 31,10’’
51,5 20,28’’ 51,5 20,28’’ 51,5 20,28’’ 51,5 54 20,28’’ 21,26’’ 51,5 20,28’’
51,5 20,28’’
54 21,26’’ 54 21,26’’
55 21,65’’
54 21,26’’
45 57 17,72’’ 22,44’’
55 21,65’’
51,5 20,28’’
01 57 51,5 57 22,44’’ /Chromé / Verchromt 20,28’’ 22,44’’ Chromed / Cromato / Cromado 02 79 79 31,10’’ 79 Satin / Satinato /Satiné31,10’’ / Satiniert / Satinada 31,10’’ 45 05 45 17,72’’ 17,72’’ 45 Painted white-black / Verniciato bianco-nero / Verni blanc-noir / Lackiert 17,72’’ 79 Weiss-Schwarz / Barnizada Blanco-Negro 31,10’’ 45 17,72’’
55 21,65’’
79 31,10’’
79 31,10’’
Polypropylene Polipropilene Polypropylène 79 Polypropylen 54 31,10’’ Polipropileno 21,26’’ 79 31,10’’
54 21,26’’ 1111 54 Upholstered 21,26’’
79 31,10’’ 79 31,10’’
45 17,72’’
45 17,72’’ 45 17,72’’ 45 17,72’’ 45 17,72’’ 45 17,72’’
45 17,72’’
54 21,26’’
45 17,72’’ 45 17,72’’ 45 17,72’’
55 21,65’’
55 21,65’’
79 31,10’’
79 31,10’’ 79 31,10’’ 79 31,10’’
55 21,65’’ 55 21,65’’ 55 21,65’’
79 31,10’’ 79 31,10’’
48 18,90’’ 55 21,65’’
79 31,10’’
55 21,65’’
79 31,10’’ 79 31,10’’ 79 31,10’’
54 21,26’’
54 21,26’’
54 21,26’’ 54 21,26’’ 54 21,26’’ 50 19,68’’ 54 21,26’’
54 21,26’’
54 45 21,26’’ 17,72’’
57 45 22,44’’ 17,72’’
55 21,65’’
79 31,10’’ 51,5 79 20,28’’ 31,10’’
01 55 54 55 Chromed / Cromato / Cromado 21,65’’ /Chromé / Verchromt 21,26’’ 21,65’’ 02 79 79 Satin / Satinato /Satiné 79 / Satiniert / Satinada 31,10’’ 31,10’’ 31,10’’ 05 45 45 45 Painted / Verni 17,72’’ white-black / Verniciato bianco-nero 17,72’’ blanc-noir / Lackiert 17,72’’ Weiss-Schwarz / Barnizada Blanco-Negro 79 04 31,10’’ 55 / Verniciato 54 55 andere54 55 Colored painted colorato / Verni coloré / Lackiert 79 79 45 21,65’’ 21,26’’ 21,65’’ 21,65’’ 21,26’’ 31,10’’ 31,10’’ 17,72’’ Farbe / Barnizada teñida 79 79 45 45 31,10’’ 31,10’’ 0117,72’’ 17,72’’ 45 45 Chromed 55 54 17,72’’ / Cromato /Chromé / Verchromt / Cromado 17,72’’ 21,65’’ 21,26’’ 02 48 50 48 Satin / Satinato /Satiné / Satiniert19,68’’ / Satinada 18,90’’ 18,90’’ 55 54 55 05 21,65’’ 21,26’’ 21,65’’ Painted white-black / Verniciato bianco-nero / Verni blanc-noir / Lackiert Weiss-Schwarz / Barnizada Blanco-Negro 79 04 79 79 31,10’’ 31,10’’ colorato / Verni coloré / Lackiert andere 31,10’’ Colored painted / Verniciato 45 45 / Barnizada teñida 45 17,72’’ Farbe 17,72’’ 17,72’’ 48
45 17,72’’ 51,5 45 20,28’’ 17,72’’
51,5 20,28’’
48 18,90’’
55 21,65’’
79 31,10’’ 48
50 19,68’’
45 17,72’’
54 21,26’’
50 19,68’’
45 17,72’’
48 18,90’’
50 19,68’’
$27 48 18,90’’
50 19,68’’
79 79 31,10’’ 31,10’’ 45 45 17,72’’ 17,72’’ 45 17,72’’
54 21,26’’
57 22,44’’
1150 79 31,10’’ Polypropylene Polipropilene 79 Polypropylène 31,10’’ Polypropylen Polipropileno51,5
51,5 20,28’’
1151 Upholstered Rivestita 79 Revêtue 31,10’’ Gepolstert Tapizado
45 17,72’’
54 21,26’’
51,5 20,28’’
57 22,44’’
51,5 20,28’’
54 45 21,26’’ 17,72’’
50 19,68’’
79 31,10’’ 48 48 18,90’’ 18,90’’
50 50 19,68’’ 19,68’’
57 22,44’’
51,5 20,28’’ 79 31,10’’
45 17,72’’ 45 45 17,72’’ 17,72’’ 45 17,72’’
79 79 31,10’’ 31,10’’ 48 18,90’’ 57 57 22,44’’ 22,44’’
79 31,10’’ 57 22,44’’ 55 21,65’’
51,5 20,28’’
45 17,72’’
51,5 51,5 20,28’’ 20,28’’
45 45 17,72’’ 17,72’’ 45 17,72’’
79 79 31,10’’ 31,10’’ 57 22,44’’
79 31,10’’
51,5 20,28’’
57 57 22,44’’ 22,44’’
51,5 51,5 20,28’’ 20,28’’
55 21,65’’
54 21,26’’ 79 31,10’’
45 17,72’’ 45 45 17,72’’ 17,72’’
79 79 31,10’’ 31,10’’ 57 22,44’’
57 22,44’’
51,5 20,28’’
57 22,44’’
45 17,72’’
57 22,44’’
51,5 20,28’’
45 17,72’’
51,5 20,28’’
57 22,44’’
51,5 20,28’’
45 17,72’’
57 22,44’’
45 17,72’’
21,65’’ 21,65’’
21,26’’ 21,26’’
55 21,65’’
54 21,26’’ 79 31,10’’
45 17,72’’
51,5 20,28’’
45 17,72’’
57 22,44’’
51,5 20,28’’
01 55 54 55 Chromed / Cromato / Cromado 21,65’’ /Chromé / Verchromt 21,26’’ 21,65’’ 02 Satin / Satinato /Satiné / Satiniert / Satinada 05 Painted white-black / Verniciato bianco-nero /Verni blanc-noir / Lackiert 79 Blanco-Negro 79 Weiss-Schwarz / Barnizada
45 17,72’’
54 21,26’’
45 17,72’’
45 17,72’’
79 31,10’’
51,5 20,28’’
01 Chromed / Cromato /Chromé / Verchromt / Cromado 02 Satin / Satinato /Satiné /79Satiniert / Satinada 79 31,10’’ 31,10’’ 05 45 45 Painted 17,72’’ white-black / Verniciato bianco-nero /Verni 17,72’’blanc-noir / Lackiert 79 Blanco-Negro 79 Weiss-Schwarz / Barnizada 31,10’’ 31,10’’
51,5 20,28’’
50 19,68’’
01 Chromed / Cromato /Chromé / Verchromt / Cromado 02 Satin / Satinato /Satiné /79Satiniert / Satinada 79 31,10’’ 31,10’’ 05 45 45 Painted bianco-nero / Verni 17,72’’ white-black / Verniciato 17,72’’blanc-noir / Lackiert 79 79 Weiss-Schwarz / Barnizada Blanco-Negro 31,10’’ 31,10’’
—Accessories / Accessori55 / Accessoires / Zubehör / Accesorios 54 55 54 54
79 31,10’’
79 31,10’’ 55 21,65’’
79 31,10’’ 54 21,26’’
45 17,72’’
55 21,65’’
54 21,26’’
1910 Seat cushion for all versions / Pannellino sedile per tutte le 55 versioni / 55 54 Panneau assise pour toutes les versions / Sitzkissen / Cojin asiento 21,65’’ 21,26’’ 21,65’’ para todas las versiones
54 21,26’’
45 17,72’’ 79 31,10’’ 55 21,65’’
54 21,26’’
55 21,65’’
54 21,26’’
50 19,68’’ 54 21,26’’
45 45 17,72’’ 17,72’’
45 17,72’’
55 21,65’’
55 55 21,65’’ 21,65’’
48 18,90’’
79 31,10’’ 45 17,72’’
50 19,68’’
79 31,10’’
54 21,26’’
54 45 21,26’’ 17,72’’
79 31,10’’
01 79 79 Chromed / Cromato /Chromé 31,10’’ / Verchromt / Cromado 31,10’’ 02 45 45 17,72’’ 79 Satin / Satinato /Satiné /79Satiniert / Satinada 17,72’’ 31,10’’ 31,10’’ 05 45 45 Painted / Verniciato bianco-nero / Verni / Lackiert 17,72’’ white-black 17,72’’ blanc-noir 48 50 48 Weiss-Schwarz / Barnizada Blanco-Negro 18,90’’ 19,68’’ 18,90’’
—Sled base with armrest 57 / Base a slitta con braccioli / Luge avec accoudoirs / Sitz auf Schlitten mit Armlehnen / Silla con base 51,5 57 51,5 57 22,44’’ 20,28’’ 22,44’’ 20,28’’ 22,44’’ patín y apoyabrazos
45 17,72’’ 51,5 45 20,28’’ 17,72’’
1051 79 Upholstered 31,10’’ Rivestita 79 Revêtue 31,10’’ Gepolstert Tapizado
57 22,44’’
31,10’’ 31,10’’ 01 79 31,10’’ 45 45 Chromed / Cromato /Chromé / Verchromt / Cromado 17,72’’ 45 0217,72’’ 17,72’’ 79 Satin / Satinato /Satiné /79Satiniert / Satinada 79 31,10’’ 31,10’’ 31,10’’ 05 57 51,5 45 57 45 45 22,44’’ 22,44’’ / Lackiert Painted white-black / Verniciato20,28’’ bianco-nero / Verni blanc-noir 17,72’’ 57 51,5 17,72’’ 17,72’’ 79 79 22,44’’ 20,28’’ Weiss-Schwarz / Barnizada 31,10’’ Blanco-Negro 31,10’’ 45 17,72’’
48 18,90’’
51,5 20,28’’
45 45 45 51,5 legs stackable 57 51,5 —Four armrests / Quattro gambe impilabile avec accoudoirs / Vier 54 17,72’’ with 17,72’’ con braccioli / Quatre pieds empilable55 17,72’’ 20,28’’ 22,44’’ 20,28’’ 21,65’’ 21,26’’ Füsse Stapelbar und Armlehnen / Quatro patas apilables y apoyabrazos 55 54 55 54 55
Rivestita 79 Revêtue 31,10’’ Gepolstert Tapizado 55 21,65’’
57 55 22,44’’ 21,65’’
45 17,72’’ 45 17,72’’
79 31,10’’ 1110
55 21,65’’
51,5 20,28’’
1050 79 Polypropylene 31,10’’ Polipropilene Polypropylène Polypropylen Polipropileno
50 19,68’’
79 31,10’’
45 17,72’’
50 45 19,68’’17,72’’
79 31,10’’
05 79 45 45 blanc-noir Painted white-black / Verniciato bianco-nero / Verni / Lackiert 31,10’’ 17,72’’ 17,72’’ Weiss-Schwarz / Barnizada Blanco-Negro 45 17,72’’ 79 04 79 79 31,10’’ 31,10’’ 31,10’’ Colored painted / Verniciato colorato / Verni coloré / Lackiert 57 51,5 45 57 andere 45 45 22,44’’ teñida 20,28’’ 22,44’’ Farbe / Barnizada 17,72’’ 17,72’’ 17,72’’ 48 50
79 31,10’’
—Sled base / Base a slitta / Luge / Sitz auf Schlitten / Silla con base patín
45 17,72’’
05 79 79 79 31,10’’ 31,10’’ Painted white-black / Verniciato bianco-nero / Verni blanc-noir / Lackiert 31,10’’ 48 50 48 45 45 Weiss-Schwarz / Barnizada Blanco-Negro 45 18,90’’ 19,68’’ 18,90’’ 17,72’’ 17,72’’ 04 17,72’’ 79 79 31,10’’ colorato / Verni coloré / Lackiert andere 31,10’’ Colored painted / Verniciato 45 / Barnizada teñida 45 Farbe 57 51,5 57 48 50
50 19,68’’
79 31,10’’ 79 31,10’’
45 17,72’’ 45 17,72’’
45 17,72’’
48 18,90’’ 79
79 31,10’’
Technical info / Info tecniche 17,72’’
48 18,90’’
31,10’’ 31,10’’ —Four wooden legs / Quattro gambe Holz / Quatro patas en madera 79 79 legno / Quatre pieds bois / Vier Füsse aus
45 17,72’’
79 79 31,10’’ 31,10’’
79 31,10’’
79 31,10’’
54 21,26’’
54 54 21,26’’ 21,26’’
50 19,68’’
79 31,10’’
79 31,10’’
45 17,72’’
45 17,72’’
1911 79 79 Pair of cushions for seat + back for all polypropylene versions / 31,10’’ 31,10’’ 55 54 55 Pannellino sedile + schienale per tutte versioni propilene / Paire des 21,65’’ 21,26’’ 21,65’’ 45 45 17,72’’ 17,72’’ / Zwei Kissen für panneaux assise + dossiere pour toutes les versions Sitz und Rückenlehnenbezug für alle Versionen / Cojines asiento + respaldo para todas las versiones 48 18,90’’
50 19,68’’
48 18,90’’
45 17,72’’
55 21,65’’
79 31,10’’
54 21,26’’
55 21,65’’
79 79 31,10’’ 31,10’’
54 21,26’’
79 31,10’’
79 31,10’’
54 21,26’’
50 19,68’’
Colours and materials / Colori e materiali Stratos design— Studio Hannes Wettstein
—Plastic / Plastica / Plastique / Kunstoff / Plastico
Polypropylene / Polipropilene / Polypropylène / Polypropylen / Polipropileno
Max 001 White
Max 27 Stratos Skin
Max 28 Stratos Water
Max 34 Stratos Sky Blue
Max 31 Stratos Solid Green
Max 014 Black
Max 35 Stratos Black Red
Max 33 Stratos Mineral Blue
Max 30 Stratos Solid Yellow
Max 32 Stratos Moss
Max 29 Stratos Solid Orange
Colours and materials / Colori e materiali
—Fabric / Tessuto / Tissu / Stoff / Tejido
Kvadrat Polo 2
—Fabric / Tessuto / Tissu / Stoff / Tejido
Kvadrat Remix
—Fabric / Tessuto / Tissu / Stoff / Tejido
Kvadrat Steelcut
Colours and materials / Colori e materiali Stratos design— Studio Hannes Wettstein
Colours and materials / Colori e materiali
—Artificial leather / Ecopelle / Faux cuir / Kunstleder / Ecopiel
—Metal / Metallo / Métal / Metall / Metal
Aluminium / Alluminio / Aluminium / Aluminium / Aluminio
Satin Chrome
RAL 9003 White
RAL 9005 Black
RAL 1005 Honey Yellow
RAL 3009 Oxido Red
RAL 3007 Black Red
RAL 5024 Pastel Blue
—Leather / Pelle / Cuir / Leder / Piel
111 Khaki
390 Off-White
001 Super White
710 Greige
787 Dark Brown
332 Club red
359 Graphite
301 Super Black
811 Oriental Blue
Maxdesign Srl via dei Banduzzi, 75 33050 / Bagnaria Arsa / Ud / Italy t. +39 0432 996 412 / f. +39 0432 996 036 / Vendite Italia t. +39 0432 996 413 / f. +39 0432 996 036 Export Office t. +39 0432 996 426 / f. +39 0432 996 036
Creative direction, concept and styling Tiziano Barachino
Colour concept Giulio Ridolfo
Photo credits Alberto Parise
Stampa Grafiche Tintoretto Photo p.21: suspension lamp courtesy of Prandina
Maxdesign S.r.l. reserves the right to change, at any time and without prior warning, the technical specification of any product illustrated in this catalogue. Maxdesign S.r.l. si riserva la facoltĂ di modificare, in qualunque momento e senza preavviso le caratteristiche tecniche dei modelli illustrati nel presente catalogo.