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Unleashing the power of purple
Cummins has partnered with Komatsu, BMA (BHP, Mitsubishi Alliance) and DV Connect in a campaign against sexual harassment, sexual assault, and domestic violence.
Cummins painted a QSK60 MCRS engine purple for installation into a Komatsu 930e haul truck operating at a BMA mine site. DV Connect helps Queenslanders find pathways to safety, away from domestic, family and sexual violence. The organisation also helps women, men and children, regardless of age, ability, ethnicity, gender identification or religion. The purple QSK60 MCRS engine was built at the Brisbane Master Rebuild Centre (MRC) and will replace the first engine that was part of a successful project launched in 2016 to upgrade engines from the original Tier 1 HPI technology to the Tier 2 MCRS platform. The project, at the Goonyella Riverside mine in Queensland’s Bowen Basin, has seen the first upgraded Tier 2 QSK60 MCRS engine achieve more than 30,000 hours in service and it is now due for a scheduled replacement. Key aspects of the project focused on reducing fuel consumption, particulate matter and CO2 emissions, and extending engine life by about 6,000 hours. Goonyella Riverside operates one of the largest populations of Cummins HHP product globally. Partnering with DV Connect is critical for the business and the broader community. Each week in Australia, a woman is killed by her current or former partner and one in six women has experienced physical or sexual violence from a current or former partner. At Cummins, we create an environment that encourages
conversations to create awareness and enable employees to feel safe to
share their experiences. Painting the engine purple has been a great conversation starter in all businesses involved.
Through strengthened partnerships between BMA, Cummins and Komatsu, we have demonstrated how innovation, new technology and integration can benefit the industry and the community. Congratulations to BMA, Komatsu and the whole Cummins mining family for achieving another significant milestone.