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Five apprentices nominated for Apprentice of the Year

Five Cummins apprentices were nominated for the Heavy Vehicle Industry Australia (HVIA) Apprentice of the Year award in 2021.


Each one was a finalist. What an amazing effort. Congratulations to: • Dylan Johnston – Campbellfield • Harrison Berlin – Toowoomba • Jarrod Mihalj – Laverton • Logan Ellis – Devonport • Brett Haylock – Pooraka. While none was successful when the winner was announced at the HVIA National Awards Breakfast in Brisbane on Friday 19 November 2021, making the finals was a high achievement of which each should be proud. You are a credit to your branches and admirable Cummins representatives. A big thank you to all the technicians, leaders and support staff who continue to support the growth of our apprentices. Here’s some comments from or about the top apprentices: Dylan Johnson, Campbellfield: “Some of the differences in machinery and being out on the road in more difficult scenarios excites me.”

Logan Ellis, Devonport (above):

His team members say Logan has a fantastic sense of humour and can light up a room with his laughter. He’s a valued asset to the business.

Jarrod Mihalj, Laverton: He is highly capable and always shows great initiative towards all types of work. His manager says Jarrod shows a sense of ownership and pride that is rare to come by. Brett Haylock, Adelaide: His mentors at the Adelaide branch say Brett is an absolute asset to the team.

Harrison Berlin, Toowoomba:

“His attitude and ability to work outside the norm never go unnoticed and are what has made him the technician he is today.” Tony Wilson, Branch Manager Toowoomba.

Graduating apprentices in 2021

Huge congratulations to the following apprentices for completing their Certificate III in Heavy Commercial Vehicle. All have successfully secured roles as Cummins technicians at their branches.

• Ayden Estevez - Pooraka • Brett Haylock - Pooraka • Ben Gilbertson - Laverton • Matthew Hooper - Palmerston North • Nicholas Scicluna - Laverton • Dylan Johnston - Campbellfield • Logan Ellis - Devonport • Harrison Berlin - Toowoomba • Lachlan Davies - Newcastle • Luke Davis - Cairns

Team Talk asked several completing apprentices to share their thoughts. Now that you have completed your apprenticeship what advice would you give to incoming apprentices? • Brett Haylock – Pooraka: “What you put into it is what you get out of it.”

• Luke Davis – Cairns: “Don’t stop asking questions until you have a complete understanding inside and out. You haven’t asked enough questions until you do.” • Harrison Berlin – Toowoomba: “Take every opportunity you can.”

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